When inhaled, cough dry

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Cough with a deep breath, tell me please what can it be?



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It's a trachea. Symptoms of acute tracheitis usually appear after the development of acute inflammation of the overlying parts of the respiratory tract. The most characteristic sign of tracheitis is dry cough at night and especially in the morning, as well as coughing attacks with a deep breath, laughter, crying, with changing air temperature. During and after a fit of cough, there is a sore pain in the throat and behind the sternum, so that the patients try to limit the respiratory movements. In such cases, especially in children, breathing becomes superficial and rapid. Even a small congestion of sputum in the area of ​​bifurcation of the trachea causes another attack of severe convulsive cough. With concomitant laryngitis, the voice can be hoarse. With percussion and auscultation of lungs, there are usually no abnormalities. The general condition of the patient usually suffers insignificantly, the body temperature is often slightly increased, especially in the evenings; in children it can reach 39 °. Sputum initially viscous, mucous in nature, departs with difficulty in a small amount. Gradually (from day 3-4) it becomes mucopurulent, more abundant, it separates more easily: the pain when coughing becomes less intense.

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Sometimes, simultaneously with the trachea, the inflammatory process captures large bronchi and a clinical picture acquires the character of tracheobronchitis in which the cough is more painful and constant than with tracheitis, the temperature body above.

The most common complication of tracheitis and tracheobronchitis is the spread of the inflammatory process to the mucosa of the underlying airways. Especially dangerous is the development of bronchopneumonia in senile age and bronchiolitis in children.

The main symptom of chronic tracheitis is paroxysmal painful cough, especially at night and in the morning, accompanied by pain in the chest. Sputum in a patient with chronic tracheitis may in some cases be meager and viscous, in others - plentiful and muco-purulent. However, despite its consistency, it is almost always very easily separated. The course of the disease in the majority of patients is prolonged, with exacerbations.

Treatment of acute tracheitis should be directed primarily at eliminating causal factors and contributing to the emergence of tracheitis factors. The patient is prescribed mustard plasters on the chest, with symptoms of intoxication or the spreading of the process to the lower parts of the respiratory tract - sulfonamide preparations and antibiotics, in the form of aerosols, with painful cough - codeine, libexin, with difficulty in sputum - expectorants - the herb of thermopsis, althea root, licorice, etc., alkaline inhalation.

Crying with breathing and coughing - what does the symptom say?

With inflammation of the bronchi and the development of pathological processes in the respiratory system, the airways narrow. As a result, there are coughing, wheezing, which are signs of many dangerous diseases. Ignore these symptoms can not be in any case, since delaying with a visit to a doctor can lead to very serious complications and transitions of diseases into a chronic form.

How does coughing manifest with wheezing?

Unpleasant symptoms can sound quite obvious. For example, with obstructive bronchitis, wheezing appearing after coughing, can be heard even at a great distance. Sometimes only the doctor can recognize sounds when listening to the respiratory system. For this purpose, physicians use a light-telescope. In some cases, they can be heard by putting an ear to the patient's chest.

Chryps (without coughing) doctors divide into:

  • Dry.
  • Wet.

They can differ in tonality. Be:

  • Bass. The result is that viscous mucus oscillates in the bronchi. As a result of increased density of phlegm, resonant sounds appear.
  • Whistling. Appearing because inflammatory processes in the respiratory organs have contributed to the narrowing of the lumen between the bronchi.

Dry wheezing in the lungs (without coughing) occurs if there is not a large accumulation of fluid in the respiratory organs. Unproductive sharp spastic exhalations appear in a very short time.

Dry wheezes and sharp spastic exhalations can indicate the current:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Bronchitis in the initial stage.
  • Laryngitis.

Wet wheezing in the bronchi (without coughing) is caused by a large accumulation of sputum in the bronchial gleam:

  • Fluid fluid.
  • Mucus.
  • Blood.

