Nocturnal back pain in prone position: why does the loin hurts?


  • 1Backache in the lumbar region: causes, treatment
    • 1.1Variety of reasons
    • 1.2If the loin hurts in the prone position
    • 1.3Primary pain syndrome
    • 1.4Secondary pain syndrome
    • 1.5Acute pain
    • 1.6Chronic pain
    • 1.7Diseases leading to low back pain
    • 1.8Treatment of lumbar spine
    • 1.9Treatment is conducted and using the following non-drug methods:
  • 2Causes of low back pain in women at night
    • 2.1Physiological causes of pain syndrome
    • 2.2Pregnancy and its features
    • 2.3Pathologies of the spine
    • 2.4Osteochondrosis and deformity of the vertebrae
    • 2.5Tumors with a painful back symptom
    • 2.6Consequences of rheumatoid arthritis
    • 2.7Pathology of internal organs
    • 2.8Disorders of the excretory system
    • 2.9Diseases of the reproductive system
    • 2.10Pathology of the digestive system
  • 3Why does the lumbar region hurt: the causes, consequences
    • 3.1Why is the lumbar region hurting lying: causes
    • 3.2Why does the lumbar lumbar region hurt?
  • 4Back pain in the supine position - causes and treatment
    • 4.1Why does your back hurt when you are lying?
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.2Night pains
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4Treatment and prevention
  • 5Why does my back hurt in the lumbar region after sleeping?
    • 5.1Causes of pain that are easy to get rid of
    • 5.2Dangerous causes of pain that require treatment
    • 5.3Diseases of internal organs
    • 5.4Osteochondrosis
    • 5.5What else can cause back pain
    • 5.6How to avoid pain in the back

Backache in the lumbar region: causes, treatment

Everyone at least once in my life came across a problem when the back aches in the lumbar region. Such a symptom often appears with prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position.Pain is safe for health and passes after a proper rest.

Treatment can be prescribed only after complete diagnosis and determine the cause and nature of the disease. You can not do anything yourself without a doctor's examination.

Variety of reasons

The most common causes that lead to pain syndrome are: osteochondrosis, scoliosis, herniated intervertebral discs. Tumors and infectious tissue lesions are much less common.

Depending on the disease, pain manifests itself in different ways. If the cause of pain is renal colic or a stomach ulcer, the sensations are constant regardless of the nature of the activity (the person lying down or engaged in active activity).

If there is osteochondrosis of the thoracic region, the pain gives to the heart, then the patient mistakenly believes that he has angina.

If the loin hurts in the prone position

When there is pain and a person does not know what to do with it, he prefers to lie down, hoping that discomfort will pass. But if the pain increases in the prone position, then most likely there is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is called Bekhterev's disease.

Due to the fact that the spine can not take a natural position, the person in prone position feels pain.

Bechterew's disease is transmitted by inheritance, the impetus for development is chronic infectious diseases. The pain increases if you lead a sedentary lifestyle.

The first sign is a feeling of stiffness in the spine, and also if the lower back pain is worse. Early diagnosis can completely cure the disease.

Primary pain syndrome

Doctors share primary and secondary pain syndromes when it comes to pain in the back and lower back.

The primary syndrome of lumbar pain involves musculo-skeletal changes that are morphologically functional.

This includes the most common causes, which causes pain:

  • osteochondrosis (lesion of bone and cartilaginous tissue, intervertebral disc);
  • spondylopthroza (involvement of the intervertebral joints, which affect the mobility of the spine).

Secondary pain syndrome

Secondary syndrome includes a greater variety of diseases, because of which the back aches in the lumbar region:

  • scoliosis (curvature of the spine);
  • Reflected pain;
  • osteoporosis and osteomalacia (damage to the bone tissue);
  • Bechterew's disease (non-infectious inflammation);
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • isolated tumor or formed metastases;
  • tuberculosis, epidural abscess, brucellosis (infectious diseases);
  • an insult condition, which leads to a violation of the cerebrospinal circulation;
  • GI disease (in particular, appendicitis or bowel disease);
  • diseases in the pelvic region (renal colic, venereal diseases);
  • fracture of the vertebrae (the most dangerous and serious cause).

Acute pain

Back pain is also divided into acute and chronic pain. Each of them shows for individual reasons.

A non-dangerous, but painful manifestation of acute pain is muscle stretching. It is due to the formation of spasms in the long muscles.

The most common problem is athletes and people working specialties. The pain is localized in the lower back, but distinctly felt in other parts of the body, the person's mobility is limited while lying down, the pain subsides.

Acute pain is also caused by spinal injuries. The most dangerous trauma is a fracture of the spine.

