Cough in the baby 3 weeks without temperature

The baby has a cough without temperature, what should I do? How to treat?

Often children develop a cough without fever. He can appear for various reasons, most often colds, then with the help of a cough the child gets rid of the microbes that have accumulated in the throat, thoracic region. When influenza, cold cough is accompanied by fever, it says that the body with all the strength is protected from the disease. If a child has a sudden and dry cough, while the body temperature is not increased, it can talk about other serious diseases.

Causes of cough without temperature

If a child has an infectious, catarrhal disease that affects the trachea, bronchi, lungs, there is a cough of the cold, high fever, the child is weakened. When the disease begins to heal, the symptoms go away. The cough can remain for another two weeks, then disappears.

If a child has a sudden paroxysmal cough without a cold, temperatures and it is impossible to heal, you need to carefully examine the child, this is the first symptom of a serious illness.

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Most often such a cough can be a symptom of bronchial asthma, it worsens at night, after a hard day. In this situation, it is important to pay attention to how often asthma attacks the child, how many times a day, a month.

Cough without fever in a child can be triggered by an allergic reaction to pollen of different plant species, house dust mites, products nutrition, cosmetics, household chemistry, because of this irritated bronchi, become hypersensitive, so children are disturbed by a strong dry cough. Allergy can be removed with the help of antihistamines, other drugs will be ineffective.

Sometimes, a cough that is not accompanied by fever can talk about an infectious disease - cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, whooping cough, fungi, paracoids also often leads to irritation bronchi. In some children, the state of health may be exacerbated by tuberculosis, but this disease most often occurs with increased body temperature. In order to know exactly about the disease, the child must necessarily pass all the laboratory tests, based on them will be selected effective treatment.

Note that if your child begins to cough badly after a stressful situation, then he has a cough appears due to psychogenic causes, it occurs in the form of seizures, can last a minute, and sometimes whole day.

Dangerous is a cough without fever, which is characteristic of laryngitis, the child suffers suffocation, it is necessary to consult a therapist. In infancy, cough is physiological in nature, with the help of its children cleanse the respiratory tract from dust, food that enters the respiratory tract. Sometimes a cough can appear when the child has his first teeth.

In cases when the cough is prolonged, it is not moistened, thus there is no runny nose, temperature, It is necessary to undergo a full course of examination, so that the disease does not develop into a chronic one with different complications.

Treatment of cough in a child without fever

1. Give the child as much warm water as possible, preferably alkaline. Also, if your child does not have allergies, you can give milk with the addition of soda, it is also good to add honey, butter.

2. If the cough is severe, while the temperature does not rise, you can conduct steam inhalations - recommend breathing nal potatoes, which is cooked, you can use different types of herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.

3. Compresses are an effective remedy. So the sputum will be formed faster and blood circulation will improve in the chest area, you can use honey, boiled potatoes, vegetable oil. It should be applied to the baby's chest, it should be able to withstand it for at least two hours, it is best that she sleeps, wrap it, it should get warm well.

4. Watch the air in the room, it should be moist, give up various types of irritants - smells of perfume, tobacco, various cosmetic products, household chemicals. Do a wet cleaning, wipe off the dust.

5. Abundant drink for the child. It should be varied, compote, if it's winter, you can use frozen, dried fruits. In a season it is good to prepare compotes with fresh fruits, they contain a large amount of vitamins, which will help the child, quickly recover. Prepare broths for cough, you can use mother-and-stepmother, thyme, nettle, thermopsis, oregano. Pay attention, children of allergic people are not allowed to take various herbs, this will only further aggravate the disease and lead to bronchospasm, Quinck's swelling, anaphylactic shock. Cough can be cured with tea with honey and lemon.

Medication for cough without temperature

Drugs can be prescribed for dry cough, which will help make it productive, moist. Effectively treated with Delsim, Tusupreksa, Libexin. Pay attention, these drugs can not be taken into account, they can lead to serious consequences.

