Tofusy with gout: how to remove?


  • 1Tofusi with gout and their treatment
    • 1.1What is tofusi?
    • 1.2How do they look?
    • 1.3Causes of appearance
    • 1.4Diagnostics
    • 1.5Therapeutic tactics
  • 2How to get rid of tofus with gout?
    • 2.1What is tofusi?
    • 2.2How to deal with tofus?
    • 2.3Treatment with medicines
    • 2.4Massage
    • 2.5Physiotherapy
    • 2.6Spa treatment
    • 2.7Operation for gout
  • 3Signs with photos and ways to remove gouty tophi
    • 3.1What are gouty growths?
    • 3.2How to get rid of gouty growths?
    • 3.3Traditional methods of treatment
  • 4What is gouty tofus: how to remove (remove), photo of ear
    • 4.1The initial stage of gout
    • 4.2The causes of gout
    • 4.3Tofus and symptoms
    • 4.4Diagnosis of gout
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6Treatment of gout with folk medicine
  • 5Tofusi gout
    • 5.1Description
    • 5.2Symptoms
    • 5.3Onset of disease
    • 5.4Causes of the disease
    • 5.5Symptoms of the disease
    • 5.6The main signs of tofus:
    • 5.7Diagnosis of tofus tissues
    • 5.8Therapy
    • 5.9Traditional Medicine in Disease
    • 5.10Forecast
  • 6Gouty tofus: photos, methods of treatment
    instagram viewer
    • 6.1Medical information
    • 6.2Main reasons
    • 6.3Clinical picture
    • 6.4Localization area
    • 6.5Possible complications
    • 6.6Methods of treatment
    • 6.7Use of medicines
    • 6.8Physiotherapy and massage
    • 6.9Surgical intervention
    • 6.10The help of traditional medicine
    • 6.11Methods of prevention

Tofusi with gout and their treatment

Gout is a disease that develops when violating purine metabolism.

The pathological process leads to the accumulation of uric acid salts in the tissues (another name is urate) with a predominant lesion of the musculoskeletal system.

The disease is more common in middle-aged men after 40 years. Tofusy with gout arise in the chronic long-term course of the disease and indicate a high concentration of urate in the blood.

What is tofusi?

Tofusi are gouty nodules, which are clusters of uric acid crystals bounded by a connective tissue.

They appear with prolonged gout and occur after 6 years after the first gouty attack. Tofuses are a specific symptom of the disease.

Gouty nodules testify to the high content of urate in the blood.

As a result of the violation of purine metabolism, salts of uric acid accumulate in the body and are deposited in the soft tissues of mainly small articulations of the hands and feet.

Accumulation of urates in the articulation area is associated with insufficient blood supply to the musculoskeletal system in patients over 40 years of age, which occurs as a result of age-related changes.

How do they look?

Tofusy are dense rounded neoplasms from 2 mm to 8 cm, which are more often localized in the subcutaneous fat around the joints. The superficial location of the gouty nodes allows them to be diagnosed when examining the affected limbs.

They protrude under the skin in the form of yellowish hills. Skin over formations is dry and rough, with signs of keratosis. Less commonly, tofus are localized in deeply located tissues and internal organs, which makes it difficult to detect them and can lead to the development of complications.

Pathological changes in gouty arthritis

Localization of gouty nodes:

  1. subcutaneous fat layer;
  2. ligamentous apparatus;
  3. muscles;
  4. joints;
  5. Bone marrow.

In the period of remission tofus have a static position, are not prone to recurrence and increase in size.

Progression of the disease and insufficient treatment leads to the growth of gouty knots, squeezing others tissues, inflammatory process and pain syndrome amplification at any location of pathological formations.

Tofus formation on the auricle

Tofus have a favorite localization, which helps to carry out differential diagnosis of tumors with rheumatic nodules and nodes of other etiology.

In most cases, they are located around the small joints of the hands and feet, elbow joints, in the cartilages of the auricles.

Less often gouty nodes are formed on the extensor surfaces of the forearm, lower leg, thigh, scrotum, eye cornea, scrotum, penis.

The active course of the disease leads to the opening of the nodules and the formation of fistulas, from which a liquid or kroshkobraznoe contents of a yellowish white color are released.

The pathological process is accompanied by an increase in temperature and sharp pains in the site of the inflamed node, suppuration develops rarely. The fistulous course can be dragged out by itself during the purification of tofus and the reduction of the inflammatory reaction.

Sometimes such fistulas assume a chronic character with periodic opening of the gouty node and subsequent scarring.

Causes of appearance

Uric acid is a product of the metabolism of purines. It is in the peripheral blood in the form of urate salts, normally its concentration does not exceed mmol / l.

Purine substances are synthesized in the body during the nucleotide exchange process and come with food.

Products rich in purines: fatty meat, river fish, meat and fish broths, mushrooms, by-products (brains, liver, kidneys).

Multiple tofusi on the feet

Violation of purine metabolism leads to the accumulation of salts of uric acid in the blood - hyperuricemia. Surpluses of urates are excreted in urine. Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys aggravates the course of gout and promotes the appearance of gouty nodules.

Tofus formation is a deposition of urates in soft tissues, indicating the transition of the disease from acute to chronic stage.

