Why the eye hurts under the upper eyelid, it hurts to press - causes

There are times when people have an eye under the upper eyelid, it hurts to press. A person starts to think about the cause of unpleasant sensations, possible complications. Before going into details, consider the structure of the eye.

  • A little anatomy
  • Types of pain in the century
  • Causes of pain
  • Inflammation of the glands
  • Furuncle
  • Other diseases
  • What to do with pain in the eyelids
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A little anatomy

The eyeball in its structure is much different from what we see. There is a huge variety of various systems that are associated with it, but do not fulfill its main function.

The eye is a complex, surprising optical organ, one of its structures consists of mutated cells, similar to the cells of the brain. In other words, the retina of the eyeball, which has cells called "cones" and "rods", responsible for color and monochrome vision respectively - the outer part of the cortex.

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Before the retina is the vitreous body, which fills the inner volume of the eye and makes up the bulk of the eyeball. In front of him is the lens, which has the ability to refract sunlight. Outside, in front of the lens, is the iris, because of it each of us has an individual eye color. In the center of the eye, its position is occupied by the pupil, which has the ability to narrow and expand, depending on the amount of light entering the eye. The entire eyeball is covered with a very thin but dense cornea.

In the eye socket, the organ of vision is located in loose fatty tissue, 6 muscles drive it into motion. In the corner is a lacrimal sac, it is through its ducts that the tear fluid constantly moistens the cornea and does not allow it to dry out. Eyelashes and eyelids hide the eye from excessive light or external stimuli.

Types of pain in the century

The nature of pain can tell a lot about the causes of the disease, this must be treated with care. The most common feeling - the eye hurts under the upper eyelid with pressure on it under the eyebrow.

The next variety is painful to blink, to move your eyes. It is also important to observe the intensity of pain, it can change its intensity in different positions of the body or various loads.

Symptoms to look out for:

  • coryza;
  • lacrimation;
  • migraine;
  • photophobia;
  • edema of the eyelid;
  • cones or seals on the eyelid.

Causes of pain

Why does the upper eyelid hurt? The causes can be varied, beginning with conjunctivitis and ending with phlegmon periorbital fiber. The eyelid is a protection for the cornea, it contains muscles that provide secretion for the lubrication of the eyelids. In the case of an inflammatory process, you need to pay attention and solve the problem, since further complications and serious illnesses may occur.

What hurts and what to do? Among the most common reasons why it is painful to press and blink, you can describe the most common:

  • meibomite;
  • barley;
  • abscess, phlegmon;
  • purulent conjunctivitis;
  • dacryocystitis;
  • chalazion.

Let's look at each disease in detail.

Inflammation of the glands

The first of them - inflammation of the meibomian glands, located on both eyelids not far from the hair bulbs. They are a modified sebaceous glands, their function is to secrete a fat secret that lubricates the cornea and does not allow the tear fluid to dry too quickly. There are cases of hypersecretion of the gland, when the product of its production accumulates in large numbers, clogging the ducts, there is inflammation, which calls meibomitis. To see the inflamed gland it is possible only having turned away a blepharon. On the conjunctiva of the century, redness and swelling are noticeable. It is strictly forbidden to squeeze out pus.

Barley is the most common inflammatory gland disease of the century. It is caused by pathogenic bacteria that penetrate the ducts of the sebaceous or sweat glands, multiply in them and cause the appearance of a local abscess. Barley got its name because of the similarity of infiltration in shape and size with barley grain. An abscess is located at the edge of the century. At the beginning of the disease appears pruritus, then painful, on the 2nd - 3rd day on the surface of the infiltrate appears a purulent head, on the 4th - 5th day the barley is opened, the purulent contents pour out, after that the patient's condition quickly improves and the healing process begins. As with meibomite, squeezing barley is by no means possible, it can lead to a number of serious complications, up to purulent meningitis.

Important! Barley develops after hypothermia of the face, weathering, if the rules of personal hygiene are not respected. Infection often occurs through dirty hands. Predisposing factors can be various immunodeficiency states, diabetes mellitus, chronic intestinal infections, beriberi.

Barley can be a precursor of colds, a signal, that there are health problems.


Sometimes barley can leak like a boil. This is a more severe and unfavorable form of flow than described above. The patient feels pain and tension in the eyelids. There is a swelling of the eyelid, as a result of which the eye gap narrows, the eyes look asymmetric. In the case of pronounced edema, the ocular gap can completely close. Also, the patient has general symptoms of intoxication: fever, malaise, headache.

After 10-14 days, the furuncle can break through, and a crater-like defect is formed on the eyelid. Subsequently, a scar is formed at the site of the autopsy, which can later lead to deformation of the eyelid, violation of lymph drainage and other consequences. Do not try to treat a boil at home. With this disease, surgical treatment is recommended - dissection of the eyelid parallel to the edge, evacuation of the purulent contents and drainage of the abscess cavity, local and general antibiotic therapy. A possible complication is when the inflammatory process acquires a diffuse character and a phlegmon is formed.

Important! People with a weak immune system are more likely to develop phlegmon. This is characteristic of patients with diabetes, people with poor metabolism.

What to do? Urgently go to the hospital, so that the surgeon eliminates the problem by surgery. With a serious complication without surgery, you can not do, because there is a risk of serious threat to the patient.

Other diseases

Purulent conjunctivitis, acute form. In this case, the eyelid swells, the eye is watered, there is redness of the conjunctiva, severe pain, purulent discharge. At the edges of the eyelids, dry crusts of pus are formed.

Dacryocystitis - inflammation of the lacrimal sac, can cause pain in the corner of the eye. There is swelling and purulent discharge in large quantities. You can heal in a conservative way, but in some cases you have to operate.

Chalazion. It is a chronic variant of the meibomite current. Of the symptoms can be identified dense, elastic, painless formation on a century the size of a pea. Skin on the eyelids above the halazion is not changed, on the part of the conjunctiva, redness is noticeable. Perhaps both conservative and surgical treatment. In the first variant, solutions of glucocorticoids are injected into the chalazione using a syringe, and eyelid skin is also lubricated with glucocorticoid ointments. If the conservative treatment is not effective, an operation is performed to remove the formation by cutting from the inside of the eyelid.

What to do with pain in the eyelids

At the first signs of pain in the upper eyelid, it is necessary to contact the doctor as soon as possible, especially if the pain is accompanied by swelling or purulent discharge, increased body temperature. If there is no purulent discharge, or there is a sensation, as if something has got into the eye, you can try to remove the symptoms yourself. If the child's eye hurts, do not delay contacting the doctor. The first thing to do with pain in the eyes:

  1. From strong tea brewing to prepare a cold compress, instead of tea, therapeutic herbs will suit. The process of preparation is to prepare a tea or herbal decoction, then it is necessary to moisten with a cotton swab, squeeze and put on a problem eye.
  2. It is possible to take antihistamines, if the pain prevents itching or there is swelling. The best drugs against allergies: Tavegil, Suprastin.
  3. Eye drops. With mild inflammation, you can use eye drops, which contain antibiotics, the best drugs: Albucide (Sulfacil sodium), Levomycetin, Ciprofloxacin. It is forbidden to abuse these drugs, according to the rules, these medications can not be used without the instructions of a doctor.
  4. Reduce the load on the sore eye, try to move it and blink as little as possible.

The above tips do not cure the disease, only temporarily ease the patient's condition. Therefore, if the pain does not go away the next day, you need to contact the oculist who can determine the cause of the problem, prescribe effective medications, give useful advice and will supervise the treatment process.