Orthopedic Insoles for longitudinal-transverse flat feet


  • 1Choosing orthopedic insoles for transverse flat feet
  • 2Exercises with flat feet. Orthopedic insoles with flat feet
    • 2.1Causes of flatfoot development
    • 2.2Treatment of ailment
    • 2.3Gymnastics from flat feet
    • 2.4Where to begin?
    • 2.5Walking with flat feet
    • 2.6Exercises with a gymnastic stick
    • 2.7General recommendations
  • 3Orthopedic insoles - "first aid" for your feet
    • 3.1What is the transverse-longitudinal platypodia
    • 3.2Why use orthopedic insoles
    • 3.3Peculiarities of production of orthopedic insoles
    • 3.4Principle of insteps
    • 3.5Features of the choice of insteps
    • 3.6Rules of care for orthopedic insoles
  • 4Orthopedic insole with longitudinal-transverse flat feet, how to choose
    • 4.1Why are orthopedic insoles
    • 4.2Features of orthopedic insoles and insoles
    • 4.3The principle of the orthopedic insoles
    • 4.4Types of insoles
    • 4.5Features of the choice of insoles
    • 4.6How to install orthoses
    • 4.7Features of care
  • 5Orthopedic insoles for various types of flat feet - recommendations for choice + feedback
    instagram viewer
    • 5.1Necessity and forms of orthopedic insoles
    • 5.2What to choose: insole from the pharmacy or custom-made?
    • 5.3Do I need to see a doctor?
    • 5.4Selection rules
    • 5.5With transverse or longitudinal flat feet
    • 5.6Correction
    • 5.7Order insoles or do yourself?
  • 6The role of orthopedic insoles with longitudinal-transverse flat feet
    • 6.1Types of flatfoot and its causes
  • 7Orthopedic Insoles for longitudinal-transverse flat feet
    • 7.1What are the useful insoles for flatfoot?

Choosing orthopedic insoles for transverse flat feet

The transverse flatfoot is a fairly common foot disorder, characterized by discrepancy and flattening of bones in the region of the fingers, deformation of the big toe.

Since such a pathological condition can affect any person, including children or women who are accustomed to walk on high heels, very topical is the question of how to choose orthopedic insoles for a transverse flat feet.

To begin with, we note that the disease in question can have three degrees of severity.

At the first degree there is a slight deviation of the thumb to the side, the initial stage of formation of the cone on the bone is noted.

The second degree is already characterized by a large angle of curvature of the thumb - it is 35 degrees.

Because of this deformationthere is rapid fatigue of the feet when walking, painful sensations,.

The heaviest third degree is accompanied by a significant deformation of all fingers, while the foot itself looks enlarged and flattened.

Often this form of the disease is combined with a flatfoot longitudinal.

Correctly matched orthopedic insoles with longitudinal-transverse flat feet provide optimal shock absorption during walking, will contribute to the correction of developed disorders, as well as prevention disease.

For preventive purposes, you can purchase or make such shoes yourself by the orthopedist's recommendation from the earliest childhood, as they will provide a healthy formation of the arches of the baby's feet.

Adult men and women who already have pronounced signs of pathology, modern manufacturers are also willing to offer a large selection of orthopedic appliances for any type of footwear.

Very often, experts recommend the insole with orthopedic effect to the elderly, as with age, the bones become more fragile, and these adaptations reduce the risk of injury.

Orthopedic insoles in the case of pitted flat feet can differ in several parameters. So, for the purpose of use, they can be classified as follows:

  • preventive, made of soft materials and adapting to individual parameters of the foot;
  • corrective - assist in the treatment of an already diagnosed disease.

As for the materials of manufacture, thenmost manufacturers offer products mainly on a natural basis, for example, leather, suede, velor.

Also you can find insole of synthetic material - silicone.

Quality products should fit tightly on the foot, help improve blood circulation and gradually correct deformities.

Orthopedic insoles may also differ in the degree of softness. Solid frame products are less thick.

Their wearing is shown to people experiencing constant stress on their legs.

Soft insoles are recommended for women during pregnancy, people with overweight, as well as during physical exercises.

As already noted, to choose these or other orthopedic insoles for transverse flatfoot is necessary only after consulting with a doctor, sinceincorrectly selected accessories can not just not help, but also exacerbate the problem. If you buy finished products, be sure to pay attention to a number of nuances:

  • products must match you exactly in size;
  • Insoles are purchased for specific shoes, so make sure that they fit tightly into it, do not deform and do not hang out inside;
  • quality insole should have at least three layers.

