How to make a honey cake for a child coughing

"Cakes" from a cough.



Hello! Cakes are applied not on the throat, but on the chest.
. A good method of treating bronchitis (of any stage):
You need to take 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2st. tablespoons mustard (dry), 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 1 st. spoonful of vodka, 1 st. a spoonful of honey, mix everything well, make a flat cake, and a little more than two. Compress of gauze, cotton wool, cellophane and tortillas to put on the chest and back for 3-4 hours, how red and begin to burn, remove the cake and cellophane, leave only gauze with cotton wool until it cools down completely body.
This recipe helps even with chronic bronchitis.
.Should help And one more tool -2 Art. Spoon garlic paste mix with 100 grams of butter and rub this mixture into the feet feet for the night, then put on a x / boom. socks. Believe me, I raised children and grandchildren

Alexandra Valievich

Well, my mother as a child on his back and whether the chest put a flat cake made of honey and flour with the addition of mustard, warmed up well. But I just do not know if it's possible for such a small child to do it, you can burn your skin, it's better to consult your doctor first.

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In general, when cough for a long time does not pass prescribe anti-allergenic drugs (consult a pediatrician) I do not know about cakes, but to us prescribing a cabbage leaf, scalding it with steep boiling water, then on the baby's breast (not really hot) and wrapping it, preferably in a nap

Arsen Korkotadze

It is possible if there is no allergy to honey. We daughters did such a flat cake. For 1 tablespoon of honey, vegetable oil. dry mustard, alcohol or vodka, how many flour will be consumed. Honey and butter pre-warm a little, make a cake and on the breast for the night. Very well warms up and the baby sleeps quietly the night.

Olga Iks

Rye flour, a little vodka and honey, we make a cake and on the chest, fasten for the night, next. night cabbage leaf + honey, spread the honey with honey to attach the cabbage leaf to the convex side, cutting thick veins. All do, if there is no heat. Inhalations with eucalyptus, mother-and-stepmother, chamomile. Or tea is simply not very concentrated with mother-and-stepmother and honey. In general, when suddenly (God forbid) falls ill, when it is older, milk with sage helps a lot. 1st. lies. Sage pour 1 tbsp. hot milk, let it brew for 20-25 minutes, drain, you can add a little honey (if there is no allergy) for the night before sleeping in a small sip. Excellent helps, tested. Get well.


1) It is necessary to mix equally honey, vegetable oil and flour. Mix everything - you get a dough, you need to make a cake from it. This cake should be put on gauze and put on the chest area, on top of a piece of polyethylene and a layer of cotton wool. All this is fixed, like a compress. Usually before bed, for two hours. 2) Take natural honey, put it on a linen napkin, and then - on the back of the patient. Cover the top with parchment paper and wrap it in a warm scarf. Such a honey pack should be done at night (several procedures). This is a very effective treatment for coughing in both adults and children. Honey is better to take lime - it rarely causes allergies and irritation. Razirayte kid special mass Vital baby. 3) Prepare the mashed potatoes, instead of butter and milk using vodka. Warm the warm mixture in a plastic bag, wrap it with a napkin, giving it the shape of a flat cake. Compress to the chest and another to the back, use a scarf or a warm kerchief. Remove when it cools. Thus, you warm up the baby, and at the same time the ingredients will not get directly to the skin. Such a compress can be done a couple of times a day. 4) Oil compress with an incessant cough can be made from ordinary vegetable oil. The oil is heated in a water bath, dipped into it a towel or a dense napkin and wraps the patient around the body, excluding the heart area. On top of the compress wrapped with parchment, paper for compress or tracing paper (not polyethylene!), Wrapped with a towel and a warm kerchief. This compress can be left overnight or removed after a couple of hours. 5) Antique remedy for all kinds of compresses - cottage cheese. From it you can prepare a compress. Do a compress, you need to follow the instructions. To begin with, cottage cheese (any fat content and any quality) needs to be heated a little. On the stove, this can not be done. It is better to put it on a hot battery or in a cooling oven. When it becomes warm, add a tablespoon of natural honey per 100 grams of cottage cheese and mix well. Now take a kitchen or linen towel and apply a thin layer of the mixture to it. Wrap the patient's body with a towel, bypassing the heart area. Top cover with compress paper, then wrap with a towel, warm and secure with a wide woolen scarf or handkerchief. Keep the compress all night. 6) Grate the radish, slightly heat it, spread it on the gauze and wrap the chest and back for 15 minutes. Get well!


I did my own and very small cakes. From: dry mustard, flour, honey and vegetable oil, cover the top with a sack and bandage with a handkerchief. But it seems to me that this is simple for colds, it helps to cough, and if you have pneumonia-bronchitis, they are treated differently. I think, in any case, there will be no harm.

