Tablets from the common cold for children

What pills help with colds

Often the common cold is accompanied by a plentiful rhinitis, which is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. Its causative agents are various pathogens, and its causes can be hypothermia and polluted environment. His viscous or liquid mucus blocks the intake of air through the nose and the person has to breathe through the nose, which is doubly dangerous if he has a progression of the airway disease. Rhinitis is often accompanied by headaches, and the patient can not think of anything else, except to get rid of it in the shortest possible time.

Necessary drugs

The usual means of rhinitis are sprays and drops in the nose, but more effective and quick-acting remain tablet forms of drugs.

They come in several groups:

  • antiviral- able to eliminate various viruses with many colds;
  • antibiotics- destroying all bacteria in the nasopharynx;
  • homeopathic- Initiate protective - immune processes of the body and have a general strengthening effect;
  • anti-inflammatory- neutralize allergic reactions.
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Tablets for nasal congestion

There are a lot of antiviral drugs in capsules, we will quote the most popular tablets from the common cold and nasal congestion, which deserve positive reviews:

  • Arbidol- most often used to treat rhinitis. Its effect on the body is not sufficiently studied, but the effectiveness is proved by rapid recovery. It can be used as the main remedy for any complex therapy, but can be used for prevention purposes. Its active ingredient is a component derived from ethyl ether, more precisely, its carboxylic acid. On sale can occur under the name Umifenovir. The drug is able to prevent the contact of the viral pathogen with healthy cells of the body, while stimulating the fight of the immune system with the disease. Contraindications include: children under two years of age and individual intolerance of its components. The tableted form in a package of 20 pieces costs 250 rubles. The reference describes the effective treatment of the common cold in children by other methods.
  • CobwebComplex preparation. It is based on two active components: phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride and chlorpheniramine maleate. The medicine has at once a triple action: vasoconstrictive, antiallergic and antipyretic. In combination with other drugs, it can significantly reduce the course of the disease. But with all its good sides, this drug can not be used: children under 12, pregnant women, women during lactation, patients with hypertension and coronary heart disease. Drugs from the common cold in pregnancy are listed under the link. Often used inhalation during pregnancy with a cold. When glaucoma, bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus, it should be drunk with extreme caution, after consulting a specialist. Buy the drug can be in pharmacies for 150 rubles.

In addition to tablets, you can use other methods. It describes the treatment of nasal congestion with folk remedies. Here the causes of the phenomenon are described, when lays ns without a cold.

From an allergic rhinitis

  • Rinoprint- a combined agent, in which there are just two active ingredients: carbinoxamine and phenylephrine. Thanks to the first substance, the drug acts as an antihistamine and antiallergic medicine, and the content of the second helps to narrow the vessels and remove the swelling of the nasal mucosa. Its action lasts from 10 to 12 hours, during this disappears rhinitis, burning in the eyes and a headache. Contraindications in its use are the following: high blood pressure, increased individual perception of the components of the drug, pregnancy and lactation. 10 capsules of this medicine cost 260 rubles.
  • Cetrinconsists of the main active ingredient cetirizine dihydrochloride and auxiliary ingredients: corn starch, lactose, magnesium stearate and povidone. Thanks to them, the drug is able to prevent and eliminate allergic reactions. Relieve itching and soothe the mucous membranes of the nose. It can be given to one-year-old crumbs. They need to drink them on, mg 2 times a day. Children under six years of age the same dosage. Adults and children from the age of six If you have a small child, then by reference you can read how to treat a runny nose in a child for up to a year. Cetrin should be taken at 5 ml twice daily or 10 mg - once. It has almost no contraindications, but in some cases, there may be side effects in the form of drowsiness, headache, dry mouth, tachycardia, changes in taste and arterial hypertension. The cost of 20 tablets is 170 rubles.

Homeopathic remedies

They can consist of anything, the main thing is that this substance is derived from natural nature and used in the preparation in small doses. This is the basis for the effect of homeopathic medicines.

