What if the baby has a barking cough?

What is barking cough and what to treat it

Quite often, both adults and children get sick. A common symptom is the presence of a cough. It can be dry, barking or wet. What is barking coughing? What if he appeared?

If a person can not clear his throat, it is difficult for him to breathe, hoarseness appears, which means that a barking cough has appeared. Also, the cough can be dry and may develop seizures.If the child is not 3 years old, then this disease is quite dangerous, as the pathological process develops. The occurrence of this type of cough suggests that in the body can occur such diseases as whooping cough, false cereal, diphtheria. Therefore, do not delay, you need to call a doctor.

For what reason the dry cough does not clear, you can learn from this article.

If bacteria or viruses enter the respiratory tract, inflammation and severe swelling of the receptors. Barking cough irritates the mucous membrane, vocal cords, depletes the patient's body.Therefore, to postpone the beginning of treatment is not necessary. You need to start taking medications that can get the sputum removed. The reasons for the appearance of such a disease, as a cough, can be many.

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Causes of appearance

  1. Viral infections - ARVI, influenza, reovirus, rhinovirus. Most often, these diseases are accompanied by an increase in temperature, and it can rise to 40 or higher. There is a malaise, weakness, barking cough begins to appear and put pressure on the mucous membrane. As a result of a viral infection, a child usually hurts for several days, then improvements begin.
  2. Inflammation of the respiratory system - tracheitis, pharyngitis. As a result of these diseases cough appears usually immediately in the early days, everything will depend on how the disease will proceed. As with viral infections, you just need to wait a few days, and the disease will decline.
  3. False groats, laryngitis, tracheitis- the most common diseases. Very hard to bear by infants and young children. And this is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the respiratory system. The edema that occurs as a result can block the access of oxygen, as a result the child suffocates. Laryngotracheitis may appear due to adenovirus, parainfluenza. If the baby has hoarseness, barking cough, hoarseness, wheezing.
  4. Diphtheria and whooping cough- these types of diseases are now rare, and if they arise, they can be mistaken for an ordinary cold. Dry barking cough is almost not treatable by those usual methods that help in other cases. On tonsils there is a touch of dirty color.
  5. Allergy- a cough that is not accompanied by other symptoms, usually is a sign of asthma or bronchitis.
  6. Foreign body- children often swallow various small items that lead to coughing.

What causes cough without cold can be indicated in this article.

The video tells about how to treat dry barking cough:

The causes of appearance in adults

The most common cause, both in children and adults, is ARI.But it is worth noting that barking cough in adults appears much less often than in children.After all, the airways of an adult have wide passages. So, what are the causes of barking cough?

  • acute laryngitis;
  • paracottus;
  • diphtheria;
  • swelling in the larynx;
  • diphtheria;
  • allergic processes.

Treatment with drugs

You should know that if the doctor recommends going to the hospital, then this should be done, especially when it comes to the child. Depending on what the reasons were, treatment is prescribed. The following drugs are prescribed for treatment:

  • mucolytics;
  • drugs that help expectoration;
  • antitussives;
  • antihistamines.

If the cause of the cough is pharyngitis, then drugs are prescribed that will reduce the sensitivity of the larynx and have an antibacterial effect.

In the afternoon it is recommended to drink Decatalene, Vokar, and also use Ingalipt or similar preparations. At night it is better to drink Mukaltin or Sinekod. It is advisable to do inhalations with herbs.

How does a tracheal cough in a child look like in the article.

With tracheitis and bronchitis in the first 3 days you need to drink mucolytic drugs. They can be ATSTS, Bronholitin, Bromheksin. After 3 days you need to start expectorants like Gedelix, Dr. MOM. As soon as the sputum begins to recede, the medication should be stopped.

In whooping cough, rhinitis, sinusitis is effective such a drug as Erespal. It helps to relieve the symptoms of the disease.It should be noted that Erespal is the means that can not harm neither a pregnant woman, nor a child. Therefore, you can take it without fear. The drug syrup helps to cleanse the respiratory tract well.

If the allergy has caused a cough, then you need to take antihistamines. Of course, attention should be paid to the method of application. For a certain age, there are dosages. To antihistamine drugs include Zertek, Suprastin, Cetrin.

From this article you can learn how to treat acute bronchitis.

The video tells about the treatment of barking cough:

For what reason there is a runny nose and sore throat without temperature, is indicated in this article.

For what reason there is a runny nose without temperature in the child, is indicated here.

