Prevention and treatment of arthrosis


  • 1Symptoms, treatment and prevention of joint arthrosis
    • 1.1Symptoms of arthrosis
    • 1.2Causes of arthrosis
    • 1.3Degrees of arthrosis
    • 1.4Treatment of arthrosis
    • 1.5Prevention of arthrosis
  • 2Prevention of arthrosis
  • 3Do you know enough about measures to prevent arthrosis?
    • 3.1Objectives of prevention
    • 3.2The causes of arthrosis and their elimination
    • 3.3The effect of lifestyle on arthrosis
    • 3.4Motor activity and working conditions
    • 3.5Hardening
    • 3.6Secondary prevention
    • 3.7Nutrition and vitamin therapy for arthrosis
    • 3.8Treatment-and-prophylactic measures
  • 4Treatment and prevention of arthrosis folk remedies
    • 4.1Causes of arthrosis
    • 4.2Symptoms and Diagnosis of Arthrosis
    • 4.3Treatment of arthrosis folk remedies
    • 4.4Prevention of arthrosis

Symptoms, treatment and prevention of joint arthrosis

Arthrosis is a serious joint disease characterized by thinning of the cartilaginous tissue, affection of the subchondral bone, synovial fluid and, as a consequence, adjacent muscles.

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Along with the name "arthrosis" is often used the words "osteoarthritis "deforming arthrosis" or "arthrosis of joints having under itself the same disease.

We will stick with this terminology.

The fight against arthrosis includes folk and official medicine, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and proper nutrition. On the site we will understand all types of arthrosis and methods of their treatment. Consider the symptoms and stages of the disease, let's talk about the necessary measures for its prevention.

Symptoms of arthrosis

Osteoarthritis has many similar symptoms with arthritis and polyarthritis, but it is not an inflammatory disease, but arthritis often leads to arthrosis, in this case they speak of osteoarthritis. Doctors call the four main symptoms:

  1. the presence of pain in the joints;
  2. the appearance of a crunch in the bones;
  3. limitation of mobility in the joints;
  4. deformed joints.

The painful effect in the joint is one of the most important signs that require a doctor. Pain begins to occur when you move. It can be walking, jumping - a patient with knee and hip arthrosis will immediately feel sharp pain while moving.

With the torso tilting, sipping, turning the head, a person with cervical and shoulder arthrosis will also experience severe discomfort.
But as soon as a person takes a passive position, stopping movement, the pain soon disappears.

This differs arthritic pain from arthritic pain.

The second significant symptom that characterizes osteoarthritis is the crunch of the joint. It arises from the friction of the surfaces of bones, the softness of the rotation of which is reduced by the deformation of the elasticity of the cartilage apparatus.

A healthy joint can also crunch, but arthrosis crunching differs in its "dry" sound, which differs from the harmless snapping of a healthy person.

The heavier the stage of osteoarthritis, the more pronounced crunch in the joints.

A crunch in joints with arthrosis is always accompanied by a pain syndrome, and this also distinguishes it from the usual joint crunching.

The next characteristic symptom for all types of arthrosis is a reduction in the amplitude of motion in the affected joints.

Of course, in the first stage of osteoarthritis, such a cause is not immediately noticeable, but with deterioration of the cartilaginous and ligamentous state apparatus amplitude of movements decreases so much that a sick person sometimes can not move his foot, if he, for example, coxarthrosis.

The change in the type of joints occurs in the late stages of the disease.

Deformation occurs due to the formation of osteophytes on the surface of bones, because of the excess of synovial fluid causing some bloating.

Also, the joints are deformed due to a change in the state at the junction of the bones.

Causes of arthrosis

Modern medicine distinguishes the following causes of arthrosis:

  • injuries;
  • joint dysplasia;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • disturbance of the metabolic system.

Human injury of their joints has a very negative effect on their structure and is the most important reason for the development of osteoarthritis. Dysplasia refers to congenital abnormalities in the structure of the bones. Inflammation in the body threatens to damage the joint apparatus.

The risk group includes people:

  1. with excessive body weight;
  2. with hereditary disorders;
  3. the elderly;
  4. with specific professions;
  5. with metabolic disorders in the body;
  6. with micronutrient deficiency;
  7. suffered a trauma on the spine;
  8. engaged in some sports.

