Olfen plaster: instruction

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  • 1"Olfen" (plaster): instructions for use, price, description, reviews
    • 1.1Composition, packaging and description
    • 1.2Features of the drug
    • 1.3Action medication
    • 1.4Pharmacokinetics
    • 1.5Indications for use
    • 1.6Contraindications of local remedies
    • 1.7Olfen plaster: instructions for use
    • 1.8Step-by-step use of the drug
    • 1.9Adverse Events
    • 1.10Cases of overdose
    • 1.11Drug Interactions
    • 1.12Price and analogues of the preparation
    • 1.13Reviews about the medicine
  • 2Olfen plaster - instruction, application, price reviews
    • 2.1The composition of the plaster and its characteristics
    • 2.2Principle of the patch work
    • 2.3Indications and contraindications
    • 2.4Instruction for the plaster
    • 2.5special instructions
    • 2.6Cost and customer reviews
  • 3Olfen plaster: price, instructions and references
    • 3.1Description
    • 3.2Side effects
    • 3.3Where to buy and the cost
  • 4Olfen
    • 4.1Composition
    • 4.2Form of issue
    • 4.3pharmachologic effect
    • 4.4Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
    • 4.5Indications for use
    • 4.6Contraindications
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.7Side effects
    • 4.8Instructions for Use Olfen (Method and Dosage)
    • 4.9Overdose
    • 4.10Interaction
    • 4.11Terms of sale
    • 4.12Storage conditions
    • 4.13Shelf life
    • 4.14Reviews
    • 4.15Price Olfena, where to buy
    • 4.16Pharmacy24
    • 4.17PaniApoteka
    • 4.18BIOSPHERE
  • 5Olfen plaster: indications and rules of use
    • 5.1Olfen plaster: the main characteristics
    • 5.2How does the "Olfen" bandage work?
    • 5.3Indications for use
    • 5.4In what cases is the Olfen plaster applied?
    • 5.5Possible side effects
    • 5.6Application of a plaster to children, pregnant and lactating women

"Olfen" (plaster): instructions for use, price, description, reviews

What is the purpose of the Olfen patch? The instruction and indications of this tool will be presented below. Also, you will learn about the properties of this drug, whether it has analogues, how much it costs, what the patients say about it.

Composition, packaging and description

What are the components of the Olfen preparation? The plaster contains an active substance such as diclofenac. Also, the drug includes in its composition various additional components, including menthol.

The transdermal patch goes on sale in an amount of 2 pieces. It is packed in paper-aluminum-polyethylene bags. In one cardboard pack contains 1 bag.

It should also be noted that there are other forms of the drug in question. In pharmacies you can find gel, candles, dragees, solution, capsules and tablets "Olfen". All of the listed forms also contain diclofenac (as the main substance).

Features of the drug

What is Olfen? The plaster is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is intended for local use only.

Action medication

How does the drug "Olfen" work? The patch retains its therapeutic activity for a long time (about 12 hours).

The innovative form of this drug promotes a uniform release of the active substance (i.e., diclofenac), which is distributed on the selected painful area of ​​the skin.

Just like the gel "Olfen a patch, or rather its contents (impregnation) quickly falls into the tissues, reducing pain, inflammation and swelling.

It should also be noted that this means can also have a cooling effect. This is of great importance in stretching, bruising, pain in the back and joints.

Similar properties are possessed by the gel "Olfen". It is also designed for outdoor use. The active substance of the preparation through the skin penetrates into the tissues and accumulates at the site of application.

This medication acts as an analgesic. It accelerates recovery, reduces the expression of edema, cools the skin and removes inflammation.

With regard to other forms of release of the drug, they also have analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. These remedies are very effective at painful sensations of inflammatory nature.


After using the external agent (gel or patch), its active substance is found in the synovial membrane, blood plasma and synovial fluid.

The degree of connection of the drug with plasma proteins is 100%. The time of its half-elimination is 70-120 minutes.

Indications for use

What is the purpose of the doctors prescribing Olfen to patients? The plaster, the price of which is indicated at the end of the article, is actively used for symptomatic treatment of edema, pain and inflammation that occur when:

  • bursitis;
  • damage to soft tissues (eg, injuries to tendons, ligaments, muscle tissue, joints);
  • tendonitis;
  • degenerative rheumatism (with local forms);
  • shoulder syndrome;
  • rheumatism of soft tissues (with localized forms);
  • periarthropathy.

Similar indications for use have other forms of the drug "Olfen".

Contraindications of local remedies

Do you know the reasons why you should never use Olfen? The instruction says about the following contraindications of the means under consideration:

  • burns;
  • hypersensitivity to the constituent substances of the drug;
  • eczema;
  • the presence in an anamnesis of acute rhinitis, asthma attacks or urticaria, caused by the intake of NSAIDs;
  • open skin lesions;
  • exacerbation of gastric ulcer diseases (for oral forms);
  • infection of the skin.

