Insole with heel spur


  • 1Insole for treatment of calcaneal spur
    • 1.1Insoles
    • 1.2Padded shoes
    • 1.3Shock-absorbing podpjatochnik
    • 1.4Gel podpjatochnik with bumpers
    • 1.5Advantages of orthopedic products and care of attachments
    • 1.6Feedback from customers of orthopedic products
  • 2What insoles are needed for a calcaneal spur?
    • 2.1What are orthopedic insoles and why are they needed?
    • 2.2What results can be achieved by wearing orthopedic insoles?
    • 2.3Rules of care for orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur
    • 2.4Orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur with their own hands
  • 3Insole for heel spur to treat disease
    • 3.1Insole for treatment of calcaneal spur
    • 3.2Heel podshotochniki with heel spur
    • 3.3Bracelets
    • 3.4Strasbourg Sock
  • 4Top-10 orthopedic insoles with heel spurs: review, comparison, recommendations
    • 4.1Why are the insoles needed for the heel spurs?
    • 4.2Top-10 orthopedic insoles with heel spur
    • 4.31. Insoles "Concept-Antishock" - BEST SOLUTION FOR SPHERE!
    • 4.42. Reinforced frame insole "Benefits" - to reduce pressure on the foot with a calcaneal spur
    • instagram viewer
    • 4.53. Frame insole "Elite" - to eliminate the main cause of calcaneal spurs
    • 4.64. Full-profile insoles «Talus Concept» - to reduce pain with calcaneal spur
    • 4.75. Unique insoles "Individual" - for wearing in the acute stage of fasciitis
    • 4.86. Ventilated insoles "Breeze" - for people with high motor activity
    • 4.97. Unloading insole "Antibacterial" - to prevent the development of infection on the legs
    • 4.108. Insoles - Strutz - to support the arch of the foot while walking
    • 4.119. Soft insoles "Comfort" - for gentle protection of the foot from the loads
    • 4.1210. Insoles with the effect of Memory - for creating comfortable conditions for walking
    • 4.13What insoles to buy with a heel spur?
    • 4.14Where to buy insoles for a calcaneal spur?
  • 5Orthopedic insoles with heel spur: types, tips, reviews
    • 5.1Heel spur
    • 5.2What are orthopedic insoles?
    • 5.3Horseshoes - a kind of orthopedic insoles
    • 5.4Shock-absorbing podpjatochnik
    • 5.5Gel podpjatochnik with bumpers
    • 5.6The benefits of wearing orthopedic insoles
    • 5.7Care of products
    • 5.8How to choose insoles?
    • 5.9Insoles with own hands
    • 5.10Reviews
    • 5.11Finally

Insole for treatment of calcaneal spur

The heel spur is an inflammatory disease of the plantar fascia, resulting in a wedge-shaped spine on the heel of the calcaneus.

Pathological bone formation injures soft tissues while supporting the heel and causes intense pain syndrome.

As a result, the gait and ability to move fully, the ability to work is reduced.

Often, the pathology occurs after injury to the calcaneus as a result of metabolic disorders and worsening of blood flow in the lower limbs, and is also a consequence of chronic joint diseases.

Orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur are prescribed as a conservative treatment, in addition, they can be used to prevent disease and repeat relapses of the pathological process.


Orthopedic insoles are special medical preventive devices, which are liners in casual shoes with a low heel.

They serve as a corset for the foot, maintaining its physiological position while walking. Insoles are made of natural and artificial materials: leather, felt, leatherette, silicone, gel.

Adaptations can be purchased at shoe stores, pharmacies and the Internet. It is important to choose orthopedic insoles according to the size of the foot and its anatomical features, body weight, severity of the disease.

The most comfortable liners, made by individual order from an orthopedist in a specialized workshop.

Special damping inserts inside the insoles help to unload the arch of the foot and repel the shock wave when walking

Orthopedic insole exactly repeats the shape of the foot. In the heel part there is a supinator, which supports the calcaneus in an elevated position.

In the area of ​​the heel, the insert has an insert of soft cushioning material, which allows to reduce the pressure of the spur on soft tissues during walking and to reduce the intensity of pain.

In addition, the design of the insoles allows the support of the longitudinal and transverse arch of the foot, which contributes to the healing of plantar aponeurosis and to the improvement of cushioning of the foot with flat feet of different severity.

Padded shoes

Orthopedic heel pads are a type of insoles and support a foot in the calcaneus.

Adaptations are made of cork, natural leather, silicone, mediofama (synthetic "breathing" material) and are sold in pharmacies and specialized stores, including in the Internet. There are several types of horseshoes depending on the target orientation.

