Toxic substances

Toxic substances , used by toxicants to get the state of artificial euphoria( toxic intoxication) are very diverse. They are in such products, objects, liquids, preparations and chemical compounds that we did not "dream".For us - the townsfolk( ignorant people in the narcology, psychiatry and toxicology), such "depths" of knowledge and "landmarks of ingenuity" of drug addicts can discourage. As they say: "I would not have thought with the family!".

Toxic substance groups

So, the toxic substances that addicts abuse are:

  1. Medications:
  • tranquilizers( sedatives): elenium, relanium, seduxen, nosepam, tazepam, phenazepam, phenibut, meprobamate, etc.;
  • hypnotics: radedorm, bromural, eunotin and the like;
  • holinolitiki: cyclodol, artan, nakom, romparkin, etc.;
  • antihistamines: dimedrol, pipolfen, suprastin, etc.;
  • painkillers( analgesics): analgin, tempalgin and the like;
  • preparations containing psychoactive substance codeine, phenobarbital, centedrin, caffeine: selagin, pentalgin, etc.
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  1. Industrial chemistry and household chemicals:
  • automotive fuel( gasoline), volatile solvents( acetone, solvent 645, 646), chloroform, ether, toluene, ethylene glycol, synthetic adhesives, stain removers, nitro-lacquers, nitro-dyes, deodorants, naphthalene and the like.
  1. Substances of non-narcotic origin, but are stimulants of the central nervous system:
  • black tea( thick extract - "chifir"), black coffee in "horse" doses.

Poisoning with toxic substances

It should be noted that the stereotype of our views on the image of the toxicomaniac characterizes him as a person abusing household and industrial chemicals by inhaling toxic gas( fumes).

Probably the main component of the respirable mixture is industrial and household chemicals. The remaining substances are used to enhance the effect of euphoria. And some components of gasoline and glue are strong poisons, which, if ingested, affect immediately the cells of the nervous system.

The composition of gasoline contains substances that contribute to disorders of biochemical processes of nervous tissue. Dichloroethane adversely affects hepatocytes( liver cells), disrupting its activity, as well as the exchange of proteins and carbohydrates. Therefore, the number of under-oxidized products in the blood increases, azotemia and phenol decay products appear.

All toxic substances, especially ethyl acetate, disrupt the functioning of the cerebral cortex, its protective function, promote rapid penetration of harmful chemical compounds into the brain.

To cause artificial euphoria toxic addicts are often used stain removers. To this end, the liquid is impregnated with a tissue and covered with the nose and mouth. To enhance the effect of some add ammonia. In this case, the likelihood of lethal outcome of the toxicomaniac increases several times.

Toxic toluene toxicants are poured into a plastic bag, put on the head and breathe for one to two minutes. Sometimes the euphoria develops suddenly and the teenager dies of suffocation and poisoning and not having time to remove the package from his head.

Causes burns in the respiratory system solvent paint, gasoline, nail polish remover, glue, detergents and cleaning products. The brain is affected. By the way, solvent vapors can paralyze cardiac and respiratory activity, leading to rapid death.

By itself, toxic intoxication is like alcohol. Without additional signs for recognition and making an anamnesis, it is very difficult to distinguish one from another. There is a certain spectrum of action of toxic substances.

From the signs of toxic intoxication can be identified: increased salivation, lacrimation, throat swelling, itching in the nasopharynx, noise in the head, heaviness and dizziness, double vision, slowing in and impaired coordination of movements, heart rhythm disorder, a sense of fear and anxiety, gabbiness, reduced criticism, unrestrained and causeless laughter or irritability, etc.

Negative consequences of toxic substance abuse

Initially, the abuse of toxic agents has no special negative consequences. And the first signs of chronic poisoning( intoxication) in the body can be seen after one month of regular consumption sessions.

The cardiovascular system is suffering more, then there are problems with the liver, turning into its cirrhosis. In practice, cases of inflammatory manifestations on the mucous membranes are not uncommon. A permanent injury to the lungs is complicated by cancer( oncology).Read more about the devastating consequences of substance abuse and harm to human health.

Treatment of drug addicts should begin with immediate admission to the narcological dispensary, where he( a teenager or an adult) is completely deprived of the opportunity to extract toxic substances.

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