Olfen plaster: instructions for use

How should I use this medication?

The instruction says that the Olfen plaster should be glued only to a sore spot 1 or 2 times a day. At the same time, the skin area on which the remedy is to be used should be clean and dry. It is strictly forbidden to lubricate it with any cream or ointment.

Apply the patch without stretching it. If this drug is to be glued on the area of ​​the moving joints (for example, on the elbows, knees, etc.), then it is recommended to fix it by means of a mesh bandage.

Before performing hygiene procedures, the patch should be removed and then glued again.

Step-by-step use of the drug

Plaster "Olfen reviews about which are positive, should be applied as indicated in the instructions:

  • Carefully remove the protective film.
  • Ensure that there are no wounds, burns or scratches on the skin.
  • Glue the patch lightly with your hands.

It is highly not recommended to allow contact of an anesthetic patch with mucous membranes. It should also be noted that after using it, you should thoroughly wash your hands.

The duration of therapy by the agent in question and the number of patches that must be used per day should be determined only by the attending physician.

Most often, adults are assigned 2 patches per day for two weeks. If after applying the medication the pain sensations do not disappear, then it is necessary to increase the amount of the drug per day.

Adverse Events

Side effects after application of this drug appear as light temporary reactions on the skin (local character).

Very rarely patients have pustular eruptions, allergies, bronchial asthma, as well as reactions of photosensitivity and hypersensitivity, itching, angioedema and burning of the skin.

Also, the following reactions are possible: rashes, erythema, eczema and dermatitis.

Cases of overdose

Information about an overdose of this drug was not reported.

However, experts argue that when using higher doses of "Olfena" in patients, systemic side effects may occur.

In this case, appropriate measures should be taken to eliminate intoxication.

Drug Interactions

Experts argue that the drug "Olfen" can increase the blood levels of lithium drugs, "Methotrexate "Cyclosporine" and "Digoxin." It also helps to reduce the effectiveness of diuretics.

Against the background of taking anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents and thrombolytic agents, the risk of bleeding increases.

With the simultaneous administration of the drug with potassium-sparing diuretics, the likelihood of developing hyperkalemia increases.

"Olfen" reduces the effect of hypoglycemic, hypotensive and hypnotics. It also increases the likely occurrence of adverse reactions of GCS and other NSAIDs.

Price and analogues of the preparation

How much is the drug "Olfen" (plaster)? The price of this tool is quite high. For 2 patches you will have to pay about 250 rubles.

If the use of the medicine in question is unacceptable, then doctors must choose the appropriate analogue.

So what can I replace the drug "Olfen" (plaster)? Analogues of this tool can always be found in the pharmacy.

They include the following medicines: Fanigam, Dentokind, Inzen, Nimid, Voltaren, Vicodin and others.

Reviews about the medicine

Reviews about the plaster in question, as well as other forms of this drug, are mostly positive. Patients note the convenience of using this tool and its high effectiveness.

After using the patch all pain sensations in the place of gluing completely disappear. Also, inflammation is eliminated and edema is removed.

A source: http://.ru/article/216240/olfen-plastyir-instruktsiya-po-primeneniyu-tsena-opisanie-otzyivyi

Olfen plaster - instruction, application, price reviews

Olfen plaster is a remedy for relieving inflammation and pain syndrome. The use of the drug is acceptable in different situations, from injuries to inflammation of the musculoskeletal system.

Olfen can be found in different dosage forms, but it is the adhesive plaster that is most popular. About how and for what purposes you can use Olfen patch we will discuss later in the article.

Also, we provide information on the cost, reviews and special recommendations for this transdermal remedy.

The composition of the plaster and its characteristics

Causes of joint pain

At the heart of this patch is an active ingredient called diclofenac, which is considered not a narcotic analgesic and refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This substance is able to penetrate deep into the skin and exert such effects:

  • Reduce the symptoms of inflammatory processes.
  • To stop the pain syndrome.
  • Eliminate swelling.
  • Minimize the feeling of stiffness in the joints.

Also in the composition there are additional components, such as menthol, which has a cooling effect.

This composition allows the plaster to work on the principle of local anesthetic. But the band-aid is not the only form of release of the drug.

In pharmacies, Olfen can be found in the form of gel, candles, capsules and tablets, as well as solutions.

Principle of the patch work

Olfen transdermal patch anti-inflammatory

Olfen transdermal patch is not a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug solely for local effects. The duration of exposure and therapeutic activity of the product is about 12 hours.

Thanks to the innovative form of the Olfen adhesive plaster, the product allows the active substance to be uniformly distributed and distributed over the necessary area of ​​the body. It is also worth noting that the substance very quickly penetrates to the focus of inflammation and relieves pain, which is especially valuable when stretching, bruising and other injuries.

