Redness and fatigue of the eyes: treatment with drops

The burden on the eyes of modern man is simply enormous. Many people spend the whole day in the office at the computer, and in the evening they watch TV, read. All this leads to inflammation of the eyes, tear. What kind of eye drops help you get rid of fatigue and redness?

  • How do ophthalmic drugs work?
  • What medicines help with redness and inflammation of the eyes
  • Eye drops from irritation and redness
  • Children's eye drops due to redness
  • Drops from redness of eyes when wearing lenses
  • Drops from fatigue and redness while working with a computer
  • Vitamin drops for eyes
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How do ophthalmic drugs work?

Virtually all areas of human activity are associated with an intense strain on the optic nerve. Drops from redness and dryness of the eyes with severe fatigue help to remove the pain syndrome, which is caused by overstrain of the muscles.

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Important!Discomfort in the eyes can be caused by infectious diseases, increased eye pressure, serious ophthalmic diseases. With constant pain and rezi drops can only be used after a preliminary consultation with a doctor.

Medicines for the treatment of the eyes help to eliminate puffiness, narrow the blood vessels. Good drops begin to act after a quarter of an hour, the duration of the action reaches 8 hours.

Means for moisturizing the mucosa promote the acceleration of the regeneration process in tissues. When using the medicine, the supply of tissues to oxygen is improved, the dilated vessels narrow. Additionally contain substances that prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microflora.

Benefits of eye drops:

  • eliminate itching and burning, pain, redness;
  • restore mucous membranes;
  • reduce swelling and lacrimation;
  • help with cataracts, sunburn eyes.

When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to take into account the causes that could cause deterioration of the eyes. It can be excessive loads, allergies, harmful production conditions. Often inflamed eyes when wearing contact lenses, against the background of viral and colds.

Quality drops for the eyes do not contain preservatives, so the shelf life is limited, the open bottle can be stored only in the refrigerator.

Important!How to treat redness of the eyes at home can be found in our article.

What medicines help with redness and inflammation of the eyes

Redness and irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes are the most common symptoms of all ophthalmic problems. Therefore, drops from rubbing and redness are always in high demand.

Important!Even the best eye drops can not be used as a preventative. Each drug has clear indications for use.

Vizin is recommended for use at the first signs of eye inflammation, the drug is good for itching and redness. Advantage - the agent acts very quickly. The disadvantage is that the medicine is addictive, it can often not be used.

Korneregel is an analogue of Vizin, whose price is much lower. The agent acts quickly, eliminates the main signs of inflammation, triggers the regeneration process in tissues, promotes vision improvement.

Eye drops from irritation and redness

With chronic lack of sleep, after a sleepless night, with colds, the eyes begin to ache, become inflamed, there is a thread, a feeling of sand in the eyes.

Effective drops from irritation and redness:

  • Tuafon - daily drops, designed to eliminate the inflammatory process, but they can be used no more than 3 months;
  • Albucid - a cheap drug of domestic production, used for the treatment and prevention of conjunctivitis, viral diseases;
  • Vial - effectively eliminate puffiness and inflammation, help with severe pain, itching, dryness.

Children's eye drops due to redness

Ophthalmic problems are even in newborns. Young children suffer from lacrimation and redness of the eyes due to non-compliance with hygiene rules - babies often rub their eyes with dirty hands. Excessive workload at school, prolonged stay near a monitor or TV - all this can cause redness and inflammation of the eyes of school children.

Children's medicines:

  • Atropine, Tobrex - safe means, ophthalmologists and pediatricians often prescribe these drugs to children in the presence of inflammatory processes in the eyes;
  • Floxal - drops with antibacterial action, can only be used as prescribed by the doctor;
  • Albucid - the safest drops, they can be applied from the first day of life.

If redness and inflammation of the eyes are caused by an allergy, drops with antihistamine action will help.

Cortisone - a hormonal drug, eliminates the main signs of allergies and inflammation. Allergodyl - drops act quickly, relief comes in just over 15 minutes after instillation of the eyes. Suitable for children over 6 years.

Before applying the drops, you need to rinse the eyes of the child with infusion of chamomile - 3 g of raw material to brew 220 ml of boiling water, cool, strain. In the solution, moisten cotton pads, hold for about 5 minutes.

Drops from redness of eyes when wearing lenses

Even with proper care of the lenses, the eyes often blush and become inflamed. With redness of the vessels, lacrimation can not do without the help of drops.

VisOptic are the best drops for those who constantly wear lenses. The drug improves blood circulation in the tissues and increases visual acuity, eliminates the redness of the mucosa.

Vizin Pure tear - in composition resemble a tear, it is recommended to use together with lenses. A standard bubble is enough for 3 months. The funds are universal and practically safe.

Holo-chest - a preparation based on hyaluronic acid, intensively moisturizes the mucous membrane. It is recommended to use, if there is discomfort when wearing lenses, eyes turn red and itch.

Drops from fatigue and redness while working with a computer

Symptomatic manifestations of ophthalmic diseases are often observed in those who spend a lot of time at the computer. In such people often there is a thread, a burning sensation, there may be blood vessels in the eyes. With prolonged use of the computer, dryness and redness of the eyes occur.

List of moisturizing drops to relieve eye redness:

  • Irifrin - the agent removes dryness, it is used in the treatment of increased intraocular pressure;
  • Systein Ultra - an artificial tear preparation used for washing the cornea, effectively eliminates eye fatigue after a long stay near the monitor;
  • Epoxypine - inexpensive, but effective drops, eliminate itching, dryness, redness, infectious ophthalmic diseases.

Long work behind the monitor causes an increased strain of the eye muscles. To get rid of unpleasant sensations will help special medicines.

Actipol - contains interferon, eliminates muscle fatigue, has antioxidant properties.

Taurine is a medicinal product that accumulates in the eye tissues, strengthens protective functions, helps cells to recover more quickly.

Rectuline is an indispensable remedy for constant long-term work at the computer, as it prevents vision impairment, protects the eyes from the negative effects of the TV and computer.

Blink intensive - a protective agent that protects the eyes from overwork. Has anti-inflammatory and soothing effect, prevents the development of serious ophthalmic problems.

Vitamin drops for eyes

Preparations based on vitamin complexes can well eliminate fatigue, they can be used for myopia and hyperopia. You can use them daily for 3 months, after which you need a month's respite.

Means for eyes with vitamins:

  • Visor - the composition includes retinol and vitamin E, extracts from aloe, carotene, drops prevent drying out of the mucous membrane, help to relieve fatigue;
  • Riboflavin - a drug based on B vitamins, saturates tissues with oxygen, normalizes the work of the retina;
  • Candle - the composition of the drops includes extract from cedar, oleoresins, vitamins, used for dry and inflamed eyes.

Important!Eye drops do not eliminate the main cause of discomfort in the eyes, but only eliminate the symptoms.

Ophthalmic problems can occur in a person at any age, often diagnose them in children. What eye drops are best from the reddening of the eyes can only be solved by a doctor, since reddening and inflammation of the mucous membranes may indicate the development of serious pathologies.

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