Shock-absorbing podpjatochnik

It is used for calcaneal spurs, arthrosis of the joints of the lower extremities, after injuries to the calcaneus.

In the center of the device is a hard liner, which, when walking, helps massage the soft tissues of the heel and softens the marginal osteophyte.

The podpjatochnik improves the cushioning of the foot, reduces the shock load on the heel, the joints of the lower extremities and the spine. The product is round and wedge shaped.

Gel podpjatochnik with bumpers

The device is made of medical silicone, has rigid edges along the edges and a soft spring insert in the center of the product.

Promotes the anatomically correct location of the foot in the shoe and causes its physiological movement during walking.

The absorbent insert creates comfortable conditions for the heel, reduces painful sensations while supporting the heel bone, improves local circulation and metabolic processes. Gel podpjatochnik can be used for shoes with heels.

Padded hooks with rims along the edges of the article reliably fix the foot in anatomically correct position

Orthopedic insoles, like the heel pads, are available in different sizes, depending on the length of the foot.

For correct selection of the device, it is necessary to measure the foot in centimeters.

The insole should fit tightly on the bottom of the shoe, and the heel pads should be glued in the heel area of ​​the shoes with a glue lock to prevent the product from slipping.

Advantages of orthopedic products and care of attachments

Wearing orthopedic adaptations is used for a number of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and prevention of the development of axial skeletal diseases.

When a calcaneal spur, especially on the background of flat feet, without insoles or horseshoes can not do.

Advantages of orthopedic products include:

Also read:Folk treatment of calcaneal spur at home

  • preventive maintenance of diseases of joints and a backbone;
  • fix the foot in the anatomical position when wearing shoes;
  • rigid inserts promote massage of the plantar surface of the foot, improve blood circulation of the lower limbs;
  • soft liners from the gel material serve as a shock absorber and reduce the pressure of the spur on soft tissues, have an analgesic effect;
  • give an elevated position to the heel, which reduces the pressure on the plantar aponeurosis;
  • prevent fatigue in physical activity and exercise;
  • wearing devices shortens the duration of conservative treatment, is prescribed during shock wave therapy and during the recovery period after surgery.

What insoles and heelpacks should be worn with heel spurs and other pathology of the musculoskeletal system may be suggested by a specialist - surgeon, orthopedist, traumatologist.

Orthopedic products should be periodically changed, since over time the adaptations lose their cushioning functions. Less durable insoles and heelpads made from natural materials, such as cork, felt or leather.

More durable silicone products, which with proper care can last several years. In addition, such insole or heel podpyhatchniki prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor when sweating feet.

Orthopedic aids should be washed regularly with warm water with the addition of soap and dried in a natural way.

Padded shoes made of silicone with a soft insert in the center of the product can be used for high-heeled shoes

Feedback from customers of orthopedic products

Patients suffering from a calcaneal spur, doctors often recommend wearing orthopedic adaptations. The use of insoles or heels for the treatment and prevention of the disease has received many positive reviews. Here are some of them.

Vasily Alexandrovich, 56 years old. I have had a calcaneal spur for more than 4 years. Several times he underwent a course of therapy, prescribed pills and physioprocedures.

However, the disease returned again, it was necessary to walk with the help of a cane. The attending physician advised to wear orthopedic heel pads permanently.

After the next treatment and use of loose leaves in shoes I feel well for several years, I freely move and was able to return to work.

I noticed that my legs are less tired and the spine in the lumbar region has ceased to hurt. I am pleased with the purchase and only regret that I have not used orthopedic heels before.

Orthopedic insoles are sometimes produced in a universal size, which is adjusted to the parameters of the foot before applying the product

Olga Nikolaevna, 58 years old. In my childhood I was given a flat foot 1 degree. The disease did not worry much during life. After retirement, she began to notice periodic pain in the foot, especially when walking for a long time.

Sometimes it hurt in the heel to such an extent that it seemed as if it had been pierced with a nail. Has addressed to the doctor, after inspection have found out bony growth on a heel bone. The doctor prescribed pills and wearing orthopedic insoles.

Within a few days of treatment, I felt a significant improvement, and after 3 weeks I was able to walk freely without pain and discomfort in my legs.

Insoles I wear constantly, have ceased to swell up my legs and easily endure the physical load, which previously was beyond my powers.

Valentina, 43 years old. After the fracture of the calcaneus of the left foot, she began to notice soreness when walking. Gradually, the discomfort grew, and over time, I could not even lean on my leg.

The heel spur was diagnosed, treatment with medications did not bring significant relief. The doctor prescribed a course of shock wave therapy with the constant wearing of silicone heel pads.

I tried to make a device with my own hands made of foam rubber, but such a product proved to be unstable in the toe and poorly supported the foot when walking.

