Acce from cough instructions for use

ATSTS with dry cough: how to apply correctly

Coughing happens with sputum discharge - productive, and without it - dry. The latter form occurs with colds and allergies. To eliminate it, many drugs are offered. One of which is ATSTS. It is noteworthy that this remedy for a productive cough, perfectly excretes phlegm, but at the same time can be used to treat dry.

Properties and composition of ATSTS

Due to the convenience of using effervescent tablets - one of the popular forms of the drug ATSTS

In pharmacies, this drug is offered in two dosages: 100, 200 and 600 milligrams. There is also ACTS Long. It operates for 12 hours, it can not be taken more than twice a day.

The medicine is produced in the form of:

  • effervescent pills;
  • mixtures for inhalation;
  • granules, the dissolution of which produces a syrup;
  • solution for internal injections.
Each of the forms of the drug may differ in its composition by auxiliary substances.

The syrup in addition to the main component contains:

  • carmellose sodium;
  • disodium edate;
  • instagram viewer
  • sodium benzoate;
  • methylparahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • flavoring "Cherry
  • sodium saccharinate.

Tablets include:

  • lactose anhydride;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • sodium citrate;
  • blackberry flavor "B
  • mannitol;
  • citric acid anhydride;
  • saccharin;
  • sodium hydrogen carbonate.

Powder for the preparation of the solution consists of:

  • sucrose;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • dry flavor with orange flavor;
  • saccharin.

This remedy is effective for all types of dry and wet cough. Its main active component is acetylcysteine, which acts on the mucous membrane and helps to withdraw phlegm from the lungs in a short time. Admission to the ACC should be accompanied by a plentiful drink, then its action will accelerate.

How to treat a bad cold and cough without fever is indicated in the article.

What is the treatment for dry coughing in an adult, you can find out by reading the article.

How to cure cough with teething is indicated in the content of this article:

The potential of this drug is not completely exhausted.It has mucolytic, antioxidant and expectorant properties. Recently it became known that he can remove toxins from the body.But more often it is used for catarrhal diseases, which are accompanied by a cough to eliminate its manifestation. ATSTS liquefies and reduces the viscosity of phlegm and leads it out. Removes inflammation.

Indications for use

ACTS begins to operate within an hour

Usually, a powder is prescribed for a syrup or tablet. These two tools are most convenient for use. But in what form does the doctor prescribe the medicine, because each species has its own testimony. For example, a syrup treats chronic lung diseases, and the solution is used even with laryngotracheitis.

The main indicators for use are:

  • diseases of the respiratory system: pneumonia, various types of bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchial asthma;
  • sinusitis: acute and chronic;
  • otitis media.
How to treat and what causes cough after eating, is indicated in this article.

From this article you can learn how to cure a dry cough in a child.

How is the treatment of dry rending cough, can be found here in the article:

ATSTS apply in most cases from a wet cough.With the dry form of this symptom, it is prescribed only after the use of drugs that contributed to the increase in sputum liquefaction.They have already worked out and transferred it into a productive form, so the use of this medicine will be more than justified and effective.

When dry cough is often used ATSTS Long, but it is prescribed in combination with ancillary drugs, which will complement its action and provide effective treatment.

After taking the drug begins to act at full strength after an hour. It is excreted from the body mainly with urine, and a small part through feces. The rate of withdrawal directly depends on the work of the kidneys, with the disease which it can drag on for a long time.

Contraindications and side effects

Do not take inside the ATSs in the following cases:
  • with pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during breast-feeding;
  • renal failure;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • personal sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Do not self-medicate. Apply only on the advice of a doctor who can prescribe it both for treatment and for preventive measures.

The drug can affect everyone differently, there is a possibility of occurrence of individual side effects such as:

  • headaches, noise in the ears (from the central nervous system);
  • nausea, stomatitis, heartburn, vomiting (with regard to the gastrointestinal tract);
  • heart palpitations, decreased blood pressure (refers to the cardiovascular system).

In the instructions for the ATS species: Long and 200 mention possible allergic reactions. They can manifest as a rash or itching.

