Crunch in the neck with head turns: causes and treatment


  • 1Crunch in the neck when turning the head: causes, treatment
    • 1.1Neck, its functions
    • 1.2Crunch in the neck when turning the head: causes
    • 1.3Physiological crunch - what to do?
    • 1.4Osteochondrosis
    • 1.5Spondylolisthesis
    • 1.6Spondylosis
    • 1.7Crunch in the neck when turning the head: treatment
    • 1.8Prevention
  • 2What to do if the neck crunches when you turn your head
    • 2.1Causes
    • 2.2Hypermobility of intervertebral joints
    • 2.3Dissociation of the muscles of antagonists (flexors and extensors)
    • 2.4Posture disorders
    • 2.5Osteophytes formed during spondylosis
    • 2.6Instability in the cervical spine
    • 2.7Unco-vertebral arthrosis
    • 2.8Spondylolisthesis - displacement
    • 2.9Crunches the neck of a child
    • 2.10Symptoms
    • 2.11To which doctor to apply
    • 2.12Treatment
    • 2.13Prevention and prevention
  • 3Why the neck crunches: causes, diagnosis, treatment
    • 3.1Basic information
    • 3.2Why does the neck crackle?
    • 3.3Air bubbles
    • 3.4Growth
    • 3.5Diseases of the spine
    • 3.6Concomitant symptoms
    • 3.7To what doctor to address? diagnosis of the disease
    • 3.8Methods of treatment
    • 3.9Preventive measures
  • instagram viewer
  • 4Crunch in the neck
    • 4.1Etiology
    • 4.2Symptomatology
    • 4.3Diagnostics
    • 4.4Treatment and elimination
    • 4.5Prevention of occurrence
  • 5Is the crunch in the neck an innocuous inconvenience or a disease?
    • 5.1Why does the neck crackle?
    • 5.2Why does the neck crunch when you turn your head?
    • 5.3Why does the neck crack when the head is tilted sideways?
    • 5.4The neck hurts and crunches
    • 5.5Crunches neck and headache
    • 5.6Crunch in the neck, tinnitus
    • 5.7The neck always crunches
    • 5.8What to do if the neck crunches?
  • 6Crunches the neck when turning the head and other signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
    • 6.1Causes of crunch in the cervical region
    • 6.2Other signs of cervical osteochondrosis
    • 6.3Causes of neck pain
    • 6.4Treating Crunch and Pain

Crunch in the neck when turning the head: causes, treatment

Often even the healthiest person can hear a crunch in the neck while turning the head, and what can we say about those who already have problems with the spine? Why this happens and how to deal with this phenomenon - let's try to figure it out.

Neck, its functions

The neck is the most mobile part of the spinal column. In this case, every day, it experiences significant loads.

Seven cervical vertebrae, connected by discs located between them, and surrounded by a muscular skeleton, serve as protection and provide communication between the brain and spinal cord. It is here that four major trunk vessels and no less important nerve trunks pass.

Therefore, even minor violations in their work lead to serious consequences, and in fact the great mobility of this part of our body makes it quite vulnerable. It's no wonder that the crunch in the neck when turning the head makes you think seriously.

Unfortunately, the absence of pain often contributes to the fact that a person until the last does not pay attention to such a a serious symptom and postpones the examination until the moment when the problem is no longer possible ignore.

Crunch in the neck when turning the head: causes

The causes of this phenomenon can be divided into two categories. Due to the impact of some crunch in the neck when turning the head will be accompanied by a pain syndrome. In another case, this process will be painless.

A painless crunch in the neck can cause the following conditions:

  • excessive mobility in the neck joints of lean people;
  • a violation of calcium metabolism, in which salts are deposited in the ligamentous apparatus and in the articular surfaces;
  • disorders in the muscles of the flexor-extensors of the neck;
  • incorrect position of the cervical vertebra due to curvature of the thoracic region;
  • sound can occur with the collapse of nitrogen bubbles and carbon dioxide in the periarticular fluid.

In the case when the crunch in the neck with a head turn is accompanied by pain, the reasons can be much more serious.As a rule, this will signal the development of the following pathological conditions in a person:

  1. osteochondrosis;
  2. a hernia of the intervertebral disc;
  3. spondylosis;
  4. spondylolisthesis;
  5. pathology of small neck joints.

Physiological crunch - what to do?

As a rule, in the absence of any pathological processes, a crunch in the neck occurs when the head turns, if the impact the joint is stronger than the muscles and ligaments that prevent excessive movement the joint. This usually occurs when the muscles are in a static state for a long time or, on the contrary, are very relaxed. In this situation, even the most common turn or tilt of the head can cause similar sounds.

To reduce the risk of crunching, you need to pay more attention to the neck muscles.

First, at the first signs of overexertion, it is worth changing positions or performing simple exercises - maximally lower the head, turn it to the right, then to the left, fixing in each position several seconds.

