Diseases of the legs: causes and treatment


  • 1Diseases of the feet
    • 1.1Vascular diseases
    • 1.2Lesion of joints
    • 1.3Arthritis
    • 1.4Osteoarthritis
    • 1.5Gout
    • 1.6Diseases associated with damage to muscle tissue
    • 1.7Diseases of the feet and diabetes mellitus
    • 1.8Diseases of the foot
    • 1.9Bursitis of the toes
    • 1.10Calluses, corns
    • 1.11Tendonitis
    • 1.12Heel spur
    • 1.13Neuroma
    • 1.14Fasciitis
  • 2Causes and treatment of leg diseases
    • 2.1Why do my legs hurt?
    • 2.2Diseases of bones
    • 2.3Tumor lesions of bones and rickets
    • 2.4Diseases of the joints
    • 2.5Vascular diseases
    • 2.6Diseases of the feet
    • 2.7Diseases of the muscles and consequences of diabetes mellitus
  • 3Diseases of the feet. Symptoms, treatment and prevention:
    • 3.1Atherosclerosis
    • 3.2Varicose veins
    • 3.3Deep vein occlusion
    • 3.4Osteoarthritis
    • 3.5Arthritis
    • 3.6Flat-footedness
    • 3.7Rheumatism
    • 3.8Diseases of the toes
  • 4Online store MIRZDOROVYA24.COM
    • 4.1Diseases of the legs: description, characteristics
    • 4.2Classification of leg diseases
    • 4.3Causes of leg diseases
    • 4.4Symptoms and manifestations of leg diseases
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.5Diagnosis of leg diseases
    • 4.6Treatment of leg diseases
    • 4.7Prevention of leg diseases
  • 5Symptoms of various leg diseases
    • 5.1Vessels
    • 5.2Joints
    • 5.3Restless legs syndrome
    • 5.4Muscles
    • 5.5Bones
    • 5.6Diseases of diabetes mellitus
    • 5.7Heel spur
    • 5.8Erysipelas on limb

Diseases of the feet

Almost every person faced such a problem as pain in the lower extremities.

It can occur not only after a hard working day, but also against a background of complete health. This symptom often indicates the development of the pathological process.

Let's find out what are called leg diseases, their main manifestations and localization sites.

All pathological states of the legs are divided into several large groups, depending on the nature and place of the lesion. Their features are given below.

Vascular diseases

This group includes diseases that develop due to a violation of blood flow or occur against the background of pathological processes in the walls of blood vessels. This problem starts to worry at a young age.

It is manifested by a feeling of heaviness in the lower extremities in the evening, which disappears after rest. The cause can serve as a wrong diet, overweight, bad habits, sedentary lifestyle.

Vascular pathologies include:

  • Atherosclerosis. This disease is characterized by the formation in the vessels of cholesterol plaques, which are constantly growing and can lead to blockage of the lumen. It shows a feeling of heaviness in the legs.
  • Phlebeurysm. It is characterized by a thinning of the walls of the vessels, a loss of elasticity and an increase in their lumen. It is manifested by weight, seizures, hyperpigmentation of the skin, visually you can see veins in the form of wide strands. Varicosity can be complicated by thrombophlebitis and bleeding.
  • Endarteritis. Pathology develops gradually, affecting mainly the arteries. It is characterized by narrowing of the vessels up to their occlusion, as a result of which there is a cessation of feeding of certain legs. Due to the absence of blood circulation, dead zones appear. When endarteritis the patient feels heaviness in the limbs, pain, cramps, eventually lameness develops.
  • Acute obstruction of the arteries. It can affect both the sick and healthy limbs. It develops because of the increased clotting of blood, against the background of inflammatory or atherosclerotic processes in the vessels.
  • Thrombosis of superficial veins. Occurs when varicose veins become infected with infection. In such cases, patients note soreness in the areas of penetration of pathogens, flushing, palpation can detect a seal along the vein.
  • Acute venous thrombosis. It develops when the vessel is clogged with a thrombus. It is manifested by local fever, pain, swelling of the affected limb, cyanosis.

Any of the above diseases requires treatment, which can only appoint a doctor. In addition to medications, use compression or stretch bandages, adhere to a diet and perform special gymnastics.

Lesion of joints

Very often the cause of leg pain is the pathological process in the joints. This problem can be inflammatory and dystrophic. Let's analyze what symptoms appear in case of leg joint disease, depending on the type of lesion.

In inflammatory processes, local redness, burning, and fever are noted, as well as deformation and mobility impairment. The cause may be a viral infection, a metabolic disorder, pathological processes in the vessels.

Dystrophic changes occur against obesity, impaired diet, and trauma. Characterized by the restriction of movements in the joint, pain, changes in its shape. With a running form, cartilage deformity can occur.

