Cone under the knee from behind and in front: causes


  • 1A cone under the knee at the back and front - what kind of illness is it and how to treat it?
  • 2The bump under the knee is an alarming symptom!
  • 3Cone under the patella
    • 3.1Knuckles at the knee from the front
    • 3.2Ostuggut-Schlatter disease
    • 3.3Diseases of bones
    • 3.4Hoff's disease
    • 3.5Cones behind the knee
    • 3.6Baker's cyst
    • 3.7Vascular and Nervous Pathologies
    • 3.8Cones that can appear on either side of the knee
    • 3.9Tumor of the Meniscus
    • 3.10Bursites
    • 3.11Mechanical damage and other causes
  • 4Tumor under the knee at the back: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods
  • 5What if you notice a swelling under the knee?
    • 5.1Baker's cyst after 40
    • 5.2Meniscus cyst
    • 5.3Hoff's disease - clarifications
    • 5.4Soft tissue damage
    • 5.5Diseases of nerve fibers and blood vessels
    • 5.6Methods of treatment
    • 5.7Traditional treatment
    • 5.8First aid for trauma
    • 5.9Folk remedies

A cone under the knee at the back and front - what kind of illness is it and how to treat it?

The knee at the knee in most cases occurs with excessive load on the joint. Traumatized tissues, nerve endings, cartilage of the joint. Accumulates fluid that causes pain and movement restriction.

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An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a medical professional on the basis of the collected history and diagnosis. In the early stages of the disease conservative methods of treatment are used.

When severe forms are resorted to surgical intervention.

Pain under the knee can occur for various reasons, since the knee node is concentrated in the nerve endings and its constituent structural elements: bones, menisci, ligaments, blood vessels and muscles. This part of the foot is subjected to stress when walking, lifting weights, and incorrect seating. Disturbances of blood circulation in the knee causes his illness.

The most common cause of pain in the knee is Kista Baker. This formation is in the popliteal pit with fluid inside.

Occurs when the synovial mucous material flows out of the joint bag. The disease is also called bursitis popliteal pits or hernia. Happens from, to 5 cm across.

The more the lump, the more painful. It is often found in children under 7 years old or in the elderly.

Pathology is associated with the unformed or the beginning of the destruction of the joint. More often the inflammatory process appears on one of the extremities, but occurs simultaneously on both.

At the initial stage, the disease is asymptomatic. There are no painful sensations, there is no reddening on the skin, the structure of the covers does not change. There is no inflammation of the joint.

Sometimes there may be minor pain. The cyst does not change in size. When prescribing treatment at an early stage, it quickly disappears.

With further development of the cyst, the patient begins to feel discomfort in the knee joint, there is swelling. There is a pronounced cone with constant pains, extending to the muscles of the shins.

With loads, pains increase, can be given to the hip. There is a feeling of raspiraniya, associated with the growth of neoplasm. There is stiffness of movements.

The mobility of the knee joint is limited, in severe cases it becomes impossible.

If there is a rupture of the cyst, the fluid spreads through the gastrocnemius muscle. Begin swelling of the knee and lower leg, redness, acute pain in the joint, the body temperature rises.

A large cyst complicates the movement of blood through the veins, compresses the lymph nodes and nerve endings. Stasis is provoked in the blood vessels, which leads to thrombosis, varicosity, thrombophlebitis. Obstruction of lymph leads to a strong swelling of the limb.

Depressed nerves cause numbness of the foot, in severe cases lead to necrosis and suppuration of cysts.

In the treatment of Baker's cysts complex therapy is used: drugs, physiotherapy and curative gymnastics. In advanced cases, surgical intervention is performed.

Drug therapy is used to eliminate pain and inflammation. Medications do not return joint mobility to joints.

In severe forms of lesion, the cyst is punctured, excess fluid is sucked and anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into the knee bowl: Diprospan, Kenalog or hydrocortisone. Such treatment often provokes relapses and it must be re-done.

Physiotherapy involves the imposition of cold compresses, bioresonance and pulse therapy. Apply non-steroidal ointments.

Traditional medicine also offers effective methods of treatment for a cone under the knee from behind.

Means of treatment. Cooking method. Application

Compresses from the decoction of the root of burdock, celandine, golden mustache Take for 1 hour. l raw materials, brew in, l boiling water The cloth is soaked in a broth and applied to the knee. Cover with polyethylene, wrap, leave for 3-4 hours
Broth of celandine Young shoots are ground, poured with boiling water. Allow to stand for 15 minutes Apply as a compress twice a day for half an hour
Solution of apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp. a spoon of apple cider vinegar is mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of honey. Pour a glass of warm water Take 3 times after eating
Sunflower oil application 100 g of sunflower oil is heated on a water bath A warm compress is applied to the sore spot 2 times a day
Compress with aloe juice 1 hour l aloe, 1 h. l of lemon juice and 1 g of streptocide are mixed to a homogeneous consistency Spread on the knee, wrapped in film. Cover with a warm towel, leave overnight
Infusion of the grass of the golden mustache Fresh grass is ground. Apply a floor of a three-liter jar, pour boiling water, insist 3 weeks Take 2 tbsp. l 2 times a day

The second most common disease that causes cones in the knee is the cyst of the meniscus. Two knee joint meniscus serve as shock absorbers, which soften friction and impact.

If a cavity is formed in the middle of the meniscus, it is filled with a mucous substance, a meniscus cyst is formed.Pathology is more common in middle-aged people with arthritis and arthrosis.

Also, the meniscus cyst is stimulated by trauma and overload of the knee joint.

The cyst develops in three stages:

  • At the first stage of pain moderate, there is a slight stiffness in the limb. Pain increases with exercise, do not disturb at rest.
  • At the second stage, the degeneration of the cartilaginous structures begins, the edema appears on the bone, the pains begin to have a permanent character.
  • At the third stage, not only cartilage, but also tissues in the joint zone degenerate, a protrusion appears. Over time, it becomes denser, restricts limb movement, swelling does not subside, causes acute pain.

The meniscus cyst requires surgery. In the second and third stages of the disease, it is removed. With a capsule, cysts also remove part of the affected meniscus.

The first stage of the disease can be cured. The cyst resolves after pumping out the fluid from it and the appointment of non-steroid drugs, the course of physiotherapy.

In addition to the above listed common diseases, there are also those that only a qualified specialist can recognize.

The knee of a man always carries a heavy load. The joint often suffers from injuries and various diseases. Existing diseases of the knee joint have similar symptoms, but the causes of the development of pathology are different.

If the fat tissue around the knee joint is damaged, Goff's disease develops. Symptoms of the disease are similar to a meniscus cyst. The disease without treatment leads to arthrosis, can go into a chronic form and is accompanied by constant pain in the knee cap.

The causes are hormonal failure in conjunction with joint arthrosis. Diagnosis can only be determined by a qualified specialist.

In addition to the fatty layer, the knee also contains other soft tissues: muscles, tendons, ligaments. If they are injured, a tumor can appear under the knee and on it.

Especially often there are tumors in people whose life is associated with excessive physical exertion.

Sedentary work, a long stay in an uncomfortable position, provokes tumors that visually look like bumps on their knees. There is a jamming of the ligaments, swelling of the knee joint.

Unlike other diseases, it is accompanied by drawing pains, when examining the tissues are solid.

One of the symptoms of these diseases is the formation of the cone in front or behind the knee. The causes of the disease are thrombosis of the popliteal vein, an aneurysm of the arteries or inflammation in the tibial nerve.

Thrombosis of the vein under the knee is dangerous and can result in restriction of joint and limb movements. Developed in people already suffering from varicose veins.

The aneurysm is accompanied by a pulsating or drawing pain. The artery exfoliates, its wall is thinned and protrusion occurs. With palpation of the cone, a pulsation is felt. You can not start a disease, a hemorrhage can begin. Treatment of the disease involves only surgical intervention.

With inflammation of the tibial nerve, only surgical treatment is indicated. All damaged tissue is removed. The disease is accompanied by acute pain, spreading to the foot.

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The bump under the knee is an alarming symptom!

First of all, it should be learned - just so the defect does not appear. If there is a lump under the knee from behind, it is necessary to identify the cause. This is the only way to get rid of the discomfort that causes a defect in walking.

