Chlamydia arthritis: symptoms and treatment


  • 1Chlamydial arthritis (Reiter's syndrome)
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2Classification of urogenital reactive arthritis
    • 1.3How does Reiter's disease manifest itself?
    • 1.4Systemic manifestations of Reiter's disease
    • 1.5How to identify urogenital reactive arthritis?
    • 1.6Treatment of Reiter's Disease
  • 2Chlamydial arthritis
    • 2.1Mechanism of disease development
    • 2.2Clinical picture
    • 2.3Diagnostics
    • 2.4Therapeutic tactics
  • 3Chlamydial arthritis: symptoms, causes, types and treatment
    • 3.1general information
    • 3.2Important Features
    • 3.3How to notice
    • 3.4And if the complications
    • 3.5Varieties
    • 3.6Diagnosis
    • 3.7Chlamydia arthritis: symptoms and treatment
    • 3.8Be attentive to your health
    • 3.9Features of the disease
    • 3.10be careful
    • 3.11Concomitant symptoms
    • 3.12Do not delay the trip to the doctor
    • 3.13How to treat
    • 3.14Gender dependence
    • 3.15Features of treatment
    • 3.16Medication Therapy
    • 3.17ethnoscience
  • 4Symptoms and treatment of chlamydial arthritis joints
    • 4.1The essence of pathology
    • 4.2Pathogenesis of the disease
    • 4.3Symptomatic manifestations
    • 4.4Principles of treatment
  • instagram viewer
  • 5Chlamydia arthritis: symptoms and treatment
    • 5.1Main reasons
    • 5.2Symptom Complex
    • 5.3Diagnosis of the disease
    • 5.4Treatment

Chlamydial arthritis (Reiter's syndrome)

Chlamydial arthritis is an acute autoimmune lesion of peripheral joints that occurs after infection of a Clamidia trachomatis patient.

Urogenital arthritis is included in the triad of Reiter's disease (or Fissenger-Leroy-Reiter syndrome) -combined lesion of the urogenital organs in the form of nonspecific urethroprostatitis, inflammation of the eyes and joints.

It should be noted that the simultaneous combination of all three syndromes is classic and is rare. Most often, they occur consecutively, with significant intervals (the so-called "incomplete" form of the disease).

The disease is more common in men and women of sexually active age (20-40 years), although cases in children, adolescents, and elderly people are described.

In addition to chlamydia, the disease can cause:

  • ureaplasmas;
  • mycoplasma;
  • clostridia;
  • Borrelia;
  • streptococci;
  • intestinal infection (Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Yersinia, Shigella);
  • some viruses.


The appearance of this disease does not mean that the chlamydia have penetrated into the joint. The disease refers to "sterile" arthritis, when bacteria or viruses are not found in the joint cavity. The reason for the appearance of pathology is much deeper.

Our immune system sometimes confuses its own cells with pathogenic microorganisms. In this case, the receptors on the chlamydial membrane and on the joint surfaces of the bones are very similar.

Microorganisms play the role of a triggering mechanism of the disease, therefore, under certain conditions (thymoma, excessive immunity function), immune cells can become entangled, and an autoimmune process occurs.

Antibodies interact with antigens, forming circulating immune complexes, damaging their own tissues.

Usually, arthritis is observed in 4% of patients with chlamydia. Even if the patient is completely cured of chlamydia, urogenital manifestations of the disease will disappear, but arthritis without special treatment will flourish.

In the development of the disease, there are 2 consecutive stages:

  • infectious-toxic - clinically manifested by urethritis, characterized by the familiarity of immune cells with chlamydia;
  • autoimmune - there is the formation of autoantibodies, which damage the synovial membrane of the joint.

Classification of urogenital reactive arthritis

With the flow:

  1. acute - active phase of the disease lasts up to 3 months;
  2. lingering - up to 1 year;
  3. chronic - over 1 year;
  4. recurrent - attacks of the immune system occur every six months.

By degree of activity:

  • low;
  • average;
  • high;
  • remission.

On the degree of functional insufficiency of the joints (FNS):

  1. professional ability is preserved;
  2. professional capacity is impaired;
  3. the professional capacity is lost.

How does Reiter's disease manifest itself?

Arthritis is the main manifestation of the disease, it occurs about 1 to 3 months after the onset of urethritis. The preferred joints for the disease are peripheral:

  • knees;
  • ankle;
  • small joints of hands and feet;
  • shoulder;
  • temporomandibular.

It usually affects 1 (monoarthritis) or 2 (oligoarthritis) joint. If the disease is not treated, the inflammatory process can spread to a large number of articulations (polyarthritis). Inflammation is predominantly one-sided (asymmetric).

For small joints is characterized by the development of dactylitis ("sausage-shaped" finger defibration).

Urogenital arthritis usually begins sharply, the joint swells quickly, increases in size, the skin over it is hyperemic. The patient's condition progressively worsens, fever, chills, general weakness, worsening appetite, increased fatigue.

Spondylitis (inflammation of the vertebrae) occurs in 40% of cases, clinically manifested as back pain during physical exertion and at rest.

The muscles surrounding the joint are reduced in volume, up to complete atrophy.

In addition to muscle mass, the pathological process involves: an articular bag (bursitis), tendons (tendinitis), muscle fascia (fasciitis), periostitis (periostitis).

Over time, gait is difficult in patients, lameness, flat feet appear. In some cases, patients complain of "heel spurs" (entesitis).

Systemic manifestations of Reiter's disease

Urethritis occurs usually 7-30 days after sexual intercourse. It occurs little or asymptomatically, most often in patients there are no incisions with urination or excessive discharge.

Patients can not disturb anything, occasionally there are scanty mucous or mucopurulent discharge from urethra, itching, urge to urinate, hyperemia around the external opening of the urethra channel.

Acute cystitis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis occur in 30% of cases. They show dysuric disorders (burning with urination, frequent urge to urinate), appearance in the urine of white blood cells (leukocyturia), protein (proteinuria), a small amount of blood (microhematuria).

The defeat of the skin and mucous membranes is manifested in the form of painless erosions and ulcers (aphthous stomatitis), keratoderma (appearance plaques on the skin, similar to psoriatic), nail dystrophy, balanitis and balanoposthitis (inflammation of the glans penis and extreme flesh).

Changes from the eyes include conjunctivitis, episcleritis, uveitis, iridocyclitis.

The defeat of the nervous system causes radiculitis, peripheral polyneuropathy, encephalopathy.

How to identify urogenital reactive arthritis?

Name of the method. What is found out

General blood analysis - leukocytosis (increase in the number of leukocytes) with a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left; - Thrombocytosis (increase in platelets); - an increase in ESR anemia (a decrease in the number of red blood cells)
General urine analysis - increasing the density of urine; - proteinuria (the appearance of protein in it); - leukocyturia (allocation of leukocytes) microhematuria (erythrocyte isolation)
Blood chemistry The appearance of proteins of the acute phase of inflammation (C-reactive protein, seromucoid, sialic acids), the absence of rheumatoid factor, an increase in the level of α2-globulins
Microscopic examination of synovial fluid - low viscosity; - the liquid is cloudy; - poor formation of the mucinous clot; - increase in the number of leukocytes (more than 7 thousand / mm3), 70% of them - neutrophils; - an increase in the protein content of the bacteria or their residues is not are detected
Smear from the urethra or cervix Detection of Clamidia trachomatis
Serological methods (the reaction of direct and indirect hemagglutination, immunofluorescence) Detection of antibodies (IgG, IgM) in blood and synovial fluid to Clamidia trachomatis
PCR DNA and RNA of microorganisms are found in blood and synovial fluid
Radiography of the joint Narrowing of the inter-articular gap, the appearance of osteophytes, a decrease in bone density (near-joint osteoporosis), erosive-destructive changes
Magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography Methods are more informative than X-ray, show the condition of the periarticular soft tissues and bones
Arthroscopy The essence of the study consists in the introduction into the joint cavity of a special endoscope, allowing one's own eyes to see the changes in the articular membranes and perform their biopsy.
Study of the patient's genes Detection of the histocompatibility antigen of the HLA-B27 system (in 80% of patients)

Treatment of Reiter's Disease

In order for the treatment to make sense, it is necessary to check all the sexual partners of the patient and, in case of an infection, invite them to undergo a course of antibiotic therapy.

Antibacterial treatment:

  • macrolides 2-3 generations - "Azithromycin" - 1g on the first day, then on, r 1p / day for a week;
  • tetracyclines - "Doxycycline hydrochloride" - 100 mg 3 times daily;
  • Fluoroquinolones 2-3 generations - "Levofloxacin" - 400 mg 2p / day or "Ofloxacin" - 200 mg 3p / day or "Ciprofloxacin" - 500 mg 2p / day 5-7 days.

It is not recommended to use penicillins ("Augmentin "Ospamox") and cephalosporins ("Ceftriaxone "Cefepime "Cefazolin"), since they can cause the formation of resistance in chlamydia.

Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are used to reduce the inflammatory process.

The main representatives of this group include: diclofenac sodium ("Orthofen "Naklofen"), nimesulide (Nimesil, Naise), ibuprofen (Ibuprom, Nurofen), piroxicam (Revmoxicam), celecoxib ("Celebrex").

These drugs can be used for external use (in the form of ointments, gels), injections (intramuscular and intraarticular), oral administration (tablets, powders, dragees) or rectally (rectal suppositories).

In chronic course, the hormones of the adrenal cortex ("Prednisolone "Diprospan "Kenalog"), cytostatics ("Methotrexate "Ftorafur"), salad derivatives ("Sulfasalazine") are recommended.