Footsteps of each person are unique, and in the pharmacies and orthopedic salons are sold insoles, manufactured by averaged indicators. Products that are exactly right for you, it is best to order individually in specialized salons or factories.

Individual insoles with orthopedic effect are made on the impression of your foot after diagnosing the transverse arch in the orthopedic physician.

Products are modeled according to the parameters of each individual patient.

The most progressive way to date is computer modeling, with the use of which the manufacture of individual orthopedic insoles takes only twenty minutes.

Experts argue that with transverse flat feetit is best to make the inserts for shoes made of genuine leather.

This material perfectly adapts to the individual parameters of the foot and takes its shape.

Pads in such products are usually made of their foam polyethylene - a material characterized by durability and strength.

It is necessary to understand that the treatment of transverse flatfoot is a long and difficult process, because such a violation is not so easy to correct.

Ideally, even from childhood it is necessary to take up its prevention, since the formation of the arches of the feet in a child occurs up to 8-10 years.

Before this age, it is possible to prevent the development of almost any violation.

A source: https://2orto.ru/ortopedicheskie-aksessuary/vybiraem-ortopedicheskie-stelki-pri-poperechnom-ploskostopii

Exercises with flat feet. Orthopedic insoles with flat feet

Flattening is a common ailment associated with deformation of the human foot.

The pathological condition has a negative effect on well-being and over time can cause the appearance of pain in the lumbar region and spine.

Cope with the disease will help special exercises. When flat feet, they must be performed daily. Orthopedists also recommend wearing the right shoes.

Causes of flatfoot development

The condition at which the vaults of the feet flatten is called flatfoot. The first arch is located in the area of ​​the fingers, the second - longitudinal - goes along the inner edge of the foot.

This structure allows you to rely only three points of the foot on the surface.

For some reason, the muscles and ligaments supporting the foot are weakened, after which it descends.

The risk of changing the foot is increased by the following factors:

  • great stress on the legs;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • incorrect footwear (high heel, narrowed sock);
  • loosening of ligaments, muscles;
  • overweight;
  • pregnancy;
  • injury.

Depending on which arch of the foot dropped, distinguish longitudinal, transverse and combined flat feet.

In complex therapy of the disease, physical exercises play an important role.

At platypodia, exercise therapy should necessarily be combined with the use of special insoles (orthopedic) and the wearing of quality comfortable shoes.

Treatment of ailment

Experts argue that completely get rid of flat feet can only be in childhood.

Therefore, parents must constantly monitor the formation of the baby's foot. It is impossible to get rid of the ailment of adult patients.

Therapy prescribed by the doctor will be aimed at alleviating the symptoms.

Quite impressive results of treatment can be achieved even at home. Conservative approach in the therapy of flatfoot involves the implementation of certain exercises. The specialist will also select individually orthopedic insoles and shoes for the patient.

With flatfoot (at the initial stage) it is useful to make baths. In the water, you need to add a little bit of pebbles and roll it with your feet. An integrated approach can significantly improve the condition.

Gymnastics from flat feet

Gymnastics will help not only to eliminate the deformation of the feet, but also prevent the appearance of flat feet. It will be especially useful for children.

Adult patients need special exercises for unloading the back, the muscles of which experience a huge load with this disease.

Exercises with flat feet should be performed daily for 4-6 months.

Gymnastics improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in the feet, stimulates the production of joint fluid, training and strengthening of muscles. With regular exercise, strengthen the arch of the foot, which will prevent further deformation.

Classes of curative physical education include several groups of special exercises. To achieve a positive result, you can use various devices (sports equipment): massage mats, balls, sticks.

Where to begin?

To adjust the foot, there are many different exercises aimed at strengthening all the muscles.

At any stage of deformation, the gym should be started with the bending and unbending of the fingers.

This exercise can be performed while sitting on a chair until a feeling of fatigue appears. The number of repetitions is 20-30 times.

In a few minutes you can perform the exercise "caterpillar". To do this, you need to sit on a chair, rest your feet on the floor and bend your fingers, and then pull up their heels. In this case, the legs should gradually move forward.

It is useful to do exercises with flat feet with pencils and small objects. The pencil is clamped between the fingers and performs circular rotations, trying to draw a circle.

Children can draw a circle on paper, holding the sheet with the second leg. Having reached the goal, the pencil is grasped with the fingers of the other leg and repeats the exercise.

Having spread out small objects before you, you should try to grab them with your fingers and lay them out on different baskets or bowls.

