Dry cough without fever than to cure

Strong cough without fever in the adult: causes, treatment and varieties

  • Dry cough
  • Prolonged cough
Strong cough without fever in an adult

A severe cough without fever in an adult is a widespread symptom among people of young and old age.

Characteristic for various diseases, in the absence of treatment, a prolonged cough progresses steadily in most cases, leading to the development of complications that significantly reduce the quality of life of the patient.

A growing strong cough without fever in an adult is a sign of an infectious process, characteristic of a decrease in immunity or for elderly patients.

Paroxysmal cough paroxysms are pathognomonic for the initial stages of whooping cough, which occurs without fever, runny nose and general impairment in children and adults. Night attacks are typical for exacerbation or debut of bronchial asthma as a result of irritation of the bronchial mucosa on the background of an allergic reaction. For asthma, a typical exhalation in the presence of a normal inhalation of air, hypersecretion of viscous sputum provokes the development of a strong cough without temperature in an adult and a child.

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The causes of the pathological process are:

  • nonspecific inflammation (ENT organs, upper respiratory tract, bronchi, trachea, lungs);
  • infection (influenza, parainfluenza, measles, SARS, whooping cough, adenovirus, cytomegalovirus);
  • allergy (pollinosis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma);
  • trauma (foreign bodies, damage to the esophagus);
  • cardiac arrhythmia (extrasystole, vegetovascular dystonia).

Manifestation of a symptom at night on the background of a stoppage of breathing and prolonged smoking in the anamnesis is a pathognomonic clinical picture of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Bronchitis of the smoker is transformed into an irreversible form, manifestations of which is a steadily progressing cough with the development of respiratory insufficiency of various degrees of severity.

Prolonged cough in an infant is a sign of the fistula of the thoracic esophagus, through which food enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation and a protracted inflammatory process.An incessant cough in childhood is a diagnostic problem that disrupts the physiological breathing and normal development of the child.

To suspect an infectious process the doctor will allow diagnostic examination, examination of sputum and the delivery of tests. Early treatment of severe cough without fever in adults and children is done taking into account the characteristics of the cough, its duration and the overall clinical picture.

Dry and wet cough differ depending on the stage and etiology of the process. Dry cough is the initial stage of inflammatory diseases, in which coughing tremors are a reflex mechanism. A dry, violent cough develops when foreign bodies enter the body, aimed at removing it from the upper respiratory tract. A moist cough is formed as a result of increased production of serous or purulent sputum, the ingestion of which into the lungs causes the development of pneumonia.

This complication is typical for people who have weak respiratory muscles and a sedentary lifestyle.Antitussives with a dry cough are used to stop the syndrome, eliminate inflammation of the mucous membrane. The purpose of the drug with moist cough promotes the development of severe forms of pneumonia. Expectorants with a damp cough are prescribed against the background of taking antibiotics to prevent the multiplication of pathogens.

When taking medication, you need to consume large amounts of water to dilute sputum. Breastfeeding is a folk remedy for cough, used in outpatient treatment. Herbal infusion is prepared in the following way: for 200 ml of boiling water dilute two or three tablespoons. collection, and then leave to insist for one hour. Feedback on the forums indicate the high effectiveness of this method for the treatment of dry and wet cough. The infusion is used 3 times a day for 10-14 days.

Dry cough without fever in an adult: a variety and their treatment

Cough treatment in an adultDry cough without fever in an adult has the following types and tactics of treatment.

Specific antiviral or antibacterial treatment is shown against the background of the use of expectorants and mokrotorazhizhayuschih drugs. The expediency of therapy is determined by the severity of the inflammatory process, in severe cases, in-patient treatment is required.

Removal of a foreign body is performed surgically or by bronchoscopy. Elimination of the cause of arrhythmia is under the control of a cardiologist, specific drugs are prescribed that stop the manifestation of extrasystole and vegetovascular dystonia.

