Inhalation with eucalyptus oil for coughing

Essential oils for cough: treatment of dry cough with oil inhalations

Cure is possible with the help of essential oil. It will quickly and painlessly relieve sputum in the lungs and cope with the elimination of microbes from the body.

Usually, essential oils from cough are used in two different ways:

  • Inhalations;
  • Trituration.

In addition, they are excellent at curing the infection in a room with a sick person.

How to treat a cough and cold

Treatment of cough with essential oils is now very popular. Since ancient times it was known that they possess a number of useful qualities, and they can be used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also as a medical preparation.

When coughing, the oils are used both for external use (grinding, room treatment), and for internal (hot and cold inhalation).

Aromatic oil has not one useful property and complex effects on the body. Different oils can be used in the treatment, they all have approximately the same properties. Consider the example of eucalyptus - this plant is ideal for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system:

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  • A good antiseptic. It will help in a time to overcome viruses and pathogens;
  • Possesses an expectorant property. Effectively fights with a dry cough, dilutes and removes phlegm from the bronchi;
  • Not a bad anti-inflammatory drug;
  • It can reduce spasms in the lungs, and eliminate pain.

Separately, we should consider eucalyptus oil, as a means of disinfection of air in the room. When a sick person appears in the family, the risk of illness of all households increases. To prevent this, you should disinfect the room. There is not one way, but we will consider the fastest and most effective, performed in only two steps:

  1. Fill a small cup with hot water (preferably just boiled, to steam from the steam) and drop a couple of drops of eucalyptus oil into it;
  2. Put the container in the right room for thirty minutes before the water cools. You can repeat this procedure every day, but the first time will be enough to kill all the infections in the room with a sick person.

Although eucalyptus is one of the best plants in the fight against colds, it is, fortunately, not the only one. When coughing, lavender, anise, tea tree and chamomile are also helpful.

Children's cough and ways to treat it

The most effective treatment for coughing a child is inhalation. But before treatment it is necessary to consult a doctor and take tests. It is also very important to know if there is an allergy to the constituents of the medicine. Knowing the basics of cough treatment with essential oil, you can cope with the disease very quickly.

  1. The standard dosage for the preparation of inhalation from any oils: 1 drop per 1 liter of boiling water. Be sure to let the couple settle a bit, in order to avoid burns;
  2. A dry cough in a child older than six years will be removed by inhalation with chamomile and eucalyptus. You can alternate the oils of these herbs, you can mix them - the result will be in any case. Inhalation should be carried out for at least ten minutes, 1-2 times a day, closing your eyes and breathing your mouth;
  3. Wet cough will cure inhalation with eucalyptus and tea tree. This mixture is good for removing sputum from the bronchi.

In a compartment with inhalations it is useful to rub with warmed tea tree oil, lavender and eucalyptus. It will help to cope well with both dry and wet cough.

Such treatment will help adults. It is only necessary to increase the dosage of oils to 3 drops and add coniferous, for example, pine, thuja and fir. Use coniferous in the treatment of children is not recommended.

Cough, flu and cold treatment with oils

With catarrhal diseases it is important to disinfect the room in which the patient is. This will eliminate the risk of infection of other households, and prevent the progression of infection about the patient. Well help such means:

  • Mixture of eucalyptus oil with lemon;
  • Add 20 drops of tea tree oil and eucalyptus to 100 grams of alcohol. Irrigate the room every hour.

A bath can help in the treatment of colds. Her recipe is simple:

  1. 50 ml of milk;
  2. 2 tablespoons of honey;
  3. 2 drops of mint;
  4. A few drops of essential oils of rosemary, pine and eucalyptus.
After taking a bath (15-20 minutes), rinse well and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Helps to accelerate the recovery of inhalation. Adaptations for them can be bought at the pharmacy, and you can use an ordinary pot and a towel.

Cough inhalations are easy to use and do not require the presence of a medical professional - the whole procedure can be performed by the patient independently. The duration of inhalation is about fifteen minutes and it is most effective to do it before going to bed, after the bath.

