Onions with sugar from cough recipe

Onions with cough sugar: effective recipes

The recipe for onions with cough sugars helps in the treatment of many colds. With the manifestation of a cough, everyone had to fight. Do not consider cough as an independent unit of ailment, with the help of it there is a protective reaction of the human body. He is just one of the symptoms.

How to treat a cough?

Cough accompanied by various colds. This unpleasant sensation does not give rest to the patient for days. It does not allow you to eat, sleep and talk normally. For its treatment, various pharmaceutical preparations and folk remedies are used. There are many subtleties in prescribing drugs in the fight against coughing.

So, with acute respiratory disease, only drugs that stop coughing are needed, antibiotics are not desirable. During bronchitis with fever and cough, antibiotics should be taken to eliminate germs, which causes inflammation. But in these diseases prescribe and protivootokharkivayuschie, and antitussive drugs.

In modern times, medicine uses a huge selection of cough medicines. There are a lot of distractions: foot baths, hot drinks, mustard, ointments. Cough should not be muffled, but treated. All drugs have a considerable amount of chemical ingredients that affect the load of other organs.

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Medications have properties that affect the kidneys, liver, stomach. When treating cough in adults and children there are effective folk remedies, they are completely harmless and have practically no adverse reactions.

How to be treated onions?

When a person is just beginning to get sick, doctors recommend a bow as medicine.

It prevents serious complications of the disease, the development of infection, kills bacteria, stimulates immunity, increasing the protective barrier of the body.

The method of application of this medicinal product is not only economical, it is suitable for the treatment of children. With the addition of sugar, a medicine with a more pleasant taste emerges.

Onions are rich in vitamins and minerals. It consists of a whole set of sugars: fructose, sucrose, maltose. It contains citric and sugar acid, iron, calcium, vitamin C and B.

Onion is considered a powerful bactericidal and anti-catarrhal property.

Thanks to onion juice, sputum accumulated in the respiratory tract is more quickly diluted and departs.

Some Cough Recipes

There are many different recipes for cough with the use of onions, which can be combined with useful products:
  1. Onions with cough sugars (first way). One medium bulb will need two tablespoons of sugar. It is necessary to grind the vegetable, add sugar to it and leave it overnight. This tincture must be taken during the day in small portions.
  2. Onions with sugar on coughing (second way). For such a recipe will be required, a kilogram of chopped onions, 400 grams of sugar and 1 liter of water. All these ingredients are mixed and cooked over low heat for three hours. When the broth is ready and cool, it is necessary to strain it, then add two tablespoons of honey. Take this drug can be up to six tablespoons a day, heating the broth, but only after eating.
  3. Honey with onions and garlic. You need 5 medium bulbs, a garlic head, 50 grams of honey and a liter of water. Vegetables should be crushed and put in a pan, then pour them with water. On a low heat cook onions with garlic, until they become soft. After the preparation, add honey. This medicine needs to be taken every hour. It will not only soften the cough, but also a sore throat.
There are recipes for cooking onions for various types of cough:
  1. Coughing., kilograms of onion finely chopped and put in a glass jar, coated with dough. It is necessary to cook in the oven on low heat. When the crust appears on the dough, you should get the jar from the oven and cool it. This onion mixture is taken on a tablespoon up to 6 times a day, after eating.
  2. With a wet cough, you need a pair of medium bulbs and, a liter of milk. Shred the bulb with milk in a saucepan and bring to a boil with a small fire. Take a medicinal decoction follows a tablespoon 4-6 times a day after meals.
  3. During a dry cough, a recipe for onions with sugar (the second way) will help.
  4. When treating children onion syrups and decoctions can be replaced with a compress using onions. To do this, you need a gauze bag with a chopped onion. It is necessary to heat the compress on a warm steam. The temperature of the compress should not be too high. You need to warm it to make the onion warm. In order not to damage the delicate skin of the baby, apply a compress on the breast through the fabric, it is necessary to warm this place with a warm scarf, leave it for 20 minutes.