Secondly, you do not need to load the spine, for a long time doing some kind of monotonous work. And it does not matter whether a person sits for hours in a soft chair or works continuously on a private plot. In addition, do not make sudden, sudden movements.

Third, do not forget about the need to regularly give the muscles of the neck an additional load.

This can be done by performing a simple exercise - in standing or sitting position, press the palm of your hand on the forehead, first for a few seconds resisting pressure, and then relaxing the muscles. The same must be repeated, moving the palm first to the back of the head, and then to the right and left temple. Only a few minutes of such gymnastics will allow to significantly strengthen the muscular skeleton of the neck and in the future will get rid of many troubles.


The most frequent answer to the question "why when turning a head crunch in the neck" can be osteochondrosis. This is one of the most common problems of the spine.

In this disease, under the influence of diffusively-dystrophic changes, the intervertebral disc is destroyed. It changes its shape, flattened and actually loses its ability to perform the function of a shock absorber.

The distance between the vertebrae is shortened, the nerve endings and vessels are compressed. With this disease, the crunch is accompanied by a sharp pain, giving in the arm.

In addition, dizziness, headaches are possible, the sensitivity of the limbs is disturbed, and if the treatment is not started on time, the consequences can be the most deplorable.


A strong crunch in the neck when turning the head can signal a pathology such as spondylolisthesis. This displacement of cervical vertebrae relative to each other. Most often this occurs between the fourth and fifth vertebrae.

Caused this may be a trauma suffered in childhood, or pathological changes in the joints of the spine. In this case, there is a violation of anatomical and physiological connections between them.

In addition to the crunch, the disease manifests itself as dizziness, headaches, often worse even after a little physical activity. Pain can extend to the shoulder girdle and upper limbs.

Such conditions require urgent intervention of specialists.


Another disease in which the neck can crunch is spondylosis. This is called the growth of bone tissue on the vertebrae.

At the same time deformation of the cartilaginous tissue occurs, cracks, ruptures begin to form in it, and in the future a hernia is formed.

Bony outgrowths (osteophytes) narrow the lumen of the spinal canal, thereby compressing the spinal cord and the nerve roots that drain from it. The disease is manifested by pain in the neck and shoulder blades.

The slopes and turns of the head are accompanied by a crunch and pain. As the process progresses, tinnitus, dizziness and headaches, decreased vision are added to the symptoms. Spondylosis is a chronic disease and, as a rule, occurs in people over fifty years of age.

Crunch in the neck when turning the head: treatment

Before starting therapy, you need to determine what causes the crunch in the neck. If such a phenomenon is physiological in nature, then no special treatment is required.

It is enough to remember that when working in a static position every hour, you need to take small breaks in order to relieve the cervical department. Another important point is to strengthen the muscles of the neck, while do not forget that pain in the process or after the exercises should not be.

If they do appear, it is necessary either to completely abandon the warm-up, or to reduce the amplitude of the movements.

In the event that the cause of the crunch was a pathological process, it is necessary to start treatment of the underlying disease as soon as possible.

Problems of the spine are usually handled by a vertebrologist, but since such specialists can To find only in large clinics, at the first stages it is possible to address and to the neurologist or orthopedic surgeon.

Usually at the reception he will assess areas of soreness, neck mobility, sensitivity disorders and other indicators.

In addition, to identify the full picture will require radiography in several projections of the cervical department, computed tomography or MRI. After conducting a full examination, adequate therapy is prescribed.

Modern medicine for solving such problems uses either conservative methods, the purpose of which is elimination of pain syndrome and restoration of functions, or surgical intervention to solve the problem cardinally.


A crunch in the neck, even if it is not caused by the pathology of the spine, makes you think about your health.

In order to avoid the development of diseases in the future, we must remember that a strong and healthy back is the key to good health and the absence of all sorts of disturbances.

Support it in this state will help physical activity, straight posture, a balanced diet and the right bed. Also it is necessary to avoid injuries, sudden movements and lifting weights and to combine long sitting periods with warm-up and rest.

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What to do if the neck crunches when you turn your head

Some people feel a crunch in the neck when they turn their heads.

It can be accompanied by pains in the spine and neck, sensations of sand in the neck joints or discomfort during movements.

Why there is a crunch in the neck? Can it lead to the development of serious diseases?

The causes of the crunch in the neck have not yet been fully studied.

This unpleasant phenomenon can be a symptom of a beginning osteochondrosis, and on the Internet you can find the most incredible versions of the appearance of the crunch.


Modern medicine knows 9 causes of crunching in the neck during bends:

Hypermobility of intervertebral joints

It is observed in people with low weight. This phenomenon can cause only psychological discomfort, pain and discomfort during cornering does not occur.

Dissociation of the muscles of antagonists (flexors and extensors)

There is a crunch of professional athletes. After warming the neck muscles, discomfort disappears, no treatment is required.