In fact, the reasons for the appearance of cones are numerous. Let's try to consider the most important of them, requiring immediate medical intervention.

This pathology is characterized by a slight swelling of the tissues behind the knee. The size of the cone is small, it looks more like a swelling.

The cause of the defect is an inflammatory process, which increases the production of synovial fluid in the joint.

As a result, the popliteal cavity is "decorated" with a slight swelling, which causes minor discomfort.

Nevertheless, treatment is necessary. If you start the process, it is likely that there is a blood circulation disorder in this area and the formation of blood clots.

The treatment is performed surgically - the liquid that has accumulated in the joint is aspirated with a syringe.

Antibacterial drugs that reduce inflammation are injected into the joint zone.

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In the case of an ongoing course of Becker cysts, a full-fledged operation may be required. However, most often the defect passes independently, joint dissection is rarely recommended.

However, it should be remembered that in a greater degree pathologies are affected by women over 40 years of age and their lack of treatment can lead to thrombosis or varicose veins.

A cone behind the knee may appear due to a purulent-inflammatory process. A distinctive sign of this pathology is severe pain upon palpation of the formation. Most often the process develops as a result of infection of the open wound.

Infection leads to an abscess and bacteria entering the lymphatic system, which is accompanied by swelling of the nearest lymph nodes. At the same time, bacteriophages, defenders of the body, attack uninvited guests, which also causes tissue swelling.

Treatment of a purulent-inflammatory process should be started as soon as the first signs appear. In the absence of proper treatment, the infection can spread throughout the leg and spread to other parts of the body. That is, the probability of necrotic process and sepsis is not excluded.

In the popliteal fossa, near the large vessels, the tibial nerve passes. In case of its inflammation, a slight soft swelling appears in the posterior part of the knee. The defect causes severe pain and prevents the leg from bending.

If you start inflammation, soon the pain will start to give and stop. Treatment of pathology is carried out with painkillers, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs. Surgery is also possible. When the process progresses, the affected tissues are excised.

Such a disease, as an aneurysm, is characterized by gradual exfoliation, as well as protrusion of the arterial vessel. Often, a similar process is observed in the region of the knee joint. In this case, under the knee, a lump is formed.

In addition, an aneurysm causes severe pulsating pain in the joint. The absence of treatment is fraught with heavy bleeding. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, surgical intervention is recommended.

The appearance of a tumor in the popliteal zone can lead to thrombosis.

The disease is caused by clogging of blood vessels or narrowing of their lumen, which leads to a violation of blood circulation and inflammatory process.

Unlike aneurysms, thrombosis is not accompanied by any expressed symptoms and it is rather difficult to identify it in this area. Fortunately, under the knee pathology is very rare.

Disease caused by inflammation in the prepatellar articular bag. The cone usually appears in front, above the patella. But puffiness can affect the popliteal area. A defect provokes painful sensations when the joint is bent, the pain increases with movement.

Treatment should be carried out immediately, to prevent the transition of the process to a chronic form. In this case, any hypothermia or trauma to the bone leads to a relapse.

Of course, the risk of injury in the popliteal zone is much lower than the bone injury below the knee. However, such defects can be observed in a child or an adult.

After all, trauma leads not only to bruises of bones, but also to the sprain of the ligaments, which is often accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues in the popliteal fossa and below.

The tumor can also be on the side of the joint.

Carefully studying the clinical picture of these problems, you can see how similar the symptoms of these pathologies are.

Indeed, if a person complains of a bump under the knee or a little lower, swelling over the bone and soreness during movement and touch, how to determine the cause?

After all, it is from the exact diagnosis that the effectiveness of treatment depends.

For this, there is a diagnosis. As a rule, a person who has turned to an orthopedist with complaints of edema in the popliteal zone and below it is prescribed a series of studies.

Among them we can mention:

  1. X-ray. This procedure is necessary for bruises, as it allows to identify possible cracks in the joint itself, in the lower and upper parts of the bones;
  2. fluoroscopy allows you to see the damage characteristic of muscle tissue;
  3. arthroscopy is a mini-operation, which makes it possible to examine the joint from the inside;
  4. Tomography is a method by which a layered image of the joint region is obtained;
  5. a blood test - to detect the concentration of cholesterol and lipids.

