Lfk with osteochondrosis of the spine


  • 1LFK with osteochondrosis: the basic rules of effective therapy
    • 1.1Lfk with osteochondrosis of the spine, cervical and thoracic areas
  • 2LFK for osteochondrosis, appointment, recommendations and warnings
    • 2.1Importance of exercise therapy in osteochondrosis
    • 2.2Лфк with separate localization
    • 2.3Lumbar and Crucial Department
    • 2.4Complex for cervical osteochondrosis
    • 2.5Thoracic osteochondrosis
    • 2.6Contraindications
    • 2.7Lifestyle during the passage of exercise therapy
  • 3Physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine. | | Physiotherapy
    • 3.1Causes of osteochondrosis
  • 4When osteochondrosis is necessary to perform a daily exercise complex, individually developed by a doctor
    • 4.1Lfk with pathology of the hip joint
    • 4.2Lfk with pathology in the thoracic department
    • 4.3Lfk for restoration of the lumbosacral department
    • 4.4Lfk "crocodile" is the way to recovery!
  • 5Complexes of physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic areas
    • 5.1LFK with osteochondrosis of the neck
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.2LFK for the thoracic spine
    • 5.3LFK with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region
  • 6Therapeutic physical training in osteochondrosis
    • 6.1Conservative treatment of osteochondrosis
    • 6.2Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis: general recommendations
    • 6.3Physiotherapy with cervical osteochondrosis
    • 6.4Therapeutic physical training in chest osteochondrosis
    • 6.5Physiotherapy for lumbar osteochondrosis

LFK with osteochondrosis: the basic rules of effective therapy

LFK with osteochondrosis is of particular importance, since it not only contributes to the restoration of the motor function of the body, but also increases the potency.

LFK with osteochondrosis will help with training to strengthen the abdominal muscles, buttocks, hips and back.

How does the spinal column stabilize? Strengthening the abdominal muscles, increases intra-abdominal pressure, which helps distribute the load from the lower intervertebral discs to the pelvic floor and diaphragm.

It should be noted that exercise therapy for osteochondrosis helps to get rid of excess salts.

This is due to the fact that bone and muscle tissues "process" these salts under physical stress.

Regular active movements in the form of curative gymnastics during the deposition of salts gradually "grind" the salt deposits, making them less acute and painful.

To LFK with osteochondrosis gave positive results, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • Regularity- Exercises should be performed regularly.
  • Diligence- Exercise should be done properly, slowly and without holding your breath.

Exercises can be carried out at any time of the day, especially useful immediately after awakening - it will revitalize the body and lead the muscles into tonus.

Clothing in the exercise of exercise therapy for osteochondrosis should be free cut and at the same time warm, so as not to hamper the movement and not lead to hypothermia.


Before proceeding with exercise therapy for osteochondrosis, a doctor's consultation is needed.

What is the treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of exercise therapy and why physical exercises in treatment are so important? LFK with osteochondrosis helps to strengthen the muscles of the back, which, with the regularity of this method of treatment, helps "Support" the spine while walking and prevents the occurrence of microtraumas of the intervertebral disc when movement.

LFK on the spine is beneficial, not overworking the body and not leading to traumatization of muscles, provided that this The complex of measures will be developed by a specialist taking into account the required intensity and an individual set of physical loads.

Exercises for the back with osteochondrosis help not only to stabilize the work of the spine and strengthen the muscular frame, but also:

  • relax the strained muscles of the back and neck;
  • expand the intervertebral spaces and release the strangulated nerves.

The regularity of these exercises improves blood circulation, stimulates the work of internal organs, which in general positively affects the emotional state of the patient.

Lfk with osteochondrosis of the spine, cervical and thoracic areas

What is LFK in osteochondrosis? This is not just an exercise, it is a set of activities in the form of physical exercises aimed at treating osteochondrosis in various parts of the spine. These exercises should be developed by a specialist individually under the "requests" of the patient. LFK can not only be treated, but also to prevent the prevention of diseases of the spine.

Complex exercise therapy for osteochondrosis should be used only when pain syndromes are removed - only then you can help the spine, and not harm. When the pain goes away, exercise therapy with osteochondrosis of the spine helps to strengthen the muscular corset of the back.

Exercises are of a general strengthening nature, and for each type of osteochondrosis it differs only in small things.

To relieve the symptoms of the osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, exercises that will improve the mobility of the spine in thoracic region, strengthen the muscles of the back and shoulders, remove the blockage of muscles and joints, which will help restore normal breathing.


