What medicines to take in ARVI?

What medicines to take in ARVI. Symptoms: fever, cough strong, runny nose. At home alone, I do not know what to buy.



If treated, it will take 7 days, not treat for 1 week.
And if it's serious, then:
1) plentiful drink, tea with lemon, raspberry
2) temperature is a protective reaction of the body to inflammation, so do not knock down to 39
3) cough is dry or wet, accordingly, choose mucolytic or expectorant drugs
4) the most important thing is not tupi. At a high temperature, call fast. and do not engage in self-treatment, since there is a highly pathogenic virus there have been cases with a fatal outcome.

Konstantin Khalin

Arbidol have a drink.

Jabba the Hutt



went to the pharmacy


ocilococcinum, viferon ...


Age of the patient?

Sergey Kakhansky

You need something antiviral, for example, arbidol, cough syrup, you can take terafflu, take koldrex, droplets for the nose. And just vitamins 9Mne very much helps tsedevita), more hot tea with honey or raspberries, and more... Your soonest recovery

instagram viewer

Elizaveta Kirillova

Buy an anti-cold medication, such as Koldakt, Antiflu and antiviral Cytovir, take at the same time. From coughing anything else ATSTS or Kodelak, if the cough is dry. And drops, you can Cameton Spray.


Do not take this arbidol, from fuflomycins,
The temperature is knocked down with aspirin, we drink tea with raspberries, if very high we rub ourselves with vodka or a weak solution of vinegar. Cough is treated with fluimycil, sold in powder, it happens in the dosage of forte is taken once a day. Further as usual inhalation mustard. Get well!
P.S On the future, buy at the pharmacy CITROSEPT, this Pts is a good drug, as soon as you feel that you are ill start taking two days to drink and do not overeat

What antiviral drugs to use in ARVI?

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) are very widespread, thousands of people of all ages worldwide suffer from these diseases every year. The treatment of these pathologies is a topical task for doctors, since ARVI can provoke the development of severe complications, especially in children and the elderly. Many experts firmly believe that antiviral drugs in ARVI allow for faster cure of the patient.

Why do we need antiviral drugs?

At the moment, scientists know about 300 different viruses that can cause an ARVI in a person. The most common cause of the disease are the following:

  • adenoviruses;
  • rhinovirus;
  • influenza viruses;
  • parainfluenza viruses;
  • respiratory syncytial viruses.

Even if the virus penetrates the human respiratory tract, this does not always lead to a disease. The fact is that in healthy people the immune system is able to withstand the impact of any damaging agents. In this case, the activation of humoral factors of protection occurs, the content of biologically active substances that block the vital activity of the pathogens or even destroy them in the blood increases.

If the person's immunity is normal, then he can recover from acute respiratory infections in mild form or even avoid this unpleasant disease. And in people with low immunity, the disease can result in the development of severe bacterial complications, for example, pneumonia. Sometimes ARVI provokes an exacerbation of various chronic pathologies available to the patient, which greatly aggravates the severity of his condition.

That is why doctors insist that ARVI should be treated, using not only modern drugs for symptomatic therapy, but also antiviral drugs. When selecting a suitable antiviral drug, difficulties may arise due to the fact that it is not known which virus caused the disease. Typically, doctors recommend taking funds that have a broad therapeutic activity against various respiratory viruses, and at the same time, as little as possible damage the cells organism.

Doctors prescribe antiviral drugs for ARVI treatment, as they are:

  • eliminate the cause of the disease;
  • reduce the period of the disease to 2-3 days;
  • significantly facilitate the course of the disease;
  • reduce the risk of exacerbations of already existing chronic pathologies (for example, bronchial asthma);
  • reduce the risk of developing severe complications (eg, pneumonia).

And also these drugs are excellent for the prevention of ARVI in all healthy family members, if someone from the household is already sick. Of course, taking any antiviral drugs is possible only after consulting a doctor, because even if they are dispensed without a prescription, this does not mean that they are absolutely safe.

Are antiviral drugs necessary?

Today, pharmacies have an extremely wide range of different antiviral drugs, the cost of which can vary significantly. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of most of these drugs has not yet been fully proven, and many of them cause side effects.