Only after receiving the results can we talk about the causes of cones in the area under the knee, or in the upper or lower zone.

So do not try to diagnose yourself. Remember that in case of self-treatment, you risk getting an immobilized leg. Is it better to entrust your health to experienced professionals?

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Cone under the patella

A cone under the knee can talk about various diseases. When diagnosing its origin, it is important to collect anamnesis and conduct additional examinations.

The patient's activity is important, since such formations are often the result of a bruise or a fall.

In addition, there are age-related pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, typical only for children or for adults.

The cone may appear suddenly or gradually increase in size, be hard or soft, cause pain or be painless. All these nuances will allow you to determine its nature and to prescribe the right treatment.

Knuckles at the knee from the front

The knee joint is a junction of three bones that are connected by muscles and ligaments. At the front, it is covered with a kneecap, which protects its structures from bumps and damages. Below it are the vessels and nerves that nourish the joint and ensure its well-coordinated work.

Ostuggut-Schlatter disease

Ostgutt-Schlatter disease, or osteochondropathy, is a disease that affects teenagers aged 8-16 years.

Particular importance in its development is the physical activity of the patient.

The child at this age is intensely growing and forming bones of the skeleton, and excessive sports can cause injuries to the ligaments of the patella.

Diseases of bones

The basis of the knee joint is 3 large bones (femoral, large and small tibia), as well as the patella (patella).

With their diseases, growths can appear on their surface.

They are dense and do not in themselves cause pain, but can compress surrounding tissues and provoke the development of inflammation.

Among such pathologies can be identified:

  • Osteoarthritis is the gradual destruction of articular cartilage. As it is erased, a layer disappears, which cushions between the articular surfaces of the bones. As a compensatory mechanism, the body tries to restore the joint and begins to build up tissue on the bone. Such growths can appear on the anterior or lateral surfaces of the knee.
  • Neoplasms of bones can appear at any age, be benign or malignant. In the first case, they are formed for a long time and are first discovered in childhood. Malignant tumors are characterized by rapid growth and are diagnosed mainly in adults.

The knee has a complex structure, and the cone may be an inflammation or a malignancy of one of its structures

Bony growths can not be completely eliminated. Treatment of arthrosis involves taking medications that will prevent further destruction of the cartilage, relieve pain and inflammation. With neoplasms, self-medication can be especially dangerous, especially in malignant processes.

Hoff's disease

Normally, the knee joint includes the body of Hoff, a collection of fat cells that are surrounded by a capsule and are under the knee cap.

Hoff's disease is a chronic aseptic (inflammatory) inflammatory process that affects the fatty body. It can occur after injury or increased stress on the knee.

Predisposing factors include elderly age, female gender and unregulated physical activity.

Among the symptoms of Hoff's disease are most often manifested:

  1. pain under the knee;
  2. a lump under the kneecap, which may have a different consistency and size;
  3. impossibility to fully unbend the limb in the joint.

During the course of the disease, normal fatty tissue is gradually replaced by an inelastic fibrous tissue. It reduces the amplitude of the joint, causes pain and inflammation of surrounding tissues.

It is recommended to inject special medications into the joint cavity from the treatment measures, which will restore its nutrition.

In addition, you need to do exercises, massage and attend physiotherapy.

Cones behind the knee

In some cases, the cone may puff up behind the knee, in the popliteal cavity. This is a dangerous location, because in this area there is a large number of vessels that carry blood to the lower parts of the limbs and feet. In addition, in this area on the legs is a congestion of nerves.

The popliteal cyst (Baker's cyst) appears only on the posterior surface of the knee joint

Baker's cyst

The Baker's cyst (popliteal, knee cyst) is a lump under the knee from behind, filled with liquid contents. It often occurs in preschool children and in adults over 35 years of age. Frequent causes of its appearance are trauma, arthritis or arthrosis.

The course of the disease has its own characteristics:

  • small cysts may not cause discomfort and not palpate when viewed;
  • large formations cause pain when trying to bend the leg in the knee joint;
  • there may be pain in the standing position;
  • most often the pain extends to the entire joint, because the cyst is a secondary pathology.

