Cough expectoration
Sputum for coughing

The development of the pathology of the patient determines the nature of sputum produced. As the sputum goes away, the character of the disease itself changes, which can be judged by the nature of sputum discharge. For example, if coughing leaves sputum, which has a putrid smell, this may indicate that there is a serious damage to the bronchi and lungs.
It is allowed to collect sputum in patients for laboratory tests. For a day, up to one and a half liters of sputum in a patient can go away.
Do not forget that sputum, as a biologically active liquid, can be a danger to others. In the case of the development of certain forms of tuberculosis, sputum may contain a high concentration of pathogens. When the patient coughs, such a sputum can be a danger to others, so it should be collected and processed very carefully. To collect it special vessels with glass lids are used.
Sputum, which is formed in the respiratory system, interferes with the breathing process, so it should be eliminated. This is facilitated by expectoration of phlegm. The special drainage position given to the patient helps to speed up the process.
Types of phlegm on coughing
Cough sputum can have a liquid, viscous and thick consistency. The presence of viscous sputum is characteristic of a disease such as croupous pneumonia, there is such a sputum during inflammation in the airways, in this case it gradually turns into a liquid one. The presence of mucus in the sputum and its total amount determines the viscosity of phlegm. A large number of shaped elements, such as: leukocytes, a variety of epithelium, determines the density of sputum. In the event that a large number of sputum is plasma, the sputum becomes liquid. This occurs with pulmonary hemorrhage, edema of the lungs or various poisonings.
Severe sputum when coughing
Strong sputum during coughing is observed in the case of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, when significant amounts of purulent and serous secretions accumulate in the lungs and bronchi. Most often, this phenomenon is caused by viral diseases, which are at the stage of resolution, when a bacterial infection joins. Sputum becomes dense and abundant, and pus is often mixed with it. Perhaps the appearance of strong sputum when coughing a child after he suffered a cold or ARVI - in this case, you should carefully monitor its condition: did the temperature increase, did the overall state. Both in the presence of a strong and frequent coughing indicates the penetration of infection in the lungs and lower parts of the bronchi.
When you cough, phlegm with blood
Sputum production during coughing is typical for a variety of diseases of the respiratory system. However, in the absence of pathologies, the mucus that is released during coughing is clear. If phlegm with blood is excreted when coughing, this indicates serious enough diseases of the human body. These may include:
- Lungs' cancer.A very common symptom of this disease is precisely the expectoration of a coughing bloody sputum. Blood is present in the sputum in the form of veins of bright red color. It is necessary to immediately make an X-ray of the lungs in case of manifestation of such symptoms, but it is not worth it panic until the patient has a rapid loss of weight, sweating, a sense of lack air.
- Bronchitis.Sputum with blood often accompanies bronchitis. During this disease, the patient's condition can change at different times. About chronic bronchitis can be discussed if bloody sputum is observed for more than three months a year.
- Pneumonia.Often, bloody veins in expectorated sputum are observed in the case of pneumonia.
- Tuberculosis.Bloody sputum, secreted by coughing in the morning, is a characteristic sign of a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis. In addition to the blood veins in the expectorant mucus, it is possible to observe impurities of pus. The causes of this disease state can also be in diseases of the cardiovascular system or organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Abscess of the lung.When coughing, it is also possible to give sputum with blood, but with this disease the patient has a stench from his mouth, fever, weakness, lack of appetite and sweating.
Purulent sputum when coughing
Cough with purulent sputum is typical for a number of diseases and in itself is not sufficient reason for setting any definitive diagnosis. Everything is determined by an additional consideration of the side symptoms characteristic of a particular disease. In particular, purulent sputum during coughing takes place with chronic bronchitis. Such a cough can manifest itself in damp and cold weather and have a paroxysmal character. The mucous sputum emitted during cough with pus contaminants contains a diverse microbial flora. Sometimes purulent sputum appears only in the mornings, during the rest of the day the cough is convulsive and dry. In other cases, coughing attacks occur around the clock all the time, accompanied by shortness of breath with vomiting. The temperature keeps at a normal level, rising only during a period of exacerbation of the disease.
Against the background of chronic bronchitis is often the appearance of bronchiectasis - accumulating pus, pathological expansions of the lungs. In the event that a cough with purulent sputum is caused precisely by bronchoectatic disease, the course of it is more painful and prolonged, it is not always possible for a patient to clear his throat to the end.
A prolonged cough with the release of purulent sputum in the mornings is typical for smokers with a long history. Bronchi are exposed to the harmful effects of tar and nicotine contained in cigarette smoke, and the impact is many times superior to the harmfulness of the action of pathogenic bacteria, constantly found in the bronchi. Prolonged smoking decomposes bronchi, wears out the respiratory system and often causes lung cancer.
Thick sputum on coughing
Abundant accumulations of thick sputum may contribute to a significant difficulty in the respiratory process. Dense sputum during coughing is typical for diseases such as infectious respiratory tract infections, it can be caused by inhalation of contaminated air and smoking. In this case, the cough carries a purifying function, facilitating the withdrawal of clots of sputum from the respiratory system.
However, not only smoking can cause the appearance of thick sputum in the respiratory tract, which is necessary expectorate, the cause of its appearance can become many diseases, such as asthma, tuberculosis, chronic forms bronchitis. For example, asthma, developing from a dry cough and light hoarseness, reaches the form of a cough with a large amount of expectorated thick sputum, which has the form of dense mucous secretions. When a tuberculosis disease occurs, a person who is ill often coughs up phlegm, which has a dense consistency, often containing impurities of pus and blood. Moreover, thick sputum when coughing can take place and with an ordinary cold. Therefore, we can conclude that, in itself, expectorated during coughing, thick sputum is not a symptom of any one specific disease, but only indicates that the body has a problem that requires intervention and permission. The diagnosis should be carried out individually and, depending on it, treatment should be prescribed. In any case, the excretion of sputum is facilitated by the diluting agents that make the consistency of sputum secretory less dense, thereby facilitating its expectoration.
Salty phlegm on coughing
Salty sputum when coughing is typical for such a disease as allergic bronchial asthma. With this disease, brackish sputum often appears together with blood veins, there may be a rise in temperature to 37 degrees or higher, but normal temperatures can also be observed. Another symptom of allergic bronchial asthma is stuffiness in the chest - as if there is not enough air. Appetite thus does not suffer - its loss does not occur. In the treatment of the disease, the agents that dilate the bronchi, such as ventolin and berodual, are of great help.
Sputum color when coughing
The color of sputum when coughing can not be linked to any particular disease. However, you should definitely consult a doctor when you get sputum yellow, green, brown, and also rusty, especially if any sputum of the specified colors is observed for more than a week. Especially if it takes place against a background of fever, chills, dyspnea.
Green sputum when coughing
Green mucous sputum when coughing is typical for many inflammatory diseases, affecting the lungs and bronchi. The causative agents of such diseases are various allergens, infections and catarrhal conditions. It can be bronchitis of every possible etiology, croupous pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, cancer and the like.
In addition to cough, there may be other symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, fever. In order to accurately identify the causes of the disease, sputum examination in the laboratory, lung X-ray, magnetic and computer tomography is carried out. If it is a question of suspicion of an oncological disease, a thoracoscopy is performed - a certain amount of affected tissue is taken for histological examination.
If the green sputum has a viscous consistency and is characterized by an unpleasant smell - it can be a question of stagnant processes in the lungs. This is a rather dangerous sign, especially if it's a child. The treatment process consists in taking antibiotics and strong-acting drugs. Bronchitis can be treated with mucolytic drugs and means that enhance expectoration. With regard to tuberculosis, lung cancer and pulmonary hemorrhage, these diseases should be treated in a hospital hospital.
Yellow sputum when coughing
Yellow sputum when coughing is allocated with the following diseases: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.
The greatest danger is a cough that starts suddenly, in which the allocation of yellow sputum is accompanied by the presence of blood and pus, which gives prominent sputum characteristic color tone. The presence of blood enzymes in the yellow sputum indicates an urgent need to see a doctor, since it is very likely that there is a tubercle bacillus. According to the color shades of excreted sputum, you can determine the cause of the bronchitis that has begun. If the sputum released during coughing has a yellow tinge, it means that a bacterial infection was found in the lower parts of the respiratory tract.
In order to conduct a diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to make an analysis of sputum cough. To conduct it, sputum is collected on an empty stomach in a glass jar, specially prepared and washed for this purpose. In this case, immediately before expectoration of the sputum, the patient is recommended to wash the mouth with an antiseptic solution, and zatey with ordinary boiled water.
However, not always yellow sputum when coughing indicates a serious illness, often it is a companion of smokers with a long history.

When coughing white sputum
The appearance of white sputum when coughing (as, indeed, and some other) indicates the accumulation of excess mucus in the respiratory tract, the development of which is caused by various diseases.
Coughing white, clear sputum, which has a thick consistency, indicates the presence of a cold in the body. The development of such mucus is provoked by the course of allergic reactions, bronchitis, asthma and inflammation of the lungs. Categorically it is not recommended to restrain cough or swallow sputum. Slime in this case accumulates, it stagnates, which can result in poisoning the body. These factors necessitate the use in the treatment of drugs that provide mucus liquefaction and facilitate expectoration.
Sputum, which has a gray tinge and is endowed with odor, characteristic of decay, indicates the development of advanced stages of oncological diseases of the respiratory system. At the initial stages of the development of cancer, sputum is transparent, white with impurities of blood veins. Slime can be gray as a result of subsidence in the respiratory tract of tobacco burning products and be characteristic of heavy smokers. In people suffering from cardiac asthma, sputum may also have a serous color and a liquid consistency.
Brown sputum when coughing
As already mentioned above, there is no such color of sputum, according to which it would be possible to determine with certainty the onset of the disease. This is why the patient is forced to undergo a long series of examinations and take numerous tests to accurately diagnose a medical diagnosis. However, if the sputum produced during coughing is brown, this may indicate a viral or bacterial infection that occurs with inflammation. It can be an ordinary cold, pneumonia or bronchitis. With the onset of internal bleeding, the appearance of expectorated sputum is also possible.
When brown sputum appears when coughing, self-medication should not be dealt with, since this can provoke the appearance of more serious diseases. In view of this, you should, without delaying, seek help from a doctor. In order to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment process, it is desirable to take as much fluid as possible. In this case, the likelihood that the sputum, having a brown tinge, is diluted and as soon as possible will be removed from the lungs. In no case should you take drugs that suppress cough, because when it is suppressed, there is no output of sputum from the body.
Pink sputum when coughing
The pink color of sputum when coughing indicates the presence of bleeding, not so, however, abundant, as in the case of red sputum. It is also possible to change the color of the mucus secreted and display blood in the form of spots and veins. If the process of blood coagulation has already begun, sputum may have a rusty shade, indicating that red blood cells have already disintegrated.
The presence of blood in the sputum may indicate such diseases as:
- pneumococcal pneumonia:sputum in this case has a red-rusty color;
- lungs' cancer:The color of phlegm varies from pink to red, turning into brown and black;
- tuberculosis:in this case there are bright red bands in the sputum;
- Embolism of the lungs:blood is bright red.