A fracture can be caused by a fall, and it can happen quite unnoticeably, for example, if a person suffers from Paget's disease, osteoporosis, hyperparathyroidism, or he has a tumor.

The dislocation of intervertebral discs in the lumbar region leads to pain. In this case, the mobility of a person will be severely limited.

The pain itself is caused by the compression of the nerve roots. Additional symptoms:

  • impaired sensitivity;
  • reduction or complete absence of Achilles and knee reflexes;
  • radicular pain.

Displacement of vertebrae can lead to a pathology of nearby, which until the last were healthy. Violations of the lower vertebrae lead to diseases of the bladder and intestines.

Another reason for acute pain is facet syndrome. The intervertebral disc is not affected, only the compression of the spine leaves the vertebral canal. The intervertebral foramen tapers due to the narrowing of the intervertebral foramen.

To pain can lead and such a serious disease as an epidural abscess. What should I do?


The disease can not be delayed, since it can lead to tragic consequences. It is necessary to immediately take all measures to eliminate the compression of the spinal cord, sometimes surgical intervention is required.


In the area, beginning with the waist, ending with the knees, can give pain caused by diseases of the hip joint.

Chronic pain

If the back ache in the lumbar region and the pain is constantly present, is aching or drawing, this indicates other diseases than with acute pain.

The first reason is deforming spondylosis. The vertebrae of the lumbar department undergo dystrophic changes, the ligaments weaken, bone growth begins.

As a result, bony outgrowths begin to exert pressure on the nerve roots and there is aching pain. Symptoms may include numbness and weakness in the legs, etc.

Chronic low back pain can be caused by cancer or metabolic disorders.

In this case, we must do antitumor therapy, change the regime of the day and nutrition, in order to eliminate the root cause, everything else will be ineffective.

Another reason is osteomyelitis, when the infection penetrates the bone and causes inflammation.

Diseases leading to low back pain

Other diseases that cause pain in the lumbar region

  1. facet arthropathy;
  2. stenosis of the spinal canal;
  3. herniated disc;
  4. myogenic pain;
  5. rupture of the fibrous ring.

In women, pain can be caused by pelvic disease, such as endometriosis, carcinoma of the uterus and ovaries. In men, prostatitis or carcinoma of the prostate gland.

Give to the waist can and sick kidney, swelling in the stomach, duodenum. Pain occurs with ulcerative colitis, colon swelling, diverticulitis.

If the pain extends not only to the lumbar, but also to the thoracic region, it is important to rule out the possibility of aortic dissection.

Harmless reasons can be physiological changes, for example, the postpartum period or a sharp set of mass, the effect of epidural anesthesia.

Treatment of such pain is not carried out, the patient can do nothing, the pain will pass after a certain time.

Treatment of lumbar spine

Before you start treatment, you need to correctly diagnose. First the doctor conducts a clinical examination of the patient, then relies on the results of ultrasound and MRI examinations.

Based on the diagnosis, a treatment program is already being selected, combining various methods.

First of all, the treatment is aimed at eliminating the pain syndrome in order to return the patient to a comfortable life. After all, the complete cure of the disease (if possible) can last for years.

If the cause of the disease is a bruise, then the treatment will be carried out by a trauma doctor.


Depending on the cause of the pain, which the therapist / family doctor should identify, a further medical history may lead an orthopedist, nephrologist, urologist, proctologist, gynecologist, cardiologist, gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, infectiologist and etc.


To facilitate the patient's condition, it is recommended to replace the orthopedic mattress. Pain removes pain-relieving warming ointments and gels, which additionally contain anti-inflammatory components.

It is also advisable to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Muscular spasms will remove muscle relaxants, edema of the nerve root will eliminate diuretics and vascular agents.

When the patient can return to a normal lifestyle, the treatment continues with the help of physiotherapy, massage and therapeutic gymnastics.

Treatment is conducted and using the following non-drug methods:

  • vacuum therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • laser therapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • dry stretching;
  • pharmacopuncture;
  • electrostimulation;
  • magnetopuncture.

Such treatment provides a quick relief of pain, and also eliminates the cause itself, thus ensuring a lasting result.

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Causes of low back pain in women at night

Feeling of pain during sleep in the lumbar region can be a consequence of various causes - from pathologies of internal organs to problems with the musculoskeletal system.

In most cases, the cause of unpleasant sensations is osteochondrosis, in which the joints of the lumbar spine are dangerously deformed, which causes pressure on the nerve roots.

If you do not consult a doctor, the disease progresses, resulting in a hernia.

Such a diagnosis will require surgical intervention already, so, before it's too late, you need to check the body condition and start active preventive measures.