Restoring the normal condition of the arches of the feet will help rolling a small ball from the toe to the heel. Grabbing the ball stop, you need to try to throw it.

Exercise with the movement of objects especially like children.

In the sitting position, you can perform more simple manipulations, for example, pull the socks on yourself (with strong tension) and from yourself (in a relaxed state).

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Walking with flat feet

Must be included in the complex of exercises and walking. To begin with, you should be like a socks (1-2 minutes), raising your hands up.

After that, you should fall on your heels and move your hands to your waist. To unload the hip and lower back, you should walk on your heels.

On the outer arch of the foot, it is necessary to walk with bent fingers.

To get rid of flat feet, you need to walk on a log, a sloped surface. In this case, the load is transferred to the outside of the foot.

When flatfoot is important to learn how to walk properly. Otherwise, the sprain will develop and the vault fully descend. A gait is considered correct, during which the shoes on the legs are parallel to each other or the socks are slightly turned towards each other.

At the initial stage of flatfoot development, it is sufficient to use orthopedic insoles, to put your feet properly during walking and to perform simple exercises. Putting the right step is not an easy task, because it requires constant monitoring of the walk. However, in time this will become a habit.

Exercises with a gymnastic stick

Use any stick with a smooth surface and a length of at least 1 meter. Such exercises will help to keep the height of the arch of the foot in the right position.

First of all, the stick is rolled with legs (alternately) in the sitting position. Exercise should be done for about 5 minutes.

With a flat valgus foot it is useful to walk on a stick like a rope.

General recommendations

Doctors-orthopedists warn that constant excessive loads can give the opposite result.

For classes, you need to give 20-30 minutes a day. It is not necessary to refuse physical therapy even at the last stage of flatfoot.

During the day, it is recommended that you periodically walk on your socks.

At home, you can do foot massage to improve blood circulation. Begin the procedure with the calf muscle, moving to the shin and foot. The foot is rubbed with the back of the fingers towards the heel.

The choice of medical insoles and shoes should be performed by a doctor after examination of the patient's locomotor apparatus.

A source: http://.ru/article/253774/uprajneniya-pri-ploskostopii-ortopedicheskie-stelki-pri-ploskostopii

Orthopedic insoles - "first aid" for your feet

Flattening is a consequence of the malfunctioning of the ligaments and muscles of the foot.

Any violations in the development of the musculoskeletal system are manifested by various complications: with violations in the longitudinal and transverse arch of the feet, there are problems with the spine and joints. To solve this problem, specialists developed individual orthopedic insoles.

What is the transverse-longitudinal platypodia

With longitudinal-transverse flat feet, there is no definite manifestation of this disease. The injured person, as a rule, suffers pain and sensations that occur both in longitudinal and transverse flatfoot.

Most often this kind of flatfoot manifests itself in this way:

  • Aching in the limbs with loads.
  • There is fatigue in the limbs, heaviness in the legs, all the time you want to stretch the sore spots. If this disease occurs in children, then they have intolerance of walking.
  • By the end of the day there are swelling, which does not rise above the ankle.
  • With age, patients with longitudinal-transverse flatfoot have pain and heaviness in the lower back.
  • It is very difficult to find shoes for every day. In this case, only special orthopedic shoes will help.
  • In adults with longitudinal-transverse flat feet, the footwear is unevenly worn.
  • When combined flat feet on the fingers are formed calluses, which constantly hurt.
  • In people who are over 40, there is deformation of the foot, because of what changes the size of the foot.
  • There is a change in gait, because the cushioning functions of the foot disappear.

Why use orthopedic insoles

For the prevention and treatment of combined flat feet, experts recommend the use of individual orthopedic insoles. To correct longitudinal-transverse flatfoot was effective, individual orthopedic insoles should perform the following functions:

  • They must restore the natural lifting of the arches of the foot. For longitudinal flat feet, a footrest is attached to the insole (coupon), restoring the height of the longitudinal arch. With transverse flat feet - the arch support is fastened in the center of the insole. With combined flat feet, both insteps are attached.
  • They must correct the correct location of the foot. Often, the disease is accompanied by a change in the foot (for example, by deviating outwards). Therefore, it is necessary to perform correction by adding wedge-shaped fragments or an arc at the longitudinal arch.
  • Gel orthopedic insoles should be comfortable to use. Formothiks orthopedic insoles should be selected exactly according to the size and shape of the foot, and also taking into account the degree of development of the disease.

