Physiotherapy smt: what is it?


  • 1The procedure of the CMT and the specifics of carrying out such physiotherapy as it is performed
    • 1.1What is CMT physiotherapy?
    • 1.2Results of physiotherapy with CMT
    • 1.3Indications for use of CMT physiotherapy
    • 1.4Physiotherapy of CMT in gynecology
    • 1.5How is the CMT procedure carried out?
    • 1.6Can I have CMT physiotherapy at home?
    • 1.7Possible contraindications
  • 2Smt - physiotherapy. apparatus for physiotherapy. physiotherapy smt - what is it?
    • 2.1Advantages of treatment
    • 2.2Methods of physiotherapy. Treatment with electric current
    • 2.3Pulse action
    • 2.4Treatment with low frequencies. Physiotherapy with CMT
    • 2.5Fluctuorization and interference therapy
    • 2.6Treatment using a medium frequency current
    • 2.7Ultra-high frequency treatment
    • 2.8Apparatus for physiotherapy
    • 2.9Apparatus "Amplipluss"
    • 2.10Indications
    • 2.11Contraindications to treatment with the use of electric current
  • 3Physiotherapy SMT: what is it, indications and contraindications
    • 3.1Types of physiotherapy procedures
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.2The most popular procedures
    • 3.3What is CMT physiotherapy?
    • 3.4The principle of operation and operation of the apparatus
    • 3.5Contraindications to CMT physiotherapy
    • 3.6How to conduct CMT physiotherapy at home
    • 3.7How is treatment performed at the clinic
    • 3.8Side effects of CMT physiotherapy
    • 3.9Advantages of this technology
    • 3.10Beneficial features
    • 3.11Therapy for children
  • 4Physiotherapy CMT - reviews, for children, contraindications
    • 4.1The use of CMT physiotherapy
    • 4.2Electrotherapy for children
    • 4.3Contraindications
    • 4.4Reviews
  • 5Operations and procedures
    • 5.1Sinusoidal modulated currents - readings
    • 5.2Smt physiotherapy - side effects
    • 5.3Smt physiotherapy - contraindications

The procedure of the CMT and the specifics of carrying out such physiotherapy as it is performed

In most cases, physiotherapy is an auxiliary method of treating a particular disease.

However, in the initial stages of the disease, this method can be used as an independent method.

Also, physiological procedures are an excellent prevention of a large number of pathologies.

These procedures help to activate the reserve capabilities of the body, improve the immune system, reduce duration of treatment and activate important biochemical processes, resulting in inflammation and wounds heal fast. A physiotherapy CMT - one of the techniques based on the work of sinusoidal modulated currents.

What is CMT physiotherapy?

CMT stands forSinusoidal Modulated Currents. This therapy implies treatment with amplipulse therapy. The CMT procedure is such an impact on the patient's body by means of an electric current, which is generated by means of a special device.

The device for carrying out the CMT procedure is quite a complex device, which includes such components as:

  • current generator;
  • remote control;
  • electrodes that transmit impulses to the patient's body.

The most popular devicesfor the procedure in institutions - these are:

  1. "Circuit
  2. "Amplipluss-5
  3. "Amplipluss-7".

Also for physiotherapy, many other devices of European manufacture are used.

The principle of operation is:

  • sinusoidal current directly affects the nerve endings;
  • The impact occurs at a given frequency and in a certain rhythm;
  • the key purpose of such procedures is to relieve the condition and the relief of pain.

Compared with the hardware method of treatment by means of dynamic current, SMT procedures are treated gently, such physiotherapy has practically no contraindications.

Amplipulse therapy can be used to treat neurological diseases that go throughon the background of cardiac disorders.

Such procedures promote deep penetration into body structures, this stimulates skeletal muscles, as well as large blood vessels and smooth muscles of internal organs.

Results of physiotherapy with CMT

After the procedure, the results can be as follows:

  1. elimination of pain of a different nature;
  2. development of muscle relaxation - hypertension and muscle tension are removed against the background of spasms;
  3. stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic flow;
  4. metabolic processes are normalized;
  5. has a restorative effect;
  6. stimulates metabolism in the liver;
  7. improves the secretory function of the adrenal gland and pancreas;
  8. relaxation of psychosomatic nature.