Violation of calcium metabolism

It is associated with accumulation in ligaments, tendons, articular surfaces and bones of calcium salts. Because of this, unusual loads arise, a functional block that can be removed only with nonlinear movements.

Posture disorders

For example, kyphosis and lordosis. The correct interaction between the joints, bones and muscles disappears. As a result, when the posture is disturbed, changes occur at the biochemical level.

Osteophytes formed during spondylosis

Osteophytes - outgrowths that are formed in degenerative-dystrophic processes and violations of bone formation (spondylosis).

Instability in the cervical spine

In addition to crunching when turning the head, the person feels severe pain and discomfort in the neck. Unpleasant sensations do not disappear even in a state of rest, and with a long stay in one position intensify. During motor activity, pain decreases.

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Unco-vertebral arthrosis

this is a disease of small intervertebral joints, which is accompanied by a crunch in the cervical spine, severe pain after lifting weights and with sharp turns of the head.

Spondylolisthesis - displacement

Displacement of one or more vertebrae. When the head turns, the neck crunches because of interferences in the bone structures of the spine.

Crunches the neck of a child

A crunch in the neck of a child often occurs due tohypermobility of the joints of the spine.

In this case, not only cervical crunches, but also other joints crack. Sometimes, when the child moves, there is a slight crunch in the neck, knee joints and shoulder blades.

Another reason for the crunch in the neck in children -congenital abnormalities in the development of connective tissue.

Doctors in these cases prescribe massage and therapeutic exercise.


If the neck crunch is accompanied by severe pain that spreads to the upper limbs, then protrusion or a herniated disc may develop.

These diseases are often accompanied by numbness of the hands, a decrease in sensitivity. When osteochondrosis, a crunch in the neck is accompanied by a crunch in the shoulder blades.

With inflammation of the scrap bag, there is a crunch in the neck, under the scapula, moderate pain. Inflammation arises from violations of congruence articular surfaces after trauma.

To which doctor to apply

As soon as there was a crunch in the neck, you should immediately consult a specialist: a neurologist, an orthopedist and a traumatologist. These experts will help to find out the exact cause of discomfort in the neck.

If it is associated with the nervous system, then the neurologist should be engaged in treatment, if the bone is a traumatologist, and if only prevention is necessary, it is better to make an appointment with a therapist.

The study of the crunch in the neck is done by a vertebrologist (from the Latin "columna vertebralis" - vertebral column). But you can only make an appointment with him at a large medical center or a regional hospital, there are no such specialists in the polyclinics of small towns.


Before starting treatment, you need to find out the cause of the crunch in the neck.

In some cases, patients do not need drug treatment, but for diseases and pathologies of the spine, the doctor chooses between conservative or surgical methods.

If the crunch is accompanied by pain, then at the beginningit is necessary to stop pain syndrome.

For this purpose, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs. Chondoprotectors regulate metabolic processes and restore cartilaginous tissue. After an acute period, experts advise curative gymnastics (effectively strengthen the neck muscles exercises for resistance).

Osteopathic and manual techniques, physiotherapy, help to get rid of the crunch.

If the crunch in the neck is associated with the hypermobility of the spine, you need to achieve stability of anatomical relationships. To do this, wear a collar of Shantz.

Crunch in children in most cases is treated with therapeutic gymnastics for the cervical spine and massage.

Prevention and prevention

The appearance of a crunch can be prevented if you are engaged in prevention and lead a healthy lifestyle. What should I look for?

  1. Dimensional and regular exercise. As soon as there was tension in the neck, you need to immediately change the position of the body, and it is better to perform a few simple exercises. For example, turns to the sides, head inclinations, etc. In your spare time you can visit the swimming pool. Swimming helps to relax the muscles and remove the pain.
  2. Proper nutrition. To prevent a crunch in the back, reduce the amount of fatty foods in your diet, add meals with protein. Be sure to exclude alcohol, flour products and cigarettes.
  3. Massage and physiotherapy exercises. Doctors advise to visit a regular massage therapist, which will help relax the back muscles.

Avoid sudden movements, physical overwork, do not stay in one position for too long.

The reasons for the appearance of a crunch in the cervical spine are many. As soon as this unpleasant phenomenon has appeared, it is necessary to address to the expert (the neurologist, the orthopedist and the traumatologist), to pass a full examination and a course of treatment. The doctor may prescribe medication, a course of massage, physiotherapy or surgery.
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Why the neck crunches: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Why does the neck crackle? The answer to this question is known to few. Therefore, we decided to devote our article to this topic. From it you will learn about the causes of the development of such a pathological phenomenon, its diagnosis and treatment methods.

Basic information

Why does the neck crackle? This question is of interest to many people who periodically encounter this problem. Most often in this phenomenon there is nothing terrible. However, there are cases when a crunch in the neck indicates the development of any disease of the spine.