  1. Prolonged cough with phlegmis a sign of an infectious process, influenza, ARVI or pneumonia. Often accompanied by inflammation of the larynx, trachea and ENT organs. Accompanied by:
    • high temperature;
    • coryza;
    • general weakness;
    • decreased performance.
  2. Prolonged cough without phlegm(dry) is typical for allergic processes, bronchial asthma or the initial stages of infection (in the presence of rashes). An unproductive cough is accompanied by a sore throat, a throat, a heaviness in the head. Antiallergic therapy reduces exacerbation in the early stages.
  3. Prolonged cough without feverIs a characteristic syndrome of cardiac arrhythmia, foreign body entry to the mucosa or vocal cords. Diagnosis takes a long time, relief comes immediately after a targeted treatment, taking pills.
  4. Prolonged cough with phlegm without temperatureis formed with increased mucus production, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, prolonged smoking, and work with construction dust, asbestos or cotton wool. In addition, dry cough without temperature in an adult is manifested with pulmonary tuberculosis, open or closed form, lung radiography clarifies the diagnosis.

Treatment of chronic obstruction begins with quitting smoking and taking bronchodilators short or long-acting. With the growth of fibrotic processes in the bronchi, patients are assigned enzyme preparations, as well as hormone therapy. With pulmonary tuberculosis, the patient is sent for specific therapy to the physiotherapy department of the hospital.

A prolonged cough without fever in an adult: a type of treatment

Dry cough without fever in an adultA prolonged cough without fever in an adult requires an early onset of a specific treatment after going through a wide diagnostic examination to determine the exact cause of the onset.

The analysis of blood, sputum culture, as well as instrumental and functional research methods allow differentiating allergic and infectious diseases, foreign bodies of the upper respiratory tract and esophagus.

General treatment includes:

  • to give up smoking;
  • general strengthening procedures;
  • enhancing the immune properties of the body;
  • removal of the allergen;
  • frequent wet cleaning.

Prevention of acute respiratory infections and infections is aimed at limiting contacts during the epidemic period, regular intake of immunoprophylactic drugs, and routine vaccination according to the vaccination schedule.

Mantoux reaction allows detecting tuberculosis infection at early stages, initiating early specific therapy, which significantly reduces the risk of exacerbations.

Medical treatment has the following directions:

  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • bronchodilator.

Preparations for infectious and fungal diseases, which caused a prolonged cough without temperature adult, are selected individually by the attending physician, taking into account the clinical picture and the affected organ.With severe pain on the background of coughing, an urgent start of treatment is required because of the high stress on the respiratory musculature.

With asthma and allergic pharyngitis treatment begins with anti-allergic antihistamines, which are supplemented with bronchodilators to facilitate breathing and eliminate cough symptoms. The bronchodilators work almost immediately, they are taken in the form of inhalations according to the doctor's prescription.

Folk remedies are aimed at restoring the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, reducing the production of sputum and mucus.Individual herbal infusions, such as oak bark, affect the degree of intensity of the inflammatory process, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory enzymes in the lesion.

Lime, marshmallow and plantain are used as antitussive drugs, but can be used only after consulting a doctor because of the risk of side effects. Breastfeeding is the safest and most versatile method for softly stopping a prolonged cough without fever in an adult and a child over 10 years of age.


Severe dry cough in an adult without fever: causes and treatment

Frequent coughing is a common symptom of various diseases. A constant, dry cough causes a lot of discomfort to a person both during the day and at night, significantly complicating his life.

Treatment of this manifestation directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. Therapy may be symptomatic or include the taking of specific drugs (antibiotics, hormones and the like).

Causes of appearance

Dry coughDry cough is a reflex-protective reaction of the body, the main task of which is to eliminate from the respiratory system of the irritating factor (mechanical, atrophic, inflammatory, chemical).

Today, medicine identifies about 53 causes, because of which a dry cough may appear.

Its unproductiveness is often determined by the stage of the disease, for example:

  1. Chronical bronchitis;
  2. the initial stage of pneumonia;
  3. chronic stenosis of the larynx;
  4. tuberculosis;
  5. the buildup of obstruction in asthma.