  • Sinupret- a cure for sinusitis, sinusitis and other complex diseases associated with the common cold. It is made on the basis of natural herbs: elder, leaves of sorrel, inflorescences of primrose, verbena and gentian root. The listed components are able to normalize the viscosity of the mucus to be released, to ensure its fastest withdrawal. They will remove the swelling of the nasal passages and bring immunity into action. The duration of treatment will be at least a week, and a maximum of two. Thanks to the herbal composition, this medicine has virtually no contraindications, and side effects rarely appear. 50 pieces of its green dragees can be purchased for 370 rubles.
  • Corysalproduced in the French "Laboratory Boiron". This product contains the following ingredients: belladonna, chenocaulon, onion, sleep-grass, virgin jasmine, lumbago and potassium bichromicum. The drug reduces the body's manifestation of inflammatory processes, is involved in the elimination of allergic and viral colds. The tablet of this remedy can not be swallowed, for better absorption it should be rinsed. Corysis works effectively at the first signs of rhinitis. It can be given to children who have reached the age of two. For babies up to six years old, it is better to pre-dissolve the tablet in water. The course of treatment with this drug is designed for five days. Over a day, you can not use more than 12 tablets in case of acute manifestation of the disease. Its usual daily dose is 6 pieces. They should be drunk one hour before a meal. Contraindications include individual sensitivity. Pregnant women should take this medicine only with the permission of the doctor. The cost of 40 tablets Korizalia is 220 rubles.
  • Cinnabsin- a potent drug, which is used for inflammation of the nasal passages. The main active ingredient is cinnabaris. Excipients are - Canadian yellow cherry, potassium dichromate, echinacea, lactose monohydrate, wheat starch and magnesium stearate.Thanks to such a strong composition, the drug can exert a depressing effect on the symptom of the disease, and also eliminate headache, tearing and stuffiness of the nose.It has a soft, but at the same time complex effects on the body and can effectively fight inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx. Suitable for children from 6 years, it is given to them every hour, but for a day you can not drink more than eight times. As for young children, the remedy for a cold in the newborn is described by reference. Adults have the same application, only their daily limit is 12 times. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the ingredients of the drug and a disease called celiac disease, which causes intolerance of wheat products. The packaging of Cinnabsin contains 100 tablets, which can be purchased for 800 rubles.

The usual treatment of external signs of a cold with drops or sprays is not always able to eliminate the cause of their occurrence. Tablets, unlike them act in a complex way: they quickly eliminate rhinitis, and also stimulate the speedy recovery of the body by affecting its immune system. With them, the treatment is more effective also thanks to the clearly measured active ingredient contained in each individual capsule. With volatile drugs this will not work. Perhaps you also need information on how to treat the common cold at home. If the runny nose is lingering, then read about the symptoms and treatment of chronic rhinitis in adults. Here you will find information on how to cure a cold very quickly.


  • Tatiana, 32 years old: «For the first time, she began to give her homeopathic remedy "Corizalia" to her child in six months. They gave us an ENT. We were treated with an antibiotic, and he even strengthened the rhinitis. Therefore, together with him, this remedy was appointed. The first day we drank it every hour, and then in two hours another four days. I took one tablet and dissolved in warm water of a small amount. The child drank all at once. The effect from the application is visible already on the second day. Later, I even took these pills myself when I started rhinitis. Saw them, like a child. My nose did not leave a trace on the second day. I believe that this is an excellent remedy for the common cold. His package (40 pieces) is enough for one course of treatment. The medicine can be used separately, without other medicines. If this is done in the early stages, the effect will not take long to wait. "
  • Alexandra, 26 years old:"This year, my baby, I thought, fell, until I saw and earned a bump that increased in size right before my eyes. I went to the emergency room with complete horror, and it turned out that she did not fall, and this was bitten by a mosquito and an allergic reaction went. It never entered my head that there were such reactions to mosquito bites. The doctor prescribed "Tsetrin" for us, calculated the dose for her age, and we took it twice a day. But after the first reception the cone began to drop noticeably, and the itch stopped, the daughter did not comb it any more. The drug was 12 hours, then again gave the child to drink this remedy. Two days later, the lump fell asleep, and the forehead became the same. Therefore, I am delighted with this remedy. "
  • Alena, 38 years old:"I learned about Sinupret two years ago, and during this time our family was very used to it. No runny nose can not do without the treatment of this herbal medicine. For the first time the check of this remedy took place during the treatment of my daughter, who at that time was three years old. As a result of a protracted runny nose, her adenoids have greatly increased. The mucus ran down over them and did not go out through the nose. Lor ordered us Sinupret tablets. I was very surprised that the medicine for rhinitis is not being buryed, but taken orally. But then I did not know that the tablets are much stronger than the sprays. I gave my daughter one tablet of medicine and immediately asked her to wash her with a sweet warm raspberry tea. She drank it for a week. But the very next day after taking the medicine, the cold gotten smaller, because in the morning the mucus left itself directly from the nose. The medicine was very happy after that and now we drink it with the whole family for colds. "

