The word scoliosis in translation from the Greek language literally means "curve." This disease is quite common, it is also called the disease of the 21st century.
Scoliosis is the deformation of the spine relative to its vertical axis.The disease begins to show itself intensively during the period of increased body growth. As a rule, it arises and progresses at a young age. Why there is a curvature of the spine? There is no clear-cut reason for this question and can not be.
Interesting fact:the curvature of the spine in young girls is much more common than in young men.
Scoliosisare divided into several typesand they are distinguished by the difference in the time of their occurrence:
- Infantile - it makes itself felt in the first and second year of life of the baby.
- Juvenile - manifested between four and six years of the child's life.
- Adolescent - occurs in the period from 10 to 14 years.
It is extremely rare, but, this pathology can be congenital.It can appear at any age, but more often - in children 8 - 13 years. It is during this period that the spine grows very quickly, thereby creating a huge load on the diseased vertebrae.
For those patients who have such a pathology, it is very important to resort to early surgical treatment. This can be the only effective method of treatment.
Depending on the concentration of curvatures, scoliosis is:
- Thoracic- this is when there are processes of curvature in the thoracic spine.
- Lumbar- abnormal processes occur in the lumbar region of the ridge.
- Thoracolumbal- Distortion is observed in the region of the thoracolumbar junction.
- Combined scoliosis- it is diagnosed in the case when there is a double S-bend.
Scoliosis can be C-shaped and S-shaped.
If the spine is normal, then it should have natural curves, the lower back should be bent inward. Scoliosis deforms the spine and thorax, while internal organs suffer.
- Possible reasons
- Symptoms
- General recommendations
- How to treat folk remedies?
- What is contraindicated?
- Preventive measures
Possible reasons
Deviations of a physical nature. They cause an imbalance in the muscles and bones, and this leads to scoliosis. With an imbalance in the muscles that surround the vertebrae, disastrous postural changes occur in young patients during their active growth.
- The development of scoliosis of the spine may be caused by a problem associated with coordination of movements.
The reasons for the "adult" scoliosis:
- Presence and rapid development of children's scoliosis.
- Scoliosis is degenerative. This condition, as a rule, develops in people after 50 years of age. In this case, the lower parts of the spine suffer from degeneration of the discs. For many people, a serious problem is considered to be osteoporosis, but this is not a risk factor for the development of a new scoliosis. Osteoporosis can complicate the situation with the already available scoliosis.
- The cause of scoliosis can be rickets.
- Burns and scars of large sizes.
In many cases, doctors can not give an intelligible answer, why in adults this pathology can develop.
Scoliosis can result from a variety of conditions that have a negative effect on the muscular system and bones. What are these conditions:
- Such changes in the spine, as tumors of different origin and trauma of varying severity.
- Fractures.
- Stresses that lead to hormonal disorders. And this negatively affects the growth of bones in adolescents and in those people who are actively engaged in sports on a professional basis.
- The genetic disease that affects the beautiful half of humanity - Turner's syndrome, it affects the physical development of women.
- The cause of scoliosis are such diseases as - Marfan syndrome, Aikardi syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis and some others.
- Congenital pathology - splitting of the spine. If the case is severe, it can cause spinal cord injuries.
Separately, I want to say about two factors of risk:
- Medical. This category includes people whose doctors diagnosed diseases that affect the condition of the joints and muscles. The list of these ailments: arthritis, muscular dystrophy, paralysis, poliomyelitis.
- Professional. This risk factor is most vulnerable to young professional athletes, namely: dancers, swimmers and gymnasts, figure skaters, tennis players, skiers. This group of people has an uneven load on the spine during training or demonstration performances.
While doing physical therapy, both young and old people can quickly cope with the existing problem with the spine.
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Unfortunately, scoliosis very often happens without pronounced symptoms. Sometimes even the most observant and attentive parents can not notice the slight curvature of the spine.
But, nevertheless, adults should pay attention to the unnatural postures of their younger generation, namely:
- slouch;
- one shoulder is much higher than the other;
- the level of the thigh is bent;
- the inclination of the head does not coincide with the level of the hips;
- asymmetrically projecting scapulas are visible;
- deformed chest;
- in girls, during puberty, different breast size;
- when the knees are bent and squeezed together, the upper parts of the back are one higher than the other;
- After a long standing or a short walk - pain in the back.
If you notice that the child has one shoulder higher than the other, then scoliosis develops in that part of the spine that is at the level of the pelvis. This pathology is treated by surgical intervention or by inserting special staples.
General recommendations
Scoliosis is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, it is associated with negative changes in posture. This ailment is treated by an orthopedist. Also, these specialists should recommend special after treatment activities, such as: massage, physical exercises, swimming in the pool, manual therapy, wearing a corset.
Night sleep should be on a bed with a rigid base, and in order to sleep was not tough, you need to use cotton mattresses, but in any case not spring.
Scoliosis is treated with both operational and conservative methods.
The main thing in the treatment of scoliosis is physical activity.While doing sports, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the disease, otherwise, you can cause even greater harm to your health.
How to treat folk remedies?
- Compresses for scoliosis. Spirituous tincture of dandelion flowers will help to calm the pain. To prepare a remedy, you need to take a 2-liter jar to fill it with 1/3 of the dandelion's flowers and fill it with 400 grams of quality vodka. We insist in a warm place for 10 days, every day we shake it. Before you make a compress, tincture needs to be diluted with warm water. Then we moisten the soft natural tissue in the solution and apply it to the sore spot for the whole night.
- Scoliosis relieves pain very wellcake of rye flour with the addition of turpentine.
- With severe pain helpsa pack of potatoes. The root of horseradish and potato tubers is passed through a meat grinder and thoroughly mixed. First, apply a clean cloth to the sore spot, and on top of it - a mixture. Compress a warm kerchief wrap or scarf and wait until you begin to strongly bake.
- The recipe for one more compress:take the leaves scarlet, 100 grams of honey and 125 grams of vodka. With this tincture, we impregnate the cotton rag and put it on the sore spot.
- A good effect in the treatment of scoliosis can be achieved by applyingconiferous baths. To prepare an infusion of pine needles, it is necessary to take pine branches, grind them and place them in a bowl with ten liters of water. Put the container on fire, and boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Infuse 4 - 5 hours. Before pouring the product into the bath, it must be filtered. During the procedure, the heart area should be open. Sitting in the bathroom, cover the upper body with a towel.
In the treatment of scoliosis, you need to include such sports games as swimming, skiing, playing with the ball.
What is contraindicated?
Patients who are diagnosed with scoliosis are strictly prohibited from jumping, doing exercises on body flexibility, practicing acrobatics and gymnastic exercises.
It is also not recommended to do exercises on the crossbar, which help stretch the spine.
You can not go swimming if there is a marked instability in the ridge.
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Preventive measures
- It is impossible to force or stimulate young children, so that they rather sit down or begin to walk.
- Walking with children, you need to alternately change the hand, for which the baby keeps.
- Do not forget to give children vitamin D, especially the first years of life.
- Constantly watch the child's posture.
- Furniture in your children's room should be matched according to his age.
- A knapsack for the school should be comfortable, on two straps.
- You need to sleep on a special orthopedic mattress.
- You can not sit in one pose for a long time, every 20 to 30 minutes you need to get up and warm up.
- Children should lead an active life and walk a lot. It is desirable to go to the pool and play sports.
- The food should be balanced.
If the disease is diagnosed at an early stage and the patient complies with all the doctor's recommendations, the disease will not progress.
See a video on how you can treat scoliosis at home: