Yoga in scoliosis: can I study at grade 2 and 3?


  • 1Yoga at a scoliosis (1, 2, 3 degrees): whether it is possible, exercises and pr + photo and video
    • 1.1Is it possible to practice yoga while curving the spine?
    • 1.2General principles
    • 1.3Basic allowable exercises
    • 1.4Prohibited Exercises
    • 1.5Contraindications
  • 2Yoga at a scoliosis 3 degrees - whether it is possible to be engaged and what exercises to choose, a photo and video
    • 2.1What is scoliosis and what are its causes?
    • 2.2Is it possible to practice yoga in scoliosis?
    • 2.3Indications and contraindications to exercises
    • 2.4Complex of exercises for different types of scoliosis
    • 2.5Curvature of the cervical part
    • 2.6Lesion of thoracic region
    • 2.7Exercises for scoliosis in the lower back
    • 2.8Exercises for the treatment of scoliosis
  • 3Yoga at a scoliosis 1, 2, 3 degrees: exercises, complexes
    • 3.1Why does scoliosis develop?
    • 3.2Yoga as an effective method of straightening the spinal axis
    • 3.3Who should not practice yoga
    • 3.4Tips for performing asanas for straightening the spine
    • 3.5What are the asanas to be done with scoliosis?
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Can I practice yoga to treat scoliosis?
    • 4.1Benefits of yoga for the spine
    • 4.2Features and contraindications
    • 4.3Exercises for cervical scoliosis
    • 4.4Exercises in chest scoliosis
    • 4.5Exercises for scoliosis of the lower back
    • 4.6Complex yoga therapy with curvature of the spine
  • 5Yoga in scoliosis: exercises (asanas) - can I study?
    • 5.1At what degree of scoliosis can I do yoga?
    • 5.2What is the result of the training?
    • 5.3What asanas can I perform?
    • 5.4Contraindications yoga in scoliosis
    • 5.5Asanas with cervical scoliosis
    • 5.6Yoga in Scoliosis (video)
    • 5.7Asanas with chest scoliosis
    • 5.8Asanas with lumbar scoliosis
    • 5.9Security measures

Yoga at a scoliosis (1, 2, 3 degrees): whether it is possible, exercises and pr + photo and video

Scoliosis is one of the types of violation of posture that negatively affects a person's condition as an independent syndrome, and leading to additional complications and disorders. Yogoterapiya acts in this case an effective method of treatment and correction of the disease, offering different training systems for different degrees of curvature of the spinal column.

Is it possible to practice yoga while curving the spine?

It should be understood that yoga is a tool by which you can achieve positive results, but the success of this treatment will be achieved if the rehabilitation program is correct compiled.

To ensure that the process is not harmful to the patient, you should contact qualified specialists who have a medical education and understand all the complexities of a particular violation.

Yogotherapy refers to non-traditional methods of correcting postural disorders, but it is widely used among patients.

Often, yoga is combined with classical, traditional medical methods as a therapeutic exercise.

Combining sets of exercises, you can return the spine to the correct position and strengthen the muscular corset back, which will support the vertebrae, preventing the displacement and rotation of the vertebrae and vertebral elements. Also do not forget about contraindications.

Dhanurasana, pose of onion

After visiting the doctor-coach, you can continue to do it yourself, however, initially, it is extremely important to approach the therapy with all responsibility and not treated with the help of brochures,

e. The complex of exercises should take into account the individual parameters of the patient, his condition, the stage of the disease, as well as concomitant diseases that can worsen during training.

General principles

Oddly enough, yoga is a natural rehabilitation process, different from other approaches to the treatment of lateral curvature vertebral column in that a positive result is achieved due to the person's own resources and does not require additional interference. So, in scoliosis of the 3rd degree, yoga has a very clear set of measures that allow one to fully recover or reduce the complexity of the pathological process.Usually the curvature of the third degree in traditional medicine is corrected by means of special pins that are implanted in the spine and fasten its individual elements.

In the eastern practice, it is believed that the curvature of the spine from 25 to 50 degrees, which characterizes the III degree of scoliosis, can be eliminated with the help of correctly selected and realized asanas.

This practice is based on the teachings that in the human body there are special energy centers - chakras, which provide and regulate the work of internal processes in the human body.

If you properly influence the energy potential of the patient, then his condition will soon improve, and the illness will pass.

Treatment of spinal pathologies with the help of yoga is based on a number of principles that explain the regulation of vital forces, structures and processes within the body. These principles include:

  • breathe, walk, stand and so on, should be correct, so that the position of the body does not acquire a pathological form. All organs and structures of the body must be symmetrical with respect to the vertebral axis. Any position of the body is the basis for further activity, and if the position is occupied incorrectly, then activity will negatively affect the state of health. When standing, you should pull in your belly and buttocks, while spreading your shoulders wide, opening your chest and placing your head and neck vertically. Sitting is also necessary with a straight back - this also applies to other poses;
  • making any activity, it is necessary to give it a special smoothness, without hampering the movement and without straining the muscles. Muscle tension makes it difficult to move, creating additional resistance. If you can not completely get rid of stress, then you should implement respiratory gymnastics, used for relaxation;
  • Any loads and movements should be performed with a flat back, as if stretching the spinal column.Approach to this process should be extremely cautious.

