Periarthritis of the knee joint: treatment


  • 1Periarthritis of the knee joint
    • 1.1Causes of the disease
    • 1.2Clinical manifestations
    • 1.3Diagnosis and treatment
  • 2Periarthritis of the knee joint
    • 2.1Causes and factors causing the periarthritis of the knee
    • 2.2How symptoms of knee periarthritis
    • 2.3Methods of treatment of the periarthritis of the knee joint
    • 2.4Therapeutic effect of physiotherapy with knee periarthritis
    • 2.5Traditional medicine to help treat periarthritis
    • 2.6Medical predictions for recovery
  • 3Treatment of periarthritis of the knee joint and its symptoms
    • 3.1The essence of pathology
    • 3.2Etiology of the phenomenon
    • 3.3Symptomatic manifestations
    • 3.4Diagnostic measures
    • 3.5Principles of treatment of pathology
  • 4How to treat the periarthritis of the knee joint
    • 4.1Factors of periarthritis of the knee
    • 4.2Symptomatology
    • 4.3Diagnosis
    • 4.4Treatment
    • 4.5ethnoscience
  • 5Inflammation of the periarticular tissues of the knee or periarthritis
    • 5.1Causes of periarthritis of the knee
    • 5.2Symptoms of knee periarthritis
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Diagnosis of the periarthritis of the knee
    • 5.4Treatment of periarthritis of the knee joint
  • 6Periarthritis of the knee joint: physiotherapy
    • 6.1Causes
    • 6.2Clinical manifestations
    • 6.3Principles of diagnostics
    • 6.4Tactics of treatment
    • 6.5Non-drug treatment

Periarthritis of the knee joint

Inflammation of the periarticular tissues is called periarthritis. The pathological process involves muscles, tendons, ligaments and other anatomical structures, while the joint remains intact (intact).

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the disease occurs in women who have reached the age of 40 years. Sometimes the disease has a secondary character and appears against a background of chronic inflammation and degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the knee joint (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis).

Causes of the disease

Periarthritis of the knee joint causes one or more adverse factors affecting the body for a long time. The causes of the disease include:

  • general hypothermia, chilliness of the lower extremities;
  • intense physical activity, a long standing on the legs;
  • knee injury, awkward movements in the knee joints, instability of the ligament apparatus;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, prolonged static loads on the lower limbs;
  • Endocrine pathology associated with obesity and diabetes;
  • violation of hormonal balance in the body;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, including atherosclerosis;
  • chronic inflammatory and dystrophic processes in the knee joints (arthritis, arthrosis).

The pathological process in the periarticular tissues can develop during the recovery period after surgery on the anatomical structures of the lower extremities (bones, joints, tendons).

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of the disease do not have a specific character and are similar to the clinical manifestations of another pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

However, the periarthritis of the knee in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) is separated into a separate nosological unit and is designated M77, since it has its own features of flow, therapy and prognosis for recovery.

The main manifestation of periarthritis is pain syndrome, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. the appearance of sharp pain in the region of the medial part of the knee joint during active flexion and extensor movements;
  2. aching pain at rest and after a change in the position of the body - tilt of the leg, twisting from the back to the side, motion of the shin;
  3. increased unpleasant sensations when walking on the stairs, wearing weights, during a long walk;
  4. the occurrence of discomfort when feeling the knee and tapping on its inner surface.

Physiotherapy on the knee joint facilitates the rapid restoration of motor functions

In addition, in the knee joint area there is swelling of the tissues, an increase in local temperature, redness of the skin.

In severe cases, symptoms of intoxication may develop, accompanied by fever, malaise, rapid fatigue, and significant restriction of mobility of the diseased leg.

Diagnosis and treatment

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Timely diagnosis requires a doctor to consult at the first sign of the disease.

To confirm periarthritis and to exclude the pathology of the joints, an x-ray, computer tomography (CT), arthrogram, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound (ultrasound) affected area.

With inflammation of the periarticular tissues, the contours of the anatomical structures of the knee joint are blurred due to edema, narrowing of the intra-articular gap, osteoporosis and periostitis with a thinning of the bone tissue in the place of pathology, calcifications of ligaments and muscle fibers. In a general blood test, signs of inflammation (increased ESR, leukocytosis) are revealed.

To treat the periarthritis of the knees is necessary at an early stage of the development of the disease in order to prevent its progression, involvement in the inflammatory process of intraarticular structures, development of complications.

Timely therapy is carried out with the help of conservative methods, and in the chronic course of the disease appoint surgical intervention to remove adhesions, contractures, calcifications that disrupt physiological mobility the joint.

