Pain in the neck when turning the head


  • 1Pain in the neck when turning the head
    • 1.1Causes
    • 1.2General recommendations for examination and treatment
  • 2If, when turning the head, discomfort and pain in the neck
    • 2.1Causes of pain in the cervical spine
    • 2.2Traumatic injury
  • 3Causes and treatment of neck pain when turning the head
    • 3.1Why does it hurt when I turn my head?
    • 3.2Osteochondrosis
    • 3.3Myogelosis
    • 3.4Spondylosis
    • 3.5Torticollis
    • 3.6Cervical migraine
    • 3.7Osteoarthritis
    • 3.8Arthritis
    • 3.9Other reasons
    • 3.10Diagnostics
    • 3.11How to get rid of neck pain?
    • 3.12Prevention
  • 4Why does my neck hurt when I turn my head
    • 4.1Pain in the neck in children
    • 4.2What kind of doctor should I contact?
    • 4.3Examination and diagnosis
    • 4.4Medication Therapy
    • 4.5Orthopedics
    • 4.6Reflexology
    • 4.7Laser therapy (LLL-therapy)
    • 4.8Ultrasound
    • 4.9Massage
    • 4.10Exercise therapy
    • 4.11Surgical intervention
    • 4.12Preventive measures
  • 5Pain in the neck or headache when turning the head
    • 5.1Causes of pain
    • 5.2Headaches when turning the head
    • instagram viewer
    • 5.3Diagnosis of pain
    • 5.4Why does the child's neck hurt?
    • 5.5Causes of Pain Syndrome in Children
    • 5.6Causes of pain in elderly people
    • 5.7Pain sensations on the right
    • 5.8Pain in the left neck
    • 5.9Why does my head and neck hurt?
    • 5.10How is pain syndrome treated in the neck?
    • 5.11Conservative treatment
    • 5.12Manual therapy as part of non-drug treatment

Pain in the neck when turning the head

We intuitively treat the neck with great attention, so there is nothing surprising in that, that when the neck hurts when you turn your head, it causes us anxiety and even fear. Meanwhile, at the heart of these painful feelings lie serious, but completely curable diseases, the main thing is that they will turn to the doctor in time.


The neck is a complex and very important organ that performs several functions:

  1. Turns and slopes of the head along different planes
  2. Head holding, whose weight is relatively large
  3. Protection of the beginning of the digestive and respiratory systems

These goals are the specific structure of the cervical vertebrae and cervical musculature. A large number of muscles in this area supports the weight of the head and provides movement through various "degrees of freedom".

Muscles also partially protect the trachea and the beginning of the esophagus. The vertebrae of the cervical spine are different from their "counterparts" from other parts of the spine - they are thinner and lighter, which gives additional mobility.

And the shape of the upper spine also helps to hold the head.

There are two main reasons, because of which there is pain in the neck when turning the head: myositis and osteochondrosis. They are different from each other, so you need to consider them separately.


Myositis of the neck muscles is usually a cold as a result of cooling. It can occur when blowing in drafts, or outdoors in frost.

Often there is a unilateral myositis, when a person sits at the computer side of the window, travels to car with a slightly open side window, or stands in public transport next to the open window.

Myositis also arises as a result of a strong strain on the muscles of the neck - for example, when trying to lift a weight that is too heavy for a person.

In this case, all the muscles of a person that do not even participate in the movement of gravity are reduced in a static mode, which leads to overstraining of the neck.

Rare reasons for myositis can be swimming (especially in cold water) and a long stay in one position (for example, sleeping on an uncomfortable too hard or too soft cushion, in such cases, neck pain can be given off in head).

In all cases, the muscles become inflamed, while the pains are local in nature. Pain sensations are almost always asymmetric (unilateral myositis), quite unpleasant and worse with muscle contraction (i.e.

in our case - when turning the head) or when trying to touch them. The disease makes movement difficult and can lead to weakening and even muscle atrophy.

As a rule, the symptoms appear after 1-2 days after a cold or overexertion.

In the treatment of myositis, analgesics and rubbing are used (for example, with liquid ointment Menovazine). Often assigned to bed rest, so that the injured muscles can rest without significant movements.

Dry heat is used: a scarf at home or warming up in a physiotherapy room. A protein-rich diet (meat, fish, eggs and dairy products) helps to replace old damaged muscle fibers with newly created healthy bodies.

After the removal of acute pain, massage and therapeutic exercises are possible, but only according to the doctor's prescription!


