Effective cough remedy

Means for coughing adults

Effective cough for adults

Means for coughing adultsInfluenza and colds are characterized by pathological conditions of the respiratory tract, accompanied by clusters of sputum in the lungs and bronchi. When looking for cough medicine, one should not forget that the nature of the symptom determines the choice of remedy for eliminating the cough itself. On whether a wet cough or dry, then depends on the presence of allergic reactions to the constituent components of the drug.

An effective cough remedy for people of all ages, from child to adult, is inhalation. If it comes to an infant, it should be kept for a few minutes in a bathroom with steam and high humidity. Older children and adults can be inhaled over a wide saucepan with boiling water. It is necessary to cover the head with a bath towel. You can add a few spoons of soda, fir oil or juniper oil to the water. You can carry out inhalation over the bay leaf or boiled potatoes.

In order to stop coughing for adults, it makes sense to drink warm milk, which contains lemon juice and a small amount of honey. As additives, milk of black radish, tea from lime flowers, mother-and-stepmother, infusions of elderberry or crimson leaves also will suit the milk. If you combine the juice of a bulb with honey it will also be a good result.

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Folk remedies for coughing adults

Folk cough remedies are good for their simplicity and availability of application. They eliminate the need to flee to the pharmacy for pills and do not give any contraindications at all. In every kitchen, you can find many products that can help in cough. One such product is honey, which can be called the most effective remedy in this matter. If the cough is not very strong, it can be quenched by means of a glass of water, in which to dissolve a spoonful of honey. The effectiveness of honey is enhanced when adding garlic, lemon and other products to the water.

Garlic is a known folk remedy against colds. Garlic cloves can be kept constantly with you during the riot of epidemics of colds, and also put it in your children's pocket, sending them to school. To quickly and effectively cure a runny nose, you can regularly rub your feet with garlic.

A good cure for coughing in adults is warming up. It can be performed in the following ways:

  • I use a mustard compress that has a local effect of irritation and relieves inflammation of the lung tissue. It is the application of mustard plasters to the chest;
  • Lubricating the breast of an adult with liquid honey, heated in a frying pan to about the body temperature of a person. The compress is closed with permanent paper, then it remains until a sensation of warmth in the chest appears;
  • you can take an ordinary bath towel, moisten it in vegetable oil and wrap around the perimeter of the chest. Within half an hour all symptoms of lung diseases and cough are eliminated;
  • a good compress of mashed potatoes. To cook it, you need to put warm boiled potatoes in a cellophane bag and attach to your chest.

Folk remedies for dry coughing adults

In the event that an adult has a dry cough with almost complete absence mucus, the body experiences difficulties with the elimination of infection, because it is not excreted from the body mucus. The pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms accompanying the spread of infection are not deduced, as a result of which a dry cough begins to disturb the person. It is precisely the method of such a conclusion.

To eliminate dry cough in an adult human medicine, the following methods are suggested:

  1. The use of hot milk with the addition of alkaline water and honey, thus the formation of a significant amount of mucus will occur, resulting in an early cessation of dry cough. Also a good result provides the use of fatty cream. If there are any individual contraindications to the use of dairy products, you can drink strong tea with added butter.
  2. For an adult, a mixture of sugar and onions is recommended for the treatment of dry cough. To the previously prepared onions, sugar is added, the mixture is well mixed and infused over one night to form juice. The medicine should be taken in the morning, first of all the juice, then you must eat the onions. Gradually, the dry cough begins to recede.
  3. An ancient means of eliminating dry cough in adults is the combination of honey with a radish. For its preparation, the head of a black radish is taken, in it a hole is made, into which honey is placed. Insist should be for three hours. Eat in the morning before breakfast, before dinner and in the evening before dinner. You can increase the effect of the application if you add carrot juice.
  4. Effective honey with the addition of lemon. For proper preparation, add glycerin to the lemon. The composition is thoroughly mixed, after which it must be added honey. In the event that the dry cough is not too intense, use should be three times a day. If the cough is dry and very strong at the same time, it is necessary to apply the remedy up to seven times a day. The dosage of the syrup can be reduced if the cough goes down.