Now we give a brief description of the diseases of the joints of the knees and other parts of the lower limbs.


It is an inflammatory disease that is caused by both infectious and non-infectious causes. In arthritis large and small joints are affected.

It can occur in the form of mono- (one joint is affected) or polyarthritis (it spreads directly to several structures). In infectious nature, the pathogen enters the synovial bag with blood flow or from the external environment in cases of open wounds.

The cause may be hypothermia, decreased immunity, chronic foci of infection. It is manifested by such symptoms as pain, redness, local hyperthermia. Treatment includes the use of hormonal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.


The disease has a degenerative-dystrophic character and draws in the process of articular cartilage. It occurs as a result of heavy loads on the legs, after injuries, operations on the limbs, in people with a genetic predisposition.

Symptoms of arthrosis: deformity, pain, difficulty in movement. For treatment use chondroprotectors, drugs for the normalization of metabolism and circulation. Also apply massage, physiotherapy exercises, manual methods.


Pathology, which is characterized by the accumulation of salts of uric acid in the articular cavities. Often affected metatarsophalangeal parts. Therapy consists in taking uricodepressants - drugs that block the production of uric acid.

Diseases associated with damage to muscle tissue

Often patients complain of pain in the muscles of the legs. In addition, such symptoms as nausea, hyperthermia may be disturbing.

A similar condition occurs in both adults and children.

Call myalgia capable of constant stressful situations, excessive physical exertion on the lower limbs, chronic foci of infection in the body.

It is very important to detect this problem in a timely manner and to conduct treatment. Otherwise, complications can develop in the form of osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Diseases of the feet and diabetes mellitus

With diabetes, patients often suffer from lower limb diseases. This is due to a loss of sensitivity. As a result, mechanical damage remains unnoticed, which often leads to infection, the development of trophic ulcers and even gangrene.

In diabetes, foot diseases are divided into these types:

  1. Neuropathic foot. The extremities become hot, pain is disturbed at night. There is a pathology due to nerve damage.
  2. Ischemic foot. Skin of legs pale, cold, painful sensations occur when walking. It develops when blood circulation is disturbed due to vascular damage.

If there are changes in the bones, we can talk about such a concept as "Charcot's foot" and "osteoarthropathic foot". Against the background of diabetes it is worthwhile to treat with special attention and only under the supervision of a specialist.

Diseases of the foot

Now let's analyze what are the diseases of human foot, their main symptoms and ways of treatment.

Bursitis of the toes

Pathology arises from the displacement of the joints of the thumb. The cause of development can be both genetic predisposition, and the result of wearing uncomfortable shoes.

It manifests itself with pain and swelling in the lesion, with time the finger becomes somewhat larger in size. This disease can also spread to the little fingers.

Bursitis is treated surgically.

Calluses, corns

It is manifested by compaction of the skin of the foot in places of strong pressure due to the accumulation of the cornified layer of the epithelium. The cause of the development of calluses and corns is the wearing of shoes that do not correspond to the size of the foot. Also the problem concerns people who constantly walk on their heels.

Risk factors include bony protrusions and deformities, flat feet, overweight, gait disturbance. When the condition is neglected, consultation with an orthopedic physician is necessary. In some cases, it is possible to eliminate such problems only in an operative way.

To prevent the formation of corns and calluses, you need to choose comfortable shoes, avoid excessive pressure on the feet, if necessary, wear orthopedic appliances.


This disease is characterized by irritation and inflammation of the Achilles tendons.

Occur during heavy physical exertion or because of a lack of warm-up before performing exercises.

For treatment use anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, cold compresses. Also, limbs need to provide complete peace.

Heel spur

For pathology, the formation of a bony outgrowth in the region of the heel, which provides painful sensations, is characteristic.

It often develops in people with spine problems, obesity, flat feet, athletes.

Treatment is medically administered, and it is recommended that the patient wear shoes with a supinator. In a severe case, a plaster cast may be used.


A benign disease in which nerve tissue proliferation occurs. It is more often localized between the middle finger and the ring finger. It occurs as a result of injury, friction, wearing uncomfortable shoes, heavy physical exertion.

Symptoms of the neuroma are such sensations as numbness and tingling, pain, fever. Orthopedic devices are used for treatment. In advanced cases, surgical intervention and hormone therapy may be prescribed.


Disease, which causes inflammation of the fascia of the sole. It shows minor pain in the legs. To eliminate the problem, glucocorticosteroids are prescribed, physiotherapy methods, and tires are applied to the limb.

There are many diseases that affect the lower limbs. All of them have similar symptoms, therefore only an expert can determine the exact diagnosis. If you experience any discomfort in your legs, do not delay visiting your doctor.