LFK in chest osteochondrosis helps to improve the mobility of the sterno-rib and costal vertebral articulations.


What are the exercises shown in chest osteochondrosis:

  • Sit on a chair, fix your hands on the back of your neck, bend your back back and lean on the upper part of the back of the chair, inhale, then bend forward and exhale. Perform 5-6 times.
  • Sit on a chair and lean on the upper back and shoulders on the back, maximally bend the back forward on inhaling, on exhalation - bend it in the form of an arc. Perform 4-5 times.
  • Lay down on the back, under the thoracic area, place the cushion, put your hands behind your head and inhale as much as possible forward, on exhalation - lift the upper part of the trunk. Perform 4-5 times.

Exercise for lumbar osteochondrosis involves strengthening the muscles of the back, which allows you to cope with muscle weakness and insufficient physical exertion.

With lumbar osteochondrosis, we offer such a complex of exercises:

  • Lying on your stomach, bend your arms in the elbows and spread them apart, then in turn straighten your arms and slowly raise them. This exercise should be done without straining.
  • Bend your knees and raise it to a "blunt" angle, with your hands palms down.
  • Lie on your stomach, put your hands on the back of your head, raise your head and, if possible, pull your shoulders for a few seconds.
  • Raise your head and try to reach out with the fingers of your left hand to the knee of your right leg. Do the same with the other leg.

The last two exercises can be used as a therapeutic gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis.

LFK with osteochondrosis every morning you can end with such an exercise: stand on your knees, keeping your hands on the sides in a free position, tilt your torso forward and lean your forehead against the floor. In this state, you are in a state of relaxation.

A source: https://impotencija.net/osteohondroz/lfk-pri-osteohondroze/

LFK for osteochondrosis, appointment, recommendations and warnings

Osteochondrosis is characterized by severe pain in the spine, which are caused by injuries in the vertebral discs. This reduces activity, causes discomfort.

Exercise therapy in osteochondrosis is an effective method of treatment, which should be used simultaneously with drug therapy. Many patients claim that exercise therapy will not be of much use when the performance of each exercise is associated with such pains.

However, some exercises are prescribed even during periods of exacerbation of the disease, and they help to significantly reduce pain.

Importance of exercise therapy in osteochondrosis

These therapeutic complexes are important at any stage of the disease and are recommended by doctors as preventive methods.

Sedentary lifestyle of modern man often causes the disease affects not only the elderly, but also the youth.

Complexes of exercises are designed for the load of various parts of the spine, some can be carried to patients who are in bed.

Physical training in osteochondrosis is important, as well as physical exercises in everyday life. This will strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and thighs. Strong muscle mass reduces the burden on the spine, which is extremely important in the fight against the disease and in its prevention.

Important! It is necessary to conduct all the complexes in a clinic in the clinic under the supervision of a specialist and follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.

Each set of exercises is developed and offered to the patient individually.

The degree of exercise and intensity of exercise, which involves physical training in osteochondrosis, must be strictly observed by each patient.

However, there are recommendations that are identical in the treatment process for each patient.

  1. Exercises that are performed in the sitting or standing position are appointed during the period of remission of the disease (remission).
  2. Before each session, the patient is examined, pulse, blood pressure, respiration rate is measured.
  3. The room where LPC is performed in case of osteochondrosis must be previously ventilated.
  4. Clothing for training should be only from natural materials, free, non-binding movements, cut.
  5. Before each session and after it is recommended to visit the shower.
  6. The initial position should be taken during exhalation, and the beginning of each exercise on inspiration.
  7. No painful sensations of the vertebral column should be. Otherwise, you need to stop the session and ask the doctor to develop a new complex.
  8. The complex is performed in strictly prescribed mode and it is not permissible to skip classes.
  9. Sharp movements, jumps, lifting of weights is not permissible. The entire session is held at a leisurely pace.

The complex of exercises can be carried out both individually and in small groups. Such groups are compiled by the doctor taking into account the state of the patient and the similarity of the symptoms.

Each lesson consists of ten, twelve exercises that are performed around eight, sometimes three times.

Lessons begin with minimal loads, which gradually increase and decrease to completion of the complex.

Лфк with separate localization

Lumbar and Crucial Department

This part of the spine is most often affected by the disease. All exercises are aimed at strengthening the lumbar muscles.

Physical exercises are designed to strengthen the muscles of the waist, widening the intervertebral spaces, and to stabilize the vertebral column.

The complex for this part of the spine is performed in a sitting position on a high backed chair, while standing and lying with a padded roller near the waist. The intensity of the exercises is assigned individually.