The presence of blood in the expectoration of a coughing sputum indicates a danger, so that you should immediately go to a doctor.
Treatment for cough with phlegm
In the treatment of cough with sputum, an abundant drink that includes phytopreparations is effective. It is appropriate to use plant components that have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, The bronchodilator and enveloping action, thus reducing the irritation of the mucosa bronchi.
In the absence of contraindications, inhalations with sodium chloride and benzoate, extracts of plants, soda, ammonium chloride are allowed. As a result of this procedure, the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is moistened, decreases the excitability of the reflex cough center, sputum liquefaction and smooth muscle relaxation bronchi. In addition, all of the above medicines play the role of anesthetics and analgesics.
Cough sputum diffusion
Long-term medical practice was used to develop methods that promote a speedy recovery by diluting cough sputum. This can be folk recipes and proven facts.
- The maximum increase in liquids drunk during the day. Drinking normalizes the water balance of the exhausted organism, while the sputum produced acquires a liquefied consistency. With a hard cough, alkaline nutrition is acceptable. The chemical composition of mineral water contributes to an easier release of sputum and the subsequent disposal of it. It is also very important to include fruits and vegetables in the daily diet.
- Carrying out inhalations. These procedures, conducted with a solution of medicinal herbs also have a liquefaction effect. The composition is as follows: one tablespoon of sage, thyme, mother-and-stepmother and chamomile. Everything is poured with boiling water, after which it is infused for an hour, after which one tablespoon of soda and eucalyptus oil is added. Inhalation should be carried out twice a day
- Dissemination of sputum with medical preparations. Effective use of the following means: lazolvan, ambroksol, ATSTS. All of them are appointed by the attending physician and are indicated for tracheitis and bronchitis, when it is difficult to get the sputum out.
- Broth pigeon pigeon. This is an old folk remedy that greatly facilitates the process of liquefying sputum. Moisturizes the mucous membrane of the bronchi, makes it possible to simplify the withdrawal of phlegm by softening the dry cough.
- Figs. It is quite good when it comes to bored cough or stiff sputum. The fig should be cut into two halves and placed in a glass of milk. The appearance of the desired shade indicates that the composition is ready.
Treatment of cough with phlegm

Treatment of cough with phlegm or, as it is called, productive cough is carried out not just with pills or a mixture of "from coughing" but with the help of mucolytic drugs that dilute sputum, and mucokinetic (expectorant) drugs that contribute to its excretion.
To treat cough with sputum is contraindicated with drugs that depress the cough reflex (antitussive drugs based on codeine, glaucin, butamate or prenoxdiazine): they are used only if cough dry.
Treatment for cough with difficult sputum
The basic pharmacological preparations providing effective treatment of a cough with hardly detachable sputum, and also treatment strong cough with sputum of any character as an active substance should have acetylcysteine, carbocysteine, bromhexine or ambroxol. Briefly about each of these substances.
So, acetylcysteine - sodium salt N-acetyl-L-cysteine - makes the bronchial mucous secret less viscous, blocking the polymerization of mucins, but increases its number by stimulating the cells, producing mucus. In this case, the biotransformation of acetylcysteine leads to the formation of an active metabolite, the sulfate amino acid cysteine, which is a potent antioxidant. And thanks to this, this drug exhibits certain anti-inflammatory properties.
Preparations of Acetylcysteine - ATSTS, Atstin, Acetal, Fluimutsil, Mukobene, etc. - Adults and adolescents are recommended to take p, g twice a day (ACTS in the form of effervescent tablets - 1-2 tablets), children 6-14 years old - in, It is contraindicated to use these drugs for peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with a cough with blood, bronchial asthma without viscous sputum, elevated blood pressure and problems with the adrenal glands.
Carbocysteine, which belongs to the secretolitics and stimulators of muscle tissue contraction in the respiratory system, is part of the preparations of Bronkatar, Bronhokod, Mukosol, Mukodin, Mukopron, and others. All dosage forms of the drugs in this group not only dilute the thick sputum well, but also normalize the condition of the damaged mucocutaneous airways. But with inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney and bladder, as well as during pregnancy, these medicines are contraindicated.
In respiratory diseases, symptomatic treatment of cough with abundant phlegm can also be carried out with medications that contain benzylamines, this is bromhexine (Bromhexine, Bronchosan, Bisolvon, Lizomucin, Mugocil, etc.) or ambroxol (Bronchoprot, Brontex, Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Flavamed et al.). From the point of view of pharmacodynamics, indications and contraindications, side effects and other characteristics, there is practically no difference between them, since bromhexine is a The synthetic derivative of the alkaloid leaves of the Asian plant Vascular Adustoda vasica (vasicata), and ambroxol is a pharmacologically active product of metabolism bromohexine.
On dilution of thick hard-to-detachable sputum they act as Acetylcysteine, and facilitating sputum evacuation occurs due to stimulation of ciliary epithelial activity of the respiratory tract. The therapeutic effect of these mucolytic agents is not felt immediately, but after a few days.
Bromhexine in tablets by, 016 g is taken by adults and children older than 14 years, one tablet three times a day, children 6-14 years should take one tablet, 08 g (or half the adult dose). Among the most frequent side effects of these medications are skin rashes, headache and dizziness, runny nose, mucosal dryness, nausea, intestinal disorders, abdominal pain, dysuria, chills, increase in PQ interval, decrease in blood pressure, dyspnea.