Most women regularly suffer from back pain, but do not pay attention to it.

However, discomfort, especially at night, can significantly reduce the quality of life: a dream is broken, irritability and a feeling of general malaise appear.

If a woman has a low backache at night, the reasons for the appearance of discomfort should be identified as soon as possible and in time to do their therapy. Cm. also: pulling pains above the loins in women causes.

Physiological causes of pain syndrome

Often, pain in the lower back of women is a consequence of muscle fatigue. If during the day you walked a lot, wore a child in your arms, went in for sports, or gave your body another physical exertion, in the evening, there may be a pulling sensation in the lumbar region or the shoulder belt.

With a sedentary lifestyle, lower back pain may occur even with minimal physical exertion - after climbing the stairs, cleaning or walking.

In this case, soreness is caused by muscular dystonia, that is, weakness. To improve well-being, it is worth moving more, doing physical exercises.

When the muscular system gets stronger and can easily hold the weight of the body, the pain will stop.

Pregnancy and its features

Waiting for a child is one of the most common causes of pain in the lumbar region in young women. Unpleasant sensations are caused by several reasons:

  • stretching the muscles of the back, abdomen and supporting ligament of the uterus;
  • intensive growth of the uterus squeezing adjacent organs;
  • softening of the pubic symphysis and divergence of pelvic bones;
  • "Training fights" - myometrial spasms;
  • increasing the load on the spine due to the displacement of the center of gravity and the increase in the weight of the future mother.
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In addition, if a woman is accustomed to sleeping on her back, then in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy this position will lead to an additional burden on the spine at night and, as a result, the appearance of pain in the lower back.

If you are concerned about strong discomfort in the lower back and abdomen, accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina, you should immediately seek medical help.

Pathologies of the spine

Causes of pain in the lower back at night in women can be pathologies of various spine. Often, all diseases of this etiology have similar manifestations:

  • accompanied by a crunch in the back;
  • with sudden unsuccessful movement, the patient experiences severe sharp pain in the lower back;
  • unpleasant sensations quickly pass or become less pronounced when changing the posture.

Osteochondrosis and deformity of the vertebrae

Osteochondrosis is a degeneration of the articular cartilages, which lose their elasticity and become thinner. Especially susceptible to this disease is the lumbar spine, since body weight, especially excessive, leads to a constant load on this area.

Patients complain of paroxysmal unpleasant sensations to the back, which are amplified when trying to change the position of the body: lie down, turn on its side, sit down.


At 3-4 stages of the disease, intervertebral hernias are formed, which cause intense pain syndrome. The pathological displacement of the disc leads to the fact that in the prone position the hernia squeezes the roots of nerves, causes their inflammation and loss of sensitivity.


Patients may complain of severe burning or long-lasting pain of equal intensity.

Tumors with a painful back symptom

Neoplasms in the spine are rarely the result of an independent tumor process and in most cases develop in the process of metastasis.

The degenerated tissues grow very quickly, because of which the compression of the roots of the spinal cord occurs.

When the patient lies on her back, the pressure on the tumor increases, which is why the woman experiences severe, sharp pain.

Pathology is usually accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health, an increase in body temperature, insomnia and cachexia, that is, exhaustion.

A distinctive feature of the tumor processes in the spine is the rapid loss of the patient's ability to work.

Quite quickly, the pain becomes intense and does not decrease when the position changes.

Consequences of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by rapid degeneration and destruction of tissues.

In most cases, with lesions of the lumbar spine, patients complain of pain when walking and exercising, but often because of the accumulation of exudate in the affected parts of the spine, the patient feels pain and difficulty at night trying to change the position body.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease are severe debilitating pain in the lower back, morning stiffness of movements, night fever - fever, sweating and a feeling of aching in the muscles and joints.

Pathology of internal organs

Often the pathology of the internal organs can be accompanied by pain localized in the lumbar region.

Features of the structure of the female body leads to the fact that in the presence of abnormal processes it is difficult to diagnose in which system they occur.

That is why when the patient is hospitalized with pain in the lower back, a comprehensive examination, including consultations of a gynecologist, surgeon and nephrologist, as well as the conduct of ultrasound and a number of analyzes.

Disorders of the excretory system

Most often, the cause of night pain in the lumbar region is kidney disease: pyelonephritis and urolithiasis.

Pyelonephritis is an acute inflammatory process in the kidneys. It is characterized by a sharp increase in body temperature, fever, increased sweating.

The affected organ is enlarged and very painful. Often the ailment is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication: dizziness, nausea, aches in the joints.

When trying to lie on the patient's side, the patient experiences severe back pain.

