How to identify pneumonia in a child

How can you determine pneumonia in a child?

Each parent sooner or later wondered: how to determine pneumonia in a child? This ailment in children manifests itself more often than other diseases. Intensive development of medicine over the past 50 years has been able to mitigate the impact and consequences of the disease.

Recovery of the child occurs in almost all cases (subject to timely treatment of parents to doctors). Inflammation of the lungs in most cases is caused by infectious causes. The most common factor is bactericidal viruses (pneumococci), which are a permanent refuge in the nasal cavities.

At the age of six, the disease is provoked by a hemophilic rod. A child of school age is exposed to chlamydia, mycoplasma, which is a viral source of such a pathology.One of the key tasks of the lungs is the oxygen supply of the body.The oxygen message in the body occurs due to the vascular channels that perform the transport task. The fulfillment of the responsible task occurs due to the alveoli (small sacciform regions of the lung). Under normal operating conditions, the alveoli do not disintegrate together on exhalation.

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Pneumonia strikes precisely in these areas, filling them with products of the inflammatory process. The result of this process is a failure in the operation of the entire lung, as a result the body is harmed by inflammatory fluids.

Children were the first to feel the success of medical development in the fight against pneumonia. Relatively recently, this disease was considered a serious enemy of health and even the life of the patient. Today pneumonia as a disease with a fatal outcome is already nestrashna. However, a positive result of treatment is dependent on a qualitative, rapid diagnosis, respectively, correctly formulated therapy.

Factors provoking pneumonia in children

A group of factors causing the disease is headed by bactericidal viruses. The virus group of ARVI is not excluded (as the cause of pneumonia, and the means of transporting other viruses to the lungs). Separate cases of ailment can be provoked by fungal viruses or intracellular microbes.

The intrauterine pneumonia is not an exception. Viral microelements affect the amniotic fluid at the expense of the placenta at the time of fruiting or birth canals prone to inflammation. As a result, the newly born baby can already be sick with pneumonia.

Parents should be aware of how to recognize pneumonia in order to detect the disease in time.

Children's risk group

The following factors are characteristic of a group of children most susceptible to this disease:
  • the weight of the child is small enough;
  • during pregnancy, the mother suffered a viral, bacterial disease;
  • anemia iron deficiency;
  • heart malformation;
  • rachitism;
  • the affected nervous system;
  • long period of stay in the stationary block.

In the latter case, the likelihood of pneumonia is very high. The causative agent of the disease in this situation is an aggressive flora with a negative reaction to antibiotic drugs.

Symptomatology of pathology

An experienced practitioner is able to establish the correct diagnosis of the disease, determine a successful course of treatment. In some cases, the diagnosis of pneumonia requires the results of an X-ray study. Do not be afraid to use a similar method of analysis, because the quality of the definition of an ailment is only will increase, which may well compensate for the negative impact of X-rays on the body the kid.

A person who has contracted pneumonia is troubled by the following symptoms:

  • there is a cyanotic skin color, lips;
  • lack of appetite;
  • retraction of the soft tissues of the baby's breasts;
  • a feeling of anxiety, increased drowsiness;
  • Increased respiration (age before, month - 60 times a minute, month - 1 year - more than 55 times, 1-3 years - more than 40 times);
  • the airways are hanging;
  • temperature over 38º C for 2-3 days.
An extensive inflammatory process is expressed by shortness of breath, at which soft gaps between the ribs can be drawn inward. In the respiratory process, nasal, cervical muscle groups are involved. Children have a natural desire to sit down or raise their arms and shoulders higher.

This desire is explained by the fact that in such a situation the chest widens, the breathing is slightly facilitated. In parallel, there is a pale-blue hue of the lips, the edges of the nose. When this symptomatology develops, you should immediately apply to inpatient treatment, because the risk of death due to dysfunction of the central nervous system due to oxygen insufficiency.

Diagnosis of newborns

It is necessary to pay attention to the behavioral changes of the baby. There is lethargy, in rare cases - anxiety, capriciousness, loss of appetite. There are malfunctions in the respiratory processes: the rhythm is lost, the respiration is predominantly superficial, in which additional muscle groups are included. The temperature of the body increases, but in rare cases is quite high. The presence of a cough is uncharacteristic. There may be diarrhea.