And the contra-indications of Bromgexin and Ambroxol include the stomach and duodenal ulcer and the first three months of pregnancy. Although the instructions of some trade names of preparations with these active ingredients state that studies on animals have not revealed their teratogenic effects. However, given that Bromhexin has an effect similar to the hormone oxytocin, use it in pregnancy is categorically contraindicated (especially since alkaloid vazicin is known for its ability to stimulate contractions myometrium).
Successfully cope with the treatment of productive cough Mukaltin tablets (they have an extract of the root of the althaea) - on a tablet 3-4 times a day; Pectussin resorption tablets (with oil eucalyptus); syrup Bronchicum (it contains thyme, primrose and honey) - for adults, 1 teaspoonful every 5-6 times a day (adults) and a half dose to children (three times in day).
Treatment of cough with purulent sputum
Treatment of cough with purulent sputum, in addition to the above mucolytic drugs, for symptomatic therapy, must necessarily include cough treatment with sputum antibiotics. To this end, doctors recommend patients such antibacterial drugs as Ampicillin, Augmentin, Azithromycin, Rovamycin, Levofloxacin, and others. They provide the disposal of pathogens that have infected the respiratory tract.
Treatment of cough with green sputum, the allocation of which is typical for acute bronchitis, bronchodracheitis, pneumonia (pneumonia or bronchopneumonia), bronchiectasis, purulent inflammation of the pleura or The maxillary cavities are in many cases carried out with antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action by Augmentin (other trade names - Amoxicillin, Flemoxin) or Levofloxacin (Tavanic, Flexiide, etc.). A five- or seven-day course of Augmentin is prescribed for adults and children older than 10 years - on, g (three times a day, after meals); children from 5 to 10 years take on, 5 g, and 2-5 years - on, 25 g three times a day. A Levofloxacin can be used only after 18 years: by, 5 g (before meals) twice a day.
Assigning antibacterial treatment of cough with yellow sputum, for example, with pneumonia, Ampicillin (Ampexin, Riomycin, Cimexillin, etc.) is often recommended. Adults should take it 500 mg 4 times a day, and for children, doctors calculate the daily dose, based on the proportion of 100 mg per kilogram of body weight; the obtained amount of the drug should be divided into 6 receptions in day.
It is necessary to keep in mind the following: if for better sputum coughing you are prescribed Acetylcysteine (or another drug on its basis) and simultaneously antibiotics with ampicillin, then their administration should be divided in time by at least 2, 3 hours, as these drugs reduce the therapeutic effect of each friend.
Treatment of an allergic cough with phlegm
In most cases, cough for allergies is dry, but the course of the disease can be accompanied by attachment of infectious factors with edema of the mucous membranes, and then the mucus clears, as a rule, without impurities.
In accordance with medical recommendations, symptomatic treatment of an allergic cough with phlegm is carried out with the help of the same drugs for the dilution of sputum and its expectoration, as with the cough of inflammatory character. And in etiologic therapy, antihistamines should be used, for example, Claritin (Loratadin, Lotharen, Clallergin, etc.) or Fenistil. So, Claritin in tablets is prescribed one tablet, 01 g once a day, in the form of syrup - on a dessert spoon once a day.
With diagnosed chronic bronchitis of an allergic nature, the inhalation method of administration of such drugs is considered to be the most expedient: Atrovent - 3-4 inhalations in during the day; Ventolin-po, -5 mg per inhalation, four inhalations per day (the drug can cause headache and heart rhythm disturbances); Pulmicort - for 1-2 mg in day.
And it is also very important to breathe properly with an allergic cough: after another attack of cough, you need to hold your breath for five seconds (so that there is no spasm of the bronchi), but to inhale the air slowly.
Treatment of a smoker's cough with sputum
Smoking people often cough, especially in the morning, and this should make one seriously think about the really imminent threat of the development of so-called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, the treatment of a smoker's cough with phlegm should begin with the first of its symptoms: first cough in the morning hours dry, then begins the coughing of clots of mucous semitransparent sputum, which very soon acquires a gray or greenish color tone. Then shortness of breath is coughing, attacks of severe coughing during an intense inhalation of air or with a sharp change in the position of the body.
What do doctors recommend in such cases? First, quit smoking. And the best release of the respiratory tract from sputum will not only help the already mentioned mucolytics, but also the famous drops of the Danish king - a thoracic elixir with a root extract licorice (25-30 drops three times a day, if there are no problems with the liver), and Pectosol with extract from the root of elecampane (20-30 drops three times a day, in the absence of gastric diseases).
The broths of such medicinal plants, indispensable for wet coughing, like the mother-and-stepmother, plantain, oregano, thyme, and black elder flowers are good. It is necessary during the day to drink a glass of herbal decoction (or infusion) - after a few sips, after eating. For broth, boil one tablespoon of dry raw material for 200-250 ml of water for five minutes, - pour the same amount of steep boiling water, but in both cases, you need to close the dishes tightly and insist not less hours.
In addition, regardless of the cause of this symptom, cough treatment with sputum can be alleviated and accelerated by doing wet-steam inhalations with ordinary table salt or baking soda.
Green sputum when coughing
Sputum green for cough: causes

Sputum contains enough immune cells that are capable of providing reliable protection of the body against pathogenic microorganisms. With the development of inflammatory processes, sputum appears in the bronchi and trachea, in combination with mucus. It contains in its composition products that provide resistance to microbes, viruses and various fungi.
If the sputum, which is released when coughing, has a green color, this indicates its bacterial nature. Its causes may be hiding in the presence of pus in the airways, as well as suspension of liquid consistency from dead microbes and leukocytes. Shades of sputum may have a different color, depending on the microbes that caused it.