Gouty nodules are formed with insufficient treatment of the disease and are formed with a high concentration of urate in the peripheral blood.


With subcutaneous tofus formation, diagnosis does not cause difficulties. The deep location of the gouty nodules requires additional instrumental methods of examination.

Characteristic features of superficial gouty nodes:

  • clearly defined boundaries of neoplasms;
  • node density is comparable to cartilage or bone;
  • the formation to the touch is denser than surrounding soft tissues;
  • yellowish white color of the contents of the nodes, granular structure;
  • the skin above the tofus is rough, dry, scaly;
  • low tendency to growth of pathological formations;
  • painless, less likely discomfort when feeling the knot;
  • a characteristic location near the joints.

In favor of the formation of gouty nodes, the chronic course of the disease is more than 6 years (less than 2-3 years), insufficient treatment, a violation of the diet regime and the use of alcoholic beverages.

Subcutaneous gouty gout finger node

An obligatory method of laboratory research is the determination of uric acid in peripheral blood and urine.

To identify deeply located tofusov appointed radiography of bones, magnetic resonance imaging of the affected parts of the body, ultrasound examination of the joints, muscles and ligament apparatus.

Therapeutic tactics

Treatment of gout and tophus is carried out conservatively. The goal of the therapy is to reduce the concentration of urate in the peripheral blood and to eliminate the symptoms of the disease.

When forming large gouty nodes, which squeeze the soft tissue and cause inflammation, remove pathological formations.

The operation is prescribed for relapsing fistulas, painful tophi in the area of ​​the synovium and joint ligaments.

Etiotropic therapy, aimed at reducing the concentration of urate in the body, is the regular intake of allopurinol.

The medicinal preparation normalizes purine metabolism, eliminates acute attacks of gouty arthritis, prevents or slows the formation of tophi.

To reduce the risk of gouty nodules, drugs that improve trophic and microcirculation of joints (pentoxifylline, actovegin, quarantil) are prescribed.

Increasing the effectiveness of etiotropic therapy is achieved by the appointment of a therapeutic diet.

It consists in the rejection of products with a high content of purine substances: meat, fatty fish, meat and fish broths, mushrooms, by-products, legumes, alcohol, strong tea and coffee.

The diet includes fresh fruit, berries, vegetables, cereals, vegetable broths. It is recommended to take daily mineral water of alkaline composition.

Allopurinol - a medicinal product for reducing the concentration of uric acid in the blood for gout

Symptomatic therapy includes the appointment of non-hormonal and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs eliminate the inflammatory reaction of tissues, reduce pain, have antipyretic effect (movalis, nimesulide, ibuprofen, naproxen).

Hormonal drugs are glucocorticoids (prednisolone, kenalog, diprospan), which are taken in tablet form or used as injections into the affected joint.

In order to improve the results of conservative treatment, therapy is recommended by folk remedies.

  1. Every day, drink natural birch juice (400 ml per day).
  2. Take a decoction based on cranberries, nettles, flax seeds courses for 10-15 days. The crushed raw materials are covered in equal parts in a pot of water, brought to a boil, and a quarter of an hour old. Cool and filter through a sieve. Drink a third cup four times a day.
  3. Tofusy in the period of remission of acute inflammatory process is kept in coniferous hot baths for 20 minutes. For healing baths use a steep decoction of pine needles of Siberian larch.

Treatment with folk remedies helps to avoid the growth of tofus, reduces the risk of exacerbation of pathological formations and promotes their reverse development.

Gouty nodules or tofusi are specific formations in chronic and prolonged gout. Timely diagnosis of the disease and proper therapy prevent the appearance of pathological nodes.

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How to get rid of tofus with gout?

Gout is a systemic disease that is caused by the deposition of sodium monoaurate in the tissues of the body in the form of crystals and leading to their inflammation.

The doctor-rheumatologist must necessarily deal with the treatment of gout, since this ailment can seriously disturb the life style of the patient and cause him suffering.

What is tofusi?

One of the manifestations of this disease are tofuy - local deposits of uric acid crystals under the skin above the elbow joints, on the hand and foot, ears, thigh, lower leg, less often in the forehead.

What are tofusy characterized by gout:

  • Formed with a long course of the disease - 5-6 years.
  • Primarily painless.
  • Usually yellowish in color.
  • Size: several mm - 2 cm.

In case of symptoms of the disease, do not attempt to treat yourself, consult a specialist.

How to deal with tofus?

How to remove tophi in gout? There are several techniques that need to be applied in a comprehensive way:

  1. Changing the way of life;
  2. Drug medication control;
  3. Massage and physiotherapy;
  4. Spa treatment;
  5. Operation.

Lifestyle change is an underestimated component of therapy by many patients, which, however, plays an important role in the treatment of the disease. Do not forget that tofusi is just one of the manifestations of a disease affecting the entire body.

Therefore, focus on controlling the underlying disease and follow several tips:

  • Try to control your weight. Excess uric acid - a consequence of consumption of certain foods (meat, fish, coffee, chocolate, beans). In addition, getting rid of excess weight will help reduce the burden on joints and reduce inflammation.
  • Minimize the use of alcohol, especially beer. The use of alcohol-containing beverages leads to excessive formation of uric acid, which is deposited as tofusov.

