Sputum green when coughing

Green sputum when coughing

Colds, ARVI and bronchitis are often accompanied by a phlegm, it can be transparent, white or green, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell, often it is the change in color or consistency that helps to establish the correct diagnosis when a child coughs or adult.

In the bronchi and lungs of a healthy person, a small amount (10-100 ml) is produced daily special fluid - bronchial secretion, is necessary for the normal functioning of organs respiration. This liquid is transparent, without specific taste or odor and provides protection and purification of the mucous membrane and ciliated epithelium. In young children, it can cause a physiological cough. Such a cough is not accompanied by signs of a cold or SARS and often occurs in the morning.

If airborne pathogens get into the respiratory tract and the inflammation develops, the amount of secretion increases, and it becomes a pathological liquid - sputum.

What is sputum?

Sputum is an abnormal discharge of the upper respiratory tract, it appears when inflammatory or infectious diseases and, depending on the type of disease, can be colorless, green or yellow, with different impurities and an unpleasant smell.

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When the disease of the upper or lower respiratory tract in a child or an adult, in the bronchi and lungs accumulates an inflammatory secret that contains microorganisms, particles of the mucous membrane, saliva and secretions from the nose. All this fluid interferes with the normal process of breathing, reduces the flow of oxygen into the blood and prevents recovery. Treatment of diseases accompanied by cough with phlegm, is aimed at dilution of the pathological secret and its evacuation from the bronchi and lungs.

Sputum occurs with the following diseases:

  • bronchitis;
  • viral diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • tuberculosis;
  • abscess of the lung;
  • lung cancer.

By changing the color and consistency of sputum, one can judge the development of pathological processes in the lungs. Transparent and neobylaya sputum in viral diseases, gradually becomes thick, white or yellowish color - this indicates the spread of bacterial infection in the lower respiratory tract, and green color and an unpleasant smell - about stagnation in the lungs and about further progression inflammation. Blood veins can be the first signs of decomposition of tissues in tuberculosis or lung cancer, and they can also arise due to constant straining during coughing.

What does the color of sputum indicate?

  1. Colorless, in minimal quantity - it is a physiological bronchial secret, cough and other signs of inflammation should be absent.
  2. Transparent "vitreous" thick - a symptom of bronchial asthma, it is necessary to pay special attention to its appearance, especially if it arose in a child.
  3. Transparent or yellow liquid, sputum in large quantities is characteristic of viral diseases.
  4. Dense white-yellow or yellow color indicates bacterial infection and pus, often occurs with pneumonia in a child or adult. Treatment of the disease requires the use of antibiotics and a sick child must be shown to the doctor.
  5. Green, viscous with an unpleasant smell - a sign of a stagnant process in the lungs.
  6. The appearance of bloody veins and threads in a cough secretive may be a sign of a tuberculosis or oncology process.
  7. Sputum red or with a lot of blood occurs when lung disintegration or pulmonary hemorrhage, requires immediate medical intervention.


Treatment of cough with phlegm depends on the cause of its appearance and should be conducted only under the supervision of a doctor. When viral infections are symptomatic enough treatment and good care, the appearance of sputum yellow or green color - this is a dangerous sign, especially in a child, hence, in the respiratory organs developed purulent process. Here, treatment should begin in antibiotic therapy and other potent drugs. In bronchitis treatment is carried out with expectorants and mucolytic drugs, and specific pulmonary Diseases such as tuberculosis, lung cancer or pulmonary hemorrhage must be treated in a special hospital.


Green sputum when coughing

  • Treatment
  • Recommendations

The appearance of a cough with a disease indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the respiratory or nasopharyngeal organs. By the nature and frequency of cough, you can determine which organ is affected and what kind of pathology is present.

A detailed study of the nature of the cough along with other symptoms can help to put the right diagnosis, and therefore, contributes to the appointment of adequate treatment and rapid recovery.

Cough can be dry and wet with exudation. Sputum or secretory fluid in the body of a healthy person is secreted in a small amount, has no color and carries a protective function. In the body of the patient, its number increases, and it begins to change color. Green sputum when coughing means that it infects pathogens from the focus of infection in the respiratory or nasopharyngeal organs, as well as a sputum of a different color.