A source: https://varikoznic.ru/disease/bolezni-nog.html

Causes and treatment of leg diseases

The most common manifestation of leg disease is pain. The human legs consist of 26 bones, 33 joints and more than a hundred ligaments.

Every day, a person weighs about 500 tons per person.

Like any mechanism, the constituent parts can wear out and cause the whole system to fail.

Why do my legs hurt?

The causes of foot diseases in humans can be many: from simple fatigue to cancer. Pain syndrome often occurs due to lesions of the periosteum.

Padding is a shell that covers the bone and contains blood vessels and nerve endings. The bone tissue itself does not contain any vessels or nerves.

Contusions or fractures are also the most common cause of pain.

Another cause of the occurrence of pain may be nerve infringement. For example, the defeat of the nerve, which is in the lumbar region, can cause painful sensations in the entire leg up to the foot.

Pain can also bother a person and because of various inflammations that can occur in the joints. At the initial stages, the disease can not be manifested at all.

The most serious diseases that can cause severe pain are tumors and sarcomas.

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Diseases are divided into several large groups, depending on the place of injury and the nature of the disease:

  • Diseases of bones;
  • joint diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases that are associated with muscle damage;
  • diabetes mellitus and leg diseases;
  • sickness of feet.

The ailments of the lower limbs have their own causes and symptoms. Their main indicator is pain. By nature, the pain can be aching or shooting. In most cases, at rest, the pain is weaker or nonexistent.

Diseases of bones

Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by "porosity" of bones. The disease progresses rapidly, making the bone tissue weak and brittle.

This is due to the fact that the body either does not receive substances to form bones, or these substances can not be properly digested.

In some cases, even coughing can cause bone fracture. In general, elderly people suffer from osteoporosis. Women often suffer from this disease than men.


This can be associated with pregnancy, since the child takes all the necessary substances for her growth from the woman's body.


Symptoms of osteoporosis:

  • pain in the bones;
  • fatigue of bones;
  • convulsions;
  • caries, parodontosis, brittle nails;
  • fractures with minor bruises.

Treatment of osteoporosis is carried out with the help of hormones.

To strengthen bones and build bone, you need daily calcium intake along with sunbathing (vitamin D, necessary for the assimilation of calcium). Treatment is also impossible without a healthy lifestyle. Physical exercises are mandatory.

Tumor lesions of bones and rickets

Tumors can occur on different tissues of the human body, including on bones. A tumor is an uncontrolled and chaotic division of cells.

Such their concentration in one place is formed by various neoplasms. Neoplasm can press on adjacent tissue sites and be the cause of the development of various diseases.

Malignant tumors are especially dangerous. Their danger lies in the fact that they lead to cancer and have the ability to metastasize.

That is, tumor cells are able to migrate to other areas of the human body and can create already in a new place tumor foci.

Symptoms of a tumor:

  • the area of ​​the affected bone has an elevated temperature;
  • a general increase in body temperature;
  • fatigue and fatigue;
  • pain in the bones.

Modern medicine has new methods of treating various tumors in humans (radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery), so now their treatment is possible. Good to treat a benign tumor. At the slightest alarming symptoms it is necessary to consult a doctor. It is best to immediately consult an oncologist.

Rickets is a disease of bones in people who do not get enough of the elements necessary for bone health (calcium, vitamin D, phosphate).


These substances are necessary not only for bones, but also for other body needs. If the elements do not arrive, then the body starts to take them from the bones.


This leads to their softening, growth retardation (in children) and possible deformations of the skeleton.

Symptoms of rickets:

  • pain in the bones;
  • fragility of bones;
  • slowing growth;
  • rachiocampsis.

Treatment of rickets is possible. At risk are children from six months to 2 years. Due to the fact that the child is constantly growing, the body may lack the substances that come with food. Treatment begins with a correction of nutrition.

Obligatory is the use of dairy products, fish, eggs. Daily walks in the fresh air are also necessary. In the autumn-winter period, a course of vitamin complexes is shown.

Parents may wonder what kind of doctor is treating this disease.

Diseases of the joints

One of the most common causes of pain in the legs are various inflammatory and dystrophic changes in the joints of the lower extremities.

Arthritis is a common name for inflammatory processes in all joints in humans. If only one joint is affected, then this is called monoarthritis. If several joints are affected by arthritis, this is polyarthritis.

Arthritis can be infectious and non-infectious.

Symptoms of arthritis:

  • pain in the joints of the lower limbs;
  • redness;
  • increase in temperature in the joint area.

