Massage bed


  • 1Massage beds: specifications and reviews
    • 1.1What we know about massage beds. Main characteristics
    • 1.2"Nuga Best is it worth choosing this company?
    • 1.3Choose a bed with jade rollers
    • 1.4Helpful Tips
    • 1.5Are there any contraindications
    • 1.6Opinion of doctors
    • 1.7Customer Testimonials
  • 2Massage bed nougat best - when and to whom it is shown?
    • 2.1Equipment for regenerative medicine
    • 2.2Possibility of a bed for massage
    • 2.3Indication for use
    • 2.4Contraindications
    • 2.5What does the bed consist of?
  • 3The use of a massage bed with jade rollers is caused by the unique properties of jade
    • 3.1How the massage bed works
    • 3.2Effects on the body
    • 3.3Treatment of the spine
    • 3.4Infrared radiation
    • 3.5Impact results
    • 3.6Using
    • 3.7Contraindications
    • 3.8Conclusion
  • 4Nuga Best: reviews of doctors
    • 4.1What is the Nuga Best massage bed?
    • 4.2What in fact can such a massage bed?
    • 4.3Massage - as a panacea?
    • 4.4Nuances of active sales, or "nestykovochki" indications and contraindications
    • 4.5What should I say at the end ...
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Buy a massage bed in Moscow
    • 5.1Benefits of a massage bed for health
    • 5.2What do we get as a result?
    • 5.3How much does a massage bed cost?
    • 5.4Massage bed National EC-3D Nano
    • 5.5Massage lounger with the effect of 3D from the firm "Göckel-Design"
    • 5.6Massage bed Takasima A 808 L

Massage beds: specifications and reviews

Probably, every person faced with pains in the back. They can have a permanent character, which is very distracting from the usual way of life. Many do not pay attention to unpleasant sensations, but in vain.

After all, problems with the spine can not go by themselves, but require qualified treatment. Massage beds will help reduce pain and cope with salt deposits, vertebrae jams. Their actions are directed at certain areas of the body.

Thanks to the use of various techniques - reflexotherapy, the use of jade discs and rollers, manual therapy - they help a person relax and relieve tension.

How correctly to use similar beds? Are there any contraindications for doctors? These questions will be answered in the article.

What we know about massage beds. Main characteristics

A miracle invention appeared in the East. After all, everyone is well aware that it is there that the questions of medicine and health are treated with particular interest.

What is unique about massage beds? First of all, they cover all parts of the spine at once. In addition, the height and angle of the device are adjustable. Thanks to this, you can massage even the most difficult part of the body.

Depending on the bed model, the following functions can additionally be included:

  • infrared rays, which provide heating of soft tissues;
  • jade rollers (stone therapy);
  • acupressure;
  • reflexology;
  • relaxation of the whole body.

Modern massage beds have the ability to read and determine the "clogged" muscles. It is on them that the greatest burden is due to manipulation.

This massage helps to get rid of fatigue, chronic fatigue, relieves pain, breaks salt and other deposits.

In addition, with the help of such a technical device you can adjust the weight.

"Nuga Best is it worth choosing this company?

Lately, there are quite a few companies that offer to buy similar beds for massage.

How not to make a mistake and make the right choice? Most of the positive feedback was given to the Nuga Best massage bed.

Producers assure that it helps to cope with quite serious problems: intervertebral hernia, scoliosis, varicose veins, obesity.


The main highlight of the invention are rollers. They can be made of several materials: jade or turmanium ceramics. The last fusion is the development of Korean specialists.


These rollers start moving up and down along the spine when the device is turned on, gradually warming up the muscles and ligaments. In addition, infrared rays are connected to the process, which gently warm up the diseased zones.

As a consequence, the vessels expand, the blood flow to the muscles increases, and the pain gradually subsides.

Choose a bed with jade rollers

Before you buy a massage bed, you need to study all its characteristics. It's not worth chasing cheap models, it's better to choose something that really suits you.

The bed with massage rollers deserves positive feedback from customers. As a rule, these rollers are made of jade.

This material has long been used in medicine and has a number of useful functions:

  1. Relieves of insomnia. Due to its natural properties, the alloy calms the nervous system, relieves tension.

  2. Are you tired at work? Rollers made of jade will help bring the body into tone.

  3. They help to relieve nervous tension, stress, depression. To do this, you need to go through the procedure - 10-15 minutes a day.