One-year-old, six-year-olds with pneumonia change in behavior, shortness of breath, high fever, loss of appetite, do not feel like drinking. A pale blue shade of the nose and lips appears at the last stage of the pathology. The presence of a cough is not always observed. Due to oxygen deficiency there is a high probability of diarrhea.

Using a phonendoscope, even a qualified doctor is not always able to determine the presence of pathology. This is the insidiousness of the disease. Any diagnosis of pneumonia is based on lung X-rays.

Treatment of the disease

The negative influence of pneumonia affects cardiac activity and a number of important organs. A serious complication may be the appearance of purulent cavities in the lungs.

The severe form of the disease requires in-patient treatment, but many patients with mild pathology cope with the disease at home. Often, a doctor can not diagnose pneumonia during a call to the house. In such cases, the child with the parents goes to the children's polyclinic. With effective in-patient treatment of the baby, the process is allowed to be completed at home (with the necessary requirements for the patient's maintenance). The superiority of treatment at home is in the child's own atmosphere, the probability of being infected again with a virus in the hospital is excluded. The hospital has many viral microorganisms that have developed a certain immunity for antibacterial drugs.

It is the use of antibacterial drugs aimed at fighting pneumonia. The mild form of the course of the disease is treated with prescribed penicillin preparations administered by mouth. The concomitant medication is macrolide. The second line of medicines does not need a prescription for the initial stages of therapy. Complex form of the disease requires the appointment of antibiotic injecting drugs. Using several injections, the doctor observes the patient's condition. In case of improvement of health and lowering of temperature less than 3, º C without the use of means for removing the heat of the introduction of antibiotics by intramuscular route is terminated, an oral method of taking medicines.


When the temperature indicators of the baby returned to normal, the patient is recommended to sleep in fresh air (within reasonable temperature limits). Older children may go out three weeks after the disease, but only in the case of an effective treatment result, in the absence of key signs of pathology. If treatment has passed without special complications, specific rehabilitation exercises are not appointed.

How to determine pneumonia in a child

Pneumonia affects children of all ages. And the younger the child, the harder he tolerates this disease. This is related both to the anatomical features of the respiratory system and to still insufficiently strong immunity, which is not capable of fully resisting diseases. The first symptoms resemble the usual respiratory disease, which infants often fall ill. Because of this, it is not always possible to identify pneumonia at an early stage. However, there are characteristic signs indicating an inflammatory process in the lungs.


  1. The nature of manifestation and course of pneumonia in a child largely depends on his age, the cause and place of localization of the inflammatory process, as well as the condition of the baby at the time of the development of the disease. In premature infants and infants, the disease is more severe.
  2. In the beginning there are general symptoms of pneumonia: lethargy or excitement, lack of appetite, deterioration of sleep. To them gradually, and sometimes immediately signs of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract: sneezing, dry cough, runny nose. They are accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature to 39-40 ° C, which lasts for several days.
  3. Due to severe intoxication, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, manifested by nausea, vomiting, stool disorder, bloating. These symptoms are associated with exposure to toxins on the gastric mucosa.
  4. The inflammatory process in the lungs disrupts normal breathing, as a result the baby becomes restless, a characteristic blue appears around the nasolabial triangle, the wings of the nose swell. These signs indicate an oxygen deficiency of the first degree, which develops with pneumonia. Breathing becomes frequent, arrhythmic, moaning. If these symptoms occur, you should pay attention to the chest. With the defeat of the lungs, it becomes swollen with characteristic intercostal spaces.
  5. In the absence of timely treatment at the onset of the disease, a second stage of pneumonia occurs. It manifests itself as signs of oxygen deficiency of the second degree. Breathing becomes arrhythmic with periodic stops. Cyanosis appears not only around the nasolabial triangle, but all over the body. The condition of the baby becomes heavy and begins to threaten his life.
  6. Often against the background of a sharp rise in temperature and severe intoxication, convulsions and meningeal syndrome appear: the tension of the occipital muscles, the state of stupor, the swelling of the fontanelle (in infants).
  7. Determine the pneumonia in a child for sure is capable only of a doctor, so when coughing and runny nose, accompanied by high fever, it is worth appealing to him immediately. Even with an unconfirmed diagnosis, timely treatment of a common cold will help to avoid secondary pneumonia, which develops as a complication.