Treatment with medicines

Medicamentous control of the disease is a component of the treatment for which your doctor-rheumatologist will be responsible. The patient must strictly follow the recommendations for taking the necessary dose of the drug.

The most important drug that will reduce the amount of uric acid is Allopurinol. Under the control of uric acid in the blood, the doctor will prescribe the dosage of the drug that must be observed.

In addition, a rheumatologist can prescribe uricosuric drugs (Probenecid, Sulfinpyrazon). These drugs improve the excretion of urate in the urine. To control articular attacks, colchicine and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used.

Only a rheumatologist can evaluate the indications and contraindications for the appointment of any listed drug in a certain dosage.

We recommend strictly adhere to the treatment plan, and if any side effects occur, consult a specialist immediately.

Massage and physiotherapy stimulate the blood supply to the affected area, the yield of uric acid salts in the blood, relaxation of muscles and reduction of pain syndrome.


This method is used only outside of the joint attack. If there is no pain, or it is not expressed, you can massage in the area of ​​the affected joint. Never use a massage during an acute joint attack!

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Self-massage is quite effective as an auxiliary therapy. Your doctor will be able to tell you how to do it properly, but let's look at general advice.

It is recommended to start with a smooth stroking, not strong rubbing of the tofus area. Unacceptable sudden movements and intense pressing. We begin massage from the periphery of the joint, working on the surrounding tissues, we achieve relaxation of the muscles.

Always start with the least painful area, gradually moving to the harassing site. For example, with a toffee gout massage in the elbow joint area, start from the shoulder and forearm, gradually moving to the joint itself.


Procedures are assigned to the patient individually, their choice depends on the condition and stage of the disease. Most often, such areas of physiotherapy are used:

  1. During an attack: ultraviolet irradiation, pulse currents.
  2. Outside the attack: mud treatment, ultraphoresis, phonophoresis with hormonal drugs.

Spa treatment

An excellent result in the treatment of gout, and as a consequence - tofusov, showed therapeutic mineral waters. Patients with gout should choose such resorts:

  • mud and with chloride sodium waters;
  • with hydrogen sulfide waters (contraindicated in gouty nephropathy);
  • with radon waters;
  • with nitric siliceous slightly mineralized waters:
  • with iodide-bromine waters;
  • resorts with specific factors;

Operation for gout

To surgical treatment of gouty tofusov resorted rarely, but there are cases when it is necessary.

The operation is shown when:

  1. extensive deposits of urate;
  2. the impossibility of removing tophi by other methods;
  3. germination of tophi into the underlying tissues;
  4. deformation and joint destruction;

Consult a specialist and start complex therapy of the disease. Observe the advice of a doctor and follow a diet is likely to have throughout life.

When you reach the right level of uric acid in your blood, you will notice a decrease in symptoms until it disappears completely.

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Signs with photos and ways to remove gouty tophi

Tofusy with gout, whose photos will be demonstrated later, are clusters of uric acid crystals.

They concentrate in the soft tissues surrounding the joints of the foot, thighs and lower legs.

Tofusi are specific manifestations of gout, which develops against a background of increased levels of uric acid.

What are gouty growths?

The term tofus refers to the lesion of the subcutaneous tissue (see Fig. photo 1).

Nodal formations appear with prolonged gout and a high level of urate in the body, which is observed when producing an increased amount of uric acid. Tofuses can have different sizes (from a few mm to 2 cm).

The skin of the affected area acquires a yellowish hue. With inflammation of the outgrowths, fistulas are formed in them, through which the contents are taken out.

The substance in the tofus cavity may have a different consistency (liquid, creamy or hard). When a fistula breaks out, an ulcer appears.

After a while, it spontaneously drags out, after which the contents of the built-up edge stand out again.

Picture 1. Foci of subcutaneous tissue damage

The formation of tofusov can promote the inflammation of the joint bag. This disease is called bursitis. If the pathological process affects the tendon, a tendovaginitis occurs. It is accompanied by severe pain.

Tofus gout is characterized by slow development. The adolescence appears several years after the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease. With some forms of gout on the background of taking diuretics tofu can occur much earlier than usual. Nodes are detected:

  • in the area of ​​the big toes and hands;
  • on the auricles;
  • nasal cartilage.

Uric acid in the body is formed during the decay of purines, it is found in the blood of any person. Normally, its level should not exceed 1000 mg.

Purines are produced as a result of metabolic processes, and also come with some food products. In blood plasma, uric acid forms sodium salts.

With an increase in their number, hyperuricemia develops, against which gout arises. The early stages of the disease are asymptomatic, a person does not know about its presence.

Meanwhile, the salt continues to be deposited in soft tissues, causing irreparable harm to the body. Tofusi can also appear in malignant tumors of bone marrow and chronic renal failure.

Gout is considered one of the manifestations of metabolic disorders. Salts of uric acid affect the joints first, and then the internal organs. Tofusi are most often found in men who have crossed the 40-year mark.

This is a characteristic sign of a prolonged course of gout and a significant increase in the level of uric acid in the body. The amount and size of the growths depends on the severity of pathological changes caused by gout.

Gouty tofus is usually found after an attack. It is a tight knot with clear boundaries. The contents of the build-up have a viscous consistency, sometimes grainy.