Degrees of arthrosis

There are three degrees of osteoarthritis. The first degree is the easiest, characterized by the appearance of minor pains due to the deterioration of the quality of the synovial fluid. Hyaline cartilage is slightly destroyed.

At the second stage there is already a serious thinning of the cartilaginous tissue, the joint fluid loses its properties. There are osteophytes along the edges of the joint surface, causing acute pain.

To the last degree, an X-ray image depicts a terrible picture.

Cartilaginous tissue has practically disappeared, the bone is covered with solid spike-like outgrowths (osteophytes).

The limb axis is deformed due to loosening of the ligament apparatus, redistribution of the load on the joint. The muscles are greatly reduced or stretched.

Treatment of arthrosis

Treatment implies a whole complex of measures aimed at reducing pain syndrome, removing inflammatory processes in joints, restoration of cartilaginous tissue, strengthening of the muscular corset and ligaments.

The most common method is medication prescribed by a doctor. There are various drugs that are used to relieve pain, spasms. There is a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory type that brings the fastest effect, but has a wide range of side effects.

A good alternative is the use of chondroprotectors aimed at restoring cartilaginous tissue. Chondroprotectors are made of their natural materials, similar in structure to human cartilage. Negative impact on the body is minimal.

Folk treatment means a lot of various methods in the fight against arthrosis.

Such treatment does not bring a quick visible effect, but long courses (for several months) have the most positive effect on the affected joint.

Popular folk remedies are saber, burdock, cabbage, especially effective in the treatment of arthritic diseases.

Methods of physiotherapy include warming up, compressing, cryotherapy, hirudotherapy, magnet treatment and other methods.

In the most severe cases, endoprosthetics of the joints are applied. Surgical intervention is aimed at replacing the affected joint with an artificial one. These operations are very expensive, and the operation period is 10-15 years.

Prevention of arthrosis

Preventive measures are the most important factor aimed at reducing this sadly popular disease. The main measures to prevent the development of osteoarthritis are:

  • reduction in excess body weight;
  • increased motor activity;
  • proper nutrition;
  • adherence to the principles of HLS.

Excess weight is a scourge for our joints. It has long been known that the greater the weight of a person, the greater the load is on the joints.

The modern way of life gave rise to a disease unknown in the past centuries - hypodynamia.

Sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the circulation in the body, in the weakening of the muscles and, ultimately, in the condition of bones, ligaments and cartilage.

Food - another important brick for laying the foundation of our health. If in the past there was no question of proper nutrition on the agenda, then with the development of the food industry, massively using the chemistry in products, the question arose what kind of useful food to prefer.

The general principles of a healthy lifestyle are also applicable in the prevention of arthrosis. Of course, smoking, alcohol abuse, lack of sleep, overeating have a detrimental effect on the body as a whole, which ultimately affects the health of our bones.

Deforming osteoarthritis is an insidious disease, the result of which are severe excruciating pains, limitation of mobility in the joints. Treatment is a long, difficult, but modern complex approach allows you to get rid of a serious illness.

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Prevention of arthrosis

So, what is it likearthrosis disease? The answer to this question lies in the cartilaginous tissue of the human body.

It is here that it starts secretly. Deposits of calcium salts appear on cartilages.

These salts severely disrupt the supply of nutrients to the cartilage, which leads to the onset of cell death.

As a consequence, unevenness appears on the surface of the joints, which causes severe pain and discomfort during movement.

The affected joint begins to slowly decay.

In this process, the articular bag is coarsened, the elasticity of the tendons is lost, the bone tissue is destroyed and a possible growth of the cartilage.

In order to prevent complications of arthrosis, you need to know the main causes of the appearance of salts on the cartilage. I suggest that you become acquainted with the main factors that influence their occurrence.


  1. Incorrect food.
  2. Sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Inflammation in the joints (arthritis).
  4. Fractures or trauma.
  5. Obesity.
  6. Infection in the joints.
  7. Hereditary predisposition.
  8. Incorrect tissue development (dysplasia).
  9. Metabolic disorders.
  10. Disorders of the endocrine system.
  11. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
  12. Hormonal imbalance.
  13. Old age.
  14. Subcooling the body.

I want to note that the insidiousness of arthrosis lies in the fact that it destroys joints for years in most patients (although there are cases when young people turn to the doctor).

At the initial stage, most patients do not pay attention to the symptoms of the disease. But over time, the situation is drastically changing. Man increasingly feels pain when moving.

The state of health depends on the degree of damage to the joint. Specialists distinguish four degrees of arthrosis. Let's take a closer look at them.

The first degree of arthrosis.

At the first stage of the disease the patient hardly feels any symptoms. The body temperature is within the normal range.

There is no swelling, the color of the skin does not change, no changes in the tissues are seen with x-rays. A person can feel only a weak tingling in the inflamed joint and short-term pain.

It is easy to treat at this stage.

The second degree of arthrosis.

In the second stage of arthrosis, the patient already experiences pain in the inflamed joint during movement. There is a distinct crunch in the joint.

The person feels constantly fatigue in the legs, becomes irritable, feels discomfort in the area of ​​the inflamed joint.

At the beginning of changes in the joints are noticeable.

At this stage, tissue destruction occurs in the joints. With every passing day, every physical strain becomes more and more painful.

Third degree of arthrosis.

At this stage, destructive processes and deformation of the affected joints continue. The patient feels a sharp pain in inflamed tissues even when doing nothing (without physical exertion). Appears swelling and redness in the area of ​​inflammation. The temperature rises.

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Sensitivity to weather conditions increases. A complete failure of joint functioning is possible - a person loses the ability to move and becomes disabled.

Fourth degree of arthrosis.

The peak of the disease is the fourth stage. The patient experiences painful pains in the joints constantly. Can not help even potent painkillers. At this stage, the joints have already undergone destructive processes. Man loses the ability to move.

Many experts advise at this stage to remove the affected joint and put an artificial one.

This procedure is called endoprosthetics. In this case, the damaged tissues are replaced by a plastic or mechanical endoprosthesis.

I will not describe this procedure in more detail in this article, I'll just say that it's better not to start the disease and treat it in the early stages. The earlier you find the disease and start treatment, the easier and more efficient it will be to recover.

We have studied with you what the disease is, and now let's consider the issue of prevention of arthrosis. In order to prevent the destruction of joints, simple guidelines should be followed. I quote their list.


It is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle will strengthen your body, improve the condition of cartilage, joints and bones. It is necessary to give up alcohol and smoking.

More time you need to breathe fresh air, less stress and stress. Have more good mood and positive.

It is necessary to avoid hypothermia.

Remember - the cold weather is the enemy of man's joints. You must always remember this and do not let them become hypothermic.

Compliance with proper nutrition.

For the prevention of arthrosis, diet is of great importance. Should be discarded from the use of mayonnaise, smoked products, semi-finished products, sausages, fried, flour.

It is recommended to minimize the consumption of tomatoes, peppers and spicy condiments.

It is advisable to abandon hikes in fast food restaurants (fast food), and switch to home cooking.

Food should be most beneficial to the body.Vegetables and fruits- a pledge of health and longevity. It is necessary to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables for good health. This contributes to the normalization of metabolism, complete saturation of the body cells with macro and microelements, vitamins.

Experts recommend usingfish and meat steamed.

In fish there are many substances that are able to restore a good state of joints and bones.

In oily fish there are polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids, which improve cartilaginous tissue, reducing inflammation in it.

It is recommended to usebuckwheat porridge, which contains many useful substances such as: phosphorus, calcium, copper, zinc and a complex of vitamins.

A large number of positive reviews andpomegranate juice. It is in pomegranate juice that there are substances that relieve inflammation in the joint.

An excellent tool for the prevention of arthritis and arthrosis. Just three tablespoons a day of pomegranate juice and you can improve your health.

You need to drink juice every day.

For the preparation of dishes (for example, different salads) it is necessary to use exclusivelyunrefined vegetable oil.

Useful oils are: linseed and olive. Many experts advise to eatWatermelons, dried apricots, bananas.

Bananas and dried apricots contain potassium (eat in moderation).

Importantdrink abundantly. To drink just pure water, you can not lemonade or kvass. Water flushes out toxins from the body's cells.

You can not tolerate obesity.

The specialists carried out a lot of research and proved that obese people are much more likely to suffer from diseases connected with joints. The fact is that excess weight creates an additional burden on the joints, thereby increasing the destructive processes in them.

It is recommended to control your weight in order to prevent excess body weight. Doing sports and eating the right diet can help you keep a slender figure and healthy joints for years to come.

You can not tolerate heavy loads of joints.