Cough cake for children

Cough often occurs with various colds and respiratory diseases. Cope with it can be quite difficult. At the same time, parents are trying to reduce the use of medications, as many of them cause allergic reactions, have side effects and a large number of contraindications. In such cases, folk remedies come to the rescue, one of which is a cake for children.

A cake for cough, what is it?

Many folk remedies, known for a long time, have been undeservedly forgotten in recent years. One such remedy is a cake of cough. It helps even with prolonged severe coughing, which lasts for a long time. Cake is a variant of a warm, gentle compress. It can be used to treat young children, especially if there is an allergy to medicines and reactions to mustard. There are many different recipes for cooking flat cakes. The basis for it may be: honey, potatoes, rye flour, mustard and other ingredients.

How to use a cake for a child cough?

Before you make a cake for cough, it is advisable to consult a doctor about the use of this method of treatment. After all, the causes of coughing can be hidden not only in colds. But if the cough is contagious, then the cake will help ease the condition and bring about a full recovery. It can be done to a child in cases where cough lasts longer than a week, and the remaining symptoms of the disease have practically disappeared. It also helps with residual cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis and other consequences and manifestations of colds.

Using this method of getting rid of cough, you need to remember that cakes have contraindications. These include:

  • common infectious pathologies, such as scarlet fever, tuberculosis and others;
  • allergic reactions to products used in the preparation of tortillas;
  • very sensitive skin;
  • damage to the skin: abrasions, burns, wounds, scratches;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • asthma;
  • heat.

How to make a cake for children?

There are different recipes for preparing a cake for cough, but there are general rules for its use. So, before you start the procedure, you should wash your baby under a warm shower, but you can not use too hot water. After washing the child wipe a clean soft towel, and then on his skin, apply oil for massage or baby cream, lightly massaging and rubbing it. Next, they begin to apply a flat cake to the chest or back, and do not close the heart area. The applied cake from the cough is covered from above with a towel, diaper or a soft cloth, and a woolen scarf or handkerchief is applied over it. Then the child is covered with a warm blanket. Leave the cake on the body for several hours, after which it is carefully removed, trying not to rub the skin strongly to prevent its irritation. To remove the cake, you can use a towel or a piece of cloth moistened with warm water.

After the procedure, you should not take a shower, do physical work and exercise, go out or be in a draft. Make a cake of cough better in the evening before going to sleep.

Cough recipes for children

Honey cake for children

The most famous and popular recipes for cough cakes are those that are cooked on the basis of honey. They are quite effective and do not require rare components. However, applying them, it should be remembered that honey is a powerful allergen and can cause a reaction. There are several recipes for cakes with honey:

  1. It is necessary to mix in equal parts salt and honey, several spoons of this mixture are applied to the tissue and applied to the chest or back. This cake can be left for the night, taking it off in the morning after awakening.
  2. Prepare a mass of flour, honey and vegetable oil, all components are taken in equal amounts. The resulting mass is applied to the chest, covered with gauze on top and then with a layer of cellophane, the last layer is applied a terry towel or a thick diaper. Keep such a cake should be about 2 - 3 hours.
  3. Mix two large spoons of honey and flour. The resulting mixture is heated with a water bath or in a microwave. After the mass warms up, it is gently applied to the chest or back of the child, leaving for two hours.

Custard cake with mustard for children

Cake with mustard should not be used for babies, whose age has not yet reached a year, and preschool children can use it with caution. This method of treatment is more suitable for adults and school children. Mustard cake quickly and effectively coughs. In order to prepare it mustard powder, sunflower oil and honey should be mixed in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly. Two large spoons of vodka are also poured into the resulting mixture, after which it is put for heating in a water bath. A warm mass is applied to gauze, which is applied to the back or chest of the child for a couple of hours. It should be remembered that if there is severe burning under the compress, it should be washed off immediately. After removing the cake on the skin, redness may remain. Several hours after the end of the procedure, it is necessary to protect the child from drafts, cold and bathing. In this period it is better to cover the baby and put him to sleep.

Cake from potatoes from cough for children

Potato cake helps cope with the cough. It has virtually no contraindications, and it can be used to treat even young children. For its preparation, several medium-sized potatoes must be thoroughly washed and, without cleaning, cooked. After that, they are rubbed on a grater or simply kneaded with a fork. In potato paste, you can also add a little powder of mustard, honey and butter. The resulting mass is applied to the back or chest of the child and left for about an hour.

Flour cake from flour from a cough

To make a flour cake for cough, you need a glass of rye flour, a small spoonful of mustard powder and a large spoonful of vegetable oil and honey. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then poured into the same hot boiled water. The resulting mass must have a consistency of dough. It is applied to the baby's skin, fixed and covered with a plastic wrap. Keep the cake on the body should not more than two hours.

A cake for a cough who did not make his little children a honey cake for coughing?


Inna Timokhina

honey does not help with coughing. From the persistence of sugar can help.