Physiotherapy through CMT is bestconduct in a clinical settingunder the guidance of a doctor.

It should take into account the anatomy of a person, to know all the details of the disease (nature and stage), so that the electrodes can be placed in a particular zone.

The procedure will be effective only if the course is used multiple times.

Indications for use of CMT physiotherapy

The scope of the CMT is very broad:

  • neuralgia, neuropathy, plexitis, radiculitis, neuromyositis and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system;
  • diseases and traumas of the musculoskeletal system and joints, such as deforming arthrosis and rheumatoid arthritis, periarthritis, Bechterew's disease, spondylosis, osteochondrosis, bruises, fractures, muscular atrophy;
  • pneumonia, bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, upset stomach, constipation, biliary dyskinesia, gastritis);
  • urological diseases - impotence, enuresis, prostatitis, cystitis and much more;
  • heart diseases - hypertension, migraines, atherosclerosis and much more;
  • dystrophic and inflammatory eye diseases;
  • ENT diseases;
  • diseases of the nervous system.

Physiotherapy of CMT in gynecology

Quite often physiotherapyrelieves long-lasting illnesses, which are not amenable to traditional methods of treatment. CMT is used for chronic inflammation, which lasts more than 5 years.

CMT procedures in the straightened mode are practiced for electrophoresis with zinc. The procedure of electrophoresis by means of SMT currents is combined with salicylate, novocaine and magnesium, when inflammation is combined with endometriosis.

How is the CMT procedure carried out?

The procedure for influencing the patient with sinusoidal currents is carried out without special preparation. It is carried out in a supine position, less often in a standing or sitting.

To the body the current is supplied by means of electrodes, also hydrophilic gaskets are used. Fix them with loads and elastic bandages.

The best effect can be achieved by relaxing the muscles.

The size of the electrodes should becoincide with the area of ​​the impact zone. You can practice intracavitary use - these are sterilized electrodes that are washed off with vaseline and injected into the body.

The devices for carrying out physiotherapy SMT are equipped with several modes of operation. They differ in the time of the action of the current and frequency.

The principle of the device is to alternate pulses and pauses.

The patient does not experience any discomfort during the procedure, a slight tingling and vibration in the area of ​​exposure are allowed.

The peculiarity of the procedure is as follows:

  1. one session lasts from 10 minutes to an hour;
  2. procedures are conducted every day for 7-10 days;
  3. if necessary, the course of physiotherapy is repeated a week later;
  4. Physiotherapy can be combined with magnetotherapy, ultrasound and mud therapy;
  5. SMT-procedures are also combined with exercise therapy, acupuncture, professional massage.

Can I have CMT physiotherapy at home?

The devices for performing CMT procedures can be used not only in special offices, but also in ordinary hospitals and at home. Moreover, such devices are small in size. In particular, the device "Amplipluss-6"are used to treat such diseases:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic heart disease of severe stages;
  • stroke;
  • violations of motor functions after various kinds of injuries.

SMT practically does not cause side effects. An allergic reaction may occur if the electrical current is intolerant.

CMT-physiotherapy has a lot of advantages in comparison with other methods of treatment. It is used according to the indications taking into account the features and stage of the disease, the patient's age and other factors.

Possible contraindications

The procedure of CMT can not be appointed in such cases:

  1. acute infections and purulent processes;
  2. inflammation and fever;
  3. oncological diseases;
  4. tuberculosis in active form;
  5. blood diseases;
  6. open wounds and bruises;
  7. dermatitis and eczema;
  8. unrecorded fractures, ruptures of muscle tissue and ligaments;
  9. pregnancy;
  10. hypertension;
  11. varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

With special care, the procedure iswith epilepsy and other nervous diseases, and also if there is a pacemaker and other devices on the body.

CMT-therapy is carried out taking into account the observance of safety measures in specially equipped premises.

A source:

Smt - physiotherapy. apparatus for physiotherapy. physiotherapy smt - what is it?

By physiotherapy is understood as one of the ways of treatment, in which non-chemical factors (medicinal products) are used, but physical ones.

For example, they include a laser, an ultrasound, a magnetic field, currents, and so on. When carrying out procedures, special apparatuses for physiotherapy are used.

Indications for the appointment are almost all pathologies of internal organs. Contraindications are of an individual nature.