A very important rule. Try to avoid any heavy loads of joints, their injuries, because this will lead to complications in old age. Do not lift weights, take care of your body.

    1. The use of exercises for the prevention of arthrosis.

Movement is a pledge of longevity and good health. A person who leads an inactive way of life risks acquiring a bunch of sores in old age, including in the locomotor system. Experts advise you to engage in physical exercises, to lead an active lifestyle.

But people who have problems with joints should be selectedsparing exercise regime. The main rule - you can not bring yourself to the exercises to the pain in the joints. Pain in the joints is a signal of the body that the tissues and cartilage are destroyed.

Many who make the mistake of doing a great load on their joints while playing sports. As a result, the joints are destroyed. A good example of this can be observed in sports, where many athletes suffer from joint diseases.

When a person begins arthrosis with strong physical exertion, a rapid destruction of the affected joint occurs. Movement in the joint should be, but they should be sparing.

Because without movement the joint is destroyed even faster.

It should be remembered that in order not to harm your joints, exercises are performed without creating a load on the joint, for a long time (from one hour) and with a small amplitude.

Thanks to sparing exercises, joints will be delivered to the joints, circulation of the synovial fluid will be established, which will lead to the restoration and strengthening of the destroyed tissues in them. Here are the universal exercises that are well proven and can be done for prevention.

-Exercise for the prevention of knee joints.

To perform this simple exercise it is necessary to sit on a chair, so that the legs freely hang down.

The essence of the exercise is a smooth rocking of the legs forward and back. The trajectory of movements is small. A person should not experience any pain while doing this.

Exercise is done in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, before going to bed.

The lead time is up to five minutes at the initial stage. Over time, the time for performing movements increases to an hour. It can be done both at home and at work.

-Exercise for the prevention of hip joints.

To perform the exercise you need to sit on the stool, you need to put the shoe densely on the floor. Knees should be on the width of the shoulders.

Within five minutes, you need to breed and reduce your knees to a centimeter. It is desirable to fix the knee cups with your hands.

Gradually the execution time increases (you can increase it to an hour). The main rule - there should be no pain when performing.

This simple but effective exercise can be done both at home and at work. Due to the implementation, you can improve the circulation of the synovial fluid to the hip joints, which positively affects their functionality.

-Exercise for the prevention of ankle joints.

This simple exercise is also done sitting on a chair. We put our feet tightly on the floor, they should be on the width of the shoulders.

It is necessary to lift the heels of both feet from the floor in turn. The distance should be 2 centimeters (from the heel to the floor). After this, you need to lower your heels in turn.

Rest 5 seconds after each movement of the heel.

Exercise is performed from 5 minutes and increases with time to 1 hour. Well suited for the restoration of the functions of the ankle joints.

Exercise for the prevention of joints of the toes.

A very simple and effective exercise, when you need to sit on a chair and put your feet just on the floor. The essence of the exercise is to press your toes. It is important that a man relaxes the fingers of both feet. The main rule is that you should not feel any pain and discomfort.

Simple and easy preload of the fingers promotes recovery of damaged joints and improvement of their functionality.

We draw conclusions:

It is important not to let the disease progress. For this it is recommended to pay attention in time to the symptoms in the joints during movement.

Osteoarthritis is well treated in the early stages and badly at later stages. The sooner you start the better.

The third and fourth degree of arthrosis is considered neglected, very hard to treat.

It is necessary to follow simple recommendations that will help keep your joints healthy for years to come.

Thanks to simple and effective exercises that can be performed both at home and at work, it is possible to strengthen their joints, restoring their work. Most importantly - when performing them, a person should not feel any pain.

It is important in time to seek the advice of a rheumatologist for testing for the condition of your joints. Only a specialist will be able to select a competent medication based on the individual characteristics of your body.

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Do you know enough about measures to prevent arthrosis?

Arthrosis is not just a common disease around the world, it's also a disease that often leads to disability.

Many habitual activities for a person with deforming arthrosis at a late stage become inaccessible, permanent pains in the joints and muscles exhaust.

A limping gait, twisted fingers, inability to turn his head or bend over - these are the consequences of arthrosis of different joints.

And the treatment succumbs badly to treatment, in order to achieve a stable remission, you need to regularly take courses of expensive treatment, constantly engage in physical therapy. Therefore, the prevention of joint arthrosis is of great importance.

