Folk remedies for colds and coughs

How can I quickly cough a cough and runny nose

Knowing how quickly to cure a cough and runny nose is simply necessary, especially in the spring-autumn period. Temperature changes, sharp thaws and cold snaps can cause unpleasant diseases even in people with a very stable immune system. Especially predisposed to frequent colds and cough are children, the elderly or people already already suffering from chronic diseases.

Cough and coryza treatment alone

Having discovered the malaise, the first prerequisites, indicating the appearance of a cough or sputum, associated with a common cold, you must immediately begin treatment. Even with immediate response, the disease stops only on day 5. Recollecting that it's time to take some measures, too late, stretching the "pleasure" of treatment will take several weeks.

If a person does not have serious illnesses, and cough and runny nose has a clearly catarrhal character, you can try to do without "chemistry using exclusively folk remedies. But if the process is delayed, and the patient has not felt improvements in health, the temperature in the evenings of the beginning to rise, reaching 38 degrees, an appeal to a doctor and a strong prescription prescribed by him simply certainly.

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Additional caution: self-medication is possible only with those components for which the diseased adult or child does not have allergies. The first steps to recovery should be a daily wet cleaning of the room, where the patient is isolated from the rest of the household. If possible, all objects that act as dust collectors are removed: soft toys, carpet paths, decorative pillows, figurines, books. So, humidification of air and cleaning will take a few minutes, which is important not only for the patient, but also for the family member caring for him.

Rhinitis and cough are effectively treated if all methods of traditional medicine are used at once:

  • abundant drinking;
  • decoctions, tinctures;
  • inhalation, rinsing;
  • compresses, cans.

After isolating the patient, it is necessary to prepare him a drink consisting of ripe berries of raspberries and viburnum (:). In fact, it is a compote, which can be further sweetened with honey instead of sugar. Drink can not be sugary and sweet, eliminating it will help a few drops of lemon juice.

No less effective is drinking from milk, a spoonful of oil and a few drops of juice of the bulb.The product is not very pleasant to taste, but it perfectly eliminates headaches, helps to fight with a cough and abundant rhinitis.

To ease the breathing will help and tincture of crimson stems. Only the tops of the plant are used, which are crushed for the speed of the preparation of the drink. A small amount of the mixture is poured already with hot water, and then boiled for an additional 20 minutes. The mixture is filtered, carefully poured into a thermos bottle and infused for about 1.5 hours. A day should drink no more than 1 cup of tincture.

Available cough and cough medicines

When treating children, you can do a little trick, which many parents resort to. It is known that babies can be capricious for hours so as not to eat raw onions, garlic. But their use is very desirable: the bactericidal properties of these plants are known for centuries. The trick is that the chopped onion and several cloves of garlic on the plate are put on the cupboard so that the child does not see it. The smell in the room will be a bit specific, but, in combination with frequent airing and wet cleaning, this method will help to get better quickly even without medications.


In rhinitis or even the slightest hint of a possible diagnosis, it is necessary to do inhalations. And in this case the potato is recognized as the most effective in the people. Small potatoes or cleaning are cooked to full preparedness, the pan with them is transferred to the patient, and he, having covered his head with a towel or a dense tissue, should inhale the steam. A modern, supplemented interpretation of this procedure is the addition to the potatoes during the cooking of the leaves of eucalyptus and thyme, and immediately before inhalation a little fir oil. If the rhinitis in the initial stage, there will be abundant discharge, and it will recede.

For a daily rinse of the throat, you can prepare a well-known soda solution: a spoonful of soda for 150-200 g of warm water. For greater efficiency, it is alternated with a decoction prepared from chamomile and sage, the anti-inflammatory properties of which help get rid of not only cough, but in parallel and from the cold. Herbs are mixed, one serving is enough to use 1 spoon, and pour boiling water. After 20 minutes, rinse is ready, you just need to wait until his temperature drops to an acceptable level and start rinsing.

Too strong, debilitating cough will soften honey, mixed: with butter. Take the mixture with a small spoon, holding in the mouth until it is completely absorbed.

