Pineapple: Benefits and Harms of Tropical Fruit for Health

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that has already become familiar to the inhabitants of our country.

According to doctors, its usefulness for the body is enormous: the fruit contains a well-balanced complex of substances.

The content of the article:
  • Than it is useful for an organism?
  • Nutritional and calorie content
  • Are there any harm and contraindications?
  • Methods of application in folk medicine

Than it is useful for an organism?

Only the right fruit (with a thick skin, which does not have stains, damages) can bring benefit. Eat pineapple along with the core (better on an empty stomach for effective assimilation of bromelain).

Are canned pineapples useful?Yes, but in its fresh form it is more useful, because in the process of canning bromelain is destroyed.

In dried form pineapples successfully fight with edema.

Fresh Fruit:

  • promotes the best splitting of fats (the active substance in this case is bromelain);
  • dietary product (in 100 g only 52 kcal and many useful substances);
  • It is used for angina, arthritis, sinusitis, pneumonia (contains vitamins in large quantities);
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  • strengthens the immune system (it is especially useful to include in the diet in the cold season: a high content of vitamin C helps to cope better with colds);
  • lowers blood pressure, prevents the formation of thrombi, dilutes blood (helps prevent varicose veins);
  • Used to prevent heart attack, stroke (read in this article how to provide first aid in case of stroke), clears vascular walls from cholesterol;
  • strengthens the nervous system (contains potassium, which improves the delivery of oxygen to the brain cells);
  • prevents the occurrence of metastases in patients with cancer;
  • relieves the sensation of hunger (as a result of an increase in serotonin levels in the blood);
  • removes excess fluid from the body;
  • increases the fermentation of gastric juice;
  • accelerates carbohydrate and protein metabolism (due to manganese);
  • is an antidepressant (increases mood);
  • facilitates the condition with menstruation;
  • restores male potency;
  • has analgesic effect (after prolonged use of pain in the joints do not bother);
  • Used in cosmetology to prevent skin aging processes;
  • helps to get rid of cellulite, increases the elasticity of the skin.

Freshly squeezed pineapple juice is useful for people who want to lose weight. It stimulates the activity of the intestines, normalizes the functions of the liver and kidneys. Reduces blood pressure, dilutes blood, cleans it of cholesterol. Candied fruit is more caloric and contains a lot of sugar.

Nutritional and calorie content

Caloric content of 100 g of product 52 kcal, composition of useful substances (g):

Carbohydrates 11,8
Fats 0,1
Proteins 0,3
Ash 0,3
Di- and monosaccharides 11,8
Acids, organic 1
Fibers for food 1
Water 85,5

The amount of vitamins per 100 g of product (mg):

PP 0,4
E 0,2
AT 6 0,1
AT 5 0,2
AT 2 0,02
IN 1 0,06
Beta carotene 0,02

The content of micro- and macroelements in 100 g (mg):

Iron 0,3
Phosphorus 8
Potassium 134
Sodium 1
Magnesium 13
Calcium 17

Are there any harm and contraindications?

When using the product in large quantities, irritation of the intestinal mucosa and stomach may occur. It is recommended to eat no more than half of pineapple per day. Fruit can harm the body:

  • the use of a spoiled or immature product can lead to miscarriage;
  • with frequent use of pineapple juice adversely affects the condition of teeth;
  • It is not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive organs (with high acidity);
  • with possible stomach diseases it is advisable to drink pineapple pulp with water, do not eat on an empty stomach juice;
  • It is not recommended for people with a reduced blood clotting rate;
  • in hypotonic patients, as a result of frequent use, a decrease in blood pressure is noted;
  • Do not use in people who are highly sensitive to the product.

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About the symptoms and treatment of apnea in children and adults, read this article.

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Methods of application in folk medicine

Useful properties of pineapple during pregnancyApplied to increase the fermentation of gastric juice:it is recommended to eat a slice of fresh pineapple or a glass of juice (especially when eating meat, fiber in large quantities).

People suffering from overweight, the use of pineapple helps to remove excess fluid from the body, enhances the process of fat splitting, improves metabolic processes. It is an ideal product for weight loss.

With swelling and propensity to thrombosisit is recommended to drink daily juice from pineapple (250 ml) or eat ½ fresh fruit.

To remove cornsapply to them at night the pulp of pineapple, make a hot bath in the morning, remove the corn.

What problem solves Mode of application
Excess weight Divide the fruit into 4 parts, separate the pulp. Peel and leaves mince, gruel added to 3 liter of water, boiled for 10 min. Add alcohol (30 ml) and the pulp of pineapple. Insist for a week, drink 150 ml daily x 3 times in 30 minutes. before meals.
Phlebeurysm 150 ml of fresh juice to drink daily.
Colds Daily drink beverage kvass pineapple juice (200 ml), a few drops of lemon and the spoon honey.
Glistular invasion From the leaves and flesh of the fruit prepare a decoction (pineapple is poured with water, cooked), drink during the day x 6 times.
Toxicosis in pregnant women Daily drink 1 glass of juice without getting out of bed.
Dermatitis Pour pineapple skin with fresh leaves of rosemary, boil. Wash the broth with affected areas, use for lotions.

The use of pineapple strengthens memory, speeds up thinking processes, eliminates fatigue, restores strength, improves mood.

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