Complex for cervical osteochondrosis

Therapeutic exercise for this part involves exercises that have a warming effect. Usually classes begin with an easy warm-up.

Walking, marching at a calm pace until you feel a pleasant light warmth in the neck.

Then exercises are performed to relax the muscles of the neck and only after that begins a more intense complex, the rhythm of which gradually decreases closer to the end of physical education.

Usually a similar complex is carried out sitting on a chair, exercises are performed by the head with the involvement of the neck muscles.

Slopes forward, backward, sideways, overcoming resistance when pressing with your own palm on the frontal part, the nape, chin and side.

Do not try to do this yourself without doctor's appointment. Self-abuse can complicate the course of treatment of the disease.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

Just like in the previous complex, the training begins with a small warm-up until the heat senses in the thoracic spine. After that, the load increases slightly and decreases before the end of the workout.

The feeling of heat should accompany the entire period of time, while the training lasts. Like all previous complexes, training begins with a warm-up, which lasts until the sensation of heat in the thoracic area.

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The complex is held in a position sitting on a chair, standing and lying on the stomach.


Despite the fact that the complex is not conducted as an intensive training, there are contraindications. Namely:

  • suffered heart attack, stroke;
  • chronic diseases;
  • cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases;
  • increased body temperature;
  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases, coagulation disorders;
  • epilepsy, severe mental illness;
  • pregnancy.

But, again, all issues with contraindications are considered individually and the final decision is made only by the attending physician.

Sometimes, in order to determine the possibility of assigning a complex of exercise therapy, the doctor prescribes a survey that includes X-ray, ultrasound, and not necessarily affected area of ​​the spine, cardiogram, analyzes.

Based on the results obtained, an interview is conducted, a final decision is made and only then a set of exercises is assigned.

Lifestyle during the passage of exercise therapy

Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle is the main cause of the disease. That's why, doctors recommend that you spend less time in this position, especially in front of computer monitors in a half-bent state.

Completely eliminate heavy physical activity and lifting weights. If there is a need to move the load, then it is necessary to do this with great care, distributing the weight evenly on both hands.

Exclude from the use of bags that are worn on the shoulder. It is best to use backpacks during this period.


A careful attitude to one's health, an integrated approach to treatment, the implementation of all recommendations will help avoid complications and defeat such a terrible disease, which is osteochondrosis.


A source: http://etospina.ru/vosstanovlenie/lfk/lfk-pri-osteoxondroze.html

Physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine. | | Physiotherapy

Hello, my dear patients! Today we will talk about osteochondrosis of the spine. Physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis are not only exercises for osteochondrosis, but also training in motor skills: walking, sitting, lifting objects, sleeping.

This degenerative-dystrophic disease of the entire spine, in which the intervertebral discs primarily suffer. In different parts of the spine, osteochondrosis appears at different stages. A severe form of osteochondrosis is spondylosis.

In the main, elderly people suffer from spondylosis. The lumbar spine suffers most often. This disease slowly progresses and proceeds with periods of remission (temporary absence of symptoms of the disease) and relapses (exacerbations).

What happens in the spine with osteochondrosis? When there are destructive changes in the spine, the discs lose water and elasticity; in them appears a lot of small cracks.

The bulpous nucleus in the center of the disc begins to seep into these cracks until the core is protruded beyond disk (protrusion or herniated disc), the disc is flattened and the load on the ligamentous apparatus of the spine increases.

There is a state of hypermobility (hypermobility) of the vertebrae. Ligaments are injured and gradually replaced by scar tissue. Spondylosis is formed.

The body seeks to ensure peace of the damaged area, and compensatory local muscular spasm arises, the beak-like bone processes (osteophytes) on vertebral bodies that impede mobility the spine. Subsequently, the disc splits into particles, the vertebrae "fuse and in this segment of the spine the movements are lost, the person experiences a restriction of mobility in the spine and pain in the back, as with a decrease in the distance between the vertebrae, the compression element is attached to the spinal roots and vessels, local edema appears, which means venous stagnation.

Particles of the pulpous nucleus contact the bloodstream, and autoimmune inflammation occurs in this (the immune system of the organism seeks to eliminate the destroyed and lost its function disk).


These changes are detected on X-ray images. As a result, a whole complex of symptoms of this disease appears in a person, which depends on the localization of the process.


This is what the forced position of the body looks like during an exacerbation of the osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, namely lumbago (lumbago). It speaks of pain and suffering.