In addition, to facilitate coughing, it's good to take the oil inside. A special drink is prepared for this:

  • In a small container mix a glass of water, two tablespoons of honey, a sprig of cloves and a little cinnamon with nutmeg;
  • Cook the drink for about 40 minutes;
  • Strain and take a tablespoon 6 times a day.

Cough and runny nose will win grinding

It should be noted that rubbing is effective not only with cough and bronchitis, but also help to cope with the common cold.

For this purpose, a point massage of the nasal region is carried out - essential oils used in this way, well break through the nasal congestion.

There is not one recipe for cooking the composition for grinding. Let's consider some of them:

  1. In children's cream, or Vaseline add sea buckthorn and eucalyptus oil in the amount of 2 drops per rub. Just as good will be oils of fir, tea tree, mint. The composition should be well stirred and used;
  2. Camphoric oil for coughing is also used for rubbing. It is a part of many creams and ointments. You can prepare a mixture for grinding and at home, adding it to a baby cream;
  3. The following recipe for alcohol. For a couple drops of cedar oil, pine and fir add in 100 grams of alcohol and use for rubbing the chest and back;
  4. Sea-buckthorn oil is well used for steaming with rosemary, peppermint and geranium. Adding them to 50 grams of vegetable oil can get a good cough remedy;
  5. In addition, sea buckthorn and eucalyptus oils help with a cold;
  6. Effective treatment of bronchitis with folk remedies includes oils of sage, eucalyptus, mint, cedar, geranium, pine and sea buckthorn oil. Based on olive oil used for grinding at night. You can improve the composition by adding camphor oil while coughing.

Essential oil - a wonderful helper in the fight against colds. The peculiarity of its application is that it does not require long consultations with a doctor - the main thing is to confirm the diagnosis and make sure that there is no allergy. Also, its versatility is good: internally, externally, for disinfection and massage.

Aromatherapy at all times was considered an effective remedy for respiratory disease. Different essential oils have hundreds of useful properties and each is also pleasant in consumption.

The most common oils in aromatherapy are eucalyptus, sea buckthorn, cedar, fir, sage oil, chamomile and geranium.

Use of essential oils can be used both for the treatment of diseases and for their prevention. An interesting video in this article will demonstrate how to correctly prepare medicinal mixtures from a cough.

Treatment of cough with eucalyptus leaves

Eucalyptus plant for us to some extent exotic. He came to us in the 80's thanks to the well-known Soviet botanist and founder of the Batumi Botanical Garden AN Krasnov. It took half a century for eucalyptus to become part of the culture and medicine of our society. At us this plant grows basically only in a warm climate of coasts of Black sea and in southern climatic zones.

Interest in this plant is due to its ability to absorb water through the roots, which widely grasp the area next to the tree and throw into the atmosphere through the leaves the disinfecting substance. Eucalyptus does not change foliage for the winter, and the whole year remains green, highlighting a large number of volatile volatile compounds and other useful substances that enrich the air, repel many insects and perform a large number of other useful functions. It is usually cultivated in malarial areas.

In medicine, only three kinds of this plant are used. This ashy, ball and rod-shaped eucalyptus. Essential oils contained in leaves are great for treating various diseases of angina, leukemia, rhinitis, herpes and, of course, respiratory diseases. This is already a well-proven remedy against colds and cough, due to pronounced antiviral and bactericidal actions, and also as one of the most effective expectorants means.

Useful properties of eucalyptus

Due to its unusual composition, eucalyptus is ahead of many plants. There are few analogues to it, and the evergreen way of growing makes it accessible at any time of the year. Consider the main useful functions of this plant in the fight against cough:

  • The plant contains a huge amount of essential oil, and the content of phytoncids in the leaves of this plant is much higher than in any other.
  • Thanks to this plant, all forms of respiratory diseases are treated.
  • This plant has long been known for its analgesic and expectorant properties.
  • Evergreen leaves have an excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Not an exception, even persistent microorganisms, such as staphylococci and others.

Do not be lazy to choose good and quality plants, so that your cooked medicines have all the useful properties that this evergreen handsome possesses.