Coughing, wheezing in the lungs can be sonorous and no. Good sounds are heard if the lung tissue presses the bronchi very tightly. This is one of the bright indicators of the presence of pneumonia.

Silent rales are most often localized in the chest (lower parts). They indicate the presence of stagnant processes.

Chrypses can be:

  • Quiet and loud.
  • A different timbre.
  • High and low.

They depend on what affects the bronchus or how narrow they are, so a hoarse cough can change. They can be accompanied by:

  • Severe shortness of breath.
  • Pain in the chest.
  • Weakness.
  • Chills.
  • Subfebrile or fever.
  • Overexcitation.
  • Loss of voice.

Coughing, wheezing in the chest - reasons

There are many diseases (and serious enough), the symptom of which is a wet or dry, hoarse cough. It can be:

  • Inflammation of the lungs.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Pharyngitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency.

Cough, wheezing, and hard breathing are also observed if a foreign body has appeared in the throat or respiratory tract. Sometimes unpleasant symptoms can indicate a severe form of allergy.

A strong cough with wheezing without fever is a frequent companion of smokers, as well as people working on production with polluted air or living in an unfavorable environment for the respiratory organs environment. Symptoms should alert a person, make him consult a doctor. In the absence of treatment and further exposure to harmful factors cough, hoarseness can develop into a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Unpleasant symptoms are typical for acute bronchitis. At the beginning of the disease, they are dry, and then grow into wet. In severe forms of the disease, dyspnea and shortness of breath can occur in parallel.

Coughing, wheezing in the throat can be caused by the ingress of foreign particles. This is especially true in young children. In this case, immediate first aid should be provided - to clear the throat, getting rid of the irritant. If you can not do it yourself, you should immediately call an ambulance. However, even in the event that it was possible to pull out the foreign body, it is necessary to visit a doctor in the near future. The specialist will check whether the respiratory system is not injured.

Horsing cough is a characteristic sign of bronchial asthma. The attack develops as a result of spasm of the musculature of the bronchi. This symptom is quite typical for this disease. It is much more terrible if there is a cough during an attack of bronchial asthma, but there is no wheezing. This may indicate the complete closure of airways. With this symptom, immediately seek emergency medical attention.

Whatever disease or pathological process caused such symptoms, it is worth remembering that their self-treatment is unacceptable. Only a doctor will be able to diagnose correctly and prescribe the best treatment. The specialist will help get rid of not only frightening sounds, but also of the reason why they appeared.


It's hard to breathe when you cough

Some patients often complain that with bronchospasm they are hard to breathe. "I cough, I'm gasping for breath" - these words describe their condition. If a person does not exaggerate (and in especially hypochondriac people there are such), then such symptoms can be a signal about the course of serious enough diseases.

Cough, hard to breathe with bronchial asthma

Chronic disease of the respiratory tract - bronchial asthma - an ailment quite unpleasant. It occurs in people of different ages, but most often in children.

Heavy breathing with cough in patients is explained by the peculiarities of the course of the disease:

  • Sensitive airways are exposed to the stimulus.
  • There is edema of the bronchi, their spasm.
  • Mucus, produced in the respiratory system, begins to increase in volume.
  • There is a cough.
  • Difficulty getting in and out of the air in the airways is difficult, which makes it hard to breathe.

There is a large number of substances that trigger the onset of asthma attacks. Among them, the strongest are those that cause sharp smells and force them to breathe:

  • Cigarette smoke.
  • Perfume and scented water.
  • Traffic fumes.
  • Household chemicals.
A patient with bronchial asthma can say: "I started coughing, suffocating" a few minutes after a heavy physical exertion. Especially if it was accompanied by the inhalation of cold or much dry air.

Cough, severe breathing in asthmatics can cause aspirin. Often, severe symptoms are observed after drinking beer, wine or food additives.

Difficulty breathing and coughing with bronchial asthma can be accompanied by:

  • Shortness of breath.
  • Fear.
  • Loud rales with whistles.
  • Strangulation.