The ideal option is the manufacture of orthopedic insoles under the order or with your own hands. After all, the coupon, made to order or with your own hands, exactly repeats the shape of the foot, while ensuring personal correction of deformations and comfort when walking.

Peculiarities of production of orthopedic insoles

Today, there are many technologies for manufacturing orthopedic insoles, which determine how much the finished products cost. Production (or manufacturing by one's own hands) usually consists of several stages:

  • the diagnosis and prescription;
  • production of the base (the basis can be done by one's own hands);
  • measurement and delivery of finished products;
  • correction during operation.

Diagnosis, both adults and children is necessarily done by a specialist who then writes out a prescription for gel orthopedic insoles.

Prescription on the insole allows you to choose only the best products.

In our time, the best proven ones are gel children's orthopedic insoles, Formothics gel orthopedic insoles, Dr. Khoroshev's gel stolechki and so on.

After this, a cast of a foot made of plaster is made (such a cast can be made by oneself), after which the gel insoles will be made. Sometimes, when making a coupon, specialists can use a computer layout.

But similar technologies have more flaws than merits. After all, the key factor is the fact that the form for a coupon, made by own hands, allows you to exactly repeat the contours of the foot.

This is very convenient if, apart from flat feet, there is also a spur on the heels.

By the same principle, you can make your own gel instep for sports or orthopedic insoles for your children.

Principle of insteps

Why are orthopedic insoles needed? Which stolechki is better? How do they make it easier? How to choose the right one? Which instep supports are suitable for sports? These are very popular questions among modern people.

The main task that the coupon should perform is fixing the foot in the correct position. Supinator (coupon) makes it possible to fix the foot on the axis. This allows you to stop the deformation of the ankle and evenly distribute the load when a step is taken.

If you regularly wear an instep, then the following problems disappear in adults and children:

  • pain that occurs when walking is lost;
  • there is prevention of rheumatic diseases;
  • in adults and in children the load on the back is lost, which improves posture;
  • if you choose the correct insole, then corns, cracks and other damage to the skin of the feet disappear;
  • the gait becomes easier, even with spurs, the ankles cease to turn.

Features of the choice of insteps

In order to choose the correct pedicure (coupon) for sports or orthopedic insoles for children, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the foot structure. In addition, you need to know the diagnosis and the degree of flatfoot, because different types of flatfoot fit different stolechki.

You also need to choose the material from which the arch supports will be made.The best are the arch supports, which are made by specialists on the recommendation of orthopedic doctors and traumatologists, taking into account all the features of the ankle structure.

Rules of care for orthopedic insoles

It is easy to care for insteps. To ensure that stolechki served as long as possible, you need to remove them daily from shoes and dry away from heaters and the sun.

The surface should be cleaned from time to time with a soft rag.

If you follow these rules, you can be sure that orthopedic products will last you for more than a year, without losing the original look and features.

A source: http://drpozvonkov.ru/ortopediya/ortopedicheskie-stelki-3.html

Orthopedic insole with longitudinal-transverse flat feet, how to choose

The rapid rhythm of the life of a megacity influences the human body. Very often under the impact are the legs, because the person moves a lot, which means that the limbs experience excessive loads.

As a result, the longitudinal, transverse or combined flatfoot develops or worsens.

To help your feet or reduce their load, it is recommended to use special insteps and insole for longitudinal-transverse flat feet.

Why are orthopedic insoles

Orthoses (orthopedic insoles) are liners in shoes, the main task of which is to maintain the arch and correct pathologies that have caused longitudinal, transverse or combined flat feet.

In addition, they perform a number of functions, such as:

  • improve blood flow in the feet;
  • increase stability when driving;
  • reduce the load on the ankle, knee and pelvis;
  • prevent the occurrence and development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • relieve fatigue.

Orthopedic insoles distribute the load on the legs, as a result, the person ceases to experience discomfort during the movement.

Features of orthopedic insoles and insoles

Orthopedic insoles, which are used in the treatment of flat feet, are significantly different from the usual ones.

Their feature is the arch support, which is installed at the inner boundary of the arch.

Due to this, the roll-over area changes the height, a groove appears in the heel area, in which the metatarsal liner is located.

To correctly choose orthopedic insoles for longitudinal-transverse flatfoot, it is also necessary to pay attention to the wedge-shaped fragments of the instep.

They change the angle of the feet, which means that the legs will always be in the correct position when moving. If longitudinal flatfoot is treated, then the design of the instep arrestor should have two "wedges". One is located in the area of ​​the heel, the second - in front of the foot.