In the pathological inflammatory process, the color of the expectorant mucus may differ and be indicative of various diseases.For example, sputum with red patches may indicate the presence of a patient with tuberculosis or oncology, and vitreous mucus - about the disease with bronchial asthma.

But most often there is a cough with yellow phlegm. Liquid yellow exudate is a sign of a viral disease.

A thick pale yellow or yellow mucus when coughing indicates the presence of bacterial infection and suppurative inflammation. Green sputum when coughing means that the inflammation is stagnant.

Stagnation of mucus can occur with genyantritis, triunebronchitis, bronchitis acute or chronic during an exacerbation, pneumonia, purulent pleurisy or abscess of the lungs.

All these diseases are accompanied by a productive cough, and arise from penetration into the body airborne by Gram-positive and Gram-negative coccal or other types of bacteria, virus or fungus. And if at the beginning of the disease expectorated sputum is more often a yellowish shade, then on the 4th-5th day of the current illness with insufficient treatment or lack of it, it becomes purulent-green and even unpleasant smell.

In addition to productive cough, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx may be accompanied by other symptoms: purulent mucous discharge from the nose, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, fever body.


The absence of a fever with a cough and green sputum may indicate either an inability body to fight infection itself, or about other causes of coughing, for example, nicotine pathology.

The presence of green sputum when coughing and lack of temperature - this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. Another important reason to consult a doctor is a protracted productive cough. Cough that does not go away for a month or less, but against the background of the treatment received, is called chronic and protracted.

Such cases of protracted cough require additional testing to find out the reasons for the occurrence and purpose of treatment in accordance with the results of the survey.To standard methods of diagnosis when coughing with green sputum - lung X-rays and blood analysis, with prolonged cough, it is necessary to add a laboratory analysis of sputum and blood for mycoplasma and chlamydia, bronchoscopy, spirometric examination of respiration rates, ultrasound of the lungs and chest, tomography, Mantoux test and histological examination for exclusion oncology.

Sputum green: how to treat it

Sputum green and the principles of its treatment for coughing in adults and children are similar.

Therapy should be carried out only after determining the preliminary cause of cough and in accordance with the individual characteristics of the body.

However, it is more difficult for children to establish the cause of this cough, especially in the absence of temperature.

Also, the effect of individual body characteristics on therapy for coughing with green sputum in children is significantly higher than in adults. Some medications recommended for the treatment of moist cough in adults are contraindicated in childhood.

In addition to infectious etiology, in children cough with sputum green can cause:

  • whooping cough;
  • infection of the body with parasites and worms;
  • pathology of the digestive tract;
  • allergic reactions;
  • insufficient air humidity;
  • hit of an alien object in the respiratory system;
  • psychological reasons.

The system of therapy of productive cough is concentrated on several directions:

  1. Destruction of viruses, bacteria and fungi, which caused the disease.
  2. Sputum diffusion.
  3. Effective sputum discharge.

Based on this system, patients are assigned:

  1. Antibiotics, antiviral and antifungal drugs.
  2. Expectorants that reduce the density of phlegm.
  3. Mukoliticheskie means that contribute to the escape of diluted sputum.

In some cases, antihistamines are added to this scheme. Limit cough and suppress this reflex in the therapy of productive coughs categorically impossible. To achieve maximum effect, it is recommended to combine medicinal preparations of synthetic origin and phytotherapy.

Many herbal antitussive preparations, for example, with plantain, are combined, which allows for simultaneous to facilitate the course of the inflammatory process, to promote liquefaction and sputum and to get rid of any cough origin. The versatility of phytopreparations makes it possible to effectively use them in the treatment of cough in children and adults.

Expectorant medications have a different principle of action: resorptive and reflex. Preparations of the first group act on the bronchi, liquefying and excreting sputum directly through the blood, and the means of the second group, which include some essential oils, licorice, althae and others, stimulate the receptors of the stomach, salivary glands and bronchial mucosa, promoting liquefaction mucus.

