What can be from a dry cough feeding mom

What can you cure a cough for a nursing mother?

Often the question arises as to how to treat a cough to a nursing mother. After all, after delivery, the body of a young woman can be susceptible to various infections, in view of the fact that the immune system is weakened. But as you know, cough can not be cured without treating the illness itself that provoked it. Independent cough treatment should not be engaged, let alone nursing women. You should call a doctor or go to a consultation yourself.

The problem of coughing mother feeding

Cough during lactation: causes

The main causes are ARI and ARVI. Frequent diseases of a woman giving birth are associated with a weakening of her immunity. For the same reason, there may be an allergic cough, when the body begins to react as external stimuli (fluff or wool of animals and birds, dust, flowering plants), and internal, for example, to a certain food product. If a cough is of an allergic nature, then along with it other symptoms may appear, for example, sneezing, runny nose, skin rash.

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Althaea medicinal for treatment of coughZabolev during feeding, a woman must understand that it is capable of infecting a baby. In ancient times, doctors tried to protect the child from the mother at this time, forced to take the baby from the chest. But after all catarrhal diseases are not manifested immediately and for sure the child could get infected long before the first signs of the disease. Therefore, modern doctors believe that fencing the baby from the mother - it's a useless idea, which can also hurt the psyche of the child.

During illness, a woman in milk produces protective antibodies that will prevent the infection of the child. But this does not mean that you can not protect the baby from infection. Nevertheless, when feeding and in contact with the baby should wear a gauze bandage. Since the bulk of bacteria is transmitted by airborne droplets. At the time of the disease, you also need to wash your hands as often as possible. To withdraw the baby from the breast should be only in extreme cases, if the doctor finds this decision to be correct.

Do not stop feeding your baby, despite any infections. A child who is breastfed increases immunity, and if we wean him, he risks getting the same disease.Cough in nursing mothers can be a manifestation of many diseases, so it's mandatory to visit a doctor.

Folk remedies

Since the case is special, even doctors recommend cough treatment with folk methods. A nursing mother can start using herbal tinctures and herbal preparations, in this case, herbs such as marshmallow, mint, ledum, sage, linden flowers, wild rose, cranberry are of great help. During a cold woman should take more fluids to quickly remove the infection from the body. Help in this case, tea with raspberries, broth of wild rose, warm milk with honey and butter, cranberry juice.

With honey and berries you need to be careful not to cause allergic reactions in the child.

Ledum from coughIn this case, inhalations are also good, they are prepared on the basis of chamomile, essential oils, calendula of sage. You can boil the skin of potatoes and apply in the form of hot inhalation. But you should know that this method is suitable only at normal temperature.

Tips for treating a cough in the home:

  1. The food should be gentle during the treatment, it can be porridge porridge or liquid mashed potatoes.
  2. If cough is severe, then try to drink milk with the addition of mineral water or cook the figs in milk.
  3. Prepare honey with turnip juice, take with care, if you notice any changes on the child's body, you should stop this treatment.
  4. Wipe the bananas and heat them with water, this method also helps with coughing.
  5. Use at night a mustard plaster, apply it on the area closer to the neck. You can use honey as a compress, leaving it for the whole night.
  6. A good remedy for coughing is carrot juice with the addition of water and honey (it can be replaced with sugar). Apply to 1 tablespoon several times a day.
  7. Brew the infusion of plantain. For this, 4 tablespoons are taken. raw materials and poured 500 ml of boiling water. Be sure the tool should be infused. Apply it to 1 tablespoon. 4 times a day.


Ambrogen from a coughProducers of medicines have taken care of lactating women. Today you will find drugs that do not affect lactation. They are all plant-based.

This list offers the most popular cough medicines that are suitable for nursing mothers:

  1. Ambroxo (there are also his analogues: Ambrobe, Lazolvan, Bronchostop) fights with a cough by diluting sputum.
  2. Prospan is made on the basis of ivy. Bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory drug. You can take up to 5 times a day for 10 drops.
  3. Herbion is available as a syrup, contains a plantain in its composition. Apply with a dry and unproductive cough. It is recommended to take 3 times a day for 5 ml.
  4. Pertussin is also in the form of syrup. Apply should be 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.
  5. Preparations for cough, where the composition, including anise and licorice root, is indicated.
  6. Mukaltin is completely plant-based.

Applying this or that drug, be sure to read the instructions. Often there, you can read that it is not recommended to take medication with lactation. This, rather, is due to the fact that studies have not been conducted in this area. Therefore, doctors often prescribe drugs that are recommended for children. But still the application is permitted in the strict dosage prescribed by the doctor. As already mentioned, a cough in a nursing woman is a defensive reaction to an irritant, so you should seek help from a specialist and eliminate the cause of the cough itself.

Treatment of a nursing woman at elevated temperature

Flowers linden from a coughIf a woman has a fever, then at high marks it is necessary to knock her down. But remember that through heat, the body struggles with infection. It is recommended to take a single dose of antipyretics.

If the temperature rises again, then preparations based on paracetamol are best. The remaining methods of treating the throat, runny nose and cough of a local character are safe during the period of breastfeeding.

As you know, there are two types of infection: viral and bacterial. Viral infections include colds, flu, etc.

In addition to febrifugal and symptomatic agents, require the use of antiviral drugs. They are made on the basis of interferon. But you do not need to choose your own medicine, let your doctor do it, which, based on your situation, will choose the best option.

