What are the tablets for Validol: instruction and feedback from people

Validol is a drug that most people remember when they feel pain in or near the heart.

This tool is indeed considered a cardiologic and is often included in complex therapies. Although the first time Validol tablets were created in the late nineteenth century, its active ingredient began to be applied much earlier.

On this page you will find all information about Validol: the full instruction on the application for this medicine medium, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogs of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already applied Validol. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The drug with reflex vasodilator action.

Conditions of leave from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Price list

How much is Validol? The average price in pharmacies is at the level of80 rubles.


Form of issue and composition

The drug is produced in such dosage forms:

  1. Tablets are the most widely used option. The composition of Validol in tablets includes 60 mg of Validol and auxiliary substances: sugar or powdered sugar, calcium stearate.
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  2. Drops - this liquid form is an alcohol solution, oily in appearance, with a strong menthol odor.
  3. Capsules - are made without the use of sugar, a gelatinous shell is used. Validol in capsules can be in a dosage of 50 ml or 100 ml of active ingredient.

Due to the availability and wide scope of application, it is necessary to pay attention to whether a particular sugar, since Validol with glucose indications for use are forbidden to use to treat people who are sick diabetes. For them, the best option in most cases will be capsules, although now some manufacturers have started the production of tablets Validol without sugar.

Pharmacological effect

Validol has a sedative effect, has a moderate reflex vasodilator action due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings.

Stimulates the production and release of enkephalins, endorphins and a number of other peptides, histamine, kinin (due to irritation receptors of the mucous membrane), which take an active part in the regulation of vascular permeability, the formation of painful sensations.

At sublingual admission, the therapeutic effect on average comes in 5 minutes, while up to 70% of the drug is released within 3 minutes.

Indications for use

Tablets Validol for resorption appoint to patients with the following conditions:

  1. Feeling of fear and excitement;
  2. Hysterical states, nervous overstrain;
  3. Headache;
  4. Pain in the heart of various genesis;
  5. Attacks of angina pectoris;
  6. Neurosis;
  7. Insomnia;
  8. Nausea due to motion sickness or seasickness;
  9. Nausea of ​​pregnant women in the first trimester with toxicosis.


Validol is prohibited for use in the following cases:

  • Acute myocardial infarction;
  • Severe arterial hypotension;
  • Hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug;
  • Children's age of up to two years (the action of menthol on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx can lead to a reflex stop of breathing in young children).

Validol with caution is prescribed to children over the age of two, since its effect for this age category is not fully understood.

Application in pregnancy and lactation

The question of whether pregnant and lactating women can take sedatives is to be considered individually in each individual case, with the understanding that even when a single dose of a minimal dose of a sedative is completely normal, its continued use can harm the fetus, the mother or the infant.

In this regard, the decision whether Validol can be given during pregnancy and breastfeeding should be left to the treating doctor for examination.

Instructions for use

In the instructions for use, it is indicated that the Validol tablets are taken sublingually (under the tongue) for the 1st pill 2-3r / day. Depending on the effectiveness of the treatment course, its duration is determined. If after taking the pill for 5-10min. not observed the proper therapeutic effect, it is desirable to use other means.

Drops take 3-6 drops. at one time. Validol is dripped on sugar, which is kept in the mouth until dissolved. According to the instructions of Validol, its daily dose should not be more than 9-24 drops, and the frequency of receptions - 3-4 / day. The dose may be increased if, for medical reasons, it is necessary.

The use of Validol in capsules is carried out according to the scheme of application of tablets.


Side effects

Due to the use of Validol sometimes there can be such reactions from the body:

  • mild nausea;
  • lacrimation;
  • dizziness.

If such symptoms occur, there is no need to carry out symptomatic treatment, because such phenomena pass on their own.


In case of overdose:

  • dysfunction of the heart;
  • lowering of blood pressure;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • nausea;
  • excitation;
  • oppression of the central nervous system;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (rashes, edema).

In case of an overdose, it is necessary to cancel the drug, to carry out symptomatic therapy. It is also recommended to wash the stomach.

special instructions

In the first hours after taking the drug, care should be taken when driving vehicles or work, which requires increased attention, due to possible side effects (dizziness and drowsiness).

Drug Interactions

The simultaneous use of tablets Validol with beta-blockers or antihypertensive drugs can lead to a sharp decrease indices of blood pressure and the development of acute vascular insufficiency in the patient, so these funds try not to combine friend.


We picked up some feedback from people about the preparation Validol:

  1. Valentina. And personally, Validol always helps me. Suppose, perhaps, the placebo effect, but the main thing is the result. Actually for me this express vitamin is a panacea. And pains in the heart removes, and calms or abirritates, even helps or assists, when me rocks in transport much better, than specialized preparations. Perhaps this is the grandmother's method of treatment, but I like it. Always there is in the house, with myself too I take sometimes when it is necessary to go long in transport. With him I feel more confident. Pleasant taste, light soothing effect and economical price.
  2. Inga. Validol - my companion in travels almost from childhood. When I travel around the city in transport, half the trouble, and if you have to travel by bus for long distances, it's a nightmare! Therefore, at the first signs of nausea, I slowly dissolve the Validol tablet. She took a photo of the instructions for the drug on the phone, so that if someone is not well around, show information and help a person.
  3. Irina. Periodically I complain about heart problems, I drank a lot of different medicines, but for some reason old, proven "Validol" tablets help most. The heart from their application, really, ceases to hurt, I feel much easier. Now, when I feel pain, I always take these pills, they help me right away. Yes, and for the price they are quite affordable, everyone can afford to buy them. Personally, they help me well, if there is a strong problem from the heart, then these pills will not relieve the pain, you need to drink stronger. And for light pain in the heart, just perfect, and the most affordable option. I recommend.
  4. Marina. Validol always carry with me in a bag in the summer heat. It helps me to remove fits of nausea and nausea in a hot period. I do not advise anyone to take self-medication, but to have a tablet of this remedy is still possible. I've also heard that this medicine helps with motion sickness. It is relatively harmless. It is prescribed even for pregnant women.
  5. Natalia. I used to be saved by the validol. Here's how poploleto and immediately pill under the tongue. the truth for me to wait for a long time had the effect. and recently my daughter started attacking me. I'll come to help them in the apartment - so do not go on mum. all wrong. not yours delo.ya perenevrnicha, for validolom polezu and all. does not help much. to what I'm painting here. The valoresse saves me. dripped 20 drops in a cup, drank and all. Do not shout. but I'm calm. so, people. If you and carvaloles and validols do not help you know. there is valoserdine.


There are no structural analogues of Validol. Drugs that have a similar pharmacological effect are:

  • Bellaspon;
  • Belloid;
  • Valerian;
  • Glycine;
  • Deprim;
  • Dormiplant;
  • Melisson;
  • Melissa herbs;
  • Neurobutal;
  • Noblessite;
  • Persen;
  • Peony extract;
  • Motherwort tincture;
  • Sympathized;
  • Stressplant;

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Validol should be stored in a cool dark place in a well-closed container. Shelf life of the tablets is, year, solution - 4 years, capsules - 2 years.

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