In order to prescribe a treatment for the appearance of the popliteal cyst, you need to determine the underlying disease. Inflammation can be removed with anti-inflammatory gels and ointments.

To restore the function of the joint it is necessary to do gymnastics and undergo a course of physiotherapy.

If the cyst is large and interferes with movement, its contents are removed and its cavity is disinfected.

Vascular and Nervous Pathologies

In the popliteal fossa important veins and arteries lie, which blood supply not only the knee, but also the lower parts of the limbs.

Their diseases can be manifested in the form of cones in the region of the knee.

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This localization is most frequent, because in this area the skin is thin, and the vessels pass right under it.

  1. Phlebeurysm─ this is a disease in which the venous outflow from the distal parts of the limbs is disturbed. Typical cones are their widened areas, where blood accumulates. They can be painless and accompanied by swelling and fatigue in the legs.
  2. An anerism of the popliteal artery─ this expansion and protrusion of its walls. As a result, a small area is formed, filled with arterial blood, which has the appearance of convexity under the knee. A characteristic feature is that the aneurysm will pulsate.
  3. Inflammation of the tibial nerveis manifested by irritation and inflammation of surrounding soft tissues. In this case, the edema under the knee is painful, and the sensations can extend to the shin and foot.

Treatment of such diseases should be comprehensive. In addition to the standard painkillers, it is necessary to use ointments and creams that strengthen the vascular walls. It is important for the patient to bear reasonable physical activity and not to allow the appearance of excess weight.

The bump under the knee may be a pathological dilatation of the vessels

Cones that can appear on either side of the knee

In some diseases, cones may have different locations. They arise in front or behind the knee joint, but have a common origin. Such formations may be a symptom of a meniscus tumor or mechanical damage in the knee area ─ bruises.

Tumor of the Meniscus

The tumor (cyst) of the meniscus is a small solid cone on the front or back surface of the foot with a diameter of about 3 cm. Meniscus is a cartilaginous layer that lines the knee joint from the inside.

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The development of the disease occurs in several stages:

  • Damage to the meniscus can be caused by trauma, a violation of cartilage nutrition or other joint diseases (arthritis, arthrosis).
  • The mucous exudate accumulates in the joint cavity, which extends beyond it in the form of a cone.
  • Inflammatory process can affect surrounding tissues ─ muscles, ligaments, tendons.

In its structure, the formation is a cyst, since it is filled with a liquid.

At the first stages, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used, which can eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

If they do not help, doctors choose the way how to treat a tumor surgically. In some cases, part of the meniscus is also removed with neoplasm.


The joint bursa (bag) is a capsule that surrounds the joint structures and protects them from mechanical stress. Its inflammation (bursitis) can develop for various reasons. It can be trauma, inflammation of surrounding tissues or an infection process.

Bumps with bursitis have different localization and shape:

  1. on top of the patella it looks like a small swelling;
  2. front of the patella can reach large sizes;
  3. front under the knee, it is clearly limited;
  4. behind the knee ─ can be very large.

With bursitis, the formations have a soft consistency, when they palpate, pain occurs.

In the infectious process they are filled with purulent contents, it will be more dense.

If the lump appeared simultaneously with a deterioration in overall health, an increase in body temperature and weakness, the symptoms speak of an infectious bursitis.

When a cone appears near the knee, it is necessary to support the joint with an elastic bandage and go to the doctor

Mechanical damage and other causes

A cone in the region of the knee can be a hematoma that occurs after a fall or stroke.

It hurts for some time after the injury, and then begins to dissolve. As a treatment, cold compresses and anesthetic ointments are chosen.

If the education does not pass for a long time, it can speak of the appearance of a nock.

Among other uncharacteristic reasons for the appearance of cones, various forms of arthritis can be distinguished.

So, gouty arthritis (gout) is manifested by the deposition of salts in the joints and soft tissues, and under the skin there are small nodules.

The disease often affects the distal parts of the upper or lower extremities, and then it goes over to the larger joints.

When examining a patient with a cone under the knee, many factors are considered. It is necessary to collect a complete picture, which will determine what kind of a tumor it is.

