Contusion of the elbow joint: symptoms and treatment


  • 1How to treat a contusion of the elbow joint?
    • 1.1Reasons for a bruise of the elbow joint
    • 1.2Symptoms of an elbow joint injury
    • 1.3What to do with an elbow injury
    • 1.4Treatment of an elbow joint injury
    • 1.5Medication
    • 1.6Folk remedies for treatment
    • 1.7Carrying out physiotherapy for treatment
    • 1.8Massage and exercise therapy for treatment
    • 1.9Surgery for injuries of the elbow
  • 2Contusion of the elbow in the fall: symptoms, first aid and treatment
    • 2.1Contusion of the elbow joint
    • 2.2How to know what is not a fracture: the main symptoms
    • 2.3We provide first aid
    • 2.4Injury treatment
    • 2.5Preparations
    • 2.6Gels and ointments
    • 2.7Physiotherapy
    • 2.8Massage and exercise therapy
    • 2.9Folk treatment
    • 2.10Possible complications
  • 3Bruising and other injuries of the elbow joint: symptoms and treatment
    • 3.1Treatment and Rehabilitation Therapy
  • 4Injuries of the elbow joint: causes, diagnosis and treatment
    • 4.1The mechanism of development
    • 4.2Symptoms
    • 4.3Fracture of shoulder epicondyle
    • 4.4Complications
    • 4.5Treatment
    • 4.6Medication Therapy
    • 4.7Physiotherapy
    • 4.8Operative treatment
    instagram viewer
  • 5Contusion of the elbow: treatment at home, photo of the elbow joint
    • 5.1Symptoms and Joint Bruising
    • 5.2Injury treatment
  • 6Treatment of "Injury of the elbow joint"
    • 6.1Symptoms of an elbow joint injury
    • 6.2What to do in case of an elbow joint injury?
    • 6.3Ointments from injury

How to treat a contusion of the elbow joint?

Very often people suffer from a collision or injury. The contusion of the elbow joint is quite frequent in medical practice, since this part of the body is most involved in the daily activities of the active person.

Despite the fact that this is a fairly easy injury, it can have serious consequences.

After such damage, you need to be very careful about the symptoms that arise, so that you can find the problem in time and contact the doctor for treatment.

Most often, such a trauma is observed in professional athletes, as well as in young children.

Reasons for a bruise of the elbow joint

He can be at any age: child, adult and even elderly. However, if injured bones and joints are restored very quickly in children and adolescents, then old people may have bruises as a serious problem, since there is a possibility of osteoporosis.

Basically, the causes of damage to the elbow can be:

  • direct shock;
  • a fall;
  • compression of joints.

To injury of the elbow, you must be treated with all responsibility and at the first sign of serious violations immediately go to the doctor.

Symptoms of an elbow joint injury

The contusion of the elbow joint (ICD 10) has many different symptoms. The main of them are strong painful sensations, which are greatly enhanced with any movements by hand.

They can gradually pass into the fingers and forearm. Another sign may be an elbow tumor immediately after the injury.

The increase in the area of ​​the injury may be minor or pronounced, it all depends on the intensity of damage and the characteristics of the body.

If a hematoma forms at the injury site, it means that the blood vessels have been affected. The mobility of the elbow joint is limited for some time, and a strong blow can provoke the occurrence of complications.

What to do with an elbow injury

If a patient has a contusion of the elbow joint, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures that will help to get rid of the painful sensations and minimize the consequences of trauma. Therapy implies by itself:

  • first aid;
  • taking painkillers;
  • use of local drugs to eliminate pain;
  • banding;
  • treatment with folk remedies.

Each method has its pluses, minuses, indications and contraindications, so it is necessary to consult the doctor in advance.

Timely provision of medical care can significantly reduce the unpleasant consequences of trauma. First of all, it is necessary to fix the elbow joint, thereby ensuring its immobility and complete peace.

To reduce the flow of blood, the hand must be fixed in a raised position. To slow the bleeding, reduce pain and swelling, you need to work on the bruised area with cold.

All further actions for the treatment of the bruised elbow should be entrusted to the doctor.

Treatment of an elbow joint injury

If there is a bruise of the elbow joint, how can one treat it so that it can reduce pain and prevent complications? It is necessary to conduct therapeutic measures immediately after the appearance of the first signs, since from this In many respects the speed of restoration of the damaged area depends, and this will prevent the occurrence of complications.

After conducting a medical examination and diagnosis, the following methods of therapy are prescribed to the patient:

  • drug treatment;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage and exercise therapy;
  • application of folk methods;
  • operative intervention.