With a cold, it is necessary to warm up, for which alcohol is used, mixed with castor oil. The mixture is rubbed into the back and chest of the patient with massage non-intensive movements. After the skin becomes pink, you need to carefully cover the area of ​​massage. If the rub was performed on the chest, the evaporation of alcohol and oil will alleviate even the runny nose, although the remedy is recommended for coughing.

The most common cabbage helps fight colds, if you smear it with liquid honey, put it on your chest and insulate with food film.

Compress will not cause discomfort, and therefore it is desirable that he was on his chest for about 12 hours.

Use of medicines for colds

With a dry and very intense cough, it is advisable for children to purchase special lollipops in the pharmacy, "Doctor Mom" ​​pastilles. Adults will benefit from pharmacy products:

  • Tusuprex;
  • Glaucine;
  • Libexin;
  • Sinecod.

Excellent cleansing of the lungs and relief from coughing will provide "Khaliksol "Bromhexine" and for a long time known to all mukaltin.

In the fight against sputum during cough, Ambroxol, Lazolvan, and Acetylcysteine ​​are effective. The drugs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on the body, so that together with a cough passes and a cold.

Counteracting a cough, one should not forget about the common cold, which must also be urgently cured. Since ordinary sprays only relieve temporary symptomatology, being vasoconstrictive, and some of them cause later chronic rhinitis, doctors are increasingly advised to resort to them only in extreme cases: this is Galazolin, Xylen, Sanorin, Ximelin, Naphthysine.


Runny nose is easy to defeat by washing, solutions for which are sold in pharmacies. These are the medicines Saline, Otrivin, Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin, the use of which is effective only with systematic application. Manufacturers have developed a special series of the same medicines for babies, which are simply identified by a special "Baby" note to the name. If the disease is not started, you can use the usual sea salt without the additives in the form of flavors, bought there, and make a solution yourself, making sure that it is not too salty.

It is advisable to resort only to the means created from plants. The medicine Pinosol, containing the oil of such plants as eucalyptus, mountain pine and mint, as well as vitamin E.


However, self-treatment is dangerous enough if the process lasts more than 5 days, and relief does not come. In cases of infants, pregnant women and the elderly, even this time is not worth waiting. Treatment should be conducted only with the use of drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Folk remedies for flu and colds at home

In the off-season period, it's not so difficult to catch a cold or SARS, and there may be a flu. Pleasant in this a little: temperature, cough, a strong runny nose, perspiration and sore throat, weakness. Of course, you can defeat the disease with the help of medications. However, in a number of cases, folk remedies for influenza will also help.

What is the flu. Symptoms of the disease

Influenza is an acute respiratory disease. Its viruses are caused by several species (A, B, C). It is important to note that the most severe type of influenza is influenza A. The main source of infection is the person himself. Especially actively transmitted influenza in the initial stage by airborne droplets. Usually very few people take this disease seriously. However, untimely treatment threatens with complications, and then folk remedies for influenza and ARVI will not help. Usually the first symptoms appear 2 days after infection. The virus enters the respiratory tract, and its vital activity adversely affects the epithelium, which must perform a protective function. The body becomes vulnerable to other viruses and bacteria. That is why folk remedies for influenza and colds at home are best used at the first signs of the disease. As a rule, the first symptom is high fever. It is not uncommon for cases when it rises to 40 ° C. A person feels an ache in the whole body, muscles ache and aches. This condition is also accompanied by headaches. Typically, the flu is not characterized by a runny nose and cough in the early days of the disease. Acute respiratory diseases, on the contrary, from the first days are manifested and rhinitis, and a cough that gradually changes from dry to wet. As with the flu, a person feels tired, a breakdown. If the disease is caused by a virus, then treating it with antibiotics does not make any sense. Using certain folk remedies for flu and cold, you can significantly ease your condition and help the body give a worthy rebuff to the disease.