Osteochondrosis is a disease of the spine, associated with ossification or thinning of the intervertebral cartilage. Cervical osteochondrosis is an unpleasant subspecies of this disease.

If the vertebrae as a result of the weakening of the intervertebral tissue are shifted back, then a nerve pincering can occur. In this case, any movement, (for example, turning the head), will lead to severe pain.

The same effect can be observed with protrusion or herniation of the intervertebral disc, only in this case the intervertebral cartilage will press on the nerve.

The pains are piercing, sometimes they are so strong that a person has to walk with a head fixed in one position. Often the neck and head hurt at the same time.

The risk of osteochondrosis in the neck is great, because the vertebrae located there are small enough, thin and fragile. In addition, it is in the neck that there are many nervous plexuses. As a result, any, even the slightest damage or displacement can cause unpleasant sensations.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is very diverse and includes:

  • Painkillers
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Nice)
  • To protect the stomach from anti-inflammatory agents, Omez
  • Rubbing the neck with special ointments (Fastum-Gel)
  • Dry Heat
  • Vitamins of group B (Kombilipen) and fortifying vitamin-mineral complexes
  • After removal of the basic pains and on indications of the attending physician - physiotherapy exercises

Other reasons

There are several other reasons why turning the head can cause pain in the neck. They are much less common than osteochondrosis or myositis, but it is necessary to know about them.

A tumor, both a disk and a vertebra, and even a nerve in the cervical (neurofibroma). Sometimes in the spine begin to develop tumors. Most often they are benign, but sometimes there are cases of malignant. They can give metastases to the shoulder region, chest.

Fracture of the 1st cervical vertebra. Very dangerous injury. With her neck mobility can even increase. But you should not turn your head in any case! It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

General recommendations for examination and treatment

If your neck hurts so that you do not turn your head, then first of all you need to undergo an x-ray of the cervical department - this is the main way of diagnosis. Other methods include computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment is carried out by a neurologist, who, in turn, can refer you to a surgeon.

As a rule, after getting rid of acute pain patients are prescribed special gymnastics and taking vitamins, which not only help get rid of the remnants of the disease, but also reduce the risk of its recurrence.

It should be noted that self-medication with pain in the neck and head in any case impossible. You can do yourself harm, but even if this does not happen, the effectiveness of this kind of "therapy" will be very low.

You can not warm up your neck by yourself, it's strictly forbidden to stretch it with pressure on your head (some people think that this way they can relieve tension and spasms from the muscles).

It is necessary to limit the motor activity, not to engage in sports for the period of treatment of the disease.

Thus, although the pain in the neck when turning the head and is frightening, it is easily treated with timely access to a specialist. And the earlier you come to see a doctor, the more likely you are to defeat the disease with minimal means and in the shortest possible time.

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If, when turning the head, discomfort and pain in the neck

Pain in the neck when turning the head - a fairly common problem. Many do not take it seriously and do not seek medical help, hoping that the neck itself will stop ache.

Everything is much more complicated,pain in the cervical spine - a symptom of a number of pathologies:osteochondrosis and its complications, diseases of the nervous system and musculoskeletal system, traumas, infectious processes.

Neck, cervical region - the upper part of the spinal column, consisting of 7 vertebrae and having a natural bend that faces forward with a convex part. The cervical spine is the most mobile.

    Functions of the neck are:
  • protection of the spinal canal,
  • maintaining the head,
  • fixation of the head in a certain position,
  • turns in different directions.

A feature of the neck is the presence of a large number of nerve fibers and blood vessels. Any disease of the cervical spine does not pass without a trace.

A minor protrusion of the disc causes intense pain, and a disc herniation is also the cause of a number of neurologic symptoms.

Common symptoms are gradually added to the characteristic signs: the pressure rises and the head begins to ache. In the presence of such clinical signs urgent consultation of the neurologist is necessary.

Causes of pain in the cervical spine

Pain in the neck is different: pulsating, pulling, shooting, tingling, cutting, aching.

Usually it increases with muscle tension and slight movement.

Often the pain in the neck on the left or right when turning the head is accompanied by dizziness, headache, noise in the ears, numbness of the upper limbs.

Consider the most frequent causes of pain in the neck during bends, inclinations or other movements of the head and neck.

Traumatic injury

It can be:

  1. trauma (stretching, tearing) of the muscles and ligaments of the neck;
  2. vertebral fractures;
  3. dislocations and fractures of the intervertebral joints.

The most characteristic for the neck is a very dangerous "whiplash" injury. It occurs when the vehicle brakes abruptly or during a jump.

