Scheme of treatment of sinusitis in adults

How to cure sinusitis

Sinusitis is a common disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus, which occurs in the acute, odontogenic, fungal, allergic, dontogenic forms. Timely determination of the disease, understanding what symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children and adults is what is needed for recovery. The cause of the development is respiratory infection, allergic reaction, curvature of the nasal septum, chronic diseases of the oral cavity. Treatment consists in an integrated approach.

How to treat sinusitis in the home

Treatment of nasal disease consists of several areas, which are directed at all efforts in the treatment of sinusitis at home. Among them are:

  1. Elimination of the cause of the disease. In this case, drugs are prescribed that fight the causative agent of the disease: antibacterial, antifungal, antiseptic.
  2. Removal of inflammation and improvement of the state of the sinus. For therapy, the washing of the nasal cavity, drugs with substances that promote the excretion of mucus are prescribed. Effective solutions from table salt and sea salt.
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  3. Vasodilating drops. Used to improve drainage, as they remove puffiness of the mucosa. At home, broths are prepared for washing the nose with St. John's wort, propolis, Kalanchoe, Sophora, drops of eucalyptus, cyclamen. Sometimes a chestnut is used. Drainage as a treatment is more effective after washing with antiseptic agents, for example, Dauphin. Treatment of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses with the drug is without complications.
  4. Thermal procedures. Treatment at home involves warming the area of ​​the nose with dry heat. To do this, you need a warm egg, salt, blue bioptron lamp. Contra-indicated warming in the acute form of the disease.
  5. With severe pain, compresses with hydrocortisone and dimexide are made.
  6. The use of homeopathy, alternative treatments like leeches.

According to statistics, treatment with folk remedies has a positive result. There are a large number of drops, solutions for rinsing, compresses and ointments. Treatment is impossible without regular washing with a solution of sodium chloride before dropping drops. Home therapy excludes funds that cause the patient signs of intolerance. The proposed methods of treatment are suitable for adults and children alike.

Effective folk remedies

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies, the most effective of which have been known for a long time, is the regular use of herbal remedies, compositions that do not cause complications. The proposed methods are good if the disease is treated without punctures in the future. Among traditional medicine, the following are distinguished:

  1. Application of inhalations with propolis. The cooking scheme is simple: in a saucepan it is required to boil two liters of water. Add two teaspoons of spirituous tincture of propolis. After the pan is removed from the fire. The patient breathes the ferry, bending over the pan. He holds his head above the pan and covers the top with a blanket.
  2. Preparation of drops on the basis of honey. Grass celandine finely chopped, mixed with honey and aloe juice in equal amounts. It is buried in two or three drops in each nostril. The daily rate is three to five times. Contraindications for allergic reactions.
  3. Application of rosehip oil. Therapy of sinusitis at home is effective when using rose hips or sea buckthorn oil. Drops are digested three times a day, have a facilitating effect. Effective in acute, chronic and purulent maxillary sinusitis. Do not bury children under two years of age.
  4. Use of herbs. The herbal collection is taken internally. It is allowed to use in the absence of intolerance. The recipe is generally available: you will need to put two or three spoons of chamomile, sage, lavender, eucalyptus or St. John's wort in glassware. Grasses are thoroughly mixed, the prepared collection is poured with two liters of boiling water, and then it is infused at room temperature. The broth is taken one hundred grams every three hours. Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults at home involves a course within 14 days.
  5. Compresses made of clay. In hot water, 50 grams of clay are mixed. Two pieces of gauze are wetted in vegetable oil and superimposed on the nose. Clay is applied to the nose over the gauze. Compress in case of illness lasts thirty minutes.
  6. Compress from laurel leaves. A branch of leaves is flooded with water, brought to a boil. It's getting cold. In the finished solution, a napkin is wetted and applied for one hour on the sinuses of the nose. The face is covered with a towel from above.


Antibiotics treat the disease only with bacterial form. The use of drugs in other forms leads to side effects. The bacterial form is formed due to the growth of streptococcus bacteria, staphylococcus, so antibiotics are selected with the content of active substances. These can be funds of the penicillin group - Amosin, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Ecoclav, "Dolphin macrolides - "Sumamed "Macropen "Clarithromycin fluoroquinolones - "Ofloxacin, Lomefloxacin.

Medicinal preparations

Treatment of chronic sinusitis in adults involves the use of "Bioparox". The drug is used for inhalation, in neglected forms, the drug is administered through the nose. The doctor appoints the dosage individually. Treat without a puncture sinusitis is well ointment Vishnevsky, which has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect. Relieves exacerbation, eliminates the need for piercing. Quickly relieves the cold at an early stage.

An interesting method of combating sinusitis was suggested by Professor Neumyvakin: treatment of the disease consists in application of hydrogen peroxide (3%), because it is a strong antiseptic, coping with any form disease. Treatment of the sinusitis of the house consists of rinsings and instillations of drops. One or two drops are instilled. The daily rate is two to three times. For the solution, the peroxide is diluted with water in equal amounts.

Features of treatment of sinusitis

The peculiarity of treatment in adults at home and during inpatient treatment is a combination of different methods - taking medications, physiotherapy, and other procedures. The initial stage can be treated quickly, does not require antibiotics, just follow the recommendations. The sinusitis can be left-sided, right-sided or spread to both sides. After treatment of sinusitis it is important not to get sick again.


To treat without a puncture the chronic form of a genyantritis it is possible by means of brainings of sinuses, application of the medical products directed on excretion of a sputum: for this purpose mucolytics are registered. Flushing is carried out by weak solutions of table salt at home or saline solutions at a reception with an otolaryngologist. As an auxiliary therapy, vitamins, fortified preparations are taken.


Acute antritis often has a two-sided shape. Therapy is aimed at eliminating a purulent focus, consists of general physiotherapy, the use of local and anti-inflammatory drugs. The drugs are aimed at excretion of sputum and improvement of breathing. Effective are drugs for removing pus through the mouth. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks.

Treatment of sinusitis in a hospital

In the hospital, the treatment takes place according to a scheme in which antibiotics, washing, drops, physiotherapy are simultaneously involved. A special device, known as the "Cuckoo removes purulent discharge from the nose without a puncture. The action of the device resembles a domestic wash, but they use antibiotics, soothing mucous compositions, saline solutions. Get rid of sinusitis will forever help modern tools and techniques.

With the help of a puncture

Puncture is a simple operation, during which purulent accumulations with clots of blood are removed from the sinuses. After the puncture, the sinuses are washed abundantly with saline solution with the addition of medications. It is prescribed only in the absence of the result of medical treatment after ultrasound. Punctures are used in the treatment of illness for adults and children, the soreness is average, it all depends on the sensitivity of the patient.


