Cough with laryngitis

Treatment of laryngitis in children - the principles of therapy, drugs, drugs

The health of the child due to age is subject to various tests, because his body is not yet very strong - the immune system is just beginning to form. And the respiratory system falls, first of all, under the risk of the development of many inflammatory diseases, where the factors provoking the diseases surround the children everywhere. In this article we will consider the symptoms and treatment of laryngitis in children.

What is laryngitis?

Laryngitis is one of the characteristic similar ailments of childhood, which proceeds as a reaction of a fragile organism to many viral diseases. Inflammation of the larynx (laryngitis) is included in the program of many ARVI (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection). Often occurs in combination with tracheitis (laryngotracheitis) or passes into the tracheitis.

The younger the patient, the more dangerous the course of the disease. If in an adult it is accompanied only by temporary discomfort, then in children under 3 years of age there is a danger of the onset of croup syndrome - a narrowing of the laryngeal lumen. And in order not to bring the child's health to the brink of threat, at least it is necessary to know the first alarming symptoms, and to be able to act correctly in the event of an emergency.

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The true croup is the larynx dystrophy (larynx is blocked by diphtheria films). Most often, the stenosis of the larynx in a child is a FALSE croup. That is, the mucosal edema against the background of inflammation or allergic component.

Inflammation of the larynx can occur as an acute laryngitis, and as chronic. Classify the inflammation of the larynx in the following forms:

  • The catarrhal form refers to the most harmless variety of laryngitis and is most common in children - it occurs with symptoms, characteristic for the majority of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract: itching, sore throat, hoarseness, dry cough and low temperature, in some cases (in young children) there is a development of respiratory failure and loss of voice due to severe swelling mucous membranes.
  • Hypertrophic form - this form also often happens in children, under which there is hyperplasia and proliferation of the laryngeal mucosa.
  • Hemorrhagic form - for it a characteristic feature is hemorrhage in the larynx ligament and its mucous membrane. This form develops only in the presence of predisposing factors, such as toxic form influenza, various disorders of the hematopoietic system, liver disease and cardiovascular system in child. Distinctive features of the hemorrhagic form of laryngitis is dry mouth, dry coughing, especially in the morning, sputum with blood veins, sensation of a foreign body in the larynx.
  • The diphtheria form is the larynx diphtheria (fibrinous laryngitis). That is, the defeat of Lefler's wand with the defeat of the tonsils with white-gray raids that spread both to the laryngeal lumen and often hammering it with true stenosis.
  • Laryngotracheitis or lumbar lining is the form of a disease in which the initial parts of the trachea are involved in the inflammatory process. For her, a typical cough and scratching behind the sternum and in the throat is typical.
  • Phlegmonous laryngitis is extremely rare, it develops against a background of reduced immunity, after trauma or the transfer of severe infectious diseases. In this case, the muscular layer of the larynx, submucosal, perichondrium, ligaments are affected. Phlegmonous laryngitis accompanied by high fever, severe pain when swallowing, respiratory failure, joining the inflammatory process of the lymph nodes is accompanied. Examination by a doctor - redness and inflammation of the mucous membrane with areas of necrosis.
  • Atrophic form - as a rule, children do not happen, with this form there is thinning of the laryngeal mucosa.

Pediatricians diagnosed the incidence of laryngitis - it is found in a third of babies up to the age of two, along with the usual ARI. And, as a rule, this ailment often occurs together with tracheitis and bronchitis. Especially high risk of developing laryngitis in children with allergic reactions. When treating such babies, it is necessary to select especially carefully the preparations, not to use ointments with essential oils (not infrequently they increase the laryngeal edema), use proven (non-allergenic) medicinal plants, medicinal facilities.

What contributes to the development of laryngitis?