The right beverages for the flu

Everyone knows that during illness doctors recommend a plentiful drink. But it must be saturated with vitamin C. An ideal drink is an infusion of dog rose or currant. Such folk remedies for influenza are rich in ascorbic acid. Dry hips must be crushed beforehand. Then 5 tablespoons of berries pour one liter of hot boiled water. It is best to do this in a thermos, so the drink will get all the necessary substances from the dogrose. He must insist not less than 8 hours. You can use infusion every time you feel thirsty. You can add a few spoons of honey, but do recommend it immediately before taking. The second no less valuable source of vitamin C is black currant. Jam, frozen berries, leaves (both fresh and dry) - for cooking medicinal pot all will suit. Next, we will discuss what other folk remedies for influenza were used by our grandmothers.

Raspberry, viburnum and other antipyretics

One of the most effective means by which you can lower body temperature is raspberry. It is best to eat fresh berries, which can be rubbed with sugar. However, jam as well as tea made from leaves and branches of this plant will be equally useful. Such folk remedies for flu and cold at home for children will be completely safe and effective, since the amount of salicyllates in the berry is negligible. To make tea, you need to pour 2 or 3 tablespoons of jam with warm water. In order not to destroy all useful properties, do not recommend using boiling water. Infusion should be drunk in large sips. After taking this medication, sweating will increase immediately, so you need to have dry bed linen and clothes in stock. Kalina also possesses similar antipyretic properties. It is best to harvest in the fall. The ground berries with sugar are perfectly stored in the refrigerator. Another excellent antipyretic is cranberry tea. Prepare it like a crimson. The ground berries are poured over with water, then the infusion is filtered. Cranberry refers to antibiotics of natural origin, well regulates heat exchange processes in the body and reduces temperature. Well-established and popular remedies for influenza and colds (at home, as you can see, you can prepare quite a lot of medicines) based on linden. The drink is prepared just as simply: the flowers are poured with boiling water and insisted. This drink has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect, and also softens cough. In addition, linden tea is delicious and aromatic, it is enjoyed not only by adults but also by children.

Folk remedies for flu and colds for children

Not all infusions and means of alternative medicine are suitable for lowering the temperature and alleviating the condition of small children. For toddlers, a decoction of dry cherries becomes an excellent means for quenching thirst and lowering the temperature. Fruits should be poured with water (about a liter per 100 grams of fruit) and on a small fire evaporate the third part of the entire volume. Also, to restore the mineral balance, it is useful to give the children a decoction of raisins. Such a drink is just a storehouse of useful substances. All these folk remedies for children are supplemented by the usual carrot juice. It is rich in vitamins of group A, C. You can also offer ginger tea (by the way, it is recommended to use it as a means of preventing colds). Grate the root of ginger, add honey, lemon - and the healing drink is ready.

Spices in the fight against colds

Not everyone knows the fact that spices are potent immunostimulants and have long been used by our ancestors as folk remedies for influenza. During the season, colds help protect the body cinnamon. Half a teaspoon of this component must be poured with boiling water, add honey and a little black pepper. This product has good antibacterial properties. Unexpectedly, but a very effective seasoning in the fight against influenza is the most common bay leaf. If, at the end of the broth preparation, 3 leaves of the laurel are added to it, then such food will not only be tasty, but also useful. This spice does not allow spreading to viruses, has a positive effect on immunity, and can also alleviate pain. At the first signs of sore throat will help. It must be grinded (or taken already ground), add a little (at the tip of the knife) into a glass of boiled milk and insist for about 10 minutes. Drink in very small sips. Milk can and just rinse the sore throat. A mandatory component that uses yoga for the treatment of colds is cardamom.

Tea on its basis is prepared as follows. For half a liter of water you need to take 9 pcs. cardamom, add a little cloves (5-7 inflorescences), a cinnamon stick and a half teaspoon of grated ginger. This composition should be boiled for about 5 minutes. Then a glass of milk is added and this is again brought to a boil. If desired, you can sweeten with honey. A good remedy for colds is milk with turmeric. It will warm the body, help relieve inflammation in the throat.

Onions and garlic are natural antibiotics

If the disease begins to attack, then as soon as possible, these folk remedies should be taken from the flu. Urgently cut the garlic and onions into several lobules. Essential oils that are contained in them have excellent antibacterial properties. Replace the vegetables after several hours. However, it is worth remembering an important point: couples need only to inhale. In no case should you put crushed garlic or its pieces directly on the nasal mucosa. The result of such actions can be a burn of the skin.