Treatment with a laser method promotes rapid recovery without further complications. This is a non-surgical method that does not require in-patient treatment. The laser eliminates puffiness, promotes the excretion of sputum. Treatment consists of several procedures in the interval of 1-2 weeks, while the patient does not feel any discomfort. The procedure has a quick, painless rehabilitation period.

How to treat sinusitis in pregnancy

During the period of gestation and lactation, the treatment of the disease involves carrying out lavage and taking medicines based on medicinal plants (homeopathic). Severe forms of the disease allow the doctor to prescribe antibiotics, but not a puncture. Safe therapy is the use of "cuckoo". If the temperature rises, wipes with a damp sponge help, a cool shower.

What will happen if you do not treat a genyantritis

Lack of timely treatment leads to the development of a chronic form, in which there are regular headaches, weakness, shortness of breath, purulent mucus with an unpleasant odor. Later the development of sinusitis leads to osteoperiosty, meningitis, sepsis, neuritis, purulent otitis. Proper treatment eliminates complications, saves from pain.

Video on how to cure maxillary sinusitis without puncture

Want to know all about how to treat sinusitis in children, adults? Are you interested in modern methods of getting rid of the disease in adults? Presented below video clips will reveal all secrets, help to make a harmonious picture of the disease and follow the recommendations to forget about the ailment, do not remember more about medications, procedures, hospitals, punctures.

Komarovsky on the symptoms and treatment of sinusitis in children

How to treat sinusitis in adults

Feedback on treatment methods

Olya, 23 years old: I suffer from childhood, acute catarrhal form of sinusitis due to untimely treatment has developed into chronic. When there is a strong cold and the symptoms of sinusitis I use Vishnevsky ointment. Ointment warms the sinuses of the nose and promotes the excretion of phlegm. For a week I completely recover and return to work. Together with ointment I do inhalations and lavages.

Anatoly, 30 years old: What is the genyantritis I learned just recently, delayed with treatment. The doctors were sent for surgery (puncture). Friends advised to use the cuckoo, helped, pus left without surgery. I expected strong pains, but it did.

Anna, 34 years old: A child often picks up colds from children. This time the rhinitis has passed in a genyantritis. She refused antibiotics and drugs and decided to use folk remedies. The child was helped by aloe juice and inhalation. In addition, she made decoctions of medicinal plants.

Methods and methods of treatment of sinusitis in adults

Sinusitis - inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, many do not consider it an important and dangerous disease. Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults is more often associated with persuasions, moods and refusals of drugs than children.Adult intelligent people come to the doctor already with a severe form of chronic sinusitis, with severe headaches, complete absence of nasal breathing.

In such cases, for a quick relief of the condition, it remains to puncture and wash the sinuses. The procedure is not pleasant, but the patients themselves do not leave themselves the choice. The doctor thinks about possible complications and spread of the inflammatory process to the meninges, damage to the facial and trigeminal nerves.

When you go to an early stage of the disease, you can pick up medicines to treat sinusitis, offer folk remedies, physiotherapy, massage.

Methods of treatment of sinusitis in adults

In adult patients, a polyclinic of the genyantritis is most often associated with an untreated viral infection after a respiratory illness or flu. A prolonged runny nose causes pathological pathogens to penetrate into the maxillary and frontal sinuses of the nose, a bacterial infection joins and suppuration occurs. A chronic process is quickly formed. Exacerbations occur after each hypothermia, several times a year.


To treat chronic sinusitis you need a whole complex of medications.

  1. Treatment with antibiotics of acute sinusitis, as a rule, is not effective. Not because the drugs are not prescribed, but because of the lack of the ability of antibiotics to act on viruses. Pathogens of influenza, adenoviruses, herpes infection are insensitive to antibiotics. However, a bacterial infection complicates the disease and leads to severe inflammation. Therefore, the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics with a short course in this case is justified, the dose and duration of treatment is determined only by the doctor.

You can not prescribe antibiotic treatment yourself or stop prescribing ahead of schedule.This contributes to the loss of sensitivity of pathogens to the antibiotic.

In the severe stage of chronic sinusitis, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly, hormonal agents are prescribed.

A more effective way of treatment is the local use of anti-inflammatory drugs based on antibiotics in the form of sprays. "Bioparox "Isofra "Polidex" are popular in chronic sinusitis sprays with a deep penetration of the anti-inflammatory drug close to the source of the disease. Use medicinal sprays need 15-20 minutes after the use of vasoconstrictors and possible cleansing of the nasal passages.

For treatment of chronic sinusitis, a spray with an antiviral effect is recommended - Sinupret.

  1. As vasoconstrictive medications for adults, nasal drops (naphthyzine, galazoline, ximelin) or sprays are recommended. It is necessary to use these drugs no longer than five days, as they cause the mucous membrane to overdry. To hypertensive people any vasoconstrictive medicines are contraindicated.
  2. To dilute the contents of the sinuses, wash the nasal passages from the remains of mucus, pus and germs can be used sprays based on sea water containing plant mucolytic agents - "Marine "Aqua Maris " "Sinuforte". For washing, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin is suitable.
  3. Symptomatic means. With severe headaches, you can apply aspirin, analgin, ibuprofen. Do not abuse these drugs if there is chronic gastritis.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine is widely recommended for the treatment of chronic sinusitis.

  • With the help of chamomile, marigold, plantain, it is possible to effectively and safely wash the nose both during the period of exacerbation and for prophylaxis. Decoctions are prepared as tea one spoon for a glass of boiling water.
  • These same broths are used for compresses on the forehead, nose and nose. Treating from sinusitis with compresses is better at night.
  • From calanchoe, aloe, beet, juice is obtained for instillation in the nose or treatment with nasal tampons moistened in solution.

Puncture of the maxillary sinus

In severe inflammatory process, adult patients after local anesthesia undergo a puncture of the maxillary sinuses followed by washing, suctioning of purulent contents and the introduction directly into the inflammatory focus of antibiotics, diluting enzymes (trypsin, chymotrypsin). In the period between the punctures, it is possible to use the washing of the nose with folk methods.

Treatment by physiotherapy methods

It is carried out in conjunction with medicines and folk remedies. Applied UHF apparatus, lamp "Sollux tube-quartz, laser therapy. These apparatuses allow, in addition to a small bactericidal action, to remove edema of the nasal passages, to restore epithelial cells, and to stimulate local immunity.

The use of electrophoresis and ultrasound therapy presupposes a profound introduction of medicinal anti-inflammatory drugs with the help of physical stimulation.

To treat chronic sinusitis, laser irradiation can be performed inside the nasal passages and outside at the points of acupuncture points.