Recipes with eucalyptus from cough

There are several ways of treatment with the use of leaves, as well as essential oils based on this plant.

Inhalations against cough and eucalyptus

This procedure is designed to clear lungs and bronchi from harmful sputum, as well as nasal passages from mucus, which significantly speeds up the recovery process.

For preparation it will be required:

  • In a medium-sized saucepan, pour 3 tablespoons of finely chopped eucalyptus leaves on a half liter of water and boil for 10-15 minutes.
  • Then allow to cool slightly and you can start inhalation.
  • You can do much easier if you have essential oil. You will need 5-10 drops of oil to drip into boiling water.

Inhale steam for 3-5 minutes. The procedure is suitable for children, but only after reaching the age of 2 years.

Tea with eucalyptus from cough

Basically, this tea is designed to suppress the formation of sputum and its liquefaction, as well as for disinfection of the lungs. Preparation:

  • Pour 6 spoons of eucalyptus leaves with 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew for about a quarter of an hour.
  • Then strain and pour into a non-metallic cup.

Use in small sips several times a day, each time preparing a new portion.

Infusion of eucalyptus from a cough

This infusion is used for cough associated with lower respiratory tract disease. It is prepared quite simply:

  • In the ratio of one tablespoon of leaves, one glass of hot water is added. For example, a 5-spoonful of eucalyptus is needed per liter pot.
  • The resulting mixture is wrapped in a blanket or a towel to keep the heat for 2-3 hours.
  • Then filter and pour into glassware.

We use a tablespoon 3 times a day. There is also an alternative, a drug preparation - a tincture of eucalyptus. A quarter of a glass of water will require 15-30 drops 3 times a day.

Rinse throat against coughing

Rinse will help with coughing caused by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Again, you can use a drug, diluting it to rinse 15 drops in 200 ml of warm water. Well, if you do not trust them and do not look for easy ways, then pour alcohol with eucalyptus leaves in a ratio of one to five and let it brew for two weeks. The resulting infusion, use 15-20 drops to rinse a glass of water.

Contraindications for the use of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus, despite its usefulness, has a number of contraindications. They are basically standard, but still you need to listen to them:

  • Preparations based on eucalyptus are not recommended for people with severe liver disease.
  • Renal failure is another reason to stop eating eucalyptus.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is also a contraindication to the use.
  • If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, consult a doctor before using these medications.
  • Patients with pertussis and asthma should not use inhalation using this plant.
  • Like any essential oil, eucalyptus is also not recommended for pregnant women and young children.
  • Allergies and individual intolerance of this plant is also an excuse to refuse treatment with drugs based on it.

If you decide to use eucalyptus from a cough, do not be lazy to consult a doctor to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Summing up all the above, you can safely call the plant one of the most common plants used to treat respiratory tract and cough of various forms. If you manage to visit the southern regions, do not neglect the opportunity to stock up this wonderful component of the home medicine chest. Take natural medicines and stay healthy.

How to get rid of cough with oil

Essential oil from a cough will help quickly and painlessly get rid of sputum in the lungs and remove from the body pathogens. In the treatment of cough, it is usually used in two ways: for rubbing and inhalation. In addition, it is excellent for disinfecting the room in which the sick person is.

Means for cough and cold treatment

Currently, this method of treating various diseases is of great use. Since ancient times, people have realized that essential oils have many useful qualities. It can be used not only as a cosmetic means, but also as a medical one. For example, it perfectly helps in the treatment of cough.

It is noteworthy that with this disease, essential oils can be used in several ways. Most often they are used for cold and hot inhalations, rubbing and massages. Along with this, oil can be sprayed in a room for the destruction of pathogens.

Natural aromatic oil has many useful properties, due to which it has a complex effect on the human body.For example, eucalyptus helps fight viruses and bacteria. It has a good expectorant effect, removes inflammation, reduces pain and spasms in the bronchi. This plant is an excellent tool for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Essentially essential oils, including eucalyptus, disinfect the air in the room well. This is especially important if someone in the family is sick. Disinfection allows the destruction of microorganisms that are carried by the cough of a sick person, thereby protecting other members of the family.