Advantages of treatment

Due to such an effect, the time for getting rid of many pathologies is significantly reduced, the relapse and complications of diseases are prevented.

Physiotherapy does not cause side effects, peculiar to drug treatment.

When carrying out the procedures, the effect of medications taken is noted, which in turn significantly reduces their dosage and duration of admission, and in some cases makes possible a complete rejection of pharmacological means.

Methods of physiotherapy. Treatment with electric current

Electrotherapy involves the use of a constant or pulsed current. Apply and the effect of an electromagnetic field of different frequencies. Methods of treatment using electricity are different. For each of them, these or other features are characteristic.

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Galvanization is a procedure during which the action is continuous electric current of low voltage (from 30 to 60 V), low force (up to 50 mA), constant amplitude and directions.

It is recommended for lesions and pathologies of peripheral and central nervous systems, with traumas, disorders of the digestive system.

The indications include a number of inflammatory diseases in the chronic course, circulatory disorders.

By means of a constant electric current, medication is administered through the mucous membranes and the skin. Drug electrophoresis, therefore, involves the action of two factors: a specific drug and galvanic current.

Pulse action

When performing procedures, the effect of the current may be inhibitory (analgesic, for example) or stimulating (muscle stimulation).

It depends on the shape of the pulse (it can be rectangular, half-sine or sinusoidal), frequency and duration. Diadynamic therapy involves the use of DC currents with a half-sinusoidal shape.

The frequency is 50 and 100 Hz. In the course of procedures, combinations of impulses can also be used.

If we consider the general nature of the effect, diadynamic therapy has little difference from galvanization.

However, the impulsive nature that a constant current has in the first case provides a deeper penetration into the muscle tissue.

In this regard, in the process of exposure, an analgesic effect is manifested.

Electrosleep is a neurotropic pulse electrotherapy. The effect is on subcortical brain structures.

Due to synchronization of pulses and biorhythms in the central nervous system, braking processes are activated and sleep sets in.

This method is used in the treatment of children with sleep disorders, mental and nervous pathologies. Indications include and enuresis, atopic dermatitis.

Treatment with low frequencies. Physiotherapy with CMT

What is this impact? This type of treatment involves the use of a modulated sinusoidal audio frequency current. Pulse series, for which a change in the frequency of modulations, pauses and durations is available, are called sinusoidal modulated currents.

CMT in medicine is used to facilitate deep penetration into tissues. In the process of exposure, the intensity of the pain syndrome decreases. Especially effective is CMT-physiotherapy for children.

The testimonies of many parents testify not only to the high effectiveness of this treatment, but also to its safety.

During a relatively short period, the manifestations of a number of pathologies of the respiratory organs, dysfunction of the bladder of a neurogenic nature, enuresis are eliminated.

Mioelectrostimulation is CMT physiotherapy, used to correct the functional state of nerves and muscles.

One example is the implantation of a miniature pacemaker, which provides the delivery of rhythmic impulses to the heart against the background of the blockade of its conducting paths.

In addition, this method of treatment is used for muscle and nerve pathologies.

Fluctuorization and interference therapy

SMT-physiotherapy with the use of variable sinusoidal current of small voltage and force with varying in chaotic the order of frequency and amplitude is recommended for diseases of the nervous system (peripheral), accompanied by pain syndrome. Indications include inflammatory pathologies of the surface type (arising on the skin).

Interference therapy is a complex action of two electric currents with the same amplitude and average different frequencies.

Pulses are injected by means of two or more pairs of electrodes so that their interference occurs (superimposition and amplification) inside the tissue.

Such treatment is recommended for patients with injuries and pathologies of bones and muscles (with ligament damage, for example), CNS, with enuresis, pain syndromes.

Treatment using a medium frequency current

Darsonvalization is an effect on specific areas of the body using electric alternating current with low frequency, high voltage, small force and impulse character.

Corona discharge (type of gas discharge) acts as an acting factor. It occurs between a special electrode and the surface of the body. With a small air gap, the corona discharge is quiet, with a significant spark - spark.

Both of these types are used in the treatment of a large number of pathologies. In particular, the indications include neuralgia, varicose veins, neuritis, affecting the auditory nerve, hypertension.

The effect on migraine, vegetovascular dystonia, prostatitis, long-term healing wounds is recommended.