Than to treat a dry cough at the adult and what medicines to apply, it is possible to learn or find out here: http://prolor.ru/g/lechenie/lekarstva-ot-suxogo-kashlya-vzroslym.html

Treatment with folk remedies

  1. Inhalation- a long-known tool in the fight against colds, rough cough and runny nose. After the procedure, breathing is facilitated by removing excess fluid. If inhalation is necessary for children, then all conditions must be observed to prevent burns. Steam inhalation is the most common form. Now in the pharmacies are selling special respirators, which will help to keep the baby's skin in order, not allowing burns. In no case is it necessary to force a child to do the procedure, it is better to agree. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. If the child is very small, then you can put boiling water near the bed, and watch the baby until the water cools. Do not leave the child alone.
  2. Carrots are the simplest means for treating a barking cough.Carrots of medium size need to be washed, cleaned and rubbed on the smallest grater. The mixture should be mixed with hot milk, leave for 20 minutes. Infusion should be given to the child before bedtime. Do not strain. Remember that carrots are an allergen. Therefore, children with allergies should not give this infusion.
  3. Egg-based medicine. 1 cup of milk should be boiled, add 1 tbsp. l. butter and honey. After thoroughly mixing the mixture, add just a little soda and yolk, which must first be beaten. Note that the yolk needs to be added after removing the pot from the stove. The medicine should cool down, after that it can be taken 5 times a day for 1 tablespoon.Honey is an allergen. Therefore, do not give egg medicine to allergy sufferers.
  4. Onion solution- a safe tool for both children and adults. It is necessary to boil 1 liter of water and add 1 glass of sugar. Then you need to add 2 large bulbs with a peel. After reducing the heat, it takes about an hour to boil the solution. Then the onion should be removed or filtered infusion, now you can take it 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.
  5. Onions plus garlic. The head of garlic and 2 onions should be poured with half a liter of milk. It is recommended to cook for 15 minutes. Now all that is in the pan, you need to grind, you can use a blender. 2 tablespoons should be added to the resulting puree. 1 teaspoonful 3 times a day will help to remove the symptoms of cough.
  6. Radish and sugar. Radish needs to be cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then, falling asleep very abundantly with sugar, you need to put in the oven and bake. The baking lasts for several hours. Then the liquid that forms as a result must be drained and taken for treatment.
  7. Plantain- syrup from these leaves will help in fighting barking cough. If the disease is delayed, then this remedy is the best for you. Collecting the leaves of plantain, you need to squeeze out the juice. ½ hours l. juice should be mixed with 2 tbsp. l. honey and pour half a glass of warm water. Take infusion should be 3 times a tablespoon until the cough does not go away.
  8. Pine shoots. They must be crushed and take 1 hour. l. Pouring it into a saucepan, you need to pour a glass of water and put it on the fire. Heat for 15 minutes, but do not allow boiling. After cooling the solution, it must be taken inside. Children need to drink a fourth of the glass 2 times a day. And adults can take a whole glass.
  9. Herbs. Taking for 1 h. l. thyme, inflorescences of lime and chamomile flowers, mix them. Bay for 15 minutes with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. After the solution has cooled, add 1 spoonful of linden honey. Take a half ½ cup 3 times before the cough disappears completely.
  10. Elderberry flowers. Narva 25 grams of elderberry leaves, pour them 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the drug for 2 days. After the infusion, drain the water and separate the stems from the flowers. Next, you need to add 2 kg of sugar, you get a gruel. It needs to be heated, but it does not need to boil. Adding 4 hours. l. gently stir the mixture. Now you can pour the medicine over the jars. Keep the banks upside down. Take the drug by adding 2 hours. l. in tea, water. Gradually you will see the result: the phlegm will recede, the cough will go away.

How to cure a cough due to mucus in the nasopharynx is indicated in this article.

If there is temperature and hoarse voice

Cough may occur along with fever. Usually such processes occur after complications of acute respiratory viral infection and influenza.If taking mucolytics, expectorants does not give the desired results, then you need to start taking antibiotics. Even if there was a slight increase in temperature, then compresses, mustard plasters and heatings can not be done. Although they are very effective for treating cough in the absence of temperature. Applying compresses, you can only hurt the adult, and especially the child. Depending on what caused the temperature increase, and treatment is prescribed. In any case, only the doctor will be able to determine with precision the reason.

How does dry paroxysmal cough sound in a child, you can see in this article.

Barking cough for a child is quite a serious disease. Therefore, it is necessary at the first appearance to consult a specialist to prevent the hoarseness of suffocation.


A dry barking cough appeared in the child

To be ill is always bad, especially hard when a child is sick. A barking cough in a child is an unpleasant symptom, as it can indicate severe illnesses that need to be treated urgently to avoid complications.

Cough itself is a protective reaction of the body. Thus, the body tries to get rid of either the foreign body, or from sputum, or "cough up" the infection. Probably, it is difficult to meet a child who at least once in his life has not experienced what cough is.