  4. In connection with a complex ecological situation, poor nutrition, overstrain in people, especially in women after 30 years, hormonal disorders are observed. Jade can help normalize the functioning of the thyroid gland.

  5. Getting rid of the slag. Due to the thermal effect on the tissues, toxins will be eliminated through the pores of the skin.

  6. Normalizes the circulatory system, the work of the heart muscle.

All changes take place in the body in a complex way, patients feel themselves after the procedures cheerfully.

Helpful Tips

Jade massage bed is in great demand. Many patients note the excellent effect already on the 4th procedure.

All the charm is that you can have a miracle device at home and massage at any convenient time. It is not recommended to combine the process with watching TV or reading books.

You should be as relaxed as possible. Then the result will not take long.

Are there any contraindications

The most popular question that prospective buyers ask: "Is there a contra-indication for a massage bed?" Of course, they are available. It is strictly forbidden to use:

  1. Children up to 3 years. The fact is that at this age in babies the spine, tendons, muscles are still very weak. Therefore, any increased load can lead to serious consequences.

  2. Pregnant women. In the early term, it can provoke miscarriage, at later - lead to premature birth.

  3. People who have foreign bodies in the body. These can be pacemakers, metal plates and more.

The following contraindications should also be considered:

  1. Injuries of the spine.
  2. Recently transferred surgical manipulations.
  3. Neoplasms.
  4. Strokes and heart attacks.
  5. Furunculosis, dermatitis, lichen and other manifestations on the skin.
  6. Menstruation.

Before using a massage bed, it is better to consult a surgeon.

Opinion of doctors

Before buying a massage bed, of course, I would like to hear the opinion of experts. They are quite contradictory. Many doctors claim that the movement and touch of hands no one can replace. And indeed it is.

Complicated cases, problems with the spine can be cured only through acupuncture, manual therapy, drugs. Especially negative reviews are expressed by gynecologists.

According to them, women who have at least small changes in the uterus can develop serious problems and disorders after the course of such massages.

There are doctors who are supporters of this technical invention. They gladly advise to purchase a massager for their patients. After all, it's not in vain that such beds are installed in many sanatoriums.

Customer Testimonials

Massage bed, reviews of which are mostly positive, still has drawbacks, which can not be overlooked:

  • high cost (about 80 thousand rubles);
  • scientifically unproven effect;
  • if the bed is broken, it is problematic to repair it.

The undoubted advantage is that you can use at home, after the procedures immediately there is a feeling of relaxation, tranquility. The muscles are toned up nicely, and the skin is tightened. The effect is noticeable after 4 sessions.

Massage beds - a novelty, which appeared on our market relatively recently.

Producers assure that they are able to help cope with back pain problems, obesity, establish a hormonal background, improve the overall well-being of the patient, relieve stress and depression.

The opinions of the doctors differ, but there are still supporters of such beds. In any case, before you buy a similar product, you need to consult a specialist and take a survey.

A source: http://.ru/article/239034/massajnyie-krovati-tehnicheskie-harakteristiki-i-otzyivyi

Massage bed nougat best - when and to whom it is shown?

A wonderful option - to sleep on the bed, where the location of the body is the most correct and convenient, and also to receive here an excellent, practical, professional massage.

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And this is not an invention, it is quite accessible and even necessary reality.

It is intended not only for the prevention of certain problems of the back, but also is part of the therapeutic complex in the treatment of already existing diseases of the spine.

Equipment for regenerative medicine

South Korean company Nuga Medical specializes in the manufacture of excellent medical equipment. However, one of the lines is devoted to restorative medicine. And the most popular product in it is a massage bed nougat best, whose price on average in Russia is about 90 000 rubles.

It is proved that such a nougat best massager helps when there is a need

  1. Carry out an adjustment of posture in adolescents.
  2. To treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Carry out restorative measures in peripheral diseases of the nervous system, including radiculitis.
  4. Fight stress.
  5. Get rid of chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, constant overwork or insomnia.
  6. To conduct relaxation activities.

Possibility of a bed for massage

a task that is always achieved by word, this is the removal of neuromuscular tension. The massage session, when held by the device, combines at the same time at least three procedures:

Doctors recommend!

The pain and crunch in the back and joints with time can lead to terrible consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine until disability. People who have learned the bitter experience to cure joints use a natural remedy recommended by the orthopedist Bubnovsky ...Read more »

  • soft but full warming of the human body;
  • neat acupressure;
  • full reflexotherapy.

