Inflammation of the lungs without coughing

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing

Can there be pneumonia without a cough?

Inflammation of the lungs without coughingMany are wondering if there can be pneumonia without a cough and often doctors give an affirmative answer to this question. All known symptoms are described in terms of a certain number of patients, but there are exceptions to the general rules. Every organism has its own reaction to this or that disease, that's why they take different forms in everyone. It often happens that even X-ray studies are not able to detect lung inflammation, which occurs with the complete absence of cough. In a special group of risk of asymptomatic inflammation of the lungs are children. Very often parental vigilance is blunted in the absence of pronounced symptoms of the disease and the doctor does not go on time. The bad thing is that in this way there is a serious threat to the health of the child.

Inflammation of the lungs without coughing symptoms

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs without a cough is an increased temperature, indicating the presence of infection in the body. The main difficulty in this situation is the impossibility of determining the presence of inflammation in the lungs. In this case, the diagnosis should be carried out in a differentiated way, provided that the relationship with other morbid conditions is excluded. When diagnosing pneumonia, attention should be paid to signs of a non-specific nature, which include:

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  • pallor of the skin;
  • unhealthy blush;
  • low susceptibility of physical activity;
  • appeared shortness of breath;
  • pains in the chest accompanying each movement.

Defining a hidden inflammation of the lungs, it is most difficult to examine a small child. His state, he can not really describe, when trying to do this is often confused. In this case, the consultation of a qualified doctor will help laboratory diagnosis in order to correctly diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever with a cough

Pneumonia without fever with a cough is a very dangerous disease, which can result in the death of the patient. The danger lies in the absence of symptoms, which allows you to put the correct diagnosis on time and prescribe the appropriate treatment. Cough in this case plays an insidious role, being a symptom of diseases of a different kind and thereby causing the possibility of setting the wrong diagnosis. Ill person can not guess about the nature of his condition, taking measures to alleviate it, while he will be treated completely from another disease. Thus, his condition will be aggravated more and more. In order for this to happen, it is necessary to undergo an X-ray examination in time in order to identify the true cause of what is happening.

Inflammation of the lungs without fever with a cough

Inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature

Symptoms of inflammation of the lungs may be absent due to the localization of the disease in a certain segment or part of the lung tissue. In this case, the patient does not suffer from pain in the lungs, and he does not have a cough. Body temperature also remains within normal limits. This becomes possible with a weakened immunity of the patient or can occur against the background of an uncontrolled intake of antibiotics. Also, the cause of inflammation of the lungs, which occurs in the absence of cough, can be the use of drugs, whose action is aimed at eliminating cough. This pathology is extremely dangerous in pediatric practice, because the child can not properly describe his feelings. Statistical calculations point to the fact that inflammation of the lungs without cough and temperature in most cases results in the death of the patient. This fact explains the need for clear ideas about the nature of the disease, the forms of its course and methods of dealing with it.

What are the symptoms of pneumonia? can it pass without temperature? And the pain behind the sternum can be?


Nina Sulima

There is a pneumonia and without a temperature, called sluggish. Immediately on the X-ray! A bath is contraindicated categorically.


Signs of pneumonia:
You should know some signs that allow you to suspect the development of pneumonia.

1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease.
2. Deterioration after improvement or any "catarrhal disease" lasting more than 7 days.
3. It is impossible to take a deep breath - such an attempt leads to a fit of coughing.
4. The expressed pallor of a skin on a background of other signs ORVI (temperature, a rhinitis, tussis).
5. Shortness of breath at a low body temperature.
6. At high temperature, paracetamol (panadol, epheralgan, tylenol) does not help at all.

I want to emphasize that the knowledge of the 6 mentioned characteristics is not necessary in order to make a diagnosis, but in order not to be drawn with seeking medical help.

Yulia Timoshenko

It is possible complication after SARS. Maybe pneumonia, maybe, pleurisy. I once had bilateral inflammation of the lungs without fever. If it falls so deeply, then the doctor may not listen. In such cases, ALWAYS sent to X-ray. From a warming ointment this should not be, but a hot bath could do much harm.


I had pneumonia and no temperature! What they said is not good. Maybe it's a pain. My pains were below the scapula and severe sweating at night.


bronchitis is a time... (was and still is not over)
2-X-ray of the chest-SROCHCHCHCHCHNAAAAAA!!! !
3-possible bronchopneumonia (as a complication) -pri transfer of the process to the pleura
4-most likely you were prescribed antibiotics, so there is no temperature.. but maybe the body is already so weakened.. .

y)) la-la

maybe bronchitis, and I had pneumonia without temperature, without any manifestations, and without a cough, just heard a whistle in the right lung, but the doctor immediately diagnosed pneumonia, and turned to the doctor simply because she did not want to go to work, went in the hope of a sick leave, and almost hit the hospital

Alexander Lidovsky

When pneumonia usually elevated temperature, but pain, as a rule, no. The described symptoms, rather approach to a small tracheitis or bronchitis. Especially pneumonia so quickly does not pass.


Pneumonia is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature. Pain behind the sternum can be associated with heart disease.


Pneumonia happens without temperature. this often depends on the age and individual reaction of the organism to the infection process.
In your case, more likely bronchitis, he could have overtone bronchopneumonia, but if the lungs are really clean, then he does not overdo it.
But the bronchitis you have is quite medium-heavy, requires careful treatment.

Lydia Schneider

Pneumonia without temperature happens. severe cough, often dry, when not coughing up. If the doctor did not hear anything, this is no reason to calm down. X-ray the chest. Treatment with antibiotics.

Pneumonia without temperature

pneumonia without temperature

Hidden pneumonia is characterized by inflammation of a certain proportion of lung tissue, in particular, does not give any indicative symptoms, including fever, chest pain or cough. This is pneumonia without temperature. More often such pathology happens in people with weakened immunity, which was provoked by constant treatment with antibiotics not for the doctor's prescription.

Pneumonia without cough and fever

Consider the main causes of uncharacteristic pneumonia:

  • reception of many different antibiotics in large quantities;
  • absence of coughing is observed in case of taking strong antitussive drugs;
  • antipyretic drugs in the early stages of the disease;
  • addiction to a certain type of medication;
  • violation of the natural process of sputum discharge.

Pneumonia without temperature - symptoms

Patients with latent pneumonia have a pale complexion, as well as red spots on the face. The disease is also accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • breathing is frequent, while the patient feels a constant shortage of air, which can lead to a greater degree of dyspnea;
  • general weakness of the body and rapid fatigue;
  • difficulty in fully inhaling and exhaling, whistling can be heard;
  • pain in the chest during strong turns on the sides;
  • the movement of the lungs during respiration is observed only on one side, that is, either on the right or on the left.

The final and accurate diagnosis can be made only by a doctor, having previously sent the patient to X-ray.

What is the temperature with pneumonia?

Temperature is one of the most important and significant symptoms of pneumonia. As a rule, the body temperature fluctuates around 38 degrees. Accompanied by an unpleasant chill, sweating in a dream and fever. There are cases when the temperature does not rise above 37 degrees, while the patient feels weak. The temperature after and during pneumonia can last about two days with a fluctuation of one degree. Indicators above 39 degrees are considered high and severe, in which case urgent hospitalization and treatment is needed. If the temperature is low, it is allowed at home to take antipyretics, drink plenty of liquid and wipe with vodka. Do not sweat in hot clothes, it is better to dress in something easier and lower the temperature of the body with room air.

Pneumonia without temperature - treatment

Treatment is accompanied by the intake of antibiotics, just like any other inflammatory diseases of the body. But this does not mean that self-medication with any drugs from the pharmacy is allowed. Direct treatment should be done only by a doctor. Few people manage with home remedies as folk medicine. After all, everyone knows that pneumonia is a very serious infectious disease and you do not need to joke with it. The doctor prescribes treatment only after a complete preliminary examination and passing the X-ray. If you have all the signs of pneumonia without temperature, then in this case it is strictly forbidden to engage in self-medication.

pneumonia without temperature symptomsIncluding, you can not take hot baths, baths and saunas.

With this diagnosis, a visit to the phthisiatrician is necessary to prevent the decomposition of the lungs with prolonged illness. If at the time of not going to the doctor and assuming that malaise and easy fatigue is from work, then everything can end in a fatal outcome. Therefore at the first suspicious signs it is better to address to the doctor. Do not take antibiotics without the instructions of the treating doctor, because this form of the disease is more than serious compared to pneumonia, accompanied by fever and chills.

Cough with pneumonia

Cough with pneumoniaAt first glance, it seems that a simple cold can not develop into pneumonia. In fact, it turns out that it's quite simple, without worthy attention to one's health, it's easy to come to the fact that coughing inflammation of the lungs will be only a small problem, which will face on the way to recovery and recovery of normal state of health.

Is there a cough with pneumonia?

Most people who are faced with colds and taking care of their health, are interested in the question: "Is there a cough with pneumonia?". In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is present. Although, depending on the nature of the course of the disease, it is very different and can have all kinds of forms. In some cases, such as atypical inflammation of the lungs, there is practically no coughing, or it appears very rarely in an unproductive form. Specialists do not allocate cough for inflammation of the lungs as a fundamental symptom, as it can be a clear sign of another disease.

What is a cough for pneumonia?

