Fracture of the rib: symptoms and treatment at home and in the hospital


  • 1First aid for broken ribs and further treatment at home
    • 1.1Symptoms
    • 1.2Possible complications
    • 1.3First Aid
    • 1.4Diagnosis of the disease
    • 1.5What to do and how to treat?
    • 1.6What can not be done?
    • 1.7Stages of recovery
    • 1.8ethnoscience
  • 2Treatment of broken ribs at home
    • 2.1Mechanism of occurrence of a fracture
    • 2.2Symptoms and Diagnosis
    • 2.3First Aid Measures
    • 2.4Treatment in hospital
    • 2.5Home Treatment
    • 2.6Features of bed rest and sleep
    • 2.7Physiotherapy
    • 2.8Eating with a rib injury
    • 2.9Rehabilitation period
  • 3Is it possible to treat rib fractures at home
    • 3.1Symptoms of trauma
    • 3.2Diagnosis of fractures
    • 3.3First aid
    • 3.4Treatment
    • 3.5Recovery after injury
    • 3.6Prevention activities
  • 4How to treat a broken rib at home
    • 4.1Symptoms of a broken rib
    • 4.2Causes of fracture of ribs
    • 4.3First aid
    • 4.4Treatment of fractured ribs
    • 4.5How to sleep with a fracture?
    • 4.6Traditional treatment of trauma
    • 4.7Rehabilitation

First aid for broken ribs and further treatment at home

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Fracture of the ribs represents a violation of bone or cartilaginous integrity, occupies the first place in terms of prevalence among all injuries of the chest and is 20% among all fractures.

In the risk of injury are the elderly, the tissues of the chest with which they lost their elasticity with age.

The risk of injury is a high probability of damage to the internal organs, which can lead to serious complications and death.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of a fracture:

  • A blow to the chest.
  • Falling on a solid protruding object by the chest.
  • Chest compression.
  • Sports injuries.
  • Falling from height.

There arepathological forms of damage, formed as a result of the negative impact on the body of certain diseases:

  1. osteoporosis, in which the fragility of bones and their vulnerability to an insignificant effect is observed;
  2. rheumatoid arthritis;
  3. formation of tumors;
  4. osteomyelitis.


The signs of broken ribs are:

  • superficial breathing of the victim with observation of discrepancy of the respiratory rhythm in the affected area;
  • painful sensations in the injured area, increasing with the implementation of inspiration and exhalation, with coughing and attempts to perform certain movements, and subside in a state of rest and sitting;
  • tissue swelling at the site of injury and bruising;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • listening crunch or sound of rubbing bones at the time of fracture, characteristic of injuries with several fragments or for multiple damages of a particular rib without bias bones.

With complicated fractures, the following symptoms are added:

  1. discharge of blood from the respiratory tract during coughing;
  2. Subcutaneous emphysema, manifested as a result of air from the damaged lung under the skin.

Possible complications

When getting injured, the heart, kidneys, pleura, spleen, lungs, or blood vessels may be affected.

The negative consequences arising from damage to the ribs include:

  • hemothorax and pneumothorax - getting into the pleural cavity of blood and air;
  • pleuropulmonary shock, characteristic of extensive wounds and pneumothorax;
  • respiratory failure, manifested by increased pulse and respiration, cyanosis and pallor of the skin, asymmetry of the chest, which can be seen through breathing;
  • The pneumonia developing at damage of a pulmonary tissue in the conditions of the limited motor possibilities of the person;
  • external and internal bleeding;
  • infections of an infectious nature.

Many complications pose a danger to human life, therefore they require special attention and timely competent help.

First Aid

If you suspect a fracture, you should not do self-medication at home.

When the fracture is closed before contacting a trauma center, it is recommended to perform the following actions:

  1. apply ice to the affected area;
  2. open windows for fresh air;
  3. take an anesthetic that does not affect breathing - Promedol, Paracetomol, Analgin, Ibuprofen;
  4. put on the chest a tight bandage of bandage or any available under the arm tissue, tie it should be on the deep breath of the victim.

You can help the victim sit down, if in this position he feels better.

After getting injured, you should immediately call an ambulance, especially with the manifestation of shortness of breath in a person, weakness and with an open fracture shape that can lead to acute respiratory failure and respiratory arrest, with complaints of the victim for dizziness and thirst, with losses consciousness.

Important!In the case of an open fracture, when the bone protrudes outward, the person should in no case move.

Diagnosis of the disease

To establish the correct diagnosis, the specialist conducts the followingactivities and surveys:

  • Patient examination and palpation;
  • Study of anamnesis and complaints;
  • Radiography;
  • Tomographic examination;
  • Puncture of the pleura to determine the severity of the patient's condition.