If the attack passes hard enough, then the person starts to breathe with the mouth. Special septicants with medicinal compositions help to stop seizures. After their use, unpleasant symptoms usually go away in a few minutes.

Cough, it is difficult to breathe with emphysema

Problems with breathing and bronchospasm are frequent companions of patients with severe lung damage, characterized by:

  • Destruction of the alveoli.
  • Increased lightness of the lungs.
Emphysema, which prevents breathing, is most often observed in people over the age of fifty. Men suffer from ailment several times more often than women.

The main complaint with emphysema is that the patient says: "I cough and suffocate." At the onset of the development of the disease, such symptoms appear only after heavy physical exertion. Then and at rest. The following complaints are also observed:

  • The exhalation is heavy and long.
  • Pressure in the chest.

Coughing, heavy breathing in heart diseases

Very often, bronchospasm and unpleasant symptoms associated with the lungs and airways are caused by problems with the cardiovascular system. Severe and rapid breathing, coughing can occur because of:

  • Ischemic heart disease.
  • Porokov.
  • Violations in the valve.
  • Heart failure.

If it is difficult to breathe, there is not enough air, cough appears in the horizontal position, then it will be superfluous to turn to the cardiologist. Often, severe symptoms are accompanied by:

  • Painful sensations in the chest area.
  • Fainting.
  • Heavy heartbeat.

Of course, if a cough suddenly appeared, breathing is difficult and sputum appeared, do not immediately suspect the most terrible and serious illnesses. However, the doctor should be visited without fail. The specialist will help to determine why the patient has difficulty breathing and coughing. And also will appoint a course of treatment, after which a person can bring health in order and get rid of the disease.


Coughing in the lungs and fever: causes and treatment

Cough and pain in the lungs can be designated as an extensive concept, since these symptoms are characteristic of more than 20 different diseases.

Painful sensations can appear due to lung disease, as well as as a result of disruption of the respiratory system.

In addition, pain can have a cause that is not related to the respiratory system. So, pain in the lungs is sometimes a sign:

  • diseases of digestion,
  • bone ailments,
  • malfunctions in the nervous system.

Cough in the lungs

There are several reasons that lead to the appearance of pain when coughing. The most common is the tension of the intercostal muscles. When there is a frequent cough, the muscles are overstrained, and lactic acid, which accumulates in them, causes growing pains.

In addition, the pain when coughing occurs due to inflammation of the pleura tissue, lungs and infections. In these cases, one-sided pain is felt, which is manifested with a dry and strong cough. Sputum is poorly separated.

When the lungs ache while coughing, it can talk about tearing off pieces of the mucous membrane, which is typical for bronchitis and tracheitis.



  1. chest pains,
  2. dry cough,
  3. minimum sputum,
  4. bad feeling,
  5. rise in temperature to 39 degrees,

In the process of listening to the lungs, the doctor notices dry wheezes. Therapists effectively treat bronchitis.

Croupous pneumonia and abscesses

Croupous pneumonia is a serious disease with a sharp onset and sudden malaise. After a while, the patient feels chills, sweating, headache and a pale area near the nose and mouth.

The rise in temperature - up to 40 degrees, sometimes there is an unclear consciousness. The temperature does not subside for about a day, when it decreases - a person feels a strong weakness.

Characteristic signs:

  • cough,
  • pain on the side of the lesion during breathing.

Sputum is a kind of rust, breathing is heavy, wheezing is audible from a distance. At a roentgen and the analysis of a blood, doctors reveal strong changes. Pneumonia is treated by pulmonology doctors and therapists. When a severe form of the disease requires hospitalization.

The abscess is similar to pneumonia in general symptoms. There are:

  1. temperature increase,
  2. separation of blood when coughing,
  3. general weakness,
  4. pain in the chest with breathing,
  5. dyspnea,
  6. toxicosis.