Ultrasound treatment is CMT-physiotherapy with the use of a current of small force, high voltage and frequency. The active factor, as in the case of darsonvalization, is the corona discharge. However, with ultrasound treatment, the effect causes less painful sensations.

Dynamic electroneurostimulation is the effect of current pulses, whose shape is set in accordance with the values ​​of the absolute electrical resistance of the skin surface below the electrode.

During the procedure, local effects occur. However, the impact can extend to a large area.

DENS is recommended for patients with various neuralgias, motor disorders, osteochondrosis, traumatic injuries.

Ultra-high frequency treatment

This effect on the body is carried out mainly with the use of an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency with a wavelength of 1 to 10 m.

The active factor in this case is an alternating field capable of penetrating to great depths. The effect is accompanied by the release of heat in the tissues.

This is due to the vibrations of charged particles.

In addition, there is an oscillatory effect, which is an orientational displacement of dipole molecules - glycolipids, water-soluble proteins, phospholipids, glycoproteins.

This, in turn, contributes to a change in their physical and chemical properties, affects the enzymatic and free radical reactions in tissues.

UHF is prescribed for chronic and acute inflammatory pathologies of internal and ENT organs, urinary, musculoskeletal and respiratory systems.

Apparatus for physiotherapy

These devices are used to provide medical treatment using laser radiation, magnetic field, electric current, heat and other. The device "Darsonval" is used since the end of the 19th century.

One of the characteristic effects in the application of equipment is the vegetovascular reaction. It develops on the principle of an axon reflex and is accompanied by an increase in microcirculation, the expansion of capillaries and arterioles.

In addition, there is a decrease in blood pressure, eliminated vascular spasms, changes the permeability of the walls of blood vessels.

It should be noted that the spasmolytic effect is observed not only in the areas affected, but also in segmentally related regions and in internal organs.

With cardiac pathologies, thanks to the use of the device, myocardial nutrition improves, the coronary vessels expand, and rhythm is normalized against tachycardia in patients with IHD of medium severity.

Apparatus "Amplipluss"

This is a versatile multifunctional device for SMT treatment used in polyclinics. The device has 4 independent channels. This allows to influence simultaneously several procedural fields.

The main types of treatment include anesthesia, vasodilator, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, there is anti-edematous, trophicillating, resorptive action.


Procedures are recommended for patients with severe pain syndrome, vascular disorders, exudative inflammatory processes. Indications include degenerative-dystrophic processes, hypotrophy.

The device also has electropuncture mode. This allows to affect the biocurrents with sinusoidal simulated currents (CMT-physiotherapy). The patients' testimonies attest to the high effectiveness of the treatment.

They note a significant improvement in the condition. According to many patients, CMT-physiotherapy does not cause side effects, typical for pharmacological drugs.

The effects of simulated currents are tolerated satisfactorily by patients of different ages.

Contraindications to treatment with the use of electric current

All procedures are performed in accordance with the established diagnosis. With a number of pathologies, electrotherapy is not prescribed.

Such diseases, in particular, include malignant tumors, cardiac arrhythmias, severe disorders in the circulation.

Among the contraindications are diseases accompanied by high body temperature, inflammatory processes of acute course. This type of treatment is not prescribed for patients with a predisposition to thrombosis.

A source: http://.ru/article/136820/smtfizioterapiya-apparatyi-dlya-fizioterapii-fizioprotsedura-smtchto-eto

Physiotherapy SMT: what is it, indications and contraindications

When it comes to physiotherapy, usually one of the most common forms of treatment is implied, and its essence is not in the effect chemical preparations, such as tablets, and in physical effects, using special devices and apparatus that are designed especially for this.

Types of physiotherapy procedures

There are such types of physiotherapy procedures:

  • laser exposure;
  • ultrasound;
  • magnetic field treatment;
  • electric currents.

The most popular procedures

At once it is necessary to note, that all methods are hypoallergenic, however and here there is a fly in the ointment -electrophoresis, which uses drugs from chemical components and herbs for inhalation.

This kind of hydrotherapy should be used with caution.

This method involves the use of low-frequency electric pulses to improve the functional component of muscles, nerves and the restoration of the optimal level of tone. During the useCMT procedure, the nerve endings are restored, and the body weight decreases.