A painful and violent cough of an allergic and inflammatory nature appears due to such reasons as:

  • mycoplasmosis (atypical pneumonia), chlamydia;
  • ARVI, influenza, laryngitis, tracheitis, bronchitis (cough, barking with a metallic echo);
  • Pertussis, paracottus (rarely diagnosed because of the lack of symptoms);
  • Bronchial asthma (with the discharge of thick and viscous sputum).

The causes of dry cough and temperature can be chemical or mechanical. So, it can be a change occurring in the lung tissues in fibrosis and atelectasis.

The respiratory system can be compressed by a tumor. Another dry and deaf cough occurs with an aneurysmal dilated aorta and enlarged lymph nodes.

The occurrence of temperature and cough occurs due to the action of a chemical stimulus and the inhalation of a foreign body (chemicals in the workplace, dust particles and food pieces).

Duration of acute and chronic forms

A long agonizing coughCough can be separately acute (3 weeks), prolonged and chronic (more than 8 weeks). Acute and strong cough reflex appears in case of influenza, rhino-, adeno-, metapnevma-, coronovirus, parainfluenza, ARVI caused by the RS virus.

A long painful cough can be a consequence of an infectious disease (acute bronchitis). Chronic persistent cough occurs due to a number of different factors. It can be overweight, bronchial asthma (cough type), smoking, postnasal edema syndrome and chronic diseases of the respiratory system (tonsillitis, sinusitis, tracheitis).

In addition, barking cough in adults can occur if exposure to pollutants or irritants (accommodation near busy roads, low air humidity) occurs. This symptom can also develop as a result of chronic bronchitis, COPD (in smokers) or in obstrugular lung diseases and GERD.

A constant and dry cough at night or in the day can arise due to diabetes, when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract gets dry and microcirculation is disturbed. Other factors of the appearance of temperature and cough may be hidden in the presence of hypothyroidism (the disease is accompanied by a change in the vocal cords), the use of psychotropic drugs, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and diuretics.

Day or night cough often occurs due to pathologies of the circulatory system (pericarditis, pulmonary thromboembolism arteries, heart failure, heart disease, aortic aneurysm), due to the course of neurological diseases.

In addition, a dry and frequent cough may appear if the thyroid gland is enlarged or there are diffuse pathologies of connective tissues.


Dry cough by nature can be:

  1. sharp (tracheobronchitis acute, pleurisy);
  2. frequent and small, manifested by coughing, when there is irritation of the pleura;
  3. Reflex (occurs only when irritation of reflexogenic areas outside the respiratory tract);
  4. loud, barking (trachea, larynx);
  5. "Heart", arising at night with heart failure;
  6. convulsive, convulsive, accompanied by loud and frequent exhalations-tremors.
dry persistent coughIn addition, dry persistent cough can occur against the background of temperature, if in the patient's body processes occur in which connective tissue (fibrosis) proliferates. Such diseases are sarcoidosis, pneumoconiosis, tuberculosis and others.

Unproductive, nasal cough develops in the presence of pathologies of the nearbronchial zone (swelling, lymph node compression, aortic aneurysm). In addition, it can appear at night with bronchial asthma, pertussis, heart failure or sinusitis.

He also develops with asthma and COPD, if his breathing is wheezing. In addition, there is an unreasonable cough,

A persistent cough that occurs after or during a meal can be a confirmation of the presence of tracheoesophageal fistula, neurogenic disorders, hernia, diverticulum of the esophagus.

In addition, a cough can appear even if a person changes his body position (GERD, postnasal runny syndrome). At smokers it reminds of itself only in the morning and in the afternoon. This symptom also develops with bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis and gastrointestinal reflux.

To determine the cause of the cough, you need to identify the symptoms that accompany it. So, with tuberculosis, you can not avoid temperature and weight loss, malaise, and viral tracheobronchitis - chest pain. In addition, it is necessary to conduct such diagnostic activities as:

  • lab tests;
  • consultation of some doctors;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopy.

How to treat dry cough?