The choice of the most suitable method of treatment largely depends on the nature of the damage and the presence of complications. Only the doctor can determine the complexity of the damage and choose the most appropriate way to eliminate the symptoms.


The contusion of the elbow joint is very often treated with the use of medications that help to eliminate acute manifestations and accelerate the healing of tissues. Typically, for the treatment are used such groups of drugs:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • decongestants;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • vitamins;
  • drugs to improve microcirculation.

Initially used drugs in the form of injections, and then as the inflammation goes down, pills and ointments are prescribed.

The bruise of the elbow joint (code on the ICD 10) is always accompanied by painful sensations and an inflammatory process. Remedies for all the existing symptoms are drugs in the form of tablets.

To eliminate painful sensations, it is recommended to take "Ketonal "Nalgezin "Celebrex" and others. The most safe means, which does not cause complications, is the drug "Celebrex".

This medication can be used at any time.

A good drug is the drug "Wobenzym which helps to remove pain, swelling and inflammation.

When the cartilage tissue is destroyed, chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid are used, which promote rapid recovery.

The effectiveness of these tools is enhanced if they are used in conjunction with folk methods.

From the second day, the treatment can be continued not only by using tablets and injections, but also using ointments, gels, creams. Restriction can only be tissue damage.

To reduce the painful manifestations, inflammatory process and other signs, such preparations as the gel "Febrofid indomycin ointment and cream "Ketonal" can.

Tumor and puffiness in the area of ​​trauma will help to remove such drugs as "Dolobien" and "Indovazin". These remedies will help to remove the hematoma.

To strengthen the effect of local drugs, it is necessary to use an elastic bandage and an elbow bandage.

Folk remedies for treatment

In medicine according to the ICD, the contusion of the elbow joint is code 10 and is considered a rather serious injury. Removing pain and other symptoms of injury can be done with the help of folk remedies.

In particular, "Badyaga" helps a lot. Ready powder should be poured with a small amount of water and the resulting gruel to put on the place of injury or make a compress using gauze or bandage.

To reduce bruising and eliminate the inflammatory process, you can make broths from the flowers of arnica and take this remedy inside. For a good local effect, iodine mesh, burdock leaves or alcohol tinctures of medicinal plants are very suitable.

A pack of fresh potatoes will help reduce swelling and eliminate inflammation. Only complex, well-thought-out therapy will help to quickly get rid of the existing symptoms and protect against complications.

Carrying out physiotherapy for treatment

A bruise of the elbow joint, the treatment of which must be started immediately, implies the carrying out of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Such measures are shown not only in the acute period of the trauma, but also during the recovery phase, since This method has a very good effect, especially in combination with the use of medication preparations.

To get a good result, you need to perform such procedures as:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • treatment with paraffin;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • wave therapy;
  • balneotherapy.

To accelerate the recovery of the patient, it is necessary to conduct a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Massage and exercise therapy for treatment

Therapeutic gymnastics must be carried out during the recovery period, provided that the joints are intact. After removing the bandage, a set of massage procedures and the development of damaged areas are shown.

For the hand, special exercises are used, which, as the damaged joint is restored become more complex, and then it is necessary to gradually introduce exercises with simulators and weighting.

For each patient, the doctor chooses the optimal complex of exercise therapy.

Surgery for injuries of the elbow

If a contusion of the elbow joint is observed, the fluid accumulates in the damaged area, then a puncture of the affected area should be performed. After this, pumping out excess fluid and blood is carried out, and then the formed cavity is washed with antiseptic means.

In the event of a fracture, it may be necessary to fix the fragments formed with the use of special metal screws.

A source: http://.ru/article/283791/kak-lechit-ushib-loktevogo-sustava

Contusion of the elbow in the fall: symptoms, first aid and treatment

Contusion of the elbow joint is considered the most frequent and very painful damage. There are different degrees of contusion of this part of the body, and consequently, different consequences of trauma are manifested. In the article, we will consider in more detail what is the bruise of the elbow joint and how to treat it.

Contusion of the elbow joint

A contusion of the elbow joint is a trauma of the soft tissues of the elbow. The bruise of the elbow is accompanied by quite strong pain sensations. With a trauma of this type, the entire joint may be damaged, or partially.

Partial damage may include:

  • various injuries of the joint bag;
  • damage to the fibrous capsule;
  • damage to cartilaginous tissue.

Such different kinds of injuries and severe pain are explained by an anatomical feature, since in this place there is an ulnar nerve. In the elbow joint connect three bones - the ulna, the humerus and the radial. Very often a bruise falls on the ulna.

To elbow injuries should be taken very seriously, since such damage can lead to inflammation of the joint membrane or to limit the mobility of the organ.