Factors that can trigger the onset of arthritis include hypothermia, weakened immunity, a chronic foci of infection (eg, chronic sinusitis, caries). Treatment of arthritis is aimed at removing inflammation. If the disease is of an infectious nature, then a course of antibiotics is also needed.

Arthrosis is a degenerative joint disease, characterized by wear of the articular cartilage. Because of the large loads that fall on the lower limbs, or the trauma of the legs, the cartilage gradually becomes thinner.

The main symptoms of arthrosis include joint deformities and pain during movement. Treatment of arthrosis is carried out with the help of hondoprotectors, which normalize metabolic processes in the body and blood circulation.

You need massage, exercise therapy and manual therapy.

Gout is a disease characterized by the deposition of uric acid salts in the joints and tissues.

The causes of gout can be heredity, improper nutrition (consumption of a large number of salt and meat products), alcohol abuse, inactive lifestyle.

Most often in people with gout affects the joint of the big toe.

A person is accompanied by such symptoms as severe pain (it is impossible to even touch a painful place), redness and fever in the joint area, nausea. Treatment of gout is to suppress seizures. But completely to get rid of this disease it is impossible, since it has a chronic character.

Vascular diseases

To this group of diseases of the lower extremities are diseases that arise due to circulatory disorders and pathological changes in the walls of the vessels. The causes of their occurrence are malnutrition, excess weight, bad habits and an inactive way of life.

Disease Symptoms
Atherosclerosis. This formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Over time, plaques become larger. They fill the lumen of the vessel, interfering with the movement of blood.
Phlebeurysm. Disease, in which the diameter of the vein increases, and the valves of the vessel cease to close. This leads to the fact that the blood that was sent from the lower extremities to the heart, goes down, forming stagnation of blood. The disease is accompanied by heaviness in the legs, a change in skin color.
Endarteritis. Vascular disease that affects the arteries. Vessels narrow so much that the blood can not pass on. The nutrition of individual parts of the lower extremities stops, the tissues die off gradually. The patient feels heaviness in the legs, pain, cramps.
Thrombophlebitis. A disease in which clots form on the walls of blood vessels. The disease is dangerous not by the presence of blood clots, but by the fact that they can at any moment tear themselves away and fall into any part of the body with a blood stream. When they get into the pulmonary artery, death occurs. Thrombophlebitis can be manifested by edema of the lower extremities, pain in the leg, local increase in temperature.

Diseases affecting the vessels of the lower limbs, require mandatory treatment.

Medication is accompanied by diet and exercise.

Patients are also shown to wear special compression underwear or bandages that squeeze their legs, thus improving the outflow of blood, towards the heart.

Diseases of the feet

A valgus deformity of the thumb (or "lump" on the leg) is a disease that arises from the displacement of the joint of the big toe. The causes of the disease can be either uncomfortable shoes, or hereditary predisposition.

The disease is treated with orthopedic tires or with the help of surgical intervention. At this stage, modern medicine can offer only surgery, as the best method of getting rid of the "bumps" on the legs.

A thorough examination of the specialist will help to find out which method to use to treat this problem.

Calluses and corns can also bring suffering to humans. They are skin seals in those places where there is a constant rubbing of the skin on the shoes.

Associated factors are flat feet, excess weight and increased sweating. Treatment of calluses and corns is performed at home.

In the pharmacy are sold special plasters, which help protect the existing corn from friction, eliminate the burrs or prevent the emergence of new ones.


Tendonitis - inflammation of ligaments on the leg. Inflammation occurs due to excessive physical exertion or insufficient warm-up before sports. Treatment is conducted by conservative methods (cold compress, rest, anti-inflammatory drugs).


Heel spurs - a pathology characterized by the formation of bone growth in the heel. When walking, a spur gives a person inconvenience and painful sensations.

Treatment is carried out with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, local application of gels and ointments is shown.

Effective are physiotherapy (shock wave therapy, electrophoresis, massage, swimming).

Diseases of the muscles and consequences of diabetes mellitus

Pain in the muscles can accompany various vascular diseases (varicose veins, thrombophlebitis), spine diseases, joints, and also with flat feet.

Muscles can become inflamed by themselves. This phenomenon was called myositis.

The disease occurs due to a strong overstrain of the muscles of the skeleton, as well as injury to the muscles of the lower limbs.

Diabetes often leads to lesions of the lower extremities. One of the main symptoms of diabetes is poor blood circulation.

Because of the constant stagnation in the vessels on their walls, so-called cholesterol plaques are formed.

Their presence further complicates the movement of blood in the lower limbs.

The diabetic foot syndrome is a complication of diabetes mellitus. There are such types of foot damage: the neuropathic foot, ischemic and mixed.