This causes a wet cough, the temperature decreases, and the person's condition becomes better. If a symptom is found, promptly call an ambulance.

Lung infarction

This is a spontaneous condition characterized by shortness of breath, chest discomfort, irregular heartbeats, blue limbs and the area around the mouth.

Pressure can be so intense that the sick person loses consciousness. Also, the temperature often rises and a cough appears with blood secretions. Breathing weakens when the lungs fill with blood. To save a person's life, an urgent hospitalization should be conducted.


A disease that is characterized by:

  1. sluggish current,
  2. weight reduction,
  3. malaise,
  4. low-grade fever,
  5. an increase in lymph nodes.

The cough lasts several months, causing chest pain. There is also shortness of breath and hemoptysis. The disease is treated by a phthisiatrician.


With spontaneous pneumothorax, a strong stitching pain is felt on the side of the lesion, it gives for the sternum, neck and arm. Discomfort is higher when:

  • coughing,
  • breathing and movement.

There is a strong fear, shortness of breath, blue or pale, as well as respiratory failure. A dry cough is often observed. An operative hospitalization in the surgical department is necessary.


Characterized by the appearance of sharp pain in the process of breathing, which is localized in the area of ​​injury. Usually, this area is the area of ​​the lower ribs.

The pain may increase during a deep tilt, performed in the opposite area of ​​the lesion, the side. There is a weakness and a violation of general health, a slight increase in temperature.

Breathing in a person becomes superficial, the affected area of ​​the sternum takes a lesser part in breathing. All patients, as a rule, lie on their right side.

To cure pleurisy, a person is placed in a hospital in the department of therapy or pulmonology.

Pain in the lungs during inspiration

In most cases, pain in the lungs during inspiration is associated with lung diseases. The main cause of discomfort is dry pleurisy. As a rule, pains are felt in any particular area of ​​the chest and are expressed:

  1. sudden decline of forces,
  2. chills,
  3. night sweat.

The pains are piercing, since interpleural ligaments become shorter due to it.

Pain sensations that increase with inspiration are symptoms of the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis,
  • flu,
  • pericarditis,
  • inflammation of the pericardial sac,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • rheumatism.

Also, as a cough with influenza is indicative, so it can be a symptom typical for cancer and osteochondrosis.

Intercostal neuralgia is characterized by increased pain on inspiration, which feel like a needle prick. During breathing, the symptom also appears due to chest injuries or broken ribs.

Pain in the left or right lung

Symptoms speak of pleurisy: dry or adhesive. In this case, the lesion is localized in one side of the breast. Discomfort increases with a deep breath, turning the body, sudden movements and coughing.

Often pains are felt in the lower ribs. When a person in a supine position turns over to the area of ​​pain, then they subside. With pleurisy, the patients lie on the sore side, trying to move less. Another cause of pain in one of the lungs is exudative pleurisy.

At the onset of the disease, as long as the fluid in the lungs is small, the pain is localized on the side of the lesion. Breathing gradually becomes difficult, there are bouts of dry cough.

In the area of ​​the lesion, the doctor hears a specific noise. The pain subsides as the liquid collects into the pleura. There is a heaviness, the gaps between the ribs bulge or smooth out.

Spontaneous pneumothorax, caused by the ingress of air into the pleura, is another cause of pain. Air can get into the pleura from the outside, for example, with hip fractures, trauma or injury.

The cause of pneumothorax can also be:

  1. tumor,
  2. ruptures of cysts,
  3. foreign bodies in the bronchi and lungs,
  4. tuberculosis,
  5. abscesses.

More often from a pathology young women suffer. There is pain in the lung, it increases with frequent breathing and physical exertion. In this case, the pain continues for a long time and the state rapidly deteriorates:

  • The face and fingers of the limbs turn blue,
  • the body pales,
  • there is a cold sweat,
  • decreases blood pressure,
  • there is shallow breathing.