As for the I and II stages of curvature, everything is much simpler. It will not be necessary to arrange complex and lengthy trainings. The emphasis is on fixing the current state of the spine, in order to prevent the deterioration of the situation.

When this goal is achieved, the emphasis is on stretching and stimulating the ligaments and muscles, which is necessary to stabilize the position of the spinal column.

Over time, the muscles themselves align the back, and the habit of keeping the correct posture will remain forever, guaranteeing not only a complete cure, but also carrying out the prevention of other problems with the back.

Basic allowable exercises

When practicing yoga to correct the curvature of the spinal column, you should work on a program consisting of seven to ten exercises, which should be implemented in a complex way in training every other day. The whole process of rehabilitation should be periodically monitored by a physician in order to avoid deterioration or the occurrence of abnormal processes. Among the permissible exercises are:

  • the starting position is on all fours. The emphasis is on the outer side of the palms and knees, which should fit snugly against the rug. The angle between the hips and shoulders, relative to the trunk, should be 90 degrees, which ensures the correct course of the exercise. At the first stage, the back should be bent as much as possible, pushing the buttocks upward and bringing the shoulder blades together. The second stage is characterized by reverse arching, during which the shoulders and hips flex inward, and the back protrudes. You should start to perform the element five times, gradually increasing the number of deflections;

Shashankasana, hare pose

  • perform the following exercise is necessary from the prone position on the abdomen, while the legs should be stretched and closed together. Hands should also be placed along the trunk in such a way that they remain bent at the elbows, and the emphasis is placed on the palms that should be placed at the level of the thighs. From the starting position, you should take a few deep breaths and exhalations, after which, leaning on your hands, you need to straighten up until your hands fully straighten up at the elbows. Hold in this position for a few seconds and make some more deep breaths and exhalations. You should perform the exercise, starting with two repetitions, gradually increasing the number of deflections;
  • should lie on his back, bending his knees, touching the floor with his feet, and his arms stretching along the trunk. For breaths, we raise the torso above the level of the floor, leaning on the forearms and feet, and on exhalation we return the body to its original position. The number of lifts should start from five times;

Chakrasana, wheel pose

  • perform the next element is necessary from a position standing on all fours. The palms should be at shoulder level, and the knees should be at the level of the hips. On inhalation, raise the right arm and leg up, taking them aside. It should be fixed for a few seconds in the raised position and extended in one straight line, and then lowered, making an exhalation. The same thing you need to do with your left arm and your foot, carrying out five pull-ups.

Asana Hathi Yoga

Prohibited Exercises

Since the complex of exercises is developed individually for each person, taking into account his overall health and severity ailment, in the event that yoga is used as a medical practice, then the exercises that can do harm in this situation will not be included in the program.

To prevent adverse reactions, you should carefully approach yoga therapy and consult a doctor who will provide all the necessary information on certain elements.


There are a number of undesirable conditions that make yoga classes inaccessible, they include:

  • Complicated health condition of the patient caused by any illness (oncology, mental disorders, infectious diseases, cardiovascular system disorders, blood diseases, etc.);
  • scoliosis of the fourth degree;
  • serious diseases of the spine, including fused vertebrae;
  • in the presence of deviations from the norm in the values ​​of the main indicators (pressure, temperature, etc.), etc.

Using yoga as a tool to correct and treat diseases associated with pathological changes in the spine, you can achieve significant positive results.

It is extremely important to follow all the recommendations and advice of a specialist who will not allow the illness to worsen.

Eastern therapeutic methods are widely used to treat and prevent a variety of diseases, which makes yoga very popular and attractive for patients of different contingents.

  • Elena Gostishcheva
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Yoga at a scoliosis 3 degrees - whether it is possible to be engaged and what exercises to choose, a photo and video

Scoliosis has serious consequences and leads to serious problems with the overall health of the body. For this reason, the first problems require fast and high-quality treatment.

In addition to traditional medicine (medical medicines and physiotherapy), yoga is used to treat scoliosis, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the spine.

Despite the fact that this method of treatment is unconventional, it has a high efficiency for treating the curvature of the spinal column.

What is scoliosis and what are its causes?

Scoliosis is the curvature of the spine relative to its axis. Most often, this deformation occurs during adolescence, since at that moment the skeleton grows most actively. The disease is formed, mainly in the lumbar and thoracic region.

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The disease often provokes a disruption in the work of internal organs, activates osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernias and sciatica. There is no exact list of the causes of the disease, but there are several key factors that cause the disease:

  • impaired posture;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • lack of calcium and other minerals;
  • injuries;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • deformity of pelvic bones.