Therapy of conjunctivitis includes the use of anti-inflammatory eye drops ("Sophradex "Normax "Floxal") and eye ointments.

Treatment of skin lesions is carried out with ointments with glucocorticosteroids (hydrocortisone ointment, "Elokom"). In erosive processes, rinses with a solution of furacilin, potassium permanganate, sodium bicarbonate, decoction of chamomile are used in the mouth.

Modern research studies the role of biological agents (specially engineered microorganisms) to treat advanced cases of urogenital reactive arthritis. These include inhibitors of TNF-α (Infliximab, Etanercept, Anakinra).

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Chlamydial arthritis

Back and joint health »Diseases

Chlamydial arthritis is an autoimmune lesion of joints as a result of infection with chlamydia (Clamidia trachomatis).

The disease is transmitted by sexual contact from a sick person or carrier.

Pathology is part of Reiter's triad, along with urethritis and conjunctivitis, and is the most common cause of reactive arthritis.

The disease occurs in people of sexually active age, which usually falls on 20-45 years. Men often develop a vivid clinical picture, and women in most cases are asymptomatic carriers of the pathogen.

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Mechanism of disease development

Chlamydial arthritis refers to the so-called "sterile" joint damage.

In the inflammatory process involves the joint capsule, the synovial membrane, cartilage and adjacent parts of the bone, periarticular soft tissues (ligaments, tendons, muscles).

However, the causative agent does not penetrate into the joint cavity, but causes an autoimmune lesion of the anatomical structures of the articulation.

Chlamydia is a gram-negative bacterium that parasitizes inside the cell and has on its surface receptors similar to connective tissue. In some cases, after infection with chlamydia, the immune system fails.

It begins to produce antibodies not only to pathogens, but also to the cells of the tissues of their own joints.

This process is called an autoimmune reaction and is accompanied by the formation of circulating immune antigen-antibody complexes, attacking and destroying the connective tissue of the locomotor system apparatus.

Clinical picture

Infectious arthritis develops 30-45 days after infection with chlamydia.

In the first place there is chlamydial urethritis, which appears 1-3 weeks after intimate communication with a sick sexual partner.

More vivid clinical signs are observed in male patients, in women, the disease in most cases is hidden.

Chlamydia infection is a common cause of reactive arthritis

Symptoms of a lesion of the urogenital tract include:

  • burning in the urethra or vulva;
  • rezi with urination;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • scanty mucous discharge, sometimes with an admixture of pus, from the urethra or vagina.

The inflammatory reaction of the urogenital tract is soon joined by eye damage. Pathology proceeds with varying degrees of severity and is manifested by conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis.

Symptoms of damage to the organ of vision include:

  1. lacrimation;
  2. redness of the mucous membrane (conjunctiva);
  3. photophobia;
  4. sense of foreign body in the eyes ("sand "mote").

Eye damage in arthritis of chlamydial nature

The last stage in the development of the disease is the defeat of the joints.

A characteristic localization of the pathological process is knee, ankle joints, small articulations of the foot.

With progression, the disease can affect the hands, the spine in the area of ​​sacroiliac joints, the humerus and temporomandibular joint.

Symptoms of defeat of the musculoskeletal system:

  • asymmetric localization - the disease affects the joint on one side of the body;
  • inflammatory changes in articulations - swelling of tissues in the pathology, redness of the skin and increased local temperature;
  • soreness in the joint - is observed at rest, intensified during movement;
  • synovitis - formation of effusion in the joint cavity;
  • deterioration of general state of health - increase in body temperature, weakness, headache, decreased efficiency.

In the inflammatory process usually involves one (monoarthritis) or two joints (oligoartirite). The defeat of three or more articulations (polyarthritis) is much less common.

Defeat of the joints of the toes - swelling and redness of the skin

The appearance of a symptom in the clinical picture of the triad is commonly referred to as Reiter's disease:

  1. defeat of the urogenital tract (urethritis, prostatitis, cervicite);
  2. damage to the organ of vision (conjunctivitis, uveitis, iridocyclitis);
  3. defeat of the joints (ankle, knee, articulation of the foot).

Thus, infectious arthritis has several stages of flow:

  • infectious-toxic - is characterized by inflammatory phenomena in the urogenital tract;
  • autoimmune - is manifested by the synthesis of autoimmune complexes that damage the connective tissue of different localization.

The defeat of the musculoskeletal system can occur with the involvement of the skin (keratoderma), nails (stratification, brittleness nail plates), the oral mucosa (ulcerative stomatitis), the nervous system (polyneuropathy, encephalitis), internal organs (heart, kidney).


For the detection of chlamydial arthritis, anamnesis (history) of the disease is collected, the patient's complaints and objective examination data are evaluated, laboratory and instrumental methods of investigation are prescribed.