You can also cook garlic drops. For this, about 100 grams of crushed garlic should be poured with vodka. A drop of such a tool is worth a drop on the tongue, hold it for a while, and then swallow it. Such treatment should last at least three days. Due to its antiseptic properties, garlic is indispensable for bronchitis, pneumonia. It must be added directly to food. Of course, people who have problems with the digestive tract, use onions and garlic in limited quantities.

Folk remedies for influenza and onions have been used for a long time. One of the ways to cure a cold with it is as follows: mix the crushed bulb with honey, sugar, add water and cook this mixture for 3 hours. Keep the medicine in the refrigerator. Take a tablespoon several times a day. Such a mixture is an excellent method of preventing colds.

Treating cough with folk remedies

To get rid of a cough, it is not necessary to use special pills and syrups. For a start, you can try and folk remedies for flu and cough. To prepare a medicine based on milk and onions, take on the onion and garlic head. It will also require 1 liter of milk, in which it is necessary to weld root crops to a soft state. Then add honey (about a tablespoon). The mixture is triturated to a puree state and is used every hour for a tablespoon. Children should be given a medicine on a teaspoonful.

A good assistant in the fight against coughing is a black radish. It is rich in alkaloids and other useful substances. In the fruit, a rather large cavity is cut out, which is filled with honey. After a while, the radish will release the juice. The resulting mixture should be taken on a tablespoon several times a day. It is important to note that such a medicine is very tasty and is liked even by small children. The fruit can be used and repeated, adding a fresh portion of honey.

The classic cough remedy is milk, honey and butter. Offer folk remedies for a flu prescription and a mixture for warming the bronchi: take one tablespoon of vodka, butter and honey and melt it all in a water bath. It is noticed, that at reception of such medicine the cough passes quickly enough. Of course, it can only be used by adults.

And for children suitable coniferous syrup. Prepare it from young cones of pine or fir. Pine buds are cut into small circles, stacked in glass containers and poured with plenty of sugar. You can add berries and raspberries, honey. You need to store this drug in the refrigerator. There is also such an option for cooking: mix the mixture with a glass of boiling water and simmer on a steam bath for 8 hours.

Salt and other remedies in the fight against rhinitis

At the first signs of the common cold (and in the season of colds and for the prevention of it) you can use ordinary cooking or sea salt. To wash the nose it is necessary to prepare such a solution. In a glass of boiled warm water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt. Then, with this liquid, it is necessary to wash the nasal sinuses. The technology of the procedure is as follows: close one nostril and the second inhale the solution. It should be done so that the water passes through the nasal passages and enters the oral cavity. You can use a small syringe. The main thing is to thoroughly water the mucous membrane. Small children can dig in a few drops in the nasal passages. This agent effectively dilutes mucus, flushes pathogenic microorganisms from the nasal cavity. Breathing is easier, and the runny nose goes much faster. Such a solution can also gargle with the first symptoms of angina. The product perfectly removes inflammation and has an easy disinfecting effect. It is best to use sea salt for preparing the solution, since it is rich in various trace elements. You can also add a few drops of iodine to enhance the effect. Help to cope with rhinitis and hot foot baths. In water (and then in socks), you can add dry mustard. Aloe, calanchoe, and beet are used as drops for the nose. For the treatment of small children, these products are diluted with water. As for adults, well-established in the fight against the common cold bath.

Pregnancy and colds

Bearing a child is a crucial period in a woman's life. At this time, it is especially important for her to pay proper attention to her own health. Unfortunately, even the common cold (not to mention the flu), transferred early on, can harm a baby. But treatment with conventional drugs is unacceptable, because all chemicals enter the body of the child. Therefore, it is better to use folk remedies for flu and colds for pregnant women. If the disease already makes itself felt, it is worth immediately starting to drink abundantly: crimson, lime teas, warm milk with the addition of honey.