Also on the basis of onions make ointments. It is necessary to grate the onion on a grater and mix with animal fat or butter. Rub this mixture into the skin of the neck and chest, then tie a warm scarf over the night.


Do inhalation from the onion. They are very helpful for diseases of the respiratory system and the flu. You need two bulbs. Cut them into several pieces and pour a small amount of boiling water, cover the pan with a lid and wrap it with a towel. After 3 hours, add a liter of water and boil until boiling. After that, you can breathe onion steam for 5 minutes.

Children can still make a sweet syrup of burnt sugar. It tastes much better than onions, but almost identical in properties. Put on a hot frying pan pour a few spoons of sugar, add water to it. You must constantly stir sugar on the fire. When it becomes brown, it is poured onto a plate of oil, lubricated with sunflower oil.

Folk methods should be used at the beginning of the disease. If the cough does not go away within three days, you need to urgently consult your doctor. He will find out the reason for the cough that has appeared and will prescribe the necessary medicines.


Also, with diseases, one should not be zealous in eating food. The organism needs energy to fight diseases, not to digest food. Exclude in your diet at the time of illness cold food and drinks. Eat more foods that contain vitamins.

If you have individual intolerance for these components, you should abandon such treatment methods. Contraindicated in such recipes for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver. You can not abuse and exceed the doses of folk remedies from onions. This can lead to lethargy and a violation of the digestive process.


Onion from cough

Cough onions are used both raw and cooked. Many may wonder how the onion can cough, because there are no antitussive ingredients. In the bow, maybe not, but in combination with certain products, you get quite tasty and useful medicines.

So, for the first effective recipe will need 500 g of onions, 400 g of sugar, 50 g of honey. The onion must be cleaned and finely chopped to a gruel-like condition. Transfer it to an enamel container, sprinkle with sugar, mix, sprinkle with sugar, add 1 liter of water and boil over a small fire for 3 hours. To the cooled mixture add honey, mix well, pour into a glass container (bottle or jar) and store in a dark cool place. Take after each meal, but at least 4 times, 1 tablespoon.

If it's a pity to spend so much sugar, you can make a mini version. For this evening, one large onion finely cut to a mushy state and pour sugar several times, but not more than 2 tablespoons. Until morning put the mixture in a dark place. Throughout the day, regardless of meals, you need to eat the resulting onion gruel and drink the remaining juice for the night. In the evening, again prepare the mixture for taking over the next day. The duration of treatment is at least 3 days, but not more than 14 days. If the cough does not go away, it's worth talking to the doctor.

A mixture of milk and onions is known a long time ago. As early as the beginning of the 20th century, this remedy was already very popular due to its positive effect even on the cough caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis (Koch's sticks). Of course, it will not cure completely of tuberculosis, but it will perfectly relieve the irritation of the throat, and coughing attacks will noticeably decrease. To make this mixture, it is necessary to finely chop 2 medium bulbs, add a glass of milk to them, boil for an hour, and then insist in a dark place for 4 hours. The resulting cooled solution to strain and take every three hours for 1 tablespoon.

With a prolonged dry cough, this recipe will help: 10 medium-sized onions to clean, cut into small cubes as a roast, add finely chopped garlic head of small size. Pour the mixture with a glass of milk and cook until soft. Slightly cool and add 2 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of mint juice, all carefully moved to homogeneity. Take the medicine every hour throughout the day for 1 tablespoon.

If coughing attacks do not allow you to fall asleep and are disturbed mainly at night, you can try to prepare the following Tritur: one large Crimean bulb (onion purple), clean, rinse with water, grate on a large grater. The resulting gruel mix with goose fat in equal proportions. This mixture is necessary in the chest area, trying not to touch the neck. Tie up the breast with a warm wide scarf or shawl made of natural wool. Do not remove as long as possible, but rather until the morning. With a strong cough, 1 tablespoon of the mixture is taken on an empty stomach in the morning.