Of course, it is unequivocally impossible to establish the true cause, since each child has individual characteristics. As a rule, several factors contribute to the provoking influence:

  • Catarrhal diseases of various etiologies (acute respiratory infections, influenza, measles, adenoviruses, etc.).
  • Response to the inhaled substances, as a rule, are varnish-and-paint materials (any varnishes, paints, new furniture, new household appliances of poor-quality plastic), animal hair, dust. In practice, pediatricians often encounter laryngitis in families who have recently moved to an apartment where repairs or furniture have been repaired (a modern "gas chamber" for a person).
  • Subcooling, even the usual draft.
  • Anatomico-physiological structure of the respiratory organs (narrow larynx and nasopharynx). Since any inflammation of the respiratory system causes swelling of the tissues, the larynx narrows considerably in the child, making it difficult for the air to pass through.
  • The state of the air where the child is - for example, hot dry air, dustiness, irritation from exhaust gases, smoke-filled premises.
  • The mechanical factor is the overstraining of the voice from singing, screaming, loud long talk, damage to the larynx.
  • When throwing the contents of the stomach into the larynx with gastroesophageal reflux disease or aspiration of foreign bodies, laryngitis may occur.

The risk group can be children who have chronic nasopharyngeal diseases, as a consequence in such patients is broken breathing through the nose, and also there are dental diseases oral cavity.

How do you know if a child has laryngitis?

The development of the inflammatory process in the larynx in children manifests itself more often in an acute form and, as a rule, suddenly. Parents, first of all, can notice the child some changes in his voice timbre, hoarseness, loss of appetite, due to pain during swallowing, dry cough, fasting or vice versa hampered breath. At night and at morning, the frequency of coughing increases, until the onset of attacks of suffocation.

Also, laryngitis can cause the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a cold;
  • redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • presence of bloody discharge in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • possible loss of voice, hoarseness of voice;
  • difficulty breathing due to spasm of the larynx, its swelling
  • feeling of perspiration in the throat, dry mouth;
  • strong barking cough in a child, first dry, then gradually appears sparse sputum;
  • a slight increase in body temperature, less frequent fever, headaches.
  • cm. also the causes of dry cough without fever, or why dry cough does not go away or treatment of dry cough in children and adults

Parents of the baby, that their child is ill, will be prompted by signs such as lethargy, anxiety, increased capriciousness, the presence of discharge from the nose and coughing. And also a hoarse voice, which, with laryngitis, must be differentiated with hoarseness against the background of dehydration. With a progressive degree of laryngitis, there may be screams accompanied by wheezing when breathing, listening to the lungs audible noises and whistles, the presence of cyanosis of the nasolabial triangle - the distinctive features of the progressive disease.

Upon examination, the doctor sees hyperemia of the oral mucosa, swelling of the throat and vocal cords (they are thickened, red, not completely closed). In chronic laryngitis, the main symptoms are itching, swelling in the throat, the desire to cough constantly, a hoarse voice, or a change in the timbre of the voice (due to edema themselves ligaments, they thicken and oscillate with a different frequency - the sound is obtained below and acquires the overtones due to uneven edema and thickening not along the entire length uniform).

When should I call an ambulance?

  • Violation of normal breathing - it becomes intermittent, uneven, sometimes accompanied by shortness of breath. Even if such a breathing does not cause trouble to the baby, and he behaves as usual, the likelihood of developing cardiovascular insufficiency or asphyxia is high.
  • Significant narrowing of the larynx lumen, as a consequence of its puffiness, especially in young children. This phenomenon, called a false croup, can lead to difficulty breathing, until it stops.
  • Complicated forms of laryngitis, starting with the second degree, require compulsory treatment in the hospital.
  • Presence in children of chronic diseases of the nervous system, allergic reactions and other factors aggravating the child's condition.
  • In any case, if the baby is afraid of coughing, lack of air, the temperature keeps above the norm for more than a day, it is worth immediately calling an ambulance.

With the development of false croup should be directed all efforts to reduce spasm and edema of the larynx, restore normal breathing - before the arrival of an ambulance follows hold alkaline inhalation, the child should be in a vertical position in a humid room, you can make distractions - hot leg bath. In the hospital, the baby will be inhaled, oxygen therapy, according to the indications, hormonal therapy is possible, as well as antihistamines, antispasmodics.