In modern medicine, the reasons for the appearance of such a phenomenon are abundant. And they are not always connected with muscle tension or banal fatigue.

Why does the neck crackle?

Many people mistakenly believe that the crunch in the neck appears only in the elderly and is associated with age-related changes. However, this phenomenon can occur even in a child.

So, why does the neck crunch? Numerous studies have established that this unpleasant sound is created by joints located in the cervical spine.

As you know, ligaments and muscles in this area are designed to prevent possible traumas, and are necessary for the movement of the head.

If the muscle tissue is overstrained or too relaxed, then a strong load is applied to the cervical region, which contributes to the appearance of a characteristic crunch.

Doctors say that such a phenomenon is completely safe, but as long as it does not cause discomfort or does not become a source of pain.

Thus, it can be safely noted that the reasons for which the neck hurts and crunches when turning, can be different. The main points provoking the development of this phenomenon, we will present right now.

Air bubbles

The cervical spine consists of 7 vertebrae. As is known, there is a special liquid between them.

Over time, it forms so-called air bubbles.

With the turn and movements of the neck, the vertebrae create quite a strong pressure, as a result of which the latter burst. As a result, a characteristic sound arises.


In some cases, on one of the cervical vertebrae, a specific growth is formed, which prevents normal glide of the ligaments. If a person tilts or turns his head, then, passing by this build-up, the bundle as it were clinging to it, which creates a certain sound.

Diseases of the spine

If the patient very often crunches his neck while turning his head, this may indicate the development of various problems with the spine. By the way, in such cases, a person is disturbed not only by the characteristic sound, but also by severe pain in the neck, headaches, discomfort in the back or shoulder blade.

The most common diseases of the spine are the following:

  • Osteochondrosis. This disease is associated with pathological changes in intervertebral discs. It is characterized by a disruption in the metabolic process and abnormal growth of bone tissue.

With such a disease a person not only heard a crunch in the neck, but also constantly hurts his head, shoulders, hands. Correctly matched pillow with cervical osteochondrosis can reduce discomfort, however, in order to effectively treat this disease, more drastic measures are required.

  • Lordosis or kyphosis. Such diseases are the curvature of the upper spine, which can be acquired or hereditary. At the same time, certain changes occur in the muscular and bone tissues of the patient, so when you turn your head you can easily hear a specific sound.

Clinic of manual therapy, where physiotherapy is carried out, can help get rid of the symptoms of kyphosis and significantly alleviate the condition of the patient.

  • Osteoarthritis unco-vertebral. Such a disease manifests itself in a marked pain syndrome, which does not allow a person to freely tilt and turn his head, and also move his hands. With degeneration of the vertebrae, a crunch is often heard in the cervical region, which is accompanied by intolerable pain.

X-ray of the joints quite easily reveals the presence of such a pathological condition. Therefore, with these symptoms, you should immediately contact a doctor.

  • Spondylolisthesis is a certain displacement of the vertebrae. With such a disease, there is severe pain and discomfort in the neck and upper extremities, especially after physical exertion. Also, spondylolisthesis is characterized by a crunch in the cervical spine.
  • Violated calcium metabolism in the body. In this condition, calcium salts can accumulate in the joints, ligaments or bones of the patient, which in the future will inevitably lead to heavy loads on the vertebrae, resulting in sharp turns of the head can be heard an unpleasant crunch.
  • Cervical spondylosis is a disease accompanied by growth and increase in the volume of joints and bone tissue. This pathological phenomenon contributes to the narrowing of the spaces between the vertebrae, which results in severe friction, and when the head turns, a crunch occurs.

Most often cervical spondylosis is diagnosed in the elderly and is associated with age-related changes.

Concomitant symptoms

A crunch in the neck can be accompanied not only by the pain syndrome, but also by other symptoms. Most often they are the following:

  1. dizziness, weakness, nausea;
  2. headaches, tinnitus and pain in the heart;
  3. discomfort during movement, pressure jumps and pain in the neck;
  4. numbness of face and pain in the area of ​​scapula.

If such symptoms occur, you should immediately visit the hospital, since they all indicate pathological changes in the body.

To what doctor to address? diagnosis of the disease

Clinic of manual therapy can help with various diseases of the spinal column.

But before applying to such an institution, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis. In this you can help specialists such as a neurologist, vertebrologist, traumatologist or orthopedist.

It is these doctors that can identify the exact cause of the crunch and discomfort in the neck.

So, how are pathological changes in the spinal column diagnosed? First and foremost, doctors advise to make an x-ray of the joints. In the picture you can see almost all the deviations.

Also, the patient must be sent to CT and MRI of the cervical department, and if necessary, do UZDG.

Methods of treatment

Now you know the main reasons for the crunch in the neck when tilting or turning the head.

If such a phenomenon is periodic and does not cause any special discomfort, then there is nothing to worry about.