The risk group also includes people with poor diet and bad habits.

Is it possible to practice yoga in scoliosis?

Before starting the exercises, you need to contact your doctor who will tell you whether you can practice yoga in scoliosis and which ones have contraindications.

This method of treatment is necessary in the curvature of the spine of the first and second degree. It is at such stages that it is possible to completely restore the natural position.

When the third degree of curvature is diagnosed, then it is allowed to conduct classes, but under the strict supervision of a specialist, the result will appear after a long time.

Also, lessons are recommended if the disease was caused by a spinal column injury.

Indications and contraindications to exercises

Indications for employment include the first three stages of the disease and with trauma to the spine. But yoga has a number of contraindications, in which classes are prohibited, as it can aggravate the patient's condition and cause severe damage to health. Classes are contraindicated for:

  • disease of the fourth degree;
  • soreness in the back;
  • trauma to the skull;
  • mental disorders;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes;
  • diseases of the blood and the heart system.

Also, the exercise should not be done with severe fatigue, after eating and at high body temperature. In addition, with curvature, not all exercises can be applied. The complex of exercises is selected for each patient individually by the attending physician.

Complex of exercises for different types of scoliosis

Yoga from scoliosis is aimed at restoring the natural position of the spinal column, that is, strengthening muscles from the convex side, stretching the spine, putting the vertebrae in place and fixing the achieved result.

Each posture should be held in the same position for at least 15 seconds, even if the exercise is difficult, just as the exercises should fully perform breathing exercises.

Curvature of the cervical part

With the curvature of the cervical spine, the most effective techniques are the posture of the cat - Marjarianasana, the tiger's position - Vyagrasana and the pose of the grasshopper Shalabsan.

This complex allows you to restore the muscle corset and return the spine to a normal state. In addition, it is necessary to perform tilting and rotational movements of the head. Effective is considered an exercise with rolling a small ball.

Lesion of thoracic region

To correct the scoliosis of the thoracic region, a large number of different techniques have been developed. The most popular and highly effective is the "side bar" exercise.

In addition, it is necessary to perform such techniques as a cat, Adho Mukha Virsana, that is, the bow of the hero, Utthita Trikonasan - elongated triangle, Virabhadrasana - the pose of the hero and Shalabhasana - the pose locusts.

Exercises for scoliosis in the lower back

Yoga in the scoliosis of the lower back is not much different from yoga of thoracic curvature. All exercises are done asymmetrically in both directions. For the waist, exercises are used where twisting is necessary, poses in the prone position and sitting inclines, and deflections, as well as exercises on the platen.

The most popular are such poses as Shavansa, Uttansana, Bharadvajasana, Jan Shirsan. This complex strengthens the muscular corset and eliminates asymmetry.

It is recommended to perform exercises even after scoliosis treatment, to consolidate the result and to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Exercises for the treatment of scoliosis

Yoga exercises in the curvature of the spine should consist of 5-7 exercises, which are performed at intervals of one day. They are held for a long time and only under the supervision of a specialist.

The position of the cat makes it possible to relieve the spine if the exercises are just beginning. For this, the position is taken, kneeling, where the palms rest on the floor.

At each inspiration, a deflection is made, while the tailbone and head rise as much as possible. On exhalation the back should assume a normal posture, and the head and coccyx drop.

This exercise should be performed at least 7 times.


For the next exercise, you need to lie on your stomach and stretch your legs together. Hands drop their hands down at the hips and bend at the elbows.


On each exhalation it is necessary to raise the head and body until your arms straighten.

The posture is fixed on two quiet inhalations and exhalations, after which it smoothly returns to its original position. Repeat about 5 times.

When doing another exercise, you need to lie face up and start lifting the body, resting only on the shoulders and feet, when exhaling return to normal position. Perform 7 times.

Standing on all fours, legs are positioned at the level of the hips, and hands at shoulder level - so the next complex is performed.

At the time of inspiration, the right arm and leg are raised and maximally stretched on one straight line, after which they are fixed for 10 seconds. On exhalation the opposite position is accepted.

On the left side, do exactly 7 times.

Further, having risen on a rug, to place widely legs, after that one leg is straightened, and another bends. At the same time, one hand is placed on the floor, and the other is pulled up, the head rotates behind the hand. Then this exercise is repeated the other way.

On the mat, the lotus posture is accepted, one arm bends and lies on the same shoulder. The other hand is put over the head, and the palm of the hand falls on the shoulder. At the time of inspiration, the back flexes into the side in the opposite direction. After that, the side changes. Perform 8 times.

Lying on your stomach, you need to straighten your hands, and put your palms on the floor in the area of ​​the waist, legs as much as possible.


At the moment of inspiration, the back arches, so as to maximally straighten the arms in the elbows. The legs are bent at the same time, if possible, the feet should be touched to the head.


On exhalation they will return to their normal position. Repeat 10 times.