UHF- Ultrahigh in frequency currents. They can be used even for newborns. A method based on inductothermal action on tissues is based that helps warm up muscle tissue, activates blood circulation and relieves swelling, spasms, inflammation, and also anesthetizes.

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Through the procedure, the immune response is triggered and fights microbes, and is also used for treatment of skin ailments, diseases of the respiratory system, skeleton and NSPT (peripheral nervous system type).

UV and IRas well as UHF can be used from birth. The ultraviolet / infrared rays penetrate the tissue a few centimeters. This helps to stimulate the regeneration of tissues, relieve spasm and pain syndrome, and also arrange material exchange inside tissues.

Indications: neuritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, arthritis and others. It can also be used for caries, rickets, jaundice, lack of calcium and vitamin D in fragile vessels.

Darsonvalization- this method can be used when the child is two years old. For the impact on the human body with a current of high voltage and frequency, the Darsonval apparatus is used.

This is necessary to induce irritation of the receptors on the mucous membrane and skin.

Applied with: pathological ENT diseases, as well as dental and skin diseases.

Ultrasound treatment or inductometry- not earlier than 3 years. This procedure activates the metabolism of the substance in the muscle fibers and tissues. This is required for the stability of the nervous system and for improving the level of the immune system for those who are weakened.

For therapeutic purposes, these methods are fully justified and the positive effect of their use has already been scientifically proven. With the help of physiotherapeutic procedures, CMT can contribute to recovery with almost all internal diseases.

Of course, there are contraindications, so choosing a method without prior consultation is extremely unreasonable.

What is CMT physiotherapy?

The second name of this technique -amplipulse therapy. This is a natural kind of impact on the human body by an electric current, which coincides with the biological impulses of the person himself.

It is often used for the treatment of ODS diseases (musculoskeletal system).

The principle of operation and operation of the apparatus

The device that is used for treatment can emit an electric field that is tuned to the average frequency. The wave amplitude ranges from 10 to 150 Hz.

Due to this modulation, currents perfectly pass through the skin, perfectly affecting the nerve endings and muscles. Due to the use of electric current, cell membranes are activated, and the action of the procedure is kept all the time that it is carried out.

Sinusoidal currents with modulated type - indications for use:

  1. Diseases that are associated with pain of the spine and joints.This includes arthrosis, spondylarthrosis, muscle atrophy, Bekhterev's disease, osteochondrosis.
  2. Diseases of vegetative-vascularsystem of the human body.
  3. Pathological processes of neuralgic direction -neuritis, plaxitis, neuralgia, neurosis.
  4. Disrupted blood supplyon the background of the problematic functioning of peripheral arterial vessels.
  5. Diseases of the urology and genitourinary system -decreased tone in the prostate gland, formed kidney stones, as well as prostatitis, enuresis, pyelonephritis, cystitis.
  6. Diseases in the field of gynecology,This includes also inflammatory processes occurring inside the body.
  7. Diseases of the digestive system -a decrease in intestinal peristalsis in the pathological key, colitis, constipation, biliary dyskinesia, ulcerative gastric disease.
  8. Edema, thickening of the blood,and other problems of the venous system.
  9. Necrosis of various genesis,lie down - almost all trophic processes.
  10. Oral cavity lesions of a different nature (including infectious ones) -stomatitis, gingivitis, inflammation of the gums at any stage.
  11. Diseases of the central nervous system -brain and head trauma, cerebral stroke, cerebral palsy, meningoencephalitis.
  12. Diseases associated with dystrophyand inflammation of the organs of vision.
  13. Diseases of the cardiovascular system -failure of blood supply to the back and brain, migraine, hypertension, Raynaud's disease, atherosclerosis of the extremities, myelopathy.
  14. The ailments of the respiratory system -bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.

According to the type of action of CMT, physiotherapy is divided intotwo types:

  1. Stimulation of material exchangein human organs and tissues.
  2. Removal of puffiness,stagnant problems of veins and ischemia.


  • Amplipulse.
  • Darsonvalization.
  • UHF.