An experienced traumatologist can detect the presence of fracture of the ribs according to the manifested signs:

  1. symptom of axial loads - with pressure on the chest, the pain is felt not in the place of impact, but in the area of ​​the lesion;
  2. a symptom of interrupted inhalation - a person can not take a deep breath because of the occurrence of severe pain in the place of injury;
  3. a symptom of Payra - the patient feels pain when tilting to the side without damage.

What to do and how to treat?

To achieve maximum effect, the treatment of fracture of the ribs is carried out in a complex manner.

For uncomplicated injuries, it is enough to take pain medication, means for rapid excretion of sputum and immobilization - the chest is fixed with an elastic bandage with the help of a circular bandage.

In a hospital setting, the patient is assigned:

  • Introduction 1 ml 70% ethyl alcohol with procaine in the projection of the fracture;
  • Oxygen inhalations in case of suspected respiratory failure;
  • Puncture of the pleural area for draining blood and air with extensive hemothorax and pneumothorax, which is performed under anesthesia;
  • Antibiotics in the manifestation of complications in the form of pneumonia.

Surgical interventionmay be required in the following cases:

  1. pneumothorax;
  2. severe bruise of the lung;
  3. open wound of thorax;
  4. hemothorax;
  5. damage to the abdominal cavity;
  6. foreign objects in the wound canal;
  7. significant displacement of bone fragments;
  8. bleeding or damage to large vessels or heart.

To restore pulmonary ventilationa week after receiving the injury, a physician is assigned a special gymnastics. Physiotherapeutic procedures are useful in fracturing the ribs.

With unilateral defeatthe doctor may recommend placing mustard on a healthy side to avoid the risk of stagnation of the lungs.

Nutrition for fracturesmust be rich in vitamins and trace elements, especially protein and calcium, for the rapid growth of bones.

In the daily diet is recommended to include cottage cheese, cold meat, beef broth, fish, milk, soy, dog rose, cheese, bread with bran, sesame, hazelnuts, persimmons, jelly and green vegetables.

Additionally, you can takevitamin pharmacy complex.

The surface for sleeping and resting should be flat, with a raised head part.

Duration of adhesionuncomplicated fracture of the ribs is: in children - up to 2-3 weeks, for adults on average 3-4 weeks, with a weakened organism and in the elderly - up to 7 weeks. In severe cases, recovery may require a longer period of time because of the need to eliminate complications of fracture.

Pain syndrome can persist and manifest within 6 months after injury.Return to sports activities is possible in 2-2.5 months. Physical stress should be added gradually.

What can not be done?

In order for the recovery period to be as successful as possible, it is necessary to exclude it for at least 3 weeks:

  • Sharp movements;
  • Lifting weights;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Acceptance of alcoholic beverages.

In the recovery period, it is recommended to limit salt intake and exclude pickled foods, coffee and chocolate, which slow the healing of broken bones.

Stages of recovery

There are 3 stages of healing the fracture of the ribs:

  1. Formation of connective tissue corns.
  2. Formation of osteoid callus.
  3. At the final stage, a gradual hardening of the callus occurs.


Among the methods of traditional medicine, there are many effective recipes, the benefits of which are not refuted by doctors.

But before using them, you should always consult with a specialist and use folk methods only as a supplement to the main treatment to speed recovery.

The most effective folk remedies for fracture of ribs are the following recipes:

  • Bone growth is stimulated by the useboiled onion. The dosage of the product per day is not limited.
  • Eggshellfrom 10 eggs, previously cleaned from the film, is poured with the juice of five garnets and insisted until the shell is completely dissolved. The resulting composition is added 1 liter of honey and 10 crushed garlic heads. Healing mass should stand for 1 day indoors, 3 days - in the refrigerator. It is recommended to drink the drug 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon, mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil.
  • For anesthesia, you can apply to the affected area rubbed on an average graterraw potatoes.
  • In 0.5 liters of boiled water should be added 1 tablespoonhipsand leave the mixture infused in a thermos for the whole night. The received product is recommended to drink during the day, using 100 grams in several receptions.
  • In the affected area it is useful to rubfir oil or tea tree oil.
  • Root of burdock, flowers of lilac, mother-and-stepmother and dandelionsit is necessary to mix in equal ratio in a 1-liter jar, pour vodka on three-quarters of the container and insist for 1 week. The remedy is used to rub the fracture sites. The maximum efficiency can be achieved by adding to the infusion mummy.

To maximize the benefits of using traditional medicine from natural ingredients, you should follow the rules of preparing recipes and dosage of medicinal infusions.

Damage is not always preventable, but with simple recommendations, you can reduce the risk of rib fracture:

  1. Avoid excessive physical exertion;
  2. Use protective equipment while playing sports;
  3. Observe the rules of performing sports exercises;
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle and abandon bad habits;
  5. Eat foods rich in calcium regularly;
  6. Lead an active lifestyle.

If there are signs of a broken rib, you should always visit a doctor who will perform the necessary examinations and, based on the results, confirming the diagnosis, will appoint a competent treatment that will lead the patient to recovery and help to avoid serious complications and consequences injury.

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Treatment of broken ribs at home

Violations of the anatomical integrity of the musculoskeletal system are quite common. Fracture of the ribs is the most common injury of the thoracic framework.

Mechanism of occurrence of a fracture

The main properties of bone tissue: strength and elasticity.

The main cause of the appearance of fracture of the ribs is the traumatic effect exerted on the bone structures The thoracic region, which exceeds the strength characteristics of the bone and leads to a violation of the integrity of the rib. In the risk group are people of the older age group, this is due to a decrease in the elasticity of bone tissue. Fractures of 4-6 ribs are common. Rarely there is a fracture of the 7th rib and even less often a trauma of 8-12 ribs. Sometimes there is a crack - this is a partial violation of the integrity of the bone. In the future, the crack can develop into a complete fracture.

According to statistical data, the fracture of the ribs accounts for about 14% of the total number of bone injuries.

The most common fractures are found on the lateral surfaces of the bone skeleton of the upper trunk. Damage can be multiple (several ribs) or single (one or two ribs).

As a rule, displacement of fragments occurs with several fractures.

The sharp edges of the fragments can contribute to traumatization of the intrathoracic fascia, the visceral sheath, the lungs, and also the intercostal vascular-neural bundle. If one rib is damaged, the displacement is extremely rare.

The main danger of bone fracture is associated with possible damage to regional organs, difficulty breathing, the emergence of dangerous secondary complications.

Injuries without complications are recorded in 35% of cases.

The remaining 65% are considered severe fractures, which are accompanied by traumatic injuries of the lungs, pleural cavity and organs of the cardiovascular system.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

As a result of mechanical impact on the thoracic area, a crack, bruise or fracture of the ribs may occur. A bruise is considered less dangerous. Fracture and fracture are accompanied by pain in the thoracic region, which tends to increase with the following actions:

  • filling the lungs with air;
  • the performance of motor acts;
  • speech reproduction.

The pain subsides when the person is sitting and at rest.

Visually, one can observe how the thoracic region in the area of ​​trauma, lags behind during inhalations and exhalations. Also, the symptoms of damage are uncharacteristic mobility.

When physical examination of the broken rib, an area with a sharp pain sensitivity is detected.

Lateral and anterior injuries occur more often than others, and are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. intermittent breathing;
  2. rapid pulse;
  3. pain in the thoracic region;
  4. bruising;
  5. specific sounds similar to the crunch of bones;
  6. abnormal shade of skin, mostly bluish;

In the motionless state, the extinction of pain is observed.

Complex fractures are accompanied by the occurrence of secondary complications: intrapleural bleeding (hemothorax) and gas accumulation in the pleural cavity (pneumothorax). These complications occur almost immediately after the injury, and also have quite pronounced manifestations.

What to do if the ribs are broken? Contact a specialist who will determine the nature of the damage. Diagnostic measures are quite nonspecific.

Diagnosis is the conduct of hardware research.

Common methods of diagnosing injuries of the musculoskeletal system are:

  • Radiography.
  • Fluoroscopy.
  • Ultrasonic diagnosis of the pleural cavity
  • Pleural puncture.

In the pictures, only a fracture and a fracture are visualized, and there is no bruise. Based on the diagnosis, the specialist will draw a conclusion about the nature of the injury and prescribe the treatment.

First Aid Measures

What to do if the ribs are broken and how to behave? The answers to this question must be known to every person.

If there are reddening in the thoracic framework, bruising and pain during breathing, then it can be assumed that a severe bruise or broken rib is received.

The bruise of the ribs does not pose a serious danger, so emergency medical care does not require.

Rules for the provision of emergency medical measures with closed damage:

  1. Carefully fix the victim in a semi-sitting position, this will facilitate breathing. Manipulation must be done as carefully as possible, in order not to increase pain.
  2. Release the person from the outer clothing and inspect the potential site of the fracture.
  3. It is necessary to impose a tight bandage, which will prevent the displacement, fix bone fragments. As a material for bandages, bandages or other suitable improvised products will work.
  4. Call for an ambulance.
  5. Do not give the patient any drugs before the arrival of emergency medical care. Medications can reduce symptoms.