The narrowing of the laryngeal lumen goes through 4 stages, they are smoothed out and take a short time:

  • Stenosis of 1 degree - allows you to breathe a child without shortness of breath, but with physical exertion, there is already an upper stenosis of the sternum and an area above the navel.
  • 2 degree - restless child, excited, pale, his nasolabial area turns blue, palpitations appear. The tissues experience oxygen starvation, the brain suffers. In the breath involved the whole thorax and abdominal muscles.
  • 3 degree - signs of respiratory failure, air intake occurs with noise, it is hard to breathe in and out, and sweating, cyanosis of the lips, fingers, pallor is observed.
  • The 4th degree is suffocation with shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, loss of consciousness.

How to treat laryngitis correctly - general recommendations

Complex treatment in the initial stages of the disease includes the following general recommendations for the organization of treatment interventions:

  • Strict bed rest is required.
  • Limit the load on the voice device - the child should talk less and remain silent. Of course, this is very difficult, but in turn, this measure is the key to a quick recovery.

For children with laryngitis, the condition of limiting the vocal cords for overexertion is particularly important, since they pass through the stage of formation in childhood, and excessive loads can lead to irreparable defects vote.

  • Daily monitoring of the air condition: the best option is a sufficiently moist air that can be provided with the aid of a humidifier and the constant airing of the nursery and the use of an air purifier after aeration.
  • Abundant drink: compotes, herbal preparations, fruit drinks, milk, drinking water. The main condition - the liquid should be warm and not very sweet. The main goal is to prevent dry cough, to moisten the mucous membrane of the oropharynx, to reduce the intoxication of the body.
  • Rational nutrition, balanced by vitamins, while eliminating irritating food. too hot or too cold, fizzy drinks. Food should be dietary, healthy, try to surprise the child with the design of dishes to increase appetite.

Medical treatment of laryngitis

Taking antihistamines

This group of drugs is always prescribed with laryngitis, they not only remove the swelling of the mucous membrane, but also have a calming effect on the baby, especially if taking the medicine for the night:

  • Fenistil in a drop, larisens (even for babies)
  • Zirtek from 6 months
  • Zodak - syrup from year, tablets from 6 years
  • Cetrin - syrup from year, tablets from 6 years
  • Claritin from 2 years
  • Parzasin from 6 years old
  • Claratadine from 2 years
  • (cm. a list of all modern tablets from allergies and syrups for children).

Taking antitussive or expectorants

The pharmaceutical market for such drugs is huge. But the choice should be made only by the attending pediatrician. In the case of a strong, paroxysmal cough, so that the child can fall asleep the doctor can recommend antitussives or combination drugs in dosage according to the child's age:

  • Herbion with psyllium in dry cough, from 2 years
  • Stoptosin Phyto from 6 months in drops
  • Libexin from 3 years old see. list of antitussives with dry cough).

When the cough becomes wet, the pediatrician can also recommend expectorants with a damp cough (list) - preparations of althea, Alteika, preparations of thermopsis, thoracic collections - instruction, preparations with active substance bromhexine (Bronhosan, Solvin), Acetylcysteine ​​(ACTS, Fluimutsil), ambroxol (Lazolvan, Ambrobene), etc.

Tablets for resorption, gargling

In our article, gargling with angina, you can learn in detail about all the methods of rinsing your throat. As for tablets for resorption and aerosols, they can not be used with laryngitis: against a background dry cough and sore throat, the child can be choked with pills, and aerosols provoke laryngospasm. Also carefully follow the reaction of the baby, as any drug can cause laryngospasm, an allergic reaction, which aggravates the child's condition.

Antipyretic or NSAIDs

At a high temperature above 38C, if the child is severely affected, antipyretic agents are recommended for children (Panadol, Paracetamol, Efferalgan, Tsifecon), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibufen).

Physiotherapeutic procedures - local treatment in the form of inhalations

An excellent healing effect is considered warming compresses on the neck of the child, with laryngitis also shows dry heat on neck area, abundant alkaline drink, inhalations - both steam and medicinal with the help of special inhalers nebulizers. Strangely enough, but the mustard and the banks are also very effective (if there is no heat), do not forget about the time-tested recipes of traditional medicine.

So, if there is no nebulizer, how an emergency aid to a child is suitable for a simple steam inhalation. How can it be done? in more detail about all variants of inhalation with laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).