If the crunch in the cervical region is accompanied by pain and other unpleasant symptoms, then it can be a fairly serious illness.

More often the described crunch arises at development of an osteochondrosis. Many people suffer from this disease.

As mentioned above, a properly selected pillow with cervical osteochondrosis can reduce pain and minimize the appearance of a crunch.

In general, this problem does not solve.

With such a disease, patients are often prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain medications. After eliminating the pain syndrome, the physician can recommend physiotherapeutic methods of treatment (for example, gymnastics for the neck).

Osteochondrosis cervical is well treated by means of massage and certain physical exercises. Such methods well strengthen muscles, and also normalize blood circulation.

As for other diseases, the methods of their treatment are similar.

People are prescribed NSAIDs, recommend exercise, swimming and eating properly.

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According to the doctors, only a healthy lifestyle will not allow the development of various diseases, including pathologies of the spinal column.

Preventive measures

The appearance of a crunch in the neck is quite easy to prevent, if you regularly deal with its prevention. So what should you pay your attention to?

  • Regular and measured physical activity. When there is tension in the neck, you should immediately change the position of the body, and also perform several exercises (head inclinations, turns to the sides, etc.)
  • In his spare time it is necessary to visit the swimming pool, as swimming helps to remove the pain and relax muscles.
  • To prevent a crunch in the neck, you need to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, as well as increase the number of protein foods.
  • Therapeutic physical training and regular massage will help to relax the muscles of the entire back.

Also, to prevent crunching in the neck, physical fatigue and sudden movements should be avoided. In addition, it is not recommended to stay in one position for too long.

A source: http://.ru/article/256990/pochemu-hrustit-sheya-prichinyi-diagnostika-lechenie

Crunch in the neck

The crunch in the neck is characterized by the manifestation of characteristic sounds of varying intensity during turn or tilt. Such a sign has no limitations with regard to gender and age, which can even be expressed in children.

There is a wide range of reasons that cause the neck to crunch, why they are divided into several large categories.

Such an unpleasant symptom, despite the fact that it itself is a clinical manifestation, has several accompanying symptoms.

The most specific of these is pain syndrome, numbness and severe dizziness.

To determine the causes of this discomfort, patients need to undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental examinations, which will result in a decision on the tactics of therapy.


A crunch in the neck with the turns of the head is not always permanent and is not necessarily accompanied by other manifestations.

The reasons for its appearance can be physiological, that is, not related to the course of any disease.

In this category of predisposing factors can be attributed:

  1. high mobility of joints located between vertebrae in those people whose body weight is below normal. Such a violation, in addition to psychological discomfort, does not cause other unpleasant sensations in a person;
  2. dissociation of flexing and expanding muscles in the neck in those who professionally engage in sports. This leads to the fact that the neck makes a crunchy sound. In such cases, the symptom does not require recourse for qualified help, because he disappears after a warm-up;
  3. lack of fluid in the joints - is the main source of crunch in the neck in infants, because their body does not have time to produce the required amount of fluid;
  4. hypermobility of the joints of the spine - another reason for the formation of this symptom in children. In this situation, not only the neck will crunch, but also the knee joints and shoulder blades;
  5. collapse of the bubbles consisting of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, located in the periarticular fluid.

In those situations where the crunch in the neck is observed on a permanent basis and is accompanied by the manifestation of severe pain, this often indicates the development or course of some ailments, among them:

    • a violation of calcium metabolism - with the accumulation of calcium salts not only in muscles and ligaments, but also in tendons and bones. This entails the creation of an additional load on some parts of the spine, which entails the formation of a functional block, the elimination of which is accompanied by a crunch;
    • a hernia of the intervertebral disc;
    • a wide range of pathologies associated with impaired posture or curvature of the spine. When you turn the neck, you will clearly hear not only a crunch, but also characteristic clicks;
    • osteochondrosis and spondylosis. In the first case, pathological changes of the intervertebral discs develop. During the course of the second disease, the growth of bone tissue is observed;

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

  1. subluxation of small joints - lead to instability of the cervical spine;
  2. pathology of small joints of a degenerative nature - in addition to the main clinical manifestation, there is an expression of a large number of unpleasant symptoms;
  3. pathology in the development of connective tissue - cause what hurts and crunches the neck in children. Such a disorder does not require any therapy, but these children should be closely monitored;
  4. Spondylolisthesis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the spine, during the course of which shifts the vertebrae forward, which leads to a disruption in the relationship between the bones;
  5. unco-vertebral arthrosis - characterized by the development of dystrophy of small intervertebral discs or joints, which causes the nerves and blood vessels in this zone to shift or contract.

Regardless of the reasons that caused the appearance of such a symptom, it is best to consult a clinician.


If the expression of the neck crunch is associated with physiological factors, then in the vast majority of cases it is not accompanied by other clinical manifestations. The opposite situation is observed when the neck strongly crunches against the background of the course of this or that disease.