If there is bleeding during external examination or even bone fragments are visible, this is an open fracture. In this situation, it is more expedient to act quickly:

  • To prevent blood loss, it is necessary to pinch the open wound with the palm as much as possible.
  • Secure the injured person in a semi-sitting position, tilted to the side of the injury.
  • Apply a pressure bandage to stop bleeding. It is imposed from a healthy side to a fracture. Apply without pressure and drooping.
  • Immobilize the victim.
  • To reduce the pain syndrome, it is allowed to use an analgesic.
  • Call for an ambulance.

Many people ask themselves: how to treat a fracture of the ribs? The treatment program is made taking into account the severity and nature of the lesions.

Treatment in hospital

What to do if I broke an edge, and to which doctor to apply? Trauma doctors deal with traumatology. For multiple and complicated fractures, inpatient treatment may be necessary.

For example, if fractures of 10 ribs are observed, treatment is performed only in a hospital. Long-term treatment of fracture of the rib may be necessary in diagnosing complications, as well as with severe difficulty breathing.

As a rule, patients are assigned to wear a medical corset for the ribs. Special bandage can be of several types: hard, medium hard and soft.

Thanks to these types, the correctly selected bandage fixes the broken ribs. In cases of complicated fractures, a bandage is necessary

Procedures in the hospital:

  1. Vagosimpathetic blockade - used in the therapy of pleuropulmonary shock;
  2. anesthesia;
  3. physiotherapy;
  4. puncture of the pleural cavity - is relevant for the accumulation of blood between the sheets of the serous membrane;
  5. drainage of the pleural cavity - installation of drainage, which facilitates the withdrawal of pathological contents.

With complex fractures of ribs, the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the complications and overall well-being of the patient.

Home Treatment

How to treat broken ribs at home and is it possible? The most common question among people. Many patients, not knowing how to treat a rib fracture, suggest that this is impossible. However, treatment at home is possible.

As a rule, fixation of damage is required only for serious fractures. When registering uncomplicated bone damage, the doctor will prescribe outpatient treatment.For the treatment of fracture of the ribs at home, the specialist makes a treatment program, which includes:

  • a mode of reception of medicines;
  • certain bed rest;
  • daily medical gymnastics;
  • diet.

Take medicine is mandatory. And also the expert can recommend wearing a bandage, which promotes rapid growth of bone tissue.

The bandage should be properly selected and fit snugly to the body, thereby creating a fixing effect.

These activities contribute to anatomically correct comparison of fragments, adequate bone splicing and the restoration of vital functions.

Features of bed rest and sleep

For the first time for several days, it is necessary to reduce the pain sensations with the help of OTC painkillers, and also to organize the bed rest correctly. How to sleep in a fracture and how to lie? The answer to these questions directly depends on the area of ​​localization of bone damage:

  1. when diagnosing injuries to the ribs of the anterior wall of the thoracic region - it is necessary to sleep and lie on the back;
  2. When diagnosing the fractures of the ribs of the back of the chest - you need to sleep and lie on the side opposite to the damage.

In case of damage, rest on a hard surface is recommended. Bone tissue should be stimulated to early adhesion. Therefore, it is not necessary to abuse bed rest. Mobility is a good stimulant to recovery.


At the heart of the fastest fusion of the ribs is the performance of therapeutic exercises. It is more expedient to start lessons when the pain stops when you move. Exercise should be done daily.

The recommended set of exercises, which is conducted at home:

  • Take up position sitting on a chair. Raise your arms above your head and fix this position for 1-3 seconds. Then slowly lower your hands. Perform five repetitions.
  • The starting position is sitting on a chair. Raise the shoulders and fix the position for 5 seconds. Then slowly lower your shoulders. Perform five repetitions.
  • Perform the exercise must be standing. Raise your hands up, slowly reach up. Run 3-4 times.

The number of repetitions should be increased gradually to 10 times. In the future, you can increase the number of approaches and bring up to 4-5.

And also it is necessary to perform exercises aimed at training breathing.

Respiratory gymnastics prevents possible oxygen starvation and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Complex of exercises:

  1. Take a comfortable position. Perform a deep controlled breath. Hold your breath for 5 seconds. Slowly exhale.
  2. The starting position is sitting. Drop the brush on your knees. Evenly inhale and exhale for 10-15 minutes.

Complex LPC and breathing exercises should be selected depending on the severity of the injury.

Eating with a rib injury

For the fastest splicing of bones, you must adhere to proper nutrition, and also observe the drinking regime. The daily diet should be balanced.

It is recommended to use the following products:

  1. Cottage cheese.
  2. Honey.
  3. Fish fat.
  4. Meat of sea and river fish.
  5. Broths.
  6. Fruit.
  7. Vegetables.
  8. Mushrooms.
  9. Beans.
  10. Meat of chicken.
  11. Cooking dishes.
  12. Sour cream.

The following products should be excluded:

  • pickled products;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • sweets;
  • salt.

And also there are national recipes that can be easily prepared at home. Infusions and decoctions of herbs are used inside, and as compresses.

The most common recipes are:

  1. 12 grams of goldenrod ordinary pour 350 ml of boiling water. Insist 3 hours. The ready-made infusion is applied as a compress. Dampen the gauze and attach to the injured place. Then, apply a warm bandage. Duration - 40 minutes.
  2. 15 grams of life's blood, pour 250 ml of water, bring to a boil. Take 2 tablespoons before ingestion.
  3. 12 grams of pomegranate bark. The pomegranate bark is poured with 300 ml of boiling water. Insist at least two hours. Used as a compress. Duration - 30 minutes.

Treatment of broken ribs at home is quite realistic. At performance of all medical actions, restoration of an organism makes 1, months.

Rehabilitation period

Rehabilitation after a fracture of the rib is characterized as a very important component part on the way to complete recovery of the body. As a rule, most injuries to the ribs tend to quickly heal.

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Return to everyday life, except for serious physical activity, possibly 4 weeks after the injury.

Return to sports life, without any restrictions is possible in 2, a month, but only after consultation with the attending physician.

Fracture of the ribs, symptoms and treatment are important tasks of traumatology. This trauma is associated with a risk of serious complications. When providing emergency care, timely diagnosis, adequate therapy, rib damages have a positive prognosis.

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Is it possible to treat rib fractures at home

The result of excessive pressure or a significant impact of force directed to the chest area may be a fracture or bruise of the ribs. This leads to a violation of the integrity of bones and cartilage tissues.

Fracture of the rib can occur for many reasons, the most common ones are the resulting injuries resulting from:

  • Accident - it can be a blow about the details of the car when braking the passenger or the impact of the car body on the pedestrian, hit it;
  • direct exposure to the chest area by an external object;
  • falling from a height;
  • unintentional collisions, falls during sports activities;
  • clamping and squeezing the chest between two objects;
  • diseases that cause loss of strength, elasticity of bone, violating their integrity.

In the risk zone to get damaged ribs are the elderly, whose bones, with age, are less strong than those of children. Children and adolescents are distinguished by the flexibility of bone tissue.

Do not underestimate the damage that can cause serious and serious complications or death of the injured. Therefore, it is so important to know what to do with a broken rib.

Symptoms of trauma

Determine the fracture is not difficult, its signs are:

  1. shortness of breath, frequent breaths and exhalations of the victim;
  2. pain in the movement of the chest, difficulty in turning and torso movement;
  3. atypical sound (crunch) when breathing;
  4. a strong cough accompanied by pain and spitting out of the phlegm with blood;
  5. getting air bubbles into the damaged pleura, the appearance of subcutaneous emphysema.

Because of the peculiarities of the location of the ribs, with trauma and post-traumatic discomfort in the chest, To address to physicians who, using modern methods of diagnostics, will establish the diagnosis and will appoint corresponding to it treatment.

Diagnosis of fractures

The patient's diagnosis is established on the basis of:

  • medical history;
  • patient complaints;
  • visual inspection, palpation;
  • results of laboratory studies and diagnostic tools (ultrasound, x-ray).

A visual examination of the traumatologist will be based on determining the nature of puffiness at the site of the injury, the frequency of inhalation and exhalation.

When palpation of the area of ​​injury, the doctor will determine the presence / absence of a solid step indicating a fracture.

The symptomatology of the fracture is somewhat smoothed out if the trauma occurred in the back of the chest.

First aid

When providing emergency care, one should remember the pain experienced by the victim.

The first thing that a witness needs to do is put the patient in a position convenient for him and apply pain medications. Then hold the chest fixation.

To do this, use bandages or other handy tools - a scarf, scarf, towel, sheet, etc.

The procedure takes place with a deep inspiration and is necessary to exclude additional injury to internal organs with fragments of damaged bone.

In the place of injury, under the pulling material, it is necessary to lay a gasket of gauze and cotton wool.

This will not bring pain to the patient, because it will eliminate the contact of the injury with the fixation material.

In the implementation of all assistance activities, the patient is referred to a hospital where the severity of the injury is determined and the necessary treatment for fracture of the ribs.During transportation the patient should be sitting or half-sitting.

The timely medical assistance will save the victim from a long period of recovery, exclude the consequences and complications of the injury.


As a rule, broken ribs, depending on the degree of severity, are treated at home or in the hospital. When diagnosing the injury, the doctor individually determines the need for a particular location of the patient.

With a fracture of 1-2 ribs and with the diagnostic exclusion of a rupture or damage to the internal organs, trauma is considered easy.

It does not endanger the patient's life and does not lead to a malfunction in the internal organs.

In this case, it is possible to treat fracture of the ribs at home, but under the compulsory control of the attending physician and with strict adherence to its prescriptions.

Multiple fractures, trauma with displacement or in rare cases, open lesions should be diagnosed and treated in a hospital, under the indispensable supervision of a specialist.

Medical assistance with an open fracture suggests:

  • stopping blood loss;
  • wound treatment;
  • application of a protective dressing.

Uncomplicated fractures of the ribs are amenable to treatment at home for a month and a half. They do not need surgical intervention and heal themselves by observing the doctor's prescriptions and certain care.

When breathing, the chest moves, while the patient feels pain, which is removed with pain medication.

Anesthesia is necessary in order to reduce the risk of getting into the infections, because of superficial and frequent breathing.

In this situation, special breathing exercises will help - during each hour you need to perform 10 deep exhalations and breaths. This will favorably affect the work of the lungs and thus, will avoid stagnation in them and the development of pneumonia.

The doctor as an anesthetic prescribes - "Ibuprofen "Naproksen" or "Aspirin".

If the rib is broken and treated at home, ice is used to reduce pain, eliminate bruising and swelling in the area of ​​trauma. Anesthesia in case of trauma is used according to the doctor's prescription or after consultation with him. This is especially necessary if:

  1. your age is more than 60;
  2. with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  3. when diagnosing heart failure, strokes and high blood pressure;
  4. kidney disease and pregnancy;
  5. before that, within 2 weeks, they took painkillers;
  6. In addition, you take medicines.

The doctor will prescribe sparing drugs, taking into account all the additional factors that have been clarified. In the recovery period, you must stop smoking.

When treating rib fractures at home (or inpatient), a balanced diet should be developed, containing calcium, phosphorus and protein, contributing to a rapid process of wound healing and recovery of bone tissue.

The patient menu should contain milk, cottage cheese, a decoction of beef bones, hard cheese, etc. It is good to use a vitamin complex purchased in a pharmacy.

When treating fracture of the ribs at home, one should not forget about the exercises that help restore comfortable painless movement of the trunk.

With an aggravated fracture of the ribs, surgical intervention may be required. This happens in the following cases:

  • severe injury and lung damage;
  • open wounds on the chest;
  • with damage to the digestive tract and peritoneum;
  • when a foreign object is stuck in the patient's wound;
  • rupture or damage to large vessels of the chest;
  • a serious displacement of bone fragments.

Recovery after injury

At the beginning of the injury and for the next 2-3 weeks, the amount should be eliminated or reduced:

  1. sudden movements;
  2. physical exertion;
  3. lifting weights;
  4. reception of alcoholic drinks.

When recovering from an injury, it is important to limit salt intake, exclude salted, sharp and pickled food. They slow the maturation of bone.

For an early recovery, folk recipes are effectively used:

  • eating boiled onions;
  • The eggshell, filled with pomegranate juice, is infused until it dissolves completely. In the composition of the product is added 1 liter of honey and 10 small heads of garlic, insist 4 days. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day, can be mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil;
  • For healing, fir or tea tree oil is used;
  • the roots of burdock, the color of lilac, dandelion, taken in equal proportions pour 1 liter of vodka and insist for a week. Used to lubricate the place of injury.

Prevention activities

When observing the rules of safety and personal care, it is possible to avoid fracture of the ribs:

  1. at sports trainings use protective, protective adaptations;
  2. it is important to be careful and careful when doing physical exercises;
  3. maintaining a healthy lifestyle, giving up harmful habits;
  4. regular intake of calcium-containing foods.

Cure a fracture and properly organize a rehabilitation period in everyday life is not difficult. It is necessary to get medical advice and correctly use his instructions when recovering.

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How to treat a broken rib at home

Fracture of the ribs is a serious damage that occurs with a chest injury: an unsuccessful fall, a deliberate injury, a traffic accident. Trauma should be strong enough to cause a fracture of the rib.

Another common injury that occurs in similar circumstances is a bruise. The symptoms of these two conditions are similar, so it is important to undergo an accurate diagnosis and determine if there is damage to the arch of the rib.

Despite the seriousness of the condition, you can treat broken ribs at home. Such treatment is even more effective, because at home close people can provide proper care and care for the victim.

In this case, the patient is recommended to periodically re-examine to see how well the rib grows together, and whether complications arise.

To treat a bruise and fracture at home can be with the help of outdoor folk medicine.

These agents improve the flow of blood to the damaged area, which contributes to a faster recovery of the broken rib.

Also recommended the reception of folk remedies, serving to saturate the body with minerals necessary for the restoration of bone tissue.

Symptoms of a broken rib

As a result of a chest injury, a person may have a bruise or fracture of the rib. Many are interested in how to know if a rib is broken. Exact answer to this question can only radiographic examination of the chest.

Bruising and fracture are manifested by similar symptoms, but it is very important to distinguish one state from another. In case of a fracture, care must be taken and the treatment of the injury will be longer. The timing of recovery depends on the type of fracture and the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

The bruise and fracture are characterized by the onset of pain during breathing, but if a person has a fracture, the pain will be more intense. Breathing will be difficult.

The body seeks to minimize unpleasant symptoms, and breathing becomes superficial.

In this case, there is insufficient oxygen saturation of the lungs, and characteristic signs of oxygen starvation are manifested: fatigue, drowsiness, frequent headache.

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Other symptoms of fracture of the ribs:

  1. Pain when you change the position of the body, turn the body, and resting patient does not experience intense pain.
  2. Pain occupies a vast area, but still there is a focus - a point where unpleasant sensations are most intense. This point is the location of bone damage.
  3. Painful sensations are enhanced by palpation of the affected area. In some cases, palpation can be heard crunching bone fragments.
  4. The patient's breathing is superficial, the rhythm can be disturbed.
  5. At exhalation the sternum descends lower at the point of fracture of the rib.

The signs of a fracture may differ depending on its location. If the rib is broken in the anterior section near the chest, the intensity of pain will be stronger. If the fracture is localized in the posterior region of the ribs, the pain will be less pronounced.

Possible complications of fracture:

  • stagnant process in the lungs, pneumonia;
  • damage to the bone fragments of tissues and internal organs;
  • hypoxia caused by respiratory failure.

These complications can develop if the fracture is treated incorrectly.

Causes of fracture of ribs

Fracture of the ribs always occurs due to a rather severe injury of the chest. The reasons for this injury are different: a fall from the height, a strong blow to the sternum, a traffic accident and others.

The bruise and fracture of the ribs are similar in their symptoms, but in the second case the injury is more serious and requires qualitative and long-term treatment.

In any case, after a chest injury, the patient must be provided with qualified first aid and in compulsory order to do an X-ray, which will determine the nature of the damage: a bruise, crack or fracture.

First aid

If a chest injury occurs, the victim must be given first aid.

You can do this at home or on the street before contacting a medical facility. The victim must ensure complete peace and stillness.

On the chest, you can apply a tight bandage. It is necessary to apply a cold compress to the site of injury.

If a chest injury occurs, the patient should be examined.

If there is an extensive hematoma, this may indicate damage to tissue or internal organs with bone fragments.

In case of lung damage, the victim will have difficulty breathing, coughing, spitting with blood veins.

Treatment of fractured ribs

Many people are interested in how long the rib grows together? The timing of treatment depends on many factors:

  1. type of damage;
  2. its localization;
  3. age of the victim, his health.

But on average, recovery after a fracture at home takes 4-5 weeks.

How to sleep with a fracture?

During sleep, it is necessary to minimize the load on the ribs and, if possible, avoid the complication of fracture and additional damage that can occur if a person accidentally turns in a dream.

Sleep is necessary in a semi-sitting position, high on the pillow. If a fracture appeared on the side or back of the rib, sleep on the side of the healthy ribs.

The bed should be rigid, it is necessary to remove a soft feather bed or a mattress.

Traditional treatment of trauma

When treating at home, you can use folk remedies. Folk remedies for external use are used for compresses.

Such treatment increases the flow of blood to the damaged area, and hence the inflow of nutrients. Recovery after injury is faster, and complications, such as pneumonia, do not develop.

Folk drugs do not cause irritation and do not have a side effect on the human body.

There are recipes for external use and for oral administration. Among outdoor medicines, compresses are effective.

In order to put the compress, the cotton cloth is moistened in a decoction and stolen onto the skin in the area of ​​injury, covered with cellophane from above, and wrapped with a warm (preferably woolen) cloth. The procedure lasts about an hour.

Compresses are done daily, best in the evening before bedtime. Treatment lasts at least two weeks. In this case, it is better to alternate the drugs for compresses.

Also effective treatment with ointments and oils. These drugs are rubbed twice a day into the skin in the area of ​​damage. Rub the ointment slowly, carefully, so as not to cause pain to the victim.

Treating people's drugs with trauma requires a long time, as long as it takes to get through all the symptoms.

The bruise, unlike the fracture, is treated more quickly, and the recovery lasts about two weeks.

How long recovery after a fracture will last depends on the nature of the injury, the state of health of the victim and the correctness of the therapy. The use of folk remedies helps to speed up recovery.

External means:

  • The golden rod. 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed plants pour 300 ml of boiling water, insist 2 hours in a thermos bottle, then filter. Infusion is used for compresses.
  • Garnet. In therapy, use the peel of this plant's pilaf. 2 tbsp. l. peel pour 200 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat under the closed lid for 30 minutes, then filter and add boiled water to the original volume. The broth is used for compress.
  • Potatoes. For the compress, grate raw potatoes are used.
  • Geranium. In 200 ml of boiling water steamed 1 tbsp. l. geranium, boil on low heat for several minutes and filter. Used for compresses.
  • Comfrey. Take 1 glass of crushed fresh leaves of this plant or half a glass of crushed roots, pour 200 ml of vegetable oil, bring to a low heat to a boil and boil for half an hour, then cool and filter. In the cooled oil add ¼ cup of beeswax and pharmacy vitamin E and mix thoroughly. Store the drug in the refrigerator and use it as a healing ointment twice a day.
  • Ointment and mummy. In an equal amount mixed with rose oil and mummy. The obtained ointment is stored in the refrigerator and used to lubricate the damaged area of ​​the skin twice a day.
  • Essential oils. Improves blood flow rubbing essential oils, in particular, fir and tea tree oil.

Drugs for oral administration:

  1. Rosehips. Make infusion of rose hips. 100 g of fruit steamed 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos night. All the infusion is drunk during the next day, and next morning they prepare the next portion. Treatment lasts 10 days. Rosehip is rich in vitamin C and trace elements. Such a drug enriches the body with minerals and strengthens the immune system.
  2. Mummy. In 50 ml of water diluted, g of this drug, take the drug 1 hour before meals three times a day.
  3. Herbal collection number 1. Mix in equal amounts the grass of coltsfoot and nettle leaves. In 200 ml of boiling water steamed 1 tbsp. l. such a mixture, insist in a thermos for 1 hour, then filter. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day. Infusion enriches the body with minerals, in particular silicon.
  4. The national drug. From dried fruits, honey and nuts prepare a mixture that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Such a drug strengthens the body and promotes early recovery. Grind and thoroughly mix 1 cup dried apricots, raisins, walnuts, honey and 2 lemons with a peel. Use for 1 hour. l. such a drug three times a day.
  5. The national drug number 2. The shell of 5 white eggs is dried and ground into a powder. This vice is poured with the juice of five lemons and insists for several days until the shell completely dissolves. Lemon juice is mixed with 2 tbsp. l. honey and 50 ml of cognac, insist for 24 hours. Take 1 tbsp. l. such a drug three times a day. This remedy is the source of calcium necessary for the body.


To fully recover from damage, rehabilitation is important. To the ribs to fuse properly, it is necessary to conduct respiratory gymnastics.

You need to start these exercises from the second day after the injury.

These exercises are very important, they will help restore the normal rhythm of breathing, improve the supply of oxygen to the body and reduce stagnant processes in the lungs.


  • Fast breathing. The exhalation and exhalation should be as short as possible.
  • Deep breathing. The patient should take the deepest breath and hold his breath for a few seconds.

Exercises do for several minutes 3-4 times a day every day.

There is a misconception that the rib fracture will grow faster if the person is in complete rest. This is not true. A patient with a fracture is recommended to walk. He must himself get up and go to bed.

Of course, no one talks about long walks, but people should move around the apartment or house without assistance.

From the second to the third week, depending on the state of health, it is recommended to go out for a short time.

In a state of complete rest, against the background of disturbance of the normal breathing process in the lungs, stagnation occurs, and the likelihood of developing pneumonia increases. Moderate movements can reduce this risk.

Over time, it is necessary to introduce exercise therapy and moderate exercise. It is important that physical exercises do not hurt people. Physical activity should not be started too early, as this can lead to repeated damage to the ribs.

Important in therapy and diet. For the period of treatment at home, it is necessary to refuse marinated dishes, smoked foods and salt.

The use of these products violates the water-salt balance and slows the recovery of bone.

Also, with a fracture is not recommended to drink coffee and confectionery, as well as alcohol. These products slow the process of bone splicing.

It is useful in the period of rehabilitation to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, as sources of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body. The sesame, nuts, bran bread, soya beans, green vegetables, all kinds of cabbage, persimmon and dog rose are rich in the necessary calcium.

Such nutrition will not only accelerate the recovery process, but will also strengthen immunity and avoid the consequences of fracture, in particular pneumonia. Also, a mineral such as silicon is needed to recover.

A lot of silicon is contained in cauliflower, olives, turnip, radish and currant berries.

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