In the supine position, the legs lie on a chair, and the knees are divorced to a distance so that there is no discomfort. In this position, you should relax all ligaments as much as possible.

During the exercises the body should rest. To do this, it is recommended to perform breathing with the stomach. At the inhalation the stomach rises, and on exhalation it goes down.

Relaxation of the ligaments and breathing with the help of the stomach improve the exchange of nutrients in the spine. = XkvzhC_-p8k

For stretching the spine, the position is "lying and the legs fall on a chair, after which one leg is raised, and movements are made with a foot in both directions, with a maximum angle of inclination.

In the prone position, the extremities should be maximally stretched in both directions, and the body along the diagonal should be as strong as possible. This exercise can be performed on both the back and the abdomen.

To find out if yoga can help with the curvature of the spine, you can only start the exercises and pick up the correct set of exercises.

Yoga and scoliosis are interrelated, as the classes are designed specifically for the treatment of the disease, and if done correctly will only benefit and have a pleasant time.

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Yoga at a scoliosis 1, 2, 3 degrees: exercises, complexes

According to medical research, half the world's population suffers from curvature of the spine for one reason or another. And most people are not serious about this phenomenon.

Meanwhile, pain in the back area contributes to the development of dangerous diseases, the disruption of the functioning of other body systems. Scoliosis is one of the most common pathologies of the spine.

Consider the possibilities of yoga in scoliosis.

Why does scoliosis develop?

Scoliosis is nothing but a violation of posture, which is characterized by a curvature of the spine. There are 3 forms of the disease, depending on the number of arcs of curvature: c-shaped (1 arc), s-shaped (2), z-shaped (3).

Depending on the size of the angle of curvature, 4 stages of scoliosis are isolated, proceeding from the localization, it is lumbar, thoracic, cervical.

The danger of scoliosis is that it acts as a "provocateur leading to various types of disorders and complications in the body.


In schoolchildren, in view of the rapid growth of the skeleton, the disease develops more often, but adult people are not insured against it.


The main reasons that trigger the development of pathology include low physical activity, poor development of the back muscles, trauma, congenital pathology, smoking, alcohol, unbalanced diet, insufficient deficiency of calcium - the element responsible for the proper formation bones.

Treatment for curvature of the spine is complex. An integral part of the therapy is gymnastics, which in mild forms of the disease involves recovery, in severe forms, aimed at preventing relapse of the disease.

Patients, trying to get rid of pathology, are often asked: "Is it possible to practice yoga in scoliosis?" Practice proves: some asanas performed systematically, strengthen the muscular corset of the back and promote complete healing from illness.

Yoga as an effective method of straightening the spinal axis

Practicing the teaching, you can strengthen your health in all directions. Yoga is useful for the back and spine and for scoliosis.

The most effective yoga in scoliosis 1 st and 2 nd degree. Correction of the spine is very successful, the goal of the classes is to prevent deterioration of the condition. Long and intensive training during this period is not required.

Even at the third stage, yogotherapy also significantly improves the patient's condition. It is important to note that this degree of disease is characterized not only by the curvature of the spine, but also by pain, so it is very important to overcome the fear of pain syndrome.

Cobra posture

Specialists recommend training also in the curvature of the vertebral axis by injury.

What is yoga? This practice, originated in ancient India, contributes to the improvement and recovery of bodily and moral.

Why is yoga at all stages, including with s-shaped scoliosis, so effective? The fact is that this discipline is a natural process of rehabilitation, radically different from traditional ways of healing the spine. Thus, yoga guarantees positive dynamics in treatment at the expense of the body's own resources.

The most common direction is hatha yoga, its strength lies in the ability to relax the body and soothe the mind. It is this direction that is a successful tool for influencing the spinal column straightening and stopping the progression of the disease.

Hatha yoga with scoliosis strengthens the muscles of the back, neutralizes painful spasms, normalizes the work of internal organs, thanks to the exercises, the vertebrae get the opportunity to stand in place, and the ligaments of the spine - to gain lost flexibility and elasticity.

However, the best solution will be Yeng Ayengar in scoliosis - the most balanced direction, allowing to achieve the perfect work of the entire muscular framework.

However, it is worth considering that treatment will be successful only in the case of a well-designed rehabilitation program.


In systematic studies, improvement is observed in all yoga teachers without exception, with the highest the result is traced in adolescents, it is much more difficult to achieve recovery in adult patients, but the prognosis favorable.


After 2 months of regular training, even with their short duration (10-15 minutes), most people suffering from scoliosis, note improvement, in particular, alignment of the spine by 30%. Yogists who train for an hour a day or more improve by 40%.

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Who should not practice yoga

Is it possible to practice yoga in scoliosis? Of course, the answer is yes. However, like any other medical gymnastics, yogopraktiki have contraindications, which should be taken into account in order to avoid an undesirable effect.

Pose of Shavasan

Yoga can not be practiced when:

  • severe pain in the back;
  • in the stage of exacerbation;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • infections in the body;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • neuroses;
  • hypertension.