If the child has a wet cough without temperature, you need to reduce the sputum, this is suitable for treatment of ATSTS, Bromheksinom, Ambroxol, Mukaltin. This group of drugs also leads to side effects on the child's body, may be impaired work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, in children often after taking these funds, there is nausea, vomiting.

When a child is often sick, you need to think about strengthening his immune system, so accustom him to the sport, he should move as much as possible, exercise, it is important that the food is balanced and rich in vitamins.

So, cough without fever is most often due to an allergic reaction, bronchial asthma, less laryngitis, so do not run it, it is necessary to immediately treat, until it has developed into a chronic form, before this it is necessary to undergo a full course of examination for confirmation diagnosis.

Than to treat and how to stop a cough in a child 3 years old?

Kids are often sick. Of course, curing a child who can not say exactly what bothers him, is much more difficult than an adult. Cough can appear due to various diseases. And the nature of the cough can be anything. It can be dry, barking, wet or wet. It is worth noting that the cause of coughing can be:

  • virus
  • asthma
  • allergy
  • microbes.

And in children, as a rule, coughing is a consequence of ARVI. A strong dry cough is called non-productive, and a wet cough is productive.

Quick deliverance

Usually in children 3 years of cough occurs after an inflammation of the nose or throat. The worst thing is that such a cough agonizes often enough, but the spitting does not occur. The child feels bad, that is, he suffers from coughing attacks, both in the daytime and in the night. To make the sufferings of the child easier, you need to take action. What methods of treatment can be?

  1. General methods.
  2. Medicamentous.
  3. Folk remedies.
  4. Additional treatment and prevention.

General recommendations

Everyone knows that the child needs to ensure proper diet and nutrition. In the room where the sick child is, there should be no dust, which can aggravate the condition. In the diet of the baby should be more vitamins, and the drink - abundant.

And the drink includes not only water. Of course, you can not do without it, but you should include herbal teas, fruit drinks, compotes in the diet. These funds will help to get rid of sputum faster.

The video tells how to cough a child 3 years:

Medication intervention

Taking medication may be necessary. These drugs may be

  • mucolytics
  • expectorant
  • soothing agents.

Mucolytics will help to get rid of phlegm.

Expectorants can better cough. And soothing will reduce the active process of cough development.

If you decide to give your child a medicine, you should carefully read the instructions and pay attention to side effects. They can become dizziness and drowsiness. Because of this, know that these drugs are best given at night. Even if the child does not have allergies, carefully study the composition. Now there is a huge selection of drugs for treating dry cough in the pharmaceutical market. Among the medications worth mentioning are the following: Bromhexine, ATSTS, Ambrobene, Gedelix. Also among moms, Robottussin is a success, helping to block the cough. And Delsim is a suspension that has a fairly long-lasting effect.

Folk methods

  1. Treatment with pine buds. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of milk with 1 tbsp. l. pine buds. The mixture should be infused for 1 hour. The product is ready for use: you need to drink 50 grams, preferably every hour or two. If you apply the remedy during the day, then the next day you will see significant changes, the cough becomes much softer. There are children who do not tolerate milk, so in this recipe you can replace it with water. And instead of pine buds you can use shoots of spruce.
  2. Badger fat. After 3 years or already in 3 years you can give the child badger fat from coughing. Up to this age, it can only be applied externally. Half a teaspoon after meals should be taken in pure form. Cough quickly leaves, this remedy is considered one of the effective. Also, you can dissolve the fat in warm milk and add honey.In pharmacies you will find badger fat in ampoules. Of course, not everyone in the house has this fat, so you can use goose. But you can not take it inside, you can just massage it with it.
  3. Cakes from honey and buckwheat. How to make a honey cake for a cough? Take in proportions 1 to 1 honey, flour, mustard powder, vegetable oil and vodka. Mix all these ingredients. Take half the mixture and wrap it in a cloth, then put it on your back, wrap it around the bandage and put on your pajamas. This remedy can be left overnight. But if you are afraid of the child's reaction, you can leave this remedy for the first time for 2 hours. If everything is good, then do not be afraid to leave it all night.