The surface is uneven, with subcutaneous arrangement tofuses can be seen with the naked eye. The formation of fistula is accompanied by the appearance of light discharge.

Attachment of bacterial infection is extremely rare.

How to get rid of gouty growths?

Tofusy with gout: how to remove them? The most effective way to get rid of salt deposits is surgical intervention. It is used for complicated forms of the disease. During the operation, soft tissues are cleared of uric acid salts.

In addition to surgical interventions, modern clinics use plasmapheresis, a toxin removal by means of a special device. Removing tofus with gout does not guarantee a complete cure. After some time after the operation, the growths appear again.

To get rid of tophi can be conservative methods. Long-term treatment with the use of uricosuric drugs that reduce the amount of uric acid in the body is necessary.

Reduce the size of the growths can be with the help of drugs that accelerate the excretion of this substance by the kidneys. Benzbromarone is taken once a day in a dose prescribed by the doctor. Probenecid is administered 2 times a day.

Etobenecid is an analogue of the previous preparation, which has fewer side effects. The daily dose is divided into 4 doses, the course of treatment lasts 10 days, after which they make a one-week break.

The Sulfpiriprazone tablet should be washed down with milk, after meals.

The active substance Allopurinol has an effect on the synthesis of uric acid. As a result, the number of urates entering the blood drops sharply.

The dosage of the drug is selected based on the results of the examination. Treatment implies compliance with a special drinking regime.

The amount of liquid consumed must be increased to 2 liters per day.

Surgical removal of tofusov is expedient only at destruction of cartilaginous or connecting tissues, the presence of signs of inflammation and necrosis, the defeat of nerve endings, the presence of aesthetic defects.

Traditional methods of treatment

When gout is used and folk methods of treatment. The application of iodine solution to the affected areas helps to reduce the size of tofus. It is mixed with crushed aspirin tablets.

Inside take decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants:

  • black elderberry;
  • Cowberry leaves;
  • nettle dioecious;
  • corn stigmas.

The most effective at a gout is the homeopathic preparation on the basis of a ledum and a planus clavate. Treatment of tofus should be combined with diet.

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What is gouty tofus: how to remove (remove), photo of ear

Tofusy with gout are clusters of crystals of uric acid, which are in the form of granular granules. Localization of tophi mainly occurs in soft tissues located:

  • on the extensor surface of the thighs
  • above the joints of the foot, shin;
  • on the Achilles tendons.

This formation is a specific sign of gout - a disease in which the level of uric acid is elevated.

The initial stage of gout

The word tofus in translation means "porous stone". The growth, tofus, is a pathological area of ​​compacted cellulose. This process is characteristic of gout.

If the disease lasts more than 5 years and is accompanied by high hyperuricemia (in this condition, the level of uric acid is much higher than the norm) - tofuy form.

The size of tofus vary from a few millimeters to 2 cm (see photo). Tofus has a yellowish hue and does not cause painful sensations. The consistency of the contents in the granule can be powdered cream or liquid.

If the tofus becomes inflamed, a fistula may appear in it. In this situation, the contents of tofusov liquefies and flows outward, and on the spot of the fissured fistula an ulcer is formed. Over time, the wound either heals independently, or breaks again.

Gradually, the inflammatory process involves and periarticular bags, as in the photo. A similar pathology is called bursitis. Talk about tendovaginitis can be when the pathological changes are affected and tendons. All these conditions are accompanied by strong pain.

Note! The gout, which results in the formation of tofusi, proceeds slowly. The treatment takes quite a long time.

Education, called tofusami, appears only a few years after the appearance of the first signs of the disease.

If the patient uses diuretics or suffers from kidney diseases, the granules can be formed much earlier.

In addition to the feet, such tofusi can be seen on the fingers, the auricles (ear topus), in the nasal cartilages, in the zone of the elbows. Usually tofus is located on the skin, but there are cases of visceral - internal or bone marrow localization.

The causes of gout

Uric acid occurs as a result of the breakdown of purines, its presence can be found in any organism.

The norm of the content of uric acid for an adult is 1 gram.

As a result of metabolic processes, the synthesis of purines occurs, in addition, these elements come with food.

In blood plasma uric acid is in the form of sodium urates or otherwise free salts. If there is an increase in the level of uric acid, hyperuricum develops, which after a while leads to gout.

For the initial stage of the disease is characterized by asymptomatic flow. Most people in this period do not even suspect about the existing violations. The first clinical signs usually appear only after a few years.

Throughout this period, urate crystals are deposited in tissues and joints, causing irreparable harm to the body.

These same tofusi can appear with cancer of the bone marrow (myeloma) and some pathologies of the kidneys.

Tofus and symptoms

How to look education you can see in the photo. But their main features:

  1. tofus has clear contours;
  2. the surface of the skin in the region of the formation is rough;
  3. the contents of the nodules are much denser than the tissues surrounding the formations;
  4. Toxic to tofu resembling cartilage;
  5. with a shallow tofus arrangement, you can see with a naked eye the yellowish or white contents of the gouty node.

Nodules are the main sign of gout. Similar formations are observed when

rheumatoid arthritis or deforming arthrosis and can be formed on different sites of the body. Localization of granules can be:

  • leather;
  • subcutaneous tissue;
  • muscles;
  • joints;
  • tendons;
  • sites of bones.