Objectives of prevention

Prevention of any diseases is divided into primary and secondary, sometimes also secrete a tertiary:

  • primary prevention is aimed at preventing the disease, eliminating risk factors;
  • The secondary is performed if the disease does begin to develop. Its goal is to prevent complications, transition to a more severe stage, chronic form;
  • tertiary - this is rehabilitation, prevention of social maladjustment.
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Primary prophylaxis is performed mainly with respect to secondary arthrosis, which develops against the background of other diseases or as a consequence of trauma.

Primary, or idiopathic arthrosis is prevented difficult, because its exact causes are not established.It often affects people in their age, and age-related changes in the body are inevitable.

Risk factors that increase the likelihood of developing this joint disease include hereditary predisposition. With her, too, nothing to do.

The only specific measure that reduces the likelihood of developing primary arthrosis is to avoid occupations in which the joints are regularly subjected to excessive stress. Preventive measures of a general nature, hardening and a healthy lifestyle are shown.

Secondary prevention of osteoarthritis begins with a timely diagnosis, so its most important component is screening for joints, especially patients at risk.

The earlier the treatment of arthrosis is started, the greater the chances of stopping it at the current stage and preventing complications. The transition of arthrosis to a chronic form is inevitable, as is progression.

But with successful secondary prevention, deforming osteoarthritis will progress slowly, and in its absence, rapid development may develop.

The methods of secondary prevention of arthrosis coincide with the methods of treatment aimed at slowing the development of the disease.

The causes of arthrosis and their elimination

There are causes and risk factors common to all types of arthrosis.

These are endocrine, autoimmune diseases, problems with blood vessels, leading to worsening of blood circulation, metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes.

You can also highlight a number of factors that provoke the development of a specific type of arthrosis.

Incorrect posture, curvature of the spine in the first place provoke spondyloarthrosis (arthrosis of the spine), although they can cause arthrosis of the joints of the legs. Sedentary work, in which the head is constantly kept tilted, negatively affects the cervical spine and can lead to the development of cervico-arthrosis.

Excess weight on the joints of the hands does not particularly affect, but the lumbar spine and joints of the legs, especially the knee, suffer greatly.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes first of all harms the ankle, and shoulder joints are especially vulnerable to builders. Coxarthrosis often develops against the background of unresolved hip dysplasia.

Workers in agriculture, computer typing operators, all those who load hands, are more likely to suffer from arthrosis.

Knee, elbow, ankle joints often suffer from injuries, at risk are athletes.The use of knee pads, elbow pads, special socks reduces the risk of joint injuries and post-traumatic arthrosis.

The measures of primary prevention of arthrosis include:

  1. formation of correct posture;
  2. prevention, early diagnosis and correction of flat feet (wearing orthopedic shoes, walking barefoot);
  3. orthopedic or surgical correction of any violations of the statics of joints, including hip dysplasia;
  4. weight control, prevention of obesity;
  5. dosing physical exertion on the joints;
  6. prevention of injuries, hypothermia, frostbite of the joints;
  7. strengthening the muscles supporting the joints;
  8. taking drugs to normalize blood circulation, microcirculation;
  9. rapid relief of inflammatory processes, including treatment of arthritis;
  10. the most effective treatment of endocrine and autoimmune diseases;
  11. correct treatment of injuries and full rehabilitation after them.

The effect of lifestyle on arthrosis

A healthy lifestyle is an important element in preventing any diseases, preventing arthrosis of the joints is no exception. The components of a healthy lifestyle are:

  • physical activity corresponding to age, health status;
  • rational nutrition and drinking regimen;
  • rejection of bad habits - alcohol and nicotine are harmful for different organs and systems, including for bones and joints;
  • hardening, strengthening of immunity.

With food, a person should receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, a sufficient amount of protein, which serves as a building material for muscles.

Fats and carbohydrates are also necessary, but the amount of fat must be limited, and carbohydrates should be obtained from cereals, vegetables and fruits, and not from confectionery, baking. Abuse of preservatives, salt leads to metabolic disorders.

As a result, synthesis of substances necessary for restoration, renewal of articular cartilage, or activation of enzymes that destroy it can be inhibited.

If you drink enough water, the body detains toxins, the blood thickens, blood supply to the periarticular tissues worsens.