Symptoms of pneumonia in children

Pneumonia in a child is an acute infectious disease that occurs with inflammation of the respiratory parts of the lungs. The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of inflammatory fluid in the pulmonary vesicles-alveoli. Symptoms of pneumonia in children are similar to those in adults, but are supplemented by severe fever and intoxication.

The term "acute pneumonia in children" is out of use in medicine, because the very definition of the disease includes a characterization of an acute process. The International Council of Scientists-Experts decided to divide pneumonia into groups according to other signs that determine the outcome of the disease.

How dangerous is pneumonia?

Despite the progress in medicine, the incidence of lung inflammation in children remains high. Pneumonia is a life-threatening, life-threatening condition. Infant mortality from pneumonia remains high enough. In the Russian Federation, within a year, it dies from pneumonia & g; about 1000 children. Basically, this terrible number unites infants who died from pneumonia in the age of 1 year.

The main causes of the fatal outcome of pneumonia in children:

  • Later, parents applied for medical help.
  • Later, the diagnosis and delay of the correct treatment.
  • Presence of concomitant chronic diseases that worsen the prognosis.

In order to timely establish an accurate diagnosis and take measures to treat a dangerous disease, you need to know its external signs - symptoms.

The main symptoms of pneumonia in children:

  • Fever - increase in body temperature to high figures (8 8 ° C).
  • Dyspnoea - increased frequency of respiration more than 40 per minute (in children 1-6 years).
  • Cough dry or with phlegm.
  • Appearance of cyanotic coloring of the skin of the lips, nasolabial area, fingertips.
  • Changes in respiratory noise in the lungs during listening (wheezing, hard breathing).
  • Intoxication, expressed general weakness, refusal to eat.

The increase in body temperature in a child is the first symptom of many diseases, for example, a common viral infection (ARI). In order to recognize pneumonia, we must remember: an important role is played not by the height of the fever, but by its duration. For microbial inflammation of the lungs it is characteristic continuation of fever for more than 3 days against the background of competent treatment of viral & g; infection.

If we evaluate the significance of the symptoms for the diagnosis of pneumonia in children, the most terrible sign will be the appearance of dyspnea. Shortness of breath and tension of additional muscles are more important signs than having wheezing when listening to the chest.

Cough is a symptom of pneumonia in children. In the early days of the disease, cough can be dry. With the resolution of acute inflammation of the lung tissue, the cough will become productive, moist.

If a child with a respiratory viral infection (ARI) has similar symptoms, an urgent call for a doctor is necessary. Underestimation of the severity of the baby's condition can lead to sad consequences - the development of acute respiratory failure and death from pneumonia.

The doctor will examine the small patient, prescribe an examination and an effective treatment. Listening to the lungs in the early days of the disease may not reveal characteristic signs of inflammation. The presence of disseminated wheezing when listening is often a symptom of bronchitis. To clarify the diagnosis for suspected pneumonia, an X-ray of the lungs is necessary. X-ray symptoms of pneumonia are darkening (infiltration) of pulmonary fields, which confirms the diagnosis.

Laboratory Symptoms of Pneumonia

Valuable information about the fact of inflammation in the body carries a general blood test. Signs that increase the presence of pneumonia: a high content of white blood cells in 1 cu. mm blood (more than 15 thousand) and an increase in ESR. ESR is the sedimentation rate of red blood cells. This analysis reflects the amount of inflammatory metabolic products in the liquid part of the blood. The magnitude of ESR shows the intensity of any inflammation processes, including inflammation of the lungs.

How to determine the risk of a child with pneumonia?

The following factors are identified that increase the risk of lung inflammation in children:
  • Delayed physical and mental development of the child.
  • Low weight of a newborn baby.
  • Artificial feeding of a baby under the age of 1 year.
  • Refusal of vaccination against measles.
  • Pollution of air (passive smoking).
  • Overcrowded dwelling, where the baby lives.
  • Smoking of parents, including mother's smoking during pregnancy.
  • Lack of microelement of zinc in the diet.
  • Mother's inability to care for an infant.
  • Presence of concomitant diseases (bronchial asthma, heart disease or digestive system).