A simple examination may not be enough: some patients are sent for x-rays, ultrasound or a blood test.

Treatment also can differ, the general recommendation can be only wearing an elastic bandage and taking pain medications.

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Tumor under the knee at the back: causes, diagnosis, treatment methods

On the back surface of the knee joint, people have a so-called mucosal interstitial bag.

With inflammation of the knee joints, fluid accumulates in it, capable of penetrating into this bag through thin cracks.

As a result, a lump is formed in the interbody between the bag and under the knee.

Such a tumor, which appeared behind the knee cap, indicates a rather specific disease called the Becker cyst. It is also called bursitis or hernia popliteal fossa.

The tumor is a soft, but dense to the touch benign formation, a pineal protrusion under the knee from behind, which appears as a result of inflammation of the knee joint. In some cases, the disease is accompanied by pain, but most patients experience minor discomfort in the area of ​​the tumor.

Calling the formation of a cyst under the knee from behind can be such factors:

  • chronic stage of inflammatory processes in the knee joint (front or back);
  • destruction or damage to the cartilage of the joints of the feet;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthritis;
  • knee injury in the front or back, such as dislocations, bumps;
  • improper treatment or lack of treatment for osteoarthritis.

Young people, especially those who are professionally engaged in sports, the causes of the appearance of the disease are most often injuries during physical exercises.

The causes of the appearance of Becker cyst in elderly people - in 90% of cases the results of metabolic-dystrophic and inflammatory diseases.

The edema can develop in the patient even with an absolutely healthy condition of the knee.

Cones arise as a result of the flow of the synovial fluid produced by the body to reduce the friction of mobile joints.

Such a clinical picture is most often found in young patients - adolescents and children.

Identify the true causes of the disease can be using a knee ultrasound or MTP. In rare cases, a puncture of the contents of the tumor is performed for this purpose.

In the early stages of the disease is almost not manifested. The patient experiences only minor discomfort behind the knee. Most often, the patient does not seek medical advice because of a lack of pronounced symptomatology.

Over time, the cyst increases and the pressure on nearby nerves increases. As a result, a person feels numbness in the soles, tingling, minor pain, a feeling of cold under the knees.

With a manual examination, you can see swelling of the joint with clear boundaries, puffiness and numbness near the tissues.

The started stage of the disease is characterized by a disruption in the functioning of the joints of the legs, up to immobility.

The complication of Becker's cyst can be the penetration of fluid from the tendon bag into the muscles, which leads to the appearance of severe pain and swelling of the legs.

Also, in some cases, when the cyst acquires considerable dimensions, it can squeeze the blood vessels of the legs, leading to blood stasis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, etc. For the same reason, the patient may develop necrosis or inflammation of the bone marrow.

A tumor under the knee at the back requires immediate treatment - this illness alone does not pass.

In the early stages of Becker's cyst, medication is possible, which the doctor appoints individually, depending on the patient's condition, age and lifestyle. However, in most cases, drug therapy does not lead to recovery, but only partially reduces symptomatology.

One of the most effective surgical interventions in the Becker cyst is a puncture. A surgeon with a thick needle pierces the cone and sucks the fluid that has accumulated in the cavity from it.

After this procedure, an anti-inflammatory steroid is injected into the cavity - it can be Diprospan, Triamcinolone, Berlikort, etc.

In many cases, puncture gives only a temporary effect and over time, due to physical exertion, the fluid fills the cavity again, resulting in edema.

At the time of remission, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy. Physical exercises are prescribed by the physiotherapist and during the first sessions it monitors their correct performance. Subsequently, the patient can engage in therapeutic exercises at home and make a self-massage.

In some cases, the surgeon can suggest removal of the cyst if the tumor can not be removed by another route.

Indications for a surgical operation are such factors:

  1. soreness of the edema;
  2. the inability of man to lead a habitual way of life;
  3. large tumor size;
  4. marked progression of the disease, rapid growth of the cyst;
  5. impossibility of treatment by other methods.

For surgery, local anesthesia is used, the patient hears and understands everything, but does not feel pain.

The operation lasts no more than half an hour, the next day the patient is released home.