Most of all doctors and mums are frightened by dry barking cough at the child. It takes urgent measures to soak it, and the patient was able to expect sputum, which accumulates in the bronchi.

Barking cough in children

As a rule, barking with a cough is especially pronounced at night and in the morning. Why exactly "barking"? So it is called because remotely such a strong dry cough is similar to barking a dog.

Such a cough is very dangerous because the sputum does not expectorate, and the seizures are repeated again and again, exhausting the child.

In addition to dry cough, often other children manifest other symptoms of the disease. As a rule, they include: sore throat, laryngeal edema, headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, runny nose, hoarse voice.

Diseases that cause dry barking cough in children

It must be remembered that such a cough is just a symptom. It is necessary to understand what diseases it causes. There are a lot of options:

  • ARVI, influenza viruses, parainfluenza, rhino-syncytial infection;
  • a tumor that squeezes the larynx;
  • allergic edema of the larynx;
  • cystic lesions in the larynx;
  • foreign body;
  • congenital malformations.

All these diseases can cause such a cough.

If it is a foreign body in the larynx, it must necessarily be taken as soon as possible. For this, it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist who has special tools for extraction.

In the case when cough causes an allergic edema of the larynx, immediately it is necessary to eliminate the allergen and drink an antiallergic drug. If the condition of the larynx worsens, you must always take the child to a doctor. As a rule, such allergic reactions do not occur in very young children, most often such allergies are subject to schoolchildren.

One of the most dangerous and unpleasant children's respiratory diseases, which causes dry barking cough, is laryngitis. It is characterized by an inflammatory process not only in the larynx, but also in the subglottic space of the vocal cords, all this leads to a decrease in the laryngeal lumen. If the disease is not diagnosed on time, then further the condition is only aggravated: the mucous membrane swells, sputum forms, the laryngeal lumen is still decreasing, which can lead to suffocation attacks.

The child has a syndrome of false croup. It is characterized by a strong barking cough, shortness of breath, voice hoarseness. If a false cereal occurs, you will certainly need the help of a qualified specialist who can prescribe the right treatment.

A strong barking cough can still characterize such a serious illness as whooping cough and parakoklush. This is a very contagious disease, which is primarily manifested by such attacks of coughing and choking. In the case of whooping cough, the child immediately needs help from a doctor. Taking into account that pertussis vaccination is now being carried out, the number of cases has significantly decreased. However, the vaccination does not guarantee that the child will not get sick. Simply grafted children endure the disease more easily. If the child is not vaccinated, this disease is especially dangerous in the first three years of life. That's why parents should immediately consult a doctor if the child has a dry barking cough.

In fact, such a cough is most dangerous because of its complications. In case of untimely treatment, a child may develop asthma. And asthma is a very serious disease that can not be cured. That is why it is so important to respond to symptoms in time.

Basic principles of treatment

When the mother notices a dry barking cough in the child, it is imperative to start treatment. What to do?

There are basic principles of treatment that help to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom.

First of all, the child needs to create comfortable conditions. It is desirable that the baby is more in bed. The room where it is located must necessarily be ventilated several times a day. It is also desirable to have an air humidifier, it will significantly ease the breathing of the baby.

The child must drink a lot of fluids. The first three days must be given medications that dilute the phlegm. Three days later, you need to start giving your baby expectorant funds.

Very good for inhalation, which can be carried out at home. It is also necessary to give the child a decoction of herbs. Especially good are the liquefaction and expectoration of the leaves of sage, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile. Necessarily need teas with jam, so that the body receives the necessary dose of vitamin C.

If we talk about drug treatment, then it should appoint only an experienced doctor. Especially when it comes to antibacterial drugs, called antibiotics.

If a dry barking cough appears in a nursing baby, then it is not always an occasion for panic. Very often this cough signals that dust and small crumbs get into the larynx, which the baby inhales. In this case, you should not worry. However, if such a cough does not pass, then it is possible that the baby swallowed a small foreign object that must be urgently removed.


Traditional methods of treatment

Any cough causes discomfort, especially bouts of dry barking. Moreover, if the child has a dry barking cough, then this is a signal that the baby is sick, and perhaps more difficult than it seems at first glance.

In any case, dry barking cough is not an independent disease, but a symptom, and if the treatment is started on time, the risks of complications will be minimized.

If we talk about treatment, then it should appoint only a qualified doctor. Self-medication can lead to harmful effects, so do not risk your own child's health.