What forms can the disease have?

Pneumonia in children is different for reasons and mechanism of occurrence. The disease can affect the entire lobe of the lung - this is a shared pneumonia. If the inflammation occupies a part of the lobe (segment) or several segments, it is called segmental (polysegmental) pneumonia. If the inflammation is covered by a small group of pulmonary vesicles, this variant of the disease will be called "focal pneumonia".

In inflammation, passed to the respiratory tissue of the bronchi, the disease is sometimes called bronchopneumonia. The process, caused by viruses or intracellular parasites such as chlamydia, is manifested by swelling (infiltration) of the perivascular tissue of the lungs from both sides. This type of disease was called "bilateral interstitial pneumonia." These symptoms of difference can be determined by medical examination and X-ray examination of sick children.

Inflammation of the lungs in children doctors are divided according to the conditions of origin for domestic (out-of-hospital) and hospital (hospital). Separate forms are intrauterine pneumonia in newborns and pneumonia with a pronounced lack of immunity. Community-acquired (home) pneumonia is called inflammation of the lungs, which has arisen in ordinary home conditions. Hospital (nosocomial) pneumonia is a case of illness that occurs after 2 or more days of the child's stay in the hospital for another reason (or within 2 days after discharge from there).

Mechanism of the development of pneumonia

The entry of a microbial pathogens into the respiratory tract can occur in several ways: inhalation, swallowing of nasopharyngeal mucus, dissemination through the blood. This way of introducing a pathogenic microbe depends on its kind.

The most frequent causative agent of the disease is pneumococcus. The microbe enters the lower parts of the lungs by inhaling or swelling of mucus from the nasopharynx. Intracellular parasites, such as mycoplasma, chlamydia and legionella, enter the lungs by inhalation. The spread of infection through the blood is most typical for infection with Staphylococcus aureus.

The type of causative agent that causes pneumonia in children depends on several factors: the age of the child, the place of origin of the disease, and also from the previous treatment with antibiotics. If within 2 months before the present episode the baby has already taken antibiotics, then the causative agent of the current inflammation of the respiratory tract can be atypical. In 30-50% of cases, community-acquired pneumonia in children can be caused by several types of microbes at the same time.

General rules for the treatment of pneumonia in children

Treatment of the disease the doctor begins with the immediate appointment of antimicrobials to any patient with suspected inflammation of the lungs. The place of treatment is determined by the severity of the manifestation of symptoms.

Sometimes with a mild course of the disease in children of older age groups, treatment at home is possible. The decision on the place of treatment is made by the doctor, according to the patient's condition.

Indications for treatment in a hospital of children with pneumonia are: severity of symptoms and a high risk of an unfavorable outcome of the disease:

  • The age of the child is less than 2 months, regardless of the severity of the symptoms.
  • The age of the baby is younger than 3 years with lobar pneumonia.
  • Inflammation of several lobes in a child of any age.
  • Severe concomitant diseases of the nervous system.
  • Pneumonia of newborns (intrauterine infection).
  • The small weight of the baby, the delay of its development in comparison with peers.
  • Congenital malformations of organs.
  • Chronic concomitant diseases (bronchial asthma, heart disease, lung, kidney, cancer).
  • Patients with decreased immunity from various causes.
  • Impossibility of careful care and accurate performance of all medical appointments at home.

Indications for the urgent placement of a child with pneumonia, in the department of children's intensive care:

  • Increasing the number of breaths & g; 0 in 1 min for infants under the age of one year, and for children older than the year, shortness of breath & g; 0 in 1 min.
  • The retraction of the intercostal spaces and the jugular fossa (fossa at the beginning of the sternum) with respiratory movements.
  • Moaning breathing and violation of the right rhythm of breathing.
  • Fever that does not respond to treatment.
  • Violation of the child's consciousness, the appearance of convulsions or hallucinations.

In uncomplicated course of the disease, body temperature decreases within the first 3 days after initiation of treatment with antibiotics. External symptoms of the disease gradually decrease in intensity. X-ray signs of recovery can be seen in the pictures of the lungs no earlier than 21 days after the start of antibiotic treatment.