Causes of osteochondrosis

Unfortunately, this disease is very common in connection with the upright man. In the vertical position, the load on the spine and, especially, on the intervertebral discs increases manifold.

In addition, people exacerbate the risk of osteochondrosis when they perform heavy physical work related to lifting weights, as well as for many hours daily sitting at work in the office or at home at the computer; influences and vibration, affecting the spine during a trip in transport or work on machines, tractor. Importance and improper diet and hypovitaminosis, bad habits, trauma and metabolic disorders are important. The problem of a sedentary lifestyle in modern people is great, because of which the weakness of the muscles of the back, the abdominal press and others develops. This means that the spine is not sufficiently protected by the muscular corset, and vertebrae during exercise can shift relative to each other, which significantly increases the risk of intervertebral hernia.

The main purpose of intervertebral discs is the cushioning of the spine, which is designed to protect the brain from everyday shaking during walking, running, jumping.

You need to know that movement is a vital need of the body along with nutrition and breathing.

Therefore, when a person decided to regularly engage in dosed exercise, the grateful body blossoms and becomes younger before the eyes: depression disappears, chronic fatigue, increases the working capacity and activity of a person, all vital functions are normalized: sleep, appetite, digestion and daily defecation (stool), the work is normalized cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems, venous congestion in the lower extremities and pelvic organs disappears, an active life position and desire for healthy lifestyle.

Therapeutic physical training in the osteochondrosis of the spine is extremely important. Very useful classes in the group of health and swimming in the pool under the supervision of an instructor. Therapeutic massage is recommended 2 - 4 times a year for 10 procedures. Massage is better done before physical exercise.

Remember! If there is pain in the back, you need to see a doctor urgently! Do not start the exercises without the doctor's permission. Exercises with back pain can not be done.

For the prevention of osteochondrosis and its complications, it is necessary to learn how to move properly, to master the technique of lifting weights, correctly sit and create comfortable conditions for sleep, be sure to perform exercises to strengthen the muscular corset and the formation of the right posture.

How to lift weights correctly. To properly lift an object, you need to sit down with your back straight, take the object, raise it, straighten your legs.

Back can not be bent! Acquire, on the recommendation of a doctor, the corset you need and put it on lying before the increased load on the spine more than 4 hours a day, because your own muscle corset should not get used to rest, muscles must work and be in tone. Do not lift items from the tilting position! Intervertebral discs experience many-toned loads and are destroyed.

So sit right.
(Bar height 10-15 cm under the back legs of the chair).

So it's wrong to sit.

How correctly to sit on a chair? If you have a sedentary job, I strongly recommend sitting on an ordinary chair with a backrest, but under the back legs of the chair put a wooden bar 10-12 cm high.

Sitting on this chair, the weight of the body will move more to the feet, and the spine will be unloaded.


You can not now sit properly: for example, sit on a chair, putting your foot under you, when the spine is significantly curved.


How to sleep properly? In order to protect the spine from the harmful position during sleep, when the spine bends, you can either purchase an expensive orthopedic mattress, or sleep on an ordinary cotton mattress, but on a hard surface shield). To sleep it is necessary in a position of an embryo: lying on a side, having bent legs in a knee and having brought knees to a stomach. The cushion should not be high, so as not to create an uncomfortable position of the neck during sleep. You can also sleep in a position where pain passes (forced position). Pay attention to modern items for comfortable sleep. If you sleep properly, then this can be called "treatment by position".

You need to learn how to get out of bed after sleeping.

This is done by lying on your back bending your knees, then tilting your knees to the side where you will stand up. Turn the housing in the same direction.

Lower your legs from the bed and, pushing your hand away from the bed, lift the hull and sit on the edge of the bed. Now you can get up.

The step is prolonged by turning the pelvis.

How to walk correctly? For proper walking, shoes should be comfortable, preferably orthopedic insoles, wide heels 2-4 cm high. This promotes proper gait and improves cushioning when walking.

Posture: the muscles of the abdominal press tighten the abdomen, the back is straightened, the shoulders are straightened. Correct will be walking from the hip, when the leg is carried forward, and the step is prolonged by the movement of the pelvis relative to the spine.

For example, by making a step with the right foot, the pelvis performs a partial rotational motion around the axis of the spinal column, the right side the pelvis rushes after the right foot, the step is slightly elongated, the right foot falls on the straight track as well as the left one. So, let's see what happens when you move your arms, legs and pelvis while walking. Try to walk right... There is a physiological twisting of the spine. It is little expressed, but it is very necessary for the body because at this time there is a gentle massage of the discs, blood microcirculation improves in the tissues of the spine, which contributes to better nutrition of tissues with the necessary substances and restores elasticity and elasticity disks. In addition, due to a longer step, the forces are being conserved, walking becomes easy and pleasant. Thus, we conclude that proper physiological walking contributes to the healing of the spine.