To say unequivocally what cough with pneumonia is observed in the overwhelming majority of patients is very difficult. As already mentioned, much depends on the nature of the course of the disease. Of all the diversity can be identified the following types of cough:

  • Barking. If the disease has a viral nature, then cough with pneumonia is manifested as a result of trachea and larynx injury. It has a painful character.
  • Bitonal. A prolonged course of pneumonia can lead to the formation of ulcers or wounds in the trachea, which leads to high and low coughing sounds.
  • Productive. Practically from the first day the excretion of the products of vital activity of pathogenic bacteria actively multiplying in the trachea and lungs takes place against the backdrop of inflammatory reactions taking place in the body.
  • Sick. If against a background of strong fighting in the lungs region there is a coughing cough with sputum discharge of brown color or with impurities of blood, the cause is the inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the vocal cords subject to active action viruses.
  • With the syncopation. Against the backdrop of active and violent attacks of productive cough, loss of consciousness occurs due to an active influx of blood into the chest.
  • Staccato. A sharp, short and painful cough. Often, such a cough with pneumonia is caused by chlamydia actively multiplying in the trachea and larynx. It rarely occurs against the background of temperature and lasts for 5-6 days.
  • Spastic. The lungs actively resist manifestations of allergic reactions, as a result of which they try to get rid of the foreign body. Often in adults, a similar type of cough occurs on the background of bronchial asthma.

There are several more types of coughing with pneumonia, but they are characteristic primarily of children, whose protective immune mechanism is not yet sufficiently developed and resistance to various viruses too low.

Dry cough with pneumonia

Quite often dry cough with pneumonia is taken for an ordinary cold. As a result, they start the disease. The products of the disintegration of microorganisms that have a harmful effect can not yet be fully derived, since the time has not yet come for their active reproduction. As a result, dry cough with pneumonia is manifested due to irritation of the nerve receptors, since a large amount of exudate irritating the mucosa has gathered between the tissues of the larynx. Such a course of the disease, against a background of high temperature, can be observed throughout the week. The sooner the products of the disintegration of pathogenic microorganisms begin to be excreted, the faster it will be possible to cope with the disease.

Cough with pneumonia in children

At first glance it seems that coughing with pneumonia in children does not differ from a simple cold. Even experienced parents, before taking a specialist, can not distinguish between a cough and pneumonia from an ordinary cold. For this it is necessary not only to learn the main symptoms of the course of the disease, but also to listen well to the lungs. Missing the moment you can permanently undermine the health of the child.

Cough with pneumonia in children

Cough for pneumonia in children is the following:

  • Active dry barking cough. It arises suddenly. A child during attacks is painful in the larynx. Decay products are not output.
  • Wet, with yellowish clots in expectoration. It appears no earlier than on the 4th-5th day of the course of the disease. At this stage, the body begins to actively fight bacteria and remove the products of their decay.
  • Spastic, against the backdrop of active exposure to an allergen. The child's organism, recognizing a foreign body, tries to push it out with all its might. Against the backdrop of coughing, active sneezing and discharge from the nose can manifest.
  • Whooping cough. Such a cough with inflammation of the lungs in children is very dangerous. Attacks lasting and active. Almost always end up with vomiting. The child literally does not have enough air. During the cough, you can hear an active whistle.

Whatever cough for lung inflammation in children is not observed, it carries a threat to health. In this case, in-patient treatment is necessary under the vigilant supervision of the pediatrician, since prolonged pneumonia can lead to disastrous consequences.

At first glance, coughing with pneumonia seems innocuous. But, after the first tests, the X-ray and the examination, the right medical and therapeutic treatment should be started. Now, with a problem like pneumonia, you can manage in a few weeks. This requires a rational approach and proper treatment under the supervision of specialists.

How to treat bronchitis without coughing?

Bronchitis without a cough in recent times can often be found. Of course, most people believe that with bronchitis there must be a strong cough. Bronchitis is a rather unpleasant disease in which inflammation of the bronchial system begins to develop and a rather violent cough arises. As a result, a lot of specific sputum is released. There are two forms of the disease: acute and chronic. In most cases, acute bronchitis occurs due to the fact that a person falls ill with a cold or flu. The chronic form of bronchitis never arises abruptly. The causes of the appearance of the disease in this case are a long-term irritant effect on the bronchial system.

The problem of bronchitis without a cough

An interesting fact is that the symptoms of the disease persecute the sick person for more than three months. In some cases, the allergic form of bronchitis is also isolated.

Influence of the disease on human bronchi

When a person inhales air, the person first of all enters the nasal cavity, then passes through the larynx and trachea. At the bottom of the trachea, the bronchial system is divided into two parts, through which air enters the lungs of a person. The function that the bronchi performs is very important. It consists in the fact that oxygen enters the lungs, and carbon dioxide goes back along the bronchial tubes.

When there is an inflammatory process in the bronchi, the walls of this organ become much thicker, the lumen narrows, respectively, the amount of sputum significantly increases. Because of sputum and too narrow a lumen a person can not fully breathe, resulting in a severe cough and wheeze - the main symptoms of this extremely unpleasant disease.