Massage or self-massage is prescribed in the early stages of the disease or during the recovery period. If there is purulent contents in the sinuses, the massage is strictly contraindicated.

Any kind of treatment of sinusitis in adults is associated with possible side effects of drugs, antibiotics, herbal remedies, with increased individual sensitivity of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician on all matters.

With a clear performance of all medical measures, exacerbation of the sinusitis is cured within 7-10 days. To get rid of the chronic process, you will have to be treated with all possible measures for two to three months and will be involved in the prevention of the disease.

Antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibiotics for sinusitis sometimes become the only solution to the problem, because they help get rid of the infection or the virus and, thus, "clear" the maxillary sinuses from accumulated pus. Treatment should appoint a doctor who will choose the optimal drug depending on the course of the disease and the patient's condition.

Genyantritis (maxillitis) - a very common disease, which is of an infectious nature and is accompanied by an inflammatory process in the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses. This is a kind of sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membranes of the paranasal sinuses. The main reasons for the development of maxillitis can be viral and bacterial infections that cause a prolonged runny nose, usual hypothermia, fungal infection, complication of the flu or ARVI, various allergic factors.

Common symptoms are headache, fever, facial hypersensitivity, soreness in the eye and forehead, and abundant discharge from the nose. Inflammation provokes a violation of the outflow of secretion, which is secreted by the mucosa of the maxillary sinus, which, in turn, leads to the development of the disease. Under the influence of pathogenic microbes, the mucus turns into pus. If the genyantritis is not treated, it will go into a chronic form.

Symptoms are smeared, but with pronounced sensations in the form of tension or pressure in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus, profuse secret secretion from the nose, difficult respiration, as well as headache, which is aggravated with head inclinations, or pain giving to the teeth, there is every reason to believe about the development of the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses.

As a rule, the cause of the disease is a pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic bacterial flora. To treat this disease, antibiotics are used in various forms - tablets, sprays, nasal drops, and also ampoules for injections. To determine the most suitable antibacterial agent, it is necessary to conduct a special study to determine the sensitivity of the causative agent of an infection to a particular antibiotic. Usually, the doctor sends the patient to the procedure for taking a bacterial swab of a nasal smear. Based on the result of the analysis, you can choose the drug to which the pathogen will be most sensitive.

Treatment of the disease is usually prescribed, if during the first 7-10 days the use of other methods (washes, inhalations, instillations of the nose) did not give the desired result. Modern antibiotics can save a patient from sinusitis in just a few days. They can be released in various medical forms: in the form of tablets, sprays, drops, solutions, injections. The doctor can prescribe the taking of several drugs at the same time to alleviate the patient's condition and accelerate the recovery process.

The choice of an antibiotic from a genyantritis is best entrusted to the skilled medical expert, - self-treatment can not give results. So, for example, if the development of maxillitis caused some fungal infection, taking the medicine may become ineffective. In this case, you need to "connect" antifungal drugs, as well as corticosteroids.

When treating a disease in chronic form, it is necessary to conduct a study to identify the true cause of the disease. It can be pathology in the adenoids, curvature of the nasal septum and even banal caries. Only by eliminating the main cause of pathology, you can continue to fight its consequences.

Antibacterial treatment of sinusitis in adults

Before starting medication, you should consult an experienced medical professional. It is he who will assess the severity of the disease and select the most appropriate drug.

Treatment in adults takes place when there is an acute course of the disease, or the chronic form has caused serious complications. In some cases, the patient is placed on inpatient treatment. He is prescribed bed rest and treatment with effective antibacterial agents. In most cases, intensive therapy produces positive results, and the patient quickly goes on to recover. In severe situations with complications, punctures of the maxillary sinuses are applied.

Usually, macrolides, penicillins and cephalosporins are used to treat adults. These include: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, Ampiox, Cephazoline, Macropen, Ceftriaxone (often used to neutralize the acute phase), Cyphran, etc. The selection of an antibacterial agent depends on the general condition of the patient, the degree of complications associated with maxillitis, and other factors. Usually the course of treatment is no more than 7 days. If necessary, intramuscular injection should be a special test for sensitivity. The chronic phase is treated, as a rule, by penicillins, in particular, by Augmentin. From chronic forms get rid of longer - on average, such treatment is 2-3 weeks.

Any skin rashes may indicate an allergy. In this case, the medication should be discontinued and consult a doctor to decide on the choice of an alternative remedy. Often together with antibiotics, antihistamines and corticosteroids are prescribed, whose action is aimed at reducing edema, reducing inflammation and preventing allergies.

The most effective at treatment of a genyantritis at adults for today are considered cephalosporins. Already on the second day after their administration, a significant improvement in the patient's condition is observed, unpleasant symptoms disappear, breathing is facilitated.

The choice of antibacterial agents today is quite extensive, but the purpose of treatment should be done by an ENT doctor. So, he can attribute antibiotics in the form of tablets, powder for the preparation of injections, sprays, suspensions and drops. The most effective forms of release of antibacterial agents in medical practice are considered to be injectable solutions. Without a qualified consultation of a medical specialist, treatment will not produce the desired results and will practically be meaningless.

Antibacterial treatment of sinusitis in children

Antibiotics for sinusitis for children's treatment are used only in rare cases, with the advanced stages of the disease, which have passed into chronic forms when it comes to serious dangers for life of the child. The fact that drugs of this type can have a very negative impact on the health of the child in the future, because often affect the liver and disrupt the intestinal microflora. The optimal dosage form of an antibacterial drug is selected depending on the age of the child. It can be both tablets and injections.

How to recognize sinusitis in a child? The main symptoms of this disease in most cases are puffiness of the face, a headache that increases with corners or head inclinations, prolonged cold for more than 7 days, accompanied by severe nasal congestion and runny nose, reappearance temperature.

Antibiotic is selected taking into account the state of the baby, the course of the disease, as well as the complications that have appeared. Typically, doctors recommend modern topical antibacterial drugs. Their advantages are in the localization of active agents directly in the foci of infection. One of the most common and effective drugs of local action is Bioparox, as well as its analogues - Fusafungin and Hexoral. These are polypeptides that are available in the form of oral and nasal inhalers and only work in the field of application - on the mucous membranes of the oral and nasal cavities, suppressing the focus of infection. In addition, these drugs have a minimal amount of side effects. The course of treatment with Bioparox or its analogs usually does not exceed one week. But children up to, they are contraindicated.