Parents can only help the child cope with the disease. To do this, you can carry out inhalations at home, brew broths of herbs that soften the cough, soak up phlegm and contribute to its expectoration. It is necessary to brew kalina, raspberries, blueberries - they are rich in vitamin C, which is extremely necessary for the body to overcome the disease. A sick child needs to ensure the influx of fresh air into the room, for this it needs to be ventilated two to three times a day. It is advisable to include an air humidifier, and if it is not, you can simply place the pots with water around the house, or hang a wet sheet on the door. These manipulations will sufficiently moisten the air in the room.

Drug treatment should include a thinning agent that must turn a dry cough in the wet, and then you need to use expectorants that will help get rid of phlegm.

Dry cough is very dangerous, especially when it comes to very young children. They develop a disease with catastrophic speed: today cough - tomorrow obstruction of the lung. Therefore, it is so important for parents to react in time to symptoms in children. Timely treatment started will help to avoid complications.


Do not run dry barking cough and stay healthy!


Barking cough

A dry sharp cough resembling barking is often associated with laryngotracheitis (croup). This is the name for the swelling around the larynx, which can lead to blockage of the airways. In such cases, young children are particularly vulnerable, when a barking cough easily blocks the respiratory tract, which are small in size in small children. At the first symptoms of this cough, both children and adults should seek qualified medical care.

Causes of barking cough

The cause of barking or paroxysmal coughing is very much, but more often it occurs with inflammation of the respiratory tract. Viral infections can be with or without a temperature, but a sore throat and dry or wet cough is always present. Inflammation of the respiratory tract can be observed in adults and children, if the right time to give the right treatment, then relief comes on 3-4 days. Laryngitis, as a rule, is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • painful swallowing;
  • Perspiration, dryness in the throat;
  • decreased appetite;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • hoarseness of voice.

A false croup or laryngitis causes a child under three years of constant cough, and even a slight swelling of the larynx can completely shut off the baby's oxygen, which will lead to suffocation. Croup in children of school age and adults is not so terrible, and 90% of people suffer the disease without complications and even without temperature. Coughing bark can cause asthma or allergic bronchitis. In this case, there are side effects in the form of redness of the skin, itching, runny nose. Allergic coughing with barking in the usual ways is not treated, so each patient needs individual therapy.

How to calm a cough

A strong cough, like barking, which does not cough at night or day, is a very painful condition. If the cough reflex is moist and accompanied by phlegm, it performs a useful cleansing function for the body. But if a small or adult person is haunted by a barking and dry cough, you need to know what to treat it to help the body to cope with the disease more quickly.

With a severe coughing attack, a doctor can prescribe serious medications containing codeine (a narcotic substance), instantly blocking the cough center in the brain. A constant attack of coughing barking at the child can be tried to clean with the help of folk remedies. What to give the kids from year to year will be decided by the doctor after finding out the cause of the disease.

Antitussive drugs

The principle of treatment is to translate dry barking coughing into a moist one. The process of recovery will come when sputum will be removed from the lungs, and with it the body will leave the particles of infection. Doctors at the very beginning of treatment prescribe to adults and small patients therapeutic medications (syrup) of expectorant action that promote the expansion of the bronchi. These include:

  • "Glycodine". For children under one year and adults. It contains active substance dextromethorphan, with which in the cough center the threshold is raised sensitivity, blocked channels, so the drug almost immediately promotes complete oppression Problems.
  • "Gederin". For adults and children from 1 year. Heals the disease with an extract of ivy, which gently affects the larynx, removing irritation, contributing to expectoration. The drug quickly removes pathogens from the body.
  • "Prospan". The drug, which is shown to infants and toddlers for a year. Refers to a group of herbal medicines based on ivy leaves. The main active agent has antitussive, antispasmodic, antimicrobial effect.

People's means

Treatment of inflamed respiratory tract with folk remedies implies abundant drinking and inhalation. In addition, in the room the patient must constantly increase the level of humidity, regularly ventilate the room, make warm baths for the hands and feet. Effective folk remedies:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers or chamomile, brew in 2 liters of boiled water, wrap the container and let it brew for 10 minutes. Then inhale for 15 minutes daily until complete recovery. Also for these purposes, such herbs as St. John's wort, sage, plantain are perfect.
  2. Grind a glass of hazelnut, add a glass of liquid honey, stir until smooth. Apply on a teaspoon with each fit of cough, washing down the mixture with warm milk.
  3. Finely chop 10 bulbs and one head of garlic. Boil until soft in a liter of milk. Add 20 grams of honey to the mixture. Use 1 tbsp. l. during the day every hour. The effect will be immediate - the inflammation of the larynx will decrease, the cough will weaken.