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Most often, "whiplash" injury is found among drivers and athletes.

For extensor injuries of the neck are characterized by such symptoms: pain and crunch in the neck in front, muscle tension, impaired mobility.

  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system- osteochondrosis or spondylarthrosis of the cervical spine, herniated intervertebral disc. Pain with osteochondrosis irradiates into the shoulder, arm and can be accompanied by an intolerable headache, flickering "flies" before the eyes. This is typical for squeezing the nerve roots, spinal cord or vessels located in the cervical spine.
  • Myositis or inflammation of the neck muscles.
  • Autoimmune diseases- psoriatic and rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, rheumatic polymyalgia, systemic lupus erythematosus. These diseases are manifested by pain in the collarbone, neck and stiffness of the shoulder zone.
  • Infectious diseasesmusculoskeletal system - osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, brucellosis.
  • Infectious diseasesother localizations - meningitis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, shingles, borreliosis, encephalitis, malaria. Cause hypertension (stiffness) of cervical and occipital muscles and severe pain in the neck when turning the head
  • Tumorsthe spine andmetastasesin the spine. Sarcomas and hemangiomas are manifested by pain, which increases with the growth of the tumor. The pain does not go away at rest, it intensifies at night and is not stopped by medication. Gradually develops muscle weakness, decreases sensitivity, worsens cerebral circulation.
  • Diseases of internal organs- angina pectoris, myocarditis, cardiomyopathy, pericarditis, myocardial infarction, gastritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastric ulcer, small cell lung cancer, abscesses and brain haematomas.
  1. Muscle spasms are a fairly common cause of neck pain. Spasm occurs when the neck is in a long position in an uncomfortable position and is accompanied by severe pain when trying to turn the head. This is a professional pathology of cashiers, musicians, programmers. Spasms in the muscles can be after sleep in an uncomfortable position or with sharp turns of the head. For this pathology is characterized by severe pain, neck edema, spontaneous muscle contractions.
  2. Psychosomatic diseases - depression, neurosis, overwork.
  3. Overcooling, colds, when there may be pain in the lymph nodes on the neck.

The root cause of all diseases of the spine is incorrect posture, and as a consequence - scoliosis. What dangers inherent in the scoliosis of the thoracic department, read in the article.

Regular training of the spinal musculature is needed not only in terms of body beauty. This is necessary so that our house, called "spine does not crumble. More about the importance of the internal muscular system:

Diagnosis of pathology begins with patient complaints and the collection of anamnesis. Pay attention to the nature of pain, duration, time of appearance.

The doctor, talking with the patient, finds out when there is pain, where in the neck pain concentrates, in front or behind, left or right, why it becomes worse or worse, in what situations the severity of the symptoms becomes the maximum. After examination, the necks go to a cautious feeling of the affected area.

The main diagnostic studies that allow to establish the cause of pain in the neck are:

  • general clinical and biochemical analyzes of blood and urine;
  • determination of the level of hormones in the blood for the detection of pathologies of the thyroid gland;
  • determination of the rheumatic factor in the blood;
  • the definition of the main oncomarkers for the detection of malignant neoplasms;
  • X-ray examination of the cervical spine can reveal degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, spondylarthrosis, spondylosis;
  • tomographic examination of the cervical spine;
  • ultrasound examination of blood flow in the vessels of the neck;
  • angiography.

The study is carried out by the method of Doppler ultrasound (UZDG) and shows the state of blood flow and cerebral vessels, informs about the presence of deformities and disorders of the vessels of the neck.

A comprehensive diagnostic approach allows us to identify not only the existing neck diseases, but also dangerous complications that threaten the patient's life. Timely diagnosis contributes to a speedy recovery.

If there was a pain in the neck, what to do and what to treat

Treatment of pain in the neck when turning the head depends on the cause that caused it. Therapeutic measures consist in the elimination of the underlying disease and the use of symptomatic drugs that reduce discomfort in the neck.

If the cause of the pain is osteochondrosis, the patient is prescribed drugs that slow the degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cartilaginous tissue, which remove inflammation and muscle spasms.

This disease with pain in the neck shows regular exercise, massage, therapeutic gymnastics, competent manual therapy, physiotherapy treatment.

If there is pain in the neck, the patient is provided with maximum rest, excludes all sudden movements, gives the most comfortable position, which allows reducing the burden on the neck. Further actions depend on the cause of the pain.

If there was a trauma with a suspicion of a fracture, it is forbidden to move the injured person and turn his head.