Folk remedies for coughing adults expectorant

To date, there is a large number of traditional medicine that can help clear the sputum from the adult person's respiratory tract. They are characterized by minimal costs when using them, and a sensitive effect.

Most often in order to prevent cough, infusions from all sorts of herbs, rubbing, inhalation and other methods that require the use of natural remedies are used. If the cough has passed into an acute form, there is a sense in the application of medical treatments in combination with folk recipes. In this case, before direct application it is necessary to get advice from a doctor to avoid side effects from the joint use of the medications.

In most cases, expectorants contain various herbs in their composition. It can be a root of licorice, oregano, thyme, coltsfoot and others, used in the form of broths. A good folk remedy that causes an expectorant effect is the onion with its broad spectrum of action, including anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

An excellent expectorant has proven to be honey. Its composition has to provide a remarkable bactericidal action, which does not allow the reproduction of bacteria. In diseases of organs and respiratory systems, it makes sense to use honey for internal use and for inhalation.

An excellent expectorant is the syrup of their horseradish with honey, performed in equal proportions. It should be noted that people who are allergic to honey, use this tool is not recommended. In large quantities, you should eat foods that contain vitamin C, such as lemon and viburnum.

Sputum expectoration is facilitated by inhalation with the use of iodine, the addition of soda, eucalyptus and essential oil. You can make rubbing with the use of turpentine and alcohol. It is best to rub yourself immediately before going to bed, in order to take shelter and sweat well.

Pharmacological means for coughing adults

Coughing occasionally bothers a person and people from all ages can suffer from it. The level of development of modern pharmacology makes it possible to apply a wide variety of cough suppressants. A variety of drugs for treating cough act differently, so they should be used skillfully, in order to avoid negative consequences. It can be complications in the respiratory, nervous and other systems of the human body.

An agent for dry cough in adults

To date, there is a wide variety of pharmacological drugs effective in eliminating dry cough in adults. Often this causes additional difficulties associated with the inability to determine the appropriate means for treating dry cough. If the treatment is carried out without conducting a preliminary diagnosis, it should not only help but also not harm the health of the person.

Below is a description of some remedies for dry cough that are very popular.

A remedy for the dry sine "Sinekod". The drug is characterized by an action directed at the center of the cough. Apply it should be in the acute phase of coughing. Contraindicated in pregnancy.

Means of combined action "Gerbion". The basis of the preparation is made up of natural ingredients. In addition to the action aimed at eliminating cough, the drug has antimicrobial properties. With increased susceptibility to the components of the drug is contraindicated for use. People with diabetes should take the drug only after consulting a doctor. There may be side effects from the use of the drug, such as an allergic reaction.

Broncholitin. The agent is characterized by the ability to influence the center of the cough. It has excellent antispasmodic and antimicrobial qualities. Causes the enlargement of the bronchi, promotes the removal of edema mucosa, improves breathing. Contraindicated in persons suffering from cardiovascular disorders. In the treatment of dry cough in adults, this drug can cause various side effects, such as insomnia, tremors, nausea and tachycardia.

Pharmacological means for coughing adults

Means for a strong cough in an adult

Recommendations for the treatment of severe cough in children are enough, but there is practically no way to eliminate a severe cough in an adult. Commonly known cough syrups may not have a proper effect, especially if a cough in an adult person persists for a fairly long period of time.

It should be taken into account the fact that cough does not always indicate the onset of a cold. This fact makes it necessary to visit a physician-therapist in order to make sure that cough is not a symptom of any serious illness. In the case of diagnosis, tracheitis or bronchitis should be prepared to treat these diseases long enough. This requires the implementation of all recommendations that will be issued by the attending physician. Since there is a danger of the transition of the disease to the chronic stage, it is necessary to take the procedures and medications in the physiotherapist's office for a certain period of time.

Expectorant against coughing adults

Expectorants for cough for adults have an effect on the epithelial tissue of internal organs, contribute to improving the motor activity of bronchioles. Sputum is moved from the lower parts of the respiratory tract to the upper ones, after which it is excreted. The use of expectorants can significantly increase the function of the bronchial glands, because in this case sputum will be released in large quantities and will not be viscous.