Support procedures

To auxiliary measures most often include inhalation. They can be carried out with the help of a special device, which is sold in a pharmacy. But you can do without it, just letting the baby breathe over the steam, the main thing is not to get burned.It is also possible to put a container with hot liquid near the baby's bed, but you can not step back a step. When the water cools down, it can be poured.You can do inhalation with chamomile, sage or ordinary boiled potatoes. By reference, you can read how to breathe a child over a potato. Inhalations help to strengthen the effect of medications, mucus is liquefied, the airways are cleared, the baby will begin to cough more quickly.

Read how to properly wash the nose of an infant.

Here you can see the composition of the syrup from Kashlya Linkas.

Reviews about the application of milk with oil from cough:

Treatment of cough with phlegm

Wet cough differs from dry cough that there is separation of sputum, which in its properties is colorless and odorless. Very often a child may not even notice how he swallows it, or just clears his throat well.A common cause of this type of cough is viral infections, but if the cough is protracted, then this indicates more serious diseases.

The video tells what to cure a cough in a child of 3 years:

Children 3 years worse tolerate any kind of coughing than adults. This is due to the fact that the respiratory system of babies is still poorly developed, so sputum can be clogged in the aisles. Take care that the mucus does not accumulate in the bronchi. With prolonged accumulation, bacteria can multiply, which adversely affects the body. As in the case of dry cough, there are various methods of treatment:

  • General treatment.The temperature in the patient's room should be about 20 degrees. When vacuuming, take the baby to another room. Walking in the fresh air should be mandatory, but do not allow the baby to run and sweat. Constantly lying is not recommended. In this case, sputum will be clogged in the airways.
  • Medicated.There are drugs that help liquefy mucus, and then it comes out better from the respiratory system.There are a number of drugs that are made based on herbs.These include Pectusin, Doctor Mom (here it is told about its use for children), Solutan.

But drugs obtained synthetically, help not worse: Lazolvan (Lazolvan also used with laryngitis in a child), Bromhexin, ACTS. Carefully read the instructions to avoid allergies or severe side effects. Once the sputum is better off, stop taking medication.

Folk remedies

  1. Radish. After making a large depression in the radish, put it in some container vertically. Add honey to the hole and put it in a dark place for 4 hours, covered with a dense cloth. The resulting juice with honey should be taken 3-4 times a day.
  2. Lemon- everyone knows that this is a good tool for strengthening immunity. 5 tbsp. l. Honey should be mixed well with the juice of one lemon. Take the medication several times a day.
  3. Bow. It is necessary to grind 3 bulbs well, add ½ cup of honey. The agent should be infused for 3 hours, after which it is necessary to add 50 ml of water. Leave for another 3 hours. The mixture is ready, it needs to be taken several times a day.

Here you can find more folk recipes for expectorants.

Support procedures

Paraffin and ozocerite applications are helpful in case of a wet cough accompanied by snot. Well, if the inhaler will without additional procedures spray the substance throughout the oral cavity. You can also do massage, ultrasound, gymnastics. Massage helps to eliminate sputum faster. Therefore, it is necessary to stretch the back and chest, this procedure will even be pleasant for the child. Inhalation, as with a wet cough, should also be used. Remember that with a wet cough, in no case should you give antitussive drugs for children with a dry cough.

Features of treatment with and without temperature

If cough accompanied by fever, then you need to give antipyretics. Usually such agents are syrups such as Nurofen.If the temperature does not exceed 37, then you can make warm foot baths.

If there are any skin conditions, you can not rub it with various ointments. It is also forbidden to do with cardiovascular diseases and allergic reactions. If the baby has weak blood vessels, bleeding from the nose is often observed, then it is better not to inhale.

A child who has cough without fever can be given reasonable medicines listed above. Of course, depending on the nature of the cough.Tablets, syrups, ointments should be given in limited quantities.Of course, going outside at a temperature is prohibited. This can further exacerbate the situation. From bathing, too, it is better to abstain, you can do with ordinary grindings. If there is no temperature, you can take a shower.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

No matter how good parents you may be, no matter how you save your child from illness, a cough can still appear. Any cough is accompanied by a disease. In the lungs, a large or excessive amount of mucus is produced, the body is removed from it and cough is used to cure it. And the reasons for this may be infectious or allergic reactions, as well as unsatisfactory conditions in which the child lives. For example, the room is too hot, dusty. If the treatment is not properly prescribed, for example, the cough drugs you start giving to the baby, the mucus will remain and will accumulate in the body. And this will lead to pneumonia. With a damp cough, the use of expectorants can also lead to a severe cough, the child can cough all night. A visiting doctor will tell you that the baby has wheezy.

In the video - Dr. Komarovsky talks about cough treatment in a child of 3 years:

Komarovsky says that there is no "golden pill" for coughing. In order for a child to clear his throat, one has to make sure that the thick sputum becomes liquid.The cough itself is not treated, you need to be able to alleviate it or increase its effectiveness. To do this, first of all, you need to breathe wet, clean air. To make slime liquid it is possible only, having watered the child. It is worth knowing that no expectorant is comparable in effectiveness to an abundant drink.

By the nature of the cough to determine its nature can not be.But if the cough is accompanied by a disorder of the general condition, there is a temperature, a cold, then the infectious principle lies at the basis. If there are no such signs, then this is an allergic cough. It is necessary to analyze the general condition of the child and take action or contact the doctor.

Cough in children without fever

Usually, a cough in our minds is associated with a viral disease, a cold and hyperthermia, but sometimes a cough in a child without a temperature occurs. In this situation, many parents are lost, they do not understand what caused this, how dangerous this condition is and how to treat it. Cough without temperature in children and adults can arise due to a variety of reasons, sometimes it becomes the first sign of a pathological process, and sometimes is a normal physiological response of the body.

Main reasons

  1. In children under one year of cough at normal body temperature without a cold and other signs of malaise, most often appears on for physiological reasons: with its help infants clean their airways of accumulated mucus, dust and other pollutants. This reaction is associated with the physiological characteristics of infancy, it occurs in the morning hours, after feeding, does not interfere with the baby and does not affect its condition in any way.
  2. Respiration of various stimuli in the respiratory system - babies begin to cough if food crumbs, dust or other small free-flowing substances get into the trachea and larynx. They can continue to cough for a fairly long time, until all stimuli are removed from the respiratory tract.
  3. Foreign bodies in the bronchi - small children, especially those under the age of one, prefer to explore the world around the taste, and pull all objects into their mouths or stuff them into the nasal passages. Often this leads to the ingress of small objects: beads, pieces of toys, peas and so on, into the respiratory tract. In this case, cough occurs suddenly, against the background of the full well-being of the baby, it is strong, hysterical, paroxysmal, there are also no snot, temperature and other symptoms of colds. The patient begins to suffocate, may become very pale or turn blue.
  4. Allergic reactions - dry, prolonged cough may be a sign of allergic reactions, it arises as a reaction to irritants: pollen of plants, food components, dust mites or any other substance. It is accompanied by nasal congestion, the child has lacrimation, snot, reddening of the skin and other signs of an allergic reaction. A constant cough, without other signs of the disease, is a rather dangerous sign and you should not postpone visiting a specialist, small children very quickly develop chronic bronchitis against the background of allergies and in a few months he can go to the bronchial asthma.

Do not worry too much if the baby

  • feels well, does not act up, does not cry, remains active and vigorous;
  • sleeps normally at night;
  • good and eats with appetite;
  • coughs rarely and does not experience any particular discomfort at this time;
  • does not show other signs of illness: a runny nose, rashes on the skin, sore throat and so on.

Infectious Diseases

Cough without fever can be a symptom of the onset of various infectious diseases: bronchitis, whooping cough, measles and others. Especially it is necessary to watch children carefully for a year, at this age a prolonged cough should be the reason for visiting the pediatrician.

  1. Bronchitis - Acute and chronic bronchial inflammation very often begins with a dry cough without fever, then snot, sore throat, lethargy and fever. A strong dry cough passes into the wet, then into the wet, with abundant sputum discharge and, under the normal course of the disease, gradually disappears.
  2. Pharyngitis, laryngitis and tracheitis: dry, prolonged, severe cough without fever can be a sign of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the patient in a few hours or days there are snot, pain and sore throat, voice change and hyperthermia.
  3. Influenza, parainfluenza - at the beginning of these viral infections of patients, a strong, paroxysmal cough and general malaise, weakness, pain in the muscles, then an increase in body temperature to 39-40 degrees.
  4. RS-infection - typical for children under one year, at the beginning of the disease can be observed a strong cough, snot, and as development of infection, the patient's condition worsens, the cough turns to wet, then to wet and then joins hyperthermia.
  5. Pneumonia or pleurisy - after viral infections may develop complications: pleurisy or pneumonia. For pleurisy is characterized by a dry cough that increases with breathing, with pneumonia - it is wet or wet, with plentiful separation of sputum and pain in the chest.
  6. Pertussis - accompanied by a strong paroxysmal cough, and in children up to a year can cause attacks of suffocation or vomiting.
  7. Measles - with this infection in the early days there is a strong dry cough without temperature, then on the skin appear rashes and sputum.

Coughing in a child without fever is not always a sign of pathology, but if it does not go away within 3 days and more, it is necessary to consult a doctor to determine the cause of its appearance, especially it is for children up to of the year.

Prolonged cough in a child without fever

Caring mothers always worried and continues to worry the situation, when without the temperature the child has a prolonged cough. Sometimes there are no prerequisites for him, or the baby is already treated, but coughs. An unpleasant symptom can arise both independently and be a consequence of hidden processes occurring in the body.

Causes of prolonged dry cough in a child without fever

Nursing dry long cough or a rare cough in a child is always alarming, because often it is a symptom of such a formidable disease astuberculosis.And although many inhabitants are sure that it must necessarily be accompanied by a subfebrile temperature, practice is not always the case, and therefore if this condition lasts more than 2-3 weeks, consultation is necessary phthisiatrician.

Lamblias, ascarids, pinworms and other parasites,inhabiting the body, sometimes cause a dry cough, if the invasion spread throughout the body. That is why it is so important to regularly take tests and undergo preventive treatment with the whole family.

Not the last of the reasons why a prolonged dry cough in a child without a temperature can occur is residual afterwhooping cough,when the cough center is irritated and the child is suffering from a nasal cough (up to three months). If such a diagnosis was made, the doctor always warns Mom and prescribes antitussives in case of attacks.

But most often dry cough caused by ordinaryhouse dust and dry air indoors.Lungs should be cleaned independently, and therefore a cough reflex is produced. In the period of flowering plants - from the beginning of spring to late autumn, a dry cough can be triggered by an allergy to their pollen.

Prolonged wet cough in a child without fever

The reasons for a wet cough against a background of normal temperature are less than that of dry cough.

Most often it is an obstruction in the bronchi, chronic bronchitis, asthma or an infection of the ENT organs, which can take a long time.

Some allergic children react with a moist cough to the stimulus. This condition is often accompanied by an inflammatory process of the broncho-pulmonary system, and therefore requires the use of antibacterial agents.

Whatever cough the child has - dry or wet, if it continues for a long time, then parents should not guess at the coffee grounds, but should consult a pediatric doctor who will prescribe a complete examination to determine the cause and purpose of adequate treatment.

Than cough cure in a child 11 months cough third week of temperature no blood test shows low hemoglobin



Watching what cough, but in general, helps Ascoril, but best of all - physiotherapy! It will definitely help!

Olga Finogenova

Find out if there is an allergy to anything.

Alexandra Davydova

Most likely, the child has bronchitis or pleurisy. Try to give the child a syrup. "Doctor Momsomely, it helps a lot.


very good syrup "doctor tais" and "gedelix in my opinion you can give from 6 months, but it is better to clarify both syrups on herbs

Remizova Irina

All taki consultation of the doctor is the most correct decision. After all at this age, any disease develops very quickly. But if a cough, simply as a residual phenomenon of the disease, or sputum all somewhere inside interferes, i.e., serious nothing is not good help children's tea HIPP from a cough. Checked.


povushat immunitet i ukreplat zdorovije
na grudnom moloke ili iskustvennik?
tak dolgo ne vyzdoravlivajet - eto o4en trevoznuj simptom!
Iz narodnuh sredstv:
Sok redku s mjodom, po tri kapelki na stolovuju lokku vodu,
moloko s sodoj, maslom i mjodom, tjoploje,
duhat nagretoj solju. Postavte sol v miske na plitu, na 3-4 4asa, i pobudte s mnim v kuhne,
gor4i4niki - na namaslennoje predvaritelno telze, 4erez tkan, 4tob grelo ne meneje 20- 40 minut,
mozno podelat i vodo4nuje kompressu,
gemoglobin povushajet otvar krapivu
immunitet - kremnijevaja voda, ehinazeja
no nado bu i k vra4u,


In my opinion, Auger recently coughed very much, the cough was nocturnal. Doctors said that now in the city such an infection goes (in Yaroslavl), which is treated only with antibiotics. Then at me and the senior precisely also to cough begin, leave, indeed it is such infection.

vikuchka Zaslavski

Znaete mogu posovetovat babuchkin rezept.vozmite stolovuy lozku saxara polnuy poderzite na gaz, vas saxar zagorits, odozdite poka on sgori, rigotovte stakan gorychei vodi i opustite lozku s gorychim saxarom v etu vod, e volnuites nichego ne sluchitsa, ne schitay chto lozka ostanetsa cherno, o eto ne vazn, davaite malichu vipit po chainoi lozechke kazdie 3-4 chasa.prosto naleite vroti, e boites eto isprobovano i ne odnazdi.ochen xorocho pomogaet malicham i ne vredno.obyzatelno pomozet.poprobuite.udachi.da zabila napisat.kachel stanet mygkim uze cherez de, sli budete davat regulyrn, eche cherez den-dva proide, richem pomogaet pri bronxite i prosto prostude.eche raz poprobuite eto ne slozno i ​​ne vredno.udachi

ivan Till

To us it is plausible pravo. hemoglobin raises juice of a beet of a pomegranate a frostbitten pechen try to give. Now about cough sprsi in pharmacies Sedotussin sostaw Pentoxyverindihydrogencitrat

Natalia Vorobyeva

First of all, know that syrups from coughing are a profanation. Do not waste your money and time. I give a recipe, scientifically grounded and time-tested personally by me on all my own and other people's children. (More than 10 years). On a glass of boiled warm water (not hot!) 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (4%), 1 teaspoon of sugar (for taste) and 3 drops of iodine. Stir and give the child a drink for the night (as long as they want, not necessarily the whole glass, enough even 2-3 tablespoons). You can give 3 evenings in a row. And the day is the same, only without iodine - just when the child wants to drink. Forcibly not pour in - there will be no use! I emphasize once again: vinegar is necessarily apple. (I'm buying Baltimore. Now who prepares the vinegar at home himself?). At the bottom there can be a sediment - this is normal (a sign of naturalness). By the way, the situation with hemoglobin affects well. (If you drink this cocktail for a long time, for example, for example). All ingenious is simple. In an acidic environment, bacteria do not multiply. And they cause a cough. Maybe there would be a temperature, but low hemoglobin - low immunity. And with weak immunity, as a rule, there is no temperature reaction of the organism (it has no strength for it). Having made a child a drink - try it yourself. It tastes like a lemonade without gas. Pleasant (especially in the summer it's good!). Sugar adjust to taste - its number is not important, I repeat, it is for taste. Vinegar can also be made less or more (I do not know what spoons you have at home). That the child has not finished - pour out and next time to prepare fresh. (Iodine evaporates). Warm up in the microwave can not. About apple cider vinegar read in the internet - it will be interesting. And keep it not in the refrigerator, but in a dark place. All. Be healthy!

Big girls do not cry

in such cases, drink tonslingon.

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