Thermo-therapeutic massager, capable of stimulating and bringing muscles into tone, should gradually lead to harmonious work of the whole organism. And this, in turn, can cause the effect of self-recovery and regulation of all its systems.

Thus, the goal of using a nougat best bed according to doctors' reviews can be the normalization of the muscular corset. With this task the bed is doing fine, but in more serious cases, experts appoint a professional manual massage.

Indication for use

Nuga Best is more suitable for prevention than for treatment. Uncontrolled use is not dangerous only when a person

  1. has no heart disease;
  2. is not a carrier of excess weight;
  3. not suffering from hypertension;

The list is far from complete. That's why people who have at least one chronic disease, you should not abuse the possibilities of a massager.


Nuga Best has rather significant contraindications. In addition to chronic diseases, high blood pressure and more weight, we can distinguish the following:

  1. Intervertebral hernia.
  2. Myositis.
  3. Sacroiliitis.
  4. Close to the surface of the skin vessels.
  5. Diseases of the skin.

The same contraindications apply to manual massage. It also can not be performed by anyone who does not have stable heart function and weak blood vessels, as well as those with acute sciatica and hernia.

That is why it is worth to know that according to the doctors' opinions the nougat best bed is not a cure, but it is able to act as a therapeutic equipment.

What does the bed consist of?

Therapeutic or prophylactic effect is able to provide only the original products of the South Korean firm Nuga Medical. And all this thanks to the uniqueness of the assembly. So, the massager should consist of:

  1. A ceramic tread that is placed inside. Its task is to press on the skin of a person, creating the effect of a point massage of the masseur. Settings allow you to change the speed of movement of the tread. Therefore, massage can be carried out at several speeds.
  2. Ceramic five-ball protector. Its task is to carry infrared radiation of the required frequency, which will allow maximum relaxation of the muscles.
  3. Thermal mat. It emits a huge number of ions, the charge of which is negative. Together with the infrared radiation, the ceramic thermal mat allows you to increase the speed of movement of blood.
  4. Thick coating mat. The fabric, which is easy to process, is sewn with silver threads. Lying on such a surface, a person does not sweat.
  5. Remote control, which sets the desired mode.
  6. Belt for the waist to increase the effect.
  7. Panel to set the temperature.

The angle of the bed can be adjusted, both by the person who lies on the bed, and by those who set the mode of her work. It is worth noting that for different areas of the body you can set a separate mode.

Thus, an excellent, simple and affordable remedy for prevention and relaxation is the original bed of nougats best. However, you should not use it without medical diagnosis and it is best that this bed is in the massage room (salon). And here its use could alternate with a quality hand massage.

How to forget about pain in the back and joints ...

A source:

The use of a massage bed with jade rollers is caused by the unique properties of jade

Jade is a unique stone.Stones are fraught with many secrets. At the same time, they have an amazing property of accumulating heat. They give this heat very slowly and gradually.

That's why they were used and used in treatment.Jade is not a simple stone.It's a healer stone. Having a viscous structure, it has tremendous strength. You will not be able to break it.

Used it from time immemorial. From it they made utensils, toys, and even... pillows. Pillows were sewn with pieces of jade. And, of course, tools for massage. They, of course, did a massage.

So, gradually and there were massage beds. Massage beds with jade rollers.

How the massage bed works

How does such a massage bed work? What is the effect of the effect on the various organs of our body? The main constituent of the bed is massagers. The jaw muscles are massaged by the longitudinal muscles of the back.

In this case, the rollers warm the body 3-5 cm deep. The massage bed has the effect of manual therapy. It is based on the principles of eastern medicine. This is both acupressure and warming.

All this is done with the help of infrared rays, which emit jade when heated.

Radiation affects directly the active biological points that are located along our spine. The internal energy begins to circulate.

What does it mean? So, all the organs are included in the work! That's why the massage roller serves to improve not an individual organ, but the body as a whole. At the same time, all organs and tissues are heated.

This is also achieved with the help of infrared rays.

What happens at this moment? Negatively charged particles are produced, blood circulation is increased. So, the exchange processes are included in the work.


The body begins to produce the necessary nutrients, enzymes. The immune system begins to recover. In parallel, the effect of relaxation is achieved.


A very important factor! Relaxation is necessary to restore the original functions of literally all organs. That's why the pain goes away, a spasm, a cramp is removed.

Relax and blood vessels.