Five days after the operation, the patient can already perform moderate physical exertion, and after another two days the stitches are removed.

Reduce pain and swelling of the knee with the help of folk remedies.

Applications. The leaves of elder and raspberries are washed under running water, poured with a liter of boiling water (you should take the leaves in the same proportion). Insist the broth should be half an hour.

Wet warm leaves should be laid on a sore knee (or knees) for two hours daily.

Before the procedure, you should wash and dry the skin under the knee, do not apply any creams, medicines, etc. on it.

In order not to stain the bed or furniture, it is necessary to cover the bed with a wide oilcloth.

To strengthen the joints use also a decoction of a golden mustache.

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To cook it, fill the jar with a crushed and cleaned golden herb grass for two thirds, fill it with clean water and let it sit for twenty days in a place protected from sunlight.

To take such a decoction you need half a cup three times a day on an empty stomach, before eating.

You can also use the decoction as a compress - moistened in a liquid cotton or gauze bandage for half an hour to apply to the patient knee from behind.

It is very important to understand that folk methods of treatment can help get rid of symptoms only at the initial stage of the disease. If the tumor behind the knee has significant dimensions, delivers a person discomfort or pain, surgical intervention is necessary.

Methods to prevent the appearance of a tumor is the timely treatment of joint diseases.

If you pay attention to soreness, tingling, numbness in the knees, a regular crunch when Move as quickly as possible for qualified medical care and do not delay treatment for later.

It is also very important to eat right - limit consumption of salty foods, fast food, eat more fresh or stewed vegetables, greens, fruits.

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What if you notice a swelling under the knee?

The condition of the knee joints directly affects the ability of a person to walk, perform domestic and sports movements, in some cases even work. Causes, because of which there is a tumor under the knee at the back set. Here are the most common:

  • traumatic affection of the joint;
  • damage to muscle tissue;
  • fracture of bones;
  • pathological changes in lymph;
  • defeat of nerve endings;
  • problems with blood vessels;
  • Baker's cyst;
  • cyst of meniscus;
  • Hoff's disease.

The doctor will be able to prescribe the most optimal and adequate treatment only after determining the final diagnosis.

In fact also a tumescence under a knee in front, or behind can provoke a jamming of nerves in a backbone at an osteochondrosis. And in this case, you do not need a knee cap.

If the injuries are more and more clear, then such ailments as the cyst of the meniscus, Baker's cyst and others on the list, need to be disassembled in more detail.

Baker's cyst after 40

The motor capacity of the knee joint is realized due to the ligamentous apparatus, cartilage on articular surfaces (bones) and synovial fluid.

It is the latter component that allows the bones in the joint to move smoothly and not to rub against each other.

If the articular fluid is produced in excess of the norm, then its excess pours out like swelling under the knee from the inside or from the outside.

This phenomenon is called Baker's cyst. Most often it occurs after forty years.

The patient does not immediately notice the symptomatology, since the swelling under the knee does not hurt at first.

And a little later develops a strong edema, a noticeable discomfort when you move, tingling and numbness of the foot appears.

The next stage in the development of the disease is the appearance of a dense neoplasm under the kneecap. It is accompanied by pain in the joint and gives to the calves. With such symptoms, you can not delay, you need to immediately contact the doctor.

Meniscus cyst

In the knee joint is a cartilage in the form of a crescent. It can be external and internal. Its function is to protect the joint from excessive mobility and friction of bones. In one of these cartilages, a cyst can be formed. This is an education that is filled with fluid.

Hoff's disease - clarifications

Around the knee joint is the fat tissue. If it is damaged, Goff's disease may be provoked.

It is often confused with a meniscus cyst, since the adipose tissue acts as a buffer zone. Hoff's disease must be treated without delay.

After all, the disease can go into a chronic form and as a complication cause arthrosis, constant pain in the kneecap.

The main causes of the appearance of an ailment are hormonal disruptions in the body and the available arthrosis. When palpation can be diagnosed only in acute form of the disease. The symptomatology is the same as in the case of other causes of the tumor - puffiness, tenderness and narrow limb movements.

