Prolonged cough in a child

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Prolonged cough

Cough in most cases is a manifestation of diseases of the respiratory system, but there are many reasons that can cause it. That is why self-medication of this anxiety symptom instead of relief can lead to the most serious consequences. Before trying to cough yourself with sweet potions and folk remedies, it is necessary to conduct a good diagnosis and establish the true cause of the problem.

Not all types of cough are evidence of a disease or infection. So, a protracted cough that lasts for more than a month without visible deterioration of well-being, temperature and accompanying catarrhal phenomena is not a cause for concern. Most likely, it is caused by the activity of receptors responsible for reflex coughing. Very often, this condition is observed after the disease.

If the cough precedes wheezing in the chest, disappearing for a while after it, then, obviously, is due to the not found out of the bronchi sputum, left after the respiratory or viral disease. Sometimes a protracted cough is accompanied by low temperature and weakness. If these circumstances caused a cough, then no treatment is required, and the symptom itself speaks about the process of recovery.

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At the same time, a protracted cough, especially when it comes to a child, can be a consequence of a digestive disorder, because of which food is eaten into the windpipe. Difficulty with swallowing saliva also causes a characteristic cough in infants, so often frightening young parents. Allergic reactions to odors, animal hair and pollen have similar manifestations and require qualitative, detailed diagnosis and proper therapy.

Despite a minimal health hazard, a cough that lasts several weeks creates some discomfort, not allowing to lead a full life, to visit theater, cinema and to feel uncomfortable in public places and at work. Medicamentous treatment is not required here, but nobody can interfere with the secrets of traditional medicine.

The simplest and most effective way to get rid of a protracted cough is a honey and vodka cocktail. For its preparation it is necessary to take one raw egg and beat it with equal amounts of vodka, honey, soda and fatty milk. The resulting mixture is heated slightly and taken on an empty stomach. Usually enough one or two procedures to say goodbye to a cough for a long time.

Also, intensive rubbing with turpentine ointment or, in the absence of the latter, chopped garlic, is excellent. Ointment is applied to dry clean skin in the chest area in front and behind, after which for several hours put on a warming vest made of natural wool. If at the same time drink a glass of hot ginger tea, then the effect will increase many times.

Sometimes a protracted cough is not associated with a cold or congestion in the lungs. Oddly enough, larvae of helminths can cause it. The fact is that, migrating through the body, they lay eggs in the intestines, and the larva that appears appears in the lungs, causing a violent cough that does not lend itself to traditional treatment. Avoid this serious misfortune, threatening serious consequences, you can use timely preventive measures and regularly give tests for the detection of traces of helminths in the stool.

Another reason for coughing, especially when it comes to a small child, can be the ingress of a foreign body into the bronchi. Even the smallest particle, overlapping a thin channel, causes coughing attacks. To diagnose this phenomenon, it is necessary to conduct a special examination under general anesthesia. If you do not remove a foreign object from the bronchi, the most tragic outcome may occur. Parents should closely monitor the kids, not allowing their games with small items that are easy to breathe.

Whatever the causes of a protracted cough, it is necessary to get rid of it. To resort to this for the help of traditional or traditional medicine is an individual matter for everyone. As practice shows, the best results are obtained by combining all known methods. Health care, hardening and prevention of colds are the best way to prevent a cough, which is much better than fighting it.

Posted on: 02/28/2015

The reason for a protracted cough

Cough is a reflex act, during which the respiratory muscles contract, and there is a trembling, powerful air release, laryngeal, bronchial, tracheal and pleura. The main purpose of the cough reflex is to cleanse the respiratory tract from mucus, fluid and foreign bodies.

Many diseases are accompanied by a cough. In some cases you can deal with it in a few days, but sometimes it drags on for a long time. Such a cough is considered acute and causes several.

A prolonged dry cough can occur with the syndrome of "postnasal swelling". This happens as a result of the inflammatory process of the nasopharynx, when slime flows down the back wall into the area of ​​the tracheobronchial tree. This irritates the receptors and causes a cough.

