Cough and fever 39 in a child

Strong cough in a child, temperature: what to do?

Very often a cough can be accompanied by a fever in a child, in this situation it is necessary immediately to call the treating doctor. This indicates a serious inflammatory process, various irritants in the respiratory organs. Cough and high fever are typical of such diseases as bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, also for acute respiratory viral infection.

Cough in a child with a fever

When the temperature rises to 38 degrees, this is normal, so the child's immune system is struggling with a virus-respiratory infection. Therefore, this temperature is not recommended to be knocked down. Only when it exceeds 38, 5 degrees, it must be knocked down.

A severe cough and high fever accompanied by rhinitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis. At the child bronchuses are not developed up to the extremity or end, therefore the sputum leaves when it accumulates, bacteria actively develop.

Treatment of cough with fever in a child

1. Will address to the treating doctor, completely to be surveyed, to hand over all necessary analyzes when at the child suspect a pneumonia, it is necessary to pass or take place a roentgenography.

instagram viewer

2. If the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract does not become inflamed, cough is cured and the temperature is soon brought down body, you need to drink as much warm tea, compote from dried fruits, milk with honey and butter.

3. With dry cough and high temperature, it is necessary to use medicines, with the help of which can get rid of cough reflex, get rid of hypersensitivity, irritants in the throat.

4. In cases of high body temperature and wet cough, the child should be given mucolytics, they can be given from one year. It is very important to carefully read the instructions, take exact doses, take it correctly and on time, the medicine should not harm the baby.

Medication for cough with temperature in a child

Medicines must be consumed with a dry cough, so you can reduce the sensitivity in the respiratory tract. You can treat a strong moist cough with various means. Note that mucus is often viscous, to get rid of it, you need to take an expectorant, so you can quickly get the phlegm, to restore the secretion of bronchi. With the help of these drugs can cure bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, cystic fibrosis.

Methods for treating various types of cough with child temperature

With a productive cough, the child makes loud noises, while a sufficient amount of sputum goes away. If the child coughs only in the morning, the temperature at the same time keeps, this indicates that the mucus in it accumulates in the nasopharynx, throat. In this case, it is very important to examine the child at the ENT, check the nose, ears. Perhaps due to the fact that the mucus is constantly accumulating, there is a pathogenic microflora. Note that mucus may appear from the area of ​​the stomach. Up to one year, this process is called regurgitation, older children suffer from reflux esophagitis. In this situation, you need to treat a nose or stomach, in no case can you stuff a child with cough syrup, it will not help, but will only do much harm.

If a child constantly coughs and has a high fever, it can talk about obstructive bronchitis or pneumonia. It is very important in this situation to take a blood test, with the help of it you can learn about the inflammatory process, than it is caused by a virus or a bacterium.

If the doctor hears rales in the lungs or bronchi, he will definitely prescribe antibacterial drugs. In cases where a wet cough does not pass, the temperature keeps, there is no wheezing, you need to contact LOR, maybe your child has sinusitis or sinusitis.

If the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees, it must be knocked down. When your child has neurological diseases, he suffers from intolerance to high body temperature, it is necessary to give immediately antipyretic drugs. You can shoot down Panadol Children, Nurofen, Effergangan. To small children it is best to put candles on the temperature, to give syrup to the elders. Do not use aspirin, if the child has a viral infection, it can lead to Ray's syndrome.

Watch for the child's health, watch for a cough, runny nose, whether the child has such an additional symptom, a vomiting, nausea, pain in the stomach.

In the event that a child begins to worry about a convulsive condition, the temperature is above 40 degrees, immediately call an ambulance, before that, knock down the most febrifuge. The child should lie down, distract him, tell the tale, the games should be calm.

The more a child goes to sleep, the sooner he will recover. Also pay attention to the baby's nutrition, it should be easy - meat of low-fat varieties, do not give sweets, preserves. Try to give the sick child as much fluid as possible, so the viruses will soon be removed from the body. It is best to give tea black with lemon, raspberries, milk, useful properties are mors, juice, in which a large amount of vitamin C. Alkaline mineral water, herbal infusions, fruit tea helps in this situation. The room should be clean and moist air.