How to treat dry cough?Treatment is always based on establishing an accurate diagnosis and eliminating the causes of the onset of the disease. However, there are general recommendations to improve the patient's condition, if there is also a temperature.

So, indoors, you should regularly moisten the air. However, do not forget about the warm and abundant drink.

To stimulate the activity of the glands and normalize the process of swallowing saliva (this will ease the cough reflex), you can dissolve the candies. A strong, paroxysmal, prolonged, unproductive cough is usually treated only with the help of combined drugs (Stoptussin), mono-medicines (Sinekod) and narcotic drugs (Codeine).

To dilute sputum, if a person suffers from bronchitis, then his treatment involves the use of mucolytic (ATSTS, Carbocysteine, Ambroxol) and expectorants (Solutan, Mukaltin). But you can not treat these medicines with small children.

To ensure that the lungs and bronchi are not clogged with phlegm, it is forbidden to take expectorant and antitussive drugs at the same time, bronchodilators. So, their reception is possible only separately.

If the disease is of a bacterial nature, then antibiotic treatment is performed. So, with mycoplasmal or chlamydial infection, macrolides such as Clarithromycin and Azithromycin are prescribed, streptococcal or staphylococcal - cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone) or Amoxicillin on the basis of penicillin.

To get rid of cough and temperature with bronchial obstruction, it is necessary to conduct treatment with bronchodilators (Berotek, Berodual). Asthma is treated only with special hormonal means (Pulmicort). With tuberculosis, anti-tuberculosis and bronchodilators are prescribed.

It is worth noting that many patients felt relief after taking medications, the clinical effectiveness of which was not proven. These include:

  1. Herbion (plantain syrup based on plantain);
  2. Erespal;
  3. combined drug Broncholitin, which has antitussive, bronchodilating, antiseptic effect;
  4. homeopathic remedy Stolid.

Treatment of cough with folk medicine

Disease therapy is performed only when possible reactions are excluded. So, if there is no temperature, you can do steam inhalations based on medicinal herbs.

Moreover, it is useful to apply warm compresses to the breast. The use of an althea and juice extract from a black radish will quickly remove the unpleasant symptoms of a cold. In general, folk remedies for cough are best used as an additional treatment in the complex.

Moreover, treatment with the help of folk remedies implies the use of decoctions of linden, mother-and-stepmother, sage and chamomile.

Possible complications and preventive measures

inhalation on the basis of medicinal herbs.In some cases, a rare cough is not only a useful reflex, which helps cleanse the respiratory passages, but sometimes it leads to various complications. Thus, the quality of life can deteriorate, resulting in a decrease in the level of physical and mental activity.

Another consequence is the occurrence of myocardial infarction. Pathology develops with an unproductive long-term cough that occurs due to chronic inflammation in the body or the presence of a pulmonary infection.

In addition, this manifestation contributes to the emergence of psychosocial, psychological problems, hypertension, pulmonary heart formation, pulmonary emphysema and spontaneous pneumothorax. Other hernias (for example, inguinal) can also form and bleeding in the bronchial veins or conjunctiva may occur.

Moreover, epileptic seizures and fainting were recorded. Sweating, weakness, incontinence of feces and urine, increased fatigue, hoarseness of the voice, pain in the muscles and bone tissues can also occur.

Prevention implies the prevention of the appearance of the underlying disease, which accompanies the cough reflex. So, to prevent the occurrence of this symptom is important:

  • During the epidemic of catarrhal diseases, avoid places of large accumulation of people;
  • to refuse from alcohol and cigarettes;
  • observe hygienic rules;
  • maintain a stable and positive psycho-emotional state;
  • do sport;
  • to observe the correct mode of rest and work.

In winter, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of not only frostbite, but also overheating, resulting in an increase in body temperature. Therefore it is important to wear clothes that will match the season and weather conditions. In the summer, you should use air conditioners with extreme caution, in order to prevent a temperature difference of more than 6 degrees.