Some antiviral drugs do not have the proper therapeutic effect due to the appearance of strains of the virus that are resistant to them, i.e. are stable. Therefore, specialists are constantly striving to create new drugs that can fight specific strains of the virus.

Many drugs were developed only 10-30 years ago, so it's too early to judge their effectiveness. Some scientists believe that uncontrolled and long-term use of such drugs can disrupt the immune system and even lead to the development of autoimmune and oncological pathologies. Of course, antiviral drugs are sometimes just necessary, for example, if you need to cure ARVI as soon as possible (before a business trip or an exam).

Chemical antiviral drugs

Drugs from this group can be used to treat both children and adults. One of the most well-known medicines isRemantadine, which suppresses a variety of strains of the influenza A virus. Tests of this drug, carried out for many years, proved its rather high efficiency. True, it often causes side effects: vomiting, nausea, dry mouth, headaches, weakness, dizziness, nervousness and decreased concentration. It is not prescribed for children under one year and pregnant women.Another effective drug is considered to beTamiflu, which is able to suppress influenza A and B viruses. This comparatively new drug, which has been produced since 1996, is contraindicated in children under 12 years of age, and pregnant and lactating women can be prescribed only if urgently needed.

Tamiflu can cause the following side effects: headaches, weakness, cough, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness, insomnia and even psychosis. Doctors agree that it is suitable only for short-term use.

One of the most common drugs is considered to beArbidol, which has anti-influenza and immunomodulating efficacy. This medicine can suppress influenza A and B viruses, associated coronavirus and SARS. Despite the fact that he invented it back in 1974, there is still no convincing evidence that it is really effective and safe for health. It is known that it can cause allergies in the form of Quincke's edema, dermatitis and pain in the epigastric region. Children under 7 years of arbidol is not prescribed.


Interferons, as well as inducers of interferon are often used as antiviral drugs. Interferons are protein substances that the body synthesizes in response to infection. They significantly increase the resistance of the human body to a variety of viruses. In addition, these drugs differ in a wide range of actions, although many experts are still not convinced of their effectiveness.

Most often for the treatment of acute respiratory infections, such drugs as influferon, viferon and kipferon are used.

If it is necessary to treat a small child, the most appropriateViferon, which is available in the form of rectal suppositories and has virtually no side effects.

Kipferon- these are also suppositories, but they contain antibodies against viruses that were taken from donor blood, which can cause caution in some parents.Grippferon, which is released in the form of drops, it is necessary to dig in the nose, which is very convenient and leads to a rapid absorption of the medicine, because in the nasal passages there are many blood vessels.

In pharmacies are constantly emerging new drugs designed to combat viruses. One of them becameDerinath, which activates the rapid production in the body of its own interferons. Like many other effective and quick-acting medicines, Derinat is available in the form of drops for the nose. In addition, it can be used to treat even newborn babies without fear of side effects.

So, in order not to harm your health and not spend money in a drugstore in vain, if you have signs of ARI it is worth consulting with your doctor. Only a qualified specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease and the patient's condition, will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment. As a rule, some antiviral drugs are not enough, and the doctor makes a whole list of drugs that will help to quickly cope with the infection.


Antibiotics for ARVI

Many people think that there is no sense in prescribing antibiotics for ARVI, since these are antibacterial drugs, and they do not work for viruses. So why are they still appointed? Let's figure it out.

ARVI is a common infectious disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets, or by contact through unwashed hands, objects, things. The name of an acute respiratory viral infection speaks for itself: the infection is caused by pneumotrophic viruses that mostly damage the respiratory system.

Treatment of acute respiratory viral infections with antibiotics

If the catarrhal disease is caused by a viral infection, it is more logical to take the first symptoms antiviral drugs, carry out detoxification and symptomatic treatment for indications. Antibiotic therapy is usually added about a week after the discovery of a cold if the treatment of viral infection is considered ineffective, the patient's condition worsens, or remains without changes.

In addition, often there are situations when against the background of a decrease in immunity, provoked by an acute respiratory infection, an additional bacterial pathology develops. This is where the use of antibiotics becomes possible and even necessary. Antibiotics are preparations of complex and multifaceted action, their administration is carried out with observance of certain precautions: exact observance of dosage and reception time, with the determination of the sensitivity of the bacterial flora, with simultaneous application of some antifungal and immunomodulating preparations. Therefore, the best solution when choosing an antibiotic is pre-consultation with doctor-therapist or infectiologist who will advise you the most effective in your particular case a drug.