Do not use a lot of tea with mint or melissa. With pain in the throat will help lemon. The lobule of this fruit and its juice can destroy the pathogenic flora. Also, the inflammatory processes in the throat can be removed by rinsing with sage, chamomile, salt solution. Not bad proved and all kinds of inhalations. In them, you can add essential oils, medicinal herbs. But it is worth remembering that at temperatures from such procedures it is better to refuse. If there is an increase in body temperature, then then folk remedies for flu will come to the rescue during pregnancy: currants, cranberries, raspberries. You can apply compresses to your head (a piece of cloth or a towel soaked in cold water). Very often during a cold headaches are observed. You can get rid of it with a leaf of cabbage, which should be attached to the head. When coughing, milk with butter or goose fat will help. It softens the bronchi and the respiratory tract with natural cocoa butter. His piece must be slowly resorbed and swallowed. Known and this method of fighting with cough: cabbage leaf spread with honey and put to the chest. This compress perfectly warms the respiratory system. After a while you can see that the honey is completely absorbed, and the leaf began to fade. You can not soar your future mothers, but to hold your hands under a stream of hot water is very much recommended.

It is worth knowing the list of medicinal plants that are dangerous for pregnant women. They include wormwood, mint, fern, rue, celandine.

During illness, the body spends a lot of effort in fighting viruses, so nutrition in this period should be balanced. It is not necessary to eat fat, heavy food, easy starvation will only benefit.

General recommendations for the prevention of ARVI

In order to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum, it is important to follow simple recommendations. Regular airing of the room is an excellent means of disinfection. Wet cleaning should be carried out as often as possible. In the period of colds and flu epidemics, it is better to refuse visiting crowded places. But in the fresh air you have to come. Of course, do not overcool, clothes should be warm enough. But overheating is also dangerous. Moderate physical activity is the guarantee of a healthy organism. Even regular charging will help keep your body toned. Stresses also negatively affect the state of the immune system, reduce protective functions. The food should be balanced. On the table, seasonal fruits and vegetables must necessarily be present. Onions and garlic are excellent natural remedies for the prevention of colds. Regular use of vitamin tea will only benefit. To strengthen immunity, you can prepare such a mixture: in crushed nuts, dried apricots, raisins add honey and lemon lemon. Such vitamin food will greatly strengthen the defenses of our body. If you can not defeat the disease, then postpone the visit to a specialist can not. In some situations, only medicines prescribed by a doctor can cope. This is especially important if a young child or a pregnant woman is ill.

Effective folk remedies for colds

At the time of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, at the first sign of a cold, no one thought of fleeing to the chemist's shop for medicines, but in the villages and villages for a long time. In the best case, when the ill did not go out for a long time, they led the sick woman to some grandmother, she offered her methods. In the rest - at hand have always been proven folk remedies for colds.

For a modern person, a completely customary ritual with the symptoms of various diseases - to open a magical first-aid kit and print out another box of medicines. Perhaps this is the only way out when the disease is at its peak. But the disease is better to prevent or eliminate it at the beginning of development than to fight the developed disease and, worse still, its possible complications. Our ancestors well understood this and at the first signs of a cold they stopped it "in the bud". If the moment is missed, and the disease begins to develop, it is not worth to give up. How to cure a cold with folk remedies? You will learn this by reading the recipes our grandmothers used.

Symptoms of a cold

Symptoms of cold are familiar to everyone. And anyone will easily list them. But cough, runny nose, fever often appear when the disease has already made its way into the body. The very first signs of the disease are a decrease in tone, fatigue, as people say, "the desire to lie down." Appetite disappears and mild apathy appears. Often people do not attach importance to this, writing off everything on a nervous environment at work or an unpleasant conversation with a loved one. But if the nose lays, there is heavy breathing, begins to "twist your arms or legs and there is a headache - it's time to sound an alarm. Your body sends the first signals that it gets sick, which means it's time to start preparing a folk remedy for a cold.