The principle of the orthopedic insoles

The healing effect with the use of orthopedic insoles is achieved due to the correct redistribution of the load. As a result, discomfort and pain attacks during movement disappear, in addition, fatigue decreases significantly.

It should be noted that orthopedic insole with combined flat feet, as well as orthopedic half-wool, protects from wear and damage the other joints of the limbs.

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In the case when the pathology developed for a long time, it is required not only to select orthopedic insoles, but also to consult with specialists.

Types of insoles

To know how to choose the ideal insoles, you need to remember that the classification of orthoses is based on their purpose depending on the type of pathology.

Therefore, these types of insoles are distinguished:

  • for longitudinal flat feet;
  • for transverse flatfoot;
  • for combined flatfoot.

These frame structures have a similar structure, but differ in the number of wedge-shaped elements. In addition, orthoses are different for winter and summer shoes. Also should take into account the manufacturer and the cost of these orthopedic appliances.

Features of the choice of insoles

Before choosing orthoses, you need to study the basic requirements for the right orthopedic insoles. So, such products should have:

  • arch support located in the zone of the inboard arch of the foot;
  • special groove under the heel;
  • elevated rolling area;
  • metatarsal pillow, which is located at the transverse arch;
  • wedge-shaped elements under the heel;
  • size, which coincides with the size of the foot.

For the manufacture of orthosis, the skin, quality polymers or cork should be used.

Correctly selected orthosis does not cause discomfort. When it is used, the toe is not deformed by the shoe. But do not forget that from time to time you need to consult a specialist and buy new insoles.

Quality orthosis, as a rule, can be purchased in pharmacies or specialized salons that have the appropriate certificates. You also need to know the company that made the insole.

If the insoles are made according to a personal order, then it is recommended to apply only to such enterprises that specialize in the manufacture of orthopedic products.

How to install orthoses

Before installing the insoles, you need to inspect the shoes. If the insoles are already inside, they should be removed. Orthoses should be close to the sole. In the event that they slip, you can use a sticky tape to fix.

Then you need to go for a walk or walk, if the products were chosen according to all the rules, then the person does not have inconvenience and discomfort. If the unpleasant sensations do appear, orthoses need to be corrected.

The result when using orthoses is noticeable, if they are applied without interruption. As a rule, adults need to use insoles for life, and children and adolescents - a few years.

Features of care

For orthoses to last a long time, you need to look after them. It is recommended to clean quality insoles with mild detergents that do not contain abrasive ingredients.

Dry products should be without the use of heaters, because, otherwise, they begin to deform and crack. And as a result - quickly become worthless.

It should also be noted that to achieve a positive effect, it is not enough just to use orthoses, you need to exercise regularly, do massage and physiotherapy.Only in this case, the use of orthopedic products will give the desired result.

A source: http://ladysmed.ru/platypodia/types-of-flatfoot/combined-platypodia/pravila-vybora-ortopedicheskih-stelek-pri-kombinirovannom-ploskostopii.html

Orthopedic insoles for various types of flat feet - recommendations for choice + feedback

Every person makes thousands of steps daily, and each of them is a punch of the foot on the ground, after which the load is evenly distributed over the skeleton.

When this load "lays down" correctly, the walking process does not cause any discomfort, but irregularities in the structure of the feet can adversely affect the comfort of movement. Flattening is a fairly common problem requiring correction.

One of the simplest and most accessible methods of correcting the situation is wearing orthopedic insoles.

Necessity and forms of orthopedic insoles

In the normal position, the human foot has three support points, and this distribution helps to distribute the weight rationally when walking.

Also in this part of the body there are also multiple reflexogenic points, and with changes in the position of the foot, the body is able to respond appropriately to changes in the position of the whole body.

When flat feet are deformed arches of the foot - they become lowered.When creating a footprint, you can view its entire outline.

Deterioration of the state of the arches provokes a violation of the spring function: the leg is no longer able to properly distribute the load, which leads to overload of the upper joints and bone elements.

To restore normal work and use orthopedic insoles - special bends in them help to support the foot in a healthy position. So, the insoles for this disease perform the following tasks:

  • restore the required height of arches;
  • create conditions for the correct position of the foot;
  • make the walking process comfortable. So look orthopedic insoles, appointed for the treatment of flat feet

All insoles used for flatfoot have a similar structure.

In the area of ​​the inner arch, a supinator is created (a dense hill) to support it, a groove in the place of the heel, and a small elevation in the area of ​​the foot roll during walking.