Do antibiotics help in ARVI?

If, within a few days after the onset of the development of SARS, you notice the appearance of painful lymph nodes and sore throat, gland on the glands, shooting in the ear, prolonged, persistent purulent runny nose, wheezing in the lungs, high temperatures (more than three days), the use of antibiotics in such cases is sufficient is justified.

In order for antibiotics to have the expected effect, first of all they must be properly selected: the spectrum of action, localization, dosage and duration of administration is determined.

To achieve positive dynamics, to cure the disease and not to harm the body, it is necessary to adhere strictly to the general rules for taking antibiotics:

  • the prescription of an antibiotic should be due to the presence or possibility of getting a bacterial infection;
  • when taking an antibiotic, its necessary constant concentration in the blood should be determined: if the doctor prescribed an antibiotic 5 times a day, it should be taken exactly 5 times, and you should not self-lower the dosage and change the treatment regimen, this will unbalance your and bacterial microflora;
  • do not stop taking antibiotics immediately after the first signs of relief, the course of admission should be brought to an end: not completed to the end of the course only weakens the strength of bacteria, and for complete recovery it is necessary that they fully were lost. Without destroying them completely, you run the risk of getting sick again soon, or getting a chronic form of the disease;
  • during the reception of antibiotics it is necessary to take measures to prevent dysbacteriosis, since these drugs can be destructive not only to the pathogenic microflora, but also to a healthy intestinal: against the background of antibiotic therapy it is recommended to take antifungal agents, as well as drugs that support the beneficial microflora in organism;
  • for the prevention of toxic effects of antibiotics, it is necessary to take a sufficient amount of liquid, including fermented milk products;
  • Eat plenty of vitamins, drink juices, whenever possible, visit the sun and fresh air.

When are prescribed antibiotics for ARVI?

There are cases of prescribing antibiotics in acute viral pathologies, and they are far from single. Of course, taking antibacterial drugs without need is not necessary, nevertheless, there are quite a lot of reasonable reasons for their appointment:

  • the presence of chronic, often exacerbated inflammation of the middle ear;
  • small children with signs of unfavorable development: lack of body weight, lack of calcium and vitamin D, weakening of immunity, anomalies of the functioning of the body;
  • presence of symptoms of chronic weakness of the body's defense system (frequent inflammatory processes, colds, unmotivated temperature rises, purulent processes, fungal infections, persistent digestive system disorders, malignant neoplasms, AIDS, congenital anomalies of immunity, autoimmune pathology).

Also, the use of antibiotics is effective and understandable for certain complications:

  • joining purulent infection (sinusitis, lesions of lymph nodes, abscesses, phlegmon, bacterial lesion of the throat and respiratory system);
  • simultaneous development of bacterial angina (purulent, with the presence of streptococcal or anaerobic infection);
  • formation of background ear inflammation;
  • joining the inflammatory process in the lungs of any etiology.

Often, antibiotics are prescribed to the weakened patient as a preventive measure in the fight against complications.

What antibiotics to drink in ARVI?

Antibiotics, which are usually prescribed for ARVI, are representatives of the following groups:

  • penicillin series - oxacillin, ampicillin sodium salt, ampiox - antibacterial drugs with a wide bacteriostatic and bactericidal action, are quickly absorbed, effectively act on pneumococcal, meningococcal, streptococcal infection;
  • cephalosporin series - cephaloridine, cephalexin, cefazolin, cefatrexil - low-toxic antibiotics, They act on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, they inhibit even penicillin-resistant strains;
  • tetracycline series - tetracycline hydrochloride, morphocycline, doxycycline - inhibit the synthesis of proteins in a microbial cell, active antibacterial drugs;
  • aminoglycosides - gentamicin, amikacin - popular antibiotics for severe infections;
  • macrolide antibiotics - erythromycin, azithromycin - inhibit the multiplication of bacteria;
  • other groups of antibiotics - lincomycin, rifampicin.