Do not just relax, smoothen. What follows? The work of the heart and of the entire heart system is adjusted.

Effects on the body

Our body is a single whole. That's why one disease can cause the second and third. And vice versa: the work of one organ is being established, and in another.

How does the massage affect the body during the period of the disease? The scheme of its action is very simple: an impulse - relaxation - blood circulation increases - metabolism is established - purification and recovery - synthesis of various nutrients, enzymes - nutrition - adjustment of functions, etc. That's why, using a massage bed with jade rollers, it is possible to treat not only the spine, but also the respiratory organs (in this case, the very effect of warming up is important), digestive organs, skin integument. Beneficial effect on blood vessels and heart. Chronic fatigue, stress, depression, struggle with excess weight. And, of course, treatment of various diseases of the spine, correction of posture (especially in adolescence).

Treatment of the spine

Due to the fact that the impact on the spine occurs from below, and not from above, as with a conventional massage, the effect of stretching the spine is achieved. This is what is needed for almost all of its changes.

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In parallel, the massage strengthens the muscles. Vertebrae stand in place, the space between them increases. Infrared radiation helps to relieve inflammation, including metabolic processes. There is a process of treatment.

Infrared radiation

This radiation serves as a source of energy for our cells. Endowed with a strong thermal effect, they penetrate deeply into the tissue, thus removing inflammation, pain. They are endowed with a resorptive property.

Degraded hematomas. Due to the action of the rays, the outflow of lymph is increased. When jade stones are heated, they continuously emit an infrared spectrum, a living spectrum of rays.

It is directly opposite to ultraviolet radiation.

Impact results

Restoration of immunity, the production of blood cells (white and red), pain relief, elimination of allergies, nutrition cells with oxygen - all this is the result of such a massage, which is performed with the help of jade roller-massager. In childhood, the effect is much greater. Do not forget that this massage helps to cope with excess weight. But after all, excess weight is no longer health.

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You can use this bed at home. And this is not unimportant. Sessions must be continuous. From 1 to 3 per day in the continuation, at least 10 days. The interval of daily sessions is not less than 4 hours.

After the first procedures, the condition may worsen. Discomfort may occur. This is a good sign. This means that the treatment process has begun. After all, and the tooth is painful to remove! It all depends on the degree of the disease.

Deterioration can be observed for the first two or three days. Keep track of this.


But not always and not everyone can use these procedures. Although contraindications usually speak of a mechanical effect. Thermal, warming effect is permissible in all cases.

This massage is contraindicated in the last period of pregnancy. It can not be used if there are implants in the body. It is also undesirable after operations on the spine. Massage is contraindicated during the first year after surgery. It can not be used for brittle bones (osteoporosis).


Speaking about diseases, they talk about their prevention. It is unshakable, absolutely necessary and very true. And since in this article we are talking about a massage bed, we will not lose sight of the last fact.

Massage does not lead to the disease! And afford such a rest, relax, if you have such an opportunity, it's great! Sometimes this is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Having such an opportunity, do not miss it.

please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

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Nuga Best: reviews of doctors

Massage beds Nufa Best recently actively promoted by whole groups of people. At the same time, all the usual advertising on television and radio does not turn around, and the emphasis is solely on "word of mouth".

In this case, such a device is positioned almost like a panacea for all diseases, contraindications are rather meager in comparison with the declared "indications for use". By the way, about Nougat Best doctors' reviews are also quite easy. And, interestingly, they are all positive.

But is it really so cool, as simple advertising on websites says?

What is the Nuga Best massage bed?

Based on the description, this device is a thermo-therapeutic massager-stimulator, which is produced in South Korea.

In his work, methods of warming up, point massage and reflexotherapy are used, thereby reducing the neuromuscular tension.

Of great importance in this apparatus is attached to stone therapy, and specifically to the use in procedures of jade and tourmaline ceramics.

All this in combination leads to a state of harmony of the work of all internal organs, thanks to which mechanisms of self-healing and self-regulation are launched.

This is the theory of the sellers of these beds.

It should be noted that already at this stage there are discrepancies in the information provided - some say about the excellent therapeutic effect in practice any diseases, others say that Nuga Best is a purely preventive thing, and "if you want to be healthy" - use this massage bed. The first as an argument leads the doctors' comments about Nuga Best, the latter simply explain that the impact of the bed corresponds to a point massage.

What in fact can such a massage bed?