It is very important to develop a stereotype of the correct position of the body during walking, standing and sitting.

To do this, we use two methods: remembering the position of the body against the wall or cabinet, when you press against the surface of the wall with all his back, straightening his shoulders and "gluing" the belly to his back (tightening his stomach); and the second way is to buy a fixative posture. It is better to use it while working while sitting, as a person, while sitting, forgets that you need to follow the posture and stoop, limp, which creates a harmful additional load on the spine. Wearing a posture fixator obliges you to practice therapeutic gymnastics. Otherwise, muscles are rasstrenirovyvayutsya, getting used to inaction.

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I want to draw your attention to the state of your feet. If there is a flatfoot, then the body's absorption during walking is sharply reduced. And first of all, intervertebral disks suffer.


Therefore, be sure to take measures to compensate for flat feet. This is a physiotherapy exercise to strengthen the muscles of the legs, feet and back, orthopedic insoles and comfortable quality shoes.


Discard the laziness and start practicingphysiotherapy exercises with osteochondrosis of the spine.

Complex exercises for osteochondrosis of the spine

, which I propose to you, has a favorable overall health effect on the whole organism. Therefore, it can be performed in many other diseases.

And the medical secret is that you need to think about the sick body while performing the exercises. Then the healing energy of the movement will be directed to the diseased organ.

Useful articles on the site
"Medical gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine".
"Defects of feet"
"Physiotherapy for the elderly."

A source: http://lfk-consultant.ru/lechebnaya-fizkultura-pri-osteokhondroze-pozvonochnika

When osteochondrosis is necessary to perform a daily exercise complex, individually developed by a doctor

Osteochondrosis, like osteoporosis, refers to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, in which bone tissues suffer. Unite pathologies only painful sensation in the bones. In all the rest, including the reasons for the development, the clinical picture, they are very different.

Sometimes osteoporosis is the cause of the development of osteochondrosis, in which deformation of bones is noted.

Therapeutic exercise in osteochondrosis of the spine and osteoporosis is one of the most effective methods that are used to restore the functions of damaged bone tissue.

Lfk with pathology of the hip joint

Osteochondrosis is a disease characterized by degenerative changes in bone and cartilaginous tissue, In osteoporosis, there is a progressive decrease in bone density, which affects its strength. With the progression of the disease, there is a violation of all structures of bone tissue.

Some mistakenly believe that in the case of osteoporosis, exercise should be minimized, as in other joint pathologies.

In fact, doctors, on the contrary, recommend daily performing a set of exercises for osteoporosis.

The main thing is that the loads are moderate, easily achievable, do not cause feelings of pain, discomfort.

LFK in osteoporosis of the hip joint of the spine, hands are recommended to perform every day, the movements should be smooth, exercises that do not cause pain, discomfort, discomfort, medical gymnastics should not involve lifting dumbbells and weights, exercises should be approved by the treating doctor.

With osteoporosis of the hip joint, exercise therapy is performed taking into account the physical preparation of the patient, the individual characteristics of the organism, the degree of development of the disease.

To minimize the burden on the affected area, the exercises do lying on the back.

Recommended exercises aimed at restoring the functions of the hip joint:

Lie on your back, stretch your arms, raise your legs, cross them with smooth movements. Return to the previous position.


Lie on your back, stretch your legs to the sides, pulling your toes with your feet.


To stretch out lying on the back. Raise the leg bent in the knee, press it to the body, smoothly return to its previous position. Repeat the movements with the other leg.

Sitting on the floor, lean on his hands, bend both knees in the knee joints, make the lower part of the trunk in different directions.

Exercise with a chair. Holding on to the back of the chair, do shallow sit-ups, while the feet of both legs should be maximally turned outwards.

One exercise is performed 10-15 times. Gymnastics in osteoporosis of the hip joint should be developed by the attending physician taking into account the patient's age and physical fitness.

Osteochondrosis is a complex disease requiring prolonged treatment.

As with osteoporosis, lessons for back pathology are developed for each patient individually depending on the affected spine.

With the defeat of the back pain, mainly occurs in the chest, lumbar and sacral areas.

In most cases, patients suffering from pain in the lumbosacral are treated. To earn a pathology, you do not need to lift gravity every day, it is enough to lift a heavy object once or make a sharp move.