In addition, the development of cough with sputum green can indicate a purulent inflammation in the lungs. Its other cause may be sinusitis.
Yellow-green sputum when coughing
If sputum is given during cough, having a yellow-green color, therefore, there are consequences of purulent discharge. Thus, the human body signals the development of processes in the organs of the respiratory system. The color of excreted sputum is the basis for setting a preliminary diagnosis. If the sputum is yellow-green, therefore, there is a definite threat to human health. To eliminate it, you need to undergo a medical examination.
Green sputum when coughing in the morning
Green sputum when coughing in the morning does not appear anywhere in itself. To ensure that the human body was reliably protected from exposure to its respiratory system of pathogenic bacteria, it contains a healthy bronchial secret without color and odor. If this secret acquires a green color and is manifested in the morning, therefore, there is a development of a certain pathology.
Most often, this happens when a person develops chronic bronchitis. This is especially evident in cases with children. When the child has a sputum of green in the morning on the background of an ongoing cough, you should see a doctor for the correct diagnosis and the appointment of timely treatment.
Also, this symptomatology is typical for smokers with many years of experience. They often notice the appearance in the morning of green sputum when coughing, as the body's reaction to the action of nicotine.
Severe cough, green sputum
The appearance of green sputum with a strong cough indicates the addition of pus in sputum. Depending on its amount, the color of the sputum itself also changes. You can also talk about the development of the patient's chronic forms of disease.
Many people the appearance of green sputum when coughing is perceived as a secretion of pus, but this is by no means always true. In fact, pus is always mixed with mucus and in its pure form it can be seen only after the opening of the lung abscess. In addition, the appearance of pus becomes possible with purulent pleurisy.
The combination of a strong cough with purulent sputum occurs with various diseases, among which the most dangerous are lung cancer and tuberculosis. This is also noted in the abscess of lung and bronchial asthma. Another possible reason for the appearance of a strong cough with sputum sweat in the mornings is the reaction of the human body to external irritating factors. This is observed with the development of allergies. Most often, its cause is chemical products, in contact with which such symptoms manifest themselves.
Cough with green phlegm without temperature
Cough itself has a beneficial effect on the human body, because it helps to remove excess sputum from the body and foreign bodies that pollute the respiratory tract. Ultimately, this has a direct effect on the cure of an existing disease.
If there is a cough with green sputum without a rise in temperature, the reasons for this condition may be different. Most often, this occurs in smokers with a long history. The absence of temperature indicates that there is no infection in the body with which it will fight. At the same time, green secretions mean the development of the pathological process in the bronchi, caused by the action of nicotine.
In addition, the cause of a cough with green phlegm without a rise in temperature can be hidden in the development of inflammation in the bronchial system. However, in this case, sooner or later the temperature will begin to rise with the development of a painful condition. The appearance of green sputum indicates the need to consult a doctor about the reasons for its appearance in order to take the necessary precautions in time.
Green sputum when coughing: treatment
The isolation of green sputum when coughing is not uncommon when it comes to diseases of all kinds of bronchitis or respiratory viral infections. In addition, there were cases when such discharges were observed in the mornings for no apparent reason. So the respiratory system of the body can be cleansed spontaneously.
However, with increasing secretion secretion in the human body develops a pathological process, or it indicates the ingress of foreign objects and microorganisms into the respiratory tract. In such cases, sputum excretion takes the character of a pathological process and requires medical intervention for treatment.

Cough with green expectoration in adults
In an adult, the appearance of a cough with phlegm indicates that the body has an acute need for dilution of sputum and its withdrawal outside. There are many methods of treating this condition, and a specialist should be consulted for the correct choice of the technique used.
Most often in such cases an adult is shown to use drugs for expectoration, such as Lazolvan, Ambrobe, Bromhexin, Ambromgexal. In parallel, you can use medicinal herbs for medicinal purposes, which can contribute to expectoration and elimination of inflammatory processes. These can be breastfeeding, infusions of wild rosemary, St. John's wort, all sorts of herbal syrups. Effective in the fight against green sputum emissions, the use of compresses, which use cans, mustard plasters, as well as the imposition of a grated black radish wrapped in gauze. In addition, radish juice can be used separately and in combination with honey and sugar in different proportions.
Adult people with green sputum are recommended to use inhalers and nebulizers for inhalation. With a medical prescription, repeat such procedures should be at least five times a day.
Green sputum when coughing in a child
Depending on the cause that caused the allocation of green sputum when coughing in a child, the method of treatment is selected. If it is accurately established that the cause of a child's condition is the effect of a viral infection on him, should competently care for the patient and determine the treatment appropriate to the symptoms that have a place. Therapy should be started in time to avoid the attachment of a bacterial infection, in which the principles of treatment will already be different. If it is determined that the allocation of green sputum in a child is caused by the action of a bacterial infection, antibiotics should be used for treatment. Moreover, the selection of drugs should be made in accordance with medical recommendations.
If the cause of the allocation of green sputum in a child is bronchitis, he should be assigned to receive mucolytic or expectorant funds. Their action ensures the liquefaction of the secret and its excretion outside. Anti-cough drugs should not be used because they do not excrete phlegm, but only block it in the airways.
In the event that the cause of allocation of a child's green sputum when coughing is tuberculosis, cancer or pulmonary edema, it should be treated in a hospital hospital. The sooner a morbid condition is established, the better in the end it will be for the child, the faster it will be fashionable to begin treatment and more efficiently to carry it out.
Green sputum without cough
The isolation of green sputum without a cough is not in itself a separate disease. This is just a signal that a foci of inflammation has settled in the human body. Symptoms in this case are simple - a person begins to feel a lump in the throat, there may be pain while swallowing, but there is no serious discomfort.