The front part of the leg (the area of ​​the fingers) does not usually participate in the correction, therefore it carries the symbolic name "hlastik".

Insoles can be made of various materials, natural leather, cork and modern polymer compositions are preferred.

In the assortment of manufacturers, you can find a wide variety of options: half-wool (without the hood under the fingers), special models for shoes with a small heel, frame rigid options for wearing in closed shoes, classic options for different forms of deformation Stop.

What to choose: insole from the pharmacy or custom-made?

There are three categories of orthopedic insoles for use with flat feet:

  • Serial - manufactured by averaged pads and designed for mass sales;
  • individualized models, close to the most common deformations of the foot;
  • Individual - are made on the personal parameters of the patient's foot.

Doctors recommend using the latest version of the device, because only in this case you can achieve maximum benefit from wearing it.

Option with purchased mass insole can be suitable if the problem of flat feet is on the initial stage of its development - the distortions are insignificant, so the averaged model.In the presence of more complex situations, it is important to take into account in detail every feature of the leg structure, all aspects of deformation - correct and full support is the key to successful correction.

Custom-made insole are manufactured in several stages:

  1. Take off the impression of the foot.
  2. Make a plaster cast.
  3. Take centimeter measurements and outline contours.
  4. Ideally, a 3D foot scan is performed on special equipment.
  5. Next, create a gypsum block according to the data obtained.
  6. On the basis of all materials, they are created by insteps and wedges, having their necessary arrangement at the last stage of creating the insole.

Do I need to see a doctor?

For the prophylaxis of flatfoot, only soft versions of orthopedic insoles can be used, and rigid corrective variants can be worn only with a clearly established diagnosis.

The first thing you need to do to a person who has abnormalities of the foot is to consult an orthopedic doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination, if necessary, prescribe examinations and establish a diagnosis.

With flat feet, a doctor can give a prescription for wearing special corrective insoles, it is dangerous to take such a decision on your own, because if you misinterpret the symptoms, you can only to hurt yourself.

Selection rules

The shape and structure of the insole itself depends entirely on the condition of the patient's foot. So, for different types of flatfoot you will need different pads and their arrangement.

With transverse or longitudinal flat feet

Transverse flatfoot (decrease in the transverse arch) or longitudinal flatfoot (decrease in the longitudinal arch) - in this The insole must necessarily have a compilation in the area of ​​a distorted arch of appropriate height and a recess under heel

In this case, both types of foot arches suffer, more complicated variants may be needed. An obligatory parameter is the presence of a nest under the heel, the laying of both arches to normalize their position and a small bump in the center of the foot closer to the fingers for the prevention of pods.

Degrees and forms of flatfoot in adults and children

In childhood, flat feet are usually at the initial stage of development, the tissues are easily amenable, so it is often sufficient to use soft insoles.

Pregnancy, in turn, can itself provoke a flattening of the foot, so orthopedic insoles are often prescribed to future mothers for the prevention of defects.

When using the insole in any situation, it is extremely important that it perfectly matches the size of the foot.


Correction of orthopedic adaptations may be necessary in two situations:

  • improvement of the foot;
  • wear of the device.

On average, one insole made of high quality material lasts for several years, but in the process of wearing it is slightly deformed due to the constant load. Therefore, it is advisable periodically to contact the master to correct it.

You may need to change the design of the insole, if the condition of the deformed foot is better: change the height of the liners for vaults, adjust the number and placing wedges, etc. In this case, you can either turn to a specialist, or change the position yourself if you have a model that provides such a opportunity.

Order insoles or do yourself?

Some people resort to certain tricks and try to make orthopedic insoles independently using improvised materials.

So, to form vaults apply cotton wool and bandages, medical adhesive tape for fastenings, fabrics to create a smooth coating, etc.

, and to determine the shape of the foot, it is simply depicted on paper.

Experts do not recommend resorting to such an approach, because in such conditions it is simply impossible to achieve accuracy in measurements, the formed elevations will not be stable, and without medical education it is difficult to determine to what height and where to raise a leg.Wearing the wrong device can only exacerbate the situation, turning one picture of the wrong distribution of the load into another.The best option for leg health is to seek professional help.

Orthopedic insoles at flatfoot are a necessity that helps to ease and improve the condition of the feet. The purpose of this device is only for the orthopedic physician, and the best effect can be achieved with the use of insoles manufactured on an individual order.