The pain will not keep you waiting, it may disappear for a while, after which it will appear with renewed vigor. Such unpleasant phenomena are the first signs of osteochondrosis.


As a prevention and treatment of spine pathologies of any department, doctors recommend every day to perform a set of exercises "Crocodile".

Lfk with pathology in the thoracic department

Therapeutic physical training in chest osteochondrosis consists of the initial and basic exercises. Before classes, you need to do a warm-up for the muscles.

For these purposes, you can walk around the room, leaning all over the body to the foot, the rolls from the sock to the heel will do.

After the warm-up they start the main exercises:

In the standing position, raise one shoulder, then the second, so the two shoulders together. Shoulders lowered smoothly, relax. Repeat up to 10 times.

To clench hands in fists, to rest against them in the middle of a back. Leaning his back back, press his fists into it. position it for a few seconds, smoothly return to its original position, clasp your arms and bend forward, stooping your back. Repeat 10 times.

Standing position. The back is straight, legs are apart. Easily bent, try to reach the chin with your chin, fix the rack. Return to the previous position. Tilt your head, remove the shoulder blades, fix the stand.

Carry out in turn circular movements of shoulders, then two together.

Performing simple exercises every day, the patient will very soon forget what a pain in the back area is.

Lfk for restoration of the lumbosacral department

LFK in osteoporosis or other pathologies of the back will show a positive result only if the exercises are performed every day.

Gymnastics in the lesion of the lumbosacral department will help restore the functions of damaged vertebrae, improve blood supply in damaged tissues, correct posture, increase muscle elasticity and strengthen spine.

In the acute period of osteochondrosis of the thoracic area, the exercises are performed in a prone position on the floor or an orthopedic mattress:

When you inhale, inflate your stomach, as you breathe out, draw it as much as possible.

To stretch out on your back, take a deep breath, bend your arms in the elbow joints, and, with the exhalation of your hand, gently pull it along the body.

Lying on your back, take turns bending your knees and plant them in the sides.

Lying on his back, bend one leg in the knee, pull her to the stomach, change her leg, repeat the movement, smoothly return to the starting position.

Lying on the back, in turn, take away the legs stretched out from the floor above the floor to the side. Taking aside one leg, the second bend in the knee, resting on the bed.

Gymnastics in the disease of the lumbosacral department should begin with simple exercises, preferably under the guidance of the trainer for exercise therapy. After the patient has mastered the technique of doing the exercises, classes can continue at home.

With lumbosacral osteochondrosis after an acute period, it is possible to perform:

  • torso torso in the right / left side;
  • in the standing position the torso is tilted back / forward;
  • standing on all fours arched and bending back;
  • exercises like "bicycle".

With any sensation of pain or discomfort in the affected area, the session should be stopped until the unpleasant symptoms disappear or replace them with a simpler and easier one.

Lfk "crocodile" is the way to recovery!

High efficiency in osteoporosis and lumbosacral osteochondrosis showed a set of exercises using the "Crocodile" technique. LFK consists of 9 exercises based on spiral turns of the spinal column.

Gymnastics is performed in the supine position, while the patient must follow the breath, observing the rhythm and sequence of exercises.

The complex of exercises is based on the movements of the body as a spiral, that is, if the head turns in one direction, then the legs, including the pelvic region, are the opposite. Each exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

  • I.p. (the starting position) - lying on your back, stretch your arms and legs to the sides, the palms of your hands should be turned to the floor. Do the movements as a spiral.
  • I.p. - to make movements by a spiral, having put a heel of the right leg on a toe of the left leg. Change your legs.
  • I.p. - One leg to bend in the knee and put her ankle slightly above the knee of the second straight leg. Perform movement with a spiral. Similar movements are performed by the other leg.
  • I.p. - In the knees and hip joints, bend both legs, rest their heels on the floor, perform turns in a spiral in different directions.
  • I.p. - Both legs bend at the knees and hip joints. Put one foot of the ankle above the knee of the second leg, which rests against the floor. Perform movements in the form of a spiral. Change the position of the legs, repeat the exercise.
  • I.p. - at an angle of 90 degrees, bend both legs in the region of knee and hip joints, without touching the heels of the floor, to make movements with a spiral.

Each exercise should end with relaxing movements. Perform them as follows: inhale, bend the lower limbs in the knees, hands in the elbows, stay in this position for a few seconds. Exhale, smoothly, lightly move your legs and arms.