Urolithiasis is a pathology of metabolism, in which concretions accumulate in the kidney and ureteral cavities. The disease can develop for a long period of time asymptomatically.

When the stone begins to move along the excretory system, the patient experiences pain. Most often unpleasant sensations disturb the patient at night: during sleep the body relaxes, which facilitates concrement movement on the ureters.

The pain is usually initially localized in the lumbar region, gradually shifting into the cavity of the small pelvis.

Diagnosis with lesions of the excretory organs is based on ultrasound, urine and blood tests, if necessary, urography is possible.

Diseases of the reproductive system

Gynecological problems are one of the most common causes of discomfort in the lumbar region. Often the patient complains of shingles. In most cases, the cause of such symptoms is the following:

  1. Apoplexy, that is, a gap, of the ovary. It is accompanied by sharp pain, nausea, sometimes loss of consciousness. A patient with such symptoms should be urgently hospitalized.
  2. Myoma of the uterus. Often, neoplasms of this kind quickly increase in size and squeeze the neighboring organs.
  3. Ovarian cysts.
  4. Polyps of the uterus.

The gynecologist specializes in the treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system. For an accurate diagnosis, an examination, an ultrasound examination and a puncture of the posterior vaginal fornix are carried out with suspicion of apoplexy.

Pathology of the digestive system

The most frequent pathologies of the digestive tract, in which pain is localized in the lumbar region, are ulcerative processes in the intestine and retro-calcane appendicitis. Cm. Also: why does the loin and coccyx hurt women?

If there is an ulcer in the gut, the patient may complain of a burning sensation and a pain of unclear localization, which increases during the night or in connection with hunger.

Pathological processes are accompanied by a violation of the stool, nausea, weight loss.

When the ulcer is perforated, peritonitis may develop, in which the patient's temperature rises sharply, and all symptoms of intoxication appear: vomiting, pallor of the skin, fever, fainting.

Retrocecal appendicitis - an inflammation of the appendix in the case of its atypical location.


The main difference between this form of the disease is that intense pain, which increases when trying to lie on the affected side, is not localized in the abdomen, but on the right in the lower back.


This greatly complicates the diagnosis, since the signs of pathology resemble the symptoms of urolithiasis.

Diagnosis of the causes of pain in the lower back at night in women with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract is performed by a gastroenterologist or surgeon. Depending on the indications, the doctor prescribes ultrasound, x-ray, blood and urine tests. In most cases, urgent surgery is performed.

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Why does the lumbar region hurt: the causes, consequences

We all know the pain in the lumbar region - excessive physical activity, a long stay in an uncomfortable situation and other external factors lead to the fact that at the end of a work day we can experience pain and discomfort in lower back.

As a rule, in order to eliminate this symptomatology, in most cases we only need full rest, however, sometimes, taking a lying position, the pain syndrome does not pass, but on the contrary - amplified.

So why is the loin hurting? And how dangerous is this? In this article we will answer this question.

Why is the lumbar region hurting lying: causes

So, as we have already said, each of us is faced with such a symptom as back pain, which in turn occurs for various reasons. And these reasons can be divided into two groups.

The first group of reasons contributing to the development of low back pain in the lying position include factors that are not associated with any diseases.

For example, the list of these factors includes the following:

  • Long stay in an uncomfortable position (for example, working at a computer);
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Excessive physical activity;
  • Inconvenient position of the body during sleep;
  • Not properly selected bedding - a pillow, a mattress and so on;
  • Incorrect posture.

All of the above factors have a negative effect on our spine, which results in a painful sensation in the lumbar region in the lying position.

In this situation, in order to get rid of the above symptom, it is necessary to "figure out" the source that provokes its occurrence and take all measures to eliminate it.

However, not only any external factors can become a cause, as a result of which we experience painful sensations in the loin in the lying position.

The second group includes the reasons that are directly related to the state of our health - these are various diseases and pathologies of our internal organs.

Further on such diseases and pathologies we will tell you in more detail:

This disease of the spine is the most common cause of pain in the lumbar region, which disturbs us throughout the day, including at the time when we are in a position lying down. It is also worth noting that most patients note the increased pain syndrome at night.

As for the painful sensations themselves, the nature of pain in osteochondrosis can be different: for example, someone experiences noctilucent and pulling painful sensations that can be quite a long period of time, and someone faces short-term attacks of pain sharp and acute character. In addition, pain can be exacerbated if the patient is in a position for a long time.

