There was a blister: how to treat blisters

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What if the blister appeared on the blister on the hands, fingers, on the body, legs, mouth in tongue or lip? Blisters are red( with blood) and white( with lymph), arise from excessive irritation of certain areas of the body.

The cause of blisters may be friction, contact with hot objects, boiling water, exposure to low or high temperatures. Most often blisters appear from a burn with hot water, iron and other objects heated to a high temperature.

The main thing to remember is that the treatment of blisters after a burn as its consequences is necessary in the surgical room. If there are blisters in the child and not because of a burn, it is still better to treat them with a pediatrician!

The cause of the appearance of small and large blisters are diverse. In summer it can be a nettle burn, insect bites. Also, if a person eats a lot of citrus - oranges, tangerines, with individual intolerance to drugs, other foods, chocolate and sweets, a mild allergic reaction arises and the patient declares: "Doctor, I'm all scratched, I have rashes on my skin!".But, it's okay, you can take a pill from an allergy, you will not eat what you are allergic to and everything will gradually return to normal.

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The most dangerous blisters from a burn and excessive friction - for example, a heel, a foot were lost from wearing tight shoes. Because you can bring the infection.

Blisters: photo

How to treat blisters after a burn?

Treatment should be carried out without fail in the surgical room, because as soon as there are aseptic conditions and a professional approach for doctors.

So, if the blister appeared after the burn, then the burnt surface is washed with 0.25% solution of Novocaine, the blisters are treated with 70% alcohol, opened at the base and removed. Then remove the scraps of opened bubbles and all foreign substances( clothes leftovers, dirt).Once again, wash the wound with 0.25% solution of Novocain, drain it with sterile gauze napkins and wipe with a pad moistened with 70% alcohol.

In conclusion, apply a bandage with streptomycin or sintomitsinovoy emulsion. You can use ointment from 0.2 g Rivanol, 3 g Anestezina and 100 g Vaseline or anti-burn ointment Vishnevsky.

How to treat blisters at home: pierce or not pierce?

When you have a blister, then immediately the question arises: pierce or do not pierce .

Consider the recommendations and tips for treating blisters at home.

"I think it depends on the size of the blister," says Dr. Susan Tanner, a private practitioner from Denver, Colorado. She specializes in sports medicine.- Probably, the tourist will advise you not to pierce it, because then you risk bringing an infection. But I think that for most people this is not very practical. "

Most experts hold the opinion that it is necessary to pierce large, painful blisters and leave intact small ones that do not cause inconvenience.

"If you have a large blister in a busy place, it is almost necessary to drain it," says Clare Starrett, a pediatrician professor at the foot and ankle institute of the Pennsylvania College of Pediatric Medicine."They can swell like balls."

One way to keep the blister without opening it is to cut out a ring of soft wool and place it on the blister on top.

If you want to pierce the blister, you must, first of all, clean it and surrounding the skin from dirt. And sterilize your "tool".The skin and the blister itself can be treated with alcohol, iodine, zelenka, and burn the instrument in the flame of an alcohol lamp or a match.

If you want to puncture the blister, puncture it with a sterile needle from the side. Make sure that the hole is large enough to squeeze out all the fluid from the blister.

You should never clean the skin on the blister after its puncture. Skin is a natural bandage that protects the blister from infection and contamination. If it is removed, healing will take much longer.

After opening the blister it should be bandaged. For this purpose, fabric tapes are best suited. Gauze wipes are recommended for blisters that are too large for an adhesive plaster. Usually, the napkins are fixed with an adhesive tape.

If the dressing is wet, then it should be considered "contagious" and must be changed. If it is dry, then it can not be changed for 2 days.

To avoid the appearance of blisters on the heels or on other rubbing areas of the skin, it is necessary to use an adhesive plaster, powder, starch or petroleum jelly. Then the risk is significantly reduced. The same should be done before a long campaign, competition or just a long walk.

Source: Allega G.N. Official and traditional medicine. The most detailed encyclopedia.- Moscow: Izd-vo Eksmo, 2012.