Steam inhalations

Inhalation is a complex effect on the respiratory system not only with laryngitis. However, there are many nuances that should be followed when applying steam inhalation, especially in relation to children:

  • You can not do steam inhalation for too young children because of the risk of getting mucous burns.
  • Inhalation can not immediately after any physical strain of the child (he should be calm).
  • Doing them should be 2 r / day between meals, you can not talk to your child during or after the procedure for 30 minutes, and neither drink nor eat half an hour after inhalation.
  • During the procedure, you should inhale through the mouth, exhale through the nose.

How to do steam inhalation? The child can simply be held in his hands in the kitchen near a boiling pot of water or sit on his knees and make a funnel on the kettle with hot water - to breathe above the steam. The child should breathe normally, evenly and not deeply. As for solutions for steam inhalations, they can be used only in the absence of allergies in the child to the components of these solutions:

  • infusions of herbs - marigold, mint, mother and stepmother, pine buds, chamomile, sage.
  • you can do inhalation by adding a few drops of 2-3 essential oils - juniper, tea tree, eucalyptus, cedar, oil of thuja (with adenoids)
  • saline solution - 3 tablespoons sea salt + 3 h. spoons of baking soda for 1 liter, 5-6 drops of iodine.

When carrying out steam inhalation, parents should be very careful, because:

  • With very hot, scalding air, steam inhalations can increase inflammation in the larynx several times, so it is necessary to strictly observe the optimal temperature.
  • It is worthwhile to monitor the child so that he does not overturn a container with liquid or a kettle with boiling water.

Treatment of laryngitis in children by inhalation with a nebulizer

The most suitable means for children is inhalation with the use of nebulizers. The drawback of using compressor and ultrasonic inhalers is that you can not use decoctions of herbs and essential oils, but only mineral water and ready-made dosage forms solutions for inhalations, with the exception of some models (Dolphin F1000 - inhaler, in which using a sprayer "Rapidflame 2" RF2 you can use filtered decoctions and ethereal oil). Advantages of using nebulizers:

  • possibility of application even in small patients;
  • safety due to low temperature;
  • high efficiency of increased dispersion of respirable particles;
  • convenience in use, because the procedure can be carried out even during the sleep of the baby.

As solutions for inhalation apply:

  • soda solution
  • Mineral water (for example, Borjomi or Yessentuki)
  • herbal medicinal herbs (mint, chamomile, sage, thyme and others), but only those inhalers that allow the use of herbal decoctions
  • essential oils (menthol, eucalyptus, coniferous tree oils - spruce, fir), it is also possible to use essential oils only in special inhalers
  • garlic juice - natural phytoncid
  • medicines - Lazolvan (Ambroxol), Rotokan, Sinupret, Tolzingon and others. - According to the pediatrician.

If the doctor has prescribed several drugs for inhalation, there is a rule:

  • the first are bronchodilators
  • after 15 minutes. expectorants
  • After the child clears up, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agents can be used.

In the hospital with laryngitis, according to indications, UFO, electrophoresis on the larynx, UHF, microwave therapy, with persistent impairments of the voice, they can conduct exercises with a speech therapist, correct dysphonia.

Antibiotics for laryngitis: pro and contra

The use of antibacterial treatment for laryngitis in children is fully justified, with the following indications:

  • presence of a bacterial environment of inflammation, which is detected only after diagnosis - laboratory tests, taking a smear from the larynx mucosa;
  • intoxication of the body - high fever, weakness, chills, loss of appetite;
  • often pediatricians are reinsured, prescribing antibiotics for uncomplicated laryngitis, in order to avoid complications (see. when antibiotics are shown in ARVI, colds in children).

Only in isolated cases, the causative agent of laryngitis is bacteria, most often it is a viral infection, which is not treated with antibiotics. That is, the appointment of antibiotics for laryngitis is not generally considered necessary and an effective measure of treatment.