What kind of pill can you take from the cold?

When a person has a cold, he goes to the pharmacy and gets a spray or drops in the hope of getting rid of the disease soon. Tablets from the common cold are mostly not considered. But in vain.They can be very effective in eliminating nasal congestion and mucus secretion.

We will give due to aerosols and drops, which act locally, directly to the affected area. In inflammatory processes of the nasal mucosa, the effect of their application is achieved instantaneously. However, the runny nose does not appear by itself. There is a reason - some disease, the symptom of which is the runny nose. It can be a cold, flu, ARVI or allergic manifestation, and in the treatment of the underlying disease, the action of tablets can not be underestimated.

Groups of drugs that help with colds

In modern medical practice, various drugs are used to treat diseases accompanied by a runny nose.

They can be divided into 4 groups:
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • antihistamines;
  • homeopathic preparations.

If a person has an ordinary cold, tablets from Rhinza's cold, Coldrex, Koldakt will become indispensable helpers to ease your health. They contain phenylephrine, which can increase blood pressure and narrow the blood vessels, so that the swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, and it becomes easier for a person to breathe. This is a kind of "first aid" to the body. However, people with problems with the heart and blood vessels are not allowed to take them.

Anti-cold medications can not cure a runny nose, caused by the body's reaction to an allergen. In this case, antihistamines are needed. There are many such medicines. They are Zodak, Citrine, Claritin, Clarotadine, Zirtek, Letizen, Suprastin, Anaerhegine and others. It will be better if the medicine is prescribed by an allergist.

Antibiotics have a strong antibacterial effect and are capable of destroying all pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx. They are prescribed for acute bacterial or mixed viral - bacterial sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis. The choice of the drug is done exclusively by a doctor. These may be antibiotics of the macrolide group, beta-lactam antibiotics with clavulanic acid, or cephalosporins of the fourth generation.

Antiviral tablets

Antiviral medications will have an effective effect if they are taken at the first manifestations of a cold or respiratory disease. They will help get rid of not only the discharge from the nose, but also from coughing, fever, joint aches, sore throats, which are usually accompanied by these diseases. Antiviral pills prevent the development of complications and greatly facilitate the course of the disease.

Excellent proven themselves in the fight against viruses Arbidol, Remantadine and Tamiflu. It is these drugs that are recommended to be taken even for the prevention of influenza and SARS in the season of their wide distribution.

The most popular capsules are Arbidol. Contraindications - children under 2 years of age and individual intolerance. Remantadine and Tamiflu are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children under 1 year of age.

It should be borne in mind that these drugs do not give 100% protection against the common cold, because they can not cope with all, without exception, viruses that exist in nature.

Homeopathic tablets from the cold

The main action of homeopathic medicines is aimed at general strengthening of the body, an increase in the blood of interferon to trigger protective-immune reactions. They consist of different plant components, and the right choice of a remedy makes recovery possible without complications and any consequences.

The composition of Korisalia tablets, for example, includes Sabadilla, belladonna, yellow jasmine, potassium, bichromicum, pulsatilla and onion. Tablets are issued from the cold in a hard tableted form. Their reception is limited to 5 days. Contraindications - individual intolerance of components. Restrictions on admission are in pregnant women. Children under 6 years are recommended to take tablets dissolved in water.

Sinupret helps with a cold with a viscous secret. It includes flowers of primrose with cups, elder, verbena grass, sorrel and gentian root. Available in the form of a dragee, syrup and drops. The drug effectively removes the swelling of the nasal mucosa, eliminates obstruction, normalizes the viscosity of the fluid. In addition, it has immunomodulatory properties. The course of admission is 1-2 weeks. Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, children under 6 years of age and intolerance to lactose or other components.