Treatment of an allergic cough

Any remedy for dry cough caused by an allergic reaction is designed to inhibit the cough reflex, reducing susceptibility to the allergen. People who are susceptible to this disease start taking medicine for colds, but this only aggravates the situation. Quickly remove allergic manifestations you need:

  • antiallergic drugs: "Nozaneks "Kromaglin
  • antihistamines: Suprastin, Ascoril;
  • anti-edematous drugs: "Otrivin "Nazivin
  • stabilizers of membranes of mast cells: Zaditen, Ketotifen;
  • glucocorticoids: "Beklazone "Fliksonase".

Video: Komarovsky about barking cough in a child

A strong coughing barking in a child is associated with various diseases, so it is better not to make a diagnosis on your own, but to address the first symptoms of an inflamed respiratory tract to a pediatrician. If the doctor can not be called promptly for some reason, it is necessary to relieve the condition by steam inhalations with herbs, soda, sunflower oil and use a lot of warm drink. More about the cough will be told in the video by the famous doctor Komarovsky, who knows everything about childhood illnesses:


How and what to treat barking cough in a child

Barking cough in a child can take a different form: dry, wet, paroxysmal. The meaning of therapy is to convert it into productive. This can be done not with the help of medicines, but by changing the parameters of the air that a small patient inhales. It is very important to determine the cause of barking cough and eliminate it in time. Some diseases, for which such a cough is characteristic, can carry a danger to life.

What drugs for dry coughing adults are most often prescribed, this article.


As a rule, it strikes barking cough of children at any age. If coughing attacks do not provoke shortness of breath, these are signs of a laryngeal edema.At the child it is narrow, and when it is affected by the inflammatory process, it is still decreasing in size.Inflammation in ARVI affects not only the larynx, but also the vocal cords. This is what causes the hoarse voice during barking cough.
There is a cough of this nature in the following pathologies:

  • pertussis and paracottus;
  • true croup;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • congenital diseases;
  • the presence of a foreign body in the larynx.

Than to treat a dry cough in a child and what syrup is best to apply. is specified in this article.

Therapeutic events

Treatment of barking cough in small patients should be of a complex nature. This is the only way to eliminate seizures and improve the patient's well-being. The question arises, what to treat and what to do.


This treatment option may involve the use of steam inhalations and with the help of a nebulizer. If you decide to apply hot steam, then carry out such manipulation is permitted in the case when the cause of barking cough - bronchitis or laryngitis. Steam inhalations can eliminate the laryngeal edema, moisten the mucous membrane, activate the process of sputum production, reduce coughing attacks. To perform the treatment you must use decoctions of medicinal herbs.
When there are symptoms of shortness of breath, then apply hot steam is strictly prohibited. It can cause the larynx to swell and block the narrow passage.

You can use a nebulizer for inhalation. The presented device is considered the best tool for barking a dry cough. Using a nebulizer, the drug that penetrates the respiratory tract is sprayed.

How a cough is manifested in teething in children, is indicated in this article.

Replace the drugs can be mineral water for inhalation. If such a device is not available, then it is worthwhile to put the baby together with an ultrasonic humidifier. The result of such treatment is the maximum moisture saturation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.

Reception of medicines

To alleviate the condition of the child can help antihistamines, which are sold in the pharmacy in large quantities. The most popular and effective are:

  • Suprastin;
  • Clemastine;
  • Zirtek;
  • Citrine;
  • Kestin.

When treatment of barking cough occurs in a baby under 3 years old, it is necessary to purchase antihistamines in the form of a syrup.

How to treat a wheezing cough in a child, you can learn from this article.

It is very important to take expectorant and antitussive medicines. For these purposes, the doctor can write:

  • Lazolvan;
  • Ambrogen;
  • Alteika;
  • Doctor Mom;
  • Herbion.

When a rough barking cough appeared due to acute laryngotracheitis, it is necessary to convert a dry cough to wet. So it will be possible to remove bacteria from the body. For these purposes, you will need to take expectorants. But they can not be used for a long time, otherwise they can provoke a cough. You can use chest massage and light rubbing the child's back.

How is asthmatic cough treated, you can find out by reading the article.

If the baby has a fever coughing against the background of barking cough, then it is worth giving him an antipyretic drug in dosage, taking into account his age.

Emergency help to stop the attack

If your child has a strong attack of barking cough, he suffocates, then you should immediately call the ambulance, and before her arrival do not waste time, but act:

  1. Calm the kid. Such attacks cause his feelings of fear and panic. As a result, he may have a spasm of the larynx or even a great lack of air.
  2. Ensure the child peace. He should move as little as possible. To facilitate breathing, use vasoconstrictive drops. Such actions make it possible to make nasal breathing free.
  3. To bring down the heat. This must be done, otherwise a high temperature will help the mucus to dry out in the larynx.
  4. Fill the room with fresh air. Then it will be easier for the baby to breathe. When seizures are very important, that the room was wet and cool air.
  5. Execute inhalation. If you do not have a nebulizer, then you can resort to such a simple way how to carry the baby to a bath filled with water.
  6. Drink plenty of fluids, which will facilitate breathing and dilute mucus.
  7. Do not give the baby expectorant medication. Their action is aimed at excretion of phlegm, and since the larynx is narrowed, it will be impossible to do this.