The same properties have other forms of release of the drug that promote recovery, reduce swelling and give the skin a feeling of coolness.

As a result of the therapeutic course with the use of external means in the form of patches and gel-like ointments Olfen, diclofenac can be found in the synovial fluid and the membrane, as well as in blood plasma.

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The duration of excretion of the active substance is about 2 hours. The connection of the preparation with the protein is equal to one hundred percent.

Indications and contraindications

Transdermal plaster Olfen Mefa

Application Olfen is actively practiced in the therapeutic treatment of edema and inflammatory processes, as well as for relief of pain, which is observed in such diseases and injuries as:

  • Inflammation of the synovial bag with accumulation of exudate.
  • Contusion of soft tissue.
  • Tendonitis.
  • Degenerative rheumatism.
  • Shoulder Syndrome.
  • Rheumatism of soft tissue.
  • Periarthropathy.

As the instructions for use indicate, the product is contraindicated when:

  • Burns.
  • Hypersensitivity to ingredients in the ingredients.
  • Eczema.
  • Sharp rhinitis.
  • Hives.
  • Open lesions of the skin.
  • Exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Infections on the skin.

Instruction for the plaster

Application of Olphen transdermal patch

In the instructions to the plaster it is clearly prescribed that it can be fixed only on the sick part of the body at a maximum of twice a day.

Before fixing the skin should be cleaned and dried, use any additional means (for example, cream, ointment, lotion) is prohibited.

When fixing the plaster on the body, it does not need to be stretched, and when the product is applied to the mobile joints, it is better to use the mesh bandage further.

Before taking a bath or shower, the adhesive should be peeled off, after which, if necessary, use a new one.

Manufacturers of the patch indicated a special sequence of actions, so that the fixation of the product on the body was performed correctly.

Adhering to such simple rules, the effectiveness of the product will be guaranteed by one hundred percent.

Your actions should be as follows:

  1. Make sure that there is no damage to the skin, in the place of the forthcoming fixation of the adhesive plaster.
  2. Open the package with the product.
  3. Remove the protective coating from the patch.
  4. Apply the plaster to the body, making a light pressing hand movement.

Avoid contact of the patch with mucous membranes, and before use, wash and disinfect hands thoroughly.

The length of the therapeutic course, respectively, and the number of adhesive tapes that will be needed for treatment, can be determined by the doctor only after the examination.

As a rule, adults are prescribed 2 applications for 14 days. If after such a course the pain syndrome does not pass, the number of applications per day is increased.

special instructions

Instructions for use of the Olfen plaster

Unfortunately, the appearance of side effects after using the patch can still appear as skin rashes of a local nature. In rare cases, allergic manifestations are noted, bronchial asthma, itching and burning, hypersensitivity to light. Even more rarely, eczema, dermatitis and erythema may occur.

There is no confirmatory information about the likelihood of an overdose. But according to many physicians, the use of an increased dose of Olfena can lead to unexpected and very deplorable consequences. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently conduct measures to intoxicate the body.

According to doctors, the action of the plaster and the drug, in any other dosage form, can increase the level the content in the blood of lithium, and reduce the effectiveness of treatment with diuretics, after which hyperkalemia may develop.

Also, when using a patch in combination with the use of anticoagulants and thrombolytic drugs, the risk of hemorrhages increases.

Even Olfen reduces the effects of hypoglycemic and hypnotic drugs, can provoke side effects in the form of reactions of GCS and other NSAIDs.

Cost and customer reviews

Dolobien gel for joint pain

Let's hasten to note that the price for this transdermal patch is not small. To buy 2 stickers, you have to spend at least 250 rubles. Not every person agrees to give such money for "some incomprehensible sticker."

To purchase adhesive plaster, do not need a doctor's recipe, the products are on sale. In one package can be from 1 to 10 products.

If for any reason you are prohibited from using such a product, a specialist should select the same drug with maximum efficiency.

Alfen, like many other medicines, can be replaced with similar drugs that are freely available in any pharmacy. Among the analogs are Fanigam, Inzen, Nimid, Dolobene, Voltaren, Vicodin and many others.

The table below shows the cost of Olfen in a different dosage form, as well as the prices of popular analogues.

Name of the preparation and form of release. Cost

Olfen Gel (20g) 325руб.
Olfen Roll-on gel (50g) 445руб.
Olfen-50 tablets p / o 50 mg (20 pcs.) 580руб.
Olfen-100 capsules of prolonged action 100mg (20pcs.) 585руб.
Olfen-75 solution for injection 2ml / amp. (5 pieces.) 645руб.
Olfen plaster transdermal 140ml (5pc.) 725руб.
Olfen transdermal patch 140ml (10pcs.) 1190руб.
TylOlfen Hot powder for oral solution packaged 20 g (6 pcs.) 410руб.
Doloben Gel (50g) 320-410руб.
Voltaren plaster 15mg (2pcs.) 215rub.
Inzen drops orally (50ml) 750rub.
Nimide tablets (100pcs.) 1300руб.