Expectorants for coughing adults are prescribed with a damp cough, if necessary rapid withdrawal of sputum in the acute form of bronchitis, pneumonia, inflammatory diseases of respiratory ways. Expectorants are made on the basis of medicinal plants. They can be presented in a variety of forms - herbal preparations, syrups, tablets and all kinds of suspensions are very popular.

Most known are expectorants for adults:

  • cough syrup, tablets with plant, thermpsys lanceolate;
  • syrup containing althaea root, altemix. The root of the althaea is part of the drug mukaltin, working with which you should follow the dosage, as exaggerating the norm can cause vomiting and nausea. Effectively the combination of the root of althea with licorice, sage, anise fruits, kidneys of pine. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to brew one tablespoon of herbal tea in a glass of boiling water, insisting for half an hour. You can drink after eating 100 ml.

Home remedy for coughing adults

A good tool for home use in case of coughing in an adult is a cocktail containing a mixture of honey and milk with soda. It should be heated milk, not bringing it to the boiling point, then stir in it half a teaspoon of soda with two teaspoons of honey. Formed broth should be drunk immediately, without tightening.

Compress from an adult cough

The effect of a warming compress from a cough is familiar to many even from childhood. This tool is effective for adults too. At home, you can apply a variety of ways of setting compresses from cough, the most famous of which is a potato compress. It is prepared as follows:

  1. Choose potatoes smaller, which will not be a pity to throw out and do not want to be cleaned.
  2. The potato is boiled in a uniform.
  3. After draining the water, the potato is folded into a polyethylene bag and wrinkled. Puree should not be done, you can only press down to give the potato a flat shape.
  4. A towel is placed on the chest for the patient, a potato pancake in the plastic bag is placed on top, another towel is placed on top and the patient is covered with a blanket.
  5. After the potatoes have cooled, remove the compress and cover the patient with a blanket.

Banks for coughing

To date, there are two varieties of medical cough coughs. Glass banks have been used for the treatment of colds for a long time. Nevertheless, they represent a certain danger, because they can poke around the edges and require an open flame for installation. There is another kind of cans - vacuum, made of polymers, which look like thick rubber. Their installation does not require fire, which makes the banks almost safe. In order to install such a jar, you just have to squeeze it in your hand and attach it to the installation site.

Cough inhalation for adults

Inhalations from coughing adults are divided into two varieties depending on the temperature of the incoming substances. They can be cold and hot. With cold inhalations, the person inhales the drug substance at room temperature, and the substance is not heated by anything. Hot inhalations involve the inhalation of heated vapors of a drug substance. If the temperature of the inhaled medicine is above 30 degrees, the inhalation is considered hot and the technique of its execution differs significantly from the cold inhalation. In general, inhalations are a great way to deliver medications to the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.


What to do if a cough does not pass: an effective remedy

prolonged cough, need to see a doctor

There are situations when a cough, regardless of the treatment, does not go away, but takes on a protracted character. Such a condition can not be ignored, it is urgent to take urgent measures, undergo a second examination and a course of therapy. Prolonged cough can be diagnosed if it lasts more than 2 weeks.

This article describes how to use badger fat when coughing.


Various reasons can contribute to the development of protracted cough. Most often, this condition occurs because of ineffective or untimely treatment.

cough does not pass an effective cough remedy

Duration 1-2 weeks

If a cough for a long time worries you for more than 2 weeks, then you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor.Most often, the cause of a protracted cough is a repeated infectious attack on an organism that has not yet been able to overcome the disease.Promotes this mycoplasma or pneumocysts. Tuberculosis can also provoke pathology, but this is a very rare case. If the doctor incorrectly diagnoses, this can adversely affect your health and provoke complications such as pneumonia.

How to treat a cough and temperature in a child of 3 years is indicated in the article.