Prolonged cough may appear after a cold with weakened immunity, when the infection passes to the lower parts of the respiratory tract and leads to bronchitis. If at this time do not go to the doctor, the acute form of the disease can go to the chronic. Chronic bronchitis occurs along with dry cough in the pathological expansion of the bronchi, when their structure is changed. This is called bronchiectasis. Against the background of inflammation, it is possible to develop bronchial asthma, pneumonia and lung abscess.

Another cause can be chronic pharyngitis. A prolonged cough develops as a result of constant tingling and perspiration in the throat. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to visit an otolaryngologist. Treatment is carried out in a hospital.

Painful coughing, fever and shortness of breath can be symptoms of pleurisy. This disease is extremely dangerous. This may be a symptom of the tumor of the mediastinum (anatomical space in the middle of the thoracic cavity).

A long cough with a subsequent dry or excruciating moist is noted at the initial stage of tuberculosis and is accompanied by weight loss, increased body temperature, chills, active perspiration. In this case, it is necessary to contact the phthisiatrician, since the absence of treatment can result in a fatal outcome.

Dry lingering cough

Cough is of a physiological and pathological nature. At the first, normal and everyday short-term actions occur, aimed at removing foreign components from the human body. Pathological cough manifests itself against the background of various diseases of the respiratory system. This includes long, continuing from two weeks to a month. Its main factor is the excessive sensitivity of receptors and the active production of sputum due to the disease. This is not only a symptom, but also an attribute of the healing process.

Prolonged cough moist

Wet cough occurs only with diseases of the respiratory system and is a consequence of the formed bronchial secretion. It occurs with pulmonary edema, cavernous tuberculosis, abscess of the lungs. Since moist cough relieves the lungs of the contents, I call it productive.

Sputum can determine the nature of the disease. In bronchial asthma, it resembles a transparent cast. With pneumonia, it is similar to rust. With abscess of the lung, the cough is purulent and with an unpleasant odor. During the flu, the secret is transparent and light. With pneumonia in the sputum, you can see blood veins. Tuberculosis is often accompanied by hemoptysis.

Often a wet cough is defined as a symptom, as it occurs with diseases of the respiratory system. It is tuberculosis, acute bronchitis, influenza, acute respiratory infections. A wet cough is tolerated by a sick person more easily than dry, but provided that the phlegm is not viscous.

When a wet cough in a child, parents should carefully monitor the course of the disease. You should worry if you see the following symptoms:

  • the baby has shortness of breath;
  • in the phlegm elements of blood;
  • sputum green;
  • there is pain in the chest;
  • the child refuses to eat.

Prolonged cough without fever

The main causes of prolonged cough without temperature are:

  • dry air in the room;
  • presence in the body of a foreign body;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • inflammation of the pharynx and paranasal sinuses;
  • presence of substances harmful to the body
  • heart disease;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • helminthic invasions.

How to cure a protracted cough

Drugs against cough are divided into two types - thinning phlegm and contributing to its excretion. A more prolonged cough is treated as a complication after an acute viral respiratory disease or acute viral infection. Often after a cold, bronchitis occurs, accompanied by a prolonged and severe cough.

In the course of the disease, the water balance is disturbed, so a large amount of fluid helps it to recover and dilute sputum. Doctors recommend drinking a warm "Borjomi its chemical composition speeds up recovery and facilitates the departure of sputum. Food should be light, but high in calories. In the diet should be present vegetables and fruits.

Effective use of inhalation. They are shown to both adults and children. Breathing can be herbal medicinal collections of chamomile, sage, thyme, mother-and-stepmother, essential oils of menthol and eucalyptus oil with the addition of baking soda.

Prolonged cough in an adult

The risk of prolonged coughing in an adult in the absence of proper treatment is the transition to a chronic stage. On the background of bronchitis, prolonged coughing can be a formidable symptom of cancer, lung pathology or a violation of the cardiovascular system. It happens that the disease is accompanied by constant heartburn, hemoptysis, zalozhennostyu in the thoracic region, inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Prolonged cough, than to treat an adult

After a course of antibiotics prescribed by a doctor, you can hold special massage courses. For complete recovery, four courses of twelve procedures are conducted. It is very important that there is no exacerbation of the disease.