If the discharge of green sputum is not accompanied by a cough, as well as a rise in temperature, pain in the throat and wheezing in the lungs, you can try to eliminate the condition by carrying out local treatment. It is not necessary to use medicines, because there is no special need for this.
A good effect is the treatment with herbs, thanks to their mild action the process itself proceeds painlessly. The duration of the treatment course should not be more than a month. Eliminates the likelihood of the spread of diseased bacteria and viruses in the body, the throat is cleared.
In the event that green sputum without a cough is observed for a week or more, the patient should be examined at the clinic. It involves conducting a medical examination and passing tests to determine the cause of what is happening. The results determine the cause of sputum production and appropriate treatment is prescribed.
Yellow sputum when coughing

Often during a disease that is accompanied by a cough, many notice spitting. Can this be considered normal? What should be sputum and are its characteristics so important? For example, yellow sputum when coughing - what does it mean? Let's briefly answer all such questions.
Sputum is a secretion produced in the bronchi and trachea. Such discharges are not always considered a sign of the disease, since respiratory organs regularly produce a small amount of mucus. This is necessary in order to create an obstacle for penetration into the lungs of foreign particles (for example, dust or chemicals) together with air at the right time. In addition, in the mucus there are special cells that help fight bacteria. Normally, sputum can only be transparent.
Sputum is considered pathological when its characteristics change - color, composition, quantity, etc. Particular importance of the doctors attached to the color of bronchial secretions.
Causes of yellow sputum when coughing
Sputum can be released from various respiratory tract diseases and removed from them during coughing and expectoration. The number of secretions can also be different, from a single occurrence in the initial stage of bronchitis or pneumonia to one and a half liters in purulent pulmonary pathologies.
The degree of expectoration depends on how penetrated the bronchi, as well as on the position of the patient's body (excretions can be amplified in a horizontal position, lying on the healthy side).
Expectoration of discharge in most cases indicates the presence of the disease, especially if the sputum differs in any characteristic color. For example, yellow sputum when coughing can go away with pneumonia, with viral infection and bronchitis, with purulent processes in the lungs (abscess, bronchiectasis).
However, yellow discharge is not always a sign of the disease. For example, it can be a characteristic symptom of a cough in malicious smokers. Sometimes yellow sputum appears due to the use of foods or beverages of yellow color (for example, citrus, carrot juice, etc.).
Who to contact?
Pulmonologist Family doctor General practitionerDiagnostics
Sputum is the pathological secret of the bronchi and trachea, which is excreted through coughing movements. These discharges are a very important diagnostic material. They are collected in a special container of clear glass: usually it is done in the morning, before eating, after cleaning the teeth and washing the throat.
Also a good material for diagnosis can serve as a liquid after bronchoscopy (flushing of the bronchi).
The study of bronchial secretion can be carried out in several ways. Let's consider each of them separately.
- Macroscopic analysis determines the main characteristics of sputum: volume, hue, odor, density, composition. For example, yellow color is explained by the presence of a purulent component in the secretions, and the more the percentage of pus, the more the yellow color changes toward the greenish one. Yellow-green sputum when coughing - the index of a purulent process in the respiratory system. Sometimes pus is present even in the form of clots or lumps.
- Microscopic analysis of sputum is carried out with staining of the preparation and without staining. In the secretions, cells of flat and cylindrical epithelium, macrophages, siderophages, conyophages, atypical cells, blood cells can be detected. In some cases, a number of fibrous formations (elastic, fibrous fibers, Kurshman spirals), as well as Charcot-Leiden crystals, cholesterol, fatty acids can be detected.
- Bacteriological seeding on nutrient media - helps identify the causative agent of the disease, assess its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.
In rare cases, additional types of diagnostics can be prescribed, such as luminescence microscopy, flotation and electrophoresis (as a means of accumulating microorganisms).
Treatment of yellow sputum when coughing
To effectively treat yellow sputum during cough, the following points should be considered:
- treatment is prescribed only after determining the cause of the disease;
- medicines and doses can be prescribed only on an individual basis, taking into account the underlying disease, accompanying pathologies, the patient's response to medications.
If there are excrements during coughing, it is recommended to take a large amount of liquid, preferably in the form of warm tea or infusions of herbs. Use herbs with expectorant, anti-inflammatory, enveloping action - it's sage, chamomile, St. John's wort, marshmallow, etc.
In the absence of contraindications, inhalations with sodium hydrogencarbonate, essential oils are carried out.
The following medicines are shown:
- means with expectorant action, which reduce the concentration of bronchial secretions and facilitate its excretion (ammonium chloride, thermopsis);
- means with mukoreguliruyuschim action (carbocysteine, ambroksol) - promote the expulsion of sputum from the bronchi, help antibacterial drugs get into the bronchi;
- mucolytics (ATSTS) - normalize the cough secretion from the bronchi;
- antihistamines (for allergic etiology of coughing).
Antibiotics are taken only if necessary, and only after an accurate diagnosis of the cause of cough.
Prevention of yellow sputum during coughing is determined by the prevention of complications of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. What needs to be considered in order to prevent the development of purulent processes in the lungs?
It must be remembered that the inflammatory process in the bronchi most often occurs as a result of incorrect or insufficient treatment of acute respiratory disease or ARVI. Therefore, a cold or flu should be treated, rather than expecting that the disease "will pass" on its own.