The video in this article will tell you what is the reason for the long cough, and most importantly, how to treat it


Dry cough in children without fever: causes and treatment

Dry cough in children without fever: causes and treatment

Dry is called a cough, not accompanied by the release of mucus or sputum. Usually, such a cough in children is very painful and violent. The tactics of treatment are determined by the causes of the pathology. Bacterial infection can be eliminated only by antibiotics, and treatment of the disease in the home is to rub the breasts and apply steam inhalations. Dry cough without temperature in children is much more difficult to cure than a common cold.

Causes of dry cough without fever in children

The causes of dry cough without temperature in children are very diverse: inflammation, allergy, smoking around, long exposure to dust. In some cases, the use of medication is meaningless, and with the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, pertussis, tracheitis and laryngitis, antibiotics are indispensable.

A cold caused by a viral infection is the most common cause of dry cough in children, usually without fever. The disease is also manifested by a sore throat or a mild irritation, which gradually becomes a cough. Gradually, the cough becomes wet, and a few days after the beginning of the treatment comes to naught.

Influenza virus can cause a dry cough in a child. Symptoms of the disease are similar to those of a cold, but the child at the same time feels much worse. The flu begins with a dry and hoarse cough that gradually turns into a damp and productive cough.

Environmental irritants can cause a dry cough in a child who goes without temperature. Especially highly sensitive to cigarette smoke, hot or dry air, strong smells of chemicals, small children.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease occurs when gastric acid and stomach contents enter the esophagus. This is accompanied by burning, abundant salivation and even vomiting. The acid of the stomach irritates the throat and leads to the development of a dry cough in the child.

Dry children's cough - a symptom of whooping cough - a contagious bacterial infection of the respiratory system. The so-called "pertussis cough" is accompanied by a characteristic buzzing sound, lacrimation, the appearance of a bluish shade of saliva and a bulging tongue outward.

Treatment of dry cough in a child

Dry cough in children without temperature requires the use of a large amount of liquid to form sputum.

Use of medication for children under 2 years is not recommended. For older children, the "Robotussin" preparation is used to treat dry cough without a temperature, which blocks cough reflexes, as well as a suspension of "Delsim", which relieves the child of anguish for 12 hours.

Home remedies for dry cough - steam inhalations with automatic moisturizing to open nasal passages and relieve irritation in the throat. The recipe for traditional medicine for dry cough: mix a spoonful of honey with the juice of one lemon and take it until it disappears. It should be given to the child as much as possible fluid to remove toxins from the child's body. Children over the age of five are allowed to suck lollipops and cough lozenges.


Cough and runny nose without fever, treatment methods

kawel i nasmork bez tempCough and runny nose without fever can talk about a hidden inflammatory process, hypersensitivity. Most often, such symptoms appear if a person inhales the polluted air, small dust particles. If these symptoms do not go away, you need to urgently consult with your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Causes and coryza without fever

If a person changes in the body, a cough may appear that helps to remove foreign particles, sputum. Cough and runny nose talk about certain malfunctions in the human body, about the onset of a serious inflammatory process.

The most common symptomatology is observed in children who are often exposed to ARVI. If the cough is barking, the body temperature does not increase, it indicates an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx or that the adenoids begin to form. Also cough and runny nose can be a reaction to dust, household chemicals, perfume.

If the cough acquires a permanent character, the body temperature does not increase, it indicates that acute bronchitis or pneumonia develops. It is dangerous when symptoms occur with tuberculosis.

Cough and runny nose without fever during pregnancy

When a cough and runny nose appears during pregnancy, it is dangerous for the fetus. A woman, when she coughs, constantly strains the abdominal muscles, her ligaments are actively contracting, all of which threatens with bleeding. Because of the common cold, often lays a nose, there is nothing to breathe and the child suffers from severe hypoxia. A pregnant woman can not use medicines, so alternative medicine will be the means of traditional medicine, you must choose those that are recommended by the attending doctor.

Prolonged cough and runny nose without fever

If the symptoms are protracted, the temperature is normal, this indicates a hidden inflammatory process or an allergic reaction. Hypersensitivity can occur in a polluted environment when a person inhales sickly particles. When a long time disturbs a dry cough, you need to increase the production of sputum, as much as possible to drink fluids.