Soft tissue damage

In addition to fat tissue around the knee joint, there are other soft tissues (ligaments, muscle tissue, tendons). When their lesion also swells under the knee.

Such situations arise as a consequence of a strong physical load, as well as a long stay in one uncomfortable position. As a result, there is an infringement of the tendon and ligaments, swelling of the knee.

Such an ailment, unlike Baker's cyst, is characterized by drawing pains, and when palpation the place of edema is dense.

Diseases of nerve fibers and blood vessels

In this group of reasons, when the knee is swollen, three main ailments are singled out: thrombosis in the vein under the knee, artery aneurysm, inflammatory process in the tibial nerve. The thrombosis in most cases at the initial stage proceeds without a pain (only there is an edema under a knee in front).

With an aneurysm, the patient feels a throbbing pain, or a pulling pain. This is due to the process of exfoliation of the artery and the appearance of protrusion in it.

To distinguish from Baker's cysts, one must feel the swelling, if there is a pulsation, then this is an aneurysm. Such a tumor is treated only operably by removal.

It is impossible to delay, as extensive bleeding can begin.

The nerve of the tibia is located at the bottom of the fossa under the knee, near the veins and the artery.

When the nerve is inflamed, the patient feels a severe acute pain under the knee, which extends to the foot.

Most likely for complete recovery, surgery will be necessary to remove damaged tissue.

Also, an acute inflammatory process in the vessels and nerves in the region of the knee may be the result of squeezing and inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In any case, a thorough diagnosis and identification of the exact cause is necessary.

Methods of treatment

What if I swollen under my knee in the back or in front? First of all visit a doctor (traumatologist, surgeon, neurologist), who will be able to give you an accurate diagnosis.

Having figured out the reasons for the edema above, we understand that the method of treatment directly depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Below we will consider the traditional treatment for different pathogenesis of the tumor and a couple of folk recipes.

Traditional treatment

As we have already said, first determine the cause of the edema, then treat it. But in any case, in addition to the basic treatment, we need to remove symptoms.

For this, non-steroidal pain medication (Ibuprofen, Ketoral and others) is taken, ointment is applied to the knee with the same properties as oral medicines.

And, of course, peace for the injured limb.

When clarifying the pathogenesis of pain, the physician determines the necessary medications - antibiotics for infectious damage, anti-inflammatory in the inflammatory process.

With acute pain and severe swelling can suck excess fluid, and also prick painkillers directly into the knee.

Thus, puffiness and pain syndrome is removed more quickly.

In the treatment of Baker's cyst with the help of puncture, excess fluid is removed, an anti-inflammatory drug is injected and a tight bandage of elastic bandage is put on.

And until the unpleasant sensations pass, the leg should be in a calm state. If the cyst is started, then this method of treatment will not help.

It is necessary to remove the mucous membranes in the articulation bag by surgical means.

First aid for trauma

If you have just been injured, the following steps should be taken to reduce swelling under the knee:

  1. The foot is fixed in the position in which it is located. If the victim can not move it, then in no case should it be done in his place. Fix the current position with an elastic bandage, or with improvised means.
  2. Apply something cold to the site of the injury. Due to what the vessels are lent, the blood circulation passes more slowly. As a result, the pain syndrome decreases, prevents hematoma and severe swelling.
  3. Contact a doctor. Since it is impossible to determine the complexity of a traumatic lesion independently. Namely, the correct treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Folk remedies

Consider a couple of recipes to reduce swelling from the knee from folk medicine. With complex treatment, such drugs bring a very good effect.

  • Squeeze the lemon juice and apply a compress (using gauze) just below the place of edema.
  • Take potatoes, cut and pass through a meat grinder, or a blender. This liquid should be heated with a water bath and wrapped in gauze, put it on the knee. Through the cheesecloth, potato juice should show through. This compress allows you to warm up the localization of pain and swelling. It can not be used in case of bruises and infectious lesions.
  • Take the burdock leaves, rinse and warm with hot water. The skin should be oiled (vegetable), apply a prepared sheet, and then wrapped in polyethylene and fabric. We shoot in twenty-thirty minutes.

In nutrition, it is also worth limiting salt intake, drinking as much water as possible. This allows you to quickly remove puffiness from the body.

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