In the acute period, it is recommended to restrict movement in the affected joints, bandages to reduce the intensity of pain and prevent additional traumatization of inflamed tissues.

Injections into periarticular tissues are prescribed with intensive pain syndrome, resistant to other therapies

Treatment of the periarthritis of the knee joint includes:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) - orthophene, diclofenac, ibuprofen;
  • analgesics for the prevention of pain syndrome - tylenol, novalgin, solpadein;
  • hormonal means for ingesting or splitting the affected joint - hydrocortisone, prednisone;
  • local effects by rubbing ointments and gels - Doloben, Capsicum, fastam, diclac;
  • physiotherapy - magnetotherapy, electrophoresis with novocaine, infrared laser radiation;
  • acupuncture, acupressure;
  • hirudotherapy (application of leeches).

During the abatement of an acute process, it is recommended to conduct therapeutic physical therapy (exercise therapy), which consists of complex of exercises aimed at developing joint mobility, increasing elasticity of ligaments and muscle force.

Classes begin with simple movements for 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing the load, complexity and duration of training.

Apply squats, legs, jumps, running on the site according to an individual program, compiled by a specialist.

Orthoses (bandages) on the knee joints are considered effective auxiliary tools for treating periarthritis

For the treatment of periarthritis, folk remedies are used as an additional influence on the pathological process. The use of non-traditional prescriptions should be agreed with the doctor and does not exclude conservative therapies.

The most popular with the disease is medicinal herbal tea. For its preparation, it is necessary to take in the same proportions the leaves of black currant, raspberry, cowberry and hips.

Raw materials in the amount of 30 grams are poured into 500 ml of hot water and boiled for no more than a quarter of an hour. A vitaminized drink is taken half a cup before each meal.

It removes inflammation, strengthens blood vessels in the pathology region, normalizes metabolic processes.

Periarthritis refers to an acute disease that primarily affects the periarticular tissues or develops secondary to the pathology of the knee joint of different etiologies.

To improve the prognosis of the disease, you should contact the doctor in a timely manner and undergo comprehensive treatment to prevent the formation of chronic course, the appearance of persistent disruption of mobility in the knee.

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Periarthritis of the knee joint

Degenerative processes are not only affected by knee joints, but also periarticular or periarticular soft tissues. The response of the body to this is their reactive inflammation, that is, it is secondary.

The most vulnerable are the places of attachment to the joint of tendons, ligaments and joint bags. The disease is traditionally called periarthritis. Actually, inflammation occurs rarely, in the case of the presence of chronic arthritis in the joint.

It often occurs, affects the adjacent tissues of one joint, and the organ of motion is not involved in this pathological process. Therefore, deformation changes in the knee do not occur, the motor functions of the limb remain.

Statistics confirm that periarthritis often precedes the occurrence of arthritis, and inflammation in the joint rarely seizes soft tissues around the knee.

Women suffer from an ailment more than men. He more often overtakes them at the age of 40 and more years. However, it is not uncommon for professional athletes and young people whose work activity is associated with significant physical exertion.

Causes and factors causing the periarthritis of the knee

Official medicine calls the main cause of degeneration adjacent to the soft tissue joint, their age wear, and the factors that trigger the development of the disease:

  • Injuries of the knee joint of varying severity, even the most minor (post-traumatic periarthritis);
  • Prolonged exposure in conditions of hypothermia and dampness, especially of the lower extremities;
  • Excessive stress on the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, there are a number of reasons predisposing for the onset of the disease:

  1. Osteoarthritis and arthritis of the knee in a chronic form with degeneration and inflammatory processes;
  2. Not enough active way of life, in which the ligamentous apparatus of the knee weakens;
  3. Congenital underdevelopment of ligament apparatus;
  4. Violations of metabolic processes;
  5. Changes in the hormonal background (the period of menopause and after it);
  6. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, especially the blood supply soft tissue near the joint;
  7. Infectious diseases;
  8. Prolonged nervous tension causes spasm of the vessels of the periarticular soft tissues and promotes their degeneration.

How symptoms of knee periarthritis

At the initial stages of the development of the disease is not expressed, there are no obvious symptoms for a long time, therefore it is difficult to diagnose it without special examination methods.

Their manifestations largely depend on the form, neglect and severity of the pathology.

The disease passes in two forms - acute and chronic.

The main manifestations of periarthritis:

  • Pain localized not in the whole knee, but at certain points, depending on the location of the inflamed soft tissue, aching.

At palpation increases. In a state of rest, soreness is absent, but manifests itself when the position of the limb changes.

Occurs at the beginning of the movement, if the load is not very large, may eventually pass. It is accompanied by muscle tension, which increases with movement.

  • Edema of the inner side of the knee.

Not timely diagnosed and not cured disease leads to increased pain, they become permanent, do not depend on movement and loads.

There are other characteristic symptoms:

- Swelling and hyperemia of the skin on the inner surface of the joint;

- The subfebrile body temperature is maintained (37-3, ° C), possibly its increase and fever;

- General weakness and fatigue develop;

- There may be lameness;

- Restriction of motor functions indicates the severity of the pathological process.

Many of these symptoms are present in other diseases of the knee joint, so the treatment of a doctor appoints after external examination of the patient, various methods of examination, study of his medical history and life.

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Methods of treatment of the periarthritis of the knee joint

The course of treatment of the disease can be scheduled for two weeks or more.

The main goal at its initial stages is the removal of the inflammatory process and pain sensations.

For this purpose, complete rest and fixation of the joint is prescribed with the help of special elastic bandages (orthoses), retainers-knee pads or a usual elastic bandage.

Medicamentous treatment in acute development of the disease begins with anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic orientation. These are non-hormonal drugs in tablets or injections, such as Orthofen, Fanigan, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Diclokaine.

With severe painrecommend analgesics- Paracetamol, Analgin and other analgin-containing drugs.

For external useprescribe ointments and gels- Finalgon, Dolobene - gel, Ketonalum-ointment and gel, Fastum-gel, Lyoton.

If non-steroid drugs do not produce the desired result, hormonal drugs are used - Prednisolone, Dexamethasone. They are used for oral administration or are injected into the affected soft tissue with a syringe.

Assign in the course of treatment and recovery of vitamin complexes, necessarily containing vitamins of group B.

Therapeutic effect of physiotherapy with knee periarthritis

After removing the severity of the process, physiotherapy is used, which is effective in the treatment of periarticular pathologies.

With the help of electrophoresis (electrical impulses) quickly, painlessly and directly into the inflammatory focus through the skin penetrate anti-inflammatory analgesic medicines.

Ultrasonic phonophoresis has the same effect as electrophoresis, but it is also an independent remedy.

Laser therapy treats inflammation, eliminates pain, has a regenerating effect.

The magnetic field and ultrasound of magnetic pulse therapy helps to cure inflammatory processes, suppress pain syndromes.

After 7 to 10 days from the beginning of treatment, the use of applications or compresses is allowed on the affected site with Paraffin, Naftalan or Ozokerite. Naftalan and Ozokerite can be combined with paraffin. In addition to anesthesia, they have a good regenerative effect.

Possible the appointment of acupuncture and treatment with leeches.

During the rehabilitation period, exercise therapy is required under the guidance of a specialist to fully restore the functional capabilities of the joint.

If the pathological process is in a neglected state, progresses and does not lend itself to conservative treatment, attract specialist surgeons and decide on surgical intervention. In doing so, dissect damaged and altered periarticular soft tissues in order to restore their functions.

Traditional medicine to help treat periarthritis

As a supplement to medicines and methods of classical medicine, on the recommendation of a doctor, folk medicine is used. Compresses are practical and effective for the treatment of the knee and periarticular region.

Compress from a fresh cabbage leaf, smeared with honey, will help relieve pain and inflammation. It is convenient to use it at night, while it is important to wrap it with a warm natural cloth.

In chronic form, the periarthritis relieves the pain and inflammation of the compress from the crushed leaves of the althaea and the sweet potato, the flowers of chamomile. Althea is taken half as much as the sweet clover and chamomile.

The mixture is bred with a small amount of boiling water and wrapped in a warm compress on the knee in the area of ​​inflammation.

Leaves birch warty obkladyvayut sick knee and wrap it. This compress effectively removes puffiness.

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of Bischofite solution are used in warm compresses on a preheated knee.

Healing properties of honey are used in compresses to suppress pain and strengthen the patient's body inside.

From propolis and vegetable oil, an ointment is prepared and rubbed into the affected areas, followed by wrapping, as an aid to pain and inflammation.

In the treatment of edema and inflammatory processes of soft tissues adjacent to the knee, use an aqueous tincture from grass yarrow and field horsetail, nettle leaves dioecious, calendula flowers, root of field harvester, seeds flax. It is taken internally.

To increase the body's resistance, teas from currants, raspberries, cowberry and hips are rich in vitamins and microelements.

Medical predictions for recovery

Timely quality treatment of the disease will lead to an improvement in the patient's condition within the first two weeks.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the process and the ability of the patient's soft tissues to regenerate. Complete recovery without complications, restoration of the motor functions of the knee is possible and predictable.

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Treatment of periarthritis of the knee joint and its symptoms

Periarthritis of the knee joint: symptoms and treatment - this problem of orthopedics often disturbs people, sometimes causing a significant decrease in efficiency.

Modern methods of conservative treatment can effectively fight this pathology, but for this it can not be run.

Timely initiation of drug therapy allows you to get rid of the disease, although the treatment process is of a lasting nature.

The essence of pathology

Periarthritis is an inflammatory reaction of the tissues surrounding the joint. The following are affected:

  • articular capsule;
  • tendons;
  • muscular - ligamentous apparatus, but the joint itself does not participate in the inflammatory process.

Such a pathology can be found in any articular bone articulation. Often, periarthritis of the hip joint, periarthritis of the ankle joint, periarthritis of the foot, elbow periarthritis and the like are fixed.

Periarthritis of the knee is one of the most common varieties of pathology that develops on the site attachment to the joint of the femoral tendons of the quadriceps muscle ("crow's foot") in the zone of the inner condyle thigh bone. This type of periarthritis is most typical for women older than 42 - 43 years.

By the mechanism of the appearance of the disease, primary and secondary periarthritis is isolated.

In the first case, under the influence of a number of endogenous and exogenous factors, an acute inflammatory process begins in the periarticular tissues on a perfectly healthy joint.

Secondary type of the disease is caused by degenerative - dystrophic changes in the joint with a long course of articular pathologies of chronic form (arthritis, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis).

Etiology of the phenomenon

So far, the etiological mechanism of periarthritis has not been thoroughly studied, but the main causes that can cause an inflammatory reaction are identified. The long-term effect of provoking factors contributes to the development of the disease. The following main causes of the disease are distinguished:

  1. General hypothermia of the body or frequent exposure to extremely low temperatures on the lower limbs, a damp cold climate.
  2. Prolonged physical overload and activities associated with prolonged standing on the legs.
  3. Injuries in the knee, sharp movements in the knee joint, unstable condition of the ligamentous apparatus.
  4. Hypotension of a way of life with long static loads on legs.
  5. Endocrine diseases, diabetes, obesity.
  6. Hormonal imbalance.
  7. Cardiovascular pathologies, primarily atherosclerosis.
  8. Diseases of the knee joint of an inflammatory or dystrophic nature.
  9. Recovery period after surgery.

Symptomatic manifestations

When the periarthritis of the knee joint develops, the symptoms are very similar to manifestations of other joint diseases, which makes it difficult to identify the disease by external signs. The main symptoms of the disease - pain and discomfort in the knee. They can be characterized as follows:

  • With flexion - extensor movements in the joint, there is a sharp pain from the inner zone of the knee.
  • Frequent pain of aching character at rest with strengthening and radiating to the thigh as the position changes (leg by leg, lying in position, turning from back to side, turning with shin).
  • Painful discomfort when climbing on an inclined surface, carrying a load or simply after a long walk on foot.
  • Appearance of discomfortable sensations at a palpation of a knee.

In most cases, periarthritis does not block joint mobility. Knee swelling and deformities are not observed. All visible signs are found on the inner surface.

Tumescence may appear in the area of ​​"crow's feet" (about 3 to 4 cm below the knee bend). In a neglected state, edema may appear on the knee.

The local temperature may rise and reddening of the skin may occur.

Diagnostic measures

When the first symptoms are detected, treatment is prescribed only after a full range of diagnostic studies, including differentiation of periarthritis from other articular pathologies. The primary diagnosis is based on the history and results of an external examination of the knee joint.

The final diagnosis is formed by the results of laboratory and instrumental research methods. The first step is a general blood test to identify the inflammatory process (leukocytosis and elevated ESR).

The next stage of diagnosis should include ultrasound and radiography, this will determine the presence of injuries and defects. A more informative method is computed tomography. The most accurate way to recognize magnetic resonance imaging.

If necessary, a biopsy of intraarticular fluid is provided.

Principles of treatment of pathology

To treat the knee pathology in question, it is necessary to begin as early as possible, when the inflammation does not spread to the articular elements and complicating factors do not arise.

Basically, the treatment of the periarthritis of the knee joint is performed by conservative methods with the use of medicamental therapy and physiotherapy.

In case of exacerbation of the disease, the joint is immobilized with the help of fixing bandages and orthoses. An important role is given to physiotherapy. In severe pathology, surgical treatment is possible.

Surgical interventions are performed to eliminate adhesions, contractures, calcifications that can block joint mobility.

Drug therapy includes the appointment of the following drugs:

  1. To eliminate the inflammatory process, Voltaren, Metindol, Butadion, Ortophen, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac are prescribed.
  2. Anesthesia is carried out with analgesics Solpadein, Novalgin, Tylenol.
  3. In the acute course of the disease, hormonal-type drugs such as Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone are prescribed. These drugs can be taken in the form of tablets or injected directly into the affected area of ​​the joint.
  4. External therapy is carried out with ointments and gels Fastum gel, Diklak, Kapsikam, Dolobien.
  5. In some cases, the doctor prescribes glucocorticosteroids, but given their side effects, especially with regard to immunosuppressive action.

Physiotherapeutic technologies are widely used in complex treatment. The most effective are the following methods:

  • electrophoresis with the introduction of Novocaine, lithium, potassium iodide;
  • pulse magnetic therapy;
  • infrared therapy;
  • reflexotherapy and acupuncture;
  • applications with naphthalan;
  • shock - wave action.

In the treatment of periarthritis of the knee joint, therapeutic gymnastics is mandatory. The exercise therapy should include special exercises as directed by the attending physician.

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Increase the load during training is gradual. The first lessons last 10-12 minutes and include the simplest exercises.

The complex necessarily has an individual character and takes into account the peculiarities of the disease and the organism of the sick person.

Immobilization during exacerbation of pathology is provided by bandages or orthoses. The construction of devices is selected separately in each specific case. The duration of wearing them is determined by the doctor. They can be worn around the clock or only during periods of maximum loads.

Periarthritis of the knee and other joints is a fairly common phenomenon.

Modern medications can provide a complete cure, but for this it is necessary to begin treatment in the early stages.

When the form of the disease is started, it is very often necessary to resort to surgical intervention.

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How to treat the periarthritis of the knee joint

Periarthritis of the knee joint is a disease in which periarticular tissues are inflamed.

Often the inflammatory process focuses in a place where the tendons are attached to the joint from the inside.

In order to cure this illness, the patient must come to an orthopedic patient who will perform a thorough examination and prescribe the optimal treatment.

Factors of periarthritis of the knee

It should be noted that most often this pathology develops in women, but sometimes this disease appears in men. In addition to sex, an important reason, which causes the inflammation of the knee joint, is age.

Note! Most of the patients periarthritis perstypila forty-year age limit.

The primary cause, which causes the periarthritis of the knee joint, is injury to the joint. In addition, inflammatory processes in the knee often occur due to a heavy load or hypothermia of the knee.


Signs of inflammation of the knee joint are common enough. The main symptom of periarthritis is acute pain.

As a rule, sharp pain occurs during fast and impulsive movements. But with measured walking, unpleasant sensations almost do not arise, so the patient can move, the main thing is that it should be quiet walking.

When lifting or descending the stairs and wearing heavy things, the patient has a sharp pain in the knee joint zone. In certain cases, the disease is accompanied by such symptoms as:

  • swelling in the knee region;
  • the occurrence of pain when feeling the affected area.

Due to the fact that the joint itself is not affected with periarthritis, there will be no restriction of mobility during movement and other usual functions of the knee. Contracture, i.e. restriction of normal mobility of the joint can appear only with the most neglected form of the disease.


Basically, when carrying out an X-ray, it is almost impossible to detect the presence of a knee periarthritis. Occasionally, the radiograph can show a slight narrowing of the joint lash.

When carrying out a general analysis, the presence of an inflammatory process that occurs in the body is often detected. Also during the diagnosis, in order to establish a definitive diagnosis of the periarthritis of the knee joint, one must exclude the possibility of arthrosis or arthritis.

In such a situation, everything will depend on the results of radiographic diagnosis, that is, the x-ray of the knee is a prerequisite for an accurate diagnosis.


With the timely establishment of a diagnosis, the treatment of the periarthritis of the knee joint brings good results. And the timing of recovery depends on the restoring capabilities of the patient's body.

In medicine, there are special protocols for treating periarthritis, which the doctor takes as a basis. But the specialist also takes into account the individual characteristics of his patient.

The acute stage of the disease is treated with anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs. Most often the doctor prescribes "Ketorolac" and "Diclofenac".

In addition to non-steroid drugs, a specialist prescribes analgesics (analgin) or combines a prescription, supplementing it with drugs of the first and second groups.

In addition, in the complex therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures bring excellent results. With inflammation of the knee joint, the following course is recommended:

  1. laser infrared therapy;
  2. Magnetotherapy, for example, uses diamond for joints;
  3. electrophoresis with lidase or novocaine (the procedure removes inflammation and carries analgesic effect).

Important! During the period of treatment, the patient needs rest and rest, therefore, the amount of physical activity and the duration of walking should be reduced.

After the main symptoms disappear, the doctor prescribes:

  • cryotherapy;
  • hydrocortisone;
  • ultraphonophoresis;
  • shock-wave therapy.

During remission, acupressure is useful, however, before the procedure is performed, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of complications.

Also, the attending physician can recommend exercises of therapeutic gymnastics.

And to strengthen the protective functions of the body, the patient must drink vitamin-mineral preparations.


Recipes for folk therapy should be used only as ancillary treatments. In addition, before trying out one of the recipes you need to find out about the possible complications that may arise after using a herbal infusion, a decoction or a compress.

Important! Doctors categorically do not recommend the use of self-treatment methods, because the wrong dosage and intake of various medications and folk remedies can lead to a mass of consequences.

At the first sensations of discomfort in the area in the knee and constant increasing pain, you should immediately contact a specialist. After all, only a person with a medical education can establish a correct diagnosis and conduct timely and competent treatment.

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Inflammation of the periarticular tissues of the knee or periarthritis

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system provide an extensive group of diseases that characterized by dystrophic changes or inflammatory processes in the joints and periarticular tissues.

One of such diseases of the osseous system is periarthritis, in which the periarticular tissues of large joints are affected. There are several subspecies of this disease, which has a different localization, etiology, and course.

In this article, consider the periarthritis of the knee, which is characterized by an inflammatory process in the ligaments, muscles, tendons and other tissues around the joint.Women at risk are more likely to be close to their 40s.

The disease can develop both independently and in the presence of concomitant diseases.

The inflammatory process with periarthritis of the knee joint is localized in the muscle region on the inner side of the condyle tibia, the tendons in the tailor and semi-membranous region are also affected, but the joint itself is not is damaged.

Quite often, inflammation develops as consequences after tendinitis or tendobursitis, when the patient does not receive quality or timely treatment.

There are several causes and predisposing factors that contribute to the onset and development of the disease.

Causes of periarthritis of the knee

The etiology of the periarthritis of the knee joint is based on several factors that a person encounters. The main causes of the development of the disease is:

  1. Injuries to the knee;
  2. Subcooling;
  3. Overvoltage, prolonged or overactive physical activity;
  4. Hypodinamy or sedentary lifestyle;
  5. The presence of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis and others, in which deformation or inflammation of the joints occurs;

In addition to the above factors, there are several predispositions to this disease:

  1. Metabolic disorders, such as diabetes or obesity;
  2. Diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular system;
  3. Hormonal disorders;
  4. Diseases of small blood vessels that cause impaired blood supply to the periarticular tissues.

The disease can occur during the postoperative period with surgical intervention in the ligamentous apparatus, or as a result of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the knee joint.

Symptoms of knee periarthritis

The main clinical manifestations of the disease are permanent or periodic aching pain in the knee region, and muscle tension is also felt, which is amplified by movement. In some cases, the symptoms of the disease occur not only with active movement, but also with passive movements, when the motion of the knee joint is limited.

If there is no timely or qualitative treatment, the pain can become permanent in position of the knee, also the symptoms become more pronounced, there is swelling, swelling, redness, rising Body temperature. The person feels weakness, chronic fatigue. In the chronic course of the disease or concomitant diseases of the knee-ligament apparatus, development of complications in the form of joint atrophy or complete immobility is possible, which leads to disability.

Given that the above symptoms are typical for other diseases of the musculoskeletal apparatus, diagnose the periarthritis should the doctor after the examination of the patient, the collected history, the results survey.

Diagnosis of the periarthritis of the knee

With palpation of the knee, the patient feels severe pain. To confirm the diagnosis, an x-ray examination is appointed, which allows to reveal violations in the periarticular tissues.

For accurate confirmation of the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a computer tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Such diagnostic methods are most accurate and informative, which allows the doctor to correctly diagnose and prescribe the right treatment.

Treatment of periarthritis of the knee joint

Timely contact with a doctor will help diagnose the disease and conduct a quick and effective treatment, as a result of which the function of the knee joint will be fully restored.

Treatment of periarthritis can take several weeks, it depends on the degree of damage of the periarticular tissues.

At the beginning of the disease, conservative treatment is prescribed, which includes taking medications, physiotherapy procedures.

During an exacerbation, the patient is advised to limit the movement of the knee joint, for this you can use special bandages or knee pads, and you should also give up physical exertion.

From medicamental treatment non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets for ingestion, ointments, for external use, which have anti-inflammatory, analgesic property:

  1. tablets - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Dolobene, Fanigan, Orthofen and others;
  2. ointments, gels - Fastum gel, Fast - release, Dolobene and others;

It is recommended to take vitamins of group B: Neurobex, Magnum, Neurorubin and others. To restore the cartilage, ligaments, the patient is assigned chondroprotectors - Teraflex, Chondroxide and others.

All medications are prescribed by a doctor individually for each patient, so self-medication is excluded.

Physiotherapeutic procedures include the following treatment:

  1. magnetotherapy;
  2. infrared laser therapy;
  3. electrophoresis;
  4. cryotherapy;
  5. acupressure;
  6. acupuncture;
  7. hirudotherapy.

Correct and timely treatment will completely get rid of the disease and lead a full life.

Do not engage in self-medication, which may not only be useless, but also lead to complications.

Only an experienced specialist will be able to prescribe a course of treatment after the results of the examination and examination.

Very clear and clear story about the disease on the example of shoulder-scapular periarthritis.

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Periarthritis of the knee joint: physiotherapy

The term "periarthritis" refers to an inflammatory process localized in the area of ​​tissues surrounding one or another joint.

As a rule, those joints that during a person's life experience increased stress and / or the impact of other unfavorable factors are affected.

In this article we will talk about the periarthritis of the knee joint - about the causes of this pathology, about symptoms, principles of diagnosis and methods of treatment, one of the components of which is physiotherapy.


Traumatic injury of the joint area can lead to the development of periarthritis.

As mentioned above, one of the leading factors contributing to the development of the periarthritis of the knee joint, is an increased burden on him - work "on his feet professional sports and etc. Other reasons may be:

  • anatomical features of the structure of the joints and tissues surrounding it;
  • general or local hypothermia;
  • low physical activity;
  • traumatic injuries to the knee area;
  • overweight;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • circulatory disorders, in particular, atherosclerosis, obliterating the endarteritis of the lower limbs;
  • other diseases of knee joints (osteoarthritis and others);
  • operative interventions on the lower limb organs (in the rehabilitation period).

Often, the periarthritis develops under the influence of not one, but several adverse factors, provided they last for a long time.

The pathological process, as a rule, is localized in the inner part of the periarticular region - in the medial condyle of the tibia (the tendons of the hip muscles attach to it). Only the structures surrounding the joint are affected, it is not directly involved in the pathological process.

Clinical manifestations

The vast majority of cases of knee arthritis are recorded in women 40 years of age or older.

Symptoms of pathology are nonspecific, similar to those of other diseases of the knee joint, but with careful consideration, they still have features that allow you to suspect not, say, osteoarthritis, namely, defeat periarticular tissues.

Leading in the clinic of periarthritis of the knee joint is a pain syndrome.

Patients pay attention to the occurrence of acute pain, localized on the inner part of the knee, which appears with active movements of them. At rest the pain changes its character - it becomes aching, dull.

It also occurs when you rotate the patient from the back to the side or tilt the leg.

Even in the absence of sudden movements in the joint (for example, in the process of prolonged walking, climbing stairs or wearing heavy bags), the intensity of the pain syndrome increases, and when touched to the affected area, it is determined soreness.

In case of acute inflammation, the skin over the tissues involved in the pathological process swells and turns red, becomes warm to the touch.

In isolated cases, weakened patients develop signs of general intoxication of the body - weakness, headache, dizziness, fever, loss of appetite, and also significantly limited the amount of movement in the affected the joint.

Principles of diagnostics

The main task of the doctor is to differentiate the periarthritis from other pathological conditions of the knee joint, in particular from osteoarthritis, since the prognosis with them is completely different - periarthritis, provided adequate treatment and exclusion of further exposure to provoking factors in a short period of time leaves without a trace, and osteoarthritis proceeds chronically, periodically exacerbating, and get rid of it completely, alas, is impossible.

The detailed diagnosis of the patient will help to establish the correct diagnosis to a specialist (under what conditions does the pain, the nature of it occur, is there any morning stiffness (she will have place precisely with osteoarthritis, and with periarthritis - no), which contributes to the elimination of pain syndrome, and so on) and an objective study of the knee and other joints.

On examination, the swelling of the tissues in the area of ​​the inner condyle, possibly their hyperemia, (redness); When palpation (probing) and percussion (tapping), there will be a sharp soreness in the same zone. A creaking in the knee joint with his movements (crepitation) will not be determined (except for cases when the patient suffers from two diseases - periarthritis against the background of osteoarthritis).

To confirm or refute the preliminary diagnosis of "periarthritis" and differentiate it from others diseases, the doctor will prescribe to the patient a number of additional methods of research, among which can be:

  • a general blood test (it reveals signs of an inflammatory process in the body - leukocytosis, increased ESR; this pathology is aseptic, that is, without the participation of bacteria or viruses, the leukocyte formula will be within norms);
  • thermography (the temperature of the tissues above the zone of inflammation will be increased);
  • Ultrasound of the affected area;
  • radiography of the knee;
  • computer or magnetic resonance imaging of it.

Tactics of treatment

To prevent the transformation of acute periarthritis into its chronic form and prevent the spread inflammatory process on adjacent to the affected tissue structures, it is necessary to begin treatment at an early stage disease.

First of all, it is necessary to provide the affected limb with complete rest - in the acute period of the disease the patient is shown to comply with bed rest.

From medicinal preparations to it can be appointed:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (reduce the activity of the inflammatory process, anesthetize) - nimesulide, meloxicam, diclofenac and others;
  • NSAIDs in the form of gels and ointments for external use - Voltaren emulgel, Diklak, Nimid and others;
  • in severe cases, when the inflammatory process is so strong that the NSAID can not cope with its task (fortunately, it happens very rarely) - glucocorticoid hormones inside a short course or injectively into the affected area - dexamethasone, prednisolone and other.

If conservative treatment did not lead to the desired effect, surgical intervention in volume of excision of adhesions, removal of spurs or other manipulations, improving the prognosis for the patient with periarthritis.

Non-drug treatment

With periarthritis of the knee joint as part of complex treatment, the patient is prescribed physical therapy, which helps to eliminate the inflammatory process and reduce the intensity of the pain syndrome, which will greatly facilitate the life patient.

At the height of the disease, the patient can be recommended:

  • infrared laser therapy (the effect is carried out by a stable-labile contact technique; duration of 1 session is 5-6 minutes, procedures are carried out every day up to 10 impacts);
  • magnetic high-intensity pulse therapy (magnetic field inductors are located at the sides of the knee joint so that 1 of them was directly above the zone of inflammation; the effect is carried out up to 15 minutes every day, the course of treatment consists of 7-8 sessions);
  • drug electrophoresis of painkillers and enzymes (duration of exposure to 18-20 minutes, they are administered once a day by a course of 7-8 procedures).

In the subacute period of the disease, when the main inflammation is already eliminated, the following physiotherapy procedures can be prescribed to the patient:

  • ultraphonophoresis of glucocorticoids (dexamethasone, hydrocortisone and others) on the area above the inner condyle (sessions last for 5-6 minutes each day, treatment course - up to 10 exposures);
  • applications to the area of ​​ozocerite or paraffin damage (the thermal effect that these effects have, improves microcirculation of blood and lymph in the area of ​​damage, activating metabolic processes and recovery of injured tissues; a mixture of 45 ° C; impose applications for half an hour, apply every day a course of 10 impacts);
  • application of therapeutic mud (in particular, naftalan, duration of the session up to 20 minutes, treatment course - 10 procedures);
  • shock wave therapy (impact by the shock wave is carried out in the region of the inner surface of the knee and patella, sessions are performed at a frequency of 1 times in a week, beginning with a low intensity of acoustic pressure and gradually increasing it; between the procedures of this type of treatment it is advisable to conduct sessions of magnetic-laser therapy);
  • cryotherapy with cold dry air of the affected area (the temperature of the air flow is -30 ° C, the duration of 1 procedure is from 5-6 to 10 minutes, the course of treatment consists of 10 exposures).

In addition to the above methods, the patient may be recommended a course of acupressure, acupuncture or treatment with leeches (hirudotherapy), as well as medical Physical exercises, the complex of exercises which is aimed at restoring the initial mobility of the affected joint, increasing the strength of its ligaments and increasing the strength of muscles extremities.

Training begins with elementary movements within 10-15 minutes, the load is gradually increased - the duration of the exercise is increased, and the exercises complicate. We want to clarify that the choice of a set of exercises suitable for a particular patient is a specialist task, and you should not engage in amateur activities, as this can only aggravate your condition.


Periarthritis is a disease that does not threaten the patient's life, but, nevertheless, significantly worsens its quality.

To prevent chronic inflammation of the periarticular tissues and prevent spreading it to nearby structures, it is necessary to begin treatment already at an early stage disease.

It should be comprehensive - include the functional rest of the limb, medication, if necessary - surgical interference, as well as methods of physiotherapy, which potentiate the effect of drugs, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic action.

The earlier treatment is started, the better the prognosis - in most cases, a full recovery occurs in a fairly short time.

To prevent the development of the periarthritis of the knee joint, excessive physical exertion, especially static ones, on the lower extremities should be avoided, traumas of their bones and joints, to prevent the development of degenerative-dystrophic diseases (osteoarthritis) of the knee joint, not to be supercooled, and when the first unpleasant symptoms of the disease appear, apply to the doctor.

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