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A source: http://spina-sustav.ru/lechenie-sustavov/stopa/ortopedicheskie-stelki-pri-razlichnyih-vidah-ploskostopiya.html

The role of orthopedic insoles with longitudinal-transverse flat feet

The foot performs the most important spring function. Due to its vaulted form, it softens the jolts when walking and reduces pressure on the musculoskeletal system.

If you look at the foot of the side, we will see a small "arch which forms the sole of the foot. This is called the longitudinal arch.

There is also another transverse arch, which is located under the base of the fingers.

Orthopedic cushioning insole with coal from the smell of foot sweat

If for any reason this arch is absent, then this indicates a disease such as flat feet. Flattening is the deformation of the foot, in which the arch is "flattened".

This leads to the fact that the foot can not fulfill its damping properties, thus causing not only certain inconveniences, but diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

There are longitudinal, pierced and longitudinal-transverse (combined) flat feet.

The longitudinal-transverse (combined) does not occur as often as, for example, the transverse, but this deformity of the foot is the most problematic.

To cope with this disease, you can choose such simple devices as orthopedic insoles and half-stems with longitudinal-transverse flat feet.

Types of flatfoot and its causes

The foot has a vaulted shape thanks to the support of the ligaments and muscles of the lower leg. If, in view of any cause, the ligaments and muscles become weaker, the arch gradually dips.

The load of the body, which previously softened due to the special form of the foot, is now redistributed to the joints, which leads to their rapid wear, inflammation and severe pain. There can be several reasons for this disease.

Mainly the disease occurs due to large static loads. The table shows the most common causes of the disease:

The cause of flat feet Description
Overweight Excess weight is the main reason for the acquired disease. In addition to obesity, the reason for the occurrence of flat feet can become pregnancy
Footwear Improperly selected shoes can cause illness. High heels, tight shoes fix the leg in an unnatural position, which causes deformities, circulatory disorders, blood stasis
Heredity Hereditary predisposition to the disease is expressed in the incorrect development of muscles, ligaments and bones
Diseases The disease, due to which the bone tissue loses its strength, becomes softer and deforms under the weight of the body (for example, rickets)
Physical activity Flat-footedness can manifest as a result of an excessive load (for example, sports) on its feet, and because of a low-activity lifestyle. With low mobility, the limb muscles are not trained, weaken and stop supporting the foot

Symptoms of the disease are similar: gradually fatigue of legs develops into constant pain, there are difficulties in walking, edema appears, ordinary shoes bring discomfort.

Pain is felt in the feet, knees, hip joints, lower back. Violated posture and gait, due to the fact that the foot has lost its supporting function.

Visually, the deformation of the foot is noticeable: in addition to lowering the arch, it also increases in size.

How to treat a combined flat foot

Flat feet in adults can not be completely cured, since the foot has long been formed and devoid of flexibility.

Treatment in adults is aimed primarily at strengthening the muscles of the feet and lower legs, as well as reducing pain. But the child's disease is amenable to correction.

The main thing is to pay attention to the defect in time and immediately begin treatment.

The most simple and effective method of treating transverse longitudinal flat feet is the use of an insole and a semi-stem.

Orthopedic insoles do not allow the foot to "sag" under the weight of the body.

Orthopedic insoles provide the correct movement of the foot when walking (flexion, extension, retraction, pronation and supination of the foot).

Also, the insole supports the arches of the foot, correctly distribute the static and dynamic loads, unload the joints, fix the foot in the correct physiological position.

Insoles-arch supports help to avoid relapses of deformations in the postoperative period.

Orthopedic insoles for the treatment of longitudinal-transverse flat feet look like ordinary shoe soles, designed for closed shoes.

Orthopedic half-plates are about ¾ of the length of a conventional insole and are designed for open shoes or for use when a full insole causes discomfort when worn.

Thanks to soft insteps, half-wools are an indispensable tool for people whose activities are associated with a permanent static load on their feet.

Such orthopedic semilattices will help prevent deformations and restore blood circulation, reduce painful sensations.

Semi-inlets are used as part of complex measures for longitudinal-transverse flat feet.

Orthopedic half-tees for use in the case of longitudinal-transverse flatfoot perform a softening function, taking away on a static and dynamic load of the foot, normalize blood circulation, prevent deformations of feet formation outgrowths. To choose the necessary insoles, you need to seek the help of a doctor.

Before choosing a footbed, the expert will carefully examine and assess the condition of the foot. Do not buy or prescribe treatment yourself. So you can only do much harm.