If you smoke, then it's time to get rid of the bad habit. Also it is necessary to exclude the possibility of supercooling and exposure to harmful substances.

Prolonged cough in the child

Parents are very worried when after a long cough treatment the baby does not pass. A prolonged cough in a child is diagnosed if it does not last for three weeks. After this period, it is necessary to repeatedly consult a doctor to establish the cause. The most common reasons are:

  • allergy to dust, pets, cigarette smoke;
  • asthma;
  • inflammatory infectious diseases;
  • supercooling;
  • psychological reasons

Treatment of protracted cough in children

To make a diagnosis, you need to undergo a serious examination. If the child has a dry cough, the sputum is taken out with diluting drugs. People's remedies are good: a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice.

If the cough is wet, the doctor will prescribe expectorant medications and mucosal drugs. Carry out inhalations with chloride of benzoate and sodium hydrogen carbonate. The kid needs to drink a lot. Give him broths of wild rose, chamomile and warm fruit.

Chest massage helps to get rid of the disease faster. It is carried out in the absence of temperature for fifteen minutes. The course consists of ten procedures that can be done daily.

Treatment of protracted cough with folk remedies

If a cough appeared during a cold disease, then you can be treated using traditional folk recipes:

Black bread crumble and mash. Mix with warm honey and put on the bandage, which wrap the chest.

Spread a tablespoon of thyme with a glass of boiling water and warm in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Insist twenty minutes and take a tablespoon three times a day.

Do inhalation with pine buds. If there is an inhaler, then a tablespoon of kidneys pour boiling water and breathe for ten minutes. So you can treat a child.

For ten minutes, simmer the lemon. Then cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Pour into a glass, add two tablespoons of glycerin, stir and top up to the top of the honey. Take a teaspoon six times a day.

Cut the black radish into cubes, put into a saucepan, covered with sugar. Bake in the oven for two hours. Then separate the baked portions and squeeze out the liquid. Take a tablespoon before meals four times. Children need to take two teaspoons three times.

Prolonged cough in the child

It often happens that a cough in a child, even with timely and full treatment, does not disappear, remaining for a long time. If this happens, then you need to visit a doctor and go through the required examinations. After identifying the cause of a protracted cough in the child, a specialist will be able to prescribe a treatment.

In which case can we talk about the protracted character of coughing? It is believed that a cough that lasts more than 2-3 weeks, despite the measures taken to treat it, requires a second visit to the doctor.

Causes of a protracted cough in a child

If a child's coughing is delayed for more than three weeks, it is very important to establish the cause of this. After all, such a symptom indicates the presence of diseases or other pathologies in the body of the baby, which require medical intervention. To identify the causes of protracted cough in a child, you need to trust the specialist, since with self-imposed measures, the probability of error is high. In most cases, such a pathology in babies appears for the following reasons:

  1. Allergic reactions and allergic diseases, such as asthma.
  2. Diseases of infectious nature. They can have a local character (sinusitis, otitis, pharyngitis and others), a general nature (chlamydia, whooping cough and others), and also be relapsing (in which case cough becomes the first symptom exacerbation).
  3. Foreign objects in the respiratory system.
  4. The impact of various irritating factors, they can include dust, cigarette smoke, excessive air dryness and so on.
  5. A certain response of the respiratory system, expressed in the formation of bronchial spasms, occurs when physical activity, contact with cold air or during sleep.
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux, which is a special pathology, which is characterized by a reverse movement of food along the digestive tract.
  7. Neurogenic and psychological factors: strong experiences, stresses, fear and others.

Many causes of protracted cough in a child are quite specific. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory tests, which are prescribed by a specialist, may be required. In addition, the doctor collects an anamnesis, interviewing the patient, and allocates a provoking cough factor.

Treatment of protracted cough in children

The purpose of treatment of a protracted cough in a child depends not only on the diagnosis, but also on many other parameters. An important role is played by the form of cough. So, with a dry cough, the baby can talk about difficulties with the consistency of phlegm. In such cases, often prescribed drugs that are aimed at diluting the secretion of the lungs. Wet cough is considered more productive. With this symptom, it is usually advisable to take medications that produce phlegm. In addition to the form of cough, when appointing a course of treatment, the expert takes into account the age of the baby, possible allergic reactions and individual intolerance and other moments.

Prolonged dry cough in a child

If a protracted cough in a child is dry, then antitussive drugs may be prescribed. The effect of such drugs is directed to the cough center located in the brain. Such drugs include butamirate, tusuprex and others.

Other medicines may be prescribed:

  • Delsim in the form of a suspension. This drug has a fairly long-term effect, eliminating all the symptoms of dry prolonged cough in the child;
  • Robotussin, he blocks the cough reflex;
  • Libexin, which reduces sensitivity of respiratory mucosa receptors and others.

A good alternative to medications can be homeopathic remedies, for example, honey mixed with lemon juice. However, even with the choice of such methods of treatment, dosage and remedy should be chosen only together with the doctor.

Prolonged wet cough in the child

With a prolonged wet cough in the child, it is important to ensure good sputum discharge. The following activities will help in this:

  • generous warm drink for the baby;
  • inhalation with the addition of chloride benzoate, soda, ammonium chloride, for the same purpose, extracts of medicinal plants can be used. The action of all these means is aimed at moistening the mucosa and facilitating the excretion of sputum, in addition, they have a slight anesthetic effect;
  • You can give the child funds based on herbs and phytopreparations, which have a bronchodilator, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Reception mukoliticheskih preparations which thin out a sputum and normalize its allocation in bronchuses. These include Ambroxol, Carbocysteine, Acetetylcysteine ​​and others.

In any case, the presence of a protracted cough in a child requires medical attention and mandatory diagnosis. Since often such a symptom indicates the transition of the disease into a chronic form, and if in time not to take measures for its treatment, the pathology may persist for a long time or even all the life of the baby.

How to treat a protracted cough in children

The main direction of treatment for prolonged coughing in a child is the elimination of the cause that caused it. After the diagnosis was made and confirmed by laboratory tests, together with a doctor a course of treatment, which includes various treatment activities and the reception of certain preparations.

The use of antibiotics is justified only with the bacterial character of a protracted cough in a child, that is, with bacterial diseases such as tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, otitis and others. However, much more often the infection that caused the cough in the baby is viral.

With laryngitis, the symptom of which is barking cough, inhalations with hormones or the administration of hormonal agents are indicated.

Dry lingering cough in children is treated with antitussive drugs. For children, you can use Dextromethorphan, Glaucine, Butamirate and others. You can substitute medicines with folk remedies. With a dry cough, the baby is fed with warmed milk with soda at the rate of a small spoon on a glass, hot tea with honey, currants or raspberries.

It is important to correctly assess the nature of the cough before giving the child a medicine, since the use of antitussive drugs is strictly contraindicated with a damp cough. In this case, the baby needs to be given expectorants that take out phlegm. Of medicinal plants have a similar effect of oregano, mint, thyme, licorice, marshmallow, anise and others. To help dry cough go to the wet are mucolytics. Among the folk remedies, this juice has the juice of plantain, extracts of fruits of anise and thyme, black radish with honey.

For very young children it is better to use synthetic mucolytic agents, since in this case it is easier to monitor the dose taken. Of these drugs can be called Bromgeksin, Mukaltin, ATSTS, Ambrobene, Doctor MOM and others.

Often in the treatment of protracted cough in older children, homeopathic remedies are used. They can be combined with the intake of antibiotics and other drugs or act as a separate treatment course. To treat dry cough, which appears in the form of strong attacks, apply potentiated copper and round-sulffered sundew. A painful dry lingering cough in children can be treated with the help of Percussion or white hair.