Folk remedies for cough cough with fever in a child

The best remedy is a black radish with honey, for this you need to wash it, cut it up, make a cutout and put honey there. Top cover the remaining cut part, be sure to put it in a deep dish, the radish should not fail, so the juice will flow well and accumulate in the container. So that she starts to start the juice faster, you need to pierce it. After 7 hours you will be able to get 50 ml of liquid, eat it three times a day before eating.

A severe cough and fever is treated with this recipe, for him you need to take sugar - two table spoon, fry it, it should go brown, dissolve in 150 ml of warm water and give a teaspoonful to kid.

Thus, a cough with a high fever is a dangerous symptom, so in this case you can not self-medicate, immediately you need to consult a pediatrician.

The child has a temperature of 39, and a very strong cough (to the child 2 years), after how many days are prescribed an antibiotic?


Salaam Aleikum

antibiotics only act on bacteria. If the disease is viral, they are useless and they are not prescribed at all, and if bacterial, they are appointed from the first day.
The virus as an icebreaker passes into the body itself and opens the way for bacteria. If the bacteria joined the viruses later, they are appointed from the day they discovered that they had joined.
at a high temperature, whatever its cause, there may be seizures, and this is brain damage.
Therefore, at ANY temperature in children:
Children's paracetamol (called panadol, efferalgan, etc., ) or Nurofen up to 3, degrees - 1 DOSE per day, about 16-17 hours, 3, -39 2 DOSES per day - in the morning and in the evening, at 3, -40 degrees, three doses per day at an interval of 8 hours and above 40 - at a dose every 4-6 hours.
The goal is not to make the temperature normal, but to reduce it to at least 38, then it is safe.
and in addition, wiping water with vinegar or vodka and lying open or in a wet sheet - the temperature reduces the evaporation of water or other liquid from the skin.
If you use vodka or vinegar, dilute with water so that the smell was very weak - these substances in large doses are poisonous.

Josephine Napaleonova

after three days


Et to the doctor it is necessary... can immediately
depending on what diagnosis

elena m

why antibiotic?
can be cured without it


If this is not angina, not bronchitis, etc. That antibiotic is needed if the pace. Do not get off within 3 days. But if the child is not feeling well, or is an angina, etc., then now.


abundant drink (mors, juice), amidopyrine 1 \ 4 tablets. if the temperature does not get off, then the antibiotic in any case (but inside the muscle already), glucose is inside. (again, if the temperature does not go astray. the case is serious)


Immediately at such symptoms.

eva aaa

more than three days of antipyretics can not be given. if you do not, you need antibiotics. and at t 39 - especially and you do not treat - you can not warm your feet, you can not rub your breast. the only thing you can do is drink potions from cough and something like anaferon or aflubin


If the temperature does not decrease after three days, then the antibiotic is mandatory

Oks @ n @

on the fifth day


the doctor prescribed an antibiotic on the 5th day after a persistent NOT decrease in t (if above 38)


3-5 days

What to do if the child has a cough and a temperature of 37-38

High fever in a child and cough are symptoms of various diseases, most often this is a consequence of respiratory viral infection, influenza, SARS. First, children have a temperature of 37 to 38.5 degrees, then a runny nose may appear, and a little sore throat. After the child is already on recovery, begins to actively move and he has a cough. In this situation, you need to urgently turn to a pediatrician, such a symptomatology can talk about the inflammatory process in the larynx, bronchi, trachea, lungs.

Causes of fever 37-38 and cough in a child

Most often, the symptoms speak of a cold, a viral infection, can also accompany diseases such as rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis and pneumonia. Depending on the disease and its complexity, the doctor decides whether to take antibiotics or not

Methods of cough treatment in a child with a temperature

If children have a respiratory viral infection, do not need to use a large number of medications, The immune system must itself overcome it, if you begin to stuff the child with antibiotics, the disease only aggravated. Coryza and cough are symptoms that help the child fight the virus.