In the neuropathic foot, the nerves responsible for the sensitivity of the lower limbs are damaged, and the patient ceases to feel the temperature, the pain and therefore not always can notice the damage.

Such injuries and wounds can lead to infection or development of trophic ulcers. Despite the loss of sensitivity, at night, the patient may be disturbed by pain, the temperature of the legs is higher than the total body temperature.


Ischemic lesion of the foot is characterized by damage to the vessels of the lower limbs. With a mixed type, the vessels and nerves of the legs are affected.


As you know, the disease is better to prevent than to treat later, therefore, to prevent the onset of leg diseases, several well-known rules must be observed.

Despite the fact that modern medicine is developing rapidly, all doctors agree unanimously that it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle. Overeating leads to obesity - one of the main factors causing the disease of the lower extremities.

In food, you need to consume as much fruit as possible in raw form. Limit consumption of salted, smoked, fried and fatty foods. Daily moderate exercise and activity are also necessary to normalize metabolic processes in the body.

For example, the synovial fluid, which protects the cartilage of the joint from wear, is produced only when moving.

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A source: http://NashiNogi.ru/bolezni/nog-lyudej-ih-lechenie.html

Diseases of the feet. Symptoms, treatment and prevention:

Many people have aching feet. The reasons for all are different. Someone has arthritis, someone has constant swelling, etc. To yourself at least somehow navigate these problems, you need to know what kind of leg disease. Symptoms and causes of each pathology have their own.


One of the most common diseases that affects the vessels of the lower extremities is atherosclerosis.

Almost everyone knows that it is very important to eat properly, because because of eating fatty foods in the body, malfunctions begin. So, because of the delay in the walls of the vessels of cholesterol plaques, a disease such as atherosclerosis can develop, the main symptoms of which are:

  • Painful sensations in the calf muscles, both during walking and in a calm state.
  • Strengthening of painful sensations with increasing load on legs (for example, running, climbing stairs).
  • Lame that has a periodic character.
  • The appearance of dry gangrene in those areas where the vessels are most affected.

It is believed that atherosclerosis is a harbinger of ischemic heart disease.

Varicose veins

Strong feet swelling is just one of the symptoms of beginning varicose veins. Varicose veins, namely so scientifically called disease, represent a strong stretch and loss of flexibility of the veins, because of which the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • The widening of the veins, and this can be seen with the naked eye.
  • Constant sensation of heaviness in the legs, which increases with physical exertion.
  • Cramps, which mainly occur at night and do not allow a person to sleep properly.

The disease itself does not pose a particular danger, but if it is not treated, it can lead to venous insufficiency, which is fraught with thrombophlebitis.

Deep vein occlusion

Another disease, during which there are strong swelling of the legs, is a blockage of deep veins. This disease is very dangerous, since the main cause of its appearance is the formation of blood clots. The person has the following symptoms:

  • Edema, and with each passing day they become more and more.
  • Elevated temperature is exactly where the thrombus appeared.
  • Painful sensations in the legs.

Diseases of the feet can often cause a person to change their way of life, since it is simply impossible to perform already what was given earlier easily.


One of the most unpleasant leg diseases is arthrosis. The process of developing the disease is very difficult to control, because at the initial stage a person can simply not attach pain to special significance.

There is arthrosis due to the following factors:

  • A lot of stress on your feet, and when it has a permanent character. It can be overweight, lifting weights, etc.
  • Injuries to the joints, and sometimes it can be a microtrauma, which the person did not even notice.
  • Problems with metabolism, which lead to the deposition of salts.
  • Age. Every year, the cartilage is being erased and the bone tissue is weakened.
  • Heredity. If someone in the family has arthrosis, then the likelihood of his appearance in other family members who are in blood relationship increases.
  • Chronic diseases of the joints.
  • Diseases of connective tissue that can give complications.

If we talk about the symptoms, they will be as follows:

  • Severe pain in the joints. Most often these are knee joints and ankle.
  • Deformity of the legs, which occurs in later stages.
  • Amyotrophy.

As for the prevention of the disease, as such it is not, the main thing is to eat right, try to keep your weight in norm, and avoid high physical exertion.


Arthritis is a disease of the feet. This is where localization occurs most often. Of course, this does not mean that arthritis is manifested only on the joints of the feet. He also affects his knees.

Arthritis can be both infectious and non-infectious. Sometimes it develops because of the existing and neglected callus on the leg, through which the infection penetrated into the blood. Other reasons for the development of the disease include:

  • Subcooling of the feet, which happens usually in the cold season, especially with incorrectly selected shoes.
  • Infection in the body.
  • Weak immunity, which is not able to fight bacteria and infections, and suppress the inflammatory process.
  • Wounds on legs.