Month goes on

When a cough worries the patient for a month, then most likely the reason for its formation is an allergic reaction to the hair, pollen, cosmetics, medicines. Often, an allergic cough is transformed into bronchial asthma, it is caused by all the transferred diseases such as influenza. Therefore it is very important to determine the allergen and try to protect yourself from an irritating factor. But if the cough has passed and the sputum remains, then it is necessary to see the doctor.

The video tells what to do if the cough does not pass, an effective cough remedy:

What to do when a runny nose cough stuffed ears, you can learn from this article.

But a protracted cough may also indicate the presence of a respiratory infection. This symptoms worries the patient for a month, since the inflammatory process is still concentrated in the body. Another reason for prolonged coughing can serve as the following diseases:

  • tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia.

Therapeutic events

Prolonged cough requires immediate treatment, otherwise it can develop into a more serious pathology and take a chronic form. Treatment for a cough depends on the cause, which triggered its formation.

How to treat a cough without fever with yellow sputum is indicated in the article.

Treatment of dry cough

If the patient for a long time worried about a dry cough, the consequence of which could become SARS then after visiting the hospital, the doctor will prescribe to you drugs that affect the cough Centre:

  • Tusuprex;Tusuprex is a faithful assistant with a strong cough
  • Butamirate. In addition, therapeutic measures for prolonged dry cough should include medications that have antitussive effects.

Why there is a cough in the morning, you can find out by reading this article.

They include:

  • Libexin- reduces the sensitivity of the mucosa in the airways;Libexin is taken at the doctor's prescription
  • Delsim- a suspension that has a lasting effect and eliminates the symptoms of dry cough;
  • Robotussin- has a blockage of cough reflexes.

To eliminate dry cough, you can use homeopathic remedies. To make the most effective it is worth using a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice. Dosage should be determined by a doctor.

How green sputum is cured when coughing is indicated in the article.

If the wet cough does not pass

With prolonged wet cough, it is very important to withdraw phlegm from the bronchi, as coughing with phlegm is very dangerous for health. For these purposes, the following recommendations should be adhered to:

  1. Abundant drink.
  2. Take herbs and phytopreparations, which have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator effect. Thanks to them, it is possible to reduce the irritation of bronchial mucosa.
  3. Inhalations based on sodium bicarbonate, plant extracts. Such treatment contributes to the moistening of the mucosa, has an analgesic effect.
  4. Mucolytic drugs that promote liquefaction of sputum and normalization of bronchial secretion.mucolytic drugs for cough as directed by a doctor

Does not pass after bronchitis

Often it happens that after a bronchitis treatment for 14 days, the cough still worries the patient. This suggests that something is going wrong in the body. For the purpose of effective therapy it is worthwhile once again to undergo diagnostics. For the treatment of residual cough, the doctor uses the following methods:

  • strengthening of defensive forces:
  • phototherapy,
  • ethnoscience;
  • physiotherapy,
  • massage procedures.

The adult has a cough prior to vomiting, what can be read with this in this article.

The video tells what to do if there is no dry cough:

A huge benefit in treating a protracted cough after bronchitis in both adults and children is played by therapeutic exercises or massage. You can perform such manipulations at home.The effect of this therapy is aimed at improving the sputum discharge, as a result, it is possible to accelerate the recovery and restore the normal state of the bronchial tree.Gymnastics includes squats and slopes. As for massage, then tapping and tapping movements are involved.

What can be the reasons, when dry cough does not clear away, is indicated in this article.

If it does not pass after a cold and is accompanied by bouts

Any lingering cough, if accompanied by a runny nose, is a symptom of an untreated inflammatory process that occurs during a cold. Cure the disease can be with the help of inhalations, rinses. But they have a positive effect at an early stage of ARI, but they can not cure a protracted cough. Here, in the beginning, it is necessary to establish the cause of the pathology, and afterwards to prescribe the treatment.

a cough of two weeks does not pass


To eliminate residual cough after a cold, vibratory massage of the chest will help. It will help to sputum and quick cleansing of the lungs from accumulated mucus. An experienced doctor should perform the manipulation.

Why there is a dry cough with no signs of a cold, you can learn from the article.