Silicon podpjatochnik facilitated movement, improved the results of shock wave therapy and helped to return to everyday life without pain.

Orthopedic insoles and heel pads on regular use help relieve the sore foot, reduce the damaging effect of the heel spur on the plantar fascia and soft tissues.

Wearing products normalizes the local blood flow and prevents the appearance of pain in the calcaneus.

It should be remembered that orthopedic inserts refer to additional devices in the treatment of the disease and should be used together with conservative and surgical methods of therapy.

The use of insoles after the remission of the acute phase of the disease helps prevent the recurrence of the pathological process and reduces the shock load on the entire musculoskeletal system.

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What insoles are needed for a calcaneal spur?

It is possible to cure a fully heel spur only surgically. And then, after the operation, no one gives a 100% guarantee that bone formation will not occur again.

After all, in this case it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its appearance, and not the consequence. And to make it is not so simple. Therefore, treatment of the calcaneal spur should be systematic.

Removing unpleasant pain in the heels can and with the help of conventional medicines. But to prolong the stage of remission is very difficult.

In this case, it is necessary to constantly attend exercise classes, adhere to a special diet and, of course, wear special orthopedic insoles with spurs on the heels. The latter has a special role.

It is they that help to relieve the load from the feet and reduce the pain syndrome.

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What are orthopedic insoles and why are they needed?

Insoles with a spur on the heels are put into shoes, which has a dense sole or a low heel. Their use allows you to create a so-called skeleton, which helps to properly fix the foot when walking.

Selection of orthopedic insoles is carried out on an individual basis by the attending physician. In this case, it is necessary to take into account several important factors, including human weight and its anatomical features of the foot. An important role is played by the severity of the disease.

Insoles with spurs on the heels can be different - gel, silicone, felt, etc. In the heel they have a small elevation - a "pillow which softens the contact of the spur with a solid surface.

They also have a compilation of the longitudinal arches of the foot, which act as shock absorbers. When walking, the following happens: the feet are springy, thereby causing ligaments and muscles to actively work.

As a result, there is an improvement in circulation in the foot and normalization of metabolic processes.

You can buy orthopedic insoles with spurs in specialized pharmacies. The cost is different and depends on the material from which the product is made. On average, the price of insole is 600-, 00 rubles.

It should be noted that in addition to insoles, there are also other orthopedic devices designed to fix the foot. For example, heels.

They look like a trimmed insole. Their use also helps to remove unnecessary load from the feet and reduce pain during walking.

The heel pads have on their back side an adhesive tape that allows them to securely fix them on the inner sole of the shoe. As a result, they do not slip and constantly ensure the correct position of the foot.

What results can be achieved by wearing orthopedic insoles?

Insole with a heel spur is an indispensable attribute in the treatment of this ailment.

With the help of it, a reliable fixation of the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot in the correct position, as a result of which there is a decrease in the load both on the heels themselves, and on the joints of the lower extremities.

In addition, wearing such insoles provides a reduction in the load from the spine, which can prevent the development of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

It should also be noted that wearing orthopedic insoles helps improve blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes. But it is their violations that lead in most cases to the appearance of calcaneal spurs.

And most, probably, the main advantage of wearing orthopedic insoles is that they contribute to the elimination of pain syndrome. As a result, the mobility improves and the weight in the legs goes away.

Rules of care for orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur

Medical insoles with heel spurs have their own disadvantage. And this is the high cost of such products. But they will have to be changed quite often, since they very quickly wear off.

Therefore, it is very important to make the right choice. The most durable and durable are silicone insoles.

They do not have a shelf life, and if they are followed up with proper care, they will last very long.

During walking, especially in closed shoes, feet sweat. Therefore, in the course of time, the insoles acquire an unpleasant odor and become a real hotbed of pathogenic bacteria.

And this leads to the development of foot fungus and other diseases, which bring terrible discomfort. Such a property is provided by insoles with a cloth coating.

Silicone and gel products do not absorb an unpleasant smell, but on the contrary, with proper care they eliminate it.

If we talk about how to care for such orthopedic devices, we should immediately say about their hygiene. Insoles should be washed every day with warm water.

Do not use any aggressive detergents. To eliminate contamination from them, you can use ordinary baby soap. As for the drying of such products, they can not be wiped.

They must dry naturally.

Orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur with their own hands

Make the insole with a calcaneal spur with your hands it is possible. But is it worth it to risk your health? Decide, of course, you. If you decide to do it yourself, you can use the following instruction:

  1. To independently make orthopedic insoles, you need to take old insoles from shoes, which is planned to be worn further.
  2. Now put the insole on the floor in front of you and stand up with her bare foot. Take the marker and mark on the insole the points located between the first and second finger. In this area, you need to fix a small piece of cotton wool. From it, it is necessary to form a dense ball with a diameter of 1 You can fix cotton wool with adhesive or plaster.
  3. Now the most important part of making insoles with your own hands is to determine the correct lifting of the foot. To do this you will need a bandage or cotton wool. Put them under your foot until you feel comfortable. The heel should not be subjected to strong pressure. If you feel that the rise is too big for you, then you need to reduce it, and vice versa, if too small and the heel needs additional support, then add a bit of bandage or cotton wool. After you pick up a comfortable level for lifting the foot, fix the liner on the old insole also with the help of glue or plaster.
  4. Now take a cotton cloth and cut out the contour of the insole. Secure it over the ball and roller under the arch. When you glue the fabric to the insole, make sure that all your designs do not move. For reliability, the insoles can be sewn along the edges of the sewing machine
  5. Now take the insole and put it in the shoes. It's time to evaluate the result. Put on your shoes and go for a few minutes. If the pain and tension in the legs is not felt, you can safely proceed to make a second insole for the other leg.

How to choose orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur, you will tell the doctor. It does not matter if you bought a finished product or made it yourself. The important thing is how correctly they are applied. To obtain a pronounced therapeutic effect, the insole should be worn constantly, even at home.

In this case, do not forget that the insole is an auxiliary method of treating the heel spur, and not the main one.

Therefore, you should not refuse to take medications that you prescribed a doctor, and from exercise therapy.

Only an integrated approach to solving this problem will help you to get rid of the heel spur once and for all!

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Insole for heel spur to treat disease

The heel spur is a disease in which there is a strong pain syndrome in the heel caused by degenerative and inflammatory processes in the plantar fascia.

The most common cause of this problem is the incorrect position of the foot.

One of the main methods of getting rid of such ailment is the use of orthopedic insoles, heel pads and other devices.

In this case, orthopedic insoles with heel spurs are often the most effective option. Effective also are horseshoes, braces and "Strasbourg sock." Insoles perform the support of the entire foot with an advanced type of disease.

Insole for treatment of calcaneal spur

Orthopedic insoles with spurs are inserted into shoes, the heel of which does not exceed 3 cm. These products serve as a kind of corset for the heels. They, unlike linings, contribute to excellent depreciation, since they provide an outline for the transverse and longitudinal arch.

Such products have different price and level of comfort, it all depends on what material they are made of.

Material of manufacture - gel, silicone or felt.

Orthopedic insoles are sold in any pharmacy or in specialized stores, on the Internet. The price for them is slightly higher than for heels, but they can be purchased by everyone.

It is important to understand that any orthopedic insoles will be most effective if they are selected individually. The best option can be advised only by a specialist. Before choosing the insoles yourself, you need to make sure of the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Often happens, that the orthopedic skeleton selected independently does not render efficiency, in such It is better to consult a doctor who will determine the parameters for which you want to order an individual option. On consultation it is necessary to go to the doctor-orthopedist.

Heel podshotochniki with heel spur

This lining can be purchased at every pharmacy, some shoe stores and on the Internet.

Basically, their cost is low, but at the same time they are quite effective.

It is important to understand that such a product is used only at an early stage of the development of the disease, in another case it is better to choose orthopedic insoles in shoes.

When using the heel pad, the heel assumes the correct position, thereby reducing the load on it and the entire musculoskeletal system.

The main advantage of such products is that their design allows you to keep the heel in a raised and anatomically correct position. This helps to relieve the stress of the fascia of the sole. At the initial stage, such treatment is enough to completely get rid of the disease.

It is worth knowing that when the feet are in the correct position, the joints also wear out much less during movement.

The depreciation function is also considered useful, it is due to the fact that the corrective podpyatochnik is made of soft material and the correct form for the heel.

Due to this, the product is comfortable to wear.

In some models, a small cutout under the heel is provided, this is necessary in order to release the spur itself from the pressure. However, among doctors there is still no precise opinion as to the effectiveness of this function.

The most common option is a heel pad made of silicone, since it has a long service life. Also, patients should not forget about the rules of hygiene: heel pads need to be washed with soap in warm water every day.

Choosing insoles and heels is recommended in pharmacies or specialty stores, as there you can see everything with your own eyes and get advice from a specialist. And due to their cheap cost, you can try several options and determine the most suitable.

When buying such products, you need to pay special attention to their quality, it is known that cheap models wear out quickly, without having at the same time a depreciation effect.


The most common cause of calcaneal spurs is the deposition of calcium salts in the place where the tendons attach to the bone.

This process occurs when a person is in a calm state, and the peak of contraction of the fascia begins during sleep.