Among the classic drugs used to treat children's maxillitis, we can mention sprays, nasal drops, suspensions and ointments. When diagnosing "catarrhal sinusitis therapy is most often performed with a single medicine that has a wide spectrum of action. In addition to taking antibiotics, in the complex treatment of the disease, other pharmaceutical preparations are used, as well as rinsing of the nasal passages on the basis of folk prescriptions, compresses and inhalations. Treatment with antibacterial and effective auxiliaries in most cases is positive.

Rates of antibiotic treatment for sinusitis

The course of treatment can take from 1-2 weeks and longer (up to 2 months), it all depends on the degree of infection. Antibacterial therapy is prescribed by a doctor with severe intoxication of the patient's body. If the situation so requires, the drugs are administered intramuscularly. At the same time to reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane in the nasal passages instilled modern vasoconstrictors (Sinuforte, Naftizin, Galazolin, Sinupret, Sanorin, Nazol). Aerosols inhalation have a special effect.

In case of emergency, apply a puncture of the maxillary sinus and its washing with antiseptic solutions with further administration of antibiotics. With prolonged form of the disease, antimicrobials are given in the form of tablets or injections. To this end, macrolides, azalides, beta-lactams (penicillins and cephalosporins), as well as fluoroquinolones, are used. Usually, after 2-3 days after the beginning of admission, the patient shows a significant improvement in the condition, but if this did not happen, the doctor must choose another antimicrobial drug that is more effective against the pathogen disease. The choice of the drug is mainly carried out after the laboratory determination of the sensitivity of the pathogen to the active substance.

Systemic antibiotic therapy is necessary for moderate and severe forms, as well as for determining the streptococcal nature of the inflammatory process. The course of treatment is strictly individual in each case.

New antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis

Antibiotics for genyritis of a new generation - macrolides and cephalosporins of the 2nd generation - are considered in our time to be the most effective drugs that have found wide application in modern medicine in cases where penicillins do not give positive dynamics in treatment patients.

New antibiotics for the treatment of sinusitis from the group of so-called. "Cephalosporins" - Cefuroxin, Cefotaxime, Tsecefoksitin, Tsefahlor, Tsefeksim - in their structure resemble penicillins, however, unlike the latter, not only inhibit development, but also completely destroy pathogens bacteria.

A group of macrolides - for example, Azithromycin, Macropen, and tetracyclines, are highly effective in treating even the most severe forms. The course of treatment is usually 5 days, and Macroben is able to suppress a bacterial infection in just three days. Unfortunately, along with the powerful effect of drugs of macrolide group on pathogens, their negative impact on the human body is observed. For this reason, these antibacterial drugs are contraindicated in pregnancy, as well as small children. With special care are assigned to patients who suffer from acute or chronic gastritis, because of the negative effect of drugs on the gastric mucosa. In such situations, patients are prescribed local drugs with less pronounced side effects.

Of the modern antibacterial agents of local effects, Isofro and Bioparox can be noted. They have a powerful bactericidal action against bacteria that cause infection of the upper respiratory tract, and are able in just a few days to remove symptoms - stuffiness in the maxillary sinuses, debilitating rhinitis and obstruction respiration.

Antibiotics for genyantritis penicillin series are considered the most sparing in relation to the human body. These drugs, for example, include Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin and Augurmentin, which have proven effective in the treatment of acute disease.

Tablet forms

Antibiotics for sinusitis are available in different forms, but most often in tablets that have a general effect. To date, both powerful and modern medicines are used, as well as the old generation, which have been trusted and tested by time. Tablet forms not only actively fight the causative agent of infection or the virus, but also prevent the development of dangerous complications, such as meningitis, middle ear inflammation or otitis media. Only 3-5 days of antibiotic therapy will bring relief and eliminate the cause of the disease.

Tablets that are used to treat acute forms are Macropen, Flemoxin Solutab, Sietrolide, Augmentin, and others. If the penicillin group is intolerant, tetracyclines or macrolides are prescribed to the patient: Ampicillin, Azithromycin, Amoxicillin and others. When choosing the most suitable antibiotic, the doctor must take into account the features of the disease course, the patient's condition, as well as the results of the tests (sowing from the nose). It is important to choose the right and effective remedy, since a weak antibiotic may not have the desired effect. Since the study to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to an antibacterial agent is sometimes a long period of time (up to 2 weeks), in the treatment of possible empirical (selective) administration of antibiotics.

Often, the tablet antibiotic is given to the patient in combination with topical preparations - drops and sprays for the nose. Usually, vasoconstrictors are instilled, and then spray or drops are used. It is important to entrust the treatment to an experienced doctor, since self-medication with selected tablets at random will not give an effective result. Sometimes the use of just drops and sprays also does not have a positive effect. Compulsory is the combination of antibiotics with antihistamines, the action of which is aimed at removing allergies and reducing edema of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Among these are Suprastin, Dimedrol, Tavegil.

Antibiotics for genyantritis in pregnancy

Antibiotics for sinusitis (rhinosinusitis) are prescribed in cases of acute disease, or when the disease has passed into a chronic form and has caused complications in the form of purulent discharge. To diagnose this disease in pregnant women, methods such as classical ultrasound, diaphanoscopy, and thermal imaging are used, since X-rays to prospective mothers are prohibited.

Antibiotics for sinusitis during pregnancy are used only in cases of the development of an acute form of the disease. The most common are Azithromycin, Agumentin, as well as cephalosprosins of the 3rd generation. Doctors can prescribe to future mothers Spiramycin - is considered the safest in pregnancy, but only in extreme cases, when other methods of treatment do not give the desired results.

It should be noted that pregnant women are not very desirable to take antibiotics in the form of tablets, especially in the first months of bearing a baby. Therefore, the alternative to the tablets are other procedures, in particular, the introduction of antibacterial agents of local action (Isofra, Bioparox) directly into the maxillary sinuses. In combination with antibiotics, modern antihistamines are often prescribed, the action of which is aimed at reducing the swelling of the mucosa.

Often doctors prescribe vasoconstrictive nasal preparations for pregnant women (Pharmazoline, Otilin, ForNos, Nazivin, etc.), which reduce the mucosal edema and well clear the apertures of the maxillary sinuses. However, their appointment is carried out only in case of emergency.

A pregnant woman should never be engaged in self-treatment maxillitis, tk. this can lead to unpleasant consequences and even dangerous conditions. After all, any medicine in pregnancy, and especially antibiotic, is used in extreme cases, when potential use of its use exceeds all possible dangers and risks for the future mother and her child.

Local antibiotics

Antibiotic therapy in the treatment of sinusitis can be systemic and local. Local antibiotics are available in the form of a spray, which allows the drug to penetrate into the paranasal sinuses and act directly on pathogens. Most often, in combination with local, systemic drugs are prescribed, the action of which is aimed at purifying air cavities from pus and mucus. Only under such conditions, local drugs will have an effective effect.