Yoga in scoliosis of the 4th degree is also contraindicated.

In order for lessons to be of use only, before starting to perform asanas, which can be done at any age, it is necessary to consult the attending physician.

Initially, you should be supervised by an experienced coach, which will help to correct your posture, in the future you can train yourself at home. Count on a quick result with this unconventional method is not worth it.

Yoga in scoliosis is a very serious process, requiring a lot of time and concentration of attention on the disease.

Tips for performing asanas for straightening the spine

The pathology of the spine, considered a powerful chakra, disrupts the functioning of other anatomical structures of the body. In order for the lessons to be effective, Hatha Yoga specialists recommend adhering to certain rules:

  1. Exercises should be performed correctly, so that the anatomical structures take a symmetrical position relative to the spinal column. The breast should be deployed, the head is held in the vertical direction, the stomach and buttocks are retracted.
  2. Movements are performed at a slow, smooth pace in a state of complete relaxation.
  3. The poses are fixed for 10-20 seconds (depending on the complexity of the exercise).
  4. After the asana, the spine should be pulled along the vertical axis.
  5. Yoga should be combined with respiratory gymnastics. This improves blood circulation, metabolism, relieves muscle tension, the body is filled with energy.
  6. Experts advise combining yoga with physical therapy.
  7. Periodically, you need to rest the body with a breathing exercise belly: inhale, lifting the stomach, then exhale and return it to its original position.

Well, of course, training needs to be done systematically. Discipline is the best friend of yoga, and hence, the guarantee of healing.

What are the asanas to be done with scoliosis?

Flexible asanas, regardless of the stage of scoliosis, help to strengthen the muscles, promote the spine stretching, consolidate the achieved result.

Only the trainer chooses the complexes, taking into account the individual parameters, the patient's condition, the degree of the disease, the concomitant diseases that can become aggravated.

Relaxing cross-plantar asanas relieve pain, respiratory - accelerate the delivery of nutrients to the spinal column. You need to start with the simplest poses.

When they are performed, you can feel discomfort and pain, but you should not stop, because this is a normal reaction of the muscles in which stagnant phenomena have formed. Very often during the lesson you can hear how the vertebrae click, and the sounds are sometimes very loud.

No need to worry - the vertebrae stand on their seats, than they allow the spine to straighten.

With cervical scoliosis, the poses of a cat, a tiger, a sphinx are recommended. Practicing them, you can achieve recovery of the muscles of the cervical region, eliminate back pain. In addition, exercises are shown, including rolling the ball, rotating the head.

Yoga in the scoliosis of the thoracic spine includes a side bar, locust postures, an elongated triangle, the tilt of the hero.

Treatment of lumbar scoliosis with yoga experts advises with the help of various twists, deflections back and on the platen, slopes.

At first, the time for yogic training to correct scoliosis is minimal, but as exercises become more used, their duration and intensity increase. Any asana should be added gradually.

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Can I practice yoga to treat scoliosis?

In modern megacities, most people suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Yoga in scoliosis in this situation is gaining increasing popularity. Along with therapeutic exercise, it is today one of the main ways to combat the curvature of the spine.

Benefits of yoga for the spine

Many newcomers, coming to the gym, are wondering whether it is possible to practice yoga in scoliosis. Official medicine does not consider it a way to treat the curvature of the spine.

However, the reviews of those who were engaged in yogoterapiya, testify to its high efficiency.

Especially it is indicated for scoliosis of the 1st degree, when it is still possible to restore the anatomically correct position of the spine in a natural way.


Yoga is an ancient Indian system of spiritual and physical self-improvement of man, whose history has been counted for several millennia. However, it came to us from the West, where it is used more as a therapeutic gymnastics. Yoga has many different directions.


For beginners, Iyengar yoga is good. This is one of the directions of hatha yoga, where special attention is paid to the correct distribution of the load on the muscles of the body.

Reduction of pressure on the musculature is carried out with the help of auxiliary equipment: wooden bars, bricks, elastic belts, rollers, benches and other devices.

Correctly selected asanas will have such an effect on the body:

  • strengthening of the muscular corset of the back, which will lead to a reduction in pain;
  • the development of ligaments and joints, increasing their elasticity;
  • restoration of symmetry of the spine, its extension, vertebrae become in place;
  • improvement of blood supply to back tissues;
  • normalization of the functioning of internal organs;
  • recovery of the nervous system, improvement of sleep.

The data of scientific research confirm the effectiveness of yogotherapy in scoliosis.

According to the results of one of them, people who practiced at least 90 seconds a day for 2 months every day, with the help of yoga, corrected the curvature of the spine by 32%.

And among subjects who practiced an hour a day, this figure has already reached 40%.

Features and contraindications

Before classes, you should consult your doctor. You must start under the supervision of a certified instructor.

It is advisable to do this individually or in a small group. In any case, the instructor should know about your back problems.