Regardless of the presence of respiratory system diseases, the following rules can be adhered to as a preventive measure:
- Smoking is harmful, even if you are not smoking, but someone is nearby. Inhalation of nicotine increases the risk of developing chronic bronchitis or emphysema;
- In the period of epidemics of cold and viral diseases, it is necessary to avoid crowded public places;
- it sometimes makes sense to get vaccinated against influenza or pneumonia, especially if you have low immunity or a tendency to respiratory diseases;
- do not forget about personal hygiene, wash your hands after coming from the street, and before each meal;
- include in the diet more fresh fruits and vegetables. It is useful to drink infusions and fruit drinks from berries, dog rose, citrus, mint;
- Eat fully, because in the cold season it is highly not recommended to adhere to "strict" and even more "hungry" diets, as this significantly weakens immunity;
- dress on the weather, do not allow the body to overcool and overheat.
When you have a cough, it's best to postpone all the cases for a while and go to the doctor: timely treatment is often the best prevention of complications and undesirable consequences.
Often a wet cough seems to us an ordinary and non-serious disease, however, this is not the case, especially since yellow sputum when coughing is not a harmless symptom. If you ignore the disease, then without the necessary treatment, serious health consequences can arise. Inadequately cured cough with ARD or ARVI, as well as with acute bronchitis or tracheitis may contribute to the development of pneumonia. Inflammation of the lungs is quite a dangerous and insidious disease, which requires compulsory treatment in the hospital with the use of antibacterial potent drugs.
The acute form of bronchitis, which many prefer to carry "on their feet without adequate therapy can get a chronic course. The chronic form of bronchitis may require long and difficult treatment. Improper treatment of chronic inflammation of the bronchi can serve as a factor in the development of abscess, bronchial asthma or pneumonia.
Yellow sputum when coughing is more than sufficient reason to call a doctor. Purulent processes in the airways can not be triggered in any way, otherwise the consequences can be unpredictable.
Green sputum when coughing
- Treatment
- Recommendations

The appearance of a cough with a disease indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the respiratory or nasopharyngeal organs. By the nature and frequency of cough, you can determine which organ is affected and what kind of pathology is present.
A detailed study of the nature of the cough along with other symptoms can help to put the right diagnosis, and therefore, contributes to the appointment of adequate treatment and rapid recovery.
Cough can be dry and wet with exudation. Sputum or secretory fluid in the body of a healthy person is secreted in a small amount, has no color and carries a protective function. In the body of the patient, its number increases, and it begins to change color. Green sputum when coughing means that it infects pathogens from the focus of infection in the respiratory or nasopharyngeal organs, as well as a sputum of a different color.
In the pathological inflammatory process, the color of the expectorant mucus may differ and be indicative of various diseases.For example, sputum with red patches may indicate the presence of a patient with tuberculosis or oncology, and vitreous mucus - about the disease with bronchial asthma.
But most often there is a cough with yellow phlegm. Liquid yellow exudate is a sign of a viral disease.
A thick pale yellow or yellow mucus when coughing indicates the presence of bacterial infection and suppurative inflammation. Green sputum when coughing means that the inflammation is stagnant.
Stagnation of mucus can occur with genyantritis, triunebronchitis, bronchitis acute or chronic during an exacerbation, pneumonia, purulent pleurisy or abscess of the lungs.
All these diseases are accompanied by a productive cough, and arise from penetration into the body airborne by Gram-positive and Gram-negative coccal or other types of bacteria, virus or fungus. And if at the beginning of the disease expectorated sputum is more often a yellowish shade, then on the 4th-5th day of the current illness with insufficient treatment or lack of it, it becomes purulent-green and even unpleasant smell.
In addition to productive cough, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx may be accompanied by other symptoms: purulent mucous discharge from the nose, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, fever body.
The absence of a fever with a cough and green sputum may indicate either an inability body to fight infection itself, or about other causes of coughing, for example, nicotine pathology.
The presence of green sputum when coughing and lack of temperature - this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Another important reason to consult a doctor is a protracted productive cough. Cough that does not go away for a month or less, but against the background of the treatment received, is called chronic and protracted.
Such cases of protracted cough require additional testing to find out the reasons for the occurrence and purpose of treatment in accordance with the results of the survey.To standard methods of diagnosis when coughing with green sputum - lung X-rays and blood analysis, with prolonged cough, it is necessary to add a laboratory analysis of sputum and blood for mycoplasma and chlamydia, bronchoscopy, spirometric examination of respiration rates, ultrasound of the lungs and chest, tomography, Mantoux test and histological examination for exclusion oncology.
Sputum green: how to treat it

Therapy should be carried out only after determining the preliminary cause of cough and in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.
However, it is more difficult for children to establish the cause of this cough, especially in the absence of temperature.
Also, the effect of individual body characteristics on therapy for coughing with green sputum in children is significantly higher than in adults. Some medications recommended for the treatment of moist cough in adults are contraindicated in childhood.
In addition to infectious etiology, in children cough with sputum green can cause:
- whooping cough;
- infection of the body with parasites and worms;
- pathology of the digestive tract;
- allergic reactions;
- insufficient air humidity;
- hit of an alien object in the respiratory system;
- psychological reasons.
The system of therapy of productive cough is concentrated on several directions:
- Destruction of viruses, bacteria and fungi, which caused the disease.
- Sputum diffusion.
- Effective sputum discharge.
Based on this system, patients are assigned:
- Antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs.
- Expectorants that reduce the density of phlegm.
- Mukoliticheskie means that contribute to the escape of diluted sputum.
In some cases, antihistamines are added to this scheme. Limit cough and suppress this reflex in the therapy of productive coughs categorically impossible. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to combine medicinal preparations of synthetic origin and phytotherapy.