The complex of exercises "Crocodile" is better to do in the evening before going to bed.They will help relieve muscle tension, which helps strengthen the spine, restore intervertebral discs in osteoporosis and osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral vertebra.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/lechenie/lfk/fizkultura-pri-osteohondroze.html

Complexes of physiotherapy exercises for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic areas

Therapeutic physical training in osteochondrosis improves blood circulation.

The goal of exercise therapy (PE) is to strengthen the back muscles, reduce the load on the intervertebral discs, and restore the spinal column.

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Before starting to exercise independently, exercise therapy, it is necessary to consult a physician or a physiotherapist.

LFK with osteochondrosis of the neck

Physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis should be gentle.

The reason is that the cervical spine has a high mobility, and any sudden movements can cause blood circulation disorders in the arteries of the spinal column.

Incorrect technique of performing exercises can lead to serious complications.

In the acute period of the disease, when the patient is in bed, short exercises (5 seconds) are performed - contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the trunk and extremities.


Obligatory breathing exercises and movements with your feet (without lifting the feet). As the pain is reduced, walking is allowed, while the neck is fixed with the help of the Shanz collar.


You can perform smooth turns of the head.

When the condition improves, you can begin the exercise of resistance exercises:

  1. Lie down on the back and gently press the back of the head into the pillow. Linger in this position for 5 seconds, then relax.
  2. We perform pressure pressing the palm on the temple (alternately), with the overcoming of the neck muscles. Exercise is performed in both directions 3 times for 5 seconds. Each exercise ends with relaxation.
  3. We perform pressing with both hands on the forehead, overcoming the pressure of the muscles of the neck. At the same time, we do not lift our head from the pillow. This exercise is performed 3 times for 5 seconds.
  4. We sit down on a chair and put our hands down. Slowly throwing his head back, then gently tilt it down, trying to press his chin against his chest.

Doctors recommend!

The pain and crunch in the back and joints with time can lead to terrible consequences - local or complete restriction of movements in the joint and spine until disability. People who have learned the bitter experience to cure joints use a natural remedy recommended by the orthopedist Bubnovsky ...Read more »

To achieve the effect of a complex of therapeutic physical education for osteochondrosis of the neck should be performed daily. We bring to your attention the complex of gymnastics:

LFK for the thoracic spine

Therapeutic physical training in chest osteochondrosis promotes an increase in the volume of movements in the intervertebral joints, helps to weaken the muscle spasm. With the help of exercises, you can stop the further development of breast osteochondrosis:

  1. Raise each shoulder alternately upwards (downwards), then raise (lower) the shoulders at the same time. This exercise is useful for the cervical and upper thoracic spine.
  2. Perform circular movements of the hands - forward and backward. Exercise is effective for the thoracic spine.
  3. Press your hands against your body, and in this position make the lateral torso of the trunk, trying to reach the knee with a hand.
  4. Raise your arms above your head and perform lateral torso torso.
  5. Sit on a chair, lean on his back. The upper edge of the back of the chair should reach the level of the blades. Perform a deflection of the trunk back.
  6. Get up straight, put your hands behind your back and connect it to the lock at the level of the shoulder blades. Bend back, while resisting with your hands. After a few seconds, relax. Each exercise can be repeated 2-3 times.

LFK with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a common cause of calls to the doctor.

Often, patients try to perform their own exercises for the lower back, which leads to an exacerbation of the disease.

The complex of physiotherapy exercises must first be performed under the supervision of a specialist. All exercises are selected by the doctor taking into account the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

After removal of the inflammatory process and pain syndrome, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, legs bend at the knees, hands put along the trunk. Raise the pelvis, leaning on the shoulders and feet.
  2. Lie down on the back, slightly bent legs, tilt both legs to the right of the trunk. In this case, turn the head and upper part of the trunk to the left. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  3. Lie on your side. In this position, bend the legs (alternately), trying to squeeze the hip to the stomach.
  4. Stand on all fours, leaning on the palms and knees. Perform the deflections of the back and waist, as if crawling under the bar.

We bring to your attention a complex of physiotherapy exercises with osteochondrosis (video):

Gymnastics classes can be held at any time of the day. During physical education clothes should not impede movement.

It is important not to allow hypothermia, there should be no drafts in the room. Do not hold your breath while exercising.

At occurrence of a dyscomfort it is necessary to stop employment and address to the attending physician.

How to forget about pain in the back and joints ...

A source: http://TvoyPozvonok.ru/kompleksy-lechebnoj-fizkultury-pri-osteoxondroze.html

Therapeutic physical training in osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the spine can lead to the appearance of protrusion and intervertebral hernia.