Or maybe she just what is written in her name - to do a massage. In this case, the massage itself is performed by several rolls.

At the same time as an additional function - the possibility of heating the massaged zone.

There is also stone therapy as part of the healing process, but in terms of effectiveness, this is generally a controversial subject, so here is a question from the field "I believe - I do not believe."


The statements about the traction (extension) of the spine performed during the massage seem groundless at first view, although, perhaps, directed in opposite directions of rolls and will be able to provide a minimum extension.


So, as a sort of "automatic massager this bed really can work. It is possible that in some situations it will be quite effective.

Massage - as a panacea?

But I would like to remind you that massage is also a method of treatment. At the same time, there are enough strict recommendations for its use, and to each masseur - there are clear requirements to the level of qualification.

Most often, back massage is used for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in particular - the spine.

There is also a "sports" massage, in which the tasks are somewhat different, but even in this case there are a number of certain limitations and norms.

So, therapeutic massage is used only for certain diseases. The list of such diseases is not very large, but basically it is a question of various problems of the back.

In this case, the purpose of the massage is to normalize the work of the muscular corset. The idea is that the massage should relax the muscles contracted by spasm and tone the relaxed muscles.

The effect of this procedure, by the way, is not too long, unless it is "fixed" by other methods of treatment.

Warming up, by the way, is also far from always useful. Especially when it comes to serious heating, which can reach 70 degrees. But this is a separate story, which also imposes a number of restrictions on the use of such a massage bed.

Nuances of active sales, or "nestykovochki" indications and contraindications

Since we have figured out what a device really can, we can roughly imagine what kind of therapeutic or prophylactic effect it will have.

Accordingly, it becomes clear under what diseases it will be really useful.

But let's listen to sellers and read advertising - it turns out, Nuga Best is capable of some kind of magical way to treat a number of diseases in which massage is not applied at all simply because it is useless.

But let's start in order. So, we take a list of diseases in which the use of such a massage bed is recommended.

Ceramic tourman mat "Nuga Best"

In the first lines of the list are various diseases of the back. Osteochondrosis, a hernia of the intervertebral disc, scoliosis, a number of pain syndromes (lumbulgia, for example), as well as all neuralgias and neuritis combined.

On the one hand - it is logical, it is with such diseases part of the treatment is massage.


However, the massage in each case is different and it is not entirely clear how the patient will adjust his bed-massager in accordance with the requirements for a real "live" masseur.


And after allmistakes in performing a massage in this situation will lead to the fact that the problem will only worsen. Is this "automatic massager" assembled in such a unique way that it equally helps with any of the listed diseases? However, we read further.

The next in the list is myositis. It's worth thinking about. How to do massage with myositis, if even touching the inflamed muscle is painful enough? It's not a cure, it's just torture.

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Unless it is a question of its chronic form, but in this case one massage will not do.

About treatment of this disease you can read on our site, there is a well-arranged sequence actions - to eliminate the cause, to remove the inflammation and only then to restore the condition of the affected muscle.

But further it goes even more interestingly: hypertension, migraine, vascular diseases.

Now imagine that a person with sick vessels (not to mention hypertension) will lie on such a massager, which he warms up well and will conduct an active enough massage.


The result, most likely, will not be an improvement in the state, but an increase in pressure.


Further the list to read at all it would not be desirable, because it is not clear, than massage with a psoriasis or a cataract can help, for example. Or is it all a wonderful effect of stone therapy?

What should I say at the end ...

This will sound trite, but do not trust advertising and sellers. Therefore, do not believe in such a "panacea if you want to try Nuga Best, the doctors' reviews from your clinic will be the best recommendation.

Do not hesitate to ask your doctor if you need this procedure, and will it not harm you? And only on his recommendation you can go to the "Hall of Health as the sellers of these massage beds call their premises.

A source:

Buy a massage bed in Moscow

Real life is so tiring that a bed is almost the best pleasure, especially on the weekends.

However, modern technology is so advanced that there is one more element of the interior that delivers even more pleasure and benefit than an ordinary bed - a massage bed.

Relax after a difficult day or after heavy physical exertion, and also make a massage at home in the evening is now possible with the help of a massage bed!

Do you have problems with the spine? Do you feel tired at the end of the day? Do you want to regularly do massage procedures, but do not want to spend big money on numerous sessions? Buy a massage bed - the best idea for you and your health!

The popularity of massage beds has recently increased significantly.