How does the runny nose and cough manifest without fever?

When a person becomes infected with a viral infection, he develops catarrh in the upper respiratory tract, which becomes a cough and runny nose, but the temperature does not rise. Also in this situation, there is no sore throat, but cough can be severe.

When you suddenly have a dry cough, it can talk about a serious allergic reaction to the color of the plant, animal, cosmetics, perfume. Note that often in carpets, beds can accumulate a lot of different allergens, because of them there is a constant dry cough. Typically, with allergies, the temperature rarely rises.

If you are fond of different powders, flavors, detergents, abusing aromatherapy - all this can lead to a runny nose and a cough.

Often, when a person has been infected with a virus, an infection, he may be aching in the throat for about one month, there is a cough, tickles in the nasopharynx and the runny nose does not go away. If the symptomatology is delayed for longer, you need to undergo a test.

Treatment of cough and cold without fever

Sometimes symptoms can indicate a serious illness. For example, pneumonia. In this situation, you need to go through fluorography, give phlegm for analysis, a general analysis of blood and urine.

Before you start treatment, you need to know the cause of its occurrence. Smokers can often be bothered by a runny nose, cough, nasopharyngeal irritated by nicotine. Often there are severe attacks of cough, especially, they are aggravated in the morning, then a lot of sputum begins to stand out. This suggests that the smoker already has lung atrophy, which first develops in the alveoli, then affects the entire organ.

When tuberculosis develops, sputum appears with blood. With pneumonia, the thoracic part strongly hurts. With infectious and viral diseases, except for a cough, there is a sore throat, a strong persecution worries.

Antibiotics will be useless if a runny nose and cough provoked:

1. Nicotine (in smokers).

2. When a person inhales various environmental irritants that do not perceive his body.

3. Cough and runny nose due to an allergic reaction.

4. When dust or dust mites have got into the respiratory tract.

5. If cough is caused by worms.

Antibacterial drugs can be used only when the temperature rises, there is an acute inflammatory process, which the body can not overcome by itself.

Cough and runny nose without fever most often has symptomatic treatment:

1. It is important to drink as much as possible - purified water, tea with lemon, chamomile broth, mint, rose hips.

2. If you are worried about a severe dry cough, you need to take medications with which you can dilute sputum - Ambrobe, Bromhexine, Mukaltin.

3. It is recommended to treat a runny nose and coughing with infusions of linden, coltsfoot, plantain, althea, linden.

4. With a common cold, you should wash your nose as often as possible, sea salt, a decoction of chamomile, is ideal.

5. If there is no temperature, you can use warming procedures - soar your feet in soda, mustard. To do this, pour a bowl of hot water, add there two tablespoons of mustard or soda, constantly pour water, so it does not cool. After putting on warm woolen socks and going to bed.

6. You can use different inhalations - steam, nebulizer, etc.

So, cough and runny nose without temperature are a protective reaction from an infectious, viral disease. Most often this symptomatology is characteristic for different types of allergies. Cough with a runny nose occurs if the room is overdried air or hit a foreign body in the airway. Also such symptoms are observed after the experienced stress. It is important to know the cause in time, only then choose methods of treatment so that the disease does not worsen. Especially dangerous is a cough and runny nose without fever in a child, you need to constantly monitor his state of health.


The baby has a cough without temperature, what should I do? How to treat?

u rebenka kewel bez temperaturuOften children develop a cough without fever. He can appear for various reasons, most often colds, then with the help of a cough the child gets rid of the microbes that have accumulated in the throat, thoracic region. When influenza, cold cough is accompanied by fever, it says that the body with all the strength is protected from the disease. If a child has a sudden and dry cough, while the body temperature is not increased, it can talk about other serious diseases.

Causes of cough without temperature

If a child has an infectious, catarrhal disease that affects the trachea, bronchi, lungs, there is a cough of the cold, high fever, the child is weakened. When the disease begins to heal, the symptoms go away. The cough can remain for another two weeks, then disappears.