In the advanced stage of the disease a person can not move normally and fulfill his daily duties.

And back pain accompanies it daily and hourly. Therefore it is very important to undergo a complete examination and begin treatment.

Conservative treatment of osteochondrosis

Practically at all stages, osteochondrosis can be cured by conservative methods:

  • drug therapy (appoint pills, ointments, injections with osteochondrosis, which have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, restore cartilaginous tissue and improve blood flow);
  • homeopathy (treatment with herbs);
  • manual therapy and massage;
  • acupuncture for osteochondrosis;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • therapeutic physical training in osteochondrosis.

Let's consider in more detail exercises for a back at an osteochondrosis.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis: general recommendations

Performing exercises for the spine with osteochondrosis, it should be remembered that pain sensations are a signal to reduce the amplitude, intensity or complete cessation of their performance.

The vertebral column is damaged, so do not overload it.

In order to exercise the most physical exercises with osteochondrosis, the following recommendations should be observed:

  • perform them daily;
  • perform at a slow pace, diligently following the instructions;
  • Do not hold your breath while performing;
  • periodically consult with a specialist, refining and regulating a set of exercises depending on the condition.

Physiotherapy with cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis is a specific disease, since there is a very small muscle mass in this area. Therefore, all exercises must be done very slowly and accurately.

    1) In. Lying on the back, legs straight. One hand for control is placed on the chest, the other - on the stomach. When you inhale, strain your muscles, while exhaling, relax. You need to do this slowly. The number of repetitions is five.
    2) In. Lying on his back, his legs are straight, his hands lie freely along the body. Bend your legs in your lap and grasp them with your hands. Pull the knees to the stomach, lift the head and touch the forehead with it. Smoothly return to the starting position. The number of repetitions is four to five times.
    3) Lying on his back, his legs are slightly bent at the knees, his hands are apart. Turn the body left and right. The number of repetitions for each side is four to five times.
    4) Lying on his back, his hands are apart. Turn the slightly trunk to the left and touch with your right hand to the left palm. Do the same to the right. The number of repetitions is five to six times.
    5) Ip. Lying on his back, a hard pillow under his head. Rhythmically press the head on the pillow. The number of repetitions is five to six times, with a delay of 5 seconds for each pressure.
    6) Lying on the stomach, legs straight, arms freely lie along the body. Leaning on the lower part of the trunk, slowly raise your head and shoulders. The number of repetitions is four to five times.
    7) Lying on the stomach, hands on the back of the head. Slowly lift your head, hindering it with your hands. The number of repetitions is three to five times.
    8) Lying on his side. Raise your head and hold it for 5 seconds. Watch your breath: it should be calm. The number of repetitions is five to six times for each side.

Therapeutic physical training in chest osteochondrosis

    1) In. Standing on all fours. As much as possible, bend the back and hold this position for two or three seconds. Keep the head straight. The number of repetitions is five to seven.
    2) In. Lying on my stomach.

    Rest on the floor with your hands and try to bend back as far as possible, trying to raise your torso. The number of repetitions is five to six.

    3) Lying on the back, hands lie freely along the body. At the same time raise your head and legs. The number of repetitions is five to six.
    4) Loose freely on the bar or crossbar.

Physiotherapy for lumbar osteochondrosis

    1) In. Lying on the back, legs bent at the knees, under the head a rigid pillow. On exhalation tighten the abdominal muscles, while pulling the stomach and pressing the lower back to the floor. While keeping pressure on the spinal column, strongly compress the buttocks and slightly lift them.

    When the feeling of discomfort when performing this exercise with lumbar osteochondrosis will go away, "lifting the pelvis" can be performed with straight legs. Try not to bear the weight of the body on the heels or stupas.

    2) In.

    Lying on his back, his knees are bent, his waist is tightly pressed to the floor, his hands are behind his head. On inhalation, slowly raise your hands up and straighten your legs, straining the muscles of your hips, abdomen and buttocks and turning your feet "on yourself."

    On exhalation, lower the arms down through the sides and relax the muscles. Such charging with osteochondrosis is aimed at stretching the spine along its axis, which provides decompression of nerve roots and surrounding vessels.

    3) Standing on all fours.

    Walk with your hands first to the right, and then - to the left, turning your head towards the hands. Try to turn the body as much as possible, but without painful sensations.

Therapeutic physical training in osteochondrosis should become a system.

After a while, the pain will pass, and the movements will become more coherent. You can return to a full life.

A source: http://opozvonochnike.ru/lechebnaya-fizkultura-pri-osteoxondroze.html

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