In the future, you can perform a set of simple exercises at home.

The construction of yoga practice in the curvature of the spine for each person individually. the difficulty is that it is impossible to meet two identical types of scoliosis. After all, the spine can deviate from its correct state in three planes at once:

  • frontal;
  • sagittal;
  • horizontal.

And his position affects the formation of pathologies of internal organs, development of the muscles of the back, bones of the extremities. And for each person this scheme will be different.

After all, with a constant dynamic load, it is very difficult to take into account the characteristics of your body. People with a grade 2 scoliosis can perform this practice once a week under the supervision of an instructor, but asymmetry should be added to it.

Careful to be in the performance of inverted asanas, when the spine, especially on its neck section, is under strong pressure.

With S-shaped curvature, deep twists are contraindicated, since in this case the vertebrae change their position relative to each other against the background of already existing disorders.

With deflections, there is a danger of damaging the back muscles, further hardening them.

Contraindications for scoliosis yoga therapy include:

  • curvature of the spine of the 4th degree;
  • craniocerebral trauma;
  • acute stages of pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • mental disorders;
  • inflammation of the internal organs;
  • serious disruption of the cardiovascular system.

Exercises for cervical scoliosis

Scoliosis yogotherapy is aimed at strengthening the muscles from the convex side, stretching the spine, developing mobility of the musculoskeletal system.

It is necessary to strive to put the curved vertebrae in place. All exercises are synchronized with breathing.

Before performing asanas it is recommended to perform pranayama - a complex of respiratory techniques.


To cure cervical scoliosis, remove the clamps from the shoulder and neck section will help the following set of exercises:

  1. We sit on the mat on the heels. In the hands take a soft tape and put them to the side at the level of the navel about 25-35 cm. On inhalation, raise the upper limbs above the head.
  2. The right arm should be thrown over the head, pointing the fingers down along the spine. The back should be absolutely straight. With your left hand, grab your right elbow and lightly press down. Then the exercise is repeated on the other side.
  3. On exhalation, we put our hands behind our heads, and on inhalation we raise them up. On the next exhalation we lower the limbs in front of us. Exercise is repeated 8-12 times, not forgetting to synchronize movements with breathing.
  4. The right hand to throw behind the head along the spine, and the left moves from the bottom to meet it. You have to try and connect your fingers. If this does not work, you can use a handkerchief. In this position, we do 10-15 cycles of inhalation-exhalation.

At a curvature of a neck such asanas are especially useful:

  • the posture of a cat (marjarianasana);
  • pose of the sphinx (vyagrasana);
  • pose of a grasshopper (shalabhasana).

Also, every possible inclination and rotation of the head, performed exercises with the ball, rolling it from one shoulder to the other.

Exercises in chest scoliosis

Correct the chest deflection will help the side bar. With regular exercise, this exercise can heal the initial stage of scoliosis in just a few months and significantly reduce back pain. In addition, it is good for people who are trying to get rid of extra pounds.

Consider the technique of getting into the side bar in stages:

  • we lay down on the right side;
  • a straight left foot is placed on top of the right;
  • the right arm is bent at the elbow and placed directly under the shoulder;
  • we rise on the elbow, the entire body must be stretched straight into the string;
  • the left arm rises or fits on the waist;
  • Socks are stretched from themselves.

We hold the asanas for several tens of seconds, helping ourselves with breathing. Then repeat the exercise to the other side.

Other useful asanas in breast scoliosis:

  • the pose of the hero 1 (virabhadrasana);
  • the posture of an elongated triangle (utthita trikonasana);
  • pose of the locust (shalabhasana);
  • the bow of the hero (adho mukha virasana);
  • the pose of a cat, pointing claws.

Exercises for scoliosis of the lower back

When the lumbar region is affected, it is recommended to perform a complex of asymmetric exercises on different sides of the body. Good fit light twisting, slopes, shallow deflections back (you can use rollers).

Here is a small set of useful exercises:

  1. Sit on the floor with crossed legs, palms rest on their knees. With an inspiration, raise your hands up. On exhalation bend forward, leaning his hands on the floor. Gradually we move forward with our hands, helping ourselves with breathing.
  2. The starting position is the same. Gradually, we lean to the left. Thus the right arm rises upwards, and the left hand is located on the floor perpendicular to the thigh. In this position, we do 5-10 cycles of breathing, then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  3. On inhaling completely straighten your back. Place your left hand on your right knee, and with your right fingers, gradually tilt your body to the right. On exhalation, maximally extend the body, drawing in the belly. We do a few breaths-exhalations and repeat the exercise on the left side.
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For lumbar therapy, it is recommended:

  • uttanasana - tilt forward standing;
  • jana shirshasana - the inclination of the head to the knee;
  • bharadvajasana, - twisting sitting on the knees;
  • shavasana (pose of a corpse) - the crown of yoga, complete relaxation of the body.