In addition to antimicrobial treatment, the patient must comply with bed rest, plenty of drinking. Expectorants are prescribed if necessary.

Prevention of pneumonia

Protection from respiratory viral infection plays an important role in preventing the incidence of pneumonia.

It is possible to carry out vaccination against the main pathogens of pneumonia in children: a hemophilic rod and pneumococcus. At present, safe and effective vaccine-tablets are developed against microbes that cause pneumonia and bronchitis. Preparations from this class "Bronchovax" and "Ribomunil" have a children's dosage. They are appointed by the doctor to prevent such a dangerous disease as pneumonia.

Signs of pneumonia in the child

Very often children's colds can be complicated by pneumonia. This is a very serious disease that is difficult to diagnose and treat, pneumonia can be different, they depend on which zone of inflammation is covered. The most common form of pneumonia affects children who have not yet reached the age of three, they are atypical flow, because children can not cough up phlegm and do not say in which area they feel pain. In young children, pneumonia is almost not audible, because children are restless, cry. It is very important to identify this disease in advance so that there are no serious complications.

Causes of pneumonia in children

Most often pneumonia occurs due to microbes - pneumococci. In children under 3 years old, pneumonia can cause staphylococcus, very rarely a chlamydial or microplasma pathogen, as well as pneumonia in children occurs due to several microbes.

Very rarely, children have pneumonia on their own, most often it is the result of a viral infection or a complication after the flu. This is due to the fact that the cold reduces immunity in the respiratory tract and immunity ceases to fight. Due to the fact that viruses affect the mucous membranes in the airways, microbes that are in the upper and lower the respiratory tract is not completely destroyed, begins to multiply more, and forms a microbial process and inflammation lungs.

Often, pneumonia runs the risk of getting sick of children who are very tired and overcooled when they have frozen their legs. The cold becomes complicated when the baby is surrounded by pneumococci and other microbes, both children and adults can bear them. Also, pneumonia develops if germs or other infectious foci, kidney or intestinal, have been introduced into the bloodstream. When lung tissue is dominated by heat and humidity, microbes rapidly multiply, and pneumonia develops.

Danger of pneumonia for children

For infants, this is a deadly disease, when microbes begin to enter the lungs, they begin to destroy tissues, and there may be swelling and inflammation. Thus, the permeability of the lungs to oxygen is violated, that is, the baby begins to suffocate, with This is a noticeable violation in the metabolism, from the tissues are removed carbon dioxide, and they are no longer supplied oxygen.

When there is inflammation, a lot of toxins start to appear, because of this in the child in the body there is intoxication and disrupted the general health, this further worsens well-being patient. It is important to consider how much tissue in the lung is affected, it depends on it, how serious the disease is.

Types of pneumonia in children

1. Focal pneumonia occurs when a small area of ​​the lung becomes inflamed.

2. Segmental pneumonia occurs when only a certain segment of the lung is inflamed, this lesion is more extensive than the previous one.

3. Fracture pneumonia is considered a very severe form, because breathing is disturbed, due to the fact that a large section of the lung tissue can fall out.

4. Very dangerous for the child is total pneumonia, it affects the entire lung, it can be of two types - one-sided and two-sided. This is a serious disease.

Pneumonia is characterized by the fact that the metabolism is disturbed, because the inflammation of the lung begins to affect all the systems of the body. Microbes at the same time secrete toxins, can affect the nerve tissue, while the mind is depressed and the person is overexcited. There may be hypoxia, because of this, blood circulation increases, while a person feels strong load on the cardiovascular system, because of this very much losing weight and he appears neurasthenia. It is very important to recognize the symptoms of pneumonia in time and start treatment on time, if it is not treated in time it can have serious and deplorable consequences for the child.

How is pneumonia manifested in children of different species?

Pneumonia depends on which area of ​​inflammation, if it is large and active, means the disease will be severe. Most often pneumonia in children is treated well.

Bronchopneumonia or focal pneumonia is a complication of ARVI, it can begin with the common cold, runny nose, cough and drowsiness, then the infection goes very deep. The virus begins to affect the bronchi, then the lung tissue, microbes join it and the disease worsens.