If a child has a sudden paroxysmal cough without a cold, temperatures and it is impossible to heal, you need to carefully examine the child, this is the first symptom of a serious illness.

Most often such a cough can be a symptom of bronchial asthma, it worsens at night, after a hard day. In this situation, it is important to pay attention to how often asthma attacks the child, how many times a day, a month.

Cough without fever in a child can be triggered by an allergic reaction to pollen of different plant species, house dust mites, food, cosmetics, household chemicals, because of this irritated bronchi, become hypersensitive, so children are disturbed by a severe dry cough. Allergy can be removed with the help of antihistamines, other drugs will be ineffective.

Sometimes, a cough that is not accompanied by fever can talk about an infectious disease - cytomegalovirus, chlamydia, pertussis, fungi, paracoids also often leads to irritation of the bronchi. In some children, the state of health may be exacerbated by tuberculosis, but this disease most often occurs with increased body temperature. In order to know exactly about the disease, the child must necessarily pass all the laboratory tests, based on them will be selected effective treatment.

Pay attention, if your child begins to cough badly after a stressful situation, then, he has a coughing because of psychogenic causes, it occurs in the form of seizures, can last a minute, and sometimes even a whole day.

Dangerous is a cough without fever, which is characteristic of laryngitis, the child suffers suffocation, it is necessary to consult a therapist. In infancy, cough is physiological in nature, with the help of its children cleanse the respiratory tract from dust, food that enters the respiratory tract. Sometimes a cough can appear when the child has his first teeth.

In cases when the cough is prolonged, it is not moistened, thus there is no runny nose, temperature, it is necessary be sure to undergo a full course of examination so that the disease does not develop into a chronic one with different complications.

Treatment of cough in a child without fever

1. Give the child as much warm water as possible, preferably alkaline. Also, if your child does not have allergies, you can give milk with the addition of soda, it is also good to add honey, butter.

2. If the cough is severe, while the temperature does not rise, you can conduct steam inhalations - recommend To breathe a lot of potatoes, which are cooked, you can use different kinds of herbs - chamomile, sage, eucalyptus.

3. Compresses are an effective remedy. So the sputum will be formed faster and blood circulation will improve in the chest area, you can use honey, boiled potatoes, vegetable oil. It should be applied to the baby's chest, it should be able to withstand it for at least two hours, it is best that she sleeps, wrap it, it should get warm well.

4. Watch the air in the room, it should be moist, give up various types of irritants - smells of perfume, tobacco, various cosmetic products, household chemicals. Do a wet cleaning, wipe off the dust.

5. Abundant drink for the child. It should be varied, compote, if it's winter, you can use frozen, dried fruits. In a season it is good to prepare compotes with fresh fruits, they contain a large amount of vitamins, which will help the child, quickly recover. Prepare broths for cough, you can use mother-and-stepmother, thyme, nettle, thermopsis, oregano. Pay attention, children of allergic people are not allowed to take various herbs, this will only further aggravate the disease and lead to bronchospasm, Quinck's swelling, anaphylactic shock. Cough can be cured with tea with honey and lemon.

Medication for cough without temperature

Drugs can be prescribed for dry cough, which will help make it productive, moist. Effectively treated with Delsim, Tusupreksa, Libexin. Pay attention, these drugs can not be taken into account, they can lead to serious consequences.

If the child has a wet cough without temperature, you need to reduce the sputum, this is suitable for treatment of ATSTS, Bromheksinom, Ambroxol, Mukaltin. This group of drugs also leads to a side effect on the child's body, work may be disrupted gastrointestinal tract, liver, children often get nausea and vomiting after taking these drugs.

When a child is often sick, you need to think about strengthening his immune system, so accustom him to the sport, he must as much as possible to move, play sports, it is important that the food is balanced and rich in vitamins.

So, cough without fever is most often due to an allergic reaction, bronchial asthma, less laryngitis, so do not run it, it is necessary to immediately treat, until it has developed into a chronic form, before this it is necessary to undergo a complete course of examination to confirm the diagnosis.


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