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During this period, there is a fusion of shortening and on the fascia at the first steps micro-ruptures begin to appear, which causes the morning pain syndrome.

What to avoid such symptoms, the night orthoses are used, which keep the fascia in a stretched state. With the help of such a product, the fingers of the limb are stretched, so that the foot is stretched and in a raised position.

Braces (night orthoses) are plastic products, they are intended for wearing on legs.

The leg is fixed with special stickers so that the ankle is fixed. Qualitative fixation of the ankle will provide a stretching of the fascia.

After a while applying the brace, most patients notice a positive effect.

But this device has a significant drawback, due to which many patients do not stand up to the end of the course of treatment and stop putting it on. This is the size of the brace, it is about the same as a ski boot. Patients simply can not sleep properly in it.

The main difficulty of such treatment is that the average duration of the course is approximately, a month. Only after this time you can feel the results.

First of all, the patient must be mentally prepared for this.

However, there are cases when a two-month course does not work at all, then it is necessary to stop using this device.

According to statistics, at night 45% of patients help the night orthoses.

Strasbourg Sock

It is also used to prevent the fascia from contracting in the dream, when the leg is in a relaxed state. Such a sock stretches the fingers upwards, so that the feet are in a raised position.

"Strasburgian sock" is a long stocking, it is put on before going to bed and left until the morning.

There are Velcro, which are located on the perimeter of the finger on the leg and up to the knee.

When it is pulled and fixed from above, the fingers rise and stay in a tightened position. Typically, a full course of treatment takes about, months.

The main advantages of the Strasbourg Sock:

  • The sock is an excellent way to get rid of plantar fasciitis and spurs on the heel. It is often used as a treatment for a disease such as tendonitis of the Achilles tendon;
  • this method is affordable for everyone, since it can be done even with one's own hands;
  • is easy to apply;
  • a short period of addiction, after which it is left on the foot until the very morning. However, if discomfort or pain appears, it's best to take it off for a while, but as practice shows, this happens very rarely. In case of discomfort, it is better to consult an orthopedist;
  • due to the fact that it is elastic, in the morning the patient has no pain in the ankle;
  • it is used for resting the feet, after exercises, with shock wave therapy.

Sometimes the patient feels unpleasant sensations as a result of the fact that the fingers are in a strained state. This often happens during the period of habituation, and you just need to endure a little.

However, if discomfort is accompanied by pain or numbness, it is necessary to stop using the "Strasbourg sock".

In this case, an orthopedic insole will be a more suitable option.

Also to its use there are a number of contraindications that you need to know about in order not to harm your health.


  • during pregnancy;
  • when there is a skin disease of the limb;
  • at a diabetes.

Many patients confirm that the braces and the "Strasbourg sock" are an effective tool for treating the heel spur.

If for any reason a person does not have the opportunity to purchase this product in the pharmacy, you can do it yourself, usually a long golf is used for this.

Now on the Internet there is a lot of videos about this.

If the patient is diagnosed with a calcaneal spur, he should consult a doctor who can prescribe the correct treatment, based on the individual characteristics of the course of the illness.

Also he will be able to tell which insoles or heels to buy better, and determine the duration of their wearing.

After all, it is important to understand that such a disease does not pass by itself, but only aggravates the situation every day and gives a person a lot of trouble.

A source:

Top-10 orthopedic insoles with heel spurs: review, comparison, recommendations

The heel spur is characterized by the presence of a bone spine in the center of the heel and an inflammatory phenomenon inside the fascia.

The bone-salt thorn damages the connective tissues, so when you rest on the foot, a person feels severe pain. Due to the intense pain syndrome, the gait is broken, the center of gravity of the body is shifted.

The patient tries less to load the painful area of ​​the heel. This leads to a decrease in working capacity and motor activity.

To return to a high-grade life in this case the medicamental treatment and special adaptations for an unloading of a foot will help - orthopedic insoles at a heel spur.

Why are the insoles needed for the heel spurs?

The main principle of treatment of fasciitis is a reduction of inflammation and a decrease in the load on the fascia of the heel. Only if these conditions are met, the damaged tissues of the heel can recover and function normally.

If you take the pills, but continue to overload the heel, then the treatment may not bring a positive result - the fascia will be permanently injured.

It is especially important to reduce the load on the heels of those who have excess weight, suffer from flat feet, pathology of the locomotor system and joint diseases.

To fully discharge the heels used special insole with heel spurs, which evenly distribute the load on the foot and protect it from dynamic and static loads.

If you regularly wear insoles under the heel (with a calcaneal spur this is mandatory!), Then after 1-2 weeks feel a significant improvement: bone spike and intensity of pain will decrease, inflammation will decrease and swelling.