How to disinfect the room in which the patient is? To do this, you need to take a cup of boiling water and add a few drops of eucalyptus oil. Then it should be put in a room for half an hour. This will be enough to clear a standard room area from pathogenic microorganisms.

Eucalyptus is not the only effective cough remedy. Along with it, the following plants are well cured for coughing: lavender, tea tree, anise and chamomile.

If a small child is ill, chamomile or lavender is best.

Treatment of children's cough

To cure a child of a cough, you need to do inhalations. To do this, take 1 drop of oil and 1 liter of hot water. It is important that the water is not very hot to avoid burns.

Before you begin to treat the child with this method, you need to consult a pediatrician, especially if the child is allergic.

If a child is more than 6 years old and suffers from a dry cough, it will be helped by a mixture that is very easy to prepare. It is necessary to take chamomile and eucalyptus oil, dilute 1 drop in 1 liter of hot water and allow to breathe for about 10 minutes. The child should explain that you need to close your eyes and breathe with your mouth.

It helps with a cough massage based on several oils. They can rub their chest before going to sleep. To make a mixture for grinding, you need to take 1 tablespoon. heated vegetable oil, tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender (1 drop each).

If the child is suffering from a wet cough with sputum separation, you can speed up this process by making an inhalation based on eucalyptus and tea tree, mixing them with hot water. In the case of a wet cough, it can be done by the same means used to relieve the symptoms of dry cough.

Adults can also use these mixtures, increasing the amount of oil to 3 drops. In addition, very good in the treatment of coughing conifers (pine, fir and thuja).

Recipes based on oils against cough, flu and colds

If a cough occurs against a catarrhal disease or flu, you can use a mixture of eucalyptus and lemon to disinfect the room. Along with this, there is another means with disinfectant properties. You can prepare it by the following recipe: 15-20 drops of tea tree oil should be dissolved in 100 g of medical alcohol and add 20 drops of eucalyptus oil. This composition every hour you need to spray the room in which the patient is.

With the earliest signs of illness, you can take a bath. To do this, fill it with hot water and add a little tea tree oil. After the bath you need to thoroughly wipe the body, put on warm socks and take cover with a blanket to sweat.

You can also talk a bath in another way. To do this, fill it with warm water, add 50 ml of milk, 2 tablespoons of honey, 2 drops of mint, several drops of various essential oils (pine, eucalyptus, rosemary). Take a bath for about 15 minutes, then wipe off and lie down under the blanket.

An effective method of treatment is inhalation. They can be done independently with the help of devices for inhalation, which are sold in pharmacies (inhaler, nebulizer). You can not buy a special device, but make a solution for inhalation in a normal saucepan and cover yourself with a towel, inhaling the healing steam. Inhalations help to speed up recovery.

For inhalation, you need essential oil (3 drops) and 1 liter of water. As a remedy suitable eucalyptus or tea tree. The procedure should last approximately 15 minutes.

With bronchitis, you can also do inhalations, especially it will effectively perform the procedure before bedtime. The main thing is to do it at least 1 hour before bedtime. Prepare the solution as follows: take 4 drops of lavender and stir in 1 liter of hot water.

You can use the oil inside with tea or coffee. To do this, take a Turk or another container for making coffee, add a glass of water and 2 tablespoons of honey, a little cinnamon and nutmeg, a sprig of cloves. Ingredients should be mixed and boiled from them a drink. The finished drink should be filtered through a strainer and take 100 ml every 2 hours. This will help relieve cough symptoms.

Rubbing with cough and runny nose

When coughing and bronchitis rubs help well. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to take a baby cream or melted petrolatum, add to it 1 drop of fir oil, 2 drops of tea tree oil and eucalyptus, 4-5 drops of mint. The components must be mixed thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. The composition for grinding the chest and back is ready.

At the basis of another means of coughing is alcohol. You need to take 100 ml of alcohol, fir, cedar and pine oil (1-2 drops each). The mixture must be mixed well, after which it can rub the area of ​​the chest.