Motor activity and working conditions

A sedentary lifestyle has a bad effect on joints and is one of the causes of arthrosis. Weaken muscles, which partially absorb the load on the joints and participate in their blood supply.

The body receives insufficient oxygen, blood circulation, tissue trophism worsens, metabolic processes slow down. There is a set of weight, and this is an extra burden on the joints.

If the joints for a long time are without movement, their contracture, that is, stiffness, may occur, to overcome which will need effort.

So on foot or bicycle, in the winter - ski walks in the open air, swimming, fitness, regular performance of a set of feasible exercises should become a habit.

Equally important is occupational health. Those who work in a static position, you need to regularly take breaks and warm up.

After heavy physical work to normalize muscle tone, prevent their spasms, unload the joints will be useful stretching exercises, massage, contrast shower.

Often, we ourselves destroy our joints, because we do not carry out daily movements correctly.To form the correct motor stereotypes is no less important than the correct posture:

  1. when performing any actions in the standing position, try to keep your back straight, and your knees slightly bent. It is better to wash floors with a mop with a long handle, when vacuuming, adjust its length so that you do not have to bend your back;
  2. doing sit-ups, exercising on the simulators, do not bend your knees to the full stop and do not straighten them completely;
  3. lifting the weights from the floor, squat, and not bend over, bending his back;
  4. while holding the load, do not turn the body;
  5. Do not lift the load over your head, use stands;
  6. evenly distribute the load, do not load one arm, shoulder;
  7. When running, rely on the entire foot or on the front (not on the heel), do not bend your back in the lower back, keep your head straight and look forward, relax your shoulders and bend your arms at the elbows at right angles.


Deforming osteoarthritis is a noninflammatory disease, but an inflammatory process, both aseptic and infectious, can lead to its development.

Many infectious diseases lead to inflammation of the joints, the infection penetrates them with the bloodstream, toxins and mediators of inflammation destroy the cartilaginous tissue.

Hardening strengthens immunity and increases the body's resistance to infections. Now in clinics began to resort to hardware hardening - the effect on joints with liquid nitrogen.

The same technique can be used for therapeutic purposes, for rapid relief of the pain syndrome in arthrosis. And the techniques of classical hardening can be mastered by everyone:

  • air baths, walks and warm-up exercises in the fresh air in light clothing. Start with 5-10 minutes at a temperature not lower than 14 °;
  • wiping with a towel soaked in cold water followed by trituration. The effect rises if one waits until the body dries, and only then rubs;
  • reception of a warm shower for 2 weeks with a subsequent transition to a contrasting, with a temperature difference of not more than 10 °;
  • winter swimming (immersion in cold water) is an extreme kind of hardening, you can go to it when the previous type of procedures is mastered and a person can be under a cold shower for at least 3 minutes;
  • cold foot baths. Start with a temperature of 38 °, every 2 days lower it by a degree, keep feet in the water for about 2 minutes.

Secondary prevention

We figured out how to prevent arthrosis, but what if the degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joints still started?Treatment and secondary prevention of deforming osteoarthritis begins with a lifestyle correction.

Recommendations are the same as for primary prevention (adherence to work and rest, avoidance of bad habits, healthy eating). Requirements for diets are tightened, it is better to follow the recommendations of a nutritionist.

Excess weight needs to be reset, but not by strict mono-diet. Some types of physical activity will have to be abandoned, so as not to aggravate the microtrauma of the joints.

For the unloading of joints, the use of orthopedic devices can be shown.

Nutrition and vitamin therapy for arthrosis

Prevention of osteoarthritis involves weight control. To do this, you need to determine the daily calorie intake with regard to lifestyle and make up a menu taking into account the energy value of foods and dishes.

To prevent weight gain, calorie intake should not exceed their consumption. To lose weight, you need to consume less than is spent. There is need throughout the day with equal intervals, between 3 main meals to do 2 snacks.

Recommendations for the diet:

  1. exclude fast food, sausages, smoked products;
  2. limit the use of salt;
  3. to minimize the use of confectionery;
  4. to refuse from fried dishes, to prepare on pair, cook and bake;
  5. in the menu must necessarily be present low-fat sour-milk products, vegetables and fruits, cereals;
  6. bread should be made from coarse flour;
  7. contraindicated carbonated drinks, drinks with sweeteners, alcohol;
  8. they are useful for joints, jellies, jellies.