When the child rises to 3 degrees, not higher, it can not be knocked down, this indicates that the body produces special substances to fight the disease. Give the child as much warm drink as possible, if high, then you need to use antipyretic drugs and drink something sour. So not only can you lower the heat, but also relieve cough.

If a child flies without a problem, make him do it as often as possible, is forbidden use handkerchiefs, so the runny nose only worsen, for this purpose you need to buy napkins, which immediately throwing away.

In cases where the child is still small, it is impossible to blow his nose, you need to wash your nose with the help of "Aquamaris "Salina "Humera."

Cough is treated depending on its kind and the cause that caused it. If the child normally clears throat, you do not need to specially drink various medications, this way the body cleanses. When a child is disturbed by a dry persistent cough, you need to drink as warm as possible, therapists prescribe Sinecod, which helps to eliminate dryness, dilutes sputum, additional mucolytics are not recommended accept.

Pay attention, often mothers like to use expectorants, they can further aggravate the disease. Because of Mukoltin, Alteika often vomits.

An important role in temperature and coughing is played by the child's diet, it should be easily absorbed, if the child refuses food, do not scold him, it is better that he drinks more. Some doctors say that the food even more burdens the child's body, he does not have enough energy to fight the disease.

A small child who has not yet turned one year old at a temperature and a cough should be carried in his arms, constantly massage the back, breast, so you can help him get the phlegm. With a cold, you need to wash your baby's nose, then bury your nose with "Nazivin "Vibrocilum etc. To take a great interest in drops is not recommended, it sosudosuzhivayuschie drugs, can lead to the fact that the child will be taken to the intensive care unit, often because of drops in children, the temperature drops sharply body.

An important role is played by psychological support of parents, do not panic, sit and cry over the child, you should be in a good mood, charge them and the child. The psychological atmosphere in the family plays an important role in the treatment of the child. Within a week the child can return to the usual way of life.

It is important to turn to the doctor in time, if the child is less than six months old, the child does not drink well, he is worried about constant vomiting

It is important at home to help the child cope with the cough and temperature:

1. If you need to knock down the heat.

2. To force a child to drink to protect him from the loss of body fluids.

3. To watch how the child is behaving, feels.

Cough and fever - cold or flu symptoms?

It is necessary to be able to distinguish between two diseases. A cold refers to an infection that can develop within two days. With her greatly inflamed and pershit voice, then lays the nose, there is a runny nose, the child coughs, the head hurts, some are accompanied by sore throat. Catarrh disease can easily catch a child in a kindergarten, school, public place, it often ill. It is dangerous for small children, they have complications on their ears, otitis occurs. Adults are ill not so often, no more than 4 times a year, most often in late autumn and winter.

Influenza in a child is difficult, although the symptoms are a bit like a cold. Influenza is constantly accompanied by high fever up to 40 degrees, muscle pain, trembling. The disease lasts a long time.

Danger of fever and cough in the child

It is important to turn to the doctor in time, if the temperature is high, more than 38 degrees, the child is troubled by the pain in the chest, the disease does not pass within a week.

Colds are always accompanied by such diseases:

1. Sinusitis, when the nasal cavity becomes inflamed.

2. Laryngitis, because of an infectious disease in the larynx, the child is difficult to talk.

3. Tonsillitis, when the tonsils are inflamed.

4. Because of pneumonia, bronchitis, when the infection affects the pulmonary system.

So, cough and temperature of 37-38 degrees can be a symptom of the common cold, the virus, which is not dangerous to health, but also a serious inflammatory process in the body. Often a strong cough with such a temperature accompanies the disease - pneumonia, it can not be started in any case, the child can die. Especially dangerous are such symptoms for small children, you need to constantly monitor their body temperature, help them to clear their throats, they have not developed a reflex - cough.