It is worth noting that aromatherapy is used not only against coughing. It helps to relieve nasal congestion and eliminate a cold.

You can also make the patient a point massage at home based on various mixtures of oils. To prepare such a tool, you need 50 ml of vegetable oil, a few drops of rosemary, eucalyptus, geranium, pine and peppermint. All carefully mix and make acupressure of the nose. This will help to quickly cure the common cold.

Bronchitis, like a runny nose, can be alleviated by itself with the help of grinding all kinds of oils.

The composition for grinding can be prepared as follows: take 30 ml of olive oil, a few drops of sage oil, eucalyptus, mint, cedar, pine and geranium. Components should be mixed and rubbed with this remedy to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

Before using oils as a cough remedy, you should consult a doctor, especially for people with allergies.

In the absence of contraindications essential oils can be a good assistant in the treatment of cough and cold and help remove unpleasant symptoms, which cause a lot of inconvenience.

Cough oil - eucalyptus, camphor, cream, propolis, fir, olive

Coughing attacks caused by colds, viruses, as well as ingress of dust and other minute irritants into the respiratory tract, can be successfully treated with various oils. For this, ether extracts from fir, camphor, eucalyptus are used. Oil of olive, flax and even cream is often used. Folk recipes abound in various ways from cough, in which these products are present. They are used in the form of cold and hot inhalations, flours, formulations for internal use.

Butter from cough

With symptomatic treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms caused by perspiration and inflammation in the throat, drinks prepared as follows are effective:

  • Butter in the amount of 50 grams put in a glass of hot milk. Drink before bedtime.
  • In well-heated milk (300 ml) add ¼ teaspoon baking soda and a small slice of butter. This composition is recommended to use when coughing several times a day.
  • In the milk, add a little propolis and a teaspoon of butter. This remedy can be drunk only to those people who do not have allergies to beekeeping products. A good help is butter with propolis from cough caused by respiratory diseases and colds.

In any of these formulations, if desired, you can add honey or raspberries. This is especially recommended when treating children.

Propolis with oil from cough should be eaten neatly by pregnant and too small patients. These categories of patients should always consult with a doctor about this.

Camphor oil from cough

Use such a potent agent must be very carefully. Camphor oil is suitable for external use only. In no case should you drink or inhale it, since it is toxic enough.

With proper application, this folk remedy very effectively helps to get rid of the cough caused by various colds. Most often it is used this way:

  • A small amount of hoods from camphor is heated in a water bath. The back of the patient, feet and thorax are rubbed warmly with the composition. A person is well wrapped to provide the body with heat. The procedure is done at night.
  • Camphor oil in the amount of 10 drops is added to the hot bath, after the reception of which heat is dressed and go to bed.

It is worth considering that this folk remedy puts stress on the cardiovascular and nervous system. Therefore, it is prohibited to use it for people who have problems in these areas, as well as those suffering from epileptic seizures.

Fir oil from cough

Among medicinal ethereal extracts, this is considered one of the most famous. Fir hood helps not only to get rid of cough, it fights against colds and raises the general tone organism, has a calming effect on the nervous system of a person irritated by bad state of health.

There are a lot of prescriptions for using this remedy for symptomatic treatment of a cough. The most simple and popular are the following:

  • While in the bath or sauna, sprinkle a few drops of the extract into the evaporating water.
  • To soften the mucous throat on the root of the tongue, drop 2 drops of fir extract.
  • For the degeneration of dry cough into humid, steam inhalations are used. A few drops of fir extract are dripped into boiling water and breathe over the steam.
  • During the reception of a hot bath add 20-30 ml of fir oil. To obtain the necessary health effect, the water temperature should not be lower than 39 degrees. It takes 20 minutes to complete the procedure.
  • After taking a bath it is recommended to make a massage with fir oil. The rubbing movements are applied to the skin and tissues in the chest area, upper back, and the soles of the feet are kneaded. The patient wrapped in a blanket, wear warm socks.
  • If old or severe respiratory tract spasms are observed, then inhalations are carried out in a cold method. Fir oil from a cough drops on paper or cloth, which are placed near the patient.