Coppers must cope with the cough. But you can put them only at normal temperature in the child. Such treatment is carried out for four days. In the absence of visible effect treatment is canceled, and the question of possible complication and progression of the disease is raised. Carrying out procedures using mustard plasters in children more than 5 times in a row is unacceptable, because this can cause an allergic reaction.

The child has a protracted cough - what to do? How to cure a protracted cough in a child?

Of course, for any mother, the situation when her child is ill becomes critical. One of the unpleasant manifestations of colds is a cough. And it is often impossible to get rid of it for a long time (2-3 weeks). In this case, this symptom acquires a protracted character. And what is a cough?

Many people know that this is a protective reaction of the body that helps to rid the respiratory tract of harmful microbes, mucus, dust particles.

Of course, for parents, the question is always relevant: "What if the child has a protracted cough?". It requires detailed analysis.

If you can get rid of a cold and heat in a relatively short time, then with a cough the situation is more serious.

Unfortunately, not yet invented a medicine, which after a minute destroys all the ailments. Remember that if a child has a protracted cough, then radical methods can not deal with the problem, otherwise you can harm the baby. In any case, after a relapse, mom and dad are already acquiring minimal experience in deciding whether to help the child if he coughs.

However, parents are often concerned about this question: "The child does not have a protracted cough, despite the fact that all the medicines have been tried and managed to get rid of the common cold. How can you explain this? ".

The fact is that there can be several reasons. In this case, you should immediately consult with a specialist. He absolutely will demand to hand over analyzes - it can be a crop of a sputum or a blood sampling, and on the basis of results will write out to you the prescription.

Can not get rid of a cough - contact a doctor

Remember: if a child has a protracted cough that does not last a long time, then you can not delay with treatment. An influenza weakened by the body continues to attack the infection?

What does it mean? Only one thing: the disease moves to the lungs or bronchi.

Diagnostic features

To specifically find out which microorganism has become the source of the onset of a protracted cough, it should be mandatory to make an appointment with a doctor and take the necessary tests. Their results will help correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe the right medicine. Do not self-medicate if after two weeks your child coughs. In addition to harm, such experiments will not bring anything.

Simple philistines who are thinking about how to cure a protracted cough in a child, even not suspected of what insidious infections (eg, pneumocysts) can become a source of it appearance. Often the cause of the appearance of the protective reaction we are considering are several pathogenic organisms at once. Eventually, the disease gives a complication. That's why only a qualified specialist can help in this case, and not healers-lovers.


As already emphasized, the reasons for a protracted cough in a child are very diverse. One of the main ones is just not a pathogenic bacterium, but high sensitivity of cough receptors against a background of abundant sputum after ARI or influenza.

In infants, a protracted cough can be explained by the elementary penetration of foods into the respiratory tract. In this case, a special program is used to normalize the functioning of the latter.

Do not forget that before you cure a protracted cough in the child, and in the adult too, you should find a logical explanation for his appearance.

In a number of cases, fungal microorganisms penetrate the baby's body - they cause a protracted cough. Infants can easily get infected from their mothers with cytomegalovirus.

It should also be mentioned about such a dangerous disease as tuberculosis, which in case of complications can also provoke a prolonged cough. Foreign bodies can get into the respiratory tract - this is also a logical explanation for why the baby can not calm down for a long time. External factors, such as tobacco smoke, cat or dog hair, dust, can also cause a protracted cough. Specialists identify the causes of psychogenic nature - depression, stress, nervous tension and so on.

Methods of treatment

Today, a huge number of both children and adults with prolonged cough experience real discomfort. You want to get rid of this symptom as quickly as possible.

It should be noted that the treatment of prolonged cough in children depends on a number of factors, such as diagnosis, duration of the disease, the form of the disease (dry or wet cough) and so on.

At present, many people use non-traditional (folk) medicine to eliminate these or other diseases. To get rid of a protracted cough, they can also be used, but only as an auxiliary method of treatment. Remember that you should be diagnosed with a doctor who will recommend the optimal system of recovery, the requirements of which you must observe.