Cinnabsin, based on the Canadian yellow-root, echinacea, potassium bichromicum and mercury sulfide, treats acute and chronic forms of sinusitis and frontalitis. Produced in the form of tablets for resorption. Restrictions - pregnancy, contra-indications - children's age till 3 years.


As you already noticed, in most cases, the pill from the common cold has limitations on childhood. To relatively safe include antiviral Aflubin, Anaferon, Remantadin, Arbidol (in children's dosages). From homeopathic remedies - Sinupret and Corizalia. Among antihistamines, Diazolin, Claritin, Zirteku and Astemizol should be given preference. The main thing is to take into account the dosage depending on the age and weight of the child.

List of cheap and effective remedies for the common cold

Rhinitis is the most common sign of a cold. When a stuffy nose is laid, it is difficult for a person to breathe, and this gives him a lot of inconvenience. Solve this problem with the help of effective and not very expensive means. Many may think that cheap drugs a priori can not have a positive effect, but this is absolutely wrong.

How does the analog of the bioparox for children look like in this article.

Treatment of rhinitis in adults

Where to find effective and at the same time budget funds for the common cold? There may be several options. The patient can go to the pharmacy where he will be advised to take pills, drops or sprays, or take advantage of folk medicine and its proven means.


If the runny nose chases you throughout the entire cold, then it is necessary to take medications, the action of which is directed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also the cause. These include:

  1. Tablets with antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. Their task is to neutralize allergies and colds of the same origin.
  2. Antibacterial drugs can eliminate the main types of bacteria in the nasopharynx.
  3. Antiviral drugs have a positive effect on the process of removing viruses from the body.
  4. Homeopathic medicines have a general strengthening effect and increase the level of interferon in the lymph. This element activates the internal protective-immune processes of the body.

How does a runny nose and barking cough in a child, you can learn from this article.


If you need to eliminate nasal congestion, then the most effective in this regard are drops and spray. It is best to use the latter option, since a spray with a lower dosage can have a greater effect and evenly distribute the active components over the surface of the nasal cavity. The main advantage of drops with vasoconstrictive effect is the exception of overdose.

The most effective and inexpensive drugs that remove nasal congestion are:

  • Xylometazoline (59 rubles);
  • Galazolin (31 rubles);
  • Tizin (38 rubles);
  • Nazivin (130 rubles);
  • "Toonos" (72 rubles);
  • Grippostad Reno (86 rubles);
  • Ximelin (95 rubles);
  • Otrivin (140 rubles);
  • Rhinonorm (45 rubles).

What to do when there is no runny nose and cough, you can learn from this article.

Folk remedies

If such a cold symptom as a runny nose suggests a stuffy nose, then do not panic immediately and go quickly to the pharmacy, buying expensive and ineffective drugs. A great alternative to them can serve home-made drops. In addition, they are absolutely safe for health, easy to prepare, you do not have to spend money on drugs, the effectiveness of which you are not aware of. But people's recipes have been tested by time and people.

From this article, you can find out what to do when the child does not get cough and how to treat it.

The most effective are:

  1. Juicy Kalanchoe. When the cause of nasal congestion lies in the congestion of mucus, then it is worth using this remedy. After its use, a strong sneezing occurs, during which the nasal passages are cleared of the pathogenic factor. Such a cheap remedy for rhinitis is so safe that it can be used even by children.
  2. Inhalation with garlic. This is the cheapest tool. This procedure allows you to eliminate all the accumulated bacteria and removes the swelling of the mucosa. To make it necessary to chop the garlic, put in boiling water, put 2 dessert spoons of soda. Remove mixture from fire, cool and inhale steam for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Plantain. If the stuffiness of the nose is infectious or allergic, then folk medicine has a plantain for this case. In addition to the adult population, even the smallest children can be used. To make it, you need to take finely chopped plantain leaves in the amount of a tablespoon, pour them with a boiling water, wait for the broth to cool down, and after dripping their nose 3-4 times in knocking.

What to do when the runny nose does not go away is indicated in this article.