Nisso Tursunova

I did not do the cake, but honey compresses helped my young children cough very well. I cut out a rectangular sheet of newspaper, pierced it in several places with a needle, then mixed a teaspoon of honey with the same spoon of alcohol and this mixture spread on a sheet of newspaper. Then put this leaf on the chest of the baby, on top you need to put a cotton cloth and wrap it with a woolen scarf. All this is for a shirt or T-shirt. It's good to do it for the night. you can and without alcohol, just honey. In the morning you will see how the honey absorbed, but it should warm up very well. Cough through several of these compresses must pass. I want to add that it is necessary to do it alternately, then on the chest, then on the back of the baby. Recover faster.

frosya carrot

from a cough, cabbage compresses, a leaf of cabbage pierces in several places with a fork to form juice. Then, rub the chest with iodine net, then with warm honey, then a leaf of cabbage on the baby's chest, and from the opposite side to the back, you need to wrap it on top with gauze, and put on a tight-fitting T-shirt. In the morning to make a drainage massage in the sternum, all the accumulated slime-phlegm will come out on the rifle, cough should be completely passed for one or two doses. This method even cures chronic, abstinent bronchitis.
Do not forget about a warm drink, clean water, with a pinch of soda.

Galina Bikinyaeva

If there is no allergy to honey and hips. Dry hips of dog rose (necessarily crush-healing effect in grains). Pour into a thermos and pour boiling water overnight. Let's drink to the child a little, but often, adding honey. You sweat all day, the baby will sweat, do not go outside. I did not keep the proportions, the drink is delicious and very effective, believe me.


Yeah, and even better helps badger fat rubbing with it, and even it's like drinking it inside mixed with honey, a terrible muck, but I remember being treated as a child and very effective

Tatyana Antonova

I somehow wanted to make a cake, but it was not for my child. It's necessary to lie still. Therefore, we were saved by badger fat plus a drop of camphor oil 30-40 minutes to warm, it had a good effect and the child did not resist the main thing. We also drank it, but not for cough, but for immunity.

Maria Zinchenko

How old is the baby? Do not forget that honey is the strongest allergen, so little children I would not put such a compress. There are also clear indications, under which it is possible and impossible to put compresses. The doctor prescribed a compress for a damp cough, when the child has no temperature. We put a compress with calcium chloride and dimexidum, diluted as prescribed by the doctor, put on a daytime sleep, for several hours. At night we recommended putting paraffin compresses. But do not forget that only a doctor can prescribe such procedures. Still, we had a cough against the background of a viral infection, so the doctor still prescribed antiviral supplements Viferon and alkaline inhalations, at the time of the onset of the disease we had a dry cough. When wet already put compresses and still doing a vibrating massage. Be sure when you cough any and during illness you need to give the child to drink a lot of warm drink, because warm drink dilutes and removes phlegm from the lungs.



Tip 1: How to make a cake for cough

A cough scraper is a compress that has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect, is used to treat a protracted, debilitating cough. There are several basic types of tortillas, which differ in composition and effect.

You will need

  1. - honey;
  2. - salt;
  3. - vegetable oil;
  4. - flour;
  5. - dry mustard powder;
  6. - boiled potatoes.


  1. Choose the composition for the flat cake, based on the desired effect - if you want to facilitate the passage of sputum and warm up the bronchi, then you should choose the heating compositions. If the purpose of the compress is to relieve the inflammation, then it is better to use honey.
  2. Mix the compounds. Honey compress can be prepared in several ways. Dissolve in the honey a large sea salt, mix the mass until thick. The most common variant of honey cake is a mixture of flour, vegetable oil and honey. Sometimes this composition is added with dry mustard powder, and the heating effect of the flat cake is enhanced. Boiled potatoes should be thoroughly crushed and used either in pure form, or mixed with honey, mustard and vegetable oil. Choose the number of ingredients so that the resulting mass is dense, elastic and well rolled out inflat cake.
  3. Preheat the mass. If you used to make a flat cake just cooked hot potatoes, then once again warm up the composition is not necessary. A mass of honey, mustard and flour should be slightly burned in the oven - stir the dough, put it in a large form or on a baking sheet, leave in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes. Once the mass has acquired a darker shade, it should be extracted, divided into two parts and used for compressing. You can also warm the honey a little if it is too thick, before mixing the ingredients (put a container with honey in a bowl with hot water).
  4. Prepare the skin for applying a flat cake. If the skin is sensitive and prone to irritation, then lubricate it with a small amount of vegetable oil or a liquid nourishing cream.
  5. Putflat cakeon the skin, observing the rules of application - in front should be covered area of ​​the bronchi, excluding the place above the heart, and the back is covered with the lungs. On top wrap the body with waxed paper or plastic wrap, wrap it with a woolen scarf and cover with a warm blanket. Leaveflat cakeat night, and in the morning remove the remnants, wiping the skin with a damp towel.

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