Qualitative medical insoles with heel spur have the following effect:

  • protect the heels from blows while walking;
  • fix the foot in the correct position;
  • massage the surface of the foot, stimulate blood circulation;
  • reduce the pressure of the calcaneal spine on the fascia;
  • elevate the heel, which significantly reduces pressure on the fascia;
  • Protect feet from fatigue;
  • help restore normal gait.

Orthopedic insoles repeatedly increase the effectiveness of conservative therapy. They are an indispensable element of the rehabilitation complex after the spur removal surgery.

Top-10 orthopedic insoles with heel spur

What are the best insoles for the heel spur? We chose the ten best orthopedic insoles, which orthopedic doctors recommend to wear to get rid of the build-up and as a prevention of its appearance. All the insoles included in our Top-10 are of high quality, have passed the test of time and have a lot of positive feedback from the people who used them.

1. Insoles "Concept-Antishock" - BEST SOLUTION FOR SPHERE!

The products are manufactured using ORTHOREL technology and have a multi-layer structure. Insoles are equipped with a heel absorber - a thickening in the heel area, which has additional cushioning properties.

Metatarsal cushion supports the arch of the foot.

Insoles "Concept-Antishock" created specifically to reduce the load on the heel area and are the best solution for those who want to quickly get rid of the spur.

2. Reinforced frame insole "Benefits" - to reduce pressure on the foot with a calcaneal spur

Products with reinforced heel shock absorber and roller crossbar are suitable for people with excess weight, suffering from flat feet and undergoing treatment for fasciitis.

Frame insole "Benefits" give the foot a natural position, and a thickening near the heel reduces peak loads on this zone, which is especially important in the presence of a spur.

3. Frame insole "Elite" - to eliminate the main cause of calcaneal spurs

Multilayered orthopedic insoles "Elite" contribute to the elimination of the main factor causing a build-up on the heel - flat feet.

Products evenly distribute the static load and support the arch of the leg in the correct position.

Suitable for people with flat feet and other foot pathologies that are prone to spur formation.

4. Full-profile insoles «Talus Concept» - to reduce pain with calcaneal spur

Products give legs a natural position and distribute the load, respectively, the anatomy of the feet.

The presence of a shock absorber under the heel and a metatarsal roller supports the arch and further protects the spur from pressure, thereby reducing pain when walking.

The top layer of the insoles "Talus Concept" made of natural eco-leather allows the feet to breathe, protecting the inflamed fascia from attaching a secondary infection.

5. Unique insoles "Individual" - for wearing in the acute stage of fasciitis

Multi-layered "Individual" insoles have two removable elements: a metatarsal roller and a finger comb, which can be installed, taking into account the anatomical features of the owner.

For people with a calcaneal spur, these insoles will suit the acute stage of the disease, when it is painful to step on the heel and the increased load acts on the fingers and the metatarsus.

6. Ventilated insoles "Breeze" - for people with high motor activity

These sports insoles "Breeze" perfectly absorb sweat and are suitable for sports and summer shoes.

The damping layer and the presence of the metatarsal roller, as well as the heel-absorber from the material Carbosane makes these products the best option to prevent spurs in people who are active a life.

In the presence of bone growth, the resilient framework protects the diseased heel, and the ventilated upper layer does not allow the bacteria to multiply around the injured tissues.

7. Unloading insole "Antibacterial" - to prevent the development of infection on the legs

A multi-layer cushioning cushion and antibacterial top layer makes "Antibacterial" insoles indispensable for preventing the development of infection in the thorn area. Products contribute to the preservation of an optimal microclimate in shoes, not allowing bacteria and fungi to appear.

8. Insoles - Strutz - to support the arch of the foot while walking

Insoles-arch supports fix the arch of the foot in the correct position, which reduces the load on the heel area and eliminates pain.

The Strutz supporter is suitable for the prevention of spurs in transverse flatfoot, as well as in the process of treatment and recovery after physiotherapy and surgery.

9. Soft insoles "Comfort" - for gentle protection of the foot from the loads

Breathable soft insoles "Comfort" with a foam insert-insert made of foam material create maximum comfort when walking.

Unloading of the heel is carried out due to the carbon-containing substrate with a thickening in the heel zone. The products are suitable for preventing fasciitis and unloading the foot at the stage of recovery.

Antibacterial layer eliminates unpleasant odor and excessive moisture.

10. Insoles with the effect of Memory - for creating comfortable conditions for walking

Anatomical insoles with a memory effect made of foamed polyurethane in the process of socks take the form of the owner's foot, creating comfortable conditions. The foot is not injured, which reduces pain in the heel spur.

A soft spring-loaded frame made of polyurethane effectively cushions, protecting the heel from blows.