Many herbal antitussive preparations, for example, with plantain, are combined, which allows for simultaneous to facilitate the course of the inflammatory process, to promote liquefaction and sputum and to get rid of any cough origin. The versatility of phytopreparations makes it possible to effectively use them in the treatment of cough in children and adults.
Expectorant medications have a different principle of action: resorptive and reflex. Preparations of the first group act on the bronchi, liquefying and excreting sputum directly through the blood, and the means of the second group, which include some essential oils, licorice, althae and others, stimulate the receptors of the stomach, salivary glands and bronchial mucosa, promoting liquefaction mucus.
What to do if clearing up green sputum

There is an alternative therapy when coughing green sputum cough:
- A warming cocktail made with fresh strong tea, salt, butter and 1/4 cup of milk. It must be drunk with hot and small sips.
- Compress of pounded with soda boiled potatoes or black bread with honey. Such compresses effectively warm, promote liquefaction of exudate and help to fall asleep.
- Mustards have a similar effect to compresses.
- Circular massage of the thorax. It must be done often, but smoothly, while rubbing the cough remedy with essential oils.
- Inhalations increase the outflow of mucus, reducing the phenomenon of stagnation. Good help when coughing with green sputum inhalation with soda, salt or on decoction of pine buds. Breathe in a concentrated steam slowly and deeply, covered with a blanket. Very small children are not recommended for inhalation.
- Decoctions of herbs, herbal teas. Herbs that are part of ready-made pharmacy phytopreparations, you can brew yourself and drink during the day.
- Black radish juice with honey is considered very effective in productive cough.
A patient at home needs peace and copious drinking.
A large amount of liquid will help reduce the viscosity of mucus and its better expectoration.
To relieve nasal congestion and to avoid the flow of mucus in the nasopharynx into the bronchi and subsequent stagnation, as often as possible, rinse the nasal passage with saline. Also, fresh air is useful for patients, but walks should be short-lived, instead of walking you can ventilate each room separately.
The room should be sufficiently humid - dry air overdry mucous and irritates the cough center.
For the prevention of cough with green sputum it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and treat existing pathologies, preventing the occurrence of complications in the form of stagnant processes. For the general prevention of diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx it is necessary: to strengthen immunity, to sleep enough, to eat variedly and qualitatively, to avoid stress, to be physically active.
Green sputum when coughing
Colds, ARVI and bronchitis are often accompanied by a phlegm, it can be transparent, white or green, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell, often it is the change in color or consistency that helps to establish the correct diagnosis when a child coughs or adult.
In the bronchi and lungs of a healthy person, a small amount (10-100 ml) is produced daily special fluid - bronchial secretion, is necessary for the normal functioning of organs respiration. This liquid is transparent, without specific taste or odor and provides protection and purification of the mucous membrane and ciliated epithelium. In young children, it can cause a physiological cough. Such a cough is not accompanied by signs of a cold or SARS and often occurs in the morning.
If airborne pathogens get into the respiratory tract and the inflammation develops, the amount of secretion increases, and it becomes a pathological liquid - sputum.
What is sputum?
Sputum is an abnormal discharge of the upper respiratory tract, it appears when inflammatory or infectious diseases and, depending on the type of disease, can be colorless, green or yellow, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell.

When the disease of the upper or lower respiratory tract in a child or an adult, in the bronchi and lungs accumulates an inflammatory secret that contains microorganisms, particles of the mucous membrane, saliva and secretions from the nose. All this fluid interferes with the normal process of breathing, reduces the flow of oxygen into the blood and prevents recovery. Treatment of diseases accompanied by cough with phlegm, is aimed at dilution of the pathological secret and its evacuation from the bronchi and lungs.
Sputum occurs with the following diseases:
- bronchitis;
- viral diseases;
- pneumonia;
- bronchial asthma;
- pulmonary edema;
- tuberculosis;
- abscess of the lung;
- lung cancer.
By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the development of pathological processes in the lungs. Transparent and neobylaya sputum in viral diseases, gradually becomes thick, white or yellowish color - this indicates the spread of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract, and green color and an unpleasant smell - about stagnation in the lungs and about further progression inflammation. Blood veins can be the first signs of decomposition of tissues in tuberculosis or lung cancer, and they can also arise due to constant straining during coughing.
What does the color of sputum indicate?

- Colorless, in minimal quantity - it is a physiological bronchial secret, cough and other signs of inflammation should be absent.
- Transparent "vitreous" thick - a symptom of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to pay special attention to its appearance, especially if it arose in a child.
- Transparent or yellow liquid, sputum in large quantities is characteristic of viral diseases.
- Dense white-yellow or yellow color indicates bacterial infection and pus, often occurs with pneumonia in a child or adult. Treatment of the disease requires the use of antibiotics and a sick child must be shown to the doctor.
- Green, viscous with an unpleasant smell - a sign of a stagnant process in the lungs.
- The appearance of bloody veins and threads in a cough secretive may be a sign of a tuberculosis or oncology process.
- Sputum red or with a lot of blood occurs when lung disintegration or pulmonary hemorrhage, requires immediate medical intervention.
Treatment of cough with phlegm depends on the cause of its appearance and should be conducted only under the supervision of a doctor. When viral infections are symptomatic enough treatment and good care, the appearance of sputum yellow or green color - this is a dangerous sign, especially in a child, hence, in the respiratory organs developed purulent process. Here, treatment should begin in antibiotic therapy and other potent drugs. In bronchitis treatment is carried out with expectorants and mucolytic drugs, and specific pulmonary Diseases such as tuberculosis, lung cancer or pulmonary hemorrhage must be treated in a special hospital.