Diagnosis of gout

To detect gouty lesions, tofus tissues are subjected to research. Their dislocation and structure in different organs are approximately the same.

The central part of such a tumor consists of crystalline contents. The tissues located around are subjected to dystrophic and inflammatory processes. The doctor can determine the severity and the time of the disease according to the structure of each tissue.

Severe pain in the joints is an occasion to consult a doctor, because these sensations can signal the development of gout in the body. Pain can last for several months and causes a person to take painkillers continuously.

This course of the disease is typical for the period of exacerbation. At this point, the joints increase greatly in size, which becomes visible even with the naked eye. Approximately so they look on a photo.

Neoplasms can initially have a soft structure, and eventually cure. Nodes are formed either singly or in groups.

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The skin above them has a cyanotic shade.

Sometimes the tubercles dissolve on their own, for no apparent reason, but they can erupt, which gives the skin an unaesthetic appearance, as in the photo.


Treatment for gout is based on a change in lifestyle. The patient should adhere to a specific diet and give up drinking alcohol.

The scheme of therapy in each case is chosen individually.

The doctor pays attention to the general condition of the patient and the results of the tests, regardless of the type of disease, because it can be idiopathic gout.

The treatment is as follows:

  1. removal of gout symptoms;
  2. a change in the diet, which should not include products rich in purines (mushrooms, river fish, legumes, offal);
  3. treatment based on a decrease in blood levels of uric acid salts;
  4. Exercise therapy;
  5. complete exclusion of alcohol;
  6. if there is excess weight, it is necessary to fight with it, but not to starve;
  7. in those cases when large tofusov squeezes surrounding tissues, surgical removal of formations is used.

Treatment of gout with folk medicine

In order for the nodes to decrease in size during gout, the patient is recommended to take:

  • decoction of leaves of dioecious nettle, cowberries, flax seeds;
  • to drink fresh birch sap;
  • use bee treatment;
  • make hot baths or poultices from straw oats or branches of Siberian larch.

A source:

Tofusi gout

How to remove tophi at gout? It is necessary to have a long but effective medication for tofus with gout with uricosuric drugs, which reduce the uric acid content in the blood.

Reduce the size of tofus help drugs that affect the cycle of uric acid - due to more intensive removal of it through the kidneys:

  1. Benziodarone is prescribed in a daily dose of 100 to 300 mg.
  2. Benzbromarone (an analog of Benziodarone, differs by the presence of bromine in the composition); is taken once a day, the minimum dose is 5 g, the maximum dose is 2 g.
  3. Probenecid (other trade names - Benemid, Santuril), is prescribed by, 5 g twice a day.
  4. Etamide (Etabenecid) - a remedy similar to Probenecid. The standard daily dose is 1 g (in four divided doses); It is accepted by courses for 10 days with weekly breaks.
  5. Sulfinpirazone (Sulfazon, Anturan, Enturan) - should take one tablet (, d) three times a day (after eating, squeezed milk).

But the action of the drug Allopurinol (Alloprim, Allogexal, Ziloprim, Zilorik, Milurit, Purinol) is based on the maximum decrease in the participation in the metabolism of uric acid enzyme xanthine oxidase.

As a result, the synthesis of uric acid decreases and, accordingly, its entry into the blood. The usual dose is 1-3 g per day (the individual dosage is determined by the doctor according to the results of the blood test).

The use of this drug requires an increase in the daily volume of fluid consumed to two liters.

Experts consider expeditious treatment of gouty tophi, if tofusi: destroy joints or negatively affect tendon function; threaten to cause skin necrosis and ulcers; accompanied by suppuration; squeezing nerves and hurting; have a unsightly appearance. Surgical intervention is also carried out in cases when the total volume of urate in the body can be reduced by removing easily accessible tofuses of large sizes.

Folk treatment of tofus with gout consists in lubricating the cones with an alcohol solution of iodine, in which it is recommended to add several powdered acetylsalicylic acid tablets. Can help warm baths with English salt (tablespoon per glass of water).

You can try and treat herbs: take in the water infusions of medicinal plants such as nettle, black elderberry (flower), stigma corn, cranberries (leaves), etc.

Among the remedies recommended for tophus homeopathy, there is a drug with Ledum Palustre and Lycopodium clavatum with clavulum.

Preventive maintenance is the key to reducing the risk of gouty cones. And to reduce the level of uric acid there is a special diet, - Diet with gout. Be sure to drink enough clean water (at least 5-6 glasses a day).

Prognosis in the absence of treatment: tofusi are a source of uric acid, which can return to blood flow, which will increase its concentration and increase the chances of further attacks of gouty rheumatism. In addition, tofusi with gout can destroy the skin, tendons, ligaments and skeletal structures, and this ultimately limits the ability of the musculoskeletal system and leads to disability.


The formations have different sizes (from the size of a grain of sand to an average and even a large apple). They can be localized either close to the surface of the skin, or in the deep layers, visceral or in the bone marrow. There may be an arrangement of nodules in different places:

  1. Muscles.
  2. Leather.
  3. Subcutaneous layers.
  4. Tendons.
  5. Joints.
  6. Bones.

Most often observed on the surface of the auricle, in the area of ​​the elbow joints, on the hands, on the feet. Rarely can occur on the face, on the sclera or cornea of ​​the eye, on the scrotum or foreskin of the penis.