Antibiotic therapy

Use an antibiotic is necessary only on the advice of a doctor. The choice of medication should be based on data obtained during X-rays and bacterial sputum analysis. If there is no bacterial infection in the patient's body, the treatment will include alternative therapeutic methods aimed at eliminating an old cough. In case if cough does not pass after a stroke, then it is necessary to inform the treating doctor.

After pertussis

When a protracted cough is the cause of whooping cough, the patient should spend most of his time in bed. There are no special drugs to eliminate this symptom, so doctors prescribe other methods of folk therapy to their patients.

cough does not go away after antibiotics

Abundant drink

If you have a chronic cough caused by whooping cough, then it is worth using the following drinks:

  1. Warm milk with garlic. To make it, take a glass of boiled milk, and strip off to it a chopped clove of garlic.
  2. Broth of figs on milk. Its preparation is similar to the previous version.


Coda cough does not allow you to withdraw all the accumulated sputum, then experts appoint them a massage. Massaging the upper back and chest. For these purposes, essential oil of fir and pine can be used. Then it is possible to overcome the surviving bacteria in the upper respiratory tract of the patient.

cough massage


The present agent can eliminate inflammation, strengthen and restore the patient's general condition. To prepare the composition, you need to use gmumie and add it to 50 ml of water. Drink the medicine before meals for 10 days.

mummy from a cough


Older cough can be treated with drugs. Antibiotics, ointments and syrups are very effective, but if the cough does not go away after antibiotics, it's urgent to contact a doctor.

The article indicates how to treat a tracheal cough.


Doctors with an old cough prescribe to their patients a broad-spectrum antibiotic. It is also very important to take medications, the purpose of which is the dilution of sputum and its release from the body. The following medicines are considered effective:

  • ATSTS;ACS for cough
  • Fluidite;
  • Lazolvan;
  • Bromhexine;
  • Broncholitin.Broncholitin against coughing


When receiving syrups it is possible to exert expectoration, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effect. Preference is given to preparations based on natural components. Virtually all syrups have a pleasant taste and aroma, so taking them is a very pleasant procedure. But if you are pregnant before taking such medications, you should contact your doctor. The most effective syrups for prolonged coughing include:

  • Prospan;Cough Propan
  • Flavamed;
  • Broncholitin;
  • Alteika;
  • Doctor Mom.Doctor Mom from a cough


Than to smear a breast that has passed or has taken place tussis, private or individual enough enough question. Cure can be cured with badger fat. It is he who is considered the most effective method of cough elimination. It is very simple to use it: rub the area of ​​the breast for several days. In addition to such an ointment, you can use pork, interior, goose fat. Presented fats can be supplemented with aloe, onion. The received structure to rub in a breast, a back, a neck.But after such a procedure it is very important to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, otherwise you can not get a positive effect.

Older coughing is a very dangerous symptom that can indicate a serious ailment. In this case, timely therapy is very important, which could not only eliminate all unpleasant symptoms, but also overcome the inflammatory process.


The most effective cough remedies

The most effective cough remedies

In most cases, diseases such as colds, flu or bronchitis are accompanied by general weakness, fever, nasal congestion, muscle pain and coughing. It is the cough that most often gives the patient the greatest pain and anxiety.

Honey and lemon against cough

For a long time, mankind has known the healing properties of honey. Without any exaggeration, it can be noted that honey is one of the best remedies for cough. Just one glass of hot water with a spoonful of homemade honey can easily soothe the cough. Also for the treatment of this symptom and the common cold, honey is successfully combined with many medicinal products and preparations. The best honey for the treatment of colds and coughs is lime or buckwheat.

Citrus fruits, and in particular lemon, are very rich in ascorbic acid, so they are considered effective and useful in the treatment of colds. Vitamin C improves immunity, and also gives strength, which is very important in the fight against the common cold. For the best effect, you need to mix a little lemon juice with 3 tablespoons of honey, then take the product one spoon 4 times a day.

Vegetables against coughing

Such a common vegetable as an onion, simply irreplaceable in folk medicine. For treatment, you must shake the juice, squeezed out of two medium-sized bulbs and half a cup of sugar, then boil this mixture for 15 minutes. After that, the mixture is cooled, add to it 50 g of honey and use a teaspoon 6 times a day.

Black radish also has medicinal qualities and properties. This is one of the oldest and most proven cough remedies. To prepare the product, it is necessary to rinse the vegetable, cut the core out of it, and add honey to the opening, then leave the honey-filled radish for 24 hours. Stayed in a radish honey should be taken on a teaspoon 4 times a day.

Garlic in its composition contains a lot of tannins and phytoncides that can resist colds and cough. It is recommended to rub garlic feet, but if the patient has a strong stomach, you can boil 5-6 cloves of garlic in 350 ml of milk, then take this mixture 3-4 times a day for 50 ml.

Healing plants and oils against coughing

For a long time people have cured a cold and cough with the help of aloe juice. In combination with lemon and honey, aloe will help reduce inflammation when coughing, and if you combine aloe with honey and cowberry, you will get an expectorant. A little juice of aloe can be mixed with raspberries, prepared for the winter, and take this remedy on a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

One of the best expectorant and anti-cold remedies is medicinal sage. It is able to dry the bronchial mucosa, and therefore is used for wet coughing or with shortness of breath.

Eucalyptus oil is used for cough as inhalation. Eucalyptus is able to facilitate the breathing of the patient, it is used for wet and dry cough. In this case, if the cough is wet, eucalyptus oil is mixed with tea tree oil or rosemary, and with a dry cough - with chamomile oil and a drop of cognac.


What helps with cough - an effective cough medicine

Coughing is like a protective reflex of the human body. Coughing, the body "removes" toxins, bacteria, sputum. Therefore, doctors and do not rush to prescribe medications from him. In such situations, medicine prescribes expectorants for dilution and separation of sputum. Look for information on what helps with coughing? Traditional medicine is offered as an effective cough medicine.

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What Cough Helps - Features of the Question

Coughing is a forced exhalation through the mouth, which is caused by irritation of the receptors, contracting the muscles in the airways. The most important cause of cough are bacteria that are located on the mucosa of the respiratory tract. Of course, to get rid of cough, you can use medicines prescribed by doctors, but you can also cure cough at home with folk remedies.

Treatment of cough folk remedies based on natural products is much more effective than its treatment with chemical products. Today, the choice of such medicines is widely represented in every pharmacy, but you can prepare yourself a cough mixture yourself.

Effective cough medicine

1. When coughing and hoarseness, as an expectorant effective medicine is very useful juice of fresh cabbage with sugar. It has excellent properties and helps to cough a decoction of cabbage with the addition of honey.

2. Apply another effective balm with cough: crush 500 grams of walnuts, add 300 g of honey, 100 g of aloe juice and 4 lemons juice. Stir and take the children half an hour before meals, three times a day for 1 hour, if you have bronchitis, cough.

3. Pour 10 g of rhizome of licorice with a glass of boiling water, heat it for 20 minutes in a water bath, cool for 45 minutes, squeeze, drain and bring the total volume to 200 ml. Take 1 tbsp. spoon during the day several times.

4. They help cough radish with honey. Select a pot-bellied black radish, remove its top and take a third from inside. In the created deepening put a handful of honey, so that there is a place for the juice that stands out. Radish let go down the tail, filling the glass with water. After 3-4 hours, when the juice is filled, drink it and put honey again.

5. One lemon simmer for 10 minutes. Cut it in half and carefully squeeze the juice. Add in the mixture two tablespoons of glycerin, honey. This home effective medicine helps with a rare cough throughout the day for 1 hour. spoon. If a strong cough should be drunk for 1 hour. spoon in the morning on an empty stomach in the morning for 1 teaspoon, before dinner, after dinner and at bedtime.

What Cough Helps - Rules for Effective Treatment

Cough is a common symptom in various diseases of the respiratory tract. In this case, he points to the lesion of the larynx, bronchi or trachea, in which the sensitive receptors that trigger this reflex are located. As mentioned in our other articles devoted to this topic, cough is a protective reflex, through which the body helps to clear respiratory tracts from accumulated microbes and sputum, so think about the right treatment of cough.

1. An effective cough medicine is necessary only then this process seriously disrupts the general state of the body, from a protective reflex turns into a factor capable of harming the body. To date, there is a large number of drugs for cough. This is a cough syrup, pills and treatment with traditional medicine.

2. The second rule in the treatment of cough is proper nutrition and drinking. Eating a patient with a cough should be rich in vitamins, vegetables and fruits. However, in this case, it should be quite high-calorie, since the patient spends a lot of effort in fighting the disease. At the same time it is necessary that the patient drink as much as possible. It helps a lot from drinking cough. It will prevent dehydration of the body against the background of temperature and will accelerate the release of sputum from bronchial tubes. Especially effective are alkaline mineral waters, for example Borjomi. They well restore the water-salt balance of the body, dilute sputum and accelerate its excretion, thanks to the alkaline component.

3. When a persistent and dry cough prevents sleep, help with cough drugs that depress the cough center - sinecode, tusuprex, libexin or glaucin. Important thinner and expectorant effective medications, such as mucaltin, halixol, bromhexine, stopptissin-phyto.


Effective cough remedy: folk methods

With the advent of each epidemic, we are overtaken by infectious diseases, which are almost always accompanied by a cough and runny nose. Acquire a bunch of drugs in the pharmacy and overeat them is not quite a good option. An effective cough remedy can be prepared on the basis of natural components, which will be presented below.

Onions with honey and water

This recipe is considered one of the fastest and easiest. To make it, you need to take onions, honey and water in the same proportions and put them in a small container. Then put in the oven for two hours at a temperature of 100 ° C. Prepared liquid use 1 tbsp. spoon a couple of times a day. After that, after four days, you do not even remember about your cough.


This method will perfectly help with a dry cough. It is necessary to take a slice of garlic, grate it on a small grater so that it turns out a gruel. Then put on gauze and rub the feet feet before bed. Thus it is desirable to put on warm socks.

There is the next effective cough remedy, which can be made from garlic. Take a few of its lobules, peel and chop finely. Then put the garlic in a saucepan and add a tablespoon of honey to it. This mixture is infused over the night and drunk on a tablespoon a couple of times a day.

You can also prepare the following effective cough medicine for garlic and whey. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of whey and add a couple of slices of finely chopped garlic, then insist half an hour. After that, boil the mixture, cool and strain. This infusion should be consumed throughout the day.


If you were tortured by a cough before bed, then the best remedy is iodine. To do this, add three drops of it to a glass of boiling water and drink overnight. Such a drug is best taken before you are going to sleep.

Egg whites

An effective cough remedy can be prepared from eggs. It is necessary to take two egg whites and beat them with sugar, then drink after eating. Use them should be at least three times a day. This way cure can be cured in a few days.


As you all know, the effective treatment of cough in the folk way is possible with the help of various herbs, the recipes of which are given below.

  • It is necessary to pour boiling water (one glass) collection of herbs on a teaspoon: field horsetail, plantain, nettle. Then strain and dilute a teaspoon in a glass of boiling water and use as a tea. Take a glass before eating.
  • Grate a glass of onion and pour it with a glass of apple cider vinegar. Then strain and add in the same amount of honey and mix. Take 4 times a day for a teaspoon.
  • Take linden flowers in the amount of one tablespoon, pour boiling water (1 glass). Infuse for 15 minutes, then add honey (1 tbsp. spoon) and lemon juice, squeezed out of half a lemon. Take half a cup during a cold throughout the day.
  • Take two pieces of raspberries and leaves of mother-and-stepmother, one part of herb oregano. Then pour 2 tbsp. spoons of this collection of boiling water in the amount of half a liter. Boil for about 7 minutes, then insist half an hour. Then strain and mix well. Take half an hour a couple of times a day.

In addition, it will perfectly help to cough carrots. To do this, take a few carrots and squeeze out the juice from them. Then mix this juice with warm milk in equal quantities. You can drink the mixture instead of the usual liquid, with a cold it is desirable more.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of herbal fees and other folk remedies that can perfectly help with colds. The most effective cough remedy is natural ingredients that do not harm your health.


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