When very much tortured cough what to do, help to solve the problem information from the article.

On the video - on the causes of a strong barking cough in a child:

Features of treatment of children of different ages

Taking into account the age of the child, the treatment of barking nature is somewhat different. For this reason, independent therapy is unacceptable. Only the doctor can make effective and correct treatment.

Up to 1 year

General cough therapy during a cold or bronchitis of children under 1 year is aimed at providing positive conditions for the child. Very often provoke cough from such crumbs can various stimuli: strong noise, bright light.

Baby food must contain a large number of fruits and vegetables. But watch out that it was also quite high in calories. During the cough, the toddler should take as much fluid as possible. Then it will be possible to prevent dehydration if there is a temperature, and also to stimulate sputum discharge from the bronchi.

From this article it becomes clear what can cure a cough during pregnancy.

At this age the child needs to use alkaline mineral water, for example Borjomi. Its unique properties make it possible to restore the water-salt balance of the body. The presence of an alkaline component contributes to the dilution of sputum and stimulation of its excretion.

For children 1-3 years old

For children of such 1, 2 and 3 years is also very important presence of a quiet and comfortable environment. Try to protect your child from stressful situations. If the doctor allows, then you can use mustard plaster, foot baths. Such measures have a favorable effect on the process of recovery of a one-year-old child.

The room in which the baby sleeps must be filled with fresh air. In addition, every day should be wet cleaning. The food is allowed to use any food, except for pepper and salted, otherwise it can be irritated by the mucous larynx. Watch the temperature of the dishes, it should not be too low or high.

What causes can be a night cough in an adult is indicated in this article.

Drink enough to drink. You can take warm boiled water and compote of dried fruits.Do not give the baby allergenic drinks - honey with milk, herbal teas.During a cold, they give a beneficial effect, but with laryngitis, they should not be used.

Very useful in barking coughing inhalation with the help of a nebulizer. This device is absolutely simple in operation and safe for the health of the baby.

After 3 years

Treatment barking cough in children after 3 years should include activities that prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form. It should appoint a doctor who, after the necessary examination, will be able to prescribe to the child the necessary medicines and procedures.

If barking cough occurred with pharyngitis, then the child can take the following antibacterial drugs:

  • Inhaliptus;
  • Vokar;
  • Decaturene.

With this therapy, it is possible to remove irritation and reduce the sensitivity of the larynx. Before you go to a night's rest, it is worth giving the child prescribed antidepressant drugs. It is not bad to perform inhalation with the use of medicinal herbs.

How to treat a runny nose in a child who is 2 years old, you can learn from this article.

When treatment of a barking cough with bronchitis is performed, such drugs as Lazolvan, Broncholitin. Their reception is conducted no more than 3 h days, and then in treatment include expectorant medicines.

With allergies, it is advisable to prescribe antihistamines. In this case, the doctor takes into account the age of the patient and his individual characteristics.

During the treatment of whooping cough, the doctor prescribes a complex of antibiotics, antibacterial and antitussive drugs. If there is such a need, then antihistamines can be added. When combining barking cough and high fever, it is necessary to use antipyretic drugs.

What to do when the baby has a cough and runny nose, but no temperature, this article will tell.

Features of treatment if there are additional symptoms

Treatment barking cough complicates, when in combination with the child affects the temperature and hoarse voice.

High temperatures

With this development of events, you should immediately call an ambulance. Such a cough with fever carries a great danger, because a fever is a sign that the body can not cope with the disease on its own.

Before the arrival of the ambulance, you can give the child an antipyretic preparation and provide him with an abundant drink. Keep an eye on the temperature in the room and the clothes that are on the baby. It should be free and not hot. The room in which your child sleeps, ventilate. Such conditions allow him to feel lighter.

The hushed voice

Often such a symptom when barking coughing occurs due to acute laryngitis. Then it is worthwhile to involve in therapy sprays Bioparox and Cameton. They have a softening effect and help to alleviate the already damaged mucosa.

If the child is an ospus, it is absolutely inadvisable to rinse the throat. Here it is required to observe voice peace, that is, to talk less. Do not use spicy, sour and burning food.

If the hoarseness of the voice affects the newborn, then treatment requires special attention. If hoarseness goes into a chronic form, then it will not be possible to eliminate it.