Sometimes, when developing gout, there may be a growth of tofus, but more often they do not change the size or position on the body. If there is a growth of gouty nodes, then this is accompanied by severe pain, inflammation of nearby tissues.

There may be spontaneous dissection of nodes with the formation of fistula. After separating out of it a yellowish white mass, it heals, but its periodic break is possible, alternating with scarring.


Signs of tofus:

  • Formation of a node with a clear boundary.
  • Dense consistency of the node resembling cartilage tissue, or bone tissue.
  • Rough-grained surface.

Gouty tofus is diagnosed both in visual examination of formations and in laboratory studies. Appearance of tofusov falls on 6 and subsequent years of gout disease, but (if the content of urates in the blood is high), it is possible for them to appear and for 3 years of the course of the disease.

Onset of disease

The word tofus translates as a porous stone. By this means the focus of the pathology of densified subcutaneous tissue. This process occurs with gout.

Nodular formations are formed with a long course of the disease (more than 5 years) and high hyperuricemia, which has a higher urinary acid level.

The size of tofus reaches from a few millimeters to 2 cm. They have a yellowish tinge. Nodules do not cause painful sensations. With inflammation of the formations, fistulas may appear in them.

Then the internal contents are diluted and can flow out through such channels. The consistency of the substance contained in the granule can be creamy, liquid or crumbly. On the site of breakthrough fistula may form ulcers.

The wound with time either heals independently, or breaks out anew.

Also, periarticular bags may gradually become inflamed. This pathology is called bursitis. If pathologies undergo tendons, then this is called tendovaginitis. These diseases are accompanied by severe pain.

The development of gout, as a source of tofus, is slow. Treatment passes for a long time. Several years after the gout disease, tumors with the name Tofusi appear.

With some types of gout and the use of diuretics, as well as kidney disease, granules can appear before the usual period of six years. In addition to the legs, such nodes are found on the auricles, fingers, in the cartilage of the nose, on the elbows.

There are cones usually in the skin, but there are cases of visceral (internal) or bone marrow localization. That is, in addition to visible external seals on the body, their presence can be on internal organs.

In such cases, it is particularly difficult to detect them.

Causes of the disease

Uric acid is a product of the disintegration of purines and is present in any organism. In an adult, its normal content is 1000 mg. As a result of metabolic processes, purines are synthesized in the body.

They also come with a meal. Uric acid in the blood plasma is in the form of urate sodium, the so-called free salts. With an increase in the level of uric acid above the norm, hyperuremia is formed.

Over time, it leads to gout.

The onset of the disease is asymptomatic. Many people do not even know about the violations in the body. Clinical manifestations of the disease usually appear after a few years.

All this time, urate crystals are deposited in joints and tissues, harming the body.

Tofus can also be formed with bone marrow oncology (myeloma) and certain kidney diseases.

Gout is provoked by metabolic disorders in the body. When the disease salts of uric acid are deposited in different organs, and especially in the joints. The disease is more common in men, especially after forty.

Tofus is a characteristic symptom of a person being ill for a long time with gout. And, therefore, he has a high level of uric acid in the body.

Depending on the size and number of nodes, the severity of the underlying disease is determined.

Symptoms of the disease

The first manifestation of gout can be an acute attack. Tofus after a while. Gouty formations look like nodules. To the touch they are condensed. Their edges have clear outlines.

The content of such a node has a dense consistency, sometimes stony.Surface of pathological formation has roughness.

With a shallow disposition, they are translucent through the skin, and the accumulation of their contents, which is of a white and yellow color, is visible. Tofuses can form fistulas, through which the nodes are opened.

Then their inner filling of the milky shade flows outward. Such fistulas are usually not infected.

The main signs of tofus:

  • the surface of the skin of the formation is rough;
  • the node has clear contours;
  • the contents of the tumor are more dense than the surrounding tissues;
  • in density to the touch like cartilage;
  • The contents of the gouty node (yellowish or white) are visible with a shallow tofus arrangement.

Tofusi are a clear sign of gout. Also, such neoplasms are manifested with deforming arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Tofusam inherent in the formation of various parts of the body.

Places of formation of granules can be:

  1. • subcutaneous tissue;
  2. • Skin;
  3. • tendons;
  4. • joints;
  5. • Muscles;
  6. • Areas of bones.

Diagnosis of tofus tissues

When detecting gouty knots, doctors examine the tissues of tofus. Their structure and dislocation in different organs is approximately the same.

The center of such a tumor consists of crystalline contents, and surrounding tissues undergo dystrophic processes. Around the node the tissues become inflamed.

The structure of each tissue specialist determines the severity of the disease and the period of progression of gout.

Tofusy can be soft at first, and eventually harden. They can be formed individually locally, or in groups of several.

The color of the skin above them does not change. It's a cyanotic shade. Sometimes they resolve themselves.

They can break out or exist for a long time, which gives an unattractive appearance to a person.


With this pathology, you have to change your lifestyle. It is necessary to sit on a special diet and refuse to drink alcohol.