Ideally, vitamins should enter the body with food, but their deficiency can be compensated for by taking vitamin complexes. For the prevention of arthrosis and slowing its development, it is necessary:

  • vitamins E and C - stimulate the synthesis of cells of cartilaginous tissue, are natural antioxidants that slow down degenerative-dystrophic processes in the joints;
  • vitamin C also helps to strengthen immunity, reduces the risk of infectious joint damage, and in combination with vitamin P (ascorutin) strengthens blood vessels;
  • B vitamins improve the conductivity of nerve fibers, with spinal arthrosis shown to prevent neurological complications.
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Treatment-and-prophylactic measures

From the methods of non-medicamentous therapy of arthroses to slow its progression and prevent the transition to the last stage are capable of:

  1. orthopedic treatment - with arthroses of the lower extremities it is necessary to use a walking stick, wear orthopedic shoes, Spondyloarthrosis can be shown wearing corsets, unload joints and prevent their displacement can orthoses, bandages;
  2. different types of massage to strengthen the muscles, increase blood circulation;
  3. manual therapy, traction or repositioning of the joint;
  4. physiotherapeutic procedures that stimulate the processes of tissue regeneration, improve their blood supply and nutrition;
  5. LFK is the most important condition for maximum long-term preservation of joint mobility and prevention of muscle atrophy. For different types of arthrosis special sets of exercises are developed, the load is selected taking into account the general condition of the patient.

Of the medicamental methods, the most effective are:

  • reception of chondroprotectors;
  • injection of hyaluronic acid into the joint.

Secondary preventive measures include sanatorium and spa treatment. With the regular passage of such courses, you can achieve a stable remission.

The patient eats according to the scheme developed by a nutritionist, performs the controls under the supervision of the instructor, including engaged in simulators, undergoes therapeutic massage sessions.

In institutions for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, a wide range of physiotherapeutic procedures is available. Patients can be prescribed therapeutic baths, wrapping joints with healing mud, compresses with bischofite, dimexide, medical bile.

Prevention of joint arthrosis does not require any phenomenal efforts and significant financial costs.

It is enough to be more attentive to your health, not to overload your joints, to eat right, to strengthen muscles and immunity.

Many diseases that are fraught with joint damage can be cured or at least prevented transition to the decompensated stage, when complications arise, into the pathological process are involved other bodies. Even if the arthrosis could not be avoided, there is a chance to prevent complete immobilization of the joints, muscle atrophy, loss of ability to work, this is facilitated by secondary prevention.

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Treatment and prevention of arthrosis folk remedies

Osteoarthritis is a joint disease that occurs with the natural course of each person's age. Cure such a disease, like old age, is impossible.

But if you pay attention to the development of arthrosis in time, you can significantly extend the "life" of the joints and not experience the troubles that arise with this disease.

Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease that manifests itself in a wavy course.

Sometimes the disease can progress for years and even decades, without making itself felt, and in some cases can develop several months before the severe stages.

Rememberseveral important conditions for the onset and course of the disease.

First, arthrosis does not form suddenly, in a few days or weeks. Secondly, if arthrosis is not treated, its symptoms will increase with time, worsening the quality of life and in extreme cases leading to disability or immobility.

What are the symptoms of this disease? What you need to do in order to weaken the development process? What are the national means of helping to cope with this ailment? Let us consider all these questions in more detail.

Causes of arthrosis

There are two groups of factors that affect the occurrence and development of arthrosis:

  • Excessive functional and mechanical stress on healthy cartilage. The nature of such loads can be completely different - everyday, professional, sports and so on. Deform and overload the joints can also overweight. This group includes mechanical damage to the joints.
  • The second group of factors involves the occurrence of arthrosis due to changes in the joints. This includes diseases such as arthritis, hemarthrosis, chondrocalcinosis, osteodystrophy, disruption in the endocrine system, hereditary predisposition.

Also of great importance as a factor of arthrosis is the active aging of the cartilage, as a result of which transformations occur in the synovial membrane of the joint. With such transformations, destruction of cartilaginous cells and damage to the structure of the main component are observed.

In such processes, there is a disruption in the functionality of the cartilage, in which microcracks appear. In the future, the lack of depreciation of cartilage with pressure on the bone causes compaction in the joints with ischemia and sclerosis.