Often, the main sign is not the clinical expression that causes severe anxiety in patients, he delivers only a small discomfort, almost does not affect the daily life rights.

It happens to be permanent or periodic, very often appears during the turn of the head, less often - during its inclination. The degree of intensity will vary from a slight friction to a pronounced crunch.

Its manifestation is of an individual character and directly depends on the variety of the ailment that caused its appearance.

One of the main symptoms, which is complemented by a crunch in the neck when turning the head, is a pain syndrome, which is much more seriously perceived by people than crunching.

Soreness can be described by the following criteria:

  • she wears a aching, shooting and pulsing character;
  • can be localized on one side or be girdled;
  • often radiates to the nape of the neck, chest or shoulders;
  • is short-term or worries constantly;
  • significantly increases during head movements.

Often, diseases of the spine lead to a clamping of the spinal roots, making a crunch in the neck often accompanied by radicular syndrome, which includes such clinical manifestations, as:

  1. tingling and burning of the skin. In addition, the areas of the face and the area of ​​the scapula often become numb;
  2. decreased tactile sensations;
  3. a disorder of tendon reflexes;
  4. pallor of the skin;
  5. increased sweating;
  6. red dermographism.

Nerve root clamping circuit

Depending on the causative agent of the disease, the intensity of radicular syndrome will differ.

In addition, the signs that the neck crunches when turning the head are:

If the crunch in the neck is supplemented with the above symptomatology, then this should be the trigger for seeking qualified help, as this, most likely, indicates the presence of pathological changes in the organism. Only a doctor can decide what to do with a crunch in the neck.


How to get rid of the crunch in the neck, and also to diagnose such a condition is known to specialists from such areas of medicine as:

  • neurology;
  • traumatology;
  • vertebrology;
  • orthopedics.

Before the appointment of instrumental diagnosis, the clinician must perform several manipulations independently:

  1. to get acquainted with the history of the disease and the patient's history of anamnesis - to identify the factors why the neck crunches;
  2. carry out a thorough physical examination, during which the condition of the skin and the measurement of blood pressure are studied;
  3. conduct a detailed interview of the patient - to identify the first time and intensity of manifestation of both primary and accompanying symptoms.

Laboratory studies of blood and urine do not have a particular diagnostic value, but may indicate the course of the inflammatory process or the presence of pathologies.

Among instrumental examinations, it is worth mentioning:

  • X-ray of the cervical section, which is performed in two projections;
  • MRI and CT;
  • electromyography;
  • ECG - is performed if left arm or shoulder is stuck to exclude diseases from the heart;
  • echo or rheoencephalography - in the expression of severe headaches.


Treatment and elimination

The tactics of eliminating the crunch in the neck will be determined for each patient individually. Often the treatment includes:

  1. taking medications, in particular anti-inflammatory drugs and chondroprotectors;
  2. exercise physiotherapy procedures;
  3. the course of a therapeutic massage;
  4. manual and osteopathic therapy;
  5. performing exercises of medical gymnastics;
  6. wearing a special corset for hypermobility of the joints of the spine.

In some cases, the doctor may decide on a surgical procedure, which is performed in cases of ineffectiveness of conservative therapy, with a severe condition of the patient and other indications.

The scheme of drug therapy and the set of exercises will differ depending on the cause of the appearance of a crunch in the neck, the condition of the patient and the age category.

Physiotherapy often includes:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • wave therapy;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • reflexotherapy.

To treat a crunch in a neck it is necessary only in the started up cases when there is a symptomatology indicating on proceeding of this or that illness.

Prevention of occurrence

The appearance of a crunch in the neck can be very easily prevented if the following preventive measures are observed:

  1. keeping to the measure of an active way of life, which consists in regular and measured physical loads;
  2. visit the pool, because swimming helps to eliminate pain and relax the muscles of the entire back;
  3. rational nutrition - you need to minimize consumption of fatty foods and diversify the diet products containing a large amount of protein;
  4. passing the course of physical therapy and massage;
  5. avoiding physical overwork and sudden movements;
  6. keeping normal body weight;
  7. complete refusal of cigarettes and excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages;
  8. regular passage of a complete clinical examination.

In most cases, a crunch in the neck has a favorable prognosis, especially when observing preventive recommendations. However, if the cause of such an occurrence is any disease, the outcome will depend on the timely begun and conscientious treatment.

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Is the crunch in the neck an innocuous inconvenience or a disease?

Every second inhabitant of the planet encounters diseases of the spinal column, especially after the age of 30.

The cervical region is the most mobile, therefore it is more prone to pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

For their treatment, it is first necessary to find out the exact causes of the symptoms and unpleasant sensations.

Why does the neck crackle?