The main symptoms of arthritis include severe pain, swelling of the legs, as well as intoxication and fever if the disease is of an infectious origin.

Diseases often cause a person to suffer. Especially since it happens with arthritis.


Nearly 80 percent of the inhabitants of the globe have flat feet. Only for everyone it is developed in different degrees. Sometimes, because of flat feet, a person can not walk normally, it hurts in a few minutes.

Since childhood, doctors recommend that children do preventive massage, which will reduce the likelihood of flat feet. To do this, you also need to buy the right shoes with an orthopedic insole and a high heel, so that the leg is well fixed.

The basic symptoms of flatfoot include:

  • Almost flat surface of the foot. If you ask a person with a flat-footed foot to stand on a piece of paper, then the print will be absolutely smooth.
  • Painful sensations in the legs, which are localized in the foot and slightly higher. And the pain is not acute. She is more aching and dull.
  • Rapid fatigue while walking.
  • Constant foot fatigue, even after a night's sleep or a long sitting.
  • In people who suffer from flat feet, the shoes usually stagger on one side.


Diseases of the legs are not always hereditary, and not always the reason lies in high physical exertion. Such a disease as rheumatism, appears due to the penetration of the infection in the body.

With such a disease, the symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain in the joint area, with localization in the knees and feet.
  • Tumor in affected areas.

The cause of leg disease is often hidden in the incorrect treatment of infectious diseases.

Diseases of the toes

There are several diseases that can lead to deformity of the toes. Here usually include the following:

  • Valgus deformation of the foot, during which the bone, which is located next to the big toe, begins to gradually grow and bulge, thereby causing painful sensations. In addition, such deformation causes a person to wear looser shoes, which is sometimes even larger.
  • Swelling of the joints of the toes, which occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in them. Most often this is due to high loads on the legs.
  • Injury. Often a person does not notice that his toe is injured. Sometimes such injuries are obtained during training or simply in the usual stumbling.

Diseases of the feet today occupy one of the first places in the number of patients with complaints to the doctor.

This is because today's rhythm of life does not allow people to normally rest and spend most of the day on their feet.

And because of such a huge load joints sometimes can not stand, so there are symptoms such as pain, swelling, etc.

If we talk about preventive measures, it is best at the end of the day to do a light foot massage and take a warm bath to relax the muscles. And to maintain bones, you need to drink calcium and other vitamin complexes twice a year.

A source: https://www.syl.ru/article/198208/new_bolezni-nog-simptomyi-lechenie-i-profilaktika

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Pain in the legs is usually associated with old age, but, unfortunately, various diseases of the musculoskeletal system are often found in many people of different age groups.

Diseases of the legs: description, characteristics

There are many different leg diseases associated with the pathologies of blood vessels, joints and other parts.

Basically, leg ailments are caused by an incorrect lifestyle and non-compliance with preventive measures. But every illness can appear for its own reasons, manifesting itself with certain symptoms and signs.

Treatment is also individual for each patient in accordance with the diagnosis.

Classification of leg diseases

Diseases of legs according to their nature and place of injury can be divided into several categories.

Most often, muscle pains are associated with vascular pathological processes of atherosclerosis - there are constantly growing cholesterol deposits, leading to their blockages; aricose veins, or varicosity - the walls become thinner and lose their elasticity, increases lumen of the endarteritis - mainly arteries are affected, the vessels narrow so that the nutrition of some areas lower limbs. The blood ceases to circulate, and this leads to the appearance of dead zones of acute obstruction of the arteries - is a consequence of increased coagulation blood in inflammation and atherosclerosis, thrombosis of superficial veins - the appearance of infection in the veins in varicose veins acute venous thrombosis - the formation of a thrombus in vessels. Also possible pathologies in the joints, often arthritis diseases - has an inflammatory character, can be a lesion of one joint or several, infectious or non-infectious by arthrosis - has a degenerative-dystrophic character, there is a slow destruction of the articular cartilage of the gout - salts of the metatarsophalangeal joints accumulate salts uric acid. To provoke pain can and such leg illness as a flatfoot. This happens when the muscular frame weakens, the ligamentous apparatus breaks down, the longitudinal or transverse arch of the foot flattenes. In addition, there are other diseases of the legs bursitis of the thumbs - the joints of the thumb are displaced corns - the cornified layer of the epithelium accumulates, and the skin thickens tendonitis - occurs inflammation of the Achilles tendon calcaneal spur - in the region of the heel bone growth of the neuroma is formed - most often between the middle and ring finger, but also between others, tissue grows nerves;

- fasciitis - the fascia of the sole is inflamed.

Causes of leg diseases

Basically, these leg diseases are the result of a sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition, bad habits. For these reasons, obesity appears, which puts pressure on the feet.