Symptoms and Diagnosis of Arthrosis

There are symptoms that accompany the disease in the early and late stages. In the early stages of arthrosis, the following phenomena are observed:

  1. After a long rest (after a dream or rest), there is a feeling of stiffness in the joints;
  2. Sometimes the joints produce an audible slight crunch;
  3. At physical exertion there are weakly expressed painful sensations;
  4. In places where the joint is affected, there is local muscle weakness.

During the progression of the disease and at its late stages, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Pain in the joints, which are worse at night;
  • Occasionally, the joint may be blocked due to microscopic debris of cartilage and bone. There are also severe pains;
  • Closer to the evening there is an increase in discomfort and pain;
  • There is deformation and instability of the joints;
  • In the immobile state, swelling of the extremity below the joint can be observed.

For the diagnosis is necessary X-ray and ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging.

These procedures help determine the stage of the disease, the size of the joint gap, the presence of osteophytes, the thickness and degree of deterioration of the cartilaginous tissue. In some cases, arthroscopy and joint fluid analysis may be prescribed.

This is necessary in order to diagnose a secondary inflammatory process and to prescribe more precise and correct treatment.

Treatment of arthrosis folk remedies

Osteoarthritis can not be cured. At least, official medicine does not yet know how to stop the pathological processes of cartilage tissue.

If this disease has already appeared, then folk medicine can be used only to relieve symptoms and reduce pain.

Consider the most effective recipes of folk medicine for the treatment of arthrosis:

  1. A good tool for the treatment of arthrosis ispoultice from the birch leaves. For its preparation it is necessary to collect birch leaves (best if they are collected in the spring) and steal them. After that, the leaves can be folded into a canvas bag and put on the place where arthrosis is observed. Top should be tightened with cellophane. This procedure is done at night. If everything is correctly done, then the person begins to sweat and drink a lot.
  2. All symptoms of arthrosis will be lost within a week, if you use the following recipe: you need to find in the forest 3-4large mushroom, wash them and cut into small slices. Then mushrooms need to pour 500-700 ml of vodka and put in a dry and dark place for three weeks. After the tincture is ready, it must be filtered and used for its intended purpose. No, do not eat. Twice a day (in the morning and before bedtime) you need to rub the places on which it is localized by arthrosis. The course of treatment lasts for a week, a maximum of 10 days.
  3. For preparation of a compress it is necessary to take15 ml of a 5% solution of iodine, 7-12 ml of 10% ammonia, 100 g of honey (it can be alpine) and 30 g of glycerin.All thoroughly mix and leave to infuse in a dark and cool place for 10 days. Before making compresses using this product, you must first shake it and warm it up a little. After that, the napkin or gauze is wetted in the liquid and applied to the joint, damaged by arthrosis. A cellophane bag is superimposed on top and a scarf is wound. With such a compress you need to go to bed. The procedure is repeated daily at bedtime for two weeks.
  4. There is another folk remedy that allows you to effectively cope with pain in arthrosis. Despite its simplicity, it is quite effective. A handful offlowers of buttercupsIt is necessary to rewind to the state of gruel, so that they give juice. After this, they must be applied to the inflamed joint, covered with a cellophane package. This compress should last at least two hours. If a small burn is formed after such a compress, then do not worry - after a few days it will come down, and with it will pass and pain from arthrosis.
  5. If there are severe pain in arthrosis,baths of hay.A few handfuls of trumpet should be poured with boiling water, cover and let cool to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. After that, the broth can be poured into a small tub and immerse in it the places that are damaged by arthrosis. The duration of such baths should be at least 30 minutes.
  6. One of the simplest and most accessible means is cookinginfusion of raw potatoes. You need two or three small potatoes finely grate and pour 200 grams of kefir. The scheme of application is quite simple: the first ten days should be applied infusion daily, the following ten days - apply the infusion through the day, the last ten days - make compresses from the infusion once in 2-3 day. Treatment with this medication takes a month, but the pain that was with arthrosis will disappear after the course of treatment for a long time.

Prevention of arthrosis

There are no special preventive measures for this disease, and its appearance can not be foreseen. But as the general recommendations that extend the "shelf life" of the joints, we can note the following:

  • Try not to allow mechanical damage to the joints;
  • In time, treat joint diseases so that in the future they do not lead to the development of arthrosis;
  • Try to avoid deformation and overload of joints.

Following these recommendations, you can prolong the life of your joints and significantly reduce the likelihood of arthrosis.

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