The treatment regimen for gout, as the main cause of tofus, the doctor chooses individually for each individual.

The results of the tests and the condition of the patient as a whole are taken into account.

Therapy includes:

  • symptomatic treatment of gout;
  • anti-gouty treatment aimed at reducing the concentration of uric acid salts in plasma;
  • A special diet that excludes the use of purines (river fish, mushrooms, by-products, legumes);
  • complete exclusion of alcohol;
  • physiotherapy;
  • getting rid of excess weight, if it exists (without complete starvation);
  • surgical removal of tofuses in cases where their large size squeezes surrounding tissues.

Traditional Medicine in Disease

To reduce gouty sites in size, and also to treat gout, it is recommended:

  1. drink decoction of leaves of dioecious nettles, flax seeds, cranberries;
  2. take fresh birch sap;
  3. apply the treatment of bees (in a sore spot must be stung by a bee);
  4. do poultices or hot tubs with branches of Siberian larch and oat straw, depending on the location of the tofus.
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Chances for a normal lifestyle with gout with the presence of tophi depends on how intensively the kidneys remove urate from the body.

With good working capacity of the kidneys, the disease proceeds easily, albeit for a long time. Gouty nodules in this case are small in size.

With a severe form of the disease, the formation of large tofu that can destroy the joint and underlying tissues is possible.A person with this form gets a disability.

As a preventive measure, a course of preventive treatment is recommended. It involves the reception of allopurinol for a long time. Frequent walks and sports are also recommended.

They can reach such a size that the tissue under them will begin to break down. This causes very severe pain and inflammation in the area of ​​the organ where the tofus is. Therefore it is very important to comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor so as not to start the disease.

A source:

Gouty tofus: photos, methods of treatment

When violating purine metabolism in the body develops a disease called gout.

It is characterized by the accumulation of salts of uric acid in bone tissues and leads to attacks of arthritis.

In the chronic course of pathology on the joints are formed peculiar knots - gouty tofusi. They indicate a critical level of urate in the blood.

Medical information

Tofusi are gouty nodules consisting of uric acid crystals. They are limited to connective tissue.

Tofusy appear with prolonged gout, usually after 6 years from the moment of the first attack of the disease. However, under the influence of adverse factors, gouty nodules appear after 2-3 years.

It is a question of non-observance of a diet, infringement of excretory function of kidneys and reception of diuretic preparations.

These little-aesthetic formations worsen the appearance of a person and disrupt the full mobility of the joints. In the absence of treatment, they begin to expand, to destroy cartilaginous tissue. Often provoke the formation of ulcers and even necrosis of the skin.

Main reasons

Uric acid is a product of the disintegration of purines and is present in every organism. Normally in an adult, its content is 1000 mg. Purines are synthesized as a result of metabolic processes.

They also enter the body together with food. Uric acid is present in the blood plasma in the form of urate sodium. Otherwise they are called "free" salts. With an increase in uric acid levels, hyperuricemia develops.

Over time, it leads to gout.

The onset of the disease usually occurs asymptomatically. Many people do not even suspect of violations in the body. Clinical manifestations are revealed only after several years.

All this time urate crystals accumulate in the tissues and joints, causing significant harm to the body.

Gouty tofusi are a clear sign that the disease has passed from an acute stage to a chronic one.

Clinical picture

Tofuses are dense, rounded formations. Their value can vary from 2 mm to 8 cm. Most often located in the subcutaneous tissue near the joints.

Surface localization of gouty nodes helps to diagnose them during physical examination. Tofusi protrude under the skin in the form of tubercles of yellowish color.

Derma above them is usually rough and dry.

In the period of remission, education has a static position, do not show a tendency to increase in size. Progression of the disease and insufficient treatment contribute to the growth of gouty nodes, affecting the surrounding tissues. There may be an increase in the pain syndrome.

The active course of the pathological process leads to the opening of the gouty tofus and the formation of fistula. Of the latter, a yellowish secret appears.

This complication is accompanied by an increase in temperature and severe pain in the affected area. Fistulous course sometimes self-tightening.

However, most often its development becomes chronic with regular opening and subsequent scarring.

Localization area

Deposits of urate are most often observed on sites with a poorly developed network of vessels. The temperature in these areas is lower compared to other parts of the body.

In most patients, tofus are localized in the following areas:

  • fingers and toes;
  • ears;
  • feet;
  • knees;
  • elbow joint area.

In especially serious cases, when the level of uric acid in the body exceeds all permissible standards, urates begin to accumulate in the internal organs. It's about the kidneys and bone tissue.

Possible complications

Patients with a diagnosis of "gout" should understand how dangerous this disease is. Tofusy is a collection of urate salts. At high concentrations of uric acid in the seals, there comes a time when this component begins to flow back into the blood.

In the absence of treatment gouty tofusi eventually spread to all new areas. They can cover not only the fingers of the limbs, but also the ears and elbows.

Formations quickly destroy skeletal elements, significantly worsen the condition of the skin and joints.

In neglected cases, when limb mobility is lost, the patient receives a disability group.

Methods of treatment

The appearance on the body of gouty tophus, whose photos are presented just above, indicates the active accumulation of sodium monoaurate in the body.