How to take it with dry cough

Carefully observe the dosage of ACC prescribed by your doctor!

First, for the children and adults, various dosage medications are prescribed. Secondly, each species of ATSs has its own daily portion.

So, how to cure a dry cough in a child?The drug ACTS 100 can be taken to babies almost from birth.Children under 2 years take it 3 times a day for 50 mg. After two and up to 5 years, the number of receptions increases to 4 and each of 100 mg. Since six years, the daily dose reaches 600 mg, which should be divided 3 times.

ATSTS Long can be taken to children who have reached the age of 14. Their daily dose of 600 mg is drunk at a time. The tablet is dissolved in water and taken orally after meals. If you did not immediately manage to drink the already prepared remedy for unforeseen circumstances, you can take it within two hours after, but not later than the specified time. Otherwise, you need to make a drink from another tablet.

ACC 200 is taken only as a solution. It is prescribed to children over 6 years of age, a daily dosage of twice a packet of powder dissolved in warm water. Adolescents and adults should be taken for three meals per bag.

Powder for the solution can be added to warm juice, water, tea or compote.Granules for syrup are diluted in a vial with warm ordinary water to the designated label. After taking the drug inside it should be washed down with additional liquid in large quantities to enhance the therapeutic effect. In addition, you can use the cough recipes at home to enhance the effect of ATSTS.

The course lasts at least five days, in neglected cases it can reach six months, which includes a period of treatment and time for the prevention of infection.


Ольга, 36 years old: "After the flu, my daughter had a complication - acute bronchitis. The pediatrician of a local polyclinic has written out to her the ATSTS. This is the first time we have encountered this drug. Since I am a supporter of proven means and do not spoil children with unnecessary pills. I immediately asked the pharmacy for instructions. After reading it, I realized that he can help only with a wet cough. And she had a pronounced - dry. Therefore, I turned to a private doctor who, to my surprise, confirmed the correctness of the prescribed treatment.And he said that this effective drug was prescribed to us together with Ambroxol, which will complement each other and accelerate the process of recovery.Having listened to the advice of both doctors, we took everything in the indicated doses, and to my relief the daughter fully recovered in a week. "

Margarita, 30 years old: "I bought myself effervescent pills, they were very pleasant to taste, like lemonade. I dissolved one tablet in 2/3 glasses of warm water, this consistency is great for me
I do not like it. Took a dry cough for five days with a syrup having an expectorant effect. And the cough is gone. "

Tanya, 23 years old: "When my son went to the garden, he immediately became very sick. We sat more at home than we went there. Constant standing in line for the hospital did not improve the situation. The prescribed medications did not work immediately, and their effect did not last long. After antibiotics, the son came to life even longer than it hurted. I always found out from doctors some alternative drugs, sparing immunity.And so, finally, we were prescribed such a course: syrup from a dry cough for three days, and then introduce 1 sachet ATSTS per day.All this acted literally on the fifth day. And I want to note that next time we fell ill only after two months. Who remembers the first year of the child's stay in the kindergarten, he will understand me. For us it was a really long time. "

Владимир, 46 years old: "I have a dry cough, do not think, not from smoking. So I'm not into it. In general, somewhere I caught a cold. To be ill I do not like. I need to drink a medicine, and tomorrow I'm healthy. A friend advised Atsz long, he once cured him. I know that it would be better to see a doctor. But it's easier to go to the pharmacy and buy it than go to the hospital and waste time. The next morning, there was still a cough, but it was already softer and the throat was not perspiration.So I understood that the remedy works.Took another day. And on the third day, everything seemed to take off like a hand. I recommend!"


More about the treatment of dry cough in this video:

ATSTS differs from other similar drugs not only with its effective action, but also at an affordable price. It can be used at the first sign of a cold as a preventive.With a wet cough, it can be used alone, and when dry, together with effective expectorant drugs.The effect of this drug is the dilution of viscous sputum and its release to the outside. Thanks to him, dry coughs quickly become productive, therefore the duration of the disease is shortened. ACS is used not only for adults, but also for children from the first days of manifestation of cold symptoms. This is the right choice for a speedy recovery.