In a greater degree, customer feedback about the adhesive is positive. Many note the convenience of using a transdermal drug, others - its striking performance.

The maximum number of "testers" confirm the passage of all pain sensations in the place of fixing the adhesive plaster, almost immediately after application. There is also marked inflammation and swelling.

A source: http://potdt.ru/plastyri-ot-zabolevanij/olfen.html

Olfen plaster: price, instructions and references

Olfen is an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. A wide range of its uses ensures the availability of medication in virtually every home medicine cabinet.

After all, it is used in many situations - from trauma to chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The drug exists in many dosage forms.

And a form such as a band-aid has earned a lot of positive feedback.

Olfen plaster has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties


The active substance of the drug is diclofenac, which belongs to the group of non-narcotic analgesics, to be more precise, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The substance penetrates through the skin in the interior of the underlying tissues. On the damaged structures, Olfen has the following effects:

  • Reduces signs of inflammation.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Eliminates swelling of the tissues and morning stiffness in the joints.

The transdermal patch contains 140 mg of the active ingredient.

The mechanism of action of Olfena is due to the effect on the synthesis of inflammatory mediators, including the formation of prostaglandins, in the lesion focus.

As additional substances in the composition is menthol, which has a cooling property. Thus, the patch has a local anesthetic effect.

According to the instructions, Olfen is applied topically. The plaster is applied to the area of ​​greatest soreness. At the same time, there should be no violation of the integrity of the skin in the intended place of application.

For better attachment of the product, it is necessary to clean and wipe the skin dry. Then it is necessary to remove the transparent protective layer from the Olfen plaster, place it on the skin area and smooth down the smoothing movements.

Recommendations of doctors advise to use Olfen plaster twice a day - in the morning and evening.

Plaster Olfen should be strengthened in the area of ​​greatest soreness

After applying the drug transdermal system, it is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly, since the ingestion of an active substance on sensitive mucous membranes can cause a pronounced irritation.

The duration of such treatment is determined by the disease and the degree of activity of the pathological process.

To avoid the development of side effects, you should try to avoid a course of treatment lasting more than two weeks.

Indications and contraindications

According to the instructions for use, it is recommended to use Olfen in inflammatory and traumatic injuries of ligaments, tendons, articular apparatus and muscular skeleton.

With damages of soft tissues and structures of the musculoskeletal system, the product significantly improves well-being and eliminates the main symptoms of diseases.

Testimonies indicate that it is the rapid onset of an analgesic effect that gives the drug an advantage in comparison with other drugs similar in effect.

Most often, the transdermal patch is indicated for use in the following pathological conditions:

  • Contusions.
  • Dislocation.
  • Stretching and tearing of ligaments, tendons.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Spondyloarthritis.
  • Tendovaginitis.
  • Bursitis.
  • Arthropathy of various genesis.

Acute arthritis and arthrosis - indications for the use of plaster

When considering the characteristics of the drug should take into account contraindications. Like any other drug, Olfen is contraindicated to use if available allergic manifestations of diclofenac and other drugs from the group of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The guideline recommends caution in the use of transdermal Allen to persons with severe impairment functions of the liver and kidneys, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, cardiac insufficiency.

As well as special attention requires the use of funds by elderly people.

This is due to the fact that at this age usually accumulates the burden of chronic diseases, in addition to this, there is often a slowing down of metabolic processes.

Side effects

Reviews and instructions indicate that the likelihood of side effects is low. Despite this, the use of the drug is best to start only according to the appointment of a qualified specialist.

This will help make treatment more rational and will avoid side effects, as well as complications from incorrect therapy.

Studies show that when using a patch, the incidence of undesirable effects after anti-inflammatory therapy is significantly lower than when using tablets or injections.

Of local reactions after the use of Olfena may be the emergence of an allergic reaction in the form of moderate itching, rashes.

It is important to note that if long-term, uncontrolled use of the Olfen patch, then systemic side effects may occur in the form of dyspeptic disorders, abdominal pain, gastritis, fluid retention, edema, increased blood pressure, and others. The same applies to cases of additional intake of tableted and injectable forms of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The use of olfen can cause an allergic reaction in the form of moderate itching

Where to buy and the cost

You can buy a transdermal patch at the pharmacy. And this does not require a doctor's prescription. The package may contain 1, 2, 5 or 10 pieces. On average, the price of a pack of five Olfen patches is on average , 00 rubles.