It is very important to understand that the above reflex reaction of the human body can not be minimized, since it provides protection, which subsequently leads to recovery. Experts also do not recommend combining in the treatment of antitussive and expectorant drugs.

Do not self-medicate

Without the help of a doctor, you can try to get rid of only an acute cough, other variations of this ailment is inexpedient to treat without considering the expert's opinion. Also do not forget that any aggravation of the disease can be transformed into a chronic pathology.

One of the most common ways to cure a prolonged cough are physiotherapy, inhalation, homeopathic medicines and massage.

If the ailment in question appeared during the acute period of acute respiratory infections, then you can get rid of it if you use honey in combination with warm milk or radish juice in combination with the same honey.


An effective way to normalize cough is by inhalation. Cook them only with the use of warm water.

It is necessary to emphasize that too small children are contraindicated in inhalation, since there is a high probability of spasm of the respiratory tract.

If the child has an allergic reaction to medicinal plants, then the expected result will not be given.

Excellent helps to normalize the body's protective reaction to phytospora in combination with nuts, almonds and figs. As an alternative to the previous remedy, another composition can be recommended: thyme and coltsfoot. Inhalations with honey will help in a short time to eliminate phlegm, but they can not all apply, since the risk of allergy is high. In the period of treatment, experts recommend giving the baby 2-3 times a day honey combined with honeycombs.


Prolonged coughing in a child will help to eliminate mild massage procedures. Thus the child should be in a pose a head downwards. The baby should be picked up and tilted down, the older child can take this position on his own.

After this, you need to do with a slight tapping and patting in the lungs. Thus you will be able to remove phlegm from the airway walls.

A child should drink plenty of fluids

You should know that getting rid of a long cough will be difficult if the baby's body does not have enough water. Drinking in this case is one of the effective ways to combat a non-calming cough. In this case, the liquid should be slightly warm, but in no case hot. Take care that the baby is drinking as much as possible compote. Prepare to ensure that young children can be capricious. It is possible that they will have to be forced to drink.

Watch the humidity level in the room

Check the humidity level in the room. This is an important factor on which the speed of getting rid of the ailment in question depends. Consider the fact that dry air contributes to the drying up of phlegm, and then it is more difficult to be excreted from the body. To increase the humidity, place a wet cloth on the batteries or place several containers filled with water in the room.

Experts classify cough into two types: dry and wet. The first is characterized by the fact that sputum in the respiratory tract has a viscous structure and it is difficult to dilute it. Wet cough is an ailment that is accompanied by problems with the excretion of phlegm from the body.

Treatment of dry cough

A prolonged dry cough in a child can be eliminated by diluting drugs that affect the cough center.

Doctors prescribe such drugs as Butamirat, Tusuprex, Libexin. The latter medicine, by the way, reduces the sensitivity of the mucosa in the lungs. Also, experts recommend buying a drug "Delsim". This remedy, as a rule, permanently removes dry cough. As an auxiliary means of treatment, experts advise using a combination of lemon juice and honey.

Treatment for wet cough

A prolonged wet cough in a child usually passes after a complex treatment. At the same time, drugs of mucolytic (deducing) spectrum of action are applied ("Carbocysteine "Ambroxol"), inhalations containing ammonium chloride or plant extracts, medicinal herbal remedies. And, of course, the child in the treatment of a wet cough should drink as much liquid as possible.

Prolonged cough without fever

Many people pay attention to cough only if it is accompanied by fever. In the remaining cases, the symptom is not serious, they are waiting for an unpleasant phenomenon to pass by itself. They do not even think about going to the hospital, and a long cough without temperature persists for months.

The frivolous attitude to a signal of an organism in most cases comes to an end pitiful enough:

  • The underlying disease that caused the cough and was not treated for a long time, grows into a severe form.
  • The patient begins to show additional ailments, caused by a permanent weakening of the body's immune system.
  • Treatment requires large financial costs.
  • The patient falls out of active life for a long time.
  • Often the neglected form of the underlying ailment that caused a cough without temperature, because of untimely medical care, can not be cured completely. A person for a lifetime gets a chronic illness.