Arthritis joint narrowing on X-ray

Laboratory diagnostics:

  1. a common blood test - anemia, leukocytosis (increase in white blood cell count), thrombocytosis (increased platelet count), accelerated ESR;
  2. general urine analysis - leukocyturia (increase in the number of leukocytes), microhematuria (the appearance of red blood cells), proteinuria (the presence of protein), increasing the density of urine;
  3. biochemical analysis of blood - the appearance of C-reactive protein, sialic acid, serumucoids, while there is no rheumatoid factor;
  4. study of synovial fluid - increase in the number of leukocytes due to neutrophils, high protein content, turbidity of the fluid, while pathogens are not detected;
  5. serological analysis - detection of antibodies in blood and joint fluid to chlamydia;
  6. a smear from the vagina and urethra - the detection of the presence of chlamydial infection;
  7. The PCR method is the detection of the genetic material of the pathogen in the biological fluid under study.

Instrumental diagnostics:

  • X-ray examination of the joints - narrowing of the joint gap, cartilage erosion, rarefaction of bone tissue (periarticular osteoporosis), proliferation of bone tissue (osteophytes);
  • CT (computed tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) - reveals pathological changes in bones and periarticular soft tissues;
  • arthroscopy - an endoscopic examination of the internal structures of the joint, which helps to see their changes and get the material for a biopsy.

In the last decade, the relationship between the incidence of reactive arthritis and the carriage of the HLA-B27 gene has been proven, which occurs in 80% of patients with this pathology.

Therapeutic tactics

Treatment of the disease must begin at an early stage of the pathological process. Timely treatment of a doctor reduces the likelihood of progression of the disease and its transition to a chronic recurrent form.

Therapy of arthritis is aimed at eliminating the infectious process and the autoimmune reaction of the body

To treat reactive arthritis of Chlamydia nature conservative methods are used, which include:

  1. antibacterial drugs for the treatment of chlamydia - the most effective drugs from the group of macrolides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones in tableted or injectable form;
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to reduce inflammation and eliminate pain syndrome in affected joints - celecoxib, arkoxia, nimesulide, diclofenac in tablets, injections, rectal suppositories;
  3. steroid hormones (glucocorticoids) in severe arthritis with intense pain syndrome and synovitis - diprospan, kenalog in tablets or intra-articular injections;
  4. basic drugs to reduce autoimmune damage to tissues from the group of cytostatics - methotrexate, plakvenil, sulphasalazine for oral administration;
  5. physiotherapy procedures to normalize blood flow and metabolism in the area of ​​damage - electophoresis with lidase, magnetotherapy, ozocerite, therapeutic mud, radon baths;
  6. therapeutic gymnastics during the recovery period to restore the strength and elasticity of the musculoskeletal system, normal motor activity of the affected joint.

Treatment is conducted in inpatient and outpatient settings under the supervision of specialists - a gynecologist, urologist, ophthalmologist, rheumatologist. Infection with chlamydia requires the treatment of infection to the sexual partner.

Chlamydial arthritis refers to the defeat of the musculoskeletal system of the autoimmune nature. With timely diagnosis and treatment, the disease has a favorable outcome.

In the case of late treatment to a doctor and inadequate therapy, the pathology passes into a chronic form with periods of exacerbation.

This can cause anatomical and functional changes in affected joints and lead to a restriction of motor activity.

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Chlamydial arthritis: symptoms, causes, types and treatment

Chlamydial arthritis usually does not appear as an independent disease, but a complication. Preceded by infectious diseases caused by chlamydia.

general information

Chlamydial arthritis can occur if the infections caused by infection have been diagnosed:

  • prostatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • urethritis;
  • pneumonia.

The causative agent of the disease is introduced into the cartilage of the joint, capsule or membrane. This occurs in 5-15% of all cases of chlamydial infections. The transmission of the disease occurs sexually, and less often - in operations, if sterilized instruments have been used poorly.

Important Features

Chlamydial arthritis often affects the stronger sex. If the infection was infected first, and only arthritis appeared against it, it is customary to talk about post-infection disease. The development of complications with the immune complex of the joint, provoking inflammation, is caused.

In some cases, pathology indicates Reiter's syndrome, when the pathogen affects several body systems at once or gradually. In this case, suffer:

  1. urogenital organs;
  2. mucous eyes;
  3. joints.

The syndrome is diagnosed in patients with chronic chlamydia.

How to notice

Chlamydial arthritis can be suspected for a number of symptoms that occur after the transfer of previously listed diseases. Symptoms of the disease manifest in one and a half, less than two months from the moment of exacerbation of the primary disease.

As a rule, in the beginning the inflammatory process proceeds in an acute form, the tendons and joints suffer:

  • between phalanges;
  • metatarsal;
  • phalangeal;
  • metacarpophalangeal.

Classically reactive chlamydial arthritis is manifested:

  1. stiffness of movements;
  2. swelling;
  3. pain in the joints;
  4. abnormal shade of skin;
  5. high temperature.