Bacterial infections such as otitis media, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, and others require antibacterial drugs. In this case, the choice of drugs should be dealt with only by a doctor.


Safe cough medicine for lactating mothers

Medicines for coughing lactatingFeeding a child is an unforgettable and responsible period for every woman. At this time, she must very carefully monitor their diet and health. What to do if, after all, the disease did not manage to be saved and one of its symptoms are bothersome, restless bronchospasm? What kind of cough medicine can nursing mother take without fear that it will harm the baby?

Such questions worry women and sometimes they start asking them not to those who need it - friends, relatives, acquaintances. The answer is obvious: medicines for coughing with gv (breastfeeding) can only be taken by those appointed by the doctor, other actions are unacceptable and categorically prohibited.

Buying a drug at your own discretion, a nursing mother risks acquiring a remedy that:

  • It can not be taken during lactation, as it will harm the baby.
  • It will be completely useless or even harmful with the kind or etiology of cough that is observed.
  • It is forbidden to use because of existing contraindications to the medicine and the characteristics of its body (allergies, the presence of concomitant acute or chronic diseases).

The doctor will conduct an examination, make a complete clinical picture of the patient's condition, take into account all the required additional factors and prescribe the optimal treatment regimen.

What cough medicines for lactation can be recommended by a specialist?

The choice of pharmaceutical drugs for nursing mothers is not so great. For the use of many of them, there are serious limitations that it is better not to violate a woman taking such a crucial stage in her life.

Among the main allowed medications doctors recommend to nursing mothers the following:

  • With a dry, non-productive cough, plantain syrup.
  • When coughing caused by bronchitis, - pertussin.
  • With too viscous sputum, which is difficult to separate, ambroxol.
  • For removal of spasms - awning.
  • With a wet cough - drugs made on the basis of licorice root.
Cough medicineWhen treating an unpleasant symptom, nursing mothers should not forget about the existing folk remedies. The doctor will readily talk about the existing options for this method of fighting bronchospasm and will pick up possible prescriptions.

Also it is worth considering that cough medicine is not an exhaustive medicine for the treatment of a nursing mother. After all, it is important not just to remove the symptom, but to get rid of its cause. Therefore, to effectively combat the disease, the nursing mother must take all the medicines prescribed by the doctor in the complex. This is the only way to quickly restore health and not harm the baby.


What can you cough from breastfeeding mothers? cough until dry (((


Wind Piece

mukultin) or 50 ml of warm milk with 10 drops of propolis.

Makarenko Snezhana


Margarita Filatova

Gedelix, beet juice, chlorophyllipt, plantain syrup, Gerbion, drink a decoction of clover flowers.


"With a dry cough, in no case should you take medicines that depress the cough center. These substances include all components of codeine. On the contrary, if you have a dry cough, treatment with folk remedies aimed at better phlegm withdrawal will help speedy clearance of your respiratory tract "- this information from the site h t t p: // z d r a v s t v u y. i n f o /? p = 2 3 8 (remove blanks)
there are also described the traditional recipes for the treatment of dry cough.

Beauty will save everyone

http://vashidoctora.ru/kak-bystro-vylechit-anginu.html is about medication for nursing mothers
http://vashidoctora.ru/lechenie-kashlya-narodnymi-sredstvami.html cough can be treated without medication


Atma (drop) is allowed for pregnant women. The drug is very effective.

What cough medicine can I take from a nursing mother?



Cough Recipe
I have a recipe for a "magic compress." This recipe was suggested to me by the old district pediatrician for a long time, but now we treat both children and adults alike. The prescription is simple and cheap.
In the container mix:
Dimexide - 1 hour. l.
water - 3 hours. l.
papaverine - 1 ampoule (2.0)
eufillin , % - 1 ampoule (, )
Wet cotton, put a compress on the chest in front and behind. Leave for a day. Then compress the renew, and for another day. The only side effect is not a very pleasant smell. But he treats almost instantly!


Warm, slightly hot, milk with butter (teaspoon).

Soviet hero

Hello! I need to look that it is possible to make in your situation. Write in detail your problem. Necessarily send photos of both of you (it is desirable on separateness). Write as names and age.

Maria Ivanova

Knee! Do you still have a cough?
I drank mucaltin and licorice syrup. shitty is the truth treatment. 2 weeks coughed.

Vladimir Kozak


lopd lopd

the fact that infants can take something and nursing,

Irina Tikhonova

Plates "Doctor MOM" and in general are better than folk remedies: you can gargle with a soda solution, and from a cough to drink milk, adding a piece of butter and a little soda


Manyunya, no one has thought up a cough remedy like radish with honey! cut the heart of radish, a spoonful of honey there, then the radish will let the juice and a teaspoon 30 minutes before eating! the cough goes on for 2-3 days! A proven tool for both myself and Malinka!

=== SVIREL ===

Gedelix like you can and Stolet. BUT THE DOCTOR STILL ALL ASK.


only not Honey (allergic), a decoction of licorice, thyme, for example,
Another such recipe: cut finely 2 large onions, fill them with a spoonful of sugar, stop, leave to stand. Then take the resulting juice for 1 hour. l. 3-4 times a day without washing down.

Ekaterina Kravchenko

No honey during the shower is allowed. This is the strongest allergen. My doctor prescribed inhalation with Proppanom. These drops are harmless, contain a dry extract of ivy leaves and are very effective. I had enough time to inhalate for three days, as the cough almost completely disappeared.

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