Perhaps for someone this price will not be quite acceptable, but the reviews say that the high efficiency of the drug justifies a considerable price.

A source: http://protdt.ru/obezbolivajushhie/plastyr-olfen-cena-instrukcija-i-otzyvy



Olfen has an active ingredient in itdiclofenac.

Additional components: lactic acid, isopropyl alcohol, hydroxyethyl cellulose, purified water, di-isopropyl adipate, sodium metabisulphite, hydroxypropylcellulose.

Form of issue

The product is issued in the form ofgel, plasterandcandles. More rare forms - dragees, capsules, solution, tablets.

pharmachologic effect

The medicine belongs tonon-steroidal anti-inflammatorymeans intended for topical administration.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

GelOlfen is for external use only. The active substance enters through the skin and accumulates in the tissues at the site of application.

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In the presence of inflammation acts asanalgeticmeans, reduces the degree of swelling, speeds up recovery, removes inflammation, cools the skin.

After application, the active substance is found in the blood plasma, synovial membrane and synovial fluid.

The degree of communication of the drug with plasma proteins is almost 100%. The half-life of plasma is 60-120 minutes.

PatchOlfen is a long-acting agent (up to 12 hours), its innovative form ensures a uniform release of the active substance (diclofenac) on the selected skin area.

He, like the gel, gets into the tissues through the skin and reduces pain, swelling and inflammation.

In addition, the tool has a cooling effect, which is of great importance in case of bruises, pains in the joints and back, stretching.

Other forms of preparation also haveanti-inflammatory, antipyreticandanalgesicact. They are effective in the pain of inflammatory nature.

Indications for use

This drug is used when symptomatic treatment of pain, edema and inflammation is necessary when:

  • damage to soft tissues: injuries of muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments;
  • bursitis;
  • local formsdegenerative rheumatism;
  • tendonite;
  • localized formsrheumatismsoft tissues;
  • shoulder syndrome;
  • periarthropathy.


The medicine can not be taken at:

Side effects

Side effects are mainly seen in the form of light temporary skin reactions of a local nature.

Rarely notedallergy, pustularrashes,bronchial asthma, hypersensitivity reactions and photosensitivity,angioedema, pruritus, burning of the skin. In addition, the following are possible:

  • rashes;
  • erythema;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis.

Instructions for Use Olfen (Method and Dosage)

The gel is applied depending on the surface area of ​​the area to be treated. Usually, 2-4 g of gel (about 1-2 cm) are applied per 400-800 square meters. cm of the skin. The remedy is applied 3-4 times during the day.

It is applied to the affected area, but not rubbed. Daily dosage is not more than 15 g. The instruction for Olfen in the form of a gel informs you that it can be used simultaneously with other forms of this drug.

The course of application depends on individual indications and the causes of therapy. Experts recommend to check the feasibility of its continuation after two weeks.

But you can not use the gel for more than 14 consecutive days with soft tissues or the presence ofrheumaticdiseases of soft tissues. In case of pain caused byarthritis, the course is no longer than 21 days, unless the specialist has appointed otherwise.

If after a week the condition is no longer better, it is advisable to stop using the gel and consult a doctor.

If you use an Olfen patch, the instructions for use tell you that you need to paste it on the affected area 1-2 times a day. The skin where the product is used should be clean and dry.

Do not pre-lubricate it with cream. You need to apply the patch without stretching it.

When used in the field of moving joints, for example, on elbows, it is desirable to strengthen it by means of a mesh bandage.

Before the hygienic procedures, the patch can be removed and then pasted again.

For children 6-12 years old it is better to use a medicine in the form of tablets of 25 mg of usual duration of action. The daily dosage is 2 mg / kg.

In the presence ofjuvenile rheumatoid arthritisit can be increased by another 1 mg / kg.

Tablets are taken whole, before meals, not chewing, washed down with water.

PillsprolongedActions are taken at 100 mg once a day. In the presence ofdismenoreaand seizuresmigraineis prescribed up to 200 mg per day.

In a form intended for internal administration, the maximum daily dosage of the drug is 150 mg. Before administration, dilute the agent in 100-500 ml,% saline solution or 5% dextrose solution, before adding sodium bicarbonate solution 1 ml,% solution or, ml,%.

Depending on the pain, the infusion is carried out for 30-180 minutes. To prevent postoperative pain, the drug is administered for 15-60 minutes in a dosage of 25-50 mg.

Further infusion is carried out at a rate of 5 mg / h until the maximum daily dosage (150 mg) is reached.

It is also possible to intramuscular injection (150 mg once) to treat acute conditions or prevent exacerbation of a chronic disease.

The treatment is then continued with the administration of Olfena in the forms intended fororalapplication. The maximum daily dosage is still 150 mg.