If chlamydial arthritis develops, the symptoms are also noticeable in the general condition of the body, which becomes worse:

  • temperature rises;
  • torments weakness;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • sometimes shivering.

And if the complications

Complications - this is a rather characteristic situation, if the chlamydial reactive arthritis has been diagnosed. Treatment is selected based on the manifestations of the disease.

As a rule, complications are expressed in capsular phlegmon, infiltration of body tissues. In addition, it is not unusual for cases when:

  • the synovial membrane becomes hypertrophied;
  • bones, cartilages are affected by erosion;
  • there are ankylosis joints (fibrous, bony).


The division into groups is based on the manifestation of chlamydial arthritis. The signs allow us to talk about:

  1. monoform, when only one joint is affected;
  2. oligoarthritis, when the process covers no more than three joints;
  3. polyform, when lesions are found on more than three joints.


To determine exactly which chlamydial arthritis manifested in children and adults, it is necessary to conduct a series of studies.

First and foremost, X-rays are taken to determine the presence of osteoporosis, which affects the area near the joints.

X-ray shows if there are defects in the bones and what the condition of the joint space is.

To clarify the diagnosis, the following studies are carried out:

  • Ultrasound;
  • an outline;
  • radionuclides;
  • thermography.
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If a patient has chlamydial arthritis of the knee joint, he has a high level of leukocytes. Analyzes show an increased rate of ESR.

Chlamydia arthritis: symptoms and treatment

The method of treatment is chosen, focusing on the particular situation. In most cases, resort to antibiotic therapy. Use drugs with a wide range of effects. Well proven non-steroidal means to forgive inflammation.

If the disease occurs in an acute form, immobilization of the joints should be envisaged. Drugs most effectively enter the affected area.

When the inflammation goes on recession, practice physical exercise, regular gymnastics, physical therapy:

  • Manual;
  • ozone;
  • phyto;
  • balneological.

Be attentive to your health

Chlamydial arthritis is dangerous. Symptoms, types, treatment - this is the information that should be known to everyone, as the disease affects an ever larger percentage of the population. In recent years, the frequency of known cases of medicine is growing literally in an exponential progression.

The defeat of the joints is characterized by a specific inflammation and a peculiar beginning, dissimilar to other diseases.

In clinical research, the disease is diagnosed without difficulty. Suspected of having arthritis, provoked by chlamydia, do not delay treatment to a doctor.

The most effective treatment will be at the very beginning of the illness.

Features of the disease

At the very beginning of development chlamydial arthritis differs:

  1. Stepwise defeat of the joints. Pathology usually first affects the joints from below (stop), from where it gradually moves upwards, embracing the lower leg, knees and beyond.
  2. High rate of inflammation. Only a few days it is necessary for the pathogen to penetrate into several joints, provoking acute inflammation.
  3. Asymmetry, since manifestations usually occur only on one side of the body.
  4. Numerous manifestations (in the inflammation involved from four to six joints).
  5. Pain that intensifies at night, in the morning.

If large joints of the lower extremities have inflamed, it should first of all be suspected of chlamydial arthritis. Treatment will appoint a doctor, focusing on the characteristics of the disease and the volume of the affected area: ointments, injections.

be careful

Let rarely, but in some cases, the infection affects even the spine, upper limbs.

Chlamydial arthritis is characterized by reddening of the skin, a rise in temperature over the affected area.

In some cases, sakroileitis is diagnosed, when the joints located near the sacrum and in the ileum are affected. In this case, the patient suffers from severe pain near the sciatic tubercles.

Not always the inflammation is limited by the joints. It is not uncommon for lesions to cover tendons. The weakest part is the place where they are attached to the bones. If there was inflammation of the tendons of the feet, small pits, diagnose dactylitis.

Concomitant symptoms

A number of manifestations of Reiter's illness are not fixed in all cases, however often enough. It:

  • Structural changes in nails, color changes in the nail plate.
  • Keratoderma, when the skin on the body corns with plaques. Usually manifested on the palms, soles.
  • Spreading of the lymph nodes. First of all, the increase occurs in the groin.
  • Defeat of the kidneys, heart, other systems and organs.

All symptoms are associated with autoimmune processes.

Do not delay the trip to the doctor

Practice shows that patients with chlamydial arthritis turn to doctors, when the disease is already called "what's happening which greatly reduces the quality of life. The pain syndrome prevents, from constant discomfort it is impossible to fence off, there are system physiological changes in an organism.

At this stage, the treatment will be delayed for a long time and will not be easy. But in case the cure was started in the first stages, it will be much easier and faster.

How to treat

Chlamydia arthritis is eliminated in a complex manner. There are several phases. Medications are taken by courses, following the doctor's recommendations.

The course of treatment is chosen, guided by:

  1. form (acute, chronic, relapse, subsided);
  2. level of difficulty (mild, moderate, severe, remission);
  3. origin;
  4. signs (all affected organs are taken into account).