The severe consequences of ignoring a prolonged cough without fever are explained by the fact that often it is a companion of quite serious and dangerous processes occurring in the body. They can affect various organs, as well as worsen the state of the immune system as a whole.

Prolonged cough, chest pain without fever due to chronic bronchitis

Reflex spasms of the respiratory tract often serve as a sign of ailments, not necessarily having a sharp form. A prolonged cough (more than a month) without a temperature is very often observed with chronic bronchitis. Its main features are:

  • Parallel appearance of painful sensations in the chest.
  • Gain in windy and damp weather.
  • Allocating abundant sputum.

Prolonged disregard of the symptom and lack of adequate treatment of the underlying disease can lead to the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Long cough without fever with tuberculosis

In addition to protracted bronchitis, there is a more serious respiratory disease, which can be evidenced by bronchospasm, which do not give rest for a long time. A prolonged cough (3 weeks) without fever can be a sign of such a terrible ailment as tuberculosis. The symptom that accompanies this disease has the following characteristics:

  • It may be dry or with a small amount of sputum.
  • Has a metallic sound.
  • It manifests itself mainly in the morning hours, after the patient got out of bed.
  • Individual seizures can be quite long.

The danger of ignoring a prolonged cough without the temperature caused by tuberculosis is that during reflex spasms, which are becoming more intense, respiratory organs can be injured and pulmonary bleeding. The main disease in the absence of adequate treatment will progress, growing into a more severe form.

Constant cough without temperature in smokers

Reflex spastic exhalations, which last for a long time, can be caused not only directly by diseases of the bronchi or lungs. Often they develop due to the presence of a harmful habit - nicotine addiction, which provokes the beginning of the development of various pathological processes in the respiratory organs.

If the cough lasts 3 weeks (no temperature), while a person has a long experience of a smoker, it is worth paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Are there any signs of any infectious diseases.
  • Does cough appear most often in the mornings, after physical exertion (even fast walking), with sudden inhalations.
  • Are bronchospasm accompanied by the release of dense clots of mucus.

If a prolonged cough without temperature in a smoker is accompanied by similar symptoms, then there is a high probability that an unpleasant phenomenon is caused by the constant inhalation of tobacco smoke.

The only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without temperature in this case is to stop smoking. All other methods (inhalations, mint or eucalyptus sweets, softening the throat of the rinse) may slightly weaken the intensity of reflex spasms, but they will not be able to completely rid themselves of them.

Just as it is impossible without abandoning the harmful habit and stop the pathological processes that began in the respiratory system. After all, very often a prolonged cough in smokers develops into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which threatens with serious consequences for health.

Prolonged cough without fever with heart disease

Continuous reflex spasms of the diaphragm can be caused not only by pathological processes occurring directly in the respiratory organs. If, for example, a cough lasts 2 weeks without a temperature, then it is worth paying attention to other sensations and signs:

  • A symptom without temperature, accompanied by the separation of mucus and blood clots, will indicate a possible failure of the right ventricle of the heart, which appeared against the background of atrial fibrillation. The prolonged course of this disease causes stagnation in the lungs. As a consequence, there is a thromboembolic syndrome that causes bronchospasm.
  • A sharp dry cough, accompanied by pain, not only in the heart area, but in the entire chest can be a sign of pericarditis or rheumatism. The absence of treatment of these diseases for a long time is fraught with the onset of heart attacks.
  • A prolonged, exhausting and loud cough without temperature, which occurs after a person's stay for some time in a supine position, may indicate a heart failure of the left ventricle. It is accompanied by a strong choking. Coughing in this case brings noticeable relief.
  • A prolonged dry cough without fever can be a symptom of a strong increase in the size of the left atrium. An unpleasant phenomenon can be accompanied by weakness and abundant sweating.
  • In children, a prolonged cough without fever can indicate the presence of congenital heart disease. This disease is fraught with various complications. However, a child can outgrow it.