Signs of pneumonia in children

1. Sharp deterioration in the health of the baby.

2. The appearance of a very dry or wet cough that is deep.

3. There may be shortness of breath when sucking, crying and exercising, and even in a dream.

4. In the breath begin to participate thoracic cellular muscles.

5. The temperature rises from 38 to 39 degrees, and almost does not go astray.

6. If the baby has problems with immunity, there may be no fever and body temperature on the contrary decreases.

7. The body temperature with pneumonia lasts for several days, even after the active treatment has begun.

8. The baby is pale when examined, blue may appear around the mouth and nose.

9. The child is restless, does not eat well and sleeps a lot.

10. When listening to the bronchi can be observed hard breathing, this indicates the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

11. Over the lungs small rattles are heard, they are damp, they do not disappear after the baby coughs.

12. In the heart there may be tachycardia, vomiting and nausea, stomach aches, a loose stool appears, because of this, intestinal infection also joins.

13. With pneumonia, the liver is enlarged.

14. The child comes in serious condition.

So, it is very important to diagnose the lung disease of a child in time and begin timely treatment, so you can get rid of complications and help the child cope with the disease. Diagnosis of the disease can be with the help of an X-ray, in the picture visible darkened areas of the lung, this indicates inflammation and tissue tightening. A general blood test has an increased amount of white blood cells, which also indicates an inflammatory process.

How to recognize pneumonia? What are the first signs?


Anna Varakuta

Pneumonia usually begins acutely - the temperature rises, the state of health worsens (in a newborn this manifests itself either in excitement or in lethargy). Cough begins - dry, superficial and painful. Often in the initial period, abdominal pain, headache.
The leading symptom is shortness of breath.
Respiration is frequent.
Inflating the wings of the nose in the child and the movement of the intercostal muscles.
There is a cyanosis around the mouth, which during crying or coughing intensifies.
Despite the heat, the child's hands and feet are cold.
In rare cases, pneumonia can occur without fever and shortness of breath, while the only symptoms of the disease are fatigue, poor health, lack of appetite and cough. If you suspect an inflammation of the lungs, immediately put the child in bed and call a doctor at the house. Do not forget that pneumonia is a serious illness of the body, which can lead to respiratory failure, convulsions and other life-threatening conditions. Complications of pneumonia can be inflammation of the lungs (pleurisy), inflammation of the middle ear, damage to the heart muscle.
Treatment of a child
Children of early age, i.e., those who have the most severe illness and develop respiratory failure more often should be treated at the hospital. Older children can be treated at home. But do not forget to fulfill the appointment of the attending physician.
You can not also interrupt treatment without consulting a doctor, even if the child is better. Breaks in treatment create the prerequisites for the recurrence of the disease or its transition to a chronic form. Treatment of pneumonia is long, it lasts at least 2-3 weeks. Medicines are prescribed by the doctor depending on the severity and form of the disease.
A child with pneumonia needs bed rest. Preferably half-sitting position in bed. To do this, the head end of the infant's bed should be raised. The position of the child must be constantly changed so that in the lower parts of the lungs there is no stagnation of blood, which contributes to exacerbation of the inflammatory process. Take the breast peptide more often in your arms and keep it in an upright position so that there is not much sputum in the lower parts of the lungs. Do not let a child cry because the need for oxygen increases during crying.
Room for the patient
The patient's room should be ventilated every 2 hours. In warm weather, the window can be permanently open. Place the baby cot so that the air from the window does not go directly to the child. The temperature of the air in the room should not exceed 20 ° C, the child should not be sheltered too warmly. Take care of the purity of the skin. Change your baby more often.
Food and well-being of the child
The child should be given a plentiful drink, and it should be given often and in small portions. Since the inflammation of the lungs disrupted the exchange in the lungs of carbon dioxide and blood oxygen accumulate under-oxidized metabolic products (the blood is acidified). This worsens the condition of the child. Therefore, as a drink do not fit sour juices.
Give the child tea with raspberry or black currant jam, borzhom.
From time to time, offer a 2% solution of baking soda.
The food should be easily digestible.
Do not give cakes with cream, fat cookies and others, though tasty, but difficult-digestible sweets.
Do not force the child to eat. As soon as he gets better, his appetite will improve.
The baby can be difficult, sucking the breast. In these cases, it is necessary to give expressed milk or to feed the baby with a spoon.
Be sure to watch the frequency of breathing and pulse of the child, as well as their ratio. An increase in the ratio of respiration and pulse should be reported immediately to the doctor.
It must also be ensured that the child has a regular stool. In an infant with pneumonia, bloating (flatulence) can occur, which in turn exacerbates respiratory failure. If within two days there was no chair, you should make a Kli



Snow Maiden



High fever and shortness of breath.