Onions with honey from cough: recipes compositions

The most unpleasant symptoms of catarrhal disease are cough, runny nose and weakness. To pick up this illness it is possible in any place and under different conditions. To eliminate all the signs can be used as ready-made pharmacy products, and refer to the recipes of traditional medicine. Today many people are inclined to the second option. The reason for such popularity of folk medicine is that it is safe, because it involves the use of natural components.

What drugs for the treatment of dry cough in adults are most often used, you can find out by reading this article.

How it works

For a long time people use an amazing mixture of honey and onions to fight the cough. It is surprising because it has an immediate effect and can be used to treat both dry and productive cough.

Onion has long been popular with its healing properties, for this reason it can be used in the preparation of a wide variety of formulations, as well as what helps to get rid of a cough.In the composition of honey there is glucose, thanks to which it is possible to exert a restorative effect on the body and stimulate the functioning of the nervous system.

What to do when a child has an allergic cough.

On the video - recipe for onions with honey from cough:

From this article you can learn how to stop a cough at night with an adult.

In this case, use only a high-quality product that will not contain various extraneous components, for example, sugar syrup. To defeat an annoying cough, it is better to prepare a medicinal mixture from fresh, not sugar-coated buckwheat honey. It should be purchased directly from the beekeeper.

You can not make an onion-honey mixture for patients suffering from diabetes mellitus, an allergy to a bee product. As for people with liver and pancreas diseases, the medication should be administered with caution.

For the therapy of small patients honey from onions can be given only after the permission of the pediatrician.

In the composition of onions, a lot of antiseptic components, thanks to which you can very quickly eliminate pathogenic microorganisms.

How to treat night cough in children is indicated in the article.

After applying the onion-honey mixture it is possible to strengthen its protective forces, and this leads to a speedy recovery.In addition, stronger immunity has a better chance of not re-infection.During the reception of onion, each patient should understand that essential oils cause irritating effect on the walls of the stomach. For this reason, do not use the product for people with gastrointestinal diseases. If you do not consult a doctor, then such a miracle mixture of onions and honey can cause an aggravation of very serious consequences.

When there are problems with the work of the liver, then use a folk remedy is only after the approval of therapy by a doctor. In addition, many people have an allergy to honey, which is also a contraindication to the use of the mixture.

This article describes how to treat cough with laryngitis in children.

Effective tools

In fact, it's very easy to make a mixture of onions and honey. There are enough recipes in folk medicine. The main advantage of such a drug is its availability. You do not need to go shopping for a long time in search of necessary components. All additional ingredients are available in the kitchen of each landlady. In addition, the following recipes are divided according to what cough to get rid of and what effect each patient wants to get.

With garlic

To prepare the product you need to use 5 medium bulbs, garlic head, ½ l water and a large spoon of bee products.

During cooking, use finely chopped onion and garlic. Put the finished products in a container and add water to them. Place the container on the stove, cook over low heat until the ingredients become soft. In a warm broth place honey.Prepared medicine should be consumed for 2 days in the amount of a tablespoon.This mixture is a very effective remedy for eliminating pain in the throat and chest, helps to forget about coughing and withdraw accumulated mucus.

The child has a barking cough, what to do, you can learn from this article.

Thanks to the garlic available in this medicine, this mixture takes on a special power in the fight against colds. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to apply only in combination with honey.

With the addition of sugar

Prepare such a tool can be if you take 4 onions, sugar - 400 grams, honey - 50 grams, water - 1 liter. All the components presented are mixed together with a separate container, and then installed on a plate. Cook the medicine for not more than an hour. When the mixture has cooled to room temperature, the broth can be filtered, placed in a glass bowl and placed in a refrigerator. Reception is conducted in the amount of a dining room 4 times a day, but before consumption, the infusion must be heated.