What to do if clearing up green sputum

All medications for the treatment of a damp cough should be taken strictly according to the doctor's prescription in exactly the indicated dosage. However, people can also alleviate the condition of the patient who expects green sputum.

There is an alternative therapy when coughing green sputum cough:

  1. A warming cocktail made with fresh strong tea, salt, butter and 1/4 cup of milk. It must be drunk with hot and small sips.
  2. Compress of pounded with soda boiled potatoes or black bread with honey. Such compresses effectively warm, promote liquefaction of exudate and help to fall asleep.
  3. Mustards have a similar effect to compresses.
  4. Circular massage of the thorax. It must be done often, but smoothly, while rubbing the cough remedy with essential oils.
  5. Inhalations increase the outflow of mucus, reducing the phenomenon of stagnation. Good help when coughing with green sputum inhalation with soda, salt or on decoction of pine buds. Breathe in a concentrated steam slowly and deeply, covered with a blanket. Very small children are not recommended for inhalation.
  6. Decoctions of herbs, herbal teas. Herbs that are part of ready-made pharmacy phytopreparations, you can brew yourself and drink during the day.
  7. Black radish juice with honey is considered very effective in productive cough.

A patient at home needs peace and copious drinking.

A large amount of liquid will help reduce the viscosity of mucus and its better expectoration.

To relieve nasal congestion and to avoid the flow of mucus in the nasopharynx into the bronchi and subsequent stagnation, as often as possible, rinse the nasal passage with saline. Also, fresh air is useful for patients, but walks should be short-lived, instead of walking you can ventilate each room separately.


The room should be sufficiently humid - dry air overdry mucous and irritates the cough center.

For the prevention of cough with green sputum it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and treat existing pathologies, preventing the occurrence of complications in the form of stagnant processes. For the general prevention of diseases of the respiratory tract and nasopharynx it is necessary: ​​to strengthen immunity, to sleep enough, to eat variedly and qualitatively, to avoid stress, to be physically active.



Cough with green (purulent) phlegm

Sputum is a secret given by bronchial tubes and trachea. In a healthy person, it is produced in a small amount, however, if any pathology, the excreted mucus becomes much more, in addition, it changes its color and consistency.

Green (purulent) sputum when coughing, as indicated by the color of the discharge

At the very beginning it is necessary to say that green, yellow and purulent sputum indicate one thing: in the mucus there are impurities of pus and on its quantity depends the color of the contents. In addition, this type of secretion indicates the presence of chronic diseases.

Many people, coming to see a doctor, say that when you cough, pus is secreted. However, this statement is incorrect. In fact, pus in its pure form can be seen only when the bronchial abscess is opened or when a purulent pleurisy breaks through. In addition, this component is always mixed with mucus.

Green viscous sputum when coughing indicates that a person has a disease in which it is difficult to remove mucus. Such ailments include:

  • Sinusitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the sinuses of the nose, sometimes with bony sinus walls. This disease often occurs against the background of influenza or complications after ARI, ARI.
  • Bronchiectasis is a pathology of the organ, characterized by an enlargement of the bronchi and bronchioles. In most cases, people with this disease note a continuous cough with copious secretion of viscous green sputum. However, the color of the mucus that comes out may vary from yellow to dark green. It is completely dependent on the infection and the degree of bronchial involvement. A person can be tormented by severe attacks of cough both during the day and at night. The admixtures of blood in a secret speak already about the started stage of the disease.
  • Post-tuberculosis disorders are observed in almost 25% of people who have had tuberculosis. Typically, the mucus secreted during the cough, has a yellow-green color.
  • Bacterial infection of the bronchi is chronic bronchitis. It should be noted that viscous green sputum may be the result of prolonged exposure to nonspecific irritants (tobacco smoke, etc.). A characteristic sign of this disease is a cough with green sputum, which is accompanied by a temperature of 37-38 degrees. In addition, such a symptom may not take more than 2 months.