Direct CMT acts by means of an electric current:

  1. Fibers and muscles.
  2. Nervous system as a whole and nerve endings.

Contraindications to CMT physiotherapy

There are a number of such diseases in whichuse of CMT is strictly prohibited, because it can only worsen the already disappointing position of the patient:

  • Tubercular lesion with a rod.
  • The appearance of tumors, which can be as a suspicion of cancer.
  • Insufficient blood circulation of the third degree.
  • Purulent discharge and the processes that accompany them.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Fractures / cracks in bone.
  • Chronic diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • States of fever.
  • Pregnancy at any stage.
  • Diseases of thrombophlebitis.
  • Stones in the gallbladder / kidney, if the procedure should be carried out just in this area.
  • Skin irritations, eczema.
  • If a person has a pacemaker or other electronic type device.
  • Fractures without the possibility of fixing bone fragments and the damaged area.
  • Torn ligament and muscle tissue.
  • Fresh bruises.
  • Disrupted blood clotting.
  • Increased body temperature.

How to conduct CMT physiotherapy at home

In life, it also happens that for a banal movement to a hospital, a person will have more harm from this than from the procedure performed. Such people find it difficult to visit the necessary procedures every day.

In this case, therapy is prescribed at home. Stimulation is carried out by analogues of hospital devices, which are already set up for certain parameters, and they are quite small (in comparison with the units that are installed in the hospital). The procedure can be carried out even on your own!

It should be noted that the devices that provide amplipulse therapy have a sufficiently high degree of protection as much as the II category. Assume a small«Amplipluss - 6»was created in order that it could be used both in the hospital and at home.

It is used to treat patients in extremely difficult conditions, for example, after myocardial infarction, or after impaired motor ability, after ischemic heart disease, or after an injury / stroke.

How is treatment performed at the clinic


  1. Depending on which zone is affected, the patient either sits down, or lies down on the couch.
  2. The doctor takes a special electrode and fixes it on the affected area with the help of bandages and suckers. The electrode itself is chosen depending on what a person has an ailment and the required degree of effect on the affected area. Also, there are devices that are needed to conduct the procedure inside the body, which is especially important in diseases of the gynecological sphere. Such devices can be lubricated with petroleum jelly for an easier occurrences.
  3. During the procedure, the patient does not feel anything, although sometimes it happens that a person feels a slight tingling.
  4. The procedure of the procedure can take from 10 to 60 minutes.
  5. Duration and number of procedures are chosen by the doctor. In general, you may need several specific methods that you need to alternate with each other.

Side effects of CMT physiotherapy

In general, the therapy does not cause complications, but in some cases can occur if:

  • The technology of using the device was not observed.
  • If the treatment was prohibited because of contraindications, but, nevertheless, it was still used.
  • In cases where the device was used as a means to accelerate the penetration of drugs into the human body. In this case, side effects will be caused by the action of the drug.
  • An allergy that arises from the intolerance of the current.

Advantages of this technology

We list the main of all:

  1. Rapid manifestation of the result and improvement of well-being.Sometimes it happens that even after the first application the patient already sees the effect of the procedure. This is due to the fact that the oscillations have a direct effect on the lesion site and the nerve endings. The result remains for a long time, is stable and noticeable.
  2. The safest process.Since power and wave oscillations are as close as possible to biological indicators, the likelihood of damage is excluded. Thanks to this, SMT therapy is prescribed even for old people and small children, if they have no contraindications.
  3. A low percentage of side effects,if the procedure was officially prescribed by a doctor, and there were no contraindications.
  4. Elimination of severe paineven after the first session.
  5. It is used even for respiratory system disorders.

Beneficial features

SMT therapy provides a huge number of positive effects on health:

  • Removes any pain syndromes of various etiologies.
  • Relieves spasms, tension and excessive muscle activity - muscle relaxation.
  • Stimulates outflow of lymph fluid and corrects blood supply.
  • Helps to establish a material exchange of the whole organism.
  • Has a strengthening effect.
  • Promotes metabolism in liver cells.
  • The session relaxes psychosomatically.

Therapy for children

As you know, the body of children is not so resistant to all methods, especially during periods of illness.