Opinion of Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky is of the opinion that when barking cough after finding the cause of its development, you can use certain drugs. Cough in children should not be suppressed with the help of medication, it should be eased. If cough is not cured, then it helps to accumulate a lot of mucus in the lungs. As a result, this will lead to serious complications.

In the video, Dr. Komarovsky talks about how to treat a barking cough in a child:

Barking cough can serve as a symptom of various diseases and accompanied by high fever, hoarse voice. Prescribe therapeutic measures is necessary only after careful diagnosis and on the basis of the diagnosis.


Barking cough in a child

Most of the concerns of young mothers are associated with the two most common health problems of children: a digestive disorder and a cough. In this article, we will dwell in detail on the second of these, or rather, consider one of the types of cough - dry barking cough in a child.

The nature of dry and wet cough is different, therefore, the therapy of different types of cough is not the same. In this article, we will talk about how to treat barking cough, whether it is possible to do inhalation with barking cough and how effective it is, tell you about the methods first aid with barking cough, the causes of coughing attacks and other important details that will help you quickly cope with this unpleasant phenomenon.

Barking cough in a child: causes

Coughing is a reflex protective reaction of the body to irritants, potentially dangerous for the normal operation of the respiratory system. With the help of a cough, the airways are cleaned of foreign objects and objects that interfere with the normal passage of air through them.

But the peculiarity of dry cough is that sputum irritating the walls of the respiratory tract does not come out, but because of the constant coughing of the tissue of the trachea, the throat and the lungs break, because of a long barking cough, the vocal cords may become inflamed, the child's voice becomes hoarse, or even worse disappears. That is why the main goal of treating dry cough is to turn it into a productive moist cough, in which pathogenic bacteria are excreted from the body together with mucus.

Parents should know that barking cough in a baby or an older child is very often a symptom of a false croup - a severe form of laryngitis. Most often, bouts of heavy barking cough are observed at night. The attack begins, as a rule, unexpectedly - just a peacefully sleeping baby suddenly starts to choke, convulsively coughs, frightens and cries. In this case, parents, first of all, should calm the baby, call a doctor and immediately give the baby first aid.

Medications and folk remedies for barking cough

Strong barking cough in a child can serve as a symptom not only of false, but also true croup (diphtheria), pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, allergies and other diseases of the respiratory system. To facilitate spasm of the bronchi and to remove the swelling of the respiratory tract, first of all, the baby should be provided with the most suitable atmosphere: warm and very moist air. If the air in your apartment is over-dried, and there is no way to quickly change the situation, you can organize a treatment zone in the bathroom - collect hot water in the bathroom, buckets, bowls, close the door and from time to time bring the crumbs to breathe ferry. Good results are provided by soda inhalation: 2 h. l. soda dilute in a liter of boiling water, pour into a large bowl and let the crumb breathe the resulting steam. If the child does not have lactose intolerance, you can give a drink of warm milk with the addition of soda - such a drink well relieves a fit of coughing.

Barking cough without fever is most often observed with allergies, laryngitis and bronchial asthma. Precisely determine the cause of cough and prescribe an adequate treatment can only a doctor, so do not give the child drugs on the advice of friends, neighbors or relatives - in the choice of medicines you can only trust the treating the doctor.

Among the most effective folk methods to combat dry cough, it is necessary to isolate the juice of black radish with sugar - this syrup should be given to the baby in small portions during the day. A good effect also have broths of dogrose, cowberry, cranberry and kalinovy ​​mors - all these drinks should be given to the child in warm, small portions, but often.

If your baby has a dry barking cough, do not leave him unattended at all - a fit of coughing begins unexpectedly and develops very quickly, in severe cases, suffocation can occur after only a few minutes. For the same reason, it is undesirable to allow a baby to sleep a lot - in a dream, the attack develops more rapidly.


Barking dry cough: basic symptomatology, peculiarities of leaking and treatment

As a rule, catarrhal diseases in most cases are accompanied by a cough, which can have a different character. Most unpleasant, even painful sensations, the patient brings barking dry cough. This term means a sharp cough without spitting. It carries such a name, because it resembles the sound of barking.

Causes of the disease

Most often, the appearance of a sharp dry cough is caused by the inflammatory processes in the larynx. Usually it develops against the background of laryngotracheitis, or croup, as it is still called in medicine. Laryngotracheitis is an inflammation and puffiness of the mucosa around the larynx. With severe swelling, the patient's breathing may deteriorate. Especially from barking cough the children suffer greatly, which is caused by the underdeveloped respiratory system.Moreover, its course becomes very dangerous not only for health, but for the life of the child, because it can cause blockage or blockage of the airways.The cause of development barking cough may be diphtheria or inflammation of the epiglottis. Also in medicine there are frequent cases when barking type of cough occurs in the usual cold.