The choice of antibiotic is determined by the spectrum of its action, the degree of influence on the bacterial cell. Before taking medications, carefully read the instructions, or even better, consult a doctor.

Antibiotics for adults with ARVI

Antibiotics, as a rule, are not prescribed from the first days of the disease. Viral etiology of ARVI provides for the use of primarily antiviral drugs (rimantadine, zanamivir).

Antibiotic therapy in adults is used when the following signs are found:

  • long (more than three days) high body temperature;
  • symptoms of general intoxication of the body (headache, dizziness, nausea, cyanosis);
  • wheezing, difficulty breathing, inability to cough up the contents of the bronchi, heaviness behind the sternum;
  • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR);
  • increased number of leukocytes in the blood;
  • the appearance of visible foci of microbial damage (phlegmon, abscess, furuncle, purulent sinusitis);
  • absence of positive dynamics of the disease (despite treatment, pathological symptoms progress);
  • old age and a weakened immune system of the body.

Prescribe antibiotics for ARVI in adults also with a mixed and complicated form of the disease.

Antibiotics for children with ARVI

Many parents when the child has ARVI hurry to give him any antibiotic, sometimes without any reason. With antibiotic therapy, you should not rush, especially when it comes to children.

Here are some principles that prescribe antibiotics for ARVI in children:

  • antibiotics are used only in the presence of a high probability or with the proven bacterial etiology of the pathological condition;
  • In determining the antibiotic for treatment, the most likely pathogens of the infectious disease are considered, and the possibility of holding a child with antibacterial therapy for any other disease in the last time;
  • the choice of a therapeutic effect on the child prescribes the administration of drugs with a low level of toxicity;
  • many antibacterial drugs have their age-limiting limitations;
  • dosing of antibiotics for children is usually done taking into account the total body weight of the child.

Uncomplicated forms of acute respiratory viral infection usually do not require the use of antibiotics. They are prescribed with concomitant inflammation of the maxillary sinuses of the nose, tonsillitis, otitis, signs of pneumonia.

Antibiotics for ARVI and influenza

The flu is, in fact, the same viral infection, characterized, in contrast to ARVI, by a sharper onset and the possibility of developing more serious complications.

We return to the question, do antibiotics for ARVI and influenza equally need?

The causative agent of the flu is also a virus, so the unmotivated prescription of antibiotic therapy for influenza is not welcome. First, this additional toxic effect on the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and secondly, the possible formation of resistance of the bacterial flora to the antibiotic.

Antibiotic therapy should be combined with symptomatic and antiviral therapy only in cases of prolonged incessant fever, chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, kidneys, cardiovascular system, diabetes mellitus, decreased immune protection. Antibiotics can be prescribed to prevent the existing danger of developing a secondary bacterial infection.

You should start taking antibiotics only according to the doctor's prescription, you should not take them alone and unreasonably.

List of antibiotics for ARVI

One of the most effective antibacterial drugs for SARS are the following:

  • cephalosporin series includes cefexin, chainin, apsetil - semi-synthetic drugs with a wide range of effects. Three generations of these drugs are known. Bacteriostatic action allows the use of these antibiotics for any infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Adults can take medication in a daily dose of 400 mg, divided into two doses. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks;
  • fluoroquinolone series is represented by moxifloxacin and levofloxacin, characterized by rapid absorption and good bactericidal action. Adults are prescribed po, ​​g per day. Not recommended for use in children's practice;
  • macrolide series is represented by erythromycin, azithromycin, used for sinusitis, angina, otitis media, pneumonia. Admission of these drugs during pregnancy is acceptable. Take 5-6 times a day for, 5 g;
  • penicillin series consists of antibiotics-derivatives of penicillin: ampicillin, amoxicillin, oxacillin. Can be used in pediatrics, since they have a low degree of toxicity. The daily dose is from two to three grams, taken for 4 times.

The course of antibiotic therapy is 1-2 weeks, but not less than five and not more than 14 days.

If one antibiotic is ineffective, it should be replaced in the near future with another, with a stronger degree of activity towards bacteria.

When developing an allergic reaction to an antibiotic, you should visit a doctor to replace the drug with a remedy from another group.

