Exotic shrub zizifus: useful properties and contraindications

This exotic shrub has many names - unabi, Chinese date, jujuba and others. But the most useful is considered a real zizifus. He enters the world's top five most healing plants. And for the recovery of all its parts are used: fruits, leaves, bark, bones, roots.

Article content:
  • The use of
  • jelly Food value and calorie content
  • Harm and contraindications
  • Ways of using in traditional medicine
  • How to use for weight loss?

The use of the hibiscus

As the zizifus grows in the tropics and subtropics, biologically active substances are concentrated in a decent concentration. We can say that the plant eats the sun, because it is comfortable for him on meager mountain soils, with prolonged drought. And on the fertilized soil, the useful properties of the zysofus decrease.

Among the useful substances of Chinese dates, it is especially worth noting:

  • Vitamins A and E Beauty - rejuvenate the body, strengthen the vessels, maintain the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. They take care of hair and nails;
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  • Vitamin C - a powerful antioxidant, fights free radicals, reduces blood viscosity, strengthens the immune system;
  • Vitamins of group B - strengthen nerves, help to cope with stresses, increase efficiency, stimulate the synthesis of hemoglobin, red blood cells in the blood;
  • Cellulose - improves digestion, cleans vessels from bad cholesterol, removes excess fluid, reduces puffiness;
  • Tannins( in the bark) - relieve inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, eliminate diarrhea, purify the body of toxins;
  • Carotenoids - prevent cancer occurrence, coronary heart disease, improve vision, enhance the body's defenses;
  • Folic acid - vitamin of motherhood, prevents pathology in the fetus in the womb, soothes, helps to overcome anxieties and fears;
  • Mineral complex : potassium, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium sodium, iron.

The list of amazing substances in the ziphys can be continued for a long time. Irreplaceable amino acids, flavonoids, essential oils, resins, glycosides - all these natural riches serve as a cure for many diseases.

Still zizifus is a natural antiseptic, it lowers pressure, strengthens capillaries.

Nutritional value and calorie content

But zizifus is not only a useful plant. His juicy fruit has a tender sweet and sour taste with nutty notes. Used for food in fresh and dried form. Of these, jams are prepared, compotes.

Flesh pulp loosely, contains 73% carbohydrates, 4% protein, 1% fat, 20% water. The energy value of the product is 79 kcal.

Is an excellent energy supplier.

Brazil nut: useful properties for women and men, contraindications to eating.

Learn from this article how useful cedar nuts are for the health of the body.

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Harm and contraindications

Like any medicinal plant, it is necessary to use zizifus in moderation. You should not lean on an exotic fruit to people with chronically low blood pressure, women during pregnancy.

Since many active ingredients are present in fruits and other parts of the plant, it is recommended that when you first use it you should limit yourself to small portions in order to observe the reaction of the body.

As for concerns about the harm of zyphus for diabetics, they are unreasonable. It contains vegetable insulin, which, on the contrary, helps lower blood sugar.

Methods of application in folk medicine

Fruits of zizifus in fresh form reduce pressure, remove excess liquid and cholesterol from the body, tone up.

The same properties have dried zizifus, as well as jams and compotes from it. Dried fruit can be added to phyto-tea - you will get a fragrant and healing drink.

Decoction of fruits normalizes the heart rhythm, regulates the work of the kidneys, stimulates lactation, it is recommended to nursing mothers. It is made simply: 7-10 fresh or dried berries are poured in half a liter of boiling water. After 40 minutes you can drink. Brew better in the morning, drink during the day.

The infusion of leaves of the present, cures lung diseases, hypertension, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent. A tablespoon of dried leaves is brewed with a glass of boiling water. After an hour, filter, place in a refrigerator, store no more than five days. Drink infusion should be 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons.

Tincture of the bones of azifus removes insomnia, nervous tension and overwork.100 g of ground seeds should be cooked in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Then cool and add a glass of alcohol or vodka, let the night stand. Eat one tablespoon in the afternoon and before bedtime.

Decoction from bark or roots treats stomach diseases, intestinal mucosa, is used to solve dermatological problems.20 g of dried roots are poured into 500 ml of boiling water, left in a water bath for 30 minutes. Decoction is taken orally on a tablespoon 3 times a day. Also they are washed with hair, so that they grow faster and thicker.

Ointment from the leaves of ziphysus treats inflammation and acne on the skin. One part of fresh leaves mixed with five parts of olive oil, heated to the boiling point( but not boiled!), Remains in a cool dark place for 10 days. After the flesh is removed, the ointment is applied to the lesions in the morning and evening.

How to use for weight loss?

The fruits of the Chinese date are low-calorie. At the same time, they satisfy the body's need for all valuable substances.

Zizifus perfectly complements any diet as a dessert. And as an independent dish can be used on fasting days. At the same time, hair, skin and nails will shine with health, which usually does not happen during strict diets.

It is worth paying attention to the ziphuis and those who fast. Do not think that this is an exclusively overseas vegetable. He grows up in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Perhaps in the market you just do not pay attention to it.

Including zizifus at least periodically in the diet, you will feel a surge of energy, notice how the skin was tightened, the condition of hair and nails improved. This tropical plant is especially necessary for people from large cities with poor ecology.

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