Also, the causes of any leg disease can be hypothermia, immunodeficiency, persistent sources of infection. There are leg ailments and because of heavy physical exertion on the lower limbs, injuries, surgeries.

Not less often, leg ailments lead to stressful conditions for physical ailments. Lower extremities may suffer as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes or improperly sized.

The source of pain and damage can be simply a genetic predisposition.

Symptoms and manifestations of leg diseases

A common characteristic is pain in the lower limbs. But in addition, according to each leg disease, there may be different signs and symptoms.

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First of all, this is the appearance of a feeling of heaviness in the limbs, convulsions, swelling, swelling in the damaged area. The temperature may rise.


For example, with such a leg disease as varicose veins are visually visible, excessive deposition of pigment in the skin. Also, pathologies in the vessels can lead to the development of lameness.


Inflammatory processes are characterized by redness, burning, difficult movement. In leg diseases, deformity can be observed. With flatfoot you can see excessive fatigue when walking.

Diagnosis of leg diseases

With the onset of pain, it is difficult to determine exactly which leg diseases it is caused by. It is necessary to conduct clinical and instrumental analyzes.

Initially, it is necessary to make sure that these are not life-threatening conditions, such as thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, obstruction of the arteries, oncological diseases.

Among the methods used to diagnose various leg diseases, x-rays of the spine are often used - investigation of the internal structure by means of a special photographic radiography of the hip joint magnetic resonance imaging - obtaining a layered image on the roentgenogram using nuclear magnetic resonance;

- computed tomography - non-destructive layer-by-layer diagnostics, based on measurement and complex computer processing of changes in X-ray radiation.

Treatment of leg diseases

Therapy, most often complex, is prescribed by a doctor, based on data on the patient's leg illness: diagnosis, stage, difficulty flow. Features of the patient's organism are also taken into account. Basically, the treatment of leg diseases involves some activities.

First, it is the intake of medicines, for example, analgesics, anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs, muscle relaxants. Ointments and gels with a distracting and warming effect can be prescribed.

Secondly, with certain leg ailments doing physical exercises will help to regulate the outflow of blood from the lower limbs. Thirdly, the damaged area is pulled together by elastic bandages, a compression bandage is applied for permanent wearing.

For this purpose, special compression knitwear can be used. In addition, it is often recommended to carry out a massage, as well as diet.

The choice of medical treatment, operative or any other, depends on the decision of the doctor.

Prevention of leg diseases

To prevent the occurrence of leg diseases, you must follow certain rules. Preventing any leg disease is possible if you lead a healthy lifestyle. It is recommended to abandon any bad habits, including overeating.

Due to the constant activity, the cartilage will remain in excellent condition, since the synovial fluid will be normally produced. To avoid the appearance of any leg disease, you can perform gymnastic exercises with the optimal load.

Do not forget about hardening. If from time to time to pour the lower extremities with cold water, then an increase in immunity and a good blood supply of joint tissues is provided, which will help to avoid a variety of leg ailments.


In the diet should necessarily include vegetables, fruits, dairy products, in particular, cheese, cottage cheese. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the spine, because often its damage has a negative effect on the lower limbs.


It is necessary to avoid rigid seats, which can cause irritation of the sciatic nerve. Do not strongly tighten the belt, wear tight clothes.

The usual pain in the lower limbs, which can not be paid due attention, can become a sign of a serious leg disease. Therefore, if it is available, you should immediately contact your doctor to begin treatment. If this is done in a timely manner, then serious consequences can be avoided.

In addition, it is necessary to use modern rehabilitation technologies, one of which are the unique products of TM "SilverStep".

These products can be used for the prevention of leg diseases and as part of complex therapy. We offer the following orthopedic products for use on the legs:

insoles, slippers, ankles, knee pads, boots, boots. They can be used for joint and vascular diseases (acute and chronic), trauma, burns, skin problems and as a warming bandage.

The application of SilverStep products will help not only to relieve the pain syndrome, but also will help improve blood and lymph circulation, strengthen the tone of the foot and lower leg muscles.

They also reduce the hypertonic muscles, thus relieving your legs from unnecessary stress.


Slippers and insoles are often used in an integrated approach for flatfoot correction, with heel spurs and for a beneficial effect on all internal organs through direct contact with the reflex zones of the foot. Slippers and insoles SilverStep can be used for acute and chronic leg diseases.


In inflammatory processes in the vessels of the legs, it is possible to use leaves of mother-and-stepmother in bandages overnight for 10 days.

Green leaves of cabbage have a similar effect.

Slippers and insole SilverStep will help to remove the feeling of fatigue and pain, improve blood circulation in the lower limbs.