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With such injuries, there is also damage to the nerve, which limits the movement of the upper limb.

How to know what is not a fracture: the main symptoms

The main symptoms of injury:

  1. pain in the elbow area of ​​different duration and intensity when moving the joint, and also during examination;
  2. edema of varying degrees of localization (from a slight swelling to a voluminous and pronounced edema);
  3. hematomas in this area (formed as a result of hemorrhage and damage to the vessels of soft tissue);
  4. when you try to bend your arm at the elbow, you feel stiff and limited;
  5. Above the elbow skin temperature is slightly higher.

In injuries of the elbow joint, there may be a hemorrhage that occurs in the cavity of the organ. This leads to the formation ofhemarthrosis.

Because of this condition, the destruction of the cartilaginous cover and deformingarthrosis.

There is also such a thing as a strong contusion of the elbow. A trauma of this kind can have serious consequences that manifest themselves over time.

One of such consequences can bedeforming osteoporosis. This disease is characterized by the destruction of cartilaginous tissue, in its place with time a bone is formed. This leads to the fact that the bones coalesce among themselves.

In order not to have such serious consequences, you need to turn to a doctor for medical help on time. Only a doctor after diagnosis can appoint the right solution and help to minimize damage to cartilage tissues.

We provide first aid

The victim should be provided with pre-hospital care, namely:

  1. To place the bruise to apply cold (at home it can be not only ice, but also something cold from the freezer).
  2. Immobilize the elbow joint (if possible - make it a tire, which is prewound with cotton or a soft cloth).
  3. If the pain is very severe, take an anesthetic.
  4. Call an ambulance or go to a medical center.

With an injury of the elbow joint is strictly prohibited:

  • massage the damaged area;
  • apply warming compresses;
  • apply warming ointments.

It is necessary to consult a doctor, as a fracture or entrapment of the ulnar nerve can be masked under the bruise. The treatment of such serious injuries is carried out in a hospital, and treatment with folk methods in this case is inexpedient and will lead to complications.

Injury treatment

After diagnosis, they begin to treat an elbow injury. Treatment of injuries of this kind takes place in two stages:

  1. Remove pain, swelling and inflammation.
  2. Recover damaged tissue, resume mobility of the joint. Also it is necessary to do preventive maintenance of complications.

Begin the treatment of the elbow with immobilization of the hand. The hand is fixed with a kerchief.

Apply cold compresses to the affected area for 2-3 days, in order to relieve pain and stop the formation of edema of tissues.

After that, on the 3-4th day, you can work with heat - apply ointments and do warming procedures. Thanks to this, the blood supply will improve and the edema and hematomas will resolve.


Medication for elbow injury involves the use of non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs for the removal of inflammatory processes, as well as chondroprotectors, beneficially affecting the treatment of cartilaginous tissue.

Treatment of hemarthrosis involves the puncture of blood formations from the damaged joint.

In this procedure, anesthetics are used, as well as corticosteroids in order to stop the inflammation of the intra-articular cavity.

Recommended, including the drug "Indomethacin which removes swelling and has analgesic effect.

Gels and ointments

When injuring the elbow joint, a large number of local preparations are used in the form of gels and ointments. These funds must be applied to the site of injury three times a day for 2-3 days after the injury.

In case of a joint injury, it is possible to apply such means:

  • "Fastum-gel"- It is recommended for inflammations and sprains.
  • «Bystrumgel»- a remedy that relieves pain and inflammation.
  • Diclofenac- should be applied if the temperature in the place of injury has risen to remove the inflammation.
  • "Indovazin"- ointment that will relieve swelling, soften the bruise, and improve microcirculation.
  • Ketonal- cause, if the complication of bursitis began.
  • Indomethacin- apply for severe pain and swelling. It is better to use as a compress.
  • "Heparin ointment"- effectively remove inflammation, reduce swelling.
  • "Venoruton"- Tones up blood vessels and increases microcirculation.


An important component of the treatment of this trauma is the use of physiotherapy procedures. They are used not only with an acute period of injury, but also during the recovery process, since they are beneficial in addition to drug treatment.

Doctors-traumatologists recommend to undergo such procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser treatment;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • paraffin and mud treatment;
  • wave therapy;
  • balneotherapy.

An experienced physiotherapist will help you choose the optimal course of procedures for an early recovery.

Massage and exercise therapy

Even during the immobilization period, they begin to exercise physical therapy for intact joints. After the plaster cast is removed, massage is performed, as well as the development of bruised areas.

Physiotherapists recommend performing various exercises for the hand. These exercises become more complex as the hand is restored, with time add employment with load and simulators. Experienced physician LFK will help you to choose the best set of exercises.

How to perform some exercises for the rehabilitation of the elbow joint, you can view in the video.

Folk treatment

Despite the medical treatment and various drugs that treat an elbow injury, it is also recommended to carry out treatment at home using folk remedies. You can prepare effective ointments, compresses, infusions from natural ingredients.

For accelerated recovery with traditional treatment, use the following recipes of traditional medicine:

  1. It is necessary to mixpetroleum jelly with leaves and golden mustache stemsand in the ratio of 2 to 3. At night, rub the ointment into the place of injury.
  2. Makea pack of horseradish juice and ethyl alcohol. Dip cotton cloth or gauze in the solution, attach to the damaged joint, wrap it with a scarf and leave it overnight.
  3. MixPropolis and sunflower oilin equal parts, warm the mixture in a water bath. After that, cool and rub into the place of injury for the night, wrap it with a piece of polyethylene and a warm scarf.

Possible complications

After unsuccessful treatment, some complications are possible, for example,hemarthrosis, when it is difficult to bend the arm, the flexions themselves are accompanied by painful sensations. Also, with a hemarthrosis, the joint increases.

In traumatic bursitisfluid accumulates in the elbow joint (periarticular bag) after injury. After falling on the elbow or impact suffers mainly okolosustavnaya bag.

With a strong contusion of the elbow, a tumor appears, which, with absent treatment, is aggravated, namely, the fluid that accumulates in the swollen joint is sometimes infected.

Because of the proximity to the skin, the ulnar nerve can be damaged, which is accompanied by pain along the entire arm.

As a result of numerous bruises can developposttraumatic arthrosis.

After a time after an injury,deforming osteoarthritis.This disease, which destroys the cartilaginous tissue.

With osteoarthritis, the blood eventually gets into the joint, which can provoke bone coalescence.

Correctly diagnosed by an experienced traumatologist, as well as rapid professional treatment will protect you from complications, most of which have serious consequences.

Such injuries are much less treatable. After consulting with a doctor, you will receive an effective course of treatment that can be supplemented with folk remedies.

This will help to quickly heal the trauma without consequences.

A source:

Bruising and other injuries of the elbow joint: symptoms and treatment

Recommendations of orthopedist and rheumatologist ...

information for reading

Injuries to the elbow are among the most severe lesions, since they are often accompanied by concomitant damage to blood vessels and nerves.This leads to strong pain sensations, which are particularly manifested during limb movement, edema, joint deformity, hematoma.

Due to the complicated device of the elbow, any injuries are often accompanied by complications

In medical practice, there are such injuries:

  1. Damage to the tendons (stretching or full / partial rupture). Tendons are the connective tissue between the muscles and bones. Since their main function is the transfer of the joints to the joints of the muscles, then the trauma occurs most often when playing sports. The main symptoms are swelling, acute pain, hematoma, a decrease in the function of the corresponding muscle tissue.

In the case of stretching or incomplete rupture, treatment is limited to conservative methods (fixing the elbow with a 14-day-long lunate and physiotherapy); With a complete rupture, restoration is possible only through surgical intervention (transplantation of tendons from other muscles).

Three degrees of stretching of the tendons

  1. Fracture. Such a trauma is periarticular or intraarticular and refers to severe injuries, as the injuries simultaneously affect two bones (in some cases, three). Fracture can be closed or open, often accompanied by dislocation or displacement of debris, damage to blood vessels, ligaments.There is a fracture, when you have a strong impact on the elbow joint.

The first pre-medical care is immobilization, for which the tire is used. In the hospital, a gypsum langet is applied to the patient, and if the debris displacement exceeds 5 mm, then a surgical operation is performed.

With this type of fracture treatment is carried out by immobilization

  1. Dislocation. The most common type of injuries in the case of bumps, falls, accidents. Characterized by acute pain syndrome, swelling, loss of tactile sensations due to damage to nerves and blood vessels.

Types of dislocation: a - elbow dislocation inside; b - dislocation of the elbow

  1. Contusion of the elbow joint is the most common injury at a young age, as children are very mobile and often serve.Adults can get such a trauma as a result of a stroke, a strong squeezing, a push. Symptoms of a contusion of the elbow joint are manifested by a hemorrhage into the muscles surrounding the elbow, edema is observed, the body temperature may rise, the movement of the hand becomes difficult.

As a result of violation of the integrity of the vessels after a bruise there is a hematoma

Mechanical factors (impact, for example) affect soft tissues, joint and bones, which causes the development of an inflammatory process at the local level.Often due to the insignificant force of impact accumulates fluid in the elbow joint.