The main symptomatology

Knowing the main symptoms of the disease, when it occurs, you can promptly help the patient and accelerate the process of recovery. In patients with a dry type of cough, the following symptoms are observed:

  • hoarseness of voice;
  • dyspnea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • suffocation;
  • a sore throat;
  • a sharp cough.
The slowness of the voice in a sick adult or child appears as a result of swelling of the vocal cords. For the same reason, wheezing and wheezing often occur. The face usually acquires a pale color. After a while, usually it occurs a day after the first signs of the disease, the temperature rises. It should be noted that barking cough develops rapidly rapidly, intensifying and delivering a lot of painful sensations. Suffocation occurs as a result of the accumulation of large amounts of sputum in the respiratory tract.

Concomitant symptoms are also often the appearance of lymph nodes, fever, runny nose, nausea and vomiting. In some cases, such signs of ailment as deterioration of appetite, diarrhea, bad breath, fatigue are observed.

Possible complications

A dry, violent cough can cause inflammatory processes in the body that are dangerous to human life. That's why experts recommend that if you find at least one of the characteristic symptoms for this disease, seek medical help. Only an accurate diagnosis will allow the doctor to take the necessary measures aimed at improving the patient's health.

In an adult or a child, serious and dangerous complications such as respiratory arrest, development of respiratory failure, and occlusion of the respiratory tract can occur in the course of the disease.

Features of the course of the disease in children

For a child, cough of this type is a much greater danger than for adults. This circumstance is caused by the narrowness of the airways in childhood. If there is swelling in the larynx, the mucous membrane becomes so swollen that it can close the flow of air into the lungs, which inevitably leads to suffocation.

Considering the fact that it is in the child's body that all inflammatory processes occur faster, hence - barking dry cough should be treated systematically and regularly, without missing medication or performing certain procedures.

The complexity of the disease in the child also lies in the fact that children, especially those under the age of one, are not able to cough themselves up on their own, because they can not yet have an active cough. This is the reason that infants often begin to choke with accumulated mucus.

The underdeveloped respiratory musculature of newborns is caused by the lack of the ability to exercise strong coughing thrusts, and, consequently, to clear throat normally.In this regard, the child often can vomit, because the mucus that accumulates in the nasopharynx, has an effect on the vomiting receptors. But at the same time this vomiting reflex is also a protection for the body, allowing you to remove the formed fluid and mucus.

Parents should be aware that the occurrence of dry cough in children in the morning, provided that it is not accompanied by other symptoms of the common cold, is not an indicator of pathology. After all, this process allows you to clean the upper respiratory tract of the baby.

Diseases accompanied by cough

Dry type of cough can occur not only with croup, but also is a sign of other diseases:

  1. Laryngitis- an infectious disease that accompanies a strong "barking" sound, issued by the patient. Children have subfebrile temperature and hoarseness.
  2. Whooping cough- a disease characterized by bouts of severe spasmodic cough with a subsequent whistle - a reprise.
  3. Measles- at the initial stage of the development of the disease, dry cough may occur and the temperature may rise.
  4. Laringotraheobronchitis- a very dangerous disease, for which characteristic is shortness of breath and coughing attacks, are caused by puffiness of the larynx and obstruction of the airways.
  5. Allergy- dry appearance of cough often occurs with allergic manifestations. The child may also experience lacrimation, runny nose or nasal congestion, sneezing.
  6. Tracheitis, pharyngitis- the main symptoms in these diseases is barking sound.

First aid

Hearing the dry type of cough in children, it is necessary to take measures to alleviate their condition even before the arrival of a doctor. Parents should adhere to such recommendations:

  • Ensure that the child is in an upright position;
  • fill the bathroom with steam and stay in it with the child;
  • do inhalation;
  • humidify the air;
  • give the child as much as possible a drink - milk with alkaline mineral water, tea with lemon, decoction of expectorant herbs;
  • at normal body temperature you can make warm foot baths.


Thinning drugs help to achieve sputum evasion

With dry barking cough, treatment should be directed at separating the sputum from a child. For this, it is necessary to give diluting and expectorant medications. Usually, doctors prescribe medications for mucolytic or mixed action, for example, Lazolvan or Ambrobene.

After 3 days from the date of treatment, expectorants should be prescribed.If the coughing episodes have disappeared and it has become wet, it is better to refuse the use of expectorants, the disease will pass itself. In another case, medicines will only provoke new seizures.

Effective inhalations with essential oils and anti-inflammatory herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus are also considered effective. Such procedures should be carried out at least 3 times a day, after which the child is recommended to give soothing medications at night, for example, mucaltin.

Adults should understand that barking dry cough is a serious enough process that can lead to many complications that are dangerous for the human body.


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