Whatever diseases of the joints of the feet you do not suffer, with this you can do something, using natural creams and products from microspheres. The health of your feet is in your hands, only you can change the quality of your life.

SilverStep product catalog

Product catalog White cat

Alsaria Product Catalog

A source: https://mirzdorovya24.ru/blogs/blog/bolezni-nog

Symptoms of various leg diseases

Since ancient times, it is believed that due to the health of the limbs, one can judge the state of human health as a whole.

The pain in the legs is felt by many people throughout life.

To diagnose the cause of this is necessary and as soon as possible, because leg ailments weaken the work of the heart, kidneys, liver and other internal organs.

In medicine, there are several categories of leg diseases: vascular, muscular, neurological, as well as diseases of bone tissues and joints.


The most common are foot diseases associated with blood vessels. Such diseases are manifested at a young age, often initially without obvious symptoms, however, then rapidly progress and in a neglected form lead to limb amputation.

Should be alerted if you feel heaviness in the legs, and they are visible edema. Symptoms intensify toward evening, and decrease by morning. The reason for this type of illness is called unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, malnutrition, and overweight.


Often the cause of pain in the lower limbs are joint diseases. They can be classified into two groups:

  • dystrophic. This type includes diseases: arthrosis, osteochondrosis and others. The main symptoms are pain, joint deformity and limited mobility. The main cause of diseases are overweight, injury, malnutrition, etc. The disease can lead to deformation of the cartilage;
  • inflammatory. This group includes: arthritis, polyarthritis and others. Symptoms are as follows: red skin in place of swelling, acute pain, joint deformity and limited mobility. The cause is vascular disease, metabolic disorder or viral disease.

Restless legs syndrome

This disease was recognized recently, although it was mentioned in the XVII century. The main symptoms are numbness, a feeling of "goose bumps" in the legs, excessive motor activity.

Such a disease is considered hereditary. The cause may be pregnancy, iron deficiency, Parkinson's disease or spinal cord injury.

The restless legs syndrome is more often diagnosed in the elderly.


In the modern world, every person faces muscle pain, or myalgia. It can occur both during stress and during rest. This is due to the hypertonicity of muscle cells.

The causes are excessive physical exertion, stress, trauma, infectious, inflammatory, as well as chronic diseases. Can occur in both adults and adolescents. Symptoms - pain, nausea, fever.

If the muscles of the legs are not treated for a long time, it can lead to the development of such diseases as: osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, etc.


According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis is the fourth disease in the world after cardiovascular, oncological diseases and diabetes.

From fragility of bones all suffer: both women, men, and children. The reasons are a decrease in bone mineral mass due to a lack of calcium.

Symptoms of the disease: dull pain in the joints and lower extremities, insufficient muscle development, swelling, as well as rapid fatigue.

Diagnose this disease with X-rays. To prevent the disease, you need to get rid of bad habits and take care of the necessary physical activity.

Diseases of diabetes mellitus

People who suffer from diabetes usually have leg problems.

There are two types of diseases in diabetes:

  • ischemic foot. Vessels are mostly affected, the skin becomes cold, can be pale or variegated. Pain is characteristic mainly in walking;
  • neuropathic foot. The defeat of nerves is fixed. The foot becomes warm or hot. Pain in the legs is felt mostly at night.

There is also an osteoarthropathic foot, or Sharko's foot. It is characterized by changes in the bones of the lower extremities.

Heel spur

This disease, in which a bone protrusion on the heel is formed in the form of a beak or spine, and is called a calcaneal spur. The main symptom is acute pain in the heel area.

Quite often leg spur disease occurs in people suffering from flat feet, overweight, occurs in athletes and people with spine diseases.

To establish the correct diagnosis, an X-ray is needed.

If you decide to take self-medication, remember that all methods can only be used as an additional means and only after consulting a doctor.

Erysipelas on limb

My erypsipelas are infectious. Her pathogen is erysipelas streptococcus. The incubation period ranges from several hours to several days. Then there is general weakness and malaise.

Later, there is a sharp deterioration in health: the temperature rises to 40 degrees, there is a chill, there is muscle pain and joint pain.

In the leg, affected by erysipelas, a burning sensation is felt, after a certain time, a pink spot with bubbles will appear, which later turn into crusts.


The erysipelas are transmitted by the contact-household way. To avoid this, personal hygiene should be carefully observed.


You can use both traditional and non-traditional methods. So, for the treatment of foot diseases, honey is widely used. It can be used as an internal and external means in the form of compresses.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Everyone should remember this. Only correctly diagnosed and correctly selected by the doctor treatment - a pledge of the positive dynamics of recovery.

A source: https://zdorovuenozhki.ru/bolezni-nog/vidy.html