Treatment of rhinitis in children

Folk treatment of the common cold in small patients is similar in many respects to adults, because they use natural ingredients that have a safe effect on the body. As for pharmaceutical products, the differences are more significant here.

Drops and Spray

The most effective spray for children is Xylometazoline. It can be produced in the form of a drop and a solution. Enter medications inhalatorily. It is best to buy a compressor nebulizer for this. If you perform this manipulation, then the effect can be fixed for 10 hours. But you can not use this remedy for more than a week, otherwise it can be addictive. One more effective and inexpensive drugs for the treatment of pediatric cold may include such inexpensive drugs:

  • Otrivin;
  • Fornos;
  • Tizin-xylo;
  • Ximelin;
  • Halazolin;
  • Rhinostop;
  • Xylen.

What kind of pill from the cold best to apply, you can learn from this article.

Combined preparations

The best and most affordable remedy for a cold is a plant-derived drug. Such drugs, as a rule, have a combined effect. They can eliminate puffiness, inflammation, have antiseptic and mucolytic effect.

What to do when the child does not have a runny nose, you can learn from this article.

The most popular tool remainsKnoxprey(70 rubles), which is issued in the form of a spray. It belongs to antiviral drugs, so it is allowed to use it after 2 years.

Another combination of drugs suggests the presence of homeopathic remedies. They allow you to overcome puffiness, eliminate viruses and boost immune forces. On the positive side, a drug in the form of a sprayGrillpostad Reno(65 rubles). It belongs to the group of effective and safe drugs for the common cold.

As a child to wash the nose with furatsilinom, you can learn from this article.

Using a nebulizer

Such adaptation is simply necessary in case of development of allergic rhinitis in the child. Thanks to him, the treatment can be carried out using medicines based on water and essential oils. The most accessible are considered Pinosol (130 rubles) and Evkasept (55 rubles). They contain essential oils that can eliminate inflammation, relieve spasms and have an antiseptic effect.

What kind of pill from the cold is best used, you can learn from this article.

As part of a drug such as Nazol Advance (71 rubles), contains menthol and eucalyptus. Due to this combination it is possible to obtain the necessary effect instantly and to eliminate the inflammation that has arisen in the nasal passages. It is these components that can overcome inflammation, narrow the blood vessels and anesthetize.

At the child in 3 years a rhinitis and tussis, what with it or this to do or make, it is possible to learn or find out from clause or article.

As part of Pinosol, there are anti-inflammatory components that actively fight with pathogens and regenerate the damaged epithelium of the nose. It is administered in the form of drops or with the help of a nebulizer.

The video tells about cheap and effective remedies for the common cold:

What to do when the ear was stuffed with a cold is indicated in this article.

Eliminate allergic rhinitis in children can a drug such as Adrianol (91 rubles). It is characterized by the provision of anti-allergic effects and the elimination of an increased predisposition of the immune system to the effects of allergens.

Runny nose is always unpleasant symptoms, especially when it is accompanied by a strong nasal congestion. Very often against this background people get a headache, they sleep badly, a feeling of apathy arises. I will use the presented recommendations, you will manage to overcome this unpleasant symptom and improve your state of health.

What is recommended from the common cold for children?

Every parent should know what to use from the common cold for children. Rhinitis itself is an ailment in which inflammation of the nasal mucosa occurs. It should be noted that this disease is quite common in babies. Usually, a runny nose in children appears due to a weakened immune system. Even a weak and fragile children's body can not stand up against all malignant bacteria that seek to enter the body. Also, quite often, babies suffer from this ailment in the cold season due to hypothermia.

It should be noted that not all parents are serious about the common cold, considering it a non-dangerous disease. This is a very big mistake. In time, the cured rhinitis can cause inflammation to rise higher into the maxillary sinuses, which connect the nasopharynx with the middle ear.

Determine the presence of a cold in a child will not be difficult.The sick kid raises his temperature, swells up the nasal mucosa, which causes difficulty in breathing. Also, crumbs lose appetite and taste perception deteriorates.