Temperature 39, runny nose and cough

Cough with high temperature is a common phenomenon. This is a symptom of an acute immune reaction of the body, signaling an infectious disease, the place of which may be the upper and lower respiratory tract. Acute viral infection most often occurs against a background of lowering the body's resistance. For example, immunity is weakened by overheating or undercooling, and also because of climate change.

At what diseases are snot, cough, fever 39

Cough, fever 39 and runny nose can be observed even with normal ARI, more simply, a cold. In this case, there is a deterioration in the general state. With a drop in temperature, it becomes easier for a person, but when it rises to 39, it again experiences a weakness. Symptoms of a cold pass usually for a week, a maximum - for 10 days.

Snot, cough, fever 39 are most likely to occur with seasonal infections. With the flu, the course of the disease is more acute. Its main symptoms are:

  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in the eyes.
  • Coryza.

With adenovirus infection, the main manifestations are very similar to the symptoms of influenza. However, the key difference is the appearance from the first days of the disease of the common cold with abundant serous secretions, which can go to purulent-serous. Common symptoms of adenovirus infection:

  • Temperature 39, runny nose, dry cough.
  • Painful sensations in the eyes.
  • Pain in the muscles.
  • Lachrymation.
  • Conjunctivitis may develop.
  • As a complication, can develop sinusitis, pharyngitis, frontalitis, pneumonia and tonsillitis.

Cough strong, fever 39 with bronchitis

With bronchitis the inflammatory process will be localized in the bronchi. In patients during this disease, the following symptoms may develop:

  • Cough. It can be with sputum secretion (moist) or without it (dry). When wet - phlegm can be mucopurulent or mucous.
  • Disturbance of breathing, accompanied by rales in inspiration
  • General intoxication
  • A sharp rise in temperature to 39 degrees.

Bronchitis is dangerous because, with improper treatment, it can develop into pneumonia, which is accompanied by pulmonary rales, and also with a temperature of more than 39 degrees.

Strong cough, snot, fever 39 with pharyngitis

Acute pharyngitis is an independent disease that occurs due to adverse effects on the pharyngeal mucosa. In acute pharyngitis, in addition to these symptoms, reddening of the posterior pharyngeal wall and some of its swelling are observed. This disease in an adult is also accompanied by sore throat, perspiration and scratching.

Treatment of all the aforementioned ailments should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Only in this case it is possible to exclude the development of complications.

If the child has a fever without a cough and a cold

Many young parents of young children experience very badly when the child has a fever without a cough and runny nose, and also without other obvious symptoms of a certain illness. Basically, the waves are groundless, but there are cases when such a state indicates that the baby is ill with something serious.

Most often, the temperature without any symptoms is increased in infants and children up to three years, because the thermoregulation in the body has not yet been established at all that simply lead to "overheating".

What should I do if the temperature rises?

First of all, mom and dad should take a good look at the general condition of the child to find out if he has any manifestations of any disease. It is clear that if the temperature increases, there is a problem with a chair, sick, sore throat, it is a sign of acute respiratory disease or disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In such circumstances, it is worth immediately visiting a pediatrician to consult and clarify the diagnosis. But often parents come to doctors, whose kids, in addition to high body temperature, have no more symptoms.

Diseases in which there is a high fever without a runny nose or cough:

  1. Children's infections: scarlet fever, measles, chickenpox. The heat is accompanied by rashes on the skin.
  2. Inflammation of the larynx with diphtheria, angina.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system, for example, meningitis or encephalitis.

To the doctor it is necessary to address, if the temperature lasts more than 5 days, and also if antipyretic agents do not help.

First aid is simply necessary if the child is very unwell.If you can do without a doctor, you need to take antipyretic drugs that can improve the overall condition of the child, which makes it possible for him to have a good night's rest. This is a necessary condition to restore the strength of the body and direct them to fight the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce heat, which is not accompanied by a cough and runny nose. It is advisable to do this before going to bed and before eating. Antipyretic for a child should be based on paracetamol or else you can use Ibuprofen.