In some cases, the use of this folk remedy is prohibited or restricted:

  • Do not use it during pregnancy.
  • People with diseased kidneys are allowed only external application.

Eucalyptus oil from cough

A wonderful therapeutic effect in the treatment of reflex respiratory tract spasms is provided by a product made from eucalyptus. He perfectly relieves of chest cough, acts as a strong antiseptic and immunomodulator.

Eucalyptus oil when coughing has the ability to have the following effect:

  • Stimulates expectoration.
  • Stops inflammation.
  • Accelerates sweating.
  • Destroys bacteria and viruses.
  • It saves the pain.
  • Reduces body temperature.

The most commonly used cough is the following recipes:

  • Add 3 drops of eucalyptus and tea tree oil to 1 liter of hot water. Do a steam inhalation of this solution every 2 hours.
  • Take a bath with dissolved milk and honey (2 tablespoons), as well as mint, eucalyptus, pine and rosemary oils (4 drops each). After a fifteen-minute procedure, you must carefully wipe yourself and wrap yourself in a warm blanket.
  • Add a few drops of fir, eucalyptus, mint, tea tree extract to the baby cream and mix. Tear the resulting composition of the chest and the collar zone of the patient.

Olive oil from cough

This healing extract helps well with constant reflex spasms of the respiratory tract, perfectly softens the irritated throat. In addition, the olive extract greatly strengthens the human immune system. In the fight against cough, the following recipes are most often used:

  • At attacks of reflex spastic exhalations it is necessary to drink 1 tablespoon of an olive extract. The first reception of the product may cause an increase in an unpleasant symptom, but the subsequent use of the curative will gradually reduce the intensity of spasms.
  • This vegetable oil from cough is used not only in its pure form. To prepare the medicinal composition, mix in the proportion 2 hot olive extract, lemon juice, honey. Take such a folk remedy every 2 hours for 1 tablespoon.

Flaxseed oil from cough

The product contains a whole range of useful substances:

  • Vitamins A, B, E, C, K.
  • Polyunsaturated acids.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.
  • Zinc.
  • Lecithin.

Flaxseed oil helps cope with the chronic cough caused by chronic bronchitis. To do this, you need to drink it several times a day before eating 1 tablespoon. Within a week, the first result will be visible.

Before taking folk remedies made on the basis of various oils, do not forget that the treatment must begin with a visit to the doctor. No matter how harmless, natural and useful the components used to combat reflex spasm of the respiratory tract, it is first necessary to obtain a recommendation for their use in specialist. Otherwise, cough treatment can not bring the desired result, and the symptom will grow into a severe form and will not give rest for a long time.

What are the benefits of inhalation during pregnancy?

Viruses and infections penetrate the body especially easily with weakened immunity. It is for this reason that pregnant women are prone to frequent catarrhal and viral diseases.

It is strictly forbidden to let the disease into its own during the gestation period, but it is not so easy to conduct treatment, because the number of drugs allowed is quite limited.

Since ancient times, women have widely used effective and safe methods of traditional medicine, including inhalation during pregnancy. Of course, we should not expect a quick effect of treatment with folk remedies, but if used correctly, one can be sure of their harmlessness.

What is the benefit of the procedure?

Inhalations are considered the most sparing way to treat colds, because with this procedure do not have to load on healthy organs, the effect is only on the affected respiratory ways. In addition, that inhalation during pregnancy will improve a woman's well-being, she also does not hurt her baby. That's why many experts say that it is not only safe to breathe safe medicines or herbs when treating a cold, but it is also necessary.

A cold is as dangerous to a child as to his mother, because severe attacks of coughing in a pregnant woman bring discomfort baby, and because of a common cold a child receives an insufficient amount of oxygen, which can cause oxygen fasting.