Yellow sputum can talk about the presence of chronic inflammation. As a rule, such discharges are accompanied by:

  • Asthma is a chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract, manifested by bouts of painful coughing, asphyxiation. Typically, yellow mucus when coughing is released in the morning or after a person has woken up.
  • Sinusitis. The cause is a bacterial or viral infection. As a rule, such an ailment is accompanied by a long cough and a secret secretion of a yellow-green color.
  • Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane. This disease is characterized by an increase in bronchial secretion, which leads to a significant allocation of yellow sputum during a cough.
Sputum brown can accompany reflex action in lung cancer, tuberculosis, pneumoconiosis. At the same time, a profuse withdrawal of the secret, which looks like small clots of impurities, is observed in people who smoke for a long time. Here the color of the content can be different. It depends on the duration of smoking and the degree of damage to the bronchi and lungs.

Features of secreted secretion in certain diseases of the respiratory system can serve as an important tool for establishing the correct diagnosis. Therefore it is very important in case of complications of any ailments to consult a doctor and carry out research of secreted secret.


Cough with phlegm: what and how to treat if there is no temperature

If adults have a persistent dry or wet cough, this condition indicates a loss of airway, which causes this or that disease.

Such a symptom is a kind of self-defense of the body and is caused when foreign particles appear in the respiratory organs, for example, it can be green sputum when coughing.

Often with catarrhal diseases, there is a cough with sputum, which coughs up. Sputum is a viscous thick liquid that is produced by the mucous membrane.

Its basis is water with glycoproteins, lipids and immunoglobulins. Depending on the composition, the foamy consistency can have a different color, which varies from pale yellow to green and brown. From coughing with obvious phlegm, expectoration occurs, and microbes and accumulated toxins are removed from the respiratory tract.

In most cases, dry cough is transformed into a wet cough with phlegm, which is expectorated. The most common reason that provokes it is smoking.

During smoking, a large amount of mucus accumulates in the airways, which leads to a strong cough with phlegm.

Also smoking paralyzes the thin hairs that are in the airways, because of which expectoration is greatly complicated.

Causes and types of phlegm on coughing

Cough without fever can cause a variety of diseases. One of the reasons for the appearance of symptoms is the development of asthma. At the initial stage of the disease, the patient feels slight hoarseness and a dry cough with hard-to-recover sputum. After a while the wheezing becomes strong and a strong cough with sputum appears. In this case, a thick foamy mucus may form in the form of precipitates.

In addition, it can be noted:

  1. Another cause may be chronic bronchitis. A similar disease with chronic blocking of the airways causes a dry cough that gradually passes into a cough without temperature. In this liquid consistency can contain salty purulent mucus brown.
  2. Cough with yellow sputum often occurs as a result of the appearance of a common cold. In this case, the color of sputum during a cough may change, as pus accumulates in it.
  3. Mucus in large quantities in the way of breathing accumulates if there is an inhalation of dust, smoke and other irritants that provoke a cough with phlegm.

Often, these symptoms are observed with an allergic reaction or chronic sinusitis. A green liquid consistency when coughing is observed if the disease has become chronic.

A severe cough and with phlegm can also report the presence of such a serious disease as lung cancer. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be alerted if bloody veins are found in the consistency. Also, mucus may contain purulent clusters.

If the dry cough has flowed smoothly into a cough with phlegm, this can be a signal of the development of pneumonia. Yellow or gray salted phlegm in turn changes color due to the activity of bacteria present in it.

Yellow sputum when coughing

The appearance of yellow sputum may indicate that the patient develops bronchitis, pneumonia or sinusitis. In the event that a cough with sheer yellow sputum appears unexpectedly and abruptly, you should immediately consult a doctor to begin treatment as soon as possible.

Especially dangerous if the mucus contains purulent or blood clots. The yellow color appears, as a rule, when the main consistency is mixed with pus.

To accurately diagnose the disease and prescribe the right treatment, the doctor prescribes sputum analysis, which is collected in a special jar. The procedure is performed in the morning on an empty stomach, before that the oral cavity is rinsed with a weak antiseptic solution.