What are the reasons for the baby to fever?

The first cause of fever can be congenital heart disease (vice). In this case, the increase or decrease in temperature is affected by changes in climatic conditions or stressful situations. If a child has problems with the cardiovascular system, then it is worth it from infancy to temper and adapt to the environment in order to avoid many health problems. For this reason, the temperature immediately jumps upward. And then it drops to 37 degrees and remains so for a very long time. Parents should urgently contact the doctor to know how to act.

Most often, the temperature in young children is increased due to overheating in the sun. Children are very strongly dressed to avoid a cold, and they are very hot in these clothes. A lack of fluid in the body leads to a violation of metabolism and increased body temperature. Therefore, parents should know that in hot weather a child should receive a sufficient amount of water, not be warmly dressed and not be in the open sun. And if there was an overheating, the baby should be taken to a cool place and given a drink of water.

The cause of fever can be the inflammatory process in the body. For example, when the wound is affected on the skin or on internal organs. In these affected areas, pyrogen is released, which can cause heat.

Children with an unstable nervous system can respond to increased voice, other irritants and unpleasant factors feverish condition. In this case, parents should create a certain mode of life for their child, which will not overburden the psyche.

Another common cause of fever without symptoms is an allergic reaction to anything. To eliminate this problem, it is enough to find out the allergen and remove it from the child.

A natural reaction of the baby's body to some vaccines, as well as to poor-quality medicines is a fever. This condition lasts for 3 days.

Mom should always well and carefully study the instructions for the use of drugs and monitor their shelf life, so as not to poison the baby and not cause allergies.

Heat may occur after prolonged physical activity of the baby. After all, he constantly runs, jumps, sweats and does not sit still for a minute. This is the reason that the body temperature can jump no higher than 3 degrees. But he should rest, as this state passes. So this is not cause for concern.

In infants, fever can be the result of teething. Parents immediately notice that the gums are red and swollen, and the baby behaves capriciously. Do not worry, just need patience and wait for the teeth to appear.

Very often, a rise in temperature is a consequence of an experienced cold. The immunity of the child after the illness is greatly weakened, and the temperature can stay at a high mark for a long time. To help the body cope with the effects of ARVI, it is necessary to support it with a vitamin complex, which has a restorative effect on the body.

The cause of heat may be kidney disease.

The overall picture looks like this: very long the thermometer shows 37 degrees and no more, but then the temperature rises sharply to the level of 39. In this case, it is better to pass an ultrasound examination.

Is it worth it to bring down the temperature?

All doctors are categorically opposed to knocking down the temperature of the child's body, which does not exceed 3 degrees (and in adults, too). Such a fever is considered a normal reaction of the child's organism to the disease, when the immune system comes into conflict with the microbes and bacteria that cause the disease. Parents should simply create comfortable and proper conditions for the speedy recovery of the baby: give a lot of warm drinks, ventilate the room, regularly do a wet cleaning, create the optimal humidity in the rooms, give only an easy and useful food. But some pediatricians advise still to bring down the heat, which is below the mark of 3, degrees, in the case of poor health of the child.

Many parents still use old grandmother's recipes against fever. This is, as a rule, rubbing the body with water and vinegar. Medicine does not confirm, but does not disprove the efficacy of this method of treatment. It is only necessary to remember that if the temperature does not pass more than three days, then this is a sign of the disease and it is necessary to start the course of taking antibiotics.

In no case must not apply mustard, compresses with alcohol, soar your legs and carry out inhalations. This will only raise the temperature. You can not heavily dress and shelter your baby so as not to interfere with the natural process of sweating, which helps lower body temperature.

It must be remembered that the temperature in children without symptoms of cold is a fairly frequent phenomenon, which should not cause panic reactions in the parents. You can not go to the doctors, but keep a watch at home. The hospital should be sent only in rare cases, when an increase in body temperature in a child can be dangerous to health and life.