Complex yoga therapy with curvature of the spine

At a scoliosis first of all it is necessary to aspire to the conscious management of the body, to develop mobility of the musculoskeletal system, musculature of the legs, pelvis, abdomen.

You should constantly monitor the correct posture at home and at work.

If necessary, you can adjust the position of the body using improvised means (for example, the lining under the pelvis when working at the computer).

Here is an example of yoga practice in C-shaped scoliosis:

  1. Full yoga breathing, nadi shodhana, breath of Ujaya in a simple pose with crossed legs. If necessary, additional devices are used: lining under the pelvis, chairs for supporting the hands. Breathing ujayi try to keep the whole practice.
  2. We move into the pose of a cat. We perform light wave movements about 20 times. To fix asanas we use bricks, blankets, etc.
  3. We complicate the pose. The right leg goes back, the left leg is centered. My chest stretches forward, my heel - back. On exhalation, the back is rounded, the forehead is pressed against the knee. We repeat in the dynamics of 10-20 times on each side.
  4. Another variation of the same asana. One leg is pulled back parallel to the floor with an elongated heel. On an exhalation - a forehead to a knee. 10-20 times on each side.
  5. Elbows are located under the shoulder joints, knees - under the hip. On the inhalation, the hand stretches forward with the palm of the hand downward, on the exhalation we round the back, the neck and shoulders relax. The work is carried out only on one side - 8-12 times.
  6. The elbows are placed closer to the knees. The crown and coccyx are pulled upward with resistance. 8-12 times.
  7. We pass to the adho mukho virasanu. The pelvis is on the heels. On exhalation, we stretch out our arms in front of us for 1 minute.
  8. We lay down on the stomach. The arm of the concave side of the body extends forward, and the heel of the convex side - back.
  9. We pass to the side. We lift the pelvis, hips and stomach. The emphasis is on the elbow, feet and lower leg. The neck hangs freely. 8-12 times.
  10. Compensate the voltage. Lying on your stomach, pull your leg forward. For 10-20 seconds on each side.
  11. Lay down on the back. Alternately pull to the breast first right, then left knee.
  12. Practice ends with shavasana. It can be performed even on the side, if it helps to relax.

The complex can also include asanas aimed at developing flexibility, which involve all groups of muscles of the back.

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Yoga in scoliosis: exercises (asanas) - can I study?

Treatment of scoliosis of the spine with the help of yoga is not so common as treatment with the help of classical therapeutic and preventive physical education (LFK).

Meanwhile, it is a very effective way of treating scoliotic disease of 1 and 2 degrees, whereas at 3 and 4 degrees exercises from yoga (asanas) are strictly not recommended.

In terms of the treatment of scoliosis of the first and second degree, yoga is effective for any localization of pathology, whether it is the thoracic, lumbar or cervical (or rather, cervicothoracic) department.

At what degree of scoliosis can I do yoga?

To some extent, to correct the deformation of the spine and the asymmetry of the body, yoga is useful in three stages of scoliotic disease. With regard to the fourth stage, it is unacceptable, and the point here is not whether yoga is useful in the fourth stage of scoliosis.

The problem is the impossibility of performing even the basic elements of yoga by the patient due to pronounced deformations of the spine. Any attempts to perform exercises with the power of a fraught with serious complications.

Types of scoliosis in the departments of the spine

The situation is completely different if the yoga complex for the back is used to treat the first three stages of scoliosis. In the third stage only basic elements of yoga are allowed, and techniques from Iyengar and their like (implying a high load on the spine) are prohibited.

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What is the result of the training?

The assertion that one can only cure scoliosis with yoga alone can be questioned. Without a comprehensive approach to this disease, a complete cure (if possible) should not be expected.

But in general, with the help of yoga, it is possible to replace therapeutic and prophylactic physical education, although it is not recommended to do this. Ideally, you need to combine these two methods of treatment, which in the end will give an impressive result.

Good results from yoga should be expected in the first and second stages of scoliosis. In the third stage, it very successfully reduces the intensity of the symptoms of the disease (for example, pain), but does not lead to a cure (in most cases, it can not do without surgery).

Right-sided and left-sided scoliosis

In general, with the help of yoga it is possible to strengthen the muscular corset of the back and even to correct the posture, but as an independent the technique of scoliosis treatment is not suitable, therefore it is necessary to apply it in combination with other methods of therapy.
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What asanas can I perform?

Yoga has many directions, there are many asanas (types of exercises), all of them are more or less useful, but not all are acceptable for the treatment of scoliosis. But even the remaining resolved asanas are more than enough to achieve excellent therapy results.

In scoliosis, the following asanas are allowed:

  1. Pose of a cat or "Marjarianasana".
  2. Pose of the tiger or Vyagrasana, pose of the Sphinx.
  3. Pose of the blacksmith or "Shalabsan the pose of a corkscrew.
  4. Exercise "pulling cat".
  5. Exercise the bow of the hero or "Adho Mukha Virsana."
  6. Exercise of an elongated triangle or "Utthita Trikonasana."
  7. The first pose of the hero or "Virabhadrasana 1".
  8. Locust position or "Shalabhasana".
  9. Exercises "Shavansa "Uttansana" and "Bharadvajasana" (the first and second).
  10. Slopes of the head to the knee (pose "Jan Shirsan").