Medication for ailment

Currently, there is a huge amount of medicines for treating a common cold in children. Vessoconstrictive agents for topical use are very popular in the fight against unpleasant symptoms. These drugs contribute to the rapid narrowing of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which leads to a reduction in its edema. Positive results, as a rule, do not keep you waiting long. After a fairly short period of time, the baby is lost snot and nasal breathing is restored. Such vasoconstrictors as "Otrivin" and "Nazivin" are very popular. Suitable for children under 1 year. The main thing is to observe the dosage of the drug for each age group. When treating infants, it is better to use nasal drops. You can take vasoconstrictors for a maximum of 7 days.

Using such medicines, do not forget that they very quickly penetrate into the blood and can adversely affect the general condition of the body. That's why you need to use these drugs only after a meeting with a professional. It is very important to follow the dosage established by him. Sometimes the use of vasoconstrictors causes the appearance of pale skin in the baby.

Very popular are the moisturizing drops "Physiomer "Salin "Aqualor which are a solution of sea salt. Such drugs moisturize the nasal mucosa, reduce inflammation and swelling. These drops do not have a momentary effect, but their big plus is that they do not have side effects, so they can be used without fear to treat children.

At the first signs of a cold, antiviral drops should be used. With a timely and proper admission, such remedies will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms in just 3 days. These drops contain interferon, which is a substance produced by the body in response to an infection attack. Many doctors believe that antiviral drops are the best way to treat a cold in babies. In the pharmacy you can buy dry interferon in ampoules. This remedy should be diluted with clean water and used like any other drops in the nose.

In the event that bacterial inflammation has joined the cold, then the illness should be treated with antibacterial agents. Very effective is the ointment "Bactroban 2% aerosol "Bioparox" and nasal spray "Isofra". No less popular antibacterial drops "Pinosol". This remedy softens the irritated mucosa, has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. It should be noted that, because of the rather high content of essential oils, these drops often cause the development of an allergic reaction. Drops "Pinosol" are not recommended for the treatment of a cold in children under 3 years.

Allergic rhinitis can be treated with antiallergic agents. Effective drug - a drop of "Zirtek." They can be used to treat children under 2 years old. With the development of this type of rhinitis it is very important to protect the child from the allergen that caused the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment with folk remedies

To treat a runny nose in children is possible not only with medicinal preparations, but also with folk recipes. For their preparation, as a rule, does not require the expenditure of a large number of forces, time and ingredients.

A severe runny nose in children under 1 year can be treated with beet juice. In each nostril of the baby should be dripped three times a day 2 drops of beet juice. Pre-juice should be diluted with the same amount of water. Experts advise using only freshly squeezed beet juice. If desired, beet juice can be replaced with carrot juice.

Drug medications can easily be replaced with the following folk remedy: 1 garlic head must be cleaned and chopped in garlic. The resulting gruel should be diluted with a small amount of olive oil. The agent should be infused in a dark place for about 12 hours. Ready mixture should be instilled in the baby's nose 2 drops in each nostril. Such a tool can be slightly pinched, so it is better to use it for the treatment of more adult children.

If there is a suspicion of infection, then you can take drops from onions at home. 1 teaspoon of onion juice should be diluted with the same amount of pure water. The resulting liquid must be mixed with a small amount of honey. Use 2 times a day.

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At home, a sick child can be given a mixture of 1 spoon of aloe juice and the same amount of honey. Both ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and dripped into the baby's nose. Experts recommend using for this prescription aloe vera over 3 years.

Additional options

For the treatment of infants, warming can be used.

A small bag of cotton cloth must be filled with boiled millet porridge and applied to the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses. Remove the bag only when it is completely cool. In any case, you can not use too hot millet porridge. It can cause a burn of the skin.

An effective home remedy for a common cold for children: 1 liter of water should be poured into a saucepan and brought to a boil. After that, add some dry leaves of eucalyptus to the boiling liquid. The resulting mixture is boiled for 2-3 minutes. Next, remove the pan from the heat, allow the medicine to cool and add 1 spoonful of soda. The child should bend over the pan, cover his head with a towel and breathe in pairs for 10 minutes. It must be ensured that the steam is warm, but not hot. Otherwise, there is a high risk of burns.

A proven remedy for the common cold for children is the juice of the century. 1 tablespoon of liquid honey should be mixed with the same amount of juice of the plant. The resulting consistency should be instilled in each nostril 2 drops. A positive result will not take long.