ACS for cough: indications for its use and therapeutic effect

ATSTS is an effective antitussive drug, prescribed for the treatment of colds, bronchitis, with the accumulation of viscous sputum, asthma, sinusitis, etc.

The medicine has a quick healing effect, and you can use the drug to treat children, but only in the form of syrup.

The composition of ACC from cough is active substance acetylcysteine ​​and auxiliary components. Acetylcysteine ​​is a very active and effective substance that shows its biological activity in relation to any type of sputum: purulent and mucous.

The drug ATSTS from cough has an effective effect, and can have a triple effect on the human body:

  • Antioxidant. Free radicals bind, and by this their negative and destructive effect on the cells of the mucous membrane is inhibited.
  • Mucolytic. The substance in the preparation dilutes sputum.
  • Anti-inflammatory. The drug is very effective not only in treating the symptoms of the disease, but also helps to prevent a possible further complication in the form of the inflammatory process of the airways.

ATSTS as a cough medicine has the following curative effect:

  • Promotes rapid and effective dilution of accumulated sputum, which allows you to successfully get rid of cough.
  • The drug can fight infections of purulent, mucous, purulent-mucous, nature, as well as infections of the respiratory tract caused by viruses and bacteria.
  • The drug can be combined with different antibiotics (as prescribed by the doctor) and this enhances the therapeutic effect of both drugs.
  • High degree of drug safety, few side effects and contraindications.

Many preparations of the mucolytics group can not so effectively fight sputum and pus, which is very important if it is necessary to treat bacterial infections, in which very viscous sputum is synthesized, full of purulent excretions.

For treatment, it is very important to cleanse the airways as quickly as possible from such a mass with pus, so that the infection does not spread further along the respiratory tract, the development of complications does not begin.

The main indications for use are:

  • acute or chronic sinusitis;
  • respiratory disease;
  • acute and chronic, as well as obstructive bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • otitis media.

There are some contraindications, in the presence of which it is not necessary to apply the purpose of the drug ATSTS:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • bleeding in the lungs;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Very carefully, doctors use the medicine for intolerance to histamine, varicose veins, problems with organs such as the kidneys and liver.

Patients with such diseases should take the drug only according to the doctor's instructions.Side effects are rare, but still take place in medical practice, as a rule, they manifest themselves in the form of allergies, headaches, nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath.

If you use a similar remedy for cough in a child in tableted (effervescent) form, the main contraindications are age, namely up to 2 years. The drug in the form of granules for dissolution in water is forbidden to apply to a child of the age category up to 6 years. Pregnant women and women breastfeeding, it is better to refrain from using the drug and replace ACS with other cough supplements. The cost of the medicine starts from 130 rubles. and you can buy it in any pharmacy chain without a prescription.

More cheap analogs ATSTS:

  • Asibroks.
  • Acestad.
  • Acetal.
  • Abrol.
  • Ambrolhexal.
  • Bromhexine.

ATSTS tablets: how to apply and how much

ATSTS tablets are prescribed for the treatment of viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract:

  • Children from 14 years and adults - twice a day for 200 mg.
  • Children from 6 to 14 years three times a day for 1 tablet (100), 2 tablets (200).
  • Children from 2 to 5 years - twice a day, 1 tablet.

In the treatment of cystic fibrosis in children (from 6 years), 2 tablets (100) or 1 tablet (200) per day is prescribed. Children under 6 years - 1 tablet 4 times a day. When treating colds, treatment with this remedy should be limited to one week. If bronchitis therapy, especially acute and chronic, is performed, the course of treatment is usually prolonged by the doctor.

The drug is taken after meals, ACS effervescent tablets are required to dissolve in a small amount of plain water, and the effervescent solution should be completely drunk immediately. Dissolution of the powder passes quickly, as each granule begins to rapidly interact with water.