Ignore these manifestations is not necessary, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Inattention to signs of gout can lead to complications.

Diagnosis of formations includes external examination, as well as conducting instrumental methods of examination. The patient must necessarily pass blood and urine tests to determine the indicators of uric acid.

In order to identify deep nodules, x-rays are prescribed. Gouty tophus can also be found on the photographs of MRI and with the help of ultrasound of the ligament apparatus, joints. Based on the results of the survey, a comprehensive treatment is selected.

It usually consists of the following activities:

  1. Change in lifestyle (rejection of addictions, alcohol).
  2. Compliance with a special diet that excludes the use of foods high in purines (fish, mushrooms, legumes).
  3. Drug therapy.
  4. Strengthening of immunity.
  5. Physiotherapy, massage.
  6. Operative intervention.

the goal of such a comprehensive treatment is to prevent the development of complications, the relief of symptoms.

Use of medicines

Medicamental therapy is considered a kind of foundation in the fight against gouty tofus. As a rule, treatment is started with the drug "Allopurinol" to reduce the uric acid in the body. Dosage and duration of reception is selected strictly individually.

As an additional drug therapy prescribed urikozuricheskie funds. They increase the excretion of uric acid from the blood. This group of funds is represented by Probenecid and Sulfinpyrazon.

The nature of the gout is changeable. In its development there are acute periods, when the pain syndrome is particularly pronounced, and the stages of remission.

To stop the unpleasant symptoms involve non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Orthofen "Diclofenac").

They are used in the form of injections and ointments.

Physiotherapy and massage

As in the case of other disorders of the support apparatus, the fight against gouty tofusos does not do without physiotherapy.

It helps to normalize blood circulation in the affected area, relaxes muscle musculature.

The application of specific procedures depends on the stage of the pathology:

  • In the acute phase, impulse points and UV-rays are used;
  • at the stage of remission, it is advisable to use ultrasound and mud therapy.

If there are no painful sensations at home, you can have self-massage sessions. Procedures are recommended to begin with stroking the periphery of the joint and light rubbing, gradually moving to neighboring tissues.

This approach contributes to the overall relaxation of the muscles. When gout massage should start from remote areas, consistently getting ready to the focus of pain. The duration of one procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.

Let's consider an example with a gouty tofus on the toe. In this case, the massage should proceed with the shin, gradually approaching the epicenter of pain.

Soft impact on the affected joint stimulates blood circulation, which contributes to the excretion of urate sodium into the blood. Intensive movements are strictly prohibited.

Also, do not hold sessions during the exacerbation of pathology.

Surgical intervention

When conservative treatment is not effective, surgical removal of the formation is recommended. In addition, the operation is resorted to in the following cases:

  • deposits of urate have reached excessive proportions;
  • there is a strong deformation of the joint structure;
  • Nodules sprouted into nearby tissues.

The operation itself with gouty tofus consists of several stages. First, local anesthesia is administered.

Then a small incision is made on the affected area. Through it a bag with pathological tissues is excised.

This area is washed with antiseptic solutions and cosmetic seams are applied.

The next 7-10 days the patient is in hospital under supervision. Every day he is dressed. After 10 days, the sutures are removed, and the doctor examines the operated area. With a positive result and no complication, the patient is released home.

The help of traditional medicine

How to remove gouty tophi on fingers and toes with the help of non-traditional means? Recipes of folk healers, as a rule, are aimed at improving metabolic processes in the body. Completely get rid of nodules is unlikely to succeed, but really to stop signs of inflammation of tissues. Below are the most effective methods of influencing the problem.

  1. Decoction on the basis of leaves of dioecious nettles, flaxseeds and cowberries. To make it, you need to mix all the ingredients in equal proportions and pour boiling water, insist for 2 hours. Take a decoction of the half cup before eating.
  2. Baths with Siberian larch branches. As an auxiliary ingredient, you can use straw oats. The procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a week, with the duration of one session should not exceed 20 minutes.

Large tofuys can be reduced by using as a compress gruel from potatoes or cabbage leaves. The iodine grid has an excellent therapeutic effect. It is recommended to apply it directly to the education itself.

Methods of prevention

In most cases, gouty tophi on the fingers and toes are the result of a prolonged course of the underlying disease, the presence of which a person may not even guess.

The appearance of nodules indicates a serious pathological process in the body. Therefore, it is better to take care of preventive measures in advance.

They are reduced to observing the following rules:

  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations, take tests. In this situation, it is possible to detect abnormalities in the concentration of uric acid in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to normalize it.
  • If the family has already been diagnosed with gout, it is recommended that the course "Allopurinol" be drunk for prophylactic purposes. However, you first need to consult a doctor who will choose the dosage of the drug.
  • A special diet helps to reduce the risk of tofusi. It provides for the exclusion of foods rich in purines from the diet. This fatty fish, coffee, red meat and all kinds of legumes.
  • Compliance with the drinking regime plays an important role in the prevention of pathology. Clean water rinses all parts of the body and removes excess urate salts.

Gout does not lend itself to complete cure. However, adherence to the doctor's recommendations and elementary preventive measures allows for a long time to maintain the state of remission.

A source: http://.ru/article/368605/podagricheskiy-tofus-foto-metodyi-lecheniya