This phenomenon is often found in completely healthy people. Doctors have not yet been able to find out, because of what crunches the neck in such cases. Presumptive reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • increased mobility of intervertebral structures with a deficiency of body weight;
  • dissociation of flexor and extensor muscles in athletes;
  • insufficient volume of synovial fluid in the joint cavity.

Why does the neck crunch when you turn your head?

One explanation for this phenomenon is the accumulation of calcium salts in ligaments, bones, muscles and tendons.

Their presence creates an increased load on certain segments of the spinal column and leads to the formation of a functional block.

During its removal, you can hear a distinct crunch in your neck when you turn your head, tilt it forward or tilt back.

There are other, more dangerous factors that cause this pathology. The reasons for crunching the neck when turning the head:

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Why does the neck crack when the head is tilted sideways?

This condition is sometimes observed in healthy people after prolonged stay or sleep in an uncomfortable position. Such a crunch in the neck does not require treatment, it will disappear on its own.

Provoke the clicking of the upper spine can also other external adverse factors - hypothermia, physical overload, mechanical trauma.

The neck often crunches when the head tilts sideways against the background of the following diseases:

  1. vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  2. osteochondrosis;
  3. the presence of osteophytes on the vertebrae;
  4. spondylosis;
  5. violation of calcium metabolism.

The neck hurts and crunches

If this symptom is accompanied by discomfort, stiffness and unpleasant stitching sensations, this indicates a progression of the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The pain and crunch in the neck can occur for the following reasons:

  • subluxation of small articular structures of the spine;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • protrusion and hernia discs;
  • degenerative changes in the intervertebral joints;
  • uncoovertebral arthrosis.

Crunches neck and headache

The described clinical picture is typical for osteochondrosis.

Due to pathological and inflammatory processes in the upper spine, infringement of blood vessels, nerve endings and rootlets occurs.

This provokes a crunch in the neck, a pain in the head, a decrease in working capacity and a restriction of mobility. Without proper treatment, the condition progresses rapidly, turning into protrusion of discs and hernia.

Vegeto-vascular dystonia is another diagnosis that explains the headaches and crunching in the neck - causes in this situation can not be precisely established, because the disease is considered multifactorial. Deterioration of the functions of the musculoskeletal system can provoke disruption of metabolic processes, endocrine failure, micronutrient deficiency and other unfavorable conditions.

Crunch in the neck, tinnitus

If you hear a ringing, crackling or hissing, similar to radio interference, at the symptom in question, you should contact a vertebrologist or neurologist.

Noise in the ears and the sound of a crunch of the neck are typical signs of osteochondrosis of the upper back. Damaged vertebrae squeeze the blood vessels, causing an increase in the pressure of the biological fluid, the flow of which is audible to a person.

Other sounds may occur due to impairment of the activity of certain parts of the brain.

The neck always crunches

Many perfectly healthy people have a symptom presented. A constant crunch in the neck, which does not cause other inconveniences, is not a pathology.

You should worry if other strange signs and discomforts are added to the clicks.

Crunch and pain in the neck, stiffness of the movements, numbness of the upper back, tingling - good reasons to suspect the development of diseases of the spine, listed above. With such symptoms it is necessary to contact a specialist.

What to do if the neck crunches?

The tactics of treatment depend on the causes of the phenomenon described, therefore, it is necessary to undergo all the diagnostic procedures prescribed by the doctor. Based on the results of the research, the doctor will recommend how to get rid of the crunch in the neck:

  1. Correct the diet.It is important to consume a sufficient amount of liquid, limit salt in the menu, give preference to products with a high content of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Increase the amount of physical activity.The spinal column is supported by a muscular corset. Without regular exercises for its strengthening, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are inevitable. When crunching in the neck, it is recommended to swing the muscles of the back and the press.
  3. Equip places for professional activity and sleep.Many pathologies of the spine are worsened by an uncomfortable mattress, working chair and table.
  4. Constantly follow the posture.Any form of stoop violates the distribution of the load on the vertebral column, which provokes damage to its individual areas. To improve posture is useful therapeutic exercises, wearing special corsets, swimming.

In addition to these general measures, an individual course of therapy will be developed, which may include:

  • analgesics;
  • chondroprotectors;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • anesthetizing blockades;
  • vitamins of group B;
  • sedatives;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • anticonvulsant drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Manual procedures;
  • wearing a collar of Shantz;
  • massage;
  • shock-wave therapy.

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Crunches the neck when turning the head and other signs of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Often among people there is a situation where, without apparent causes and established diseases, the neck crunches when you turn your head.

This symptom should be for you the first bell - always consult a doctor and go through a set of necessary tests!

Worst of all, the crunch in the neck can manifest itself not only in people with pathological diseases of the spinal column, but also in an absolutely healthy person. This phenomenon has not yet been explained.

A crunch in the neck can occur in cases of osteochondrosis, so you can not let the disease run its course. It should be taken into account that the list of causes that cause a crunch when turning or tilting the head has significantly expanded due to the introduction of innovative solutions into medicine.