Alfen suppositons are used rectally in a dosage of 100 mg with initial signs of an attackmigraine. If necessary, inject the same dose repeatedly.


No cases of overdose with this drug have been reported. When using the drug in elevated doses, systemic side reactions may occur. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures, as in case of intoxicationNSAIDsfor oral use.


Olfen increases the plasma contentMeotrexate, lithium preparations, DigoxinandCyclosporine.

In addition, it helps to reduce the effectiveness ofdiuretics, on the backgroundanticoagulants,thrombolyticandantiaggregantdrugs increases the risk of bleeding.

When interacting withpotassium-sparingdiureticsincreases the likelihood ofhyperkalemia.

Reduces the effectantihypertensive, hypoglycemicandhypnoticspreparations.

Increases the possibility of adverse reactions from othersNSAIDsandGCS(in especially frequent cases - bleeding from the digestive tract). In addition, it increases the toxicityMethotrexateand nephrotoxicityCyclosporine.

Combination of the drug withParacetamolmakes the development of nephrotoxic effects of the active substance Olfen more likely.

When interacting withethanol, Corticotropin, Colchicineand the means, which contain St. John's wort, increases the risk of bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicines leading tophotosensitivityincreasesensitizingthe action of active substance Olfena to ultraviolet.

Medications-blockerstubular secretionincrease the contentdiclofenacin plasma, therefore, adjustments of its dosages are necessary.

Terms of sale

The product is dispensed without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The optimum temperature for storing the drug is up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life

The patch can be used for 4 months from the date of opening the package and 6 months when stored in the refrigerator.

Gel and candles are stored for up to 3 years.


Reviews of the Olfen patch and other dosage forms of this drug are predominantly positive. People note the convenience of its use and the effectiveness of the action.

Price Olfena, where to buy

The price of Olfena largely depends on the form of release. Gel can often be found in Ukrainian pharmacies. In tubes of 50 g, it costs about 70 hryvnia, and in tubes of 20 g - about 50 hryvnia.

In addition, a popular form of the drug is a patch. It is also sold mainly in Ukraine. The price of the Olfen plaster is about 85 hryvnia. Buy plaster in Kiev and other cities of Ukraine can be practically in any pharmacy.

  • Internet pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Olfen gel 1% tuba 50gMefa (Switzerland)
  • Olfen SR Depocaps. 100mg №20Mefa (Switzerland)
  • Olfen lactab tablets 50mg No. 20Mefa (Switzerland)
  • Olfen rectal capsules 100mg №5Mefa (Switzerland)


  • Olfen SR Depocaps. 100mg №20Mefa
  • Olfen SR Depocaps. 100mg №20Mefa
  • Olfen SR Depocaps. 100mg №20Mefa
  • Olfen SR Depocaps. 100mg №20Mefa
  • Olfen SR Depocaps. 100mg №20Mefa


  • Tylolfen hot # 12 por.d / r-ra for oral administration Nobil Ilach Sanayi ve Tidjaret A.Sh. (Turkey)
  • Olfen SR Depocapsum 100 mg No. 20 caps. Seduction. Mepha (Switzerland)
  • Olfen 140 mg No. 2 transderm patch.
  • Olfen Lactab 50 mg No. 20 tablets. Mepha (Switzerland)
  • Olfen-Recoctups 100 mg No. 5 caps. RP Scherer GmbH, Germany for Mefa Ltd (Germany)

NOTE! Information about medicines on the site is a reference-generalizing, collected from public sources and can not serve as a basis for making a decision about the use of medications in the course of treatment. Before using Olphen, be sure to consult your doctor.

A source: http://medside.ru/olfen

Olfen plaster: indications and rules of use

Acute inflammatory pains are familiar to almost everyone, so today, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are very popular.

And if you previously used more internal drugs or injections, now most patients prefer local forms.

Actively used gels and ointments of local action, but more recently, a new drug in the form of a patch.

It is a convenient way to relieve pain and inflammation on your own. It is very easy to use, so it has positive feedback. The most popular for today is the "Olfen" patch. In what cases is this agent prescribed and how to use it correctly?

Olfen plaster: the main characteristics

Plaster "Olfen" is a modern non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It acts locally due to transdermal properties.

The key active component of the drug is diclofenac.

This is a known analgesic substance that penetrates deeply into the layers of tissues and acts directly on the focus of pain.

This non-steroidal analgesic substance has a strong effect, so its application in the form of a patch removes a number of possible side effects.

Additionally, the composition of the drug includes several other components. Menthol deserves special attention, which gives a cooling and relaxing effect.

"Olfen" comes in the form of a patch, two pieces per pack. In pharmacies, you can also find other forms of drugs with a similar name. This is a group of strong anti-inflammatory drugs.