The region of the chest, where the air accumulates, does not participate in the breath. A person needs immediate medical attention.

Increased temperature with pain in the lungs

An increase in the overall temperature appears in diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature, such as:

  1. pneumonia,
  2. often there is a temperature with bronchitis,
  3. exudative and dry pleurisy.

As a rule, a person feels severe manifestations of such a disease as pneumonia. The severity of the symptoms depends on how large the affected area is, and whether the pleura is inflamed (in this case, pleuropneumonia appears).

The main symptoms of pneumonia are:

  1. strong sweat and chills,
  2. temperature increase,
  3. toxicosis,
  4. coughing and wheezing in the lungs.

In many cases, a person's lips turn blue, there is difficulty in breathing and consciousness becomes clouded. For a better understanding of the problem of coughing and chest pain, we recommend that you watch the video in this article.


Features of treatment of a wheezing cough in a child

Everyone on the Earth coughed sometime. Cough is a natural reaction of the body to irritants of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Just like sneezing, mild coughing of excess phlegm and mucus is good for health. But sometimes this process can be so exacerbated that it will turn into a problem.

Characteristic features

Mom from the first days of the life of your baby learn to distinguish the slightest shades of his breath, movements, eyes and even a cough. They know that abrupt guttural exhalations can be different. Some occur arbitrarily, do not cause apparent discomfort, and last for a short time. But others can be accompanied by a stale breath, a characteristic whistle and last for a whole night.

A wheezing cough in a child has different causes. It happens that the child's breathing even without a cough occurs with a whistle. Sometimes, on the contrary, too much sputum is allocated. And some kinds of a wheezing cough are initial signs of an oncologic disease - a cancer of a throat.

On the video - on the nature of a wheezing cough in a child:


The very first suspicion of the reason for a wheezing cough that occurs in an ENT doctor is bronchitis. The most common obstructive bronchitis. It is expressed in the defeat of the mucosa not only of the larynx, but also of the deeply located bronchi.The cause of their defeat may be viral infections, fine dust, allergens or pathogenic bacteria.Causes:

  • Pharyngitis- also a very popular reason for whistling with expectoration and sudden exhalations. In this case, bacteria or viruses affect the upper respiratory tract. The cells of the epithelium on the larynx begin to die off from the effects of harmful microflora on them. It is they who are the cause of the whistle when coughing and difficulty breathing with pharyngitis.
  • Coldcan be expressed not only by high fever and expectoration with phlegm, but also by a wheezy cough. The throat is frayed, it seems like inside the sandpaper, I want to drink water to alleviate the dryness. In such cases, you must constantly take expectorant mucolytic drugs. They will allow the mucus to become more fluid and to remove from the throat harmful microorganisms. Naturally, when carrying out complex treatment with the effect on the cause of the disease.
  • Whooping cough. A long wheezing breath that ends with an unpleasant cough is the result of the impact of a pertussis wand on the cough nerve center. The main feature of this type of cough is the almost complete absence of sputum.
  • Attack of bronchial asthma. He appears for the same reasons as breathing. These are allergens, increased physical activity, dustiness of the room, a nervous reaction to light, sound or heat. Depending on the form and severity of the asthmatic syndrome, sputum may, as in general, be absent, and be present in excess.
  • Throat cancer. Sometimes a dry cough with a whistle can be a harbinger of the terrible disease of our century of throat cancer. In this case, it is extremely important not to miss the initial symptoms in order to start treatment as early as possible.

The video tells about whooping cough as the reason for a dry wheezing cough in a child:

Treatment of children

Since the main cause of a person's coughing cough is a viral or bacterial infection, an antibiotic is seen as the ideal medicine. But we must remember that the means for fighting cough are divided into children's and adults not only because of their dosages. There are other features and differences between methods and means of treatment of shortness of breath and coughing with whistles in adults and children.