Pillars can also be used to reduce the load on the damaged heel.

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Here we have collected the top 5 best horseshoes, relieving pain and helping to recover from fasciitis.

Also, for the treatment of spurs, we recommend the purchase of a Strasbourg sock, which during sleep helps to accelerate the regeneration of the damaged fascia of the heel. The use of Strasbourg sock eliminates morning pain caused by microtraumatic tissue injury.

What insoles to buy with a heel spur?

What insoles are needed for the calcaneal spur, the orthopedic doctor will tell.

When self-selecting insoles, the following criteria should be considered:

  • presence of flat feet, deformities of the foot and other pathologies;
  • spur size and intensity of pain;
  • motor activity;
  • how much your feet sweat.

If you have a calcaneal spur insole, which is best resolved individually, you should not first cause discomfort and be of high quality. It is recommended to choose the appropriate size for this product.

It is better to give preference to a certified product than to cheap Chinese counterfeits. The consultants of the online store "Healthy legs" will be able to decide on the choice with you.

Where to buy insoles for a calcaneal spur?

Our online store offers to buy our insole with a heel spur at affordable prices. We guarantee high quality of products and make delivery throughout Russia.

You can pick up your order at the post office or at the issuing point, which are located in all regions of the country.

For our customers, we offer advantageous promotions and offers that allow you to save and purchase only quality products for disposal and prevention of spur.

A source:

Orthopedic insoles with heel spur: types, tips, reviews

Often, people in the heel region form a growth, called a spur. It traumatizes soft tissues when a person leans on the heel and causes intense pain when pressing on it.

Orthopedic insoles with heel spurs help to avoid painful sensations while walking, and are also a good preventive method.

Consider what orthopedic insoles exist, their differences and features.

Heel spur

The wedge spine on the heel bone, which appears as a result of inflammation of the plantar fascia, is called the spur. It causes pain when walking, which contributes to disruption in gait and a decrease in the standard of living.

As a rule, the spur is formed with a developed flat foot, due to the fact that the normal redistribution of load on the foot is violated and the tendon of the plant aponeurosis is damaged.

Often, the emergence of pathology due to trauma to the calcaneus or is a consequence of chronic joint disease.

The most common cause of spurs is not the physiological position of the feet, this defect helps to correct orthopedic insoles, because they are designed specifically to support the foot in the anatomical position and well amortize the foot. Orthopedic insoles with heel spur designate as a means of conservative treatment or used to prevent disease.

What are orthopedic insoles?

Orthopedic insoles are called special devices that look like liners in shoes on a flat sole. They maintain the physiological position of the foot when walking, fulfilling the role of corset for it.

Often, these devices are equipped with special cushioning tabs that help ease the burden on the arch of the foot and contribute to the extinction of the shock wave while walking. Such insoles repeat the arch of the foot in exact accordance with its shape.

Orthopedic insoles with heel spurs, photos of which are presented in our article, support the calcaneus in an elevated position.

Under the heel in the insole, there is usually a soft cushioning tab that allows you to reduce the pressure of the spur on the soft tissue of the foot while walking and reduce the degree of pain.

In addition, the design of orthopedic insoles with a heel spur helps maintain the longitudinal and transverse arch of the foot. Such support helps to heal the plantar aponeurosis and improves the cushioning of the foot in different types of flatfoot.

Horseshoes - a kind of orthopedic insoles

A variety of orthopedic insoles are heeled, supporting the foot in the heel bone region. The material for their production is cork, natural leather, silicone, medifoam (modern synthetic material).

Their sale is carried out in shoe and orthopedic salons, pharmacies and via the Internet. Orthopedic insoles with heel spurs, according to consumers, not all are the same, what you need to pay attention to when buying. Their types are determined by a specific purpose.

If you do not take this into account, you can not get the expected effect from the product.

Shock-absorbing podpjatochnik

The damping podpjatochnik happens round or klinovidnoj forms. This type of device is used in the following conditions: heel spurs, arthrosis of the joints of the lower extremities, trauma of the feet in the heel area.

In the center of the liner is a hard site, which, when walking, massage the soft tissues of the heel and softening the marginal osteophyte. The podpjatochnik helps improve the damping of the foot, reducing the shock load on the heels, joints and spine.

There are other types of orthopedic insoles with heel spurs.

Gel podpjatochnik with bumpers

As a material for its manufacture, medical silicone is used. The product is equipped with rigid edges along the edges and a soft spring-loaded insert in the center.

This version of the orthopedic insole is designed for anatomically correct positioning of the foot in the shoe and provides a physiologically correct leg movement when walking.

Comfortable conditions for the heel provides a cushioning insert, it is responsible for reducing pain during the support of the calcaneus and the improvement of local blood circulation and exchange processes.