For the treatment of dry cough

This tool allows you to quickly overcome the dry cough. To make it you need to take 2 onions and finely chop. Put the product in a container, fill it with water in an amount of 1 liter. Place a spoonful of bee products, 500 grams of sugar. After careful stirring, simmer slowly for 2-3 hours. When the broth cools, drain and use 2 spoons 3 times a day.The duration of therapy is a week.

How to cure a barking cough without fever is indicated in the article.

With onion juice

Eliminate all the signs of a cold, flu and arose cough, if you use onion juice and honey. To do this, you need ½ kg of onion, 50 g of honey. A bitter product must be finely chopped or steamed into a blender. The resulting juice is combined with honey, carefully stir and mix into a jar. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator.

The reception is conducted in the amount of 2 boats per glass of water. Take after eating. The course of treatment lasts a week, and then you can forget about the cough for a long time. The resulting composition also effectively relieves of such a cold symptom, as a runny nose.

Against inflammation

Finely chop the ½ kg of onion. The resulting gruel is combined with honey - 50 g, sugar - 2 spoons. All pour a gallon of boiling water. Wait an hour until the medicine is safe. Isolated juice should be applied on a tablespoon 5 times a day. Such a medicine can eliminate inflammation, overcome microorganisms, put out phlegm and clean the respiratory tract.

With the first symptoms

This recipe is considered the most powerful in the fight against coughing. It should be used at the first manifestations of cold, then all its symptoms you can overcome in a few days.

To prepare the medicine, it is necessary to grind the onions in a blender, combine with honey - 3 tablespoons, which was pre-melted in a water bath.Take medicine in the amount of a dining room 3 times a day.In addition, such a mixture contributes to the strengthening of human defenses, and also protects it from viruses present in the air.

What to treat dry barking cough in a child, is described in detail in this article.

For immunity

This remedy allows to strengthen the weakened immunity. For cooking, you need 100 g finely chopped onions and 100 grams of honey. All mixed, steamed in a glass container, wait 14 days, when the medicine is ready. Strain, eat in amounts of 3 spoons once a day. Such a remedy not only strengthens the immune system, but also has a diuretic effect.

With milk

Take a medium-sized bulb and chop it finely. Pour it with milk and cook until the onion is soft. Strain the resulting infusion, place a dessert spoonful of honey for every ½ cup.Use the product received by adults on a tablespoon, and children under 12 years of age - ½ tablespoon every hour.In addition to onions, you can add garlic or a spoon of peppermint. Such components will only enhance the effect obtained.

Can I take it for children and pregnant women

It is very important to receive the approval of the attending physician before taking any folk medicine. This is especially true for children and women in the situation. If they have a certain side effect on the components of the remedy, then this can cause a number of complications and aggravate and without such a difficult situation.

Very often to enhance the effect of the doctors are allowed to add to the mixture of onions and honey pharmacies. Then very quickly you can defeat the flu, angina, bronchitis and other colds.But completely cure the disease by one folk remedy is unlikely to work.As a rule, it is used as an additional therapy in combination with drug treatment. Since honey has a bright allergic effect, if it is used frequently, the patient may develop an allergy. For this reason, one should not make independent decisions, but it is better to visit a doctor once again.

What to do. when a dry cough does not go away, is indicated in the article.


  • Marina, 45 years old:"Not so long ago I had a severe cough caused by bronchitis. The doctor advised me to take a mixture of onions and honey in combination with the treatment plan drawn up. I prepared the formula with the addition of garlic and took it 3 times a day. What surprised me most was the quick effect. Already after 3 days the intensity of the cough reflex decreased significantly, I began to sleep at night, and breathing became easier, and sputum began to leave. "
  • Igor, 37 years old:"I always use a mixture of onions and honey when I catch a cold disease. In addition, that the medicine is very affordable, it is also effective. I succeeded in suppressing all signs of a cold after 4 days. I also use the composition as a prophylaxis and feel great. "
  • Svetlana, 23 years old:"My daughter had a strong cough in the background of a common cold. We used various syrups, compresses, drops, but there was no obvious relief. Then I remembered how I was treated in childhood with an onion-honey mixture. I consulted a doctor and prepared a medicine. Thanks to the presence of honey, the composition has a pleasant taste, and the baby with pleasure took it. We managed to defeat the cold in 5 days. "

What to do when the child does not get cough, is told in the article.

Onions and honey are two powerful components that very quickly eliminate such unpleasant manifestations of cold as cough, runny nose. Also, folk medicine serves as an excellent preventive agent, strengthening the protective silt of the body. Always watch your health and try to use for treatment of cold only time-tested people and people's recipes.


Recipe for cough onions with honey

Cough accompanies a variety of diseases, in particular, colds. In order to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible, the patients resort to both various pharmaceutical preparations and to all kinds of folk remedies.

For example, honey with a cough onions, which help to cope with the disease, is very popular. After all, both of these drugs are excellent antiseptics and fight against pathogenic microbes well. Of course, they can be used separately, but they are often confused.

Why are onions and honey used for coughing?

For many decades, many diseases have been treated with honey and onions, but most often they are used to get rid of cough.After all, both of these ingredients contain very valuable substances that help the body to cope faster with the disease. For example, honey is rich in glucose, which has a restorative effect, stimulates the work of the nervous system.

It is very important to choose a truly high-quality product, in which no extraneous ingredients, for example, sugar syrup, are added. To combat coughing, fresh, not yet sugared buckwheat honey, which is best bought from beekeepers, is best suited.

Of course, honey is not useful to all people. It is contraindicated for those who suffer from diabetes, as well as those who have allergies to it. And patients who have pathologies of the liver or pancreas, it can be taken, but with caution. To treat small children, honey and onions are allowed only after consultation of the pediatrician.

Onions are very rich in antiseptic substances that kill various pathogens. As a result of taking onions and honey, the human body is strengthened, which contributes to a speedy recovery and serves as a preventive measure for recurrent disease. Taking onions, it is worth considering that it contains essential oils that irritate the walls of the stomach, so those who have any pathology of this body, it is worth consulting with a doctor.

Juice made from onion and honey

Juice made from honey and onions is considered one of the best remedies for coughing caused by sore throat, ARVI, bronchitis or influenza. For its preparation, half a kilo of fresh onion should be crushed thoroughly, and then mixed with a couple of tablespoons of sugar and 50 grams of honey. After that, the mixture should be poured with a liter of boiling water and let it stand for an hour.

Ready juice is recommended for taking on a tablespoon 5 times a day after a meal. Honey helps to soften the sore throat, and also destroys germs. A bow irritates the bronchi and nasopharyngeal mucosa, thus helping to sputum. Typically, this treatment helps fight cough in about one week.

Kashitza made of honey and onion

The recipe for making medicinal gruel is extremely simple, therefore it is often used for the first symptoms of cold and flu. To make it blender, you need to grind one medium sized bulb, and then add the same amount of liquid honey in the mashed potatoes and mix everything well. Ready mix can be taken on a tablespoon three times a day. In the event that the honey is too thick, then it needs to be heated a little in a water bath, until it becomes more liquid.

Mixture of honey and onion

To prepare the medicinal mixture, four pre-cleaned bulbs must be crushed well, and then add 400 grams of sugar and 50 grams of honey. After this, pour a liter of hot water into the mixture and cook on very slow heat for about an hour. Then the broth should be cooled and filtered, using a clean gauze for this.

Store the finished mixture in a refrigerator, in a tightly closed container. Before using this mixture, it needs to be heated slightly, using a microwave oven. Take this medicine four times a day on a tablespoon.

Resorting to such tried folk remedies as onions and honey, do not forget about those medicines that the doctor prescribed. After all, any disease with the help of people's means alone can hardly be defeated. If after a few days of using honey and onion cough still does not disappear, it is worthwhile again to consult the doctors and undergo a survey.


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