Of the nasal sprays of antibacterial action that are used in modern medical practice, we can note the following:

  • Isophra. Nasal spray, which contains framicetin from the group of aminoglycosides. Spray effectively destroys the bacteria that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It has virtually no side effects, except for a possible allergic reaction. The active substance - framicetin sulfate - is not absorbed into the blood. However, if after a week of treatment the illness does not pass, it is necessary to cancel this antibacterial agent.
  • Bioparox. The active substance is fusafungin. Produced in the form of an aerosol for inhalation and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. Fusafungin penetrates into the blood in minimal amounts, so the use of this drug does not cause any danger. In addition, Bioparox virtually no side effects, but it is not recommended for children up to 3 years.

Sprays with antibiotics

Antibiotics for sinusitis in the form of sprays usually occur in a complex combination with other ENT-drugs (in particularly, corticosteroids) and are used both in the treatment of acute forms, and in chronic course disease.

A distinctive feature of a spray based on an antibiotic is that it does not enter the bloodstream system, does not have a negative effect on the microflora of the intestine, but fights directly with the focus of inflammation. Of drugs that perfectly match and have an effective effect on microorganisms and bacteria that cause maxillitis, you can identify Phenylephrine and Polidex. In addition to the rapid liquefaction of mucus, these drugs relieve swelling, and also actively suppress the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses.

Polidex contains three main medicinal substances - polymyxin, neomycin and dexamethasone. Thus, it can be called combined, because he has several pharmacological effects. According to the instructions for use, Polidex has a pronounced bactericidal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect and is widely used in the treatment of various ENT complications.

The spray should be effective and promote rapid suppression of the inflammatory process. In this regard, Bioparox and Isofra are well established. Both sprays cope well with the main causes of the disease, eliminating foci of inflammation in the nasal passages, and have a non-aggressive effect. It should be noted that the use of such drugs should not be too long and frequent. This can cause addiction to the action of active substances. In addition, the thinning of the walls of the vessels of the nose is observed under the influence of antibiotics. This can lead to hemorrhages at sharp jumps of arterial pressure.

Often together with sprays, spray mucolytics are used that dilute mucus in the maxillary sinuses, increasing the access of oxygen to the affected areas, and also effectively cleans the nasopharyngeal cavity from pus. Of these sprays, mention may be made of Rinoflumucil, which has a mild vasoconstrictor effect. Another popular spray - Sinuforte - provides accurate drainage of the maxillary sinuses. It is not absorbed into the blood, while ensuring the integrity of the epithelium of the mucosa.

From sprays based on corticosteroids, which are used in complex therapy along with antibiotics, it is possible to isolate Nosonex, Nasobek and Baconase. They actively remove the swelling of the mucous membranes by affecting certain cells of the immune system. After irrigation with such sprays, burning in the nasal cavity is usually observed, but other negative manifestations (dry nose, nosebleeds, etc.) are extremely rare. It is not recommended to take sprai-corticosteroids for small children and pregnant women.

Antibiotics in the form of a spray should be prescribed by a doctor, since the effectiveness of the drug consists both in the correct selection and the competent use of the drug. The attending physician should take into account the individual condition of the patient, the course of the disease, its severity and other factors. As a result, a set of therapeutic measures, appointed by an experienced skilled physician, will lead to a rapid recovery. Uncontrolled use of any means to treat maxillitis, including antibiotic-based sprays, can cause various negative consequences.

Nasal antibiotics

Antibiotics for sinusitis can take the form of tablets, sprays, and also nasal drops. Most often the doctor prescribes drops with antibiotics, it helps to overcome the infection in record time.

Nasal potassium is prescribed for local action, which consists in the destruction of pathogenic microflora and suppression of the inflammatory process. In addition to Bioparox, Isofra, nowadays Polydex and Dioxydin are in great demand.

  • Polydex is an effective spray or a drop for the nose. One of the active ingredients - phenylephrine - facilitates nasal breathing due to vasodilating action. Local effects limit the number of side effects - they are very rare in the form of nausea, dizziness, headache. Another substance that is part of Polideksa - dexamethasone - has a pronounced anti-allergenic effect. The combination of such antibacterial substances as polymyxin and neomycin, expands the range of its use and increases its effectiveness.
  • Dioxydin - contains, in addition to the antibiotic, adrenaline and hydrocortisone hormones. It is used both for washing the maxillary cavities, and for instilling the nose. It has narrow therapeutic indications; therefore, when taking it, it is necessary to observe the recommended dosages and not to exceed them in order to avoid the appearance of toxicological properties.

In maxillites in combination with antibiotics, oil-based drops containing extracts of herbs are often used, such as Sinuforte and Sunipret. These drops gently envelop the nasal mucosa and have not only antibacterial, but also anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. Plant components, which are present in the composition of such droplets, have an immunomodulatory effect.

Any nasal drops in case of their frequent or prolonged use can cause:

  • allergy;
  • addictive;
  • bleeding at pressure surges;
  • thinning of the walls of the nasal passages and other negative consequences.

With extreme caution, drops should be taken by hypertensive patients, as well as people with thyroid dysfunction. In pregnancy and lactation, the use of such medicines is prohibited.

Modern drops with an antibiotic are characterized by abundance and the possibility of choosing the optimal medication. Among the most common can be identified isofru, Polidex with phenylephrine, Bioparox (fusafungin), Dioxydin. Before use, it is necessary to rinse the nose well. To this end, you can use brine. For its preparation should be dissolved 1 hour. a spoonful of large rock salt in a glass of slightly cooled boiled water.

The course of treatment with antibacterial drugs in drops should be brought to an end, even despite the first signs of improvement. Typically, this course of therapy is 5-7-10 days, depending on the severity of the disease. Long-term administration of drops can lead to the development of drug resistance to the drug, as well as cause various unpleasant symptoms, including allergies.

Drip drops should be in the prone position on the side. In this case, you need to dig in the nostril, which is located below. After instillation it is recommended to remain in the same position for several minutes, so that the drops penetrate well into the maxillary sinuses. After 2-3 minutes, you can instill a second nostril.

Names of antibiotics for sinusitis

Antibiotics for sinusitis are used to suppress the inflammatory process and destroy the source of the disease. Among the pathogens may be streptococcus, fungus, hemophilus rod, staphylococcus and various types of bacteria. Accordingly, in such cases, drugs of the penicillin series are used.