Syrup ATSTS: instructions for use and dosage

The drug also releases in another form - in the form of a syrup, which has a pleasant taste and aroma, which allows using it in the treatment of childhood diseases.The kit includes a bottle of glass and medicine and a measuring cup, which allows you to easily and conveniently measure the necessary dose of syrup.

About the drug syrup ATSTS, the instruction describes that the remedy has the same effective treatment as the tablet form.

Dosage of syrup ATSTS:

  • For children from 6 years and adults, it is recommended to take twice (three times) a day for 200 ml.
  • For children from 2 to 6 years of age, the drug is taken twice a day for 200 mg or three times a day, but 100 mg each.
  • The smallest, at the age of 2 years, can give only 100 mg, twice a day.

The dosage of the medicine can be changed only by the doctor who observes you and prescribes it, based on the individual characteristics of the organism and the course of the disease. To date, syrup ATSTS is one of the most effective medicines.

Instruction to the drug recommends patients receiving intravenously:

  • Children are 150 mg once a day.
  • Adults are allowed 300 mg once a day.

In the treatment of colds, viral and infectious diseases of the respiratory system, doctors can prescribe complex therapy together with antibiotics, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. Based on the results of recent studies, the combination of ATSs and antibiotics reduces the treatment period by one and a half times in small patients.

Also, the popularity of the drug is largely promoted by its complete safety and high degree of effectiveness, biological activity, moreover, it is used for therapy of babies at the age of 2 months.


ACTS 100 description and instructions for use

The drugs of group ATSTS, created on the basis of acetylcysteine, actively entered into the practice of treatment. One of them, ACTS 100, the instruction recommends the use for children. The figure on the package indicates the dosage of the active substance. It corresponds to the minimum single dose for a child.

Forms and composition

ACTS 100 is produced by the Austrian company Hermes Pharma Gas, Sandoz Slovenia, Salutas Pharma GmbH Germany in the form of effervescent tablets or blackberry flavor. Children with pleasure drink this medicine.

In one aluminum tube contains 20 tablets or powders containing 100 mg of acetylcysteine.

The composition of the tablet and powder, according to the instructions, is 100 mg of acetylcysteine, soda, mannitol, lemon and ascorbic acid, blackberry flavor, sucrose.

Inclusion in soda makes the use of ACT 100 dangerous if a cough occurred in a patient with a sick stomach. A sucrose will require an increase in the dose of insulin for a patient with diabetes mellitus.

Acetylcysteine ​​is the active substance of the drug.

Mechanism of action ATSTS

The instruction refers the preparation to mucolytic agents. This means that it is able to dilute sputum, mucus, pus. Studies have shown the effectiveness of acetylcysteine ​​in three ways:

  • dilution of thick secretions due to the rupture of molecular bonds of mucosaccharides, of which mucus is composed;
  • stimulation of local immunity through phagocyte cells;
  • antioxidant action, as an element of fighting inflammation.

The effect is manifested as much as possible within an hour after ingestion, lasting up to eight hours. ATSTS 100 decomposes in the liver, is excreted mainly with urine.

Indications for use

The instruction recommends the use of ATSTS 100 for children and adults with diseases associated with increased mucus, sputum, pus formation. Such diseases are: bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, sinusitis, inflammation of the middle ear, bronchial asthma, cystic fibrosis.

Adverse reactions occur rarely in the form of skin rashes, nausea, headache, dyspepsia, stomatitis. Patients with bronchial asthma may experience an attack of bronchospasm.

Absolute contraindications for ATSTS 100 are:

  • lung diseases accompanied by hemoptysis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • individual intolerance of components.

Not recommended reception

  • for children under two years;
  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with chronic liver and kidney diseases.


The dosage and course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician. It depends on the severity of the condition, the weight of the patient, the concomitant diseases.

For children 2-6 years of age, pediatricians recommend no more than 300 mg per day; in 7-14 years to 400 mg; for older children and adults - 600 mg per day.

An effervescent tablet or powder, according to the instructions, must be dissolved in half a cup of water, tea or juice before use. Drink after eating.

The solution must be prepared only in glass containers. When in contact with metal and rubber, acetylcysteine ​​is decontaminated. Do not store the prepared drink for more than two hours.