In addition to the pain in the lower back of the patient, such symptoms as burning, tingling and numbness in the lower back can also be disturbed. In some cases, the same symptomatology can manifest itself in the extremities, more often in the legs;

Another fairly common cause, as a result of which the patient experiences painful sensations in the lumbar region in lying position, is a disease of pyelonephritis, the essence of which lies in the presence of an inflammatory process that occurs in kidney. As the patients themselves note, quite often the pain syndrome increases at night.


This disease manifests itself as well as osteochondrosis, however, the course of pyelonephritis occurs along with several distinctive symptoms.


So, for example, with this disease the patient often has a urge to urinate, and the urine itself changes its color - it becomes cloudy.

Also, against the background of pyelonephritis, body temperature may increase; headaches and general malaise and weakness are another symptoms of this disease.

It is worth noting that in the case of not treating this disease, the inflammatory process in the body passes into a chronic form, which subsequently leads to the development of such a dangerous pathology as renal failure;

This pathology is characterized by the same pain symptom, namely, the onset of painful sensations in the lumbar region in the lying position; while it is worth noting that at night, this symptomatology is significantly increased, which in turn is due to the total absence movement. As a rule, any physical activity contributes to the improvement of the patient's condition and relieves the pain syndrome.

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As for the manifestation of Bekhterev's disease, then, in addition to back pain, the patient is faced with a regular strain of the back muscles that in turn, not only limits mobility, it also leads in the future to the curvature of the spine itself and to a decrease growth.

However, this is not only the insidiousness of this pathology. In addition to stoop, this disease can lead to the development of pathologies of other organs.

Thus, specialists note the development of such diseases as aortitis, arrhythmia, pericarditis against the backdrop of Bekhterev's disease;

  1. Duodenal ulcer.

When a patient contacts a specialist with a complaint about low back pain in the lying position, quite often the doctor prescribes the passage of the diagnosis with the purpose of excluding a disease such as a duodenal ulcer, which in turn is also characterized by the above symptom.

This disease is associated with the gastrointestinal tract, and, as a rule, with this disease, painful sensations in the most cases are most acute when there is a long absence of food intake, in other words - during fasting. It is this fact that explains the nature of the occurrence of pain in the stomach and in the lumbar region at night.

In addition to the pain itself, which can be both acute and paroxysmal, as well as aching, the patient also encounters such symptoms as regular nausea and vomiting, bloating, belch with acid taste, regular constipation and flatulence.

It should be borne in mind that this disease in the case of not timely treatment can be a threat not only to health, but also to the life of the patient, and therefore, if available of the above symptoms, it is absolutely necessary to contact the gastroenterologist for the necessary examination and the appointment in the future of adequate treatment;


Appendicitis is a pathology that can occur in two of its forms: acute and chronic. In the chronic form of appendicitis, the patient is disturbed by regularly occurring pain in the abdomen and in the lower back.


In the event that there is an acute form, in this situation the patient is faced with a sudden and acute attack pain, which initially occurs in the near-umbilical region in the center of the abdomen and eventually gradually shifts to the lower right side.

Pain in this case also occurs in the lumbar region.

As a rule, during an attack of acute appendicitis, the only position in which the patient can to experience at least some slight relief is lying on one side and pressing to the stomach bent at the knees legs.

In order to understand whether appendicitis is the cause of the onset of painful sensations, to conduct the following experiment: the patient is offered to lie on his back and at the same time slowly raise his right leg up.

If after the performed manipulations the patient feels acute pain in the right side, then in this it is absolutely necessary to call an ambulance team, because the appendix gap can cost patient life;

The essence of this disease lies in the lesion of the prostate gland, which is located in men in the pelvic area.

It is worth noting that, according to statistics, this pathology affects about 50 percent of all men, age which exceeds 45 years, however, as specialists themselves say, in the last decade prostatitis has been noticeably "Younger". So what is prostatitis? The main function of the prostate is the development of a special secret, which in turn is responsible for the activity and viability of spermatozoa, from which it can be concluded that this disease can cause a development male infertility.

As for the symptomatology of this disease, with prostatitis a man encounters a violation of erectile function, decreased sensitivity during intercourse, as well as with painful sensations that disturb him during urination. In addition, the patient is also concerned about the pain that occurs in the lower abdomen and in the lower back; while the pain syndrome itself is present almost throughout the day.

To treat prostatitis, you need to contact a urologist who, after examining and passing through all the necessary procedures, will prescribe the appropriate treatment for you. Remember that untimely treatment of this disease can lead to infertility.

Why does the lumbar lumbar region hurt?

As you can see, such a symptom as back pain in the lying position can be associated with many diseases of the internal organs, in connection with which in the presence of the above, it is absolutely necessary to contact the appropriate specialist for examination and appointment diagnosis. With regard directly to the survey itself, the appointment of the procedures necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, depends on the anamnesis (questioning of the patient) as to when and in what area painful Feel. For example, the patient may be assigned the following procedures:

  • ultrasound examination of the kidneys;
  • ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity organs;
  • gastroduodenoscopy;
  • magnetic resonance and computed tomography;
  • general tests of urine and blood;
  • roentgenography of the spine.

Remember that the regular occurrence of pain in the lower back - there is a good reason to turn to a specialist, because many diseases that grow into the future in a chronic form, can cause the violation of many important functions organism.

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Back pain in the supine position - causes and treatment

When the body is at rest, a person feels relaxed. Healthy sleep is good for treating diseases and restoring immunity.

But often people are concerned about the pain in a lying position, which disturbs sleep, causes discomfort and nervousness.

What if my back hurts when I'm lying down? Painful sensations in the back indicate the presence of any disease, so you need to immediately consult a specialist, carry out a diagnosis and follow the doctor's recommendations.

Why does your back hurt when you are lying?

Most often, back pain is considered a symptom of spine disease. The back can get sick after a heavy load on the spine and muscles. Also, the back pain lying on the back may appear against a background of various diseases:

  • arthrosis;
  • scoliosis;
  • stretching of muscles and ligaments;
  • dissection of the aorta;
  • shingles;
  • stenosis;
  • coccidinia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • kidney stones;
  • pancreatitis;
  • aneurysms;
  • diseases (degenerative) vertebral disks;
  • infections in the spine;
  • a variety of viral lesions;
  • pinching the intervertebral nerves;
  • fractures of the pelvic bones;
  • displacement of intervertebral discs;
  • deformation and curvature of the spine.

Sometimes painful symptoms can talk about an oncologic process in the pancreas, heart or kidneys. With such pathologies pain is given back, and they are located in the chest or abdomen.

In women, low back pain may be present during pregnancy on a later date due to the burden on the back when the fetus is growing.

Night pains

Back pain in prone position is usually chronic, as patients do not pay attention to its appearance in time. After some time, the pain may be dull, but the cause of its appearance will not be removed by itself.

But there are cases when painful sensations are present in the daytime and at night, while the pain in the back, when lying, does not go away. Such pain can indicate the presence of internal diseases, rheumatoid arthritis or arthrosis.

If the pain is aching and lumbar region, one can suspect the presence of kidney pathology, colitis, gynecological diseases, diverticulitis, prostate gland problems and others. Pain in the lower back with these pathologies will be accompanied by other clinical manifestations characteristic of a particular disease.


Sometimes, the patient can complain that the back is hurting, this is due to the immobility and fusion of the vertebrae.


In this case, depending on the reasons, the patient may feel pain in the right side, between the shoulder blades or pain in the left side, which brings not only discomfort, but also a limitation of mobility.

When lying, the condition rarely improves, which leads the patient to a specialist to identify the reasons why it hurts in the back area.


Diseases of the back are treated by a vertebrologist who collects an anamnesis and conducts an examination. Then, a number of studies can be assigned:

  • Roentgen of the spine;
  • OAM, UAC (for detecting the inflammatory process in the body);
  • Reception of the neurologist;
  • MRI (to detect the condition of muscle tissue).

To exclude the oncological process and diseases of internal organs, it is necessary to undergo additional studies:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • ECG;
  • Reception of the gastroenterologist;
  • Inspection by the proctologist;
  • An examination by an andrologist or gynecologist.

Treatment and prevention

The treatment of back pain is complex, i.e. combine medication and physiotherapy. In some cases, in the presence of indications, the patient is given a massage, physical therapy, acupuncture or manual therapy.

The whole course of treatment is selected personally for a particular patient, taking into account his diagnosis, age and concomitant diseases.

To reduce pain in the back, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. Use a special supporting corset;
  2. Do not apply bed rest (except for the period after the fracture of the spine), since a prolonged bed rest helps change acute pains in a chronic character;
  3. Limit excessive physical activity that affects the spine itself.

From medicamentous preparations for putting off or taking out of pains in a back apply:

  • Painkillers (Nurofen, Nimesil, Ketorol, Analgin);
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Orthofen), they can be used in the form of ointments, gels, tablets;
  • Compresses with Novocaine solution (with unbearable pains);
  • Spasmolytic agents for eliminating spasm in muscles (Baralgin, Spazmalin, Spazgan);
  • Chondroprotectors for reducing the activity of destruction of cartilaginous tissue. Such drugs are used for arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis;
  • Vitamins.

When pains in the back area caused by diseases of internal organs or the oncological process, special means and treatment regimens are used.

In no case should you engage in self-medication and use drugs not prescribed by a specialist, as this can lead to serious consequences, as well as to the development of allergic manifestations.

As physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, medical gymnastics and magnetotherapy are used.

To reduce pain in the back and remove muscle tension, often caused by the psychological state of the patient, acupuncture is used. But there are a number of contraindications for this method:

  • Pregnancy period;
  • Acute liver and kidney disease;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Predisposition to bleeding;
  • Diseases of blood vessels and heart;
  • ARI, ARVI, influenza;
  • Violation of blood clotting;
  • The oncological process.

Manual therapy is prescribed after a complete examination, it helps to eliminate muscle tension and pain in the back area. Like any treatment, manual therapy has contraindications:

  • Osteoporosis;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • The period after myocardial infarction;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Blood clotting disorders;
  • Elderly age;
  • Herniated discs;
  • Diseases of blood vessels;
  • Anemia.

Before performing the procedures, you need to make sure that the patient does not have any contraindications to them, otherwise Manual therapy can affect the development of serious complications and only worsen the condition patient.

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As a preventive measure of pain in the back area should follow certain recommendations:

  • Keep a level posture when walking and sitting;
  • The sleeper should have an orthopedic mattress and an orthopedic pillow;
  • Adhere to proper nutrition;
  • Control weight;
  • To be engaged on a horizontal bar;
  • During the day, do not use high-heeled shoes;
  • Correctly lift weights;
  • Do not make sudden movements and turns;
  • Do not allow drafts and hypothermia;
  • Strengthen the muscles of the body;
  • With prolonged use of the computer, you should periodically break and warm up for the neck, shoulders, arms, back;
  • Do not allow a long stay in one position.

The implementation of these recommendations will help maintain the health of the back and improve the overall health of the body. Watch your health to avoid the development of pathology and severe consequences.

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Why does my back hurt in the lumbar region after sleeping?

Few people like to wake up early, but it happens that in addition to the early rise, the morning is clouded by the fact that the back hurts after sleeping.

When the pains are tormented constantly, it can not be written off to the wrong pose for sleep or to evaluate how the body reacts to a sharp change of weather.

It is necessary to understand why the loin hurts after sleep and how to fight with this ailment, to get rid of it forever.

Causes of pain that are easy to get rid of

Household causes, because of which after a dream the loin hurts:

  • wrong posture for sleep;
  • uncomfortable mattress.

Before you run to the hospital, look at how you sleep. To be more precise, in the postures that you are falling asleep and in what poses you wake up, also in the morning you pay attention to the condition of the bed. Remember, do not you dream nightmares at night.

Some patients even try to find an explanation for the pain, looking at the dream book.

If you sleep in unimaginable poses that even professional yogis never dreamed of, and tossing and turning in a dream, like top, then the back hurts in the morning after sleeping, and then passes, because at night the spine is exposed torture.

To overcome this illness is easier than it seems.

Before going to bed, take the right and comfortable posture, try to sleep in it, you can do self-hypnosis, instruct your body not to turn in a dream.

It may sound silly, but if you follow this advice for some time, you will soon be sleeping only in such postures in which the spine is resting.

Another reason that can cause back pain after sleeping is in a low-quality mattress. The only thing that will solve this trouble is the purchase of a new mattress.

If the back hurts after sleeping in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, then, perhaps, you need to change the pillow. Also, you need to replace the pillow, if your neck hurts often after sleep.

Dangerous causes of pain that require treatment

Most often it is worth to be afraid, when the pains are disturbing not only in the morning after sleep, but also observed throughout the day, and also often interfere with sleeping.

This is an occasion to sound an alarm, most likely there are any deviations in the structure of the spine.


With jaw disease, jokes are bad, so the sooner you start the right treatment, the sooner the ailment will be eliminated with minimal consequences, and better with their absence.


Most often, pain after sleep can indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • spondylarthrosis;
  • spondylosis;
  • spondylolisthesis;
  • osteoporosis;
  • deformation of the spine;
  • prolapse.

It also happens that the painful sensations in the morning are caused by diseases of the internal organs, for example, in the area of ​​the kidneys or stomach, after sleeping on the stomach.

Since during pregnancy, the spine has more pressure, including increases in the lumbar region. During this period, the woman's back is very tired, therefore, her back loins in the morning, and sometimes during the day and even at night.

Yes, and during pregnancy late in life it is very difficult to sleep, since the only posture in which a woman can fall asleep - on her back, she does not give a full rest to the spine.

But it is necessary to sound an alarm if the pregnant woman has a pain in the lower abdomen.

But pregnancy is not the only cause of pain in girls. Often, women have a low back and lower abdomen during menstruation, or a couple of days before it starts.