The most popular names are:

  • Ampicillin. An effective medicine with a wide spectrum of action and a pronounced bactericidal effect. Quickly stops the reproduction of bacteria. The greatest effectiveness of Ampicillin in the treatment of infections of the ENT organs, respiratory system diseases, as well as gastrointestinal and urinary tract infections.
  • Amoxicillin - a modern derivative of Ampicillin, possesses the best absorption in the intestine and is capable in large concentrations accumulate directly in the maxillary sinuses, thereby providing an even greater efficiency.
  • Flemoxin soluteba - another effective derivative of Ampicillin, has a pronounced activity against pathogens and is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs.
  • Augmentin and Amoxiclav - combine Amoxicillin and clavulonic acid. They have increased effectiveness and are alternative, which are used to treat infections that are resistant to Ampicillin.

In addition to drugs of the penicillin series, it is necessary to note the ani-biotics, belonging to the class of macrolides. They are non-toxic and widely used in cases where penicillins are not effective: •

  • Clarithromycin,
  • Zitrolide,
  • Azithromycin,
  • Sumamed,
  • Macropean.

They also have a wide spectrum of action and are capable of slowing down the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria, expressing activity in relation to anaerobes, mycoplasmas, intracellular microorganisms, ureoplasmas, chlamydia, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, spirochetes. They differ in the ability to penetrate directly into the cells, thereby showing increased activity relative to the intracellular pathogens of the disease. The highest concentration of macrolides is observed in the focus of inflammation, which greatly increases the effectiveness of such drugs.

In cases of bacterial infections of a severe degree, including maxillitis, cephalosporins - a group of antibacterial drugs that have a low toxicity and have a high efficiency:

  • Cefuroxime,
  • Cefotaxime,
  • Ceftriaxone.

All of them have an excellent antibacterial effect, they have proven themselves in the treatment of infections of the ENT organs, respiratory tract, peritonitis, as well as sepsis, bacteremia.

Another group - fluoroquinolones - also provide a pronounced bactericidal and antimicrobial effect. These include:

  • Ofloxacin,
  • Ciprofloxacin,

which are highly active, are capable of destroying the DNA of bacterial cells and inhibiting the multiplication of pathogens. These drugs are used in diseases of ENT organs, various infections of the respiratory tract, abdominal cavity, pelvic organs, etc.

Of the local medicines can be noted Polidexu, Bioparox, Isofro. They are available in the form of drops and sprays. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and have an effective effect on the pathogenic flora. It must be remembered that the appointment of antibacterial drugs must come from a doctor who will do this on the basis of the results of the analysis, as well as subjective and objective research.


Macroben today takes the leading place among other antibacterial drugs. It belongs to macrolides and is able to exert an active influence on many different bacteria, including those that show resistance to other antibiotics, for example, penicillin series. Thus, Macropen can be considered a new generation drug.

Effective in the treatment of chronic forms and is able to overcome the disease in the shortest possible time. The dosage form is tablets or granules for the preparation of a suspension. Enough intake of 1-2 capsules per day, and after 3-4 days the patient will feel considerable relief, the disease will begin to recede.

With prolonged therapy with Macropen, there is a need to monitor the activity of liver enzymes, especially if the patient has pronounced violations of the liver.

Certainly, Macropean has contraindications. Among the main ones are children's age up to 3 years, the period of pregnancy and lactation. Before treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor-otolaryngologist. He will select the optimal scheme for taking the medicine and warn the patient about possible side effects. Timely antibacterial treatment will help prevent the development of chronic form.


Clatid with sinusitis gives very good results. Its main action is the inhibition of microbial cells, the suppression of their growth and reproduction. However, it must be taken strictly under the supervision of a doctor. The main active substance of this antibacterial drug is clarithromycin, which belongs to the semisynthetic group of so-called. "Macrolides". Klacid is very effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases and ENT organs, as well as skin lesions.

This drug has different forms of release: granules or tablets for the preparation of therapeutic suspensions, as well as powder for injection solutions. In general, patients are prescribed prolonged-action tablets, called Clacidum SR. The dosage is 1-2 tablets taken per day. The course of treatment depends on the degree of severity and varies from 6 to 14 days. However, in special cases, the therapeutic course can be extended up to 6 months and even more.

It should be emphasized that Clacid is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream, which contributes to the rapid reduction of clinical symptoms of the disease, such as nasal congestion, headache, unpleasant sensations of compression in the forehead and maxillary sinuses, as well as mucopurulent discharge from the nasal moves.

A particular advantage of Clacid over other antibacterial drugs that are used to treat maxillitis is the absence of any allergic reactions. According to the results of many clinical trials, it is practically safe for a patient of any age, including children. The effectiveness of this drug is proven by time and medical practice.

Antibiotics for chronic sinusitis

Antibiotics for sinusitis, occurring in chronic form, are used in the case of a prolonged, persistent runny nose, fever, an increase temperature, general malaise and pain in various parts of the face that may be permanent, or appear episodically. In such cases, the treatment of chronic form requires a special approach, according to the specific symptoms of the disease.

Basically, with chronic course, doctors prescribe to patients Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Ampiox, Doxycycline, Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, Cyphran, Macropen, Gramox (Flemoxin Solutab), Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin.

Before taking an antibacterial drug, you should make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the active ingredient. So, with intramuscular injection, a test for sensitivity is made. It must be canceled if the patient has skin rashes that indicate an allergy.

If the treatment is ineffective, another medication is prescribed to the patient.

When treating chronic maxillitis it is very important to undergo a full course of treatment, strictly according to the scheme outlined by the doctor. Basically, this course is 10 to 14 days and more, all depends on the improvement of the patient's condition.

Antibiotics for acute sinusitis

Acute antritis is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinus. Its main symptoms are unpleasant, constantly increasing sensations in the near-nasal region, nasal passages, above the eyes, severe stuffiness nose, difficulty in nasal breathing, persistent runny nose, fever to 38 ° and even more, malaise and weakness, decrease appetite.

Antibiotics in acute maxillary sinusitis should be used if it is proven to be bacterial in nature and the causative agent of the disease was revealed, and the likelihood of developing a purulent form was increased, or there were chronic disease. From modern medicines it is possible to note:

  • Amoxiclav. It is intended mainly for older patients for oral administration. Before use, dissolve in water.
  • Augmentin. Effective for the treatment of adults and children (strictly under the supervision of a pediatrician). Adults are recommended to drink 1 tablet of Augmentin three times a day.
  • Flemoxin Solutab. You can eat regardless of food, swallowing the pill entirely. Typically, patients are prescribed a double intake in a dosage of 500-2000 mg (for adults).
  • Macropean. Produced in the form of tablets and granules - respectively, for adults and children. Daily intake is usually 2-3 times. Patients in excess of 20 kg are recommended a dose of 2 ml. Granules Macrofen should be taken after meals, previously dissolved in water.
  • Hiconcile. Effectively inhibits the activity of pathogenic bacteria, and also destroys at the cellular level their structural walls. There are different forms of release - suspension, powder and capsules. The daily dosage is 1-2 capsules three times a day.
  • Zitrolide. It should be taken orally 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after eating.