  1. The device can be used only after the child reaches 6 months.
  2. Type of therapy of straightening can be used only with 3 years,because there is an annoying effect.
  3. The mechanism of the procedure is similar to that for adults,but the duration of the session is reduced by ½ or 1/3 of the adult's procedure.
  4. Electrodes do not attach,and wrapped with bandages for secure fixation.
  5. On the device for performing child procedures, the elements are smaller.
  6. During and after the procedure, you must always ask the child about your health,discomfort and improvements. So you can find out whether therapy suits him or not.
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Physiotherapy CMT - reviews, for children, contraindications

Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment are often used as an auxiliary in the course of the main treatment process.

As the main method of treatment, physiotherapy is used at the initial stage of the disease.

Physiotherapy favors:

  • awakening your own, hidden, body reserves;
  • quality improvement of the immune system;
  • shortening of treatment terms;
  • activation of important biochemical processes;
  • the fastest healing of wounds and foci of inflammation.

Physiotherapy CMT, as one of similar methods, is based on the action of Sinusoidal-Modulated Currents.

Domestic technique of electric power therapy amplipulse therapy of CMT - electrostimulation by alternating currents in the form of amplitude pulsation.

In the first half of the past, the twentieth century, a special medical device called "Amplimpulse" was developed and put into practice, intended for physiotherapy.

Today, the same-name instruments are used under the numbers of modifications 4-8.

In the SMT-therapy, the devices "Neuroimpulse "Stimulus 1" and "Stimulus 2" were used.

Sinusoidal-modulated currents have a number of positive parameters:

  1. simulation of metabolic processes in tissues and organs of organization;
  2. reduce swelling of tissues, ischemia, venous congestion.

CMT physiotherapy has a direct effect on:

  • muscle fibers;
  • nerve endings.

Amplipulse therapy activates the vessels of the respiratory and motor centers, which leads to: an increase in the outflow venous blood and arterial inflow; improves the tone of blood vessels; breathing and heart rate calms down, becomes less frequent.

The use of CMT physiotherapy

Indications for use:

  1. CNS diseases (meningoencephalitis, craniocerebral trauma, cerebral palsy, cerebral strokes);
  2. diseases of the ENT system (pharyngitis, vasomotor rhinitis);
  3. dystrophic and inflammatory eye diseases;
  4. CCC diseases (myelopathy, parkinsonism, post-stroke state, atherosclerosis of extremities and blood vessels, circulatory disorders of the spinal cord and brain, migraine, Raynaud's disease, hypertension);
  5. urological diseases (stones in the ureters, enuresis, impotence, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis); Diseases of the digestive tract (dyskinesia, constipation, gastric disorders, gastritis, ulcer of duodenum, ulcer stomach);
  6. pulmonology (pneumonia, bronchial asthma, bronchitis);
  7. injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal and articular systems (fractures and bruises of the bones, muscle atrophy, spogdillosis, osteochondrosis, Bechterew's disease, periarthritis, deforming arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis);
  8. diseases of the peripheral nervous system (neuromyositis, radiculitis, plexitis, neuropathy, neuralgia).

Electrotherapy for children

Children's electrotherapy is performed by a physiotherapist, according to the recommendations of pediatricians (ENT doctors, orthopedists, neurologists, pediatricians).

Treatment includes the main methods of CMT physiotherapy:

  • darsonvalization;
  • amplitude pulse;
  • UHF therapy.

Electrotherapy for children is carried out in a special department of physiotherapy in the polyclinic.

The procedures are carried out by nurses and doctors with special medical training.

The children's department of the clinic complies with the safety rules and the necessary conditions for hygiene.


CMT physiotherapy is contraindicated in:

  1. thrombophlebitis;
  2. fractures with unrecorded bone fragments;
  3. ruptures of muscle ligaments and muscles;
  4. fresh tissue hematomas;
  5. disorders of blood clotting;
  6. high body temperatures;
  7. pulmonary tuberculosis (active form);
  8. presence or suspicion of malignant tumors;
  9. acute purulent and inflammatory processes.


Lady M:


There are mothers here, whose children were given electropulse therapy?

What is the use of it?

Something I doubt its effectiveness.

Help me to understand.


My baby did not prescribe anything other than inhalations.

But I myself can boast that with the help of physiotherapy I got rid of the ovarian cyst and became pregnant!

By the way, I was given a procedure of electrophoresis with copper.


And how does the procedure of light therapy and from what it is appointed?


In my opinion, light therapy is prescribed from the severe form of postpartum jaundice.