For the same reason, there is often a pain in the kidney area.

Then it would be superfluous for the girl to consult with her gynecologist, who will prescribe tests for them results will tell whether this ailment is a feature of the body or a symptom of a sexual system.

If the future mother has a backache in her lower back, then there is nothing to worry about. But if the back pain is sensed by a man or not by a pregnant woman, then you need to go to the polyclinic.

Diseases of internal organs

Consider in more detail, the symptom of what diseases of the internal organs are morning pain.

If the back hurts between the shoulder blades after sleeping, then this is an excuse to wonder if you have any problems with internal organs:

  • heart disease and cardiovascular system;
  • tumor formation in the body;
  • lung disease.

Also, very often patients complain that after a sleep, the back hurts in the lumbar region. This, too, has an explanation that can be found in problems with internal organs that are in the lumbar part of the back.

If the loin hurts in the morning after sleep, then there may be problems with the following organs:

  • possibly a kidney problem;
  • the intestines suffer;
  • thus the liver makes itself felt.

In any of these cases, quality medical care is needed.

Often, in the case of the aforementioned diseases, the back starts to hurt even at night, although the patients say: "I sleep normally at night, but in the morning I can not get up, it hurts badly in the kidney area." Why is this happening? As a rule, in a dream people practically do not feel pain, if it is not very strong.

If a medical study reveals that the patient has one of the above diseases, he is prescribed potent anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs. Most often, injections are given.


Despite all the variety of causes of back pain after a night's sleep, the most urgent cause is osteochondrosis.

With this disease, the patient feels pain only after a long time in one position, but if he starts to move, the pain can pass.

As a rule, in a dream, if he is healthy, a person sleeps for quite a long time in the same position, in which he is comfortable and comfortable. The next morning, when you need to get up sharply, your lower back begins to hurt.


In this disease, the patients suffer from joints of the spine, the impression of heaviness in the muscles and often there are unpleasant sensations in the back.


In addition, osteochondrosis has the following symptoms:

  1. The person very quickly gets tired for no apparent reason.
  2. A man with osteochondrosis is difficult to incline, and strange sensations arise in the lower back.
  3. Coughing or sneezing causes a sharp pain in the back and is given to the lumbar region.

With osteochondrosis, medics are prescribed, in addition to medicines, a course of massages.

In addition, the patient himself must engage in exercise therapy and regularly perform exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back and soften the pain.

After such a therapeutic complex, the muscles will come to tone, get stronger and will hold the backbone securely.

In addition to strengthening the muscles, physical exercises improve blood circulation, so blood to the joints will do much better. Completely to get rid of an osteochondrosis it is possible only with the help of physiotherapy exercises.

What else can cause back pain

The reasons can be completely different, and sometimes even ridiculous, for example:

  • old injuries, even those that were received 15 years ago;
  • puffiness, can be provoked by anything;
  • uncomfortable posture for sleep;
  • body position during work.

If you ever hurt your back, always be prepared that after a while she can remind herself.

Even if this is not the first time, you still need to go to the clinic yourself, without taking any action.

Physical exercises in this case can aggravate the situation by provoking displacement or curvature.

In addition, back pain can provoke swelling, then get rid of the pain will help only therapeutic exercise, as it improves blood circulation.

Many sleeping on their backs with their legs stretched out feel that this is the right pose for rest, this is a big mistake.

In this position, the lumbar part strongly bends and remains in tension for a long time.


If you feel comfortable lying on your back, then you need to bend your knees, then the load on the lower back will be less, and the pain in the kidneys will not bother you.


Back pain can be provoked by anything, the main thing is to find its cause in time and get rid of it.

How to avoid pain in the back

In order not to suffer from back pain, several simple rules must be followed:

  1. Proper nutrition. If you eat right, your body will receive the vitamins and minerals you need, which means that it will be more resistant to attacks by the environment, and the digestive system will be alright.
  2. We must not forget about sports, it is not necessary to engage in it on a professional level, enough do exercises every day or 3-4 times a week to visit the hall, the choice depends on the possibilities and desire. If the body is physically prepared, the muscles will be toned, then the person will feel much better. The body will be ready for physical exertion, the spine will be better protected.
  3. You need to be able to rest, do not overexert, keep the regime of the day. Sleep should be at least 7 hours a day, and preferably 8, so that the body rested and gained strength.

Doctors advise to sleep on a hard surface, then the spine will not bend, most often this way correct the posture.

Do not forget to sometimes go for a massage, the pleasure of it gets not only the body, but also the soul. Professional massage works wonders, after it you want to fly.

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