Beer with egg yolks

It is believed that the treatment with hot beer gives a positive effect. If there are signs of the disease, we suggest using a relatively simple prescription. A couple of egg yolks (better from home healthy chickens) thoroughly rubbed with added two tablespoons of granulated sugar. You should get a thick foam. In the container, pour the beer (about half a liter), heat it to 50 degrees and add to the foam ground on a grated lemon zest, a pair of cloves rods, a little cinnamon (a half teaspoon). In the pan, place yolk sugar foam and gently, continuously stirring, pour beer into it. Continuing to stir, we put the pan on the fire and heat it. After a lapse of 3 - 5 minutes we remove from the fire - and the people's remedy for cold cures is ready! Slightly cool, before going to bed we drink a glass of hot potion, put on warm socks and go under the blanket. The body covers a pleasant languor, the body sweats, and the person falls asleep. And next morning for colds there should be no trace.

Onion broth

If drinking is for some reason unacceptable for you, you can use a decoction of onions. It is prepared as follows. A small onion is thoroughly crushed, the mass is poured into a mug and poured over with boiling water. The mug should be covered with a lid or a saucer and let it stir for 5 minutes. Then the hot broth should be drunk, preferably as soon as possible - for 2 or 3 minutes, so that the phytoncids that are contained in onions and actively help the body, did not dissolve. This is an effective folk remedy for colds, not very pleasant and tasty, but affordable. The medicine can cook for everyone, only two ingredients - onions and boiling water.

Honey with butter

Hitherto has been known for its medicinal properties. And, of course, with its help, a common disease such as the common cold is cured. Treatment of a child's folk remedies is not always acceptable - often mixtures and adults do not really like taking because of the bitterness of the ingredients, for example. But this does not apply to honey! Prepared by the following prescription means very much toddlers. About 100 grams of honey mixed with the same amount of butter, add vanilla sugar (enough will be one sachet). A fragrant and useful home remedy is ready! As you can see, this is a quick national remedy for colds, and it is quite effective. It is recommended to give the children 1 teaspoon per day.

Decoction of walnuts and honey

Another recipe with a delicious ingredient - honey - will help get rid of the disease. This powerful folk remedy for colds is used mainly when the ailment is in full swing, in strong form. The most difficult thing in this recipe is to crush four walnuts with the shell. But our people are inventive, and we are sure that you will succeed. Next, add a tablespoon of dried elderberry flowers and the same amount of honey. Stir, dilute with water (about half a liter) and put on the stove. After boiling on a small fire, cook for 15-20 minutes. We carefully filter - and the healing broth is ready. Take it at least 3 times a day for a tablespoon.

Green cones with honey

This method is used by experienced domestic "samsebedoktora and you can not prepare it for a quick hand, because it requires preparation. When there is a cold in a child, folk remedies do not fit everything. And we already talked about this. The most important thing in medicine for children is that it is sweet and tasty. In this case honey comes to the aid of mummies and grannies. For the preparation of an effective remedy it is necessary in May to collect green pine cones. In our case, we need 2 kilograms. Cones put in a container and pour 1 kilogram of honey. We insist in a warm place, but better in the sun 2-3 months. In cold weather, when immunity is weakened, this remedy will help cope with a cold, cough and sore throat. Take syrup on one tablespoon up to 4 times a day before meals. Children dosage can be reduced to a teaspoon.

Cotton swabs of aloe plus pepper shredded

The next set of methods will help cure colds with folk remedies quickly, about a day. To do this, we will need from the aloe leaf (it grows on the windowsill for many) to squeeze out the juice. Then for two matches to wind small pieces of cotton wool, the tampons thus obtained must be moistened with aloe juice and inserted into the nostrils. After the juice is absorbed (it takes 20-30 minutes), tampons need to be removed, and after a while to lay new ones. The procedure should be repeated up to 5 times a day.

And for the evening it is required to make a special burning rubbing. For its preparation, ground red pepper (in the amount of 5 tablespoons) should be diluted with vegetable oil (about half a liter), carefully stirred and placed on a water bath. All the while stirring, stand 15 minutes. Then the mixture must be removed and cooled. At night, the patient grind the resulting mixture of chest and back, wrap it in a warm, give us a hot vitaminized gull. Over night, the cold will magically escape, and in the morning a vigorous and healthy organism will be ready for new achievements.