If before it could be seen only in massage parlors, now very many people buy a massage bed for the house.

And in this there is a significant plus: massage procedures can be conducted in the usual atmosphere, at any convenient time, and not look for time to meet with a massage specialist!

Benefits of a massage bed for health

Buy a massage bed - not only for the sake of pleasure and comfort.

As a result of regular sessions on such a miracle bed, you can get rid of many ailments that have appeared against the background of metabolic disorders in the body.

The list of diseases for which it is good to use a massage bed is simply huge. The massage bed is a good prevention and helps to cope faster with the following diseases:

  • Scoliosis
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Intervertebral hernia
  • Diseases of the brain
  • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system and cardiovascular
  • Hearing problems
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Hypertonic disease
  • Physical overwork
  • Posture disorders
  • Headache

In addition to treating pain in the back, neck, massage bed, it also has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, and also improves the condition of the joints. A massage has a positive effect on the work of the nervous system, helps to calm down in stressful situations and completely relax!

What do we get as a result?

After several procedures on a massage bed, you will feel better overall health, a charge of energy, normalization of sleep and appetite. The pain in the back will stop. With the help of a massage bed, you can correct the figure, get rid of cellulite.

To buy a massage bed means to save time and money that would be spent on regular massage sessions in a special clinic or on a specialist's call home. Note, the savings are substantial!

To carry out massage procedures with this innovative health item you can at any convenient time when you want, so do not worry anymore about the fact that massage is not available for you at the weekend days!

How much does a massage bed cost?

This question, for sure, worries those who are interested in buying a massage bed. The prices for this wonderful device are very different.

Everything depends on the number of functions, type, type, manufacturer. There are a lot of selection criteria, so its cost can be as much as 40, and 150 thousand rubles.

Where to buy a massage bed?

To buy a massage bed you can best contact the massage store, because in this way you will get significant benefits:

  • Possible free shipping;
  • A wide variety of assortment;
  • Choose a bed without leaving your home;
  • Possibility to visit the show room.

In our Massage Equipment Shop you canBuy Massage Bedwith Free Delivery in Moscow and Russia.

Consider information about the best massage beds to better understand their benefits to the body!

Massage bed National EC-3D Nano

Thanks to the use of this bed, you can correct the spine, get rid of scoliosis, improve metabolism, release strangulated spinal nerves, and also positively affect the operation of 4 systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and nervous.

Among the features of this species is the presence of tourmaline, a natural mineral that activates water molecules in the body, and normalizes the viscosity of the blood. Massage bed National EC-3D Nano has a modern look, 12 programs, 6 levels of adjusting the intensity of massage, as well as the ability to scan the spine!


Effective massage on a massage bed allows for a short time to restore the spine and the body as a whole!


You can buy a massage bed National EC-3D Nano for about 100 thousand.

Massage lounger with the effect of 3D from the firm "Göckel-Design"

The modern design of this innovative lounger made it almost the most elegant among all massage beds, and the 3D effect is obtained due to the presence of 3 motors under the body of the lounger. In addition, it has a control panel that allows you to adjust the lounger without getting up!

It has 18 functions, which makes it possible to speak with confidence about the tremendous effect for the whole organism!

You want to strengthen health, improve the condition of the spine, and also have fun in as a three-dimensional massage, which affects the skin, internal organs, muscles and joints, every evening? Get a massage deckchair with the 3D effect from the firm "Göckel-Design" of the German manufacturer!

Massage bed Takasima A 808 L

Massage device that effectively makes vibrating and roller massage!

The presence of 12 balls on each of the four axes makes the massage effective, and their movement through the massage bed allows affect not a certain zone, but the whole spine, which can completely replace the hands of the present specialist.

The cloak can be removed so that the massage is carried out more intensively, and the headrest can be placed on both sides, due to which it is possible to carry out a massage of the hips or buttocks simultaneously with the dorsal!

Massage bed has 3 types of massage: roller, shiatsu, and their combinations, that is vibromassage + roller and vibromassage + shiatsu, which allows you to effectively impact the body!

And to enhance the effect of this massage equipment, the massage bed has a magnetic radiation, and also has a warm effect due to infrared radiation.

Also, the massage bed Takasima A 808 L has a control panel that facilitates the use of this massage equipment!

Get one of the most effective massage beds to forever forget about problems with the spine and bad health!

Massage equipment store - a wide choice of massage equipment.

8 (985) 36-06-555

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