This product can be used for shoes with a heel. Povdeytochniki with rims are specially designed for reliable fixation of the foot in a physiological position.

All types of orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur are produced in different sizes. Therefore, when purchasing such a commodity, you need to measure the exact length of the foot. The insole should fit snugly against the bottom of the shoe, and the heel pads can even be glued to the heel area to prevent the liner from slipping.

The benefits of wearing orthopedic insoles

In some pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, orthopedic insoles are required to be worn, in addition, they are used to prevent diseases of the axial skeleton.

When a calcaneal spur appears, the insole and heel pads are indispensable helpers. Wearing orthopedic insoles has a number of advantages, which should be mentioned separately.

They perform the following functions:

  • Prevention of diseases of the spine and joints.
  • Fixing the foot in the physiological position while wearing shoes.
  • Rigid inserts have a massage effect on the plantar surface of the foot, help improve the circulation of the lower extremities.
  • Gel liners absorb the foot and reduce the pressure of spurs on the heel, have analgesic effect.
  • Orthopedic insoles with heel spur support the heel in elevated position, reducing pressure on plantar aponeurosis.
  • Reduce fatigue of the lower extremities during prolonged exercise and sports.
  • The use of these devices reduces the duration of conservative treatment, is used in shock wave therapy and during recovery from surgery.

The choice of the model and the type of orthopedic insole or heel pad remains with you, but it is better to consult an orthopedist or surgeon who can give qualified advice.

Care of products

To serve longer orthopedic insoles with a heel spur, tips for caring for them include regular washing of products with warm water and soap and drying without the use of heat sources.

Doctors advise old insoles to be regularly replaced with new ones, as they wear out and lose some of their damping functions. It is less common to replace products made from natural materials (cork, felt, leather).

Even more durable are products made of silicone. With proper care of them, it is quite possible to use them for several years. In addition, they prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor if sweating of feet is observed.

Let's consider, what to prefer orthopedic insoles at a heel spur - silicone or others.

How to choose insoles?

Modern manufacturers offer a very wide selection of insoles with orthopedic support. The choice of these products should be approached very carefully, since an incorrectly selected insole can aggravate the disease, and not help in its correction.

All insoles should be equipped with a supinator, which is located under the inner arch of the foot, have a groove and special wedge-shaped inserts in the heel zone. Also in the insole should be a metatarsal pillow.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the products are made, because it is the quality of the material that provides comfort when worn. Insoles are leather, felt, silicone, gel and from skin substitutes.

The configuration of the insoles also varies. We already talked about some of the forms in this article.

Let us recall once again what their varieties are:

  • orthopedic insoles of a combined or longitudinal structure, they are used mainly for flat feet;
  • semi-insole, which do not have a toe piece (suitable for wearing in narrow shoes);
  • heels, are designed to reduce the load on the heels.

What orthopedic insoles for a calcaneal spur is better to buy?

When choosing, you should pay attention to the fact that the insole should repeat the shape of the foot in accuracy.

It is also very important when choosing orthopedic insoles to take into account the size of the foot, its anatomical structure, body weight, severity of pathology.

Sometimes orthopedists recommend insoles, made to order in a special workshop. This is the most comfortable option.

Insoles with own hands

If desired, you can make orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur with your own hands. To do this, you will need old shoe soles, a tight roll of cotton wool or felt, cloth.

The material is better to take cotton. It is necessary to cut a pattern out of it on the contour of the insole and paste it, covering it with a roller, then return it to the shoes. It is important to correctly calculate the height of the lift.


The use of insoles or horseshoes in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system finds many reviews, mostly positive.

Patients note that when wearing equipment less tired legs, passes pain in the lumbar region, decrease pain, swellings go away, the ability to move is facilitated, and the results of shock wave therapy.

Disadvantages of these products are called their fragility, because of which the insole is often changed.


The systematic use of orthopedic insoles and heel supports help ease the burden on the affected foot, reduce the damaging effect of the heel spurs on the plantar fascia and soft tissues.

Insoles normalize the local blood flow and prevent the occurrence of pain in the area of ​​the heel.

In connection with the foregoing, it is necessary to recall that both insole and heel pads are auxiliary devices and do not abolish conservative or surgical treatment, but can only be used as part of an integrated therapy.

The use of insoles during the remission of the disease and the absence of acute manifestations contributes to the prevention of recurrence of the disease and provides a reduction in the shock load on the musculoskeletal system.

So, we examined how to choose orthopedic insoles with a calcaneal spur.

A source: http://.ru/article/347795/ortopedicheskie-stelki-pri-pyatochnoy-shpore-vidyi-sovetyi-otzyivyi