The consequence of this is the inflammatory process (biologically active histamines, kinins and other substances accumulate in the liquid). But, as a rule, it's just a capsule response to damage.

Among all possible complications, bursitis is common, an inflammatory process accompanied by fluid accumulation.

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There is also a sharp form when the complication passes into a purulent species.

With bursitis a painful roundness develops on the elbow, the dimensions of which may be different, depending on the nature of the disease.

The causes of fluid in the elbow joint are interrelated with the mechanism of development of trauma.

So, due to a fall or shock, the discharge of excess fluid may occur, or it may be due to the activity of microbes, if there is also damage to the skin and soft tissues.

Schematic representation of fluid intake in bursitis

Treatment of fluid accumulation in the elbow joint can be conservative or surgical.

In the first case, the liquid is aspirated and sent to the laboratory to determine the presence of bacteria. Based on the results of treatment.

A broad-spectrum antibiotic can also be prescribed prior to the removal of the fluid (to prevent the spread of infection).

Surgical surgery is performed if the conservative method is not effective.

Treatment and Rehabilitation Therapy

To get back to your habitual physical activity as soon as possible, you should begin treating the elbow joint as quickly as possible.

After diagnosing and applying a cast bandage or elastic bandage, depending on the severity of the injury, the doctor can prescribe one of the following therapy methods:

  • Physiotherapeutic. Physiotherapy can be shown as a recovery therapy or as an adjunct to antibiotics and other drugs. Additional procedures include magneto balneo or wave therapy, electrophoresis, laser, mud, paraffin treatment.
  • Therapeutic physical training and massages. After removing the bandage, special massages and exercise therapy should be done, which becomes more complicated as the joint is developed.

With a slight injury of the elbow, a fixative dressing of this type can be applied

  • Therapy with medicines. It includes preparations of such categories: muscle relaxants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, decongestants, chondroprotectors, vitamin B.

In order for the therapy to be effective and the trauma to go without complications, you should visit a doctor and begin to implement his prescriptions as soon as possible.

Remember that the treatment of folk remedies contusion of the elbow joint is unacceptable! Only after receiving an X-ray, it is possible to accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary medications.

A source:

Injuries of the elbow joint: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Injury of the elbow joint is a frequent occurrence in medical practice.

This is due to the special role of the upper limb in the work and daily activities of man.

Due to the high mobility of the elbow and the large volume of movements being carried out, its damage becomes a frequent companion of active people.

A large proportion of damage to the elbow is due to bruises. They often arise because of inattention and neglect of safety rules in everyday life and sport.

The bruise of the elbow joint, although considered as a minor injury, can still carry dangerous consequences.

After such damage, you need to pay attention to the symptoms that arise, in time to consult a doctor, warning of undesirable phenomena.

Elbow injuries can be at any age: adolescent, mature and elderly.

However, if the recovery potential of the osteoarticular apparatus is great for children, then in people after 50 years, especially with the development of osteoporosis, the bruises of the elbow can become a significant problem. Basically, the causes of such damage are:

  1. Falls on the elbow.
  2. Straight strokes, jerks.
  3. Elbow joint compression.

The mechanism of development

With bruises under the influence of a mechanical factor, soft tissues such as ligaments, tendons, muscles, articular capsule and skin are damaged.

This becomes a trigger mechanism for the development of local inflammatory reactions due to the accumulation of biologically active substances (prostaglandins, kinins, histamine).

Develop all the symptoms that are typical for this type of injury.

Often, even after a slight fall in the elbow joint, liquid may accumulate.

It has a different character, but most often it is not inflammatory, but is formed in response to damage to the joint capsule.

In addition, the fluid can be bloody - if there are vascular ruptures, until the formation of hemarthrosis (blood in the joint).


After getting injured, there are signs of soft tissue damage. Localization of the bruise and the mechanism of its formation will not raise doubts about the presence of a lesion of the elbow joint. Such symptoms develop:

  • Pain in the elbow.
  • Edema of the periarticular tissues.
  • Formation of bruising.
  • Increased joint in volume.
  • Soreness when feeling the affected area.
  • Increase in local temperature.
  • Restriction of movements in the joint.

Fracture of shoulder epicondyle

Often bruises are accompanied by a fracture of the epicondyle of the humerus. This occurs if the applied force exceeds the strength of bone tissue. Most often a crack is formed in the elbow joint, however, complete fractures with a detachment of the epicondyle are possible.

Manifestations of such trauma are often masked under the bruise, so at the first stage it becomes difficult to recognize damage to the humerus. However, there are also distinctive features of the fracture of the epicondyle:

  • The pain syndrome is located somewhat higher than the elbow joint - from one or both sides of the lower part of the shoulder.
  • A movable bone fragment may be palpable.
  • Deformation of the joint develops.
  • Impossibility of movements in the elbow, hemarthrosis (with pinching of the epicondyle).
  • Pathological mobility of the joint in the lateral axis (with detachment of the epicondyle).


The bruise of the elbow can cause a number of complications. This feature is due to the location in the periarticular region of other structures: vessels, nerves, synovial bags.

In addition, trauma can also cause long-term consequences associated with the development of dystrophic processes in tissues.

Therefore, it is necessary to take seriously the possibility of developing such complications:

  1. Hemarthrosis - often occurs with damage to blood vessels and concomitant fracture. Typical is the bursting pain in the joint. The elbow increases in size, its bony projections are smoothed. The hand can not be bent at an angle of more than 100 degrees, and also completely unbend it. Palpation and movement are painful.
  2. Bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular bag with fluid accumulation. In acute bursitis fluid can acquire a serous-purulent or purulent character. There is a painful formation of a rounded shape, which can reach large sizes. Limited movement in the joint.
  3. Injury of the ulnar nerve - compression, neuropathy or neuritis may develop. Pain spreads in the forearm and shoulder. Characterized by numbness and decreased sensitivity in the area of ​​the little finger and ring finger. The strength of the muscles of the hand decreases.
  4. Osteoarthrosis is a dystrophic degenerative process in the cartilage and periarticular tissues. There is stiffness in the elbow, crunching, aching pain under load, and then at rest. Over time, limited mobility, which interferes with daily activities.


Treat the contusion of the elbow joint immediately after the onset of the first symptoms. This determines the speed of recovery and the ability to prevent complications. After a medical examination and diagnosis, such methods of treatment of a bruise are prescribed:

  • Drug treatment.
  • Immobilization with plaster bandage.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage and exercise therapy.
  • Operative treatment.

Medication Therapy

Medications help to eliminate acute manifestations of an elbow injury and improve tissue healing. Their appointment should correspond to indications and contra-indications to application. The most commonly used drugs are:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antiedematous.
  3. Muscle relaxants.
  4. Improving microcirculation.
  5. Chondroprotectors.
  6. B vitamins.

First use drugs in injections, and then - as the process subsides - you can take pills and use ointment.


The use of physiotherapy is a necessary component of treating an elbow injury. They are shown not only in the acute period of trauma, but also in the recovery phase, as they have a good effect in addition to medicines. As a rule, it is recommended to take the course of such procedures:

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Wave Therapy.
  • Treatment with paraffin, mud.
  • Balneotherapy.

Experienced physiotherapists will select the optimal complex of physiotherapy to accelerate the patient's recovery.

Massage and exercise therapy

Therapeutic gymnastics begins to be carried out during the immobilization period - for intact joints. After removing the cast plaster, they begin to massage and develop injured areas.

Use special exercises for the hand, which, with the restoration of the joint, become more complex, classes with weighting and simulators are added. The optimal complex for each patient will be selected by the physician.

Operative treatment

If the bruise is accompanied by the development of hemarthrosis, it is necessary to perform puncture of the joint. Perform evacuation of blood and wash the cavity with antiseptics.

Bursitis also requires surgical intervention, especially in the purulent process, when the bag is cleaned of the contents and drained.

In case of a fracture of the epicondyles, fixation of the fragments with the help of metal screws (osteosynthesis) may be required.

A source:

Contusion of the elbow: treatment at home, photo of the elbow joint

Contusion of the elbow joint is an extremely common damage, and it is found most often in children after falling.

However, not only falls become the causes of injuries of the elbow joint, after which a tumor can appear in the place of injury.

The causes of injury of the elbow and pinching of the nerve are:

  • Jolts of a different nature.
  • Elbow pressing.
  • Blows in the elbow joint area.

It can be noted that for damage to the nerve and for getting a bruise, force is needed from the outside, thus, the contusion of the elbow joint refers to purely traumatic manifestations.

After trauma occurs, a hemorrhage begins in the soft tissues of the joint, which is noticeable by the formation of a hematoma. Necrosis areas may form.

At the same time, special chemical compounds are released in the tissues of the joint, which lead to the fact that the lesion area turns red, the function of the joint is broken, and the local temperature rises.

That is, the bruise of the elbow, and the trauma of the nerve can lead to the appearance of an inflammatory process that has nothing to do with microbes.

Note that the following substances are distinguished:

  1. prostaglandins
  2. histamine;
  3. bradykinin;
  4. serotonin and others.

Symptoms and Joint Bruising

The clinical picture and symptoms of the injury, the accumulation of fluid, all this directly depends on the strength with which the impact on the joint was exerted.

In addition, the symptoms will depend on whether there is a bleeding in the joint after a stroke or a fall, as in the photo.

The main symptoms can be displayed in the following sequence:

  • There is pain during movement, especially if there is a pinched nerve. In addition, the pain will accompany the patient during the examination.
  • You can note an obvious tumor and fluid accumulation.
  • The appearance of a hematoma, a large bruise, which is associated with the outflow of blood into fatty tissue.
  • Minor increase in local temperature after receiving an injury.
  • The bruise of the elbow severely restricts the motor function of the joint.
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Separately it is necessary to say about what happens if a strong bruise of the elbow joint is received. The problem is that with severe trauma, deforming osteoarthritis can begin to develop.

For this disease, a characteristic feature is the gradual destruction of cartilage tissue, which is replaced by bone tissue. In the last stage of this development, the fusion of the two bones is observed, after which the joint is completely deformed.

The development of this process is due to the fact that cartilage damage and hemorrhage lead to activation of phagocytes, which are necessary in the process of removal of clots of tissues. In this case, the phagocytes themselves injure the cartilage.

It is the danger of developing deforming osteoporosis that is the main reason for an immediate call to a doctor when getting a strong elbow injury.

Injury treatment

Treatment of a bruise does not involve independent decisions, but the basic principles of therapy need to be known, since rehabilitation will also be necessary at home.

If the bruise of the elbow led to the accumulation of fluid, it will be necessary to drain it. For this, puncture is performed and all fluid is pumped out.

At home, such a puncture is not recommended, since it is possible to complicate the treatment by inserting an infectious agent into the joint.

Here it is necessary to understand that it is necessary to make a puncture not only for medical purposes, but also for diagnostic purposes. It helps to identify in practice the presence of a blood elbow in the joint, which in turn helps to determine further tactics and treatment.

If the puncture showed that there is no blood in the joint, then the treatment can be carried on with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Such drugs are excellent for coping with edema, I stop pain, remove the pinched nerve, relieve inflammation.

To the drugs of this type we refer: Indomethacin and Diclofenac, these funds remain the most in demand. Take them recommended after consultation with your doctor and strictly according to instructions, as there are contraindications and side effects.

If the puncture showed the presence of blood in the joint, then the treatment will have to continue and not be limited to NSAIDs. Puncture with this is recommended to do until all the blood from the joint is removed.

Further, the joint cavity is washed with physiological saline, and hydrocortisone is injected into the joint.

The drug not only allows to treat a bruise, but also acts as a preventive measure, which prevents the development of deforming osseoarthrosis in the future.

Recall that if you do not treat a severe injury and do nothing, the DOA of the elbow joint leads to irreversible consequences.

Hydrocortisone reduces the activity of fibroblasts, which, in turn, are responsible for collagen.

To treat a bruise is recommended and special simple sets of exercises. For example, during the day it is enough to make several movements with a brush (squeeze into a fist and unclench). Such a simple exercise allows you to absorb the exudate, which is collected inside the joint.

But to treat a bruise immediately after getting injured is necessary to restrict movements, you can use for this tight bandage or bandage for the elbow, as well as imposing a cold compress on the area the joint.

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Treatment of "Injury of the elbow joint"

Getting an injury that affects the soft tissues of the elbow and damages its joint, partially or completely, is called an elbow joint injury. Injuries can be articular bag, cartilage joint tissue, underlying bone tissue or fibrous capsule.

Most often such bruises are given to children during active games, as well as athletes. In addition to falls, the causes of bruising can be all the traumatic effects of some external force: shocks, bumps in the elbow and squeezing.

As a result of a bruise in soft tissues, hemorrhages occur and necrosis areas appear. There is pain, swelling and redness. Inflammatory processes that arise as a result of such a trauma are provoked exclusively by it, and not by the activity of microorganisms.

The bruise increases the synthesis of prostaglandins, which cause an increase in permeability and vasodilation, contribute to the onset of pain syndrome. As a result of the injury, the nerve can become entangled, which will numb the little finger and the ring finger.

A severe bruise with a hemorrhage to the joint can lead subsequently to deforming osteoarthritis. The blood stretches the joint capsule, the capillaries are squeezed and the cartilage nutrition is disturbed. There is a degradation of cartilaginous tissue, its replacement by bone tissue and bone fusion.

Symptoms of an elbow joint injury

Symptoms may differ depending on the strength of the injury. Common signs of injury:

  • Appearance of bruise, bruise
  • Swelling or swelling in the joint
  • Pain during movement and palpation. If the trauma caused a nerve pincer, then the pain syndrome is significantly strengthened.
  • A slight increase in the temperature of the skin over the damaged joint
    Limited mobility of the joint, caused by a hemorrhage into it. This complication is called hemarthrosis.

What to do in case of an elbow joint injury?

First aid includes limiting the movement of the injured elbow with a bandage dressing and applying a cold wet towel or ice. Cold contributes to spasm of blood vessels and reduction of hemorrhage, helps to muffle pain.

You can take an anesthetic, for example, pentalgin. Then you should see the doctor. Do not bend and unbend the hand, move it, rub and massage the elbow, warm it or rub the warming ointment.

At the beginning of treatment it is necessary to perform a puncture of the elbow joint. If the joint does not detect blood, then further treatment will be the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

If blood is received during the puncture, you should remove it completely from the joint, make a wash with novocaine solution and inject hydrocortisone into the joint. This procedure will minimize the effects of damage to the cartilaginous tissue and prevent the development of deforming osteoarthritis.

Measures performed with an elbow injury include fixation of the joint for the purpose of its complete immobility, cold treatment during the day from the moment of a bruise, the appointment of anti-inflammatory ointments and anesthetics in case of severe pain, a course of laser therapy and magnetotherapy.

All thermal procedures are contraindicated, especially in the complication of hemarthrosis, since they can cause the formation of ossitis in the joints adjacent to the joint. For the same reason, you can not visit the sauna and sauna.

From the first day of the injury it is useful to practice gentle exercises, but keeping the joint still, which will help improve blood circulation.

Recommended for contusion of the elbow during the day several times to make active movements with a brush. Gradually, exercises should involve the elbow joint, returning it to normal work.

A bruised joint is permissible to undergo loadings approximately two weeks after the injury.

Ointments from injury

Local remedies used for contusion of the elbow joint belong to the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are ointments, gels and creams that can be applied from the second day after the bruise, but only if there are no open wounds on the skin.

The list of drugs includes:

  • Indomethacin: has an anesthetic and anti-edema effect with bruises that are not complicated by hemarthrosis. Applied as compresses.
  • Diclofenac: causes antipyretic effect, has anti-inflammatory effect in case of inflammation of the joints.
  • Finalgon: has a vasodilator and analgesic effect.
  • Apisatron: activates metabolic processes and promotes greater elasticity of the muscular and connective tissues.
  • Fastum-gel: helps with injuries, inflammations, sprains.
  • Indovazin: reduces swelling and helps the hematoma to dissolve faster due to improved microcirculation.
  • Heparin ointment: reduces swelling, resolves infiltrates, relieves inflammation.
  • Bystrumgel: an anesthetic and inflammatory remedy for a number of pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Voltaren emulgel: helps with soft tissue and tendon lesions.
  • Ketonal: anesthetizes and helps with complication of bursitis after an elbow injury.
  • Myoton: activates blood circulation and relieves inflammation.
  • Venoruton: exerts a tonic effect on blood vessels, corrects microcirculation.
  • Vipratox: an anesthetic containing a snake venom. Has anti-inflammatory effect.

Folk treatment

A good auxiliary tool in the process of treating the joint injury can serve as folk recipes.

  • Effectively and quickly removes inflammation and painful sensations of a compress made from a decoction of 3 tablespoons of ordinary scallop in half a liter of water. The broth is boiled for 20 minutes.
  • Shredded leaves and stems of a golden mustache are mixed with petroleum jelly and rubbed into a diseased elbow. The ratio of the components of the ointment should be:.
  • A teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon of tincture of onion on alcohol and egg yolk of a chicken egg is mixed and used as an ointment with a bruise.
  • One part of St. John's wort juice is mixed with 4 parts unsalted butter. Apply for better healing of fractures and bruises.
  • Water infusion of wormwood as a compress also helps to relieve inflammation.
  • A mixture of alcohol and horseradish juice soak gauze and make a compress.
  • Equal weights of mustard, sea salt and bee honey are used as a compress, wrapping a scarf on top. Helps from joint pain after a bruise.
  • A mixture of eucalyptus and rose oils, tincture of onion with alcohol, Vaseline, taken in the ratio: 5, is kept in a warm water bath, not allowing to boil and stirring to a homogeneous consistency. Storage of the ointment must be carried out in the refrigerator. Method of application - rub in the patient's elbow.

The elbow joint is extremely sensitive to trauma, as it is surrounded by a small number of soft tissues.

Even a small bruise can disrupt the mobility of the hand, which will cause the inability to perform even ordinary daily activities.

But a timely call to a doctor and the implementation of recommendations makes a prognosis for recovery auspicious.

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