But no one will condemn caring parents who, when the temperature rises without a cough and runny nose, go to the doctor to take tests and make sure that their child is not seriously ill.

What to do if the child has a temperature of 3, and a strong cough?


[email protected] {@ [email protected] {@

that would a little calm the cough of the loratadine floor pills, the temperature of the floor of the paracetamol pill and very well from the cough helps the syrup plantain Dr. Tais


urgently call a doctor

Koto - behemotho.

children's panadol in the ass, lazavan 3 times a day after meals, pumping out the ambroben


Call an ambulance

Mi Mi

call an ambulance!

Svetlana Krasivaya

Be sure to call a doctor to exclude pneumonia, and before his arrival give a plentiful drink, you can dilute with lemon grass or raspberry from raspberries, if the child does not have allergies!

*** Rimma ***

Ibufen syrup from tempera, ambroben, syrup bronhomunal

Katya Fomicheva

call a doctor to listen and antipyretic while giving syrup or candles, vodka, sodium.


give an antipyretic. and a doctor soon.


At us too so it was weeks 3 ago - a virus bronchitis have told or said! Necessarily the doctor. To exclude pneumonia. We immediately prescribed antibiotics. In the ass - cefecon (antipyretic), from the cough we drank Ascoril and Lime blossom (he sweats so the temperature also decreases). And prick antibiotics. Despite this, the temperature was 5 days 3, -39. Decreased only after drugs and then for 2-3 hours in total. And the cough was 2 more weeks. So self-medication is not permissible. Call a doctor and get treatment, or soon holidays, doctors will not find!
Get well soon!


Call an ambulance to be diagnosed or a child's doctor, and do not listen to the advice that is written here.


To start, call a doctor. If the child has the heat, strip him to the swimming trunks, soak three handkerchiefs in cool water and put two under the armpits, and one between the legs in the crotch. As the shawls dry, the procedure is repeated several times, the heat and temperature will go down. If the child is freezing, then this should not be done.

@ [email protected]

and the age of the child is why they did not say! to the doctor it is necessary.

Lyuba Shokal

If the child has a fever, and the medicine has not worked, or there is no doctor, then make a procedure that negatively does not affect the baby in any way, as follows:
- Take medical alcohol and dilute with water (5: 0)
-can take just one water
so that the mixture is not very cold and
-Take a cotton or bandage
Put the baby on a diaper and do a complete body wipe
1 wiping lowers the tempo. body by 1 degree, but it is necessary to provide children. syrup.
We tested this method when in the Crimea we were in hospital with a temp. 39.6 - really - effectively. (We were then 2 years and 9 months)
As for the cough, there is a cautious examination of the doctor, because the cough is different:
for each different medicine,
and one more important detail:
- Drinking drink (barely warm), both at a temperature - lowers it, and when coughing - promotes an easy withdrawal of phlegm,
in both cases ,
a wonderful folk remedy is a jam from a currant. You need to pound lightly concentrated compote,
but this is all ancillary treatment, compulsory examination of the doctor.

Victoria Godowa

I fail with Svetlana

The child has a flu diagnosis! Temperature 3, Cough. My throat also aches and my head. Sun, then prescribed a doctor does not help. Temra does not fall



Candles with analgin or Efferalgan tried??? From the temperature is good help.

Galina Kucherina

If it's from the temperament, then the candles help... You can rub with alcohol or vodka. In an emergency, call an ambulance, they will do an injection.


call an ambulance, maybe it's swine flu


Call an ambulance, let them make a little letter. If I were you, I would not refuse from the hospital, even if the child is under the supervision of the doctor.