Supinator, for example, supports the arch of the foot. At the same time, her muscles "relaxed" and cease to perform a supporting function independently.

Therefore, to begin with, be sure to consult a trauma doctor or orthopedist.

A source: http://NashiNogi.ru/aksessuary/stelki-ortopedicheskie-pri-prodolno-poperechnom-ploskostopii.html

Orthopedic Insoles for longitudinal-transverse flat feet

  • What are the useful insoles for flatfoot?
  • What are orthopedic products?
  • The advantages of correcting insoles for longitudinal flat feet
  • How to wear orthopedic insoles?

Orthopedic insoles with longitudinal-transverse flat feet have a curative property and help to avoid the progression of the disease. Such insoles can be chosen in medical shopping centers, but this pathology takes into account the individuality of the structure of the foot.

Independently to choose such orthopedic insoles it is not necessary - it is better to address to the expert for consultation.

What are the useful insoles for flatfoot?

First of all, the insole for transverse flatfoot should be selected, based on the individual print, which is done in stationary conditions. Correcting insoles are suitable for longitudinal-transverse deformation. These products produce a positive effect.

But it is possible to choose ready-made types of orthopedic corrective products. Their main functions are:

  • maintaining the arches of the foot;
  • correction of deformation of feet;
  • improvement of blood flow in the legs;
  • increased stability during walking;
  • reducing the load on the joints;
  • decreased feeling of fatigue in the legs;
  • prevention of longitudinal-transverse flatfoot development;
  • distribution of uniform load on the foot.

Orthopedic apophores for correcting longitudinal-transverse platypodia are a design in which there is a supinator located in the area of ​​the inboard arch of the foot. In the overflow zone there is a rise.

In the area of ​​the heel, the product deepens. The transverse arch of the foot rests on the metatarsal pillow. One of the most important components are blades.

Orthopedic insoles are manufactured with longitudinally transverse flat feet from different materials: cork, metal, latex.

Orthopedic insoles for longitudinal-transverse flat feet can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks or ordered.

It should be noted that insole, manufactured individually, will be more expensive than ready-made, but their effectiveness is much higher.

To make them, a plaster cast of the foot is made, and then the insole pours out of it. In terms of quality, it will not be worse than the purchased one.

Orthopedic products that are used for longitudinally transverse flatfoot, light, elastic, practically weightless and even at low temperatures do not change their properties.

In addition, corrective products are able to take on the impact load when walking. That's why they are called shock absorbers.

Orthopedic insoles with flat feet also have an optimal degree of rigidity.

In addition, orthopedic insoles are wear-resistant, they do not undergo deformation during long-term use and do not lose properties.

More expensive types contain rubber, so they are eco-friendly.

Many of the insoles are anti-allergic, that is, do not cause an allergic reaction due to the components that make up their composition.

Another undeniable advantage is that they are antibacterial, that is, after their use, there is no unpleasant odor from the feet.

The heel part of the products for correcting the longitudinal-transverse deformation of the foot has a small depression. This contributes not only to the distribution of the load during movement, but also to the removal of pain.

In the heel part, the frame of the insole has a recess for correct placement of the foot during movements (walking and standing), contributing to a uniform distribution of the load on the entire apparatus of the foot.

Regardless of the type of instep arresters (individual or purchased) you need to know how to properly wear them.

If preference is given to shop structures, then it is necessary to ensure that their size is exactly the same as shoes.

Otherwise, there will be no curative effect, legs will not only ache, but will swell.

To install insole with transversely-longitudinal flat feet in shoes is necessary from the heel.

The front of them performs a secondary support function, so you need to properly distribute the heel support parts.

Corrective products are put in everyday shoes. In this case, the factory insoles must be pulled out. You can not wear them together.

Check whether fit orthopedic insoles fit flat feet, very simple: if it is convenient for them to walk, run, jump and in During these procedures, there is no pain, discomfort, excessive muscle tension, then, the corrective structure is ideally suited for feet.

Many people are asking themselves: Should orthopedic insoles be installed in winter sports shoes when longitudinally transverse flat feet? Doctors recommend wearing corrective products every day, including winter footwear. For sandals, special cuffs are provided.

Such inventions can be worn not only by adults, but also by children. And with their help it is possible to prevent the development of flat feet in the child.

As with any product, you should take care of the insole. Wipe them with wet wipes. Do not wash under hot water and dry on heating appliances.

A source: http://ortopedia03.ru/ploskostopie/stelki-ortopedicheskie-pri-prodolno-poperechnom-ploskostopii.html

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