Polypeptides of local action can also be noted, which proved to be highly effective. It should be noted Bioparox, as well as its analogues - Fusafungin and Geksoral. The action of the active substance is directed to the affected area, the drug does not enter the systemic circulation, and also has no side effects. The course of treatment with Bioparox is usually 5-7 days.

It should be noted that if at the end of 3-4 days after the start of taking the medicine the temperature does not drop, it should be replaced with another one. Often together with antibiotics, antihistamine tablets are taken, which reduce swelling and relieve allergies. In severe cases, the patient is punctured at a site of inflamed sinuses to purify them from pathological mucus, and then antiseptic solutions are administered. Usually after such procedure the patient becomes much easier, unpleasant symptoms pass, in particular headaches, breathing is facilitated, the general condition improves.

The best antibiotic for genyantritis

How to choose the right antibiotic? The solution of this question is the prerogative of the doctor. Determine the choice of the optimal drug will help him the results of X-ray and laboratory tests.

The best antibiotic for sinusitis is the one to which the pathogen is the most sensitive to the results of the smear. Usually, if after 48 hours after taking the antibacterial drug the patient did not feel any special relief, then the pathogen resistance to this drug has been formed, or the main cause of the pathology is not a bacterial infection, but a virus, a fungal lesion, or allergic factor.

When choosing a medicine, the doctor should take into account the patient's age, the features of the course of the disease, and the likelihood of developing various complications. The acute form usually requires taking one antibacterial drug, but the most effective one. In severe disease, there is a need for intramuscular or intravenous injections. The course of antibiotic therapy should last at least one week (7 days). Even with the observation of improvement, the patient is not recommended to stop treatment.

In chronic form, a combination of topical drugs with broad-spectrum antibiotics is usually used. The best result is achieved with the use of antibacterial agents of the new generation - Augmetin, Cephalosprosin of the third generation, Azithromycin, Bioparox, etc.

Antibiotics for sinusitis are selected taking into account individual sensitivity and mandatory allocation infectious agent by smear microscopy, otherwise the treatment may be ineffective and only aggravate the condition patient. In medical practice for effective therapy, such groups of antibacterial drugs are used:

  • Penicillins (Ampicillin, Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin, Flemoclav solutab, Augmentin, etc.). Consider the most effective. Their main advantages are good tolerability and limited side effects. However, in the inflammatory process, which is caused by a pathogen that is resistant to penicillins, such drugs are ineffective.
  • Cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefuroxime, Ceftriaxone). They are used in severe and lack of desired results when using lighter drugs.
  • Macrolides (Sumamed, Clarithromycin, Zitrolide, Macropen). Often prescribed for treatment in children. Alternative for intolerance to penicillin drugs.
  • Fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Moxifloxacin). These are modern medicines, to which the main pathogens did not have time to develop immunity.
  • Local (sprays, solutions, nasal drops). Used to avoid many side effects due to intramuscular or oral administration. Local include Bioparox (Fusofungin), Isofra, Polidexa and others.

Pharmacological group

Antibacterial agents for systemic use

ATC code

R07AX Other preparations for the treatment of respiratory diseases

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults: what drugs are used to treat sinusitis

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults is prescribed by the results of additional diagnosis.

Due to the fact that the symptoms of maxillary sinusitis in an adult also resemble an acute frontitis, an allergic runny nose and other diseases, in addition to a rhinoscopy, examination of nasal passages with using special mirrors and a general blood test to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, other types of clinical examinations:

  • X-ray of the nasal sinuses;
  • Ultrasound of the nasal cavity;
  • computed tomography of the facial region of the skull (appointed in difficult cases);
  • a puncture of maxillary sinuses with the subsequent bacteriological research of the taken material.

The drugs that help with cold symptoms usually do not help with the treatment of sinusitis in adults. Nasal sprays can even exacerbate the problem if they are used for too long, because they can lead to increased swelling.

For the treatment of sinusitis in adults, specific drugs should be used. Than to treat this disease?

Antibiotics are often prescribed for sinusitis. Most people recover completely from sinusitis within a week or so without the use of antibiotics, but they can help to recover faster if used effectively.

Other methods of managing the symptoms of sinusitis include:

  • Steam inhalations, including several drops of eucalyptus oil;
  • Hot compresses applied to the nasal sinus;
  • Anesthetics such as paracetamol.

It is important to know

For those who suffer from sinusitis, it is important to understand what is the "trigger" for the disease. For example, a disease can cause hay fever or a severe cold.

Surgical intervention to drain pus and improve mucus outflow from the sinuses can be a treatment option for persistent cases of sinusitis.

In parallel with drug therapy, or at the stage of transition of the acute stage of the disease to its average form, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed, the course of which is 10-12 sessions:

  • inhalation;
  • UHF;
  • electrophoresis;
  • microwave therapy;
  • treatment with a lamp of solux;
  • magnetotherapy.

Washing of the nasal sinuses with a solution of furacilin or salt water in the treatment of sinusitis in adults promotes the purification of the nostrils from pus and mucus, in connection with which:

  • breathing is facilitated;
  • reduces swelling;
  • extinguishes the inflammation;
  • the protective properties of the nasal cavity shell are improved.

Nasal flushing is effective only if the nasal passages are not clogged with mucus; otherwise, vasoconstrictive drops must be dripped before rinsing. If the procedure is performed independently, it is important not to let the solution penetrate into the middle ear in order to avoid its inflammation.

It is worth noting

For washing, you can also use the infusion of eucalyptus, chamomile or marigold, these herbs have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Often, doctors prescribe the antiviral, immunomodulating agent Sinupret tablets. This medication is indicated for those who do not accept conventional medication.

Indications for puncture of the maxillary sinus are not present in patients with uncomplicated sinusitis. However, surgery can be urgently indicated for patients experiencing additional complications with sinuses, including orbital abscess, epidural abscess, meningitis and brain abscess.

Surgical treatment is also indicated for the treatment of acute invasive fungal rhinosinusitis, at which mortality remains high, despite timely sanation and systemic antifungal therapy.

How is the puncture done? Under local anesthesia, through a channel formed through a sinus puncture, the patient is rinsed with maxillary sinuses and injected with medicines and enzymes:

  • aseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • antihistamines;
  • painkillers.

It is important to know

Although most people note an improvement in the quality of life after surgery on the maxillary sinus, problems can be repeated, sometimes even after a short period of time.