Also purulent sputum can be yellow with frequent smoking. With bronchitis, the color of the liquid consistency can reveal the cause of the disease and the presence of bacteria in the body.

Treatment is prescribed only after careful examination and clarification of the exact diagnosis.

White sputum

White sputum curd consistency indicates the presence of respiratory tract fungus infection or tuberculosis. Fungi can affect the bronchi as a result of prolonged antibiotic treatment with reduced immunity. This leads to the appearance of a pathogenic microflora on the mucosa. In the case of tuberculosis, mucus is usually released in small amounts.

If white spots are found in the white sputum, the doctor can diagnose a pulmonary complication due to damage during the coughing of the laryngeal vessels. A white, watery consistency may be caused by external stimuli, a viral infection or diseases of the respiratory organs.

Transparent sputum indicates that the inflammatory process is absent. A thick and transparent consistency can indicate that lung inflammation, bronchitis, allergies, asthma or colds develop.

With a constant increase in the amount of mucus and sputum, the patient is poisoned, so it is important to start treatment on time to prevent congestion in the bronchi.

Cough and blood

Bloody splotches in the sputum when coughing report a respiratory disease. If such symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help in order to identify the causes and start the necessary treatment.

When the reasons lie in the development of lung cancer, the blood in the sputum is in the form of veins. Including a cough with blood can be caused by bronchitis, in this case you can find small scarlet veins in a small amount.

If the causes are the development of pneumonia, fresh cords of blood will appear from the cough with sputum. From what caused the painful symptoms, it will depend on what treatment the doctor will prescribe.

A protracted cough

Prolonged is a cough that lasts more than four to eight weeks, with a positive dynamics to recovery is not observed. This condition is a very disturbing symptom that reports a serious illness.

Before the treatment begins, the doctor prescribes the X-ray of the lungs to exclude cancer. The reasons for this state of the patient can be reduced to the presence of inflammation, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis. A prolonged cough may also occur in heavy smokers with prolonged bronchitis. Such a disease is considered chronic and it is difficult to cure it.

A prolonged cough is observed in people who, in the nature of their activities, are associated with chemicals. In particular, with constant contact with asbestos, people often develop asbestosis disease.

To get rid of the disease, it is required to change the kind of activity, so as not to contract with the stimulus, there are no other ways to solve such a problem.

The appearance of cough in the morning

Quite often people cough in the morning, and there's nothing to worry about. Thus, they cough up phlegm, which accumulated overnight in the respiratory tract. However, it is important to understand that in healthy people mucus departs in small amounts. If a large amount of sputum is produced, there may be reasons for this.

Most often in the morning, heavy smokers and coughing up mucus inveterate smokers. As you know, a morning cough of a chronic nature signals about tobacco poisoning. If you do not start treatment on time, the symptoms will only increase.

Causes of severe cough in the morning can also be chronic lung disease, tuberculosis. The patient can cough intensely if mucus from the nasal sinuses is stuck in the throat.

Treatment of cough with phlegm

When cough and sputum is caused by acute respiratory viral infection or bronchitis, the accumulated consistency is difficult the physician prescribes treatment with the use of special mucolytics, which dilute sputum. Also, in the case of difficultly separated sputum, expectorants are prescribed.

Many people, worrying about their health, sometimes refuse to take medicine, giving preference to folk remedies. However, it must be borne in mind that such treatments may also have contraindications and cause side effects. Therefore, before starting treatment, you should consult your doctor.

It is also important to understand that mucolytic and antitussive drugs can not be taken at the same time, otherwise the patient's condition will only worsen.

Medicinal products that relieve cough are divided into three main groups:

  • Expectorants are prescribed if it is required to treat symptoms of a cold with sparse phlegm.
  • Anti-cough medicines are prescribed when it is necessary to treat an unproductive and dry cough.
  • Mucolytic drugs are used when it is required to treat symptoms with thick, viscous and difficult to separate sputum.