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At home, you can prepare a very effective syrup of medicinal sage. Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped herb into 1 glass of milk. The resulting liquid should be boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Ready mixture to drain, again boil and give the child before bed.

Before using any folk remedy for the common cold, children should consult a professional. This will help to avoid a variety of complications.

Preparations from the common cold for children and during pregnancy

Symptoms of rhinitis give a person a lot of unpleasant sensations. This disease worsens the patient's condition, reduces its working capacity, causes disruption of nasal breathing and smell. To get rid of the symptoms, it is important to choose the right drugs from the common cold, which will contribute to a quick recovery.

The essence of the disease lies in the fact that there is a violation of blood flow in the mucous membrane of the nose, resulting in swelling. The reasons for such an inflammatory process can be many. What drugs should be taken from the rhinitis, only the specialist should say, taking into account the causes of the disease.

Vasoconstrictors from a cold of different validity

Among all the medicines used in otolaryngology in the treatment of diseases of the nose, the first place is occupied by vasoconstrictive drugs. They do not have a pronounced therapeutic effect on the nasal mucosa, but effectively relieve edema, normalizing nasal breathing. Vasoconstrictive medications from the common cold are used for any kind of inflammatory process in the nose.

All the funds of this pharmacological group can be divided into drugs of different validity: short, medium and long. More cheap drops and sprays are made on the basis of naphazoline. These are such medicines as Sanorin, Naphthysine and Tizin.

The main drawback of these drugs is their short-term effect, which lasts no more than 6 hours, while they can be used up to 4 times a day.

For minor relief of the patient's condition caused by nasal congestion, it is possible to use vasoconstrictive drugs from a xyletazoline-based snot. Such medicines combined high efficiency and long-lasting effect - up to 10 hours. These preparations from the common cold for children up to two years old are categorically contraindicated. Adults, too, should abandon the long-term use of xylometazoline. The list of preparations from the common cold on the basis of this active substance consists of such drops and sprays as Rhinostop, Otrivin, Xylen, Ximelin, and Galazolin.

Also, vasoconstrictive products based on oxymetazoline are produced, they form a group of long-acting drugs. You can apply them only 2 times a day for three days. They are contraindicated for people suffering from diabetes and kidney disease, pregnant, lactating and children up to a year.

Vasoconstrictive preparations from the common cold in pregnancy are not recommended for use, except for the appointment of a specialist. It is advisable to do without them, replacing the product of plant origin Pinosol.

Antiviral drugs for the common cold

Rhinitis is a frequent companion of cold and viral diseases. If the runny nose has appeared as a result of the penetration of the virus into the body, it is necessary to treat it with antiviral medications. They can be produced in different pharmacological forms, such as:

  • drops- the best preparation for the common cold of antiviral action is Grippferon;
  • capsules- Tamiflu and Arbidol;
  • rectal suppositories- Kipferon, Viferon;
  • pills- Rematadin, Rince.

High efficiency in the fight against viral infection is endowed with Oxoline ointment. It helps a weakened organism to fight infection by suppressing the multiplication of pathogens in the nasal cavity.

Antibacterials from the cold

Many people refuse to use antibacterial drugs, trying to find an alternative to them. However, such actions are not always appropriate, in some cases, you can not do without burying the antibacterial drops of their sprays. They do not do much damage to the body, because they have a local effect on the mucous membrane.

Most often nasal antibiotics are available in the form of aerosols, popular among them are Polidexa, Isofra, Boiparox. These drugs are prescribed from snot to children, not just adults. In a short time they destroy the pathogenic microorganisms that caused the bacterial rhinitis. Apply them usually 1-1, 5 weeks, but noticeable improvements, as a rule, come in a few days.

Antihistamines from an allergic rhinitis

In the treatment of allergic rhinitis, the main drug is antihistamines. These can be complex agents intended for oral administration - Claritin, Fenistil, Erius, Zodak, Zirtek, or drops and aerosols of local action. Nasonex, Avamis, Vibrocilum is widely used for burrowing the nose.

Treatment of rhinitis will give positive results only with the right drug. To do this, it is important to establish the causes and type of the disease.

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