Dry and frequent cough, constantly high fever even in the morning, weakness, discomfort in the lungs ...

Kostya Kartashov

In the first, it simply did not arise.
Before the inflammation probably was the flu, then wet rales that do not go through the temperature and sweating in the evenings, after inhaling.
Then pneumonia.
And so it is necessary to knock, to listen.. .

Harmful Miracle

How to recognize pneumonia
Pneumonia: signs and treatment
Inflammation of the lungs is one of the most common human diseases. For some, especially in childhood, this is just punishment for some, for others - a rarity; third, such, to Unfortunately, not much, they themselves did not get pneumonia, but the relatives and friends who had been ill had enough quantity.
The respiratory system in general and the lungs in particular are very vulnerable to infectious diseases. With all the variety of methods of infection, the airborne transmission pathway is most common. It is not surprising that the upper respiratory tract is the advanced detachment of the fight against a multitude of viruses and bacteria. Under certain conditions - the weakness of immunity, high activity of the microbe, violation of the qualitative composition of the inhaled air, etc. - the infectious process is not localized only in the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx, larynx, trachea), but spreads downward. Sometimes the process ends with inflammation of the bronchial mucosa - bronchitis, but, quite often, this is not limited to. There is inflammation of the lung tissue itself - this is pneumonia.
Virtually any microorganism can cause the development of pneumonia. Which specifically - depends on a number of factors. From the age of the patient, from the place where the inflammation of the lungs arises - at home or in the hospital, if in the hospital, in which department - in surgery, some microbes, in therapy others. An enormous role is played by the state of health of the body as a whole and the state of immunity in particular.
At the same time, the inflammation of the lungs is rarely the primary, that is, lived and was a healthy boy Vasya, suddenly, again, and fell ill with pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs, as a rule, is secondary and represent a complication of another disease.
All these "other diseases" can be divided into two groups: acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) and everything else. In this case, pneumonia, as a complication of normal ARI (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis), is much more common than pneumonia in all other infections, injuries and surgeries. This is not at all surprising and is not due to any particular "fear" of respiratory viral infections, but to their widest prevalence - "pick up" SARS to the average person 1-2 times a year is possible for certain, and all the rest is from the case to the occasion.
Signs of pneumonia:
You should know some signs that allow you to suspect the development of pneumonia.
1. Cough became the main symptom of the disease.
2. Deterioration after improvement or any "catarrhal disease" lasting more than 7 days.
3. It is impossible to take a deep breath - such an attempt leads to a fit of coughing.
4. The expressed pallor of a skin on a background of other signs ORVI (temperature, a rhinitis, tussis).
5. Shortness of breath at a low body temperature.
6. At high temperature, paracetamol (panadol, epheralgan, tylenol) does not help at all.
I want to emphasize that the knowledge of the 6 mentioned characteristics is not necessary in order to make a diagnosis, but in order not to be drawn with seeking medical help.
The doctor has quite advanced methods of detecting pneumonia. In addition to listening and tapping, in doubtful cases, use a clinical blood test and X-ray examination - it almost always allows you to dot all the "i".
The choice of place of treatment - hospital or hospital - is determined by a number of factors - starting from the patient's age and ending with the qualification of the doctor and his desire to run to your house every day (although the salary from this is not will change). A very significant and most important moment is the real severity of pneumonia itself. Complicated forms of the disease that occur with respiratory or heart failure, with obstructive syndrome (obstruction - that just is a blockage of bronchi with dense phlegm), with pleurisy - are treated exclusively in hospital. Uncomplicated pneumonia can be treated at home.
How is pneumonia treated?
Anything that would

Sveta Zhuk

chest pain and hard breathing


The best diagnostician: pathologist. Always the correct diagnosis.

Anna Nazarova

Authentically - only roentgenologically. The final diagnosis without it is not put.

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