Prolonged cough without fever in allergic reactions

Supersensitivity of the organism to various stimuli can also cause reflex spasms of the respiratory tract. The unpleasant symptom arising from the action of allergens can be quite long. He pursues a person until the patient's contact with the provocateur is excluded. If the cough lasts two weeks (without the temperature), then it will not be superfluous to visit the hospital and take tests to identify various intolerances.

For an unpleasant symptom caused by an allergy, the following course is characteristic:

  • Appearance after contact with a specific stimulus.
  • Absence of such signs of painful conditions, such as: fever, fever, pain, weakness.
  • Possible presence of itching, runny nose, sneezing.
  • Absence of phlegm.

A prolonged cough without fever can be evidence of an allergic reaction of the body to such common things as:

  • Pollen of plants.
  • Food.
  • Wool.
  • Frost.
  • The sun.
  • Cosmetical tools.
  • Household chemical products.

The reasons for the development of allergies and the occurrence of a prolonged cough without temperature, can be:

  • Excessive hygiene, which reduces the protective function of the immune system.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Food saturated with chemical elements.

Unfortunately, drugs that treat allergies do not exist. Therefore, the only way to get rid of a prolonged cough without temperature is to completely exclude contact with the stimulus that causes intolerance.

Of course, the general knowledge of the causes of reflux airway spasms is not enough to independently diagnose and prescribe treatment. Only a doctor can correctly understand why an unpleasant symptom arose, analyze all available clinical picture and identify a disease that causes an unpleasant long-term cough without temperature. Only after this, the specialist appoints the optimal treatment regimen, which will help the patient in the shortest time to get rid of an unpleasant symptom and the underlying ailment.

The child has a prolonged cough for a month - what can it be?

When stimulating the receptors of the tracheobronchial tree, a person may have coughing attacks. It can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum discharge. If the cough lasts a long time, it may indicate the development of certain diseases. The child has a prolonged cough for a month - what can it be?

The child has a prolonged cough for a month - what diseases can occur?

1. Bronchial asthma is accompanied by severe bouts of prolonged cough in children. Most often it happens at night. Given that the muscles of the diaphragm in the child are constantly straining, the patient may experience pain in the chest and in the abdominal region. At the child long cough can cease in half an hour-hour, then expectoration is viscous sputum.

2. Pertussis is also accompanied by a strong, convulsive, prolonged cough. At first the disease manifests itself in the form of a usual catarrhal cough, but can not be treated with the usual means, for example, mustard plasters, inhalations, and with time increases. Most often, attacks of prolonged cough in children occur at night. Coughing in the child is accompanied by vomiting. The disease lasts for more than a month - about six weeks. Diagnosis of whooping cough is a rather complicated process, and the treatment of children is carried out in a hospital.

3. Sometimes severe attacks of prolonged cough in children can be observed with respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, that is, the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx. Diseases are accompanied by a dry "barking" cough. If the disease is properly treated, then cough retreats after 3 days, in the absence of treatment, complications such as prolonged coughing for more than a month, bronchitis and pneumonia may appear.

The child has a prolonged cough for a month and bronchitis

Strong and frequent attacks of cough accompanied by acute bronchitis. The child has a prolonged cough due to inflammation of the bronchial mucosa, also Other symptoms may appear, such as a runny nose, a sore throat, hoarseness, an increase temperature. First a dry cough develops, severe attacks are more often observed at night, after a few days passes into a wet cough. Duration of the disease is from 5 to 15 days, treatment of a prolonged cough for more than a month should appoint a doctor. If the treatment does not start on time, it will be necessary to take antibiotics. As a result of a strong prolonged cough in a child, his attacks are accompanied by painful sensations in the chest and abdomen.

If a child has a prolonged cough it is worth immediately contacting a doctor, only a correct and timely diagnosis will help him to cure quickly. Self-medication can be unsafe for the health of the baby.

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