The treatment plan combines:

  • antimicrobial agents;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • immunity-stimulating agents;
  • painkillers;
  • nonsteroidal drugs;
  • exercise therapy;
  • lotions.

Gender dependence

Chlamydial arthritis affects men more than women. The disease is diagnosed in an overwhelming percentage of cases in people who have an active sex life, but in some cases it affects even children. The course of the disease and its treatment for men and women is practically the same.

The main difference in medical measures for chlamydial arthritis is the diagnosis phase. If women need to take a swab from the vagina in order to detect the disease, to determine the presence of pathogenic microflora, men take material from the urethra.

Medicine knows cases of defeat by chlamydial arthritis of elderly people, children, adolescents. This is due to the abundance of methods of infection in the conduct of active social life.

This is due to the fact that small colonies of chlamydia can live in a healthy human body.

With a weakening of immunity, the conditions become optimal for their reproduction, which leads first to urethritis or conjunctivitis, and then to arthritis.

Features of treatment

It is unacceptable to try to cure chlamydial arthritis on its own.

As a rule, self-medication leads not only to complications, but also to additional lesions of different systems and organs, including due to improper selection of medicines.

Usually, antibiotics are used that can not be used without medical supervision, since exposure to the body can be unpredictable.

Arthritis progresses very quickly, and attempts to cure it on their own lead only to a worsening of the situation.

The most common complications for self-medication are:

  • carditis;
  • blood clots;
  • neuritis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • urethritis.

Patients complain of a lasting feeling of fatigue, weakness. Running the process is accompanied by phlegmon and erosion.

Medication Therapy

Chlamydia arthritis can be treated with a broad spectrum of antibiotics:

  1. Chloramphenicol.
  2. "Tetracycline"
  3. "Azalid."
  4. "Macrolide."
  5. Rifampicin.

Choose a drug, analyzing:

  • intracellular permeability;
  • activity of the drug;
  • toxicity;
  • contraindications;
  • features that provoked arthritis of bacteria.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are chosen based on a similar logic. Individual tolerance goes first.

Medication therapy includes:

  1. Ibuprofen.
  2. "Etodolac".
  3. Diclofenac.
  4. "Tenoxicam."


As ancillary means with regular medication the use of folk recipes is allowed. The choice of a prescription should be agreed with the attending physician so that such funds do not come into conflict with prescribed tablets and injections.

The greatest effectiveness shows phytotherapy. A good effect is known:

  • sage;
  • calendula;
  • decoction of birch buds;
  • St. John's Wort.

You can use other herbs that can fight inflammation.

Doctors recommend to supplement conservative therapy with the intake of herbal infusions, which increase immunity. The most effective are eleutherococcus, aralia.

Do not neglect physiotherapy. As a rule, it acts locally on the affected areas, relieving the unpleasant manifestations of the disease.

Treatment in sanatoria, in resorts gives good results. You can resort to methods of magnetic therapy, ozone, to massage.

An integrated approach allows to eliminate manifestations of the disease and prevent their occurrence in the future.

A source: http://.ru/article/309614/hlamidiynyiy-artrit-simptomyi-prichinyi-vidyi-i-lechenie

Symptoms and treatment of chlamydial arthritis joints

Chlamydial arthritis is considered a complex and dangerous pathology; develops more often together with defeat of eyes and urinogenital system.

Modern medications can effectively combat the disease. It is important not to bring it to a failed state and to conduct treatment in a timely and adequate manner.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease should be under the watchful eye of the doctor.

The essence of pathology

Chlamydial arthritis is an acute joint disease of an autoimmune nature that develops against the background of an infection or after a chlamydial infection.

As a rule, peripheral joints suffer the most.

The pathogen microorganism of chlamydia Clamidia trachomatis is considered to be the culprit for the appearance of the disease when it provokes urogenital chlamydia.

One of the most dangerous consequences of pathology is Reiter's disease, when along with chlamydial arthritis there are lesions of the genitourinary system and an inflammatory reaction of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

A classical triad is formed: urogenital, joint and ophthalmologic lesions. It should be noted that their simultaneous development is rare.

Most often the lesions proceed consecutively, with large intervals, manifesting the so-called incomplete form of the disease.

The fact is that in response to the appearance of infection in the human body, antibodies are developed for the destruction of penetrating foreign antigens. Some protein elements of the joint tissues are similar in many respects to similar components of chlamydia.

Antibodies incorrectly recognize the object of exposure and the cells of articular connective tissues are mistaken for a foreign body, attacking them as an infection.

As a result, an inflammatory process is provoked, which becomes the cause of reactive arthritis, in particular, Chlamydia variety.

Pathogenesis of the disease

Joint lesions on the statistics develop in 4 - 5% of patients with chlamydia. They can appear both during the course of the course of the underlying disease, and after its termination, when the body still has antibodies. In general, the pathogenesis of the disease consists of several stages:

  • infectious-toxic stage, when urethritis develops, and the immune system recognizes chlamydial antigens;
  • autoimmune stage - antibodies are actively produced for the destruction of infection antigens;
  • the arthritic phase - the antibodies mistakenly recognize the cells of the connective tissue as an enemy, creating an inflammatory reaction of the joint synovium.

The entire chain of events has a duration of about 20 - 60 days, depending on the state of the immune system. It is this time that antibodies need to recognize the target of the attack. Then the process develops quickly enough.

It is often enough to develop knee joint damage. The characteristic areas of damage include: ankle, shoulder, temporomandibular joints, as well as small joints of the hands and feet.

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As a rule, monoarthritis (lesion of one joint) or oligoarthritis (2 - 3 joints) is fixed. In rare cases, there is polyarthritis with the defeat of a significant number of joints.

A typical lesion is asymmetrical (one-sided manifestation).

Chlamydia arthritis begins with an acute attack, when the swelling of the joint grows rapidly, and the human condition deteriorates sharply.

One of the first is the muscular system around the joint, when the muscles lose their volume.

Almost simultaneously, an inflammatory reaction develops in other articular elements with the provocation of the corresponding diseases:

  1. bursitis (involvement of the joint bag);
  2. tendonitis (tendons);
  3. fasciitis (muscular elements);
  4. periostitis (periosteum).

Depending on the course of the disease, it is classified by several indicators. According to the nature of the current, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • acute phase (up to 90 days);
  • lingering form (up to 10 - 12 months);
  • chronic type (more than 12 months);
  • recurrent arthritis (recurrence of the acute phase every 5 to 6 months).

The severity of the manifestation is such periods:

  1. low;
  2. average;
  3. high intensity;
  4. The period of remission, when symptoms do not manifest.

In addition, it is common to subdivide the disease according to the degree of consequences:

  • preservation of full working capacity;
  • partial violation of professional fitness;
  • disability (disability).

Symptomatic manifestations

This arthritis in the form of Reiter's disease begins to appear usually after 35-50 days after the onset of chlamydia.

Initially, the genitourinary system is affected, and then there are problems with the eyes and the musculoskeletal system. When chlamydial arthritis develops, the symptoms are especially pronounced in men.

Female illness proceeds with more hidden symptoms. In general, displays are divided into 3 categories:

  • urogenital;
  • ophthalmic;
  • articular.

The main signs of disorders of the genitourinary system (urogenital tract):

  1. burning sensation and cuts when urinating;
  2. frequent urge to urinate;
  3. pain in the lower abdomen;
  4. urethral or vaginal discharge with purulent impurities.

Next on the chronicity of the disease - the appearance of signs of eye damage (symptoms of conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iridocyclitis, uveitis). The following manifestations are noted:

  • increased lacrimation;
  • redness, conjunctiva;
  • photophobia;
  • sensation of presence in the eye of a foreign body.

The signs of joint damage are the last. First of all, inflammation develops in such zones: the knee, ankle, soup.

The development of pathology extends the process to the spine in the sacroiliac region, as well as to the shoulder, hands, temporomandibular zone.

The following characteristic symptoms appear:

  1. asymmetric localization of lesions;
  2. inflammatory signs (swelling, redness, rising temperature in the hearth);
  3. pain syndrome (small at rest and with strengthening when moving in the joint);
  4. signs of synovitis (effusions in the joint cavity);
  5. signs of general intoxication (fever, general weakness, headache, fatigue).

Principles of treatment

Treatment of chlamydial arthritis should be started at an early stage, when the pathology did not spread too far, and the destruction of the joint was not irreversible. The most often used this scheme of conservative treatment:

  1. Antibacterial agents for suppressing chlamydia. The most effective are antibiotics from the discharge of macrolides, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones. Tablets or injections are used.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that simultaneously have analgesic effects. Appointed such drugs: Celecoxib, Arkoksid, Nimesulid, Diclofenac.
  3. Steroid hormones for complicated disease. Glucocorticoids of these types are used: Diprospan, Kenalog.
  4. The basis of autoimmune therapy is cytostatics: Methotrexate, Plakvenil, Sulfasalazine.
  5. Physiotherapy helps improve the effectiveness of treatment. The following procedures are prescribed: electrophoresis with lidase, magnetotherapy, ozocerite applications, mud therapy, radon baths.
  6. Physiotherapy. LFK necessarily developed by a specialist on an individual scheme, taking into account the nature and localization of the lesion.

Chlamydial arthritis refers to the rather dangerous consequences of infectious infection. Disease can become one of the stages of Reiter's illness, which directly affects important organs. Only timely and effective treatment will help get rid of a serious problem.

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Chlamydia arthritis: symptoms and treatment

Chlamydial arthritis is a pathological condition of the autoimmune type, which progresses due to the penetration of chlamydia into the human body.

The main way of transmission of the pathogen is sexual (from an infected partner to a healthy partner).

The disease is diagnosed mainly in representatives of both sexes, who are in a sexually active age - from 20 to 45 years.

Symptoms of chlamydial arthritis are more pronounced in representatives of the stronger sex. In women, the clinical picture is rare. More often they act as an asymptomatic carrier.

Diagnosis of pathology is carried out using laboratory and instrumental techniques. Treatment is appointed taking into account many indicators - the stage of the pathological process, the intensity of the manifestation of symptoms, the area of ​​the lesion, the general condition of the patient, and so on.

The doctor describes the therapy plan for each patient strictly individually.

To treat the disease with the help of folk methods of therapy is not recommended, since it can only worsen the clinical picture and provoke the progression of reactive arthritis. In some cases, folk medicine can be prescribed as an auxiliary therapy, but only at the same time as traditional medicine.

Main reasons

The main reason for the manifestation of symptoms of chlamydial arthritis in a person is the penetration of infected infectious agents into the body - chlamydia.

This happens when you have sex with a healthy person with an infected person. It is also worth noting that not only these microorganisms can trigger the development of pathology.

The causative agent of chlamydial arthritis is:

This ailment is often called a "sterile" lesion of the articular articulation.

The inflammatory process does not penetrate the joint cavity, but it affects the cartilaginous structures, the synovial membrane, the joint capsule, as well as the soft tissues that are localized around it. The causative agent of pathology provokes an autoimmune lesion of the anatomical structures of the joint articulation.

Symptom Complex

Arthritis of this type progresses 30-45 days after the chlamydia penetrated the human body.

It is worth noting that chlamydia primarily affects the visual apparatus and urinary system, and only then cause inflammation in the musculoskeletal system (if there was no complete treatment of the disease on the first two stages). Most often the disease affects the ankle, knee articulations, as well as small joints of the foot. If the pathology is not treated, other anatomical structures will soon be involved in the process - the vertebral column, the brushes, the temporo-jaw joint, and so on.

Characteristic symptoms of defeat of the musculoskeletal system with chlamydial arthritis:

  1. inflammation in the lesion. Tissues over the joint articulation swell, become hyperemic, and a local increase in temperature is noted;
  2. joints are asymmetrically affected;
  3. painful sensations in the inflammatory process. In this case, they appear even in a state of complete rest, and only intensify during active movements;
  4. in the articular cavity appears exudate (effusion);
  5. headache of varying degrees of intensity;
  6. hyperthermia;
  7. weakness;
  8. increased fatigue.

The inflammatory process often affects one or two joints, but it is possible that three or more articular joints are involved (in medical practice it is less common).

Diagnosis of the disease

As soon as the first symptoms of infection with chlamydia manifested themselves, you urgently need to see a qualified doctor for diagnosis and accurate diagnosis.

The earlier treatment is carried out, the more effective it will be and the prognosis of the disease is more favorable. At the first appointment the doctor collects an anamnesis of the disease, specifies the time of the first symptoms manifestation, whether there were unprotected sex and other important moments.

The diagnosis is confirmed on the basis of data obtained in instrumental and laboratory diagnostics.

Methods of laboratory diagnostics:

  • a clinical blood test;
  • urine analysis is clinical;
  • biochemistry of blood;
  • taking for the study of synovial fluid from the inflamed joint;
  • taking from the vaginal mucosa and from the urethra of the smear to confirm or disprove the presence of chlamydia;
  • PCR method.

Instrumental diagnostics includes X-rays, computed tomography, and arthroscopy.

Arthroscopy is one of the most informative techniques, because with the help of special endoscopic equipment it is possible to examine the joint cavity and to reveal any changes in it.

In addition, during manipulation, the doctor will be able to take the tissue for further laboratory testing.


Treatment of an ailment can be performed by a doctor both in a hospital and outpatient setting.

As a rule, if symptoms of chlamydial arthritis manifest themselves, several doctors - a rheumatologist, gynecologist, ophthalmologist, urologist - are engaged in the patient at once.

In addition, it is very important that treatment for chlamydia is carried out and the second sexual partner, even if his symptoms are not expressed.

With the progression of arthritis of Chlamydia nature, doctors resort to conservative therapy. In particular, medication and physiotherapy are prescribed. The standard course consists of:

  1. antibacterial drugs. In the treatment of chlamydial arthritis, they are given a special place, since with the help of these medicines the causative agent is destroyed;
  2. steroid hormones. They are prescribed if symptoms of the disease are very pronounced, especially pain syndrome;
  3. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. The course of treatment is supplemented by them to eliminate the inflammatory process;
  4. drugs prescribed for autoimmune damage - Plaquenil, Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine and others;
  5. therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy treatment.

With timely treatment, the prognosis of ailment is favorable. If the therapy is not carried out, the disease is chronic, and there will be periods of exacerbation and remission.

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