ACTS 100 should not be taken concomitantly with antibiotics such as penicillin, ampicillin, erythromycin, tetracycline, with antitussive agents. Because it reduces their effect. Between ingestion of an antibiotic and ATSTS 100 should be at least two hours.

The tube with tablets ATSTS 100 should be quickly closed, because in air acetylcysteine ​​partially decomposes.

Before beginning treatment carefully read the instructions, the way of preparation of the drink. All unexpected reactions to the medication should be reported to the doctor.

Preparation "ACTS" (powder) - instructions for use

Colds, coughs, runny nose, bronchitis cause a lot of inconvenience. In this state it is difficult to fully work and engage in ordinary business. Often, to reduce the symptoms used means that suppress manifestations of these diseases. But the main thing in the treatment of upper respiratory tract problems is stimulation of sputum discharge. Coughing up, we clear the lungs, and blowing our nose. The more often it occurs, the less harmful substances accumulate in the body, the risk of complications decreases. One of the drugs that help in this case is the powder "ACTS". It stimulates the separation of sputum, which helps to alleviate the symptoms and avoid complications.

The preparation "ACTS 100" (powder), the instruction to that confirmation, has the Latin name "ACC".

Dosage form - powder, used to make a solution, is taken orally. In each pack there are two pieces of 100 or 200 milligrams (respectively, preparations "ACTS 100" and "ACTS 200").

Farmgroup - expectorant, mucolytic agent. Stimulants of the functions of the respiratory tract and secretolithics.

The composition is 100/200 milligrams of acetylcysteine. Additional substances - saccharin, vitamin C (ascorbic acid), flavoring, sucrose. One packet of the drug contains grain units 4.

A drug"ATSTS" (powder). ANDInstructions for use: indications

The drug is used for various diseases affecting the respiratory tract, as a result of which viscous sputum is formed. It:

  • pneumonia;
  • acute or chronic bronchitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • bronchiectatic disease;
  • bronchiolitis;
  • acute or chronic sinusitis;
  • inflammation of the middle ear (otitis);
  • laryngitis;
  • any cough with hard-to-recover sputum.

A drug"ATSTS" (powder). ANDInstructions for use: dosage

Adolescents older than 14 years and adults take 400-600 milligrams per day, children from six to 14 years inclusive - from 300 to 400 milligrams, from two to five years - 200-300 milligrams, from ten days to two years - 100-150 milligram. The daily dose should be divided into two or three doses.

When the disease is cystic fibrosis, doses are prescribed: children under two years old - 100-150 milligrams per day, two to five years - 400 milligrams, children over six years - 600 milligrams. The daily dose is divided into two or three doses. If the weight of the child exceeds 30 kilograms, it is possible to increase the dose to 800 milligrams per day.

The drug is taken immediately after a meal. The powder from the sachet is dissolved in a glass of water or juice. In the case of acute illnesses not accompanied by complications, the drug can be taken for five to seven days. With chronic ailments, treatment takes up to six months.

A drug"ATSTS" (powder). ANDInstructions for use: contraindications

The medicine is not assigned,

  • the sensitivity of the organism to any constituent of the powder;
  • intolerance to fructose;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hemoptysis;
  • pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • kidney failure;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver failure.

A drug"ATSTS" (powder). ANDInstructions for use: side effects

This drug is well tolerated. The following symptoms can occur in rare cases:

  • in the digestive system - nausea, stomatitis, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea;
  • CNS - noise in the ears or headache;
  • in the cardiovascular system - increased heart rate, arterial hypotension;
  • allergic manifestations - rash, itching of the skin, bronchospasm.

A drug"ATSTS" (powder). ANDInstructions for use: special instructions

During lactation or pregnancy, the drug is used only if necessary and as directed by a doctor.

For children up to one year, the remedy is prescribed only for vital indications. Treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Children up to two years of age, the drug is prescribed only under medical supervision.

The effect of the drug on the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or any other work with mechanisms has not been revealed.

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