The best antibiotic for ARVI

Unfortunately, one can not say for sure what should be the best antibiotic in ARVI. Selection of an antibiotic is carried out individually, taking into account the degree of infectious damage, the age and condition of the patient, the sensitivity of the bacterial flora and allergological anamnesis of the patient. If there was one best antibiotic, there would be no sense in all other antibacterial agents.

However, antibiotics are divided into ordinary (penicillin, tetracycline, levomycetin, erythromycin) and stronger (ceftriaxone, junidox, sumamed, rulid, etc.) according to the degree of exposure to the microbial cell.

When treating infectious diseases of mixed etiology, one should choose not just strong antibacterial means, and antibiotics, showing activity against the widest range of possible pathogens. Sometimes, to achieve the maximum latitude of exposure, it is possible to designate combinations of drugs with different antibacterial spectrum.

It's no secret that new generation drugs have a much higher degree of activity and have fewer side effects than antibiotics, for example, thirty years ago. Such drugs are clarithromycin (klabaks, along with the effect on bacteria contributes to the improvement immunity), as well as sumamed (aka azithromycin, possesses the property of a stable effect on bacterial strains).

Drugs can be taken either orally, as an injection or as a spray.

Many people with the slightest signs of any disease themselves prescribe antibiotics. This is wrong, since unreasonable and unskilled use of antibiotics provokes rapid growth and mutation of bacterial cells, which significantly reduces the effect of antibacterial means.

Antibiotics for ARVI should not be taken uncontrollably yet because these drugs are effective not only for specific bacteria, but also for the whole organism.


What drugs are you treated for ARVI?


Marina Khudyakova

I always have a tincture of garlic on alcohol in the refrigerator. Only I feel that I have caught a cold-30 drops 3 times a day, as my hand removes.

Andrei Berlin

tincture of echinacea is one of the best immunostimulants.
No problems with the use of such immunostimulants at the same time as antipyretic drugs, antibiotics or sulfonamides - medicine has not revealed.
Only if the immunostimulant does not help, I go to the doctor. I avoid using synthetic medicines, the tincture of Echinacea is an extract from flowers like chamomile growing in the mountains of Central America (and not only). There are two types of echinacea - echinacea purpurea and echinacea augustifolia - the latter helps me more, but for some reason it is not sold in Russia.
With the right reception of such a tincture at the risk of a cold or with the appearance of the first signs - it all ends in 72 hours, although you start to feel healthy much earlier.
Aspirin, etc. - only soften the symptoms of the disease, and immunostimulants really help the body with it fight - the body itself knows better, with what it is necessary to fight with any infection, you just need to support it. in that.


Ascorbic acid + aspirin!

Rimma Bolodurina

I use effective and safe phytocomplexes they derive from salt cells toxins allergens increase immunity antiviral effect neutralizes free radicals. It's Detox (cat's claw) antioxidant Hromvital! The result is very satisfied!


First I struggle with folk remnants (I rinse my throat with sage, I drink a lot of tea with honey and lemon, I wash my nose with furatsilinom), but if I do not start taking Anti-Flue for 3 days.

Katerina Fetisova

ARVI is primarily a viral infection, so you need to take antiviral drugs, such as arbidol, anaferon. all the rest only weakens the symptoms, nothing more.

Lena Ivanova

I'm not being treated

Witch still that ...)))

In autumn and in the period of flu, you need more tea with lemon to drink and salads with garlic are. The chances of getting sick are significantly reduced

Anastasia Nabokina

And I have a very tasty and sweet remedy, especially the kids love, the effect is stunning, 2-3 days and as a cucumber.)))
O-DE-WIT - 5 days, [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]
TENTORIUM-PLUS - 5 days. [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]
TENTORIUM cream - before applying the cream, massage the skin, warm it up. [link is blocked by the decision of the project administration]
CANDLE WAX - burn in the room where the patient is.
FOR PROPHYLAXIS OF BREAST AND INFLUENZA: before going out to the street, lubricate the nasal mucosa and swallow 1/3 spoonfully of HPI-VI. Cream TENTORIUM - lubricate the maxillary sinuses. It is good to take Hlebina, apitoc - up to 1 hour. spoons 2 r. a day 30 minutes before meals under the tongue until completely dissolved. To nursing children - to grease a pacifier. If you are frozen or wet your feet - heat the wax and put your feet in it.

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