Coughs of expectorant action

Quickly and effectively cure moist cough Althea's preparations, including Mukaltin, Alteika syrup and Althea's Root, will help. Medicinal expectorant is prescribed if it is necessary to treat acute and chronic pathologies of the respiratory system in the form of bronchitis, emphysema of the lungs, tracheobronchitis. The drug is used for viscous hard to separate sputum.

The drug dilutes the consistency, relieves inflammation, stimulates the wave-like contractions of the walls of the bronchi, so that mucus is easily removed from the respiratory tract. However, to treat Althea with symptoms is contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity, ulcer of the duodenum and stomach. Diabetics should also be cautious during treatment.

Preparations based on thermopsis help to cure cold symptoms by irritating the center of breathing, which contributes to expectoration of sputum. This includes pills for coughing Termopsol, Kodelak bronchus with thyme. The medicine has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic effect due to the content in the active elements.

Quickly cure a wet cough is helped by breastfeeding, which includes such medicinal herbs as oregano, mother-and-stepmother, plantain, licorice, sage, anise, marshmallow, pine buds from cough, chamomile, violet, ledum, calendula.

Also, many prefer to treat the symptoms of cold with the help of the Bronchophyte elixir, it contains a rosemary, plantain, anise, licorice, sage, violet, thyme.

Mucolytic drugs for coughing

Mucolytic drugs are prescribed to drink when you need to treat bronchitis. Such preparations dilute sputum, improve its excretion and, thus, break favorable conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic organisms.

Drugs, the active ingredient of which is acetylcysteine, help get rid of severe symptoms in chronic bronchitis. They are also taken with laryngitis, otitis media, pneumonia. These drugs are contraindicated for pulmonary hemorrhage, bronchial asthma, adrenal pathology, hepatic and renal insufficiency.

Bromhexine and its preparations Solvin and Bronchosan are widely used in the conduct of inhalations. The effect of treatment can be seen after only 2 days. With increased viscosity, sputum is prescribed to drink drugs based on carbocisteine, among which medicines such as Fluidite, Fluviert, Bronhobos and Libexin Muno.

An interesting video in this article offers information on how to cure a cough.


What does sputum color mean when I cough?

Sputum is naturally produced by the surface of the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose, throat, lungs and gastrointestinal tract. Departure of accumulated mucus can occur even if a person does not have any ailment, However, changing its color can serve as an alarm signal for the existing pathological process in organism.


If you are not a smoker, sputum yellow, brown or green may be a sign of a serious respiratory illness. Yellow mucus often appears under the influence of various factors. Sometimes such secretions are formed during the common cold, as well as in people suffering from pneumonia, cystic fibrosis and bronchitis.

Sputum becomes yellow due to the large accumulation of lymphocytes that arose due to the inflammatory process. In this case, many doctors must prescribe antibiotics to improve the condition. Nevertheless, it is important that the specialist be able to differentiate your disease from the common cold, which is caused by a viral infection, or cystic fibrosis, which is genetic. Use of additional diagnostic methods by the doctor is necessary if the cough has lasted for a long time.

Brown color

Brown mucus is especially often excreted in the morning by heavy smokers. Discharge from the lungs of this color occurs in people who live in a zone of severe air pollution. It is worth noting that some bacterial infections of the respiratory tract can make sputum brownish-green tinge. This symptom is very serious if the mucus gets such color because of the ingress of blood particles into it, which indicates a serious lesion and internal bleeding of the lungs.

Other colors

Expectoration of pure, transparent sputum is normal, however sometimes the appearance of mucus speaks of allergic reaction, chronic bronchitis, nasal and gastroesophageal reflux disease disease. White or gray mucus is a symptom of viral infection or sinus sinus disease. This manifestation is common among patients who have viral and chronic bronchitis, asthma, throat diseases and various allergies.

Pink sputum indicates a serious chronic condition, for example, heart failure. Usually such discharges are accompanied by fatigue, general weakness, inflammation of the abdomen, frequent coughing and irregular heartbeat. Pulmonary embolism, lung abscess, trauma, tropical eosinophilia may be other causes for blood or pink mucus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, pneumonia and pulmonary edema often provoke the formation of foamy sputum.


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