Breathing should be started as soon as possible, immediately after the development of the disease, especially with a dry cough, to soothe the mucous membranes of the inflamed respiratory tract. After the procedure, mucus will become more moist and it will be better to separate, facilitating the well-being of a sick woman. Correctly used remedies during treatment will help stop the spread of infection in the airways. Recommendations for the procedure:
  1. Despite the fact that the vapor can be inhaled during pregnancy, because in itself it does not represent threats to maternal and child health, it is very important to carefully select the drugs inhaler. They should only be used as directed by a specialist.
  2. For inhalation during pregnancy, it is better to use special devices - inhalers, since such treatment will be more effective, and the procedure will be much easier in this way and convenient. When using special devices, the drug is broken into small particles that fall in the form of steam into the lowest airways.
  3. From inhalation of hot steam it is necessary to refuse at the raised temperature of a body and diseases of heart.

Drugs for the common cold

Carrying out inhalation for a cold for a pregnant woman, you can use a lot of medicinal plants that can cure a cold.The medicinal plant, the broth of which is used for the procedure, has a direct effect it is on the mucous, so you can effectively get rid of this symptom of a cold without unpleasant consequences. Also, except for the decoction of some medicinal plants, which have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and healing effect on the nasal mucosa, essential oils can be used on their basis.In this case, the following oils will perfectly cope with the common cold:
  • eucalyptus;
  • fir;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • tea tree oil.
To perform such inhalations during pregnancy, it is necessary to fill the reservoir for the medicine halfway with hot water, add 2 drops of one of the oils from the rhinitis and breathe in pairs for 7 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 3 times a day. Good is considered a remedy for the common cold like Pinosol, it can not only be digested in the nose, but also used for inhalations. The product contains pine, mint and eucalyptus oil, which are effective in treating colds. However, pregnant women should carefully select the essential oils by administering inhalation during pregnancy.

It is strictly prohibited to use such oils as basil, cedar, sage oil, cypress, dill, juniper, marjoram, rosemary, nightshade.

You can use broths of oregano, St. John's wort, thyme, mother-and-stepmother, lavender as folk remedies. Strengthen the therapeutic effect after the procedure is possible if you use them in a complex. Often pregnant women use the following recipe: 20 g of raspberry leaf insist in 200 g of hot water for half an hour, 10 g of calendula, too, pour 200 g of water, then filter and pour these infusions, pour into the inhaler and breathe 10 minutes. It is very important that the temperature of the solution does not exceed 40 degrees.

Means for coughing

When choosing medicinal herbs from cough, it is very important to take into account its character, since all plants are capable of having a different effect on the body. If the cough is dry, it can be cured with a decoction or chamomile, sage, lime blossom, plantain, althea root, St. John's wort, thyme. With a damp cough, you can use the mother-and-stepmother, a rosemary, a string, a leaf of cowberry, a yarrow. It is useful to spend during pregnancy inhalation with eucalyptus, for this you can use a decoction or essential oil.

Do not forget about this ancient method of cough treatment as the application of a solution of ordinary water and soda. You can also add salt and a few drops of iodine, you need to breathe every 2 hours. The drug is effective for dry cough, after the procedure, the amount of sputum will increase, and coughing attacks will decrease.Among traditional medicine, many women use inhalation of boiled potatoes, which you need to breathe above the vapors, covered with a blanket. Good effect on mucous and honey water, for its preparation you need warm water and honey, taken in the ratio of 5: 1.

In the treatment of cough, inhalation effective for pregnant women will become when using essential oils of such plants:

  • lavender;
  • roses;
  • fir;
  • pine trees;
  • aira;
  • lime;
  • eucalyptus.

Oil inhalations are also often prescribed for the treatment of tracheitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis. According to the experts themselves, the greatest benefit to such procedures can bring a sick body at the initial stage of the development of colds. A woman should also be able to breathe properly: with a cold, the steam should be inhaled through the nose, with cough and throat diseases - through the mouth. The procedure should not last more than 10 minutes, and in case when essential oil is used - not more than 7.
In general, inhalations during pregnancy have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and child in the treatment of colds. However, even using this method of therapy, it is important to exercise caution, having consulted with the therapist or gynecologist, after all some folk remedies can bring and harm pregnant woman.

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