Causes of crunch in the cervical region

As it was said above, there can be a lot of reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant crunch in the cervical region, but each of them should be carefully analyzed by a specialist who will help you choose the appropriate treatment. What is dangerous cervical osteochondrosis? Here are the main reasons:

  1. Hypermobility of vertebral discs, which is observed in people of lean physique.This cause causes moral and psychological discomfort, but does not affect the occurrence of spinal diseases and their possible complications.
  2. Athletes have dissociation of flexor and extension muscles (antagonists). After preliminary physical exertion and warming up, the crunch in the neck can disappear, but with time it appears again.
  3. Another common reason -an increase in the calcium content in the tendons and in the ligaments.Its increased content on the articular surfaces of bones is a common cause of the crunch in the neck. Worst of all, the spine begins to experience increased stresses. The erosion of intervertebral discs leads to nonlinear movements with a specific crunch.
  4. Violation of posture (lordosis, scoliosis and kyphosis) is also the cause of the crunch in the cervical region. The work of the muscles of the back and neck is broken, the bone and joint elements begin to function in an uncharacteristic mode for them.
  5. Osteophytes or as they are called by experts - bone formations, can develop against a background of muscular dystrophy with the further occurrence of a crunch in the neck.
  6. The weakly developed muscular system of the cervical region is subject to subluxations of the arcuate processes, which can not only bring pain to the patient, but also leads to a crunch in the neck. Even in quiet conditions and without sudden movements, you can feel aching pain, which is difficult to calm down even with anesthetics. It is recommended to put your head on a flat and dense surface so that within 10-15 minutes you can relax and rest.
  7. Degeneration of small vertebral discs (known asunco-vertebral arthrosis) - another common cause of the crunch in the neck. It is caused by improper lifting of weights, constant loads on the spine during exercise.
  8. Children have a fairly common cause of crunching in the neck - this is an abnormal and abnormal development of connective tissue.

The listed reasons can be supplemented by other aspects and features that can appear in a person at any time.

Numbness of the hands or the so-called "goose bumps" are another typical signs of developing osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which should be treated with our recommendations.

If you began to notice the manifestation of at least one of them - immediately consult a doctor to get timely treatment.

Other signs of cervical osteochondrosis

Turning your head with a crunch can be accompanied by painful sensations not only in the neck area, but also be given to the upper limbs, which should alert you very much.

Pay attention to the possible crunch in the scapular region, as the osteochondrosis has a feature quite quickly spread over the body, and the cervical spine is connected to the thoracic region by an entire system of muscles and connective tissues.

Again, if you experience any of the symptoms described above, you will need to analyzes and get advice from your doctor if you do not want to get a chronic form by the age of 40 osteochondrosis.

Causes of neck pain

Until now, few people think that pain in the neck can be caused by the most unpredictable vices and developing diseases.

For example, a typical example is the enlargement of the lymph nodes, which leads to aching and rather prolonged pain in the neck and shoulders.

To define it it is simple enough - if at you at a swallowing test painful sensations, constantly aches a throat or simply tactile it is possible to grope in the neck area swollen nodules, then this can be considered a typical sign disease.

The enlarged knots create additional pressure on the neck muscles, which, in turn, cause intervertebral discs to move in the wrong trajectory compared to conventional movements.

The following video presents a visual aid for the care of the spine. Consultation from the head of the clinic of the healthy spine and joints: Igor Kostyuk

To the same reasons can cause thyroiditis - inflammation of the thyroid gland. In the neck there are painful sensations, which intensify during the touch.

If you do not pay special attention to this aspect, then there is an opportunity for a lifetime to remain with a damaged thyroid gland.

In a word, the pain in the cervical region can be caused by the most incredible situations and diseases, and each individual case should be considered individually.

Treating Crunch and Pain

When the neck crunches when turning the head, then there are two types of treatment - therapeutic and conservative treatment of pain in the cervical region.

Therapeutic treatment is aimed at arresting pain, as well as preventing their occurrence in the future.

Conservative treatment of the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine involves a larger aspect of the procedures and the methods used, which are assigned to patients. The most common method of treatment is physiotherapy.

If pain can not be removed for a long time, analgesics and sedatives can be prescribed.

LFK exercises for cervical osteochondrosis are mandatory for all patients, but remember that they should be preventive.

Particularly effective provide acupressure and acupuncture. They are prescribed to all patients without exception.

In extreme cases, surgery may be required to treat pain in the cervical region. It is prescribed only if, after analysis and research, the patient is diagnosed with severe dystrophy of the vertebral discs or progressive degeneration.


Remember that the cervical pain that appears in the cervical area should be treated right after you start to notice them.

If you start the process, it can lead to far more serious consequences. And the subsequent treatment will not only be costly and lengthy, but also associated with pain.

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