Inhalation for colds

Inhalations as an auxiliary folk remedy for colds should be used in conjunction with other methods. If the house has an inhaler, it is better to use it, if not, you can breathe over the steam brewed in a pot of herbs. Very effective inhalation with the use of calendula, pine buds, chamomile, eucalyptus leaves. It is also recommended to make inhalations with essential oils of juniper, lemon, pine or fir.

Healing Teas

Many readers are certainly somewhat familiar with the way people treat colds. The simplest methods are the use of medicinal drinks and teas. We recall the useful properties of some plants that help strengthen the body. Undoubted favorites among the drinks are infusions of raspberries, lime and lemon. Usually a spoon of one of the products is brewed in a glass of boiling water, and the healing agent is ready. A good anti-inflammatory agent is chamomile, if you add lime to hot boiling water to it, and a little later (in 20 minutes later) a spoonful of honey, you will get a wonderful anti-cold infusion. Very good in confronting with this disease and ginger tea. To make it, enough a glass of boiling water to pour half a teaspoon of chopped ginger, squeeze the lemon (to make a tablespoon of juice), and drop the same amount of honey. You can add a few mint leaves. Therapeutic drink "On health" is ready!

How to get rid of a cough

One of the most unpleasant manifestations of colds is coughing. Sometimes it can not even be cured even in a month. However, folk remedies for cold will help to overcome even the most protracted and deep cough. One of the simple methods is a drink from the mother-and-stepmother. Dry leaves of the plant (proportions arbitrary) are boiled and used instead of coffee or tea. Very popular folk medicine and radish juice. It is a good anti-inflammatory and expectorant. To make an elixir, it is necessary to mix one part of the squeezed juice with two parts of honey. The medicine should be taken up to four times a day on a tablespoon.

Remedies for the cold

Another unpleasant side of the disease - a runny nose - can solve folk remedies for colds. The simplest methods are washing the nose with a solution of sea salt or soda. As an option, of course, less pleasant - to wash the nose with freshly squeezed onion juice. Nasal sinuses are recommended to warm up with saccules with heated salt or, according to the old grandmother's method, boiled hot eggs. Also, with a cold, as with other manifestations of cold, garlic helps well. A good remedy: several cloves of garlic (5-6 pieces) to crush and stir in a glass of milk. The mixture should be boiled, cooled and several times a day to take a teaspoon.

Sore throat

Persecutions and sore throats often accompany colds. Rinsing and drinking will help to cope with these problems. Such folk remedies for colds, like healing teas, have already been considered. Together with gargling and hot foot baths, these are quite effective actions. Prepare the same decoction for rinsing from the herbs will not be difficult: one tablespoon of chamomile, sage or violet (and maybe mixtures of these herbs) pour a glass of boiling water. After 20 minutes you can gargle. The procedure should be repeated no less than 5-6 times a day. Also effectively eliminates the pain in the throat the next rinse mixture. For a glass of boiling water, add a teaspoon of salt, as much soda and 2-3 drops of iodine. Than not sea salt!

General recommendations

In the treatment of common cold, the main thing is understanding the need for an integrated approach. It can not be expected that the disease will pass by itself. It is necessary to help the body to fight. The most simple recommendations: to observe personal hygiene, to wash hands after visiting public places is obligatory, as often as possible to ventilate the room where the patient is. It is better to do this every two hours. Must be wet cleaning. You can often ignite a room with an aroma lamp with healing essential oils (unless, of course, the patient is not allergic). If the disease is only at the beginning to prevent its further development (provided there is no temperature), we remind you that nobody has canceled the hot bath yet! And if it's far to the bath, it's just right to get your feet in the basin.

Also, you need to adjust your diet. If possible, exclude heavy food for several days, be sure to leave vegetables and fruits. It should be used for colds as much as possible liquids: teas, tinctures, decoctions, juices. On the table during this period must be present onions and garlic. If all the same disease overcame you - we are treated for colds with folk remedies, which we described above. These recipes will help mobilize the strength of the body in the fight against the disease. And at last one more national recipe - your positive mood and good mood become an excellent improving means!

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