Signs of inflammation of the bronchial system

Constant fatigue with bronchitisAs already mentioned many times, the main sign of this disease is a cough. In the first few days, it can be completely insignificant and dry, but throughout the week it will only increase, and sputum will also appear in large quantities. The heavier the disease, the darker the discharge, there are cases when they have a dark brown color.

In addition, there may be other signs of an inflammatory process in the bronchi. They include the following:

  • minor fever;
  • constant fatigue;
  • wheezing and wheezing when breathing;
  • in the chest can be felt pain, which is especially strong when you cough or during deeper breaths.

In some cases, a very high fever and even chills occur along with a cough. If you notice such symptoms, then immediately consult a specialist to check your lungs for inflammation in them.

As a rule, the average duration of bronchitis is two to three weeks and not more. But it is possible that cough can be observed for a month, and sometimes even longer.

The role of cough in the inflammatory process in the lungs

Increase in temperature with bronchitisDue to the fact that in the airway of the patient there are all kinds of foreign particles, mucus begins to stand out in quite a large number, because it is obliged to remove the danger and to neutralize substances that can cause damage to the body rights. Cough also plays a very important role, because it is with its help that the bronchi are cleared not only from the mucus, but also from the microparticles that get into them. Coughing is the usual defensive reaction of the body to irritants, which can cause serious diseases not only of the bronchial, but also the respiratory system.

Is there bronchitis without a cough? The answer to this question is very simple: yes, it happens. When the infection penetrates directly into the bronchioles, in which there is not a single receptor, accordingly, without the appearance of an irritant reaction, there will be no coughing either. If there is no cough during bronchitis, then it is referred to as a chronic form and is called bronchiolitis.

It is interesting that cough to some extent during bronchitis is even useful, because in this way the human organs are cleared, and the disease leaves the body faster.

When there is a bronchitis without a cough?

As a rule, bronchitis without a cough and a slight increase in temperature can be found in children, and in autumn or early spring. Also a similar phenomenon can be found among adults. The absence of a cough in this case can be explained by the following:

Chills - a symptom of bronchitis
  • the disease is only beginning to develop;
  • there was damage to bronchioles or the infection got into them;
  • there is a chronic form of the disease.

If the disease has only begun to develop, and the inflammatory process is still insignificant, then no signs of bronchitis, including cough, may not manifest itself.In some cases, a person may not even guess that he is sick and you need to immediately begin treatment. At the same time, a few days later, because of the large amount of sputum, the first cough will appear, it may be insignificant and may increase with time.

If the bronchitis occurs in the child, and while he does not cough, then instead of this you can clearly hear wheezing or whistling. This is a sign that there are quite a lot of mucus in the bronchi that needs to be removed. As practice shows, often children with bronchitis want to cough, but at the same time the desired receptor does not provoke the appearance of this process.

Absence of a cough: is it dangerous for the patient?

It has already been said that cough is somewhat useful in a disease such as bronchitis, because it is a protective reaction. Thanks to a cough, the body can easily get rid of dangerous microparticles. Accordingly, if this symptom does not exist, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the bronchi themselves are not cleaned, then they accumulate not only a lot of phlegm, which does not allow a person to breathe normally, but also harmful microorganisms. As a result, more serious health problems may develop.

Scheme of bronchitisDoctors pay much attention to those patients who do not cough with bronchitis.

In addition, in this case it is necessary to conduct several times more examinations and to pass a huge number of tests in order to quickly find out the cause of such a phenomenon.

It is often possible to find cases when patients are trying to curb cough and separation of sputum, because it causes them great discomfort. With this behavior with time, sputum begins to increase more intensively in the volume.

The most terrible thing is that it stagnates, which can lead to quite dangerous complications.

As a rule, they are often the following:

  • inflammation of the lungs of varying degrees of difficulty;
  • narrowing of bronchioles;
  • different degrees of bronchioles occlusion.

If for such a disease as bronchitis, in time not to pay attention and not start to heal, the consequences can be quite heavy. There are cases when, in the absence of correct and timely treatment, a person has respiratory failure.


The result of such a complication over time was a cerebral stroke, caused by the fact that it did not get oxygen or its amount was almost insignificant. This process for the brain and the entire body is fatal.

Actions in the absence of cough during bronchitis

If you are ill with bronchitis and you do not have a cough, the specialists will prescribe medications that will help expectorate phlegm, having previously made it more fluid.

In addition, you can independently make decoctions of plantain or licorice. It is worth considering that if you have been prescribed antibiotics or other effective and very strong medicines, then they should be taken several hours before bedtime. So do it because some drugs affect the sleep of a person and can even cause insomnia.


Pay attention to the presence or absence of cough, because if there is no cure, the bronchitis will pass into a sharp form and everything can end with rather dangerous complications.

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