Treatment of sinusitis with folk remedies is used as an independent or additional method for the initial stages of the disease and in any case should be carried out after consultation with the otolaryngologist. Important role is played by the prevention of sinusitis in the common cold, colds and other chronic diseases that are repeatedly transferred by an adult. It should also include diseases of the oral cavity and gums, normal caries.

With the timely and correct treatment of sinusitis in adults, the prognosis is quite favorable: in most cases, the person completely recovers. Unfortunately, the chances of getting rid of chronic sinusitis are much less, it is possible to achieve a stable remission, but in case of a decrease in immunity the disease may worsen.


Signs of sinusitis in adults, causes, types, complications

Genyantritis is a kind of sinusitis, when the inflammation of the mucous membrane occurs in the maxillary sinus - the maxillary sinus. This disease is not rare, it is very common, only up to 37 million people are affected by it annually in the United States. human.

To establish the correct diagnosis and the appointment of an adequate treatment, one should own the necessary information on the signs of maxillary sinusitis in adults, types of gynorrhea, complex treatment sinusitis.

And also in time to consult a doctor and not engage in self-medication. To understand what signs of genyantritis occur in a particular clinical case, you should familiarize yourself with the types of sinusitis, because this also affects the symptoms of the disease.

The causes of sinusitis in adults:

This disease affects people with weakened immunity, in which in the nasopharynx permanent, favorable conditions for the development of infection. Most often these are patients with a curved nasal septum, with chronic tonsillitis, rhinitis, and diseases of the teeth in the upper jaw. Older people are less likely to get sinusitis, more often young people suffer in the autumn-winter period. The main causes of sinusitis are:

  • Infectious, viral diseases - influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, rhinitis. Inadequate or untimely treatment of these diseases.
  • Disturbances in the immune system.
  • Congenital or acquired anomalies of the nasal cavity.
  • Difficulty of nasal breathing - due to increased nasal concha, vasomotor rhinitis, allergic diseases.
  • Chronic foci of infection in the nasopharynx - chronic tonsillitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis.
  • Regular supercooling.
  • Allergic predisposition.

Types of sinusitis and its signs:

Sinusitis in adults can be classified according to the following factors:
By the method of getting the pathogens of infection, the sinusitis is classified:

  • From the nasal cavity - rhinogenic, often occurs in adults
  • Through blood-hematogenous
  • After traumas - a traumatic genyantritis
  • With inflammation of the teeth - odontogenic

Due to the occurrence and severity of leaks:

  • Infectious - it is caused by fungal, bacterial, viral pathogens.
  • Allergic - differs in that the discharge from the nose is transparent, serous or aseptic. Has a wavy course, with periods of remission and exacerbations.
  • The exudative variant - most often is purulent.
  • Vasomotor - occurs when the function of vasomotor vascular disorders, as well as allergic it proceeds chronically.
  • Atrophic - with prolonged course of the disease there is atrophy of the mucosa of the maxillary sinuses.
  • Necrotic - in the aggressive course, in rare cases, tissue necrosis occurs in the sinus.

By the nature of the course of the inflammatory process:

1. Acute antritis- the development of sinusitis occurs due to blockage of the exit opening of the maxillary sinus, this provokes the onset of inflammation and leads to accumulation of pus in the maxillary sinus. Usually this is facilitated by acute respiratory infections, influenza, colds, and the risk of sinusitis is the presence of chronic rhinitis. In acute sinusitis, the symptoms appear sharply together with other signs of a cold - with pain in the forehead, cheeks under the eyes, stuffy nose, which do not pass for a week. As a rule, acute sinusitis does not last more than a month.

Acute maxillary sinusitis - symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature, chills.
  • Nasal congestion with abundant secretions, if the mucosal discharge is catarrh of the maxillary sinusitis, if purulent, mucopurulent discharge is purulent sinusitis.
  • Decreased sense of smell on the affected side.
  • Deterioration of general condition, weakness.
  • Headache from insignificant to strong, often giving to the forehead, nose, teeth.
  • With pressure, pain increases in the place of the affected sinus.
  • The nature of pain is constant, intense. There are feelings of raspirany during sneezing and coughing. When the head is tilted down, the pain increases significantly, as it were, "shoots through".
  • Lachrymation and photophobia can occur if conjunctivitis is attached.
  • Edema of the lower or upper eyelid and swelling of the cheek are observed when the periosteum is involved in the inflammatory process.

2. Acute maxillary sinusitis- with it, inflammation with the characteristic signs of maxillary sinitis in adults lasts from one month to two.

3. Chronic sinusitis- is considered in the event that the signs of genyantritis and general malaise lasts more than 2 months. As a rule, it develops due to the absence, ineffective or inadequate treatment of acute sinusitis. Symptoms of chronic sinusitis are not infrequent, which makes it difficult to properly diagnose. One of the hallmarks of the disease is dry night cough that does not lend itself to traditional treatment, because it is caused by the flow of a purulent nasopharynx detachable from the posterior wall of the affected maxillary sinuses. The nature of the discharge from the nose depends on the shape of the sinusitis.
So, complaints with chronic sinusitis have a maximum at the time of exacerbation.

  • Nasal congestion, difficulty in nasal breathing, decreased sense of smell
  • Lean transparent or yellow-green discharge from the nose (often on one side)
  • Headache, pain in the area between the lower edge of the orbit and the wing of the nose Pain can give in the eye socket or temple
  • Feeling of a raspiraniya in the face
  • Unpleasant odor from the nose

Objective signs (what the doctor sees):

  • Redness of the eye on the affected side, swelling of the mucous eye.
  • Soreness with naldavlivanii in the infraorbital fossa, the inner corner of the eye.
  • When examining the nasal cavity with a rhinoscope, dense yellow-green superimpositions on the mucous membrane, creamy discharge, swelling of the nasal concha, and proliferation of the khohans are seen.
  • When examining the pharynx, a characteristic purulent path drains down its posterior wall

4. Recurrent sinusitis- exacerbation occurs several times a year.

Complications of genyantritis:

Purulent discharge during sinusitis can come from the maxillary sinuses into the surrounding tissues, affecting the blinding nerves, the orbit, teeth, even the meninges:

  • osteoperostitis of orbit
  • reactive eyelid edema and ophthalmic gland
  • otitis or eustachaitis, retrobulbar abscess
  • thrombosis of the eye sockets, osteomyelitis of the upper jaw
  • pachymeningitis, meningitis, rhinogenic brain abscess, cerebral edema
  • meningoencephalitis, trigeminal neuritis

With timely, effective treatment of sinusitis, the risk of complications after maxillary sinusitis is not great.

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