In general, the patch "Olfen" has this effect:

  • Removes the symptoms of local inflammatory processes;
  • Relieves painful sensations;
  • Eliminates and prevents swelling;
  • Relaxes the joints;
  • Cools the focus of defeat;
  • Does not create a heating effect.

How does the "Olfen" bandage work?

"Olfen" is used exclusively for topical use, it has transdermal properties, which means that its components are able to penetrate the skin covering. It is widely used in the therapy of inflammatory processes, has an average duration of action, about 12 hours.

The patch is created using the latest technology. Therefore, it is glued to the site of inflammation and in just a few minutes the active substances penetrate through the skin, stopping the foci. The form of the drug allows you to evenly distribute the necessary components throughout the affected area.

The active substance of diclofenac is able to penetrate the center and block the enzyme. As a result, the production of arachidonic acid ceases and the inflammatory process does not develop.

Menthol, which is a part, neutralizes the local nerve endings, thus relieving pain syndrome. Complete disappearance of the symptoms of the disease occurs in 30-40 minutes.

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Indications for use

The "Olfen" patch is actively gaining popularity, it is increasingly used to treat inflammatory processes of the following character:

  • Contusions and soft tissue injuries;
  • Rheumatism of acute and chronic nature;
  • Acute shoulder syndrome (shooting pains in one of the shoulder joints);
  • Stretching, trauma, bruises, joint dislocation;
  • In fractures, in places where it is impractical to impose a cast;
  • Lupus erythematosus and other systemic inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • Osteochondrosis.

It is very easy to apply a band-aid, therefore, patients with chronic diseases use it at home. But do not forget about contraindications.

In what cases is the Olfen plaster applied?

At first glance it may seem that this drug is absolutely harmless. But its composition includes potent substances, although not of a narcotic nature. Therefore, there are a number of important contraindications:

  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (diclofenac very often there is a reaction);
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • Allergic rashes, for example, urticaria, sweating;
  • Atopic dermatitis and eczema;
  • Open wounds, mucous lesions of the skin;
  • Burning lesions of various degrees;
  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Period of exacerbations of peptic ulcer;
  • Acute form of rhinitis and sinusitis.

Possible side effects

The drug was tested using the latest technology. It was proved that side effects are extremely rare, with no more than 5% of patients.

However, it is worthwhile to know about possible reactions, they have such manifestations:

  • A slight reddening of the skin in the place of glue sticking;
  • Itching or burning sensation;
  • Hives and other allergic small rash;
  • Slight puffiness.

With abuse of the drug "Olfen" may additionally show headache, a fear of light, swelling of Quincke. But such reactions occur only with a strong overdose and very rarely.

Application of a plaster to children, pregnant and lactating women

As for childhood, all specialists unanimously point out the refusal to use children under 12 years old.

Pregnant women are prescribed drugs from the group "Olfen including plaster, but only if the benefit exceeds the harm. Indications can be severe pain as a result of inflammatory processes in the joints, which complicate movement.

In the first trimester, it is not recommended to take any medications, including local medicines. But the tests did not confirm the harm to the health of the mother or the growing body.

In the second trimester, use a patch for analgesia is allowed. Critical is the last trimester, which prohibits the use of the drug in any form.

At these times, diclofenac is capable of provoking premature birth.

During lactation, it is also not recommended for women to use this kind of pain medication. Penetration of the active substance into the blood with regular use can affect the digestive tract of the child.

To increase the effectiveness of the drug, you need to follow the instructions, apply the drugs twice a day, while not using other anti-inflammatory drugs. It is best to consult a doctor before taking the medicine.

A source: https://medportal.su/plastyr-olfen-pokazaniya-i-pravila-primeneniya/



Olfen transdermal patch - NSAID, which has analgesic properties, is intended for topical application. The therapeutic effect is due to the inhibitory effect of diclofenac sodium on the synthesis of prostaglandins.

When the topical drug Olphen transdermal patch active substance penetrates through the skin, reaching subcutaneous tissues, and has analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces edema tissues. When applying Olfen transdermal patch to patients with significant sports injuries, the drug demonstrated an effective analgesic effect compared with placebo.

The concentration of diclofenac in the tissues is maintained by constant penetration from the patch and does not depend on the time of day. The average concentration of the substance in the blood plasma is ≈3 ng / ml.

The mechanism of diclofenac metabolism and excretion after topical application corresponds to oral diclofenac sodium preparations. T½ is 1-2 hours.


local short-term treatment:

  • inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints of traumatic etiology, for example, with sprains of ligaments and tendons, dislocations, bruises;
  • localized forms of rheumatism of soft tissues and joints.


the plaster is applied to the affected area of ​​the body. Apply 1 patch 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening. Before use, remove the transparent film, which protects the surface of the patch. One transdermal patch is designed for continuous use for 12 hours.

The maximum daily dose is 2 patches, even if it is necessary to apply the patch in more than one area. At the same time, it can be used only in one area.

The patch should be used for as short a period as possible.

Duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days.


hypersensitivity to diclofenac, acetylsalicylic acid, other NSAIDs, analgesics or to any component of the drug.

The presence in the history of asthma attacks, urticaria or acute rhinitis caused by the use of acetylsalicylic acid or other NSAIDs.

Exacerbation of stomach and duodenum ulcers, open skin lesions, burns, skin infections or eczema.


from the skin and subcutaneous fat:often - redness, itching, burning and rashes on the skin, sometimes with pustules or blisters; infrequently - hypersensitivity reactions, local allergic reactions, including contact dermatitis; frequency unknown - in patients who used NSAIDs nocarily, noted generalized skin rash, hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema, anaphylactic reactions, reactions photosensitization.

When using the drug in large areas for a long period, it is possible that systemic side effects (such as kidney or gastrointestinal disease, bronchospasm), but the risk of their occurrence is very low compared with oral administration of drugs with diclofenac sodium.


Olfen transdermal patch should not be applied to open wounds (for example, scratches, cuts) or to eczematous skin areas. Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

If, after 3 days of treatment, the patient's condition has not improved or worsened, consult a doctor.

To reduce the risk of side effects, it is necessary to use the minimum effective dose of diclofenac sodium for treatment for as short a period as possible.

In patients with allergies or asthma with the use of NSAIDs in an anamnesis, the occurrence of bronchospasm may occur.

If any skin rash occurs after treatment, treatment should be discontinued.

Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or radiation in the solarium at the site of the drug for approximately 1 day to reduce the risk of photosensitivity.

Although the risk of systemic side effects is minimal, the Olfen transdermal patch should be used with caution patients with impaired renal, cardiac or liver function, with a stomach ulcer and duodenal ulcer in history, intestinal phlegmon or hemorrhagic diathesis.

Patients of advanced age should use NSAIDs with caution because of a greater predisposition to the occurrence of side effects.

Olfen transdermal patch contains propylene glycol and dibutylhydroxytoluene. Propylene glycol can cause skin irritation. Dibutylhydroxytoluene can cause local skin reactions (eg contact dermatitis) or eye and mucosal irritation.

It is not recommended to use any other NSAIDs or drugs containing diclofenac, during the use of the Olfen transdermal patch.

Use during pregnancy or lactation

I and II trimester. Sufficient clinical data regarding the dermal application of diclofenac during pregnancy is not available. In animal studies, reproductive toxicity was revealed after systemic administration of the drug.

Suppressing the synthesis of prostaglandins can negatively affect pregnancy and / or embryo-fetal development of the fetus.

Data from epidemiological studies indicate an increased risk of miscarriage, malformations heart and gastroschisis after the use of inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis in the early stages pregnancy.

It is believed that this risk increases with an increase in the dose of drugs and the duration of therapy.

In the first and second trimester of pregnancy, the dose should be minimal, and the duration of treatment - as short as possible.

III trimester. Diclofenac sodium is contraindicated in the III trimester of pregnancy due to the fact that all inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis can:

cause in the fetus:

  • - cardiopulmonary toxicity (with premature closure of the arterial duct and development of pulmonary hypertension);
  • - renal dysfunction, progressing to renal failure with low saliva;

cause in the mother and child:

  • - prolonged bleeding - the effect associated with the inhibition of platelet aggregation, which can occur even when the drug is used in very low doses;
  • - inhibition of contractions of the uterine muscles, which leads to delay or prolongation of labor.

Lactation. An insignificant amount of diclofenac and its metabolites penetrate into breast milk.

The decision regarding the use of the drug during the period of breastfeeding is taken by the doctor in the presence of significant reasons for its use, when the expected benefit of treatment exceeds the potential risk.

Olfen transdermal patch should not be applied to the mammary glands or large areas of the skin and should not be used for a long time.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or working with other mechanisms. Negative effect is unlikely.

Children. The effectiveness and safety of the Olfen transdermal patch for children under the age of 18 years have not been investigated.


systemic absorption of diclofenac with proper use of the drug Olfen transdermal patch very low in comparison with oral intake, therefore, interaction with other drugs unlikely.


there were no cases of overdose.

If in case of incorrect application or accidental overdose of Olfen drug transdermal patch there will be systemic side effects, appropriate measures should be taken, as with intoxication oral NSAIDs.


at a temperature of no more than 25 ° C. Shelf life after the first opening of the package - 4 months in case of storage at a temperature of not more than 25 ° C and 6 months - in case of storage at 2-8 ° C (in the refrigerator).

Information about the drug for health professionals.

A source: https://compendium.com.ua/info/170580/olfen-transdermal_nyj-plastyr_/