And they make it this way: they put the child under a special lamp, pull on him special glasses (like swimming), and so leave to lie.


Well, my something is unlikely to allow him to pull on his glasses, and then left to lie down quietly.

He does not care what glasses, swimming or television there are.


Yes, that's just the point, that I have the same little son.

For no reason will he not commit violence against himself.


We, unfortunately, have a lot of different indications and directions.

Especially, from a neurologist!

You have to pass, and then you'll get confused in the queues.


Hey, friends!

The procedure for electrotherapy is completely different!

Simply the child keeps in a convenient pose, to it give the interesting toy and lead a light gauge on a waist, on a breast, a back and on brachiums.

Quite like an adult ultrasound.


Let me ...

I do not know how to whom, but in my opinion, physiotherapy is an amazing procedure.

There are many cases when a child after a physiotherapy starts to sit down, get up, walk, run and even wipe the snot on his own.


My daughter, in the first year of life consistently made electrophoresis and muscle electrostimulation (back muscles were weak).

The effect of the procedure was obvious to everyone.

Take care of yourself.

A source:

Operations and procedures

CMT physiotherapy (Amplipulse therapy)is the most natural type of exposure.

This is due to the fact that the current potential, which affects the body, is as close to the biological indicator of electricity in the human body.

Therefore, CMT physiotherapy has become widespread in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. What are sinusoidal modulated currents?

The apparatus used for this type of therapy produces an electric field of medium frequency. The currents are modulated within the amplitude from 10 to 150 Hz.

Due to the correctly selected range, they pass unobstructed and almost without absorption through the skin, and the tissues of muscles and nerves are susceptible to the main effect of pulsations.

The currents produce an exciting effect on the cellular membranes of cells, which is continuously maintained by equidistributed oscillations in time.

Sinusoidal modulated currents - readings

The presented physiotherapy is effective in the following violations:

  • diseases of the spine and joints: arthrosis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, spondylarthrosis;
  • vegetative-vascular diseases;
  • neurological pathologies: plexitis, neurosis, neuritis, neuralgia;
  • violations of peripheral arterial vessels, preventing normal blood flow;
  • diseases of the genitourinary tract and urology: a decrease in the tone of the prostate, bladder, prostatitis, stones in the kidneys and urinary ducts;
  • gynecological diseases, including - inflammatory processes of the genital organs;
  • pathology of the digestive system: colitis, decreased intestinal motility, dyskinesia is more irritable
  • (on hypo- and hypertonic type), stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
  • problems of venous circulation: stagnation of blood, puffiness;
  • trophic processes in soft tissues: necrosis, pressure ulcers;
  • diseases of the mouth: stomatitis, gingivitis, inflammatory lesions of the gums.

It should be noted that CMT physiotherapy perfectly eliminates pain syndrome after the first session and promotes a fairly rapid recovery of motor activity, even with paralysis and paresis.

In addition, sinusoidal modulated currents can be used in disorders of respiratory function, as they contribute to the stimulation of striated muscles.

CMT physiotherapy at home There are situations when the patient is not able to regularly visit the clinic for procedures, for example, with rupture of ligaments.

In such cases, stimulation by currents at home is prescribed by means of portable medical devices. They have smaller dimensions, but they produce oscillations of the required frequency.

And the therapy can be performed both independently and with the help of other people.

Smt physiotherapy - side effects

As with other types of physiological therapy, CMT does not have additional negative effects.

The presence of side effects can occur only in those situations when the device is not used for stimulation of muscles and tissues, but as a means of enhancing the penetration capacity of local medicinal preparations. Any unpleasant reactions with such an application of CMT are due solely to the properties of the drug.

Smt physiotherapy - contraindications

It is impossible to use the technique in question if we have:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. smt physiotherapy at home
  3. any tumor neoplasm;
  4. circulatory insufficiency 3 degrees;
  5. acute inflammatory processes with the formation of pus;
  6. Parkinson's disease;
  7. systemic diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  8. bone fractures, bone fractures;
  9. fever;
  10. pregnancy;
  11. eczema, skin irritations;
  12. thrombophlebitis;
  13. stones in the gallbladder or kidneys, if the effect is on the affected organ.

Contraindications to sinusoidal modulated currents also include the presence of a cardiac stimulant, because it can fail under the influence of vibrations.

A source: