Missing voice after cold how to treat

Missing voice for cold: how to treat and quickly repair ligaments

The ability to speak is the most important function of a person. Sometimes after recovery, a person has some consequences of the disease, for example, the voice disappears.

It is worthwhile to understand why this is possible and how the function is restored after a cold.

In the inflammatory process in the vocal cords, there may be a loss of voice. In official medicine, this condition is commonly called "aphonia."

Voice loss

Afonia can be full or partial. The latter is characterized by the fact that the voice has sat down, hoarse or hoarse. At full aphonia, a person can make sounds only in a whisper. In any case, you need to know how to treat ligaments after a cold and how long this takes.

A person can speak thanks to the vocal cords that are located above the trachea. Ligaments are the folds of the mucous membranes in the larynx, when it vibrates - a sound is produced.

In order for the sound to be played correctly, the connections should be well lubricated and moistened.

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With any inflammation of the vocal cords, the ability of correct vibration is weakened, which leads to partial aphonia as a result.

When the voice for a cold has disappeared, it will take some time to return it with a series of procedures.

Why does the aphonia appear

If there was a loss of voice after a cold disease, we can say that the vocal cords damaged the infection. Typically, aphonia occurs when:

  • laryngitis,
  • angina,
  • influenza,
  • ARI.

Laryngitis may occur in a chronic or acute condition. The chronic form of laryngitis develops rapidly, if there is:

  1. gastro-oesophageal reflux disease,
  2. mucus slip from the nasopharynx,
  3. chronic sinusitis,
  4. permanent contact with dust, gases and chemicals.
  5. smoking.

When acute form of laryngitis there is a strong voice overload or respiratory viral infection.

Measures for return of voice

If the voice is hoarse, hoarse or there is a loss, it is important to immediately consult a doctor. The voice can be returned using the following medical advice.

Steam procedures - inhalation with angina or with coughing. This method quickly restores the vocal cords for inflammation. To conduct inhalation, you need to pour boiling water in a wide container, add a few drops of sage oil or eucalyptus.

Steam should be inhaled with your mouth and exhaled with your nose. Do inhalation while being close to the bowl, with a toweled head. Treatment is carried out 2 times a day for 5 minutes.

You can also treat the ligaments after a cold with the use of a large amount of warm liquid. It is worth noting that under the liquid is not meant coffee and tea, and vitaminized drinks:

  • mors,
  • compote,
  • infusions of herbs.

Do not forget about pure mineral still water.

If the voice is hoarse, has sat down and became hoarse, it is possible to treat the ligaments with the drug "Lugol".It is a medicinal solution that treats the area of ​​inflammation.

Treatment of the voice after a cold is also performed with antiallergic drugs:

  1. Diazolin,
  2. Loratodin.

Throat can be treated with such drugs if there is a pronounced puffiness. It should be remembered that such drugs have a sedative effect, so they must be used before bedtime.

Special lollipops or tablets for resorption can also be treated with throat and ligaments. With the help of therapy, saliva is quickly released.

After a while, the ligaments become moistened, and the throat - less sore.

How to restore voice after a cold at home

To restore the voice of popular popular drugs that are no less effective than pharmaceutical products. You can make the following recipes:

  • On a large grater you need to grate one raw potato and squeeze it through gauze. The resulting juice should be gargled several times a day after eating.
  • Beat 2 egg yolks with sugar, add about 50 grams of butter to the thick mass, which is pre-melted. The drug dissolves in 1 tablespoon every one and a half hours. Such treatment is effective when the voice is hoarse.
  • Heat half a liter of milk, adding an egg with 5 g of butter and natural honey. Mix thoroughly and every 12 hours.
  • Take 125 ml of mineral alkaline water and heated milk of the same amount. Use in small sips throughout the day.
  • 15 g dry marshmallow althea need to pour 250 hot, but not boiling water. After the raw material is boiled - add 10 grams of natural honey. Means to drink several times, every day.
  • Heat 50 ml of cognac in a water bath, add three drops of lemon juice and 15 g of honey. Ingredients should be consumed twice a day.

What is forbidden to do with a loss of voice

Voice recovery for colds is a multi-level process in which the rules listed above must be strictly observed. It is important to know what can not be done with aphonia:

  1. to drink drinks that contain caffeine. These include, above all, tea and coffee. These liquids dehydrate the body,
  2. can not be smoked, as cigarette smoke irritates and dries up the throat. Even with passive smoking, the throat becomes inflamed and irritated, which significantly slows the recovery process,
  3. consumes alcoholic beverages, they promote dehydration, so the course of the disease is exacerbated,
  4. uses vasoconstrictors, they dry out the vocal cords,
  5. consumes foods high in acid: chocolate,tomatoes, citrus fruits. The exception is honey with lemon,
  6. make long walks in cold weather. Cold air is harmful to the ligaments. In the premises you need to wear a scarf and sweater,
  7. as much as possible avoid tense conversations, it is better to talk as much as the state allows,
  8. to drink too hot or cold drink, for example, carbonated drinks, irritating ligaments,
  9. to visit smoky and dusty places.

Useful recommendations

After full recovery of the voice does not need to immediately heavily load it. It is necessary to develop ligaments gradually. Otherwise, a person will complain that he has broken his voice immediately after recovery, which will require the resumption of treatment.

If the aphonia was already diagnosed earlier, the voice should be paid attention periodically. When he disappears regularly, it is important to undergo at least one examination with a doctor, since the phenomenon is pathological.

It is important to take care of your voice and be careful about changing your health. If an aphonia is formed and the voice disappears or is sharply hoarse - it is necessary to immediately carry out competent treatment. Details - in the video in this article.


How to return a voice for a cold

During a cold, when the inflammatory process seizes the vocal cords, hoarseness may appear. In children, laryngitis often begins in this case. Recover the voice and remove the swelling from the ligaments with the help of available tools and preparations.

You will need

  1. - essential oil;
  2. - soda;
  3. - chamomile;
  4. - calendula;
  5. - eucalyptus;
  6. - lozenges or antibacterial spray;
  7. - honey;
  8. - milk.

  1. Show your doctor if the voice is very hoarse. It is possible that without with , you do not need antibiotics. But do not prescribe to yourself potent drugs - they can harm your health.
  2. Carry out inhalation of the respiratory tract. Boil 1.5 liters of water, add to it the essential oil of fir or cedar. If you do not like the coniferous flavor, add soda to the water or use a decoction of chamomile or potato. Breathe the pelvis for 10-15 minutes. The head is better with , use a towel to make the liquid cooler and cooler, and the effect was stronger.
  3. Apply dry heat to the neck. It can be like an electric hot-water bottle, and salt, heated in a frying pan and sprinkled in a woolen sock. Warm up several times a day for 40 minutes. If you need to restore the voice in the shortest time, do it more often( 3-4 times a day).
  4. Irrigate the throat with antibacterial sprays. Any tool that is used by with angina or laryngitis is suitable. Buy "Ingalipt", "Stop-angin" or similar aerosol preparations. If you experience a vomiting reflex that you can not overcome, dissolve the lozenges, on the with the measures, the "Sepptale" or "Strepsils".Brew marigold, chamomile and eucalyptus in equal proportions. For a glass of boiling water you need 2 teaspoons of herbal mixture. Insist 10-20 minutes. Decoction strain and with go to the gargle.
  5. Boil a glass of milk and add a few spoons of honey. Drink hot several times a day. If you have an individual intolerance to beekeeping products, replace honey with soda( 0.5 tsp per 200 ml).
  6. During treatment, try to talk less, so as not to strain the ligaments. The process of voice restoration can take from several days to several months - it depends on the degree of inflammation and the individual characteristics of the body.


The lost voice with laryngitis. How to return?

Human vocal cords are very sensitive to external stimuli. Sometimes we do not even understand right away: where and why the voice went missing. In fact, the ligaments are so scrupulous that they can depend on the emotional state of a person. Most often it is a question of laryngitis, in which there is acute inflammation of the entire larynx.

Causes of loss of voice

Angina, laryngitis or common cold can lead to loss of voice

Causes of laryngitis can be many. More often it is associated with inflammation of the larynx due to acute infection. Bacteria occupy the mucosa, infect it and begin penetration into the trachea. A person feels this as a perspiration, an incomprehensible cough. Quite quickly, the vocal cord falls into the affected area. Under the influence of excrement of microbes, ligaments begin to swell, swell. The more puffiness, the more the voice changes. Usually, first the voice becomes hoarse and then disappears completely.

How to use Lazolvan for inhalation with laryngitis, is indicated in the article.

But often the loss of voice is the result of hypothermia, colds, sore throats .Any disease associated with the larynx can provoke a loss of voice. Sometimes this happens with serious nervous breakdowns and is due to the mental state of the patient.

The loss of voice can be short-lived, for example, with a sharp cry or a conversation in high tones. Laryngitis often accompanies people whose profession is associated with the strain of vocal cords: singers, coaches, leaders.
Usually in this category of people a chronic form is formed, which is exacerbated by episodes. At children the voice vanishes more often if a laryngitis has arisen against attributes of disease by an angina or at a strong cough.

Cough, Pershing is one of the primary signs of laryngitis. If it is not docked, the disease will certainly develop.

Voice recovery at home

The first recommendation for loss of voice is not to talk, especially whispering

The most important recommendation is the absolute peace of voice . Even if you have lost your voice partially and can talk, avoid it. The ligaments should be in complete rest until they are fully recovered. Otherwise, recovery will be difficult and time-consuming.

What drug for laryngitis and pharyngitis is one of the most effective, indicated in the article.

Whisper is especially forbidden in laryngitis, as it causes the ligaments and larynx to strain.

Attention must be paid to food. For the period of the disease you need to take only tender food, preferably crushed. Completely eliminate:

  • smoking;Seasonings for food;
  • hot / cold dishes;
  • alcohol;
  • is saline and sour.

In the diet include necessarily more liquids: tea, compote, herbal infusions. If within a few days the voice does not return, you need to contact the otolaryngologist.

How to perform inhalation nebulizer to children with laryngitis, what would it be effective, you can learn from this article.

Medications for the treatment of laryngitis

With laryngitis of patients, the most persistent perspiration that causes coughing is most excruciating. It is therefore necessary to get rid of it with the help of preparations with expectorant effect. Well suited drugs such as Kodelak, Bronhicum. At the heart of these drugs is an anti-inflammatory formulation that makes the cough productive. Additionally, you can take absorbent pills to soften the throat and eliminate perspiration. Must take antiviral: Arbidol, Rementadine.

Miramistin is suitable for removing the puffiness of the larynx and returning the voice. They need to gargle several times a day. It helps to reduce swelling and disinfect the mucous membrane.

Homeopathy here will also not be superfluous and can help in treatment. Well proved to be such a drug as Givalex. Even not being a medicine in full, it allows to accelerate the restoration of voice and damaged ligaments. The homeostax agent in the form of absorbable tablets can quickly eliminate laryngitis.

Which solutions for inhalation with laryngitis are most often used, is indicated in the article.

Additionally, the use of a nebulizer is assigned. The steam inhaler acts on the mucous membrane, killing the pathogenic flora. Multiplicity depends on the onset of relief.

Folk recipes

For sure, many remember that in a tender childhood our grandmothers treated us with warm milk. This recipe is unique by results, especially if you add honey to the milk. A tender and warm consistency will not allow the throat to dry out, will have a warming and antimicrobial effect.

It is necessary to do usual inhalations for a couple. You can use decoctions of oak or chamomile for this. The simplest inhalation: based on normal Validol. In boiling water, dissolve a few tablets and breathe steam for a few minutes. Good effect gives the combination of inhalations from broths and nebulizer.

From this article it becomes clear whether infectious laryngitis or not.

With laryngitis and loss of voice rinses are particularly useful

It is also important to give time to rinse your mouth and throat. These areas and at the usual time are saturated with microorganisms, and with laryngitis can show activity. Therefore it is useful to make a solution of soda with iodine to rinse the throat. If desired, you can replace the soda with salt. To treat the mouth, the usual toothpaste or Lugol is quite suitable.

Laryngitis loves warmth, so at night you can make warm compresses on the throat of vodka or boric alcohol. The compress is placed only at night with complete rest of the throat.

The voice returns quickly, if you make such a mixture: egg yolk, 35 g cognac and a dessert spoon of honey. Stir well and rinse thoroughly with a teaspoonful. We can not forget about the extraordinary strength of aloe: cut off several leaves, rinse and through a meat grinder to skip. Get a gruel, dilute it well with water and rinse three times a day.

If laryngitis has a strong irritating cough, folk, grandmother's recipes for cough help well. For prophylaxis it is useful to chew constantly the dried fruits of mountain ash, at the first signs rinse the larynx with a tincture of sage or lavender. Lavender should not be used more than a few drops at a time. If you decide to help yourself with folk remedies, make sure that there are no allergic reactions!

Complications of

Laryngitis can give a dangerous complication: stenosis of the larynx .When the stage is started, the vocal slit becomes very narrow due to the large edema. This can often be seen in children in the night phase. If you do not provide the right help in time, the person will simply stop breathing. In such emergency situations, the only way out is to save life - to make a tracheal incision directly for air intake.

To delay the treatment of laryngitis is dangerous. The protracted stage can create scarring on tissues, which permanently deprives the voice of purity and sound.

After reading the article it becomes clear whether it is possible to heat the throat with laryngitis or not.


More about voice loss in this video:

Laryngitis is seemingly harmless: just a loss of voice that can return even without treatment. Indeed, there are forms that are treated even without medication. It's enough just to observe peace and quiet for a few days. But no one will give a guarantee that the patient has such an easy form. Laryngitis is no less dangerous than otitis or the first signs of sinusitis, if you forget the way to the otolaryngologist.


Effective treatment of loss of voice at home

If a person is diagnosed with laryngitis, or loss of voice, treatment at home and a quick recovery is quite realistic. However, in order to properly cure any disease, it is necessary to accurately diagnose and correctly choose a course of treatment.

Laryngitis is a common disease in which mucous membranes become inflamed in the larynx. This, in turn, gives the person some discomfort when trying to say something. Loss of voice is the first symptom of laryngitis. In order not to experience discomfort during a conversation, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment quickly and on time.

The main reasons for the loss of voice

Among the reasons for which a person can partially or completely lose his voice, there are two main reasons.

The first is the penetration into the body of a viral infection, which is transmitted by airborne droplets and affects the mucous membranes in the larynx. To catch an infection is very simple - it's enough to walk in the street on the street with your mouth open. Treatment of the disease will be long and unpleasant.

To treat loss of voice at home with medication or with the help of traditional medicine prescriptions can be very long without visible results. In addition, with the development of such infections, there is not always an increase in body temperature, headache, increased sweating, as with a common cold or flu. For laryngitis, a dry cough and persistent sore throat are most common. The main symptom that occurs in a person with a weakened or missing voice is a constant desire to clear his throat and clear his throat. In this case, sputum does not go away, and the cough more irritates the mucous membranes, causing discomfort and pain.

The second reason is the reluctance of people to take care of their health, in particular, about the vocal cords. For example, a voice may disappear after long speeches and a conversation in a heightened tone. Negative on the vocal cords is affected by singing, loud and frequent cries, excessive emotionality of a person. All these factors also contribute to the development of laryngitis in humans.

If you still lost your voice, you should quickly start treatment and exclude the following actions:
  • long and loud conversations or singing;
  • smoking and drinking;
  • consumption of sour or sharp foods.

In some cases, loss of voice is called aphonia. Afonia is of the following types: functional, true, paralytic, spasmodic, hysterical. Most often, teachers, speakers, presenter, singers, actors suffer from aphonia.all those who, due to their duty, have to talk a lot every day and loudly. The first symptom of a partial or complete loss of voice is a sensation in the throat of a foreign body, hoarseness and a slight cough when trying to communicate verbally.

Of course, losing a voice is not just a laryngitis. The reason may be a decrease in the tone of the larynx muscles with a general weakening of the immune system caused by cardiovascular diseases, laryngospasm, metabolic disorders. Also, the cause of loss of voice can be a stressful situation or a hormonal failure in the human body.

Treatment of loss of voice at home

There are so many effective recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of laryngitis. In case the voice is not lost, but simply hoarse or with a hoarse, advise to use as much garlic as possible. Only cooked garlic will be useful. The same curative effect is available onions. Boil it and eat it, before drinking one glass of warm water with honey. These procedures must be followed by a course, then the voice will become sonorous and clean, and all rattles will go away.

The next medicine will need a piece of horseradish. Grind the plant on a grater and pour 100 ml of boiling water. The mixture should brew for about twenty minutes and boil well. Drink tincture with horseradish should be no more than three times a day for one teaspoon. The way of application has its own peculiarities: drink the medicine, slowly, trying to hold it in the oral cavity before the pharynx. From this, the healing effect will increase, and the vocal cords will recover faster.

If you lose your voice, iodine will come to the rescue. They need to lubricate the larynx, while glycerin can be added to iodine. In such a solution, you need to moisten the cotton swab and try to lubricate the entire surface of the throat as much as possible. Do this carefully and no more than three days, while smearing the damaged areas up to three times a day.

A very fast way to restore the missing voice is a decoction from the dates. Take about ten dates, brew them in 0.5 liters of water, like fruit compote. To drink it it is necessary in a hot kind to full recovery.

You can make a medicine from the root of ginger. The recipe for preparing the remedy is very simple. First you need to rub the root of ginger on the grater, about a third of the glass. Pour a lot of honey to the edge of the glass. After prepare the enameled container, and the mixed components bring to a boil. Let the mixture simmer for a few minutes on low heat, after which the container is removed and cooled to room temperature. As a result, you will get ginger honey, which will free from hoarseness and sore throat. It is best to mix it with very hot tea or with herbal decoction. Doctors recommend drinking this medicine at night, not only to restore the vocal cords, but also for a good sleep.

You can mix cough and hoarseness honey with warmed vinegar.

Since ancient times, there is such an excellent tool for restoring voice like raw eggs. Before you drink them, get them out of the refrigerator and wait until they warm up to room temperature. This is a very famous way that singers and artists use.

Treatment with decoctions and compresses

For lovers of herbs and broths there is also a recipe. For example, if you lose your voice, the woodspeaker will help. To prepare the broth, you need to grind both roots and leaves of this plant. Next, pour all the boiling water and boil over a small fire for about fifteen minutes. As in previous cases, after cooking, the product should cool down. After that you can use it to rinse your throat. This will help to remove pain, remove the feeling of discomfort and constant hoarseness in the voice. Similarly, other herbs can be used, such as oregano, coltsfoot, thyme, thyme. They serve as antimicrobial agents, because it is due to microbes that irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat and, as a consequence, hoarseness occurs.

Separately it is necessary to mention about an aloe. If you have this plant at home, then practically with any disease you can use it for treatment. To prepare the medicine, you need to squeeze out the juice from the leaves and mix it with boiled water in a 1: 2 ratio. The resulting solution should gargle three times a day.

In addition to folk remedies, treatment of hoarse or missing voice at home should be supplemented with warm foot baths and hot compresses on the throat.

The most important thing, if you need to go out somewhere in the morning, and it's cold and rainy in the street, then the compress at night should not be hot. It is best in such cases to wrap your throat with a cloth, rubbed with dry soap. And on the street your throat should be covered with a woolen scarf.

With all of the above recommendations, the voice must quickly return, become even cleaner and more sonorous.


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