The child most likely has a bacterial infection.


candles "cefekon" try, it's good to knock down the temperature.


just need to be soldered, pound with a weak solution of vinegar and open

Natalia Melnikova

Ordinary paracetamol. If the temperature does not subside for several days then antibiotics. And it is necessary to drink - to remove toxins from the body: fruit drinks with cranberries, cranberries, tea with raspberries and lemon. And that sleeps - it's very good

Lyubov Drozdova

Do not worry about the pig beforehand. If I get sick again from today, sleep is very good! Let him sleep, drink should stand next to him. In drinking something fizzy with vit. With a pharmacy or a dogrose brew and with a lemon, will drink. when he wants.


1. Basic therapy:
All patients with influenza, regardless of the severity of the disease, receive:
* Plentiful drink in the form of warm tea, cranberry or cowberry mors, alkaline mineral waters (Borjomi with milk, etc.);
* paracetamol (for example, panadol, koldreks), NSAIDs (solpaflex, brufen) or antigrippin in the age-related dosage; Very good reduces the temperature of the suspension NIMULID;
* Spray HEXORAL, Tantum Verde, etc. ;
* mukaltin, licorice root, or tincture of althaea, ACC, etc. for liquefaction and sputum discharge;
* Pertussin - with an increased cough reflex, tusuprex, or broncholitin, or glaucent - with a dry cough; libexin - with a persistent, painful cough; Bromhexine - with a damp cough and hard-to-recover phlegm; chest collection, including the root of the althaea, the leaf of the mother-and-stepmother, oregano, licorice root, sage, pine buds, anise fruits, - with prolonged coughing; syrup Sinecod. * ascorbic acid, multivitamins, antihistamines (tavegil, or suprastin, or zaditen, etc.). As the temperature drops slowly, let's drink chicken broth.
2. Etiotropic therapy:
For moderate and severe forms, Remantadine is administered 50 mg twice a day to children aged 7 to 10 years, 50 mg 3 times per day day - over 10 years and 100 mg 3 times a day - adults or Arbidol, respectively, 100 mg 2 times, 100 mg 3 times and 200 mg 3 times. In especially severe cases, Remantadin can also be administered to children aged 3 to 7 years, in mg / kg of body weight per day in 2 divided doses. 3. Intensification
All patients, regardless of the degree of severity of the disease, should be assigned human leukocyte (IFN) interferon intranasal by 3-5 drops 4 times a day by spraying or intratracheal in the form of an aerosol (2-3 ampoules or diluted in 3-5 ml boiled or distilled water) through an inhaler. Recover and do not Panic!


A rise in temperature, usually up to 38'C, but sometimes it can rise to 41'C, at times chill.
A sore throat.
Dry, barking cough, pain behind the sternum.
Dryness of mucous nasal and pharynx.
Pain in the muscles and joints.
General fatigue and weakness - intoxication of the body.
Stomach ache. With swine flu in children, the first sign: a child refuses to eat, does not drink, the main time sleeps,

Tatiana Pimenova

My grandson is nine years old sick from Sunday, yesterday was an ambulance, they said that m-ra jumps can go up to 5 days and with each time it's harder to knock down, chills indicate a soon subsequent increase in t-ry, we were recommended at a fever korvalol 12 cap or noshpu, for cooling, wiped with vodka and left without clothes on neot. time. Cough lasolvan inhalation


Immediately, they will inject a lytic mixture, usually helps, and immunostimulants will be pricked in the hospital. You still have to knock down the temperature.

do not necho

And just antibiotics? Oletaterrin, for example?
In any case, the flu or not, and they need to drink, simply because after the flu complications begin, and they begin because the flu is deadly off the person immune system, the body does not resist, thus the "gate" for the streptococcal infection is widely opened, and begins: bronchitis, pneumonia, e. But people stubbornly do not drink antibiotics, because they are sure that if the flu is a viral disease, then, antibiotics will not help!
And how to deal with this error?
Understand, the flu, if it even had your child, it is already over, and what is is see above.

Elena Ryabtseva

The most interesting thing is that this disease has found a wide spread. My son with the same diagnosis is the second day. Tried almost everything about what is written, but the temperature returns... Convalescence to you !!!

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