It is necessary to apply cold to the sore spot. In some pathologies, it is required to warm it with an alcohol compress or a wool scarf, you can use a Capsicum warming ointment from pain in the neck.

You can remove the pain with the help of anesthetics and anti-inflammatory drugs - Analgin, Paracetamol, Nurofen.

Immediately call an ambulance if:

  • the patient loses consciousness;
  • pain does not pass and becomes unbearable;
  • a serious injury occurred;
  • there are symptoms of other serious diseases, such as heart pain, bleeding, indomitable vomiting, acute stomach.

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Causes and treatment of neck pain when turning the head

Often, patients who complain of having pain in the neck with a turn of the head turn to the neurologist.

The nature of morbidity in each person is different, as are the factors that caused discomfort.

The main task of the doctor is to correctly diagnose, based on the patient's complaints, and prescribe a treatment.

Why does it hurt when I turn my head?

There are several diseases in which a person has a sore neck, painful lumbago arises when tilting, turning the head.

Why there is discomfort: due to the fact that the cervical spine is affected, the work is disrupted cardiovascular system, a person had a neck injury, a brain concussion, fracture of the bones of the skull or the spine.


With this disease, the elasticity of the fibrous rings in the vertebrae decreases in a person. If osteochondrosis affects the spine around the neck, the patient notes the occurrence of the following symptoms:

  • Decreased sensory perception in the fingers.
  • Pain in the back of the neck.
  • The cervical muscles become very tight.
  • Acute pain in the neck in a static position.
  • Exacerbation of unpleasant sensations during head movement.
  • If you turn sharply or change the position of the body, there is dizziness, darkening in the eyes.
  • Noise, ringing, a sensation of pulsation in the ears.

Unpleasant sensations can arise in the morning, when a person rises from bed or during the day, after performing monotonous work in an uncomfortable position.

The causes of the development of the disease - a sedentary lifestyle, an inconvenient pillow, excessive physical activity, work in which you have to perform repetitive movements or carry weights.


Due to hypothermia, permanent presence in an uncomfortable posture, curvature of the spinal column, a myogelosis may develop in a person - a tightening of the muscular tissue of the shoulder girdle, neck.

The main symptom is the stiffness of movements due to pain in the neck, occiput.

If there is a need to look to the side, the patient with myoglosis turns around the whole body, avoiding any movement of the head.

Myoglosis of the neck muscles can be the cause of the development of depression, a neurosis-like state in a person.


Pain when turning the head appears, if the bone tissue of the cervical vertebrae prolifically grows, spondylosis develops.

The disease can occur due to flat feet, with violation of venous outflow of blood in the lower limbs, endocrine disorder, in which the bone tissue changes.

The cause of spondylosis can be age-related changes in cartilaginous tissue in the cervical vertebrae, abrasion of the joint bones, lack of hyaluronic acid.

With spondylosis, the patient is impaired mobility of the neck, there is a feeling of stiffness after sleep. Symptoms of the disease:

  • If you stay in the same position for a long time, your neck starts hurting.
  • The head in a nape hurts.
  • Feeling of numbness in the neck, shoulder section.
  • Painful lumbago in the arm, palm, under the shoulder.
  • Turning, tilting, any movement of the head causes pain syndrome.

The late stage of spondylosis is characterized by a restriction of mobility of the neck, regardless of whether it hurts or not.


This pathology is diagnosed only in children, mainly newborns.

When the child's head is curved, it constantly takes a forced position-turned or inclined, due to the fact that when the position of the head changes, the muscles of the neck tighten, and pain arises.

The facial muscles on the opposite side are stretched, lengthened, there is an asymmetry of the facial features.

Cervical migraine

Cervical migraine can occur in a person with an anomaly of blood vessels, with atherosclerosis. Also, the disease can develop together with myogelosis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Cervical migraine attacks are a complication of whiplash injury, cramps spasms.

A migraine attack is accompanied by the following unpleasant sensations:

  • It hurts on one side of the nape, the pain is pulsating, burning, squeezing.
  • The pain shoots under the eye, behind the ear, into the parietal region.
  • It hurts to touch the hair, the skin is "burning".
  • Pulsates, rings in the ears.
  • Fly "flies" in the eyes.
  • Pain in the neck when turning, severe dizziness, a person may even faint.

A characteristic feature of cervical migraine - painful sensations become stronger when pressing on the region of spinous processes of cervical vertebrae.


Earlier it was believed that osteoarthrosis of the neck is the fate of elderly patients, as they have a reduced tone of tissues, metabolism worsens.

But now the disease is often diagnosed in young people.

The causes of the pathology: the transferred poliomyelitis, a significant weight gain, the lack of physical exertion, heredity.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

  • If you turn your head to the side, a characteristic crunch appears.
  • When you move, the neck hurts, even if you just go.
  • There is a restriction to the movement of the neck, for example, you can turn your neck just a little.
  • The gait is broken, it becomes shaky, unstable.
  • Soreness in the thoracic region.
  • Increase in blood pressure.

Usually the symptoms of osteoarthritis disappear at night. At rest, a person feels relieved.


Cervical arthritis is a disease in which cartilage tissue in the cervical vertebral discs becomes inflamed. Pathology can occur after spinal trauma, hypothermia, or as a result of natural aging of the body. Arthritis is accompanied by symptoms:

  • The neck hurts.
  • The slopes and turns of the head are accompanied by a crunch.
  • In the neck there is a stabbing pain.
  • Shoots under the shoulder blade, shoulder, brush.
  • Redness of the skin of the neck, swelling and swelling of the tissues.
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The difference between arthritis and arthrosis is that pain most often occurs at night, it is very difficult for the patient to fall asleep due to unpleasant sensations. In this case, vertebrae are deformed to such an extent that they begin to protrude under the skin, on the neck appear tubercles.

Other reasons

Infectious diseases, neoplasm in the brain tissues, radiculitis can also be the reason that a person has a sore neck when turning. Pain can persecute the whole life of a person who has suffered a neck injury, fracture of the spine, whiplash injury.


Considering how many diseases can be accompanied by soreness in the neck while turning the head, it is only the doctor who can diagnose it.

Sometimes a neurologist needs to conduct a thorough examination in order to diagnose "osteochondrosis" and to prescribe an adequate treatment.

To confirm the diagnosis, you may need to undergo an additional examination:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Computer tomography.
  • To hand over the general analysis of a blood and urine.

The earlier a patient consults a doctor, the easier it is to understand the causes of discomfort and to eliminate it.

How to get rid of neck pain?

The treatment of each disease must be approached in a comprehensive manner. When the cervical spine is affected, the doctor may recommend:

  • To put on the neck gels, ointments: warming, painkillers, possessing anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Take drugs that improve blood circulation, strengthen the vessels, normalize the work of the brain.
  • To pass a course of physiotherapy: electrophoresis with Diclofenac, magnetotherapy, laser.
  • To pass a course of massage or manual therapy. Even a slight rubbing of the muscles, which is performed independently, can relieve a person's condition.
  • Therapeutic physical training. There is a common set of exercises, but it is advisable to coordinate with the doctor the use of certain movements to exclude the exacerbation of the disease.

Physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy is only used if the disease is not in an acute stage. If the cause of the pain is a large-scale intervertebral hernia or a malignant neoplasm, a possible effective treatment is surgical intervention.


Is it possible to prevent the onset of pain? Try to avoid hypothermia, wear clothes with a high collar in the winter, fasten your jackets, tie your neck with a warm scarf.

If your neck often hurts when you turn your head, and you undergo treatment, remember that it's not enough just to take medication. It is necessary to completely change your lifestyle: lose weight, adjust the load when performing heavy monotonous work, eat right.

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Why does my neck hurt when I turn my head

The neck is the uppermost and mobile part of the spine, the crown of which is the human head.

However, in the cervical vertebrae (seven of them), thinner bodies in comparison with the vertebrae of the thoracic and sacro-lumbar departments, and this despite the fact that the neck has a fair share of the load to hold the head and turn it from the side to side.

Such a natural injustice makes this part of our spine more vulnerable to getting various traumas, to lumbago (blown, too sharply turned or twitched), subluxations and etc.

So, let's take a closer look at what our neck pays for its mobility and functionality, and why it can hurt while moving.

From the problems in the neck are not insured, no one - no adult, no child, no older people. They also do not experience "sympathy" on the basis of gender. In the medical language, neck pain without recoil into other parts of the body is called cervicalgia.

However, for some of them other terms have been invented:

  • Pain on one side of the neck (left or right) with recoil in the arm -cervicobrahialgia;
  • Pain in the neck when turning with kickback to the head -cervicocrany;
  • Pain in the neck in the form of a lumbago -cervicago.

The nature of cervical pain can be connected both with the vertebral column (osteochondrosis or dorsopathy, arthrosis, etc.), and be the consequence of other serious diseases.

In the neck are many vital organs, such as: esophagus, larynx, trachea, thyroid, lymph nodes. There are arteries, veins, muscles and nerves here.

Diseases of these organs can lead to inflammatory processes in the tissues of the neck.

Tell me where your neck hurts ...

By the place of the neck where the pain syndrome manifests (strong or weak, intense or not), you can determine which problem the person has encountered:

  • Pain in the lower part of the neck with recoil in the shoulder- intervertebral hernia;
  • Intense pain in the neck with recoil in the arm- neglected form of osteochondrosis, tumor formation in the cervical spine;
  • Left- or right-sided pain in the neck or with a turn of the head- muscle overstrain, hypothermia, prolonged exposure in an uncomfortable position. As a rule, does not require any serious treatment and is eliminated after a few days.
  • The double-sided pain in the neck- a sign of fibromyalgia, a disease that can be easily detected by painful points, but is difficult to cure;
  • Pain on the left side of the front of the neck- This may be a symptom of myocardial infarction or angina pectoris.

The level of intensity of pain in the neck can also tell a lot: if the pain is strong and while the person can not turn head, then this is a clear sign of meningitis, brain tumor or hemorrhage; severe unbearable pain in the neck - perhaps this is an acute thyroiditis and etc.

Pain in the neck in children

In children and adolescents, the neck can be aching from all sides - front and back, left, and right. Every single case can be a symptom of some serious disease:

  • The front of the neck- usually associated with diseases of the throat (sore throat, tracheitis, etc.);
  • Pain on the sides- signals the tightness of the muscles (from the side of pain). In infants, frequent diagnoses are so-called. "Torticollis when the head is inclined towards the clamping of the muscles, and the chin looks in the opposite direction. If you do not treat the "torticollis" in time, the child's face will take asymmetric forms over the years. In older children, left- and right-sided pains in the neck can be a consequence of an inconvenient pillow, a draft, or, for example, a mumps, in which there is an increase in lymph nodes and edema of the neck;
  • Posterior section of neck and head- may be a sign of meningitis (inflammation of the membranes of the brain). If the child has a fever, the head is always hurting, and when the head is tilted and trying to reach the chest with the chin, there is a strong pinching and pain in the neck, preventing him from doing this simple exercise - you need to urgently apply to the doctor. Maybe it's meningitis. Most often, meningitis attacks children under 5 years of age. the viral form of the disease is easiest to cure. The most terrible and rapidly progressing form of meningitis is based on the bacterium meningokkoke.

In addition to the above reasons, there are a number of other: injuries, bruises, stretching of muscles, displacement of vertebrae, arthritis, etc.

Diagnostics and treatment of the root causes of pain syndromes in the neck are engaged in infectious diseases, orthopedic traumatologist, rheumatologist, otorhinolaryngologist, neurologist (child).

What kind of doctor should I contact?

From far from complete material of this article, it is clear how diverse the causes causing pain in the neck with and without motion are. In this case, each disease is treated differently.

Depending on the symptomatology and the nature of the pain, the following specialists conduct the tests:

  • Therapist.
  • Neurologist.
  • Traumatologist.
  • Cardiologist.
  • ENT doctor.

Examination and diagnosis

One of the most important points in the diagnosis of the cause of pain in the neck is a visit to the neurologist's office.

Armed with a hammer and a special needle, the neurologist will try to find out the state of the reflexes on the limbs, the level of skin sensitivity, and also the strength of the muscles.

After a visual examination, most likely, a visit to the radiologist will be scheduled to find out the condition of the neck and intervertebral discs. But the usual X-ray does not give a clear idea of ​​the state of soft tissues.

The complete picture can be seen only with CT or MRI, and the MRI procedure is considered to be more advanced than CT scan,

X-rays are not used here, but a powerful magnetic field is involved.

However, by virtue of this, it would seem, advantageous, for patients with implanted metal objects, pacemakers and artificial prosthesis MRI becomes inaccessible procedure.


Treatment of the aching neck should be complex and can only be carried out after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

The main goal is to eliminate the root cause of the pain syndrome in the neck. The treatment course consists of taking medications, physio- and reflexotherapy, exercise therapy and massage.

In the most extreme and severe cases, surgical intervention is performed.

Medication Therapy

It consists in taking painkillers (anesthetics and analgesics), as well as a number of concomitant medications, for the removal of inflammatory, edematous and other negative processes.


The implication is wearing a Chance collar, which is necessary after neck injuries or surgery on it. There are two types of collar - rigid (full fixation and immobilization of the neck) and soft (partial fixation of the cervical region to form a correct posture).


In this type of therapy, a technique is used to influence the neck with an electric current while using anesthetics. This includes electroacupuncture, percutaneous electroneurostimulation and usual acupuncture with special needles.

Laser therapy (LLL-therapy)

A low-level laser is used. On the painful part of the neck, they are exposed to a beam of ultraviolet, infrared and red light. This helps to calm the pain and relieve the inflammatory process.


Ultrasonic waves have a beneficial effect on the state of nerve cells, help to relieve spasm and improve blood circulation. The introduction of painkillers by means of ultrasound enhances the effective effect of drugs on the focus of pain.


Manual therapy is one of the best means for relieving tension from the neck.

The task of the osteopath is to manipulate the biologically active points on the neck with the help of hands, and the chiropractors correct subluxations and displacements.

Remove tension in the muscles of the neck, stretch the spine - this is already a task for therapeutic massage.

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Exercise therapy

Training the neck muscles is quite a difficult task. Therefore, the main emphasis in the selection of exercises is made on the mobility of the shoulder girdle and thoracic region, as well as the uniform distribution of loads throughout the spine.

Surgical intervention

This is the most extreme measure and is used only for diagnoses of the herniated intervertebral disc, myelopathy (infringement of the spinal cord) and radiculopathy (infringement of the spinal roots). But even with such serious diagnoses, operations are performed only in exceptional cases in order to avoid complications.

Preventive measures

To somehow protect yourself and your neck from the above "horrors you do not need much:

  • With sedentary work (for example, at the computer), more often do "smoke breaks change the pose, do several warm-up exercises;
  • It is necessary to avoid stress. You can go to the gym, or you can just take a warm bath;
  • Do breathing exercises. Deep breath and strong exhalation. Counted to three and again repeated the exercise;
  • Drink more water, because it transfers the necessary minerals and electrolytes to the muscles. It is best to use pure water or mineral water and juice;
  • Things are best to wear in a backpack, so as not to overexert the neck muscles again;
  • During sleep it is necessary to use a pillow and postures, under which the neck would be in its natural position and not strained. For example, sleeping on your stomach is highly discouraged. then the head and neck will be turned to the side, and so on.

A source:

Pain in the neck or headache when turning the head

The pain signals that in the body there is a process that disrupts the normal operation of the organ or even the whole system.

As soon as the pathological process is eliminated, unpleasant sensations will leave. The localization of pain can be different.

Quite often, equally men and women complain of discomfort in the neck, which can be amplified when making movements.

Causes of pain

Doctors-neurologists tend to believe that the pain that occurs when the head turns is of varying severity is the result of a spasm of the muscles of the neck or shoulders.

Among other reasons, such diagnoses as cervicothoracic radiculitis and cervical osteochondrosis. Very often, those who come to the doctor with a complaint about the discomfort in the neck, goes to a consultation with a traumatologist.

This occurs if the doctor suspects an injury in the cervical spine.

Do not exclude the need to examine the oncologist, as the pain in the neck can cause tumors of the spine or brain or metastasis when other internal bodies.

Often, the muscles can get sick as a result of exposure to a draft, a long stay in one position or, as a consequence, strong monotonous loads.

If a person turns his head, and thus there is a strong pain in the neck and occiput, then he has the first signs of beginning cervical osteochondrosis.

Sometimes physical exertion only increases discomfort and pain.

A similar condition is the result of the destruction of intervertebral discs and cartilage pressure on nerve endings and vessels.

Muscle pain in the back of the neck, scapula and shoulder - these are signs of a complication of osteochondrosis, like cervico-brachial sciatica, and any movement increases unpleasant sensations. There may also be a loss of sensitivity to the skin.

Headaches when turning the head

Some people at the doctor's office complain that they have a headache when they turn their heads to the right or left.

In this case, if among the additional complaints there is general weakness, partial or complete refusal to eat, depression, and pain - sharp and worse with the movement of the head, then it can talk about purulent inflammation brain.

Pressing or dull headache can talk about hypertensive syndrome, especially if discomfort is localized in the occiput.

Among the reasons for this condition experts call the wrong position of the neck during sedentary work.

That's why complaints about what hurts in the cervical department can often be heard from programmers, journalists and office workers.

Diagnosis of pain

One must understand that there is very little pain in the neck for a neurologist to make a correct diagnosis. After the initial examination, which involves palpation of the muscles of the neck, vertebrae, anamnesis, the doctor puts a preliminary diagnosis and determines the further tactics of the examinations.

To determine why there is acute pain on the left or on the right, it helps to conduct an X-ray examination, as well as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) or CT (computed tomography). The results of the diagnostic examination give the doctor information about the stage of the development of the disease; in which part of the spine or part of the neck localized pain.

Also an additional source of information about why it hurts in the cervical region, in the nape are:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood test for ESR;
  • a blood test for rheumatoid markers;
  • scintigraphy of the skeleton.

Why does the child's neck hurt?

Some people mistakenly believe that the cervical department can only hurt in adults. Doctors-neurologists do not agree with this. Unpleasant sensations in the neck in children of different ages can arise for several reasons.

Causes of Pain Syndrome in Children

  • lymphadenitis as a complication of angina;
  • infection in the body due to pneumonia;
  • polio;
  • intracranial swelling, purulent inflammation.

In children, painful syndrome in the neck can lead to the curvature or even the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

As a result, when you turn, the child will feel a strong discomfort.

Causes of pain in elderly people

Older people especially often complain that they have a sore neck, a left or right neck. Especially severe discomfort occurs when walking or turning the neck. It is extremely dangerous to leave these complaints without attention and immediate contact with a doctor.

If an elderly person has a sore neck, specialists most often suspect such diseases as:

  • rheumatic polymyalgia;
  • osteochondrosis in conjunction with myelopathy or radiculopathy;
  • oncological diseases;
  • swelling of the pharynx.

Pain in the neck is often indicative of brain damage. In this case, often a headache, discomfort in the nape, for example, when turning.

Pain sensations on the right

If the pain sensations in the neck region are localized on the right and occur after sleep with an increase in tilt and at a turn, it is possible to speak about an inflammation in cervical muscles and roots of nerves with their subsequent infringement. In either case, the final diagnosis should be made by the doctor, as well as prescribing the treatment. After all, discomfort in the neck to the right can be observed in other cases:

Pain in the left neck

If a person has a sore neck on the right, especially when turning, the doctor may suspect mechanical problems in the appropriate spine department. Less often it hurts on the left with any systemic diseases. In any case, do not postpone the visit to the neurologist.

Why does my head and neck hurt?

Very often, people with painful sensations in the neck and headache. Unfortunately, such ailments are rarely noticed, explaining them with banal fatigue.

So why does the head and neck hurt at the same time? As already mentioned, this condition can be a consequence of cervical osteochondrosis.

The disease occurs solely through the fault of the person - a sedentary lifestyle, an abundance of fatty food and the resulting obesity, an incorrect position of the body during sitting.

Meningitis is another reason why the head and neck hurt. A person observes a fever, his eyes react painfully to light. Nausea may occur, often accompanied by vomiting.

There are other reasons for the fact that a person has a headache amid discomfort in the cervical region. And they all need to see a doctor.

How is pain syndrome treated in the neck?

Treatment of the pathology of the cervical region with localization of the pain syndrome on the left or on the right depends on what caused the disease and at what stage of development it is. Of great importance is where a person feels uncomfortable - in the back of the neck, shoulders and whether his headache accompanies him.

Depending on the information collected and the results of the examination, the treatment of pain in the neck can be surgical or conservative.

Conservative treatment

  • taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic medicines;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage;
  • wearing a cervical collar;
  • reflexology;
  • manual therapy.

Surgical intervention is prescribed in especially severe cases, when the pain in the neck is strong, and conservative methods do not give the desired result.

If the pain in the neck, shoulder area or occiput is observed long enough, doctors recommend:

  • taking antidepressants;
  • water treatment, special needles;
  • injections of special drugs;
  • stimulation of nerve endings.

Such ancillary treatment is prescribed only after a thorough examination.

Manual therapy as part of non-drug treatment

Most often, the treatment of pain in the neck on the left or on the right is in conservative methods. Practice has shown that if, in addition to discomfort in the neck, the patient has a headache and no pathological changes in the area of ​​inflammation, a good result is manual therapy.

The methods of manual therapy are mainly aimed at improving posture, as well as restoring the functioning of all departments of the musculoskeletal system.

If the neck hurts, treatment includes preventive measures. In particular, doctors recommend:

  • take a direct position while working at the computer, reading;
  • give preference to an orthopedic pillow;
  • As often as possible, sleep on the side of the neck that hurts.

But to look, that is at you on the left or on the right, especially during lifting of weights, it is not necessary is better.

A source: http://www.