How to ease the disease

In the title it was the word "to relieve not cure. The kid, especially the preschool age, is unlikely to be able to accurately describe the symptoms that accompany his cough. And since there can be many reasons for it, the diagnosis should also be made by a pediatrician or a doctor in charge. Mom can only contribute to the main treatment of the very cause of the wheezing cough. There are several recommendations for this.

Read how to cure a barking cough in a child.

Approximate prices for tablets Hexoral: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/geksoral-tabletki-dlya-rassasyvaniya-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.html.

Here you can find the instructions for using Bioparox for children.


Some of us still remember the popular cold treatment in the form of "steam baths" over a pot with potatoes. In some cases, this practice can also save from whistling with stale breathing. Hot air, saturated with steam and soft starch, causes rapid development of mucus. Sputum begins to flow abundantly, and the cough passes into the stage from "dry" to "wet". The link describes how to breathe the potatoes correctly when you cough.

Same function is performed by soda inhalations. They dilute sputum, allowing the child to breathe freely and cough. This facilitates the course of the underlying illness and is sometimes the only way to hold out until morning and get some sleep!


If you have not yet reached your doctor, and he has not diagnosed you, it is undesirable to strongly attack antibiotics. And this rule is ten times more relevant when it comes to child health. Even, it seems, similar symptoms in different members of the family can be the result of various diseases.

In the photo - expectorant Herbion:

However, every mother has to relieve the anguish of her child. For this, there are mucolytic drugs. They have an expectorant effect. This manifests itself in that whistling and, as it were, through strength, cough becomes more calm and easy. The meaning of expectorant drugs is that they facilitate the flow of air through the larynx and bronchi. On inhaling and exhaling less energy is spent, there is relaxation of the chest and muscles associated with breathing. The link describes expectorants with a dry cough for children.

Medications for bronchial asthma

Kupirovanie sharp and frequent attacks of bronchial asthma should be planned solely by the treating doctor. The most common and available drugs are:

  • salbutamol
  • bereaved
  • fenoterol
  • terbutaline.

In some cases, they can be prescribed for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis. The symptoms and treatment of obstructive bronchitis in children are described here.

Natural preparations

Some expectorants contain exclusively natural ingredients. For example, substances such as Adhata Vascular and Peppermint allow you to make the cough more "wet." In principle, it is not so much a medicine as a remedy for alleviating the symptoms and the ability to breathe freely. Such drugs must be used in combination with other treatments for the causes of a wheezing cough and the underlying illness that caused it.

On the photo - natural syrup from cough Lincas for children:

Help for an adult

Like in children, in adults, a wheezing cough can be the result of an allergic reaction. In any case, whether it is a manifestation of bronchial asthma or seasonal irritation, it is necessary to consult your doctor. He will give recommendations on the treatment of the cause, and so that one can at least normally speak and breathe, advise safe and effective medications.

Antibiotics and mucolytics are a standard set in the treatment of a wheezy cough.But depending on the types of viruses and will be recommended this or that drug. It is also necessary to know about the individual characteristics of the organism and its interaction with one or another antibiotic. This will avoid complications.

Quite often good results are given by folk methods of treatment of dry cough. For example, badger fat perfectly cleanses the throat and bronchi. It is enough to take one teaspoon per day on an empty stomach. Here is described the use of badger fat when coughing. Radish with honey from cough also works well.

Or a honey diet that accompanies every meal. A person can eat everything the same as before, but honey is added to the usual menu. It allows you to get rid of colds, dry cough and even recommended for bronchial asthma.

Whistling cough can be treated only in relation to the cause of its occurrence. After all, he can testify about various diseases. Either a relatively simple cold, or the first symptoms of a terrible throat cancer. Therefore, if a dry cough with whistling occurred for you or your child for the first time, you should immediately go to the clinic.

If such a cough is not the first time that brings anxiety to your life, then you need to consult a doctor about antibiotics and folk methods that can be used to treat it. Inhalers and sprays are often the only way to facilitate breathing at work and outdoors.


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