Get rid of caries at home

In order to fight the disease, it is necessary to understand its nature. It is important to know the reasons for which it arises, and to understand what consequences can result. Let's try to figure out what caries is, can it be cured without the help of a dentist, and how to get rid of it at home.

  • Causes of caries
  • What will help fight caries
  • At what stages of the development of the disease self-medication is allowed
  • Getting rid of tooth decay in one day. Myth or reality?
  • Folk methods of caries treatment
  • Propolis
  • Sea salt or common salt
  • Gargling with sage grass
  • Onion husk
  • Camphor oil
  • Laundry soap
  • Air
  • Is it possible to treat caries in children without a dentist?
Related articles:
  • We treat caries at home in simple ways
  • How to cure fissure caries
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  • How to cure tooth decay at home

Causes of caries

Caries is one of the most common diseases of the oral cavity. It means rotting. The disease destroys the tooth enamel, dentin, affects the root of the tooth. A number of causes are caused by the disease, which include:

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  • inadequate oral hygiene;
  • badly selected toothbrushes, pastes;
  • smoking;
  • weakened immunity;
  • genetic features of the teeth;
  • the use of food that can adversely affect the enamel (sour, salty, hot, cold);
  • mechanical damage to the dentition.

The consequences that this disease can cause are highly undesirable. This periodontitis, pulpitis, flux, bleeding gums, bad breath, loss of teeth. Diseases of the internal organs (stomach, liver) can also occur.

What will help fight caries

Many people are afraid of panic going to the dentist and in every possible way try to cure the disease at home. Representatives of medicine unanimously say that getting rid of caries at home is impossible and this disease should be treated only by a doctor. Despite this, many people use homeopathic remedies in the fight against caries. These include:

Healing toothpastes. Suitable pastes with a high content of fluoride. These include:

  • blend-a-med Complete;
  • president classic;
  • colgate elmeks;
  • biocalcium payments.

Use of gels with the content of fluorine and calcium. Most Popular:

  • fluent;
  • blend-a-med;
  • elmeks.

Gels in their composition are very similar to pastes, but contain a much greater concentration of therapeutic components.

The most popular drugs:

  • sodium fluoride. An excellent tool for strengthening the teeth and saturating them with minerals;
  • fluoro-lacquer. The drug for topical application, covers the tooth with a certain film, saturating and strengthening it.

At what stages of the development of the disease self-medication is allowed

Caries has three stages.

  1. The initial form - the first manifestations of the disease, the appearance of a barely noticeable raid on the enamel. It is asymptomatic, only a doctor can diagnose it.
  2. The middle form - the carious spot becomes more noticeable, periodic pain symptoms appear, most often under the action of tooth irritation.
  3. Deep caries - the formation of the cavity inside the tooth, the damage to the enamel, dentin and the root of the tooth. Often leads to periodontitis, inflammation, pulpitis.

At the third stage, treatment at home is not only inefficient, but also extremely dangerous. This can lead to very undesirable consequences. Treatment of the first and second phases of the disease is more likely to slow the growth of caries and maintain enamel vitamins and minerals.

Remember!With complicated forms of the disease, you should immediately contact your dentist. Folk methods in such cases will not succeed.

Getting rid of tooth decay in one day. Myth or reality?

Caries is not just a change in the color of the tooth, but also a process of demineralization, destruction of enamel and dentin. Given this fact, it can be argued that the cure of this disease at home in one day is impossible. In the dental clinic, this is done with the help of special equipment. The process consists in removing the damaged tissues of the tooth and filling the void with a special solution (seal).

Caries treatment at the initial and middle stage of the house is a long and time-consuming process that requires patience and does not always lead to success.

Folk methods of caries treatment

Since the earliest times, people have been making extensive use of the useful properties of natural materials. Medicinal herbs, roots and leaves, bee products, clay, salt and many other materials are used to treat a wide variety of ailments.

For the treatment of dental diseases use the following recipes:


This incredible bee product is very valuable and has the following properties:

  • disinfects;
  • kills germs and bacteria;
  • relieves pain and inflammation;
  • increases local immunity.

This tool is used in several ways. The bee glue is put in your mouth and chewed for 5-10 minutes. This product, in addition to its medicinal qualities, fills the microcracks of the tooth with resin, thereby protecting healthy areas from the appearance of carious spots.

The second way is tincture of propolis for rinsing. In order to prepare the solution you need a tincture of propolis 2 tbsp. spoons and a glass of warm water. The procedure should be carried out after brushing your teeth.

Sea salt or common salt

Sea salt is saturated with many useful components. In the absence of sea salt, you can take the usual. Rinse should be done every time after eating. To do this, dissolve the spoon in warm water, rinse the mouth for 3-4 minutes.

Gargling with sage grass

This plant has anti-inflammatory properties, has a general restorative effect, fights against microbes. For rinsing, sage can be bought at a pharmacy. A glass of boiling water pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass. After 3 hours, strain, rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day.

Onion husk

In addition to useful properties, the husk helps to relieve pain. To make a solution, pour a liter of boiling water 2 tbsp. Spoon the crushed ingredient, leave it over low heat for 10 minutes. Insist 4-5 hours, rinse your mouth 4-5 times a day, with pain more often.

Camphor oil

This product perfectly removes inflammation, disinfects and has many useful components. In the treatment of caries used in the form of lotions and rinses.

  1. In order to make a compress, moisten a cotton swab or disk with oil, attach to a sick tooth for 5-10 minutes.
  2. For rinses 10 drops of oil dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water, rinse your teeth every 4-5 hours.

Note!Camphor oil is used for exclusively external use. In the treatment try to avoid getting into the body.

Laundry soap

The soap has high antimicrobial properties. Well proven in the fight with caries rinsing solution of this product. Soap solution perfectly cleans hard-to-reach places from bacteria, thereby preventing the development of caries.


The root of this plant is used for the preparation of alcohol tincture. This means caress the mouth with caries. To prepare a solution of 10 drops of tincture dilute in a glass of water, rinse your mouth after eating. Dry grass root powder is used as a lotion for this disease.

Is it possible to treat caries in children without a dentist?

In childhood, for many reasons, often there is caries of baby teeth. The main causes of this disease are:

  • inadequate oral hygiene;
  • improper selection of hygiene products;
  • eating foods that contain a lot of sugar;
  • mechanical damage to teeth;
  • genetic predisposition.

The opinion that tooth decay of dairy teeth is not necessary is mistaken. Such a delusion of parents often leads to complications in their babies. Such diseases as stomatitis, periodontitis, inflammation of the gums, premature loss of teeth can develop. In addition, the disease can spread to permanent, not yet grown teeth.

A special feature of the disease in children is that at a small age the use of many traditional medicine is unacceptable. They can cause allergic reactions and complications. Therefore, the treatment should be carried out by a doctor.

The tactic of caries treatment at an early age is not to heal, but to prevent the disease. For this, the following rules must be observed:

  • visit a dentist from an early age. The first examination can be done during the period of teething. From one and a half years, visits to the doctor should be regular;
  • choose the right mouth hygiene products. It is better to consult a specialist;
  • exclude from the ration of the child the use of a large number of sweets;
  • timely treatment of diseases that can reduce immunity;
  • balanced nutrition, saturation of the child's body with the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

Not only children, but also adults should take preventive measures in the fight against this unpleasant disease. Take care of your teeth, stay beautiful and healthy!