Symptoms of scoliosis in a child

All exercises must be performedextremely slowly and accurately. Remember that with scoliosis the spine is "weakened" and any of his injuries will be complicated more than in a healthy person. All other asanas are either not recommended or prohibited.
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Contraindications yoga in scoliosis

Even specialized in the therapy of scoliosis, therapeutic and preventive physical education has a number of contraindications, what can we say about yoga. It, unfortunately, has even more contraindications than the classical therapeutic and prophylactic complex of exercises.

Contraindications yoga in scoliosis are:

  • period of exacerbation of scoliotic disease (it is necessary to wait for its cessation);
  • malignant neoplasms of the spinal column;
  • craniocerebral trauma with severe course;
  • uncompensated pathologies of the cardiovascular or bronchopulmonary system;
  • systemic infectious diseases or infections occurring locally in the locomotor system;
  • Scoliosis of the fourth degree (and in some cases, the third, but it is necessary to discuss such nuances with the doctor);
  • physical exhaustion;
  • presence of vertebral artery syndrome;
  • fever, severe dizziness, or headaches.

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Asanas with cervical scoliosis

Asanas for the treatment of cervical scoliosis are aimed at restoring muscles and straightening the spine. All the elements of yoga for the neck are based on the making of the slopes and the rotation of the head, and also on working with the ball.

Yoga in scoliosis

Effective asanas for cervical scoliosis:

  • Exercise "Marjarianasana" or an element of "cat pose
  • exercise "Vyagrasana" or the element "pose of the tiger
  • asan "pose of the Sphinx
  • asan "pose of corkscrew
  • asan "Shalabsana" or the element "pose of a grasshopper".

The cervical region of the spine is an extremely vulnerable and to some extent fragile area, which even in healthy people is constantly confirmed to be traumatized.

This means that when practicing yoga in relation to the neck, one should not allow sharp movements and, if any symptoms appear (headache, dizziness), stop immediately.

If you experience dizziness, headache, or any other symptoms while performing neck asanas - contact your doctor immediately.
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Yoga in Scoliosis (video)

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Asanas with chest scoliosis

For the treatment of thoracic scoliotic disease, asanas are prescribed, involving stretching of the spine and normalization of posture. It should be noted that practicing yoga in the scoliosis of the thoracic region is not an easy matter (with the waist and neck everything is much simpler).

Effective asanas in breast scoliosis:

  • exercise "pulling cat
  • asana "Adho Mukha Virsana" or the element "the inclination of the hero
  • Exercise "Utthita Trikonasana" or element of "elongated triangle
  • exercise "Virabhadrasana No. 1" or the element "the first pose of the hero
  • asana "Shalabhasana" or the element "locust pose".

Yoga in chest scoliosis

You already know that with regard to the thoracic spine, yoga is given very uneasy. At first, you might think that this is an impossible activity, but we assure you that it will not be that long and you will get used to it. Exercise will subsequently be given extremely easily.
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Asanas with lumbar scoliosis

Asanas for the treatment of lumbar scoliotic disease involve the performance of asymmetric physical exercises.

During the gymnastic elements, the load is distributed mainly to the affected area of ​​the back, thereby strengthening the muscles in it and straightening the scoliotic arch.

Effective asanas with lumbar scoliosis:

  1. Exercise "Shavasana" or relaxation in the "posture of the dead."
  2. Asan "Uttansana" (stretching the spinal column).
  3. Exercise "Bharadvajasana" (first and second version) - perform extremely carefully, since there is a moderate axial load.
  4. Exercise "Jan Shirsan" (implies the inclination of the head to the knee).

Yoga not only supplements, but also replaces exercise therapy in scoliosis

The first two months to perform the described elements need a short time to allow the body to get used to such physical stress. Further it will be possible to perform them for a long time and even combine them with classical exercises from exercise therapy.
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Security measures

Without knowledge of safety techniques in yoga, patients constantly make very serious mistakes, which in scoliosis are fraught with the development of complications. Therefore, it is very important not to make such mistakes, for which we recommend to familiarize yourself with basic safety measures:

  1. Regardless of the purpose and meaning of the exercise, it must be done slowly. In the video lesson, does the coach do it quickly? Ignore and do it slowly. The back of the patient with scoliosis is very vulnerable to sudden movements.
  2. Eliminate any axial and rotational loads. This means that exercises with twisting of the trunk are prohibited, regardless of the stage and form of the scoliotic disease.
  3. Regardless of your state of health, possibilities and motivation - a visit to a doctor before starting yoga classes is mandatory! Consult about the advisability of such treatment with a doctor-therapist, neurologist or traumatologist.

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