Antibiotics, which are most often used in the treatment of laryngitis:

  • Penicillin series (Amoxiclav, Flemoclav Solutab, Ecoclave suspension, Augmentin and others).
  • Cephalosporins in the form of syrups (Cefix, Cefadox, Suprax), in the form of injections (Ceftriaxone, Fortum).
  • With an especially severe degree of laryngitis, macrolides are prescribed, azithromycin - (Sumamed, Zetamax retard, Hemomycin, Azitrox, Ecomed), Macropen, Claritomycin.

During the reception and after the treatment of the antibiotics listed above, probiotics are prescribed, for the normalization of the flora - Bifiform, Acipol, Bifidobacterin, Probiophore, etc. (cm. list of probiotics, analogues of Linex).

Other recommendations for the treatment of laryngitis

  • It is necessary with special care to use various sprays in the throat for any colds, especially in infants. The strength of their jet can damage the back wall of the pharynx, thereby causing a reflex spasm of the vocal cords. Moreover, for some sprays the baby can have an allergic reaction, so using them should be careful.
  • Watch the child's breathing during illness and after, ideally it should be even and through the nose.
  • Do not forget to rinse your throat with herbal remedies several times a day. all possible solutions for rinsing the throat).
  • With a strong swelling of the throat, the baby can warm the calf muscles or make warm foot baths - this will increase the blood flow of the lower extremities and weaken the swelling of the vocal cords.

Cough treatment with laryngitis: how to treat laryngitis cough

Any cold is a severe blow to health. It attacks the entire body, like a snow avalanche, leaving behind itself virtually destroyed immunity.

Laryngitis is a common cold, characterized by severe attacks of cough. This is the most unpleasant symptom, for sure everyone will agree with this.

Cough with laryngitis is long-lasting, very painful and has a paroxysmal character. Against the background of the rest, far from rosy symptoms, he is able to exhaust a man and exhaust his lungs.

Almost always cough during laryngitis delivers a person discomfort on a psychological level. For him it does not matter what the patient is doing at the moment: at work or at home, talking to someone or traveling in transport - he overtakes at any time, causing coughing attacks. This brings a lot of inconveniences not only to the patient himself, but also to people around him.

Likewise, cough with laryngitis does not leave either day or night, exhausting a person even during sleep. Usually, this is the very first thing that they rush to treat in all available ways, but it should be done qualitatively and correctly, and not after it became quite bad.

Disregarding the treatment or just hoping that it will somehow itself will not allow the disease itself. The patient after one day of the disease with all his strength to strive to get rid of the terrible symptoms.

Despite the fact that it is possible to treat laryngitis cough at home, it is very important to get a doctor's advice. After all, for bright symptoms of laryngitis, not one disease may be lurking.

What usually causes a cough?

Cough in the case of laryngitis is a reflex reaction that occurs for reasons such as:

  • Irritation of the respiratory tract by bacteria or viruses that swarm on mucous membranes;
  • Formed in the bronchi sputum. The lungs tend to "spit out" a foreign object from their body. Often in this case, the patient feels pain in the chest.

Cough with laryngitis has its own classification. Of course, it depends on the severity of the disease and its stage. Also, it can be affected by the treatment itself: in the first stages, the disease usually causes strong resistance, the cough does not go away, but on the contrary - intensifies, becoming quite unbearable. But then, gradually it goes to a decline, bringing a little relief.

So, the laryngitis cough is as follows:

  1. "Raging" and rude. Dry as if barking. It seems to the patient that he is now coughing up his lungs in pieces. The voice becomes hoarse and gradually disappears.
  2. Cough can cause burning in the throat and pain in the chest. In this case, tracheitis is not excluded.

Cough with laryngitis is nasal, painful and tearing up the throat, it does not work for a long time and serious treatment is required to remove it.

Treatment of dry cough

If you contact a specialist with the first symptoms, cough is not difficult to cope with, and it's easy to treat. He will conduct tests and appoint the necessary drugs.

If you strictly follow his advice and take the medicine without delay, there is a chance to get rid of the painful symptoms in a couple of days. Treatment will work, wellbeing will improve.

The next step will be to switch to lighter drugs. For example, cough syrup with laryngitis in its last stages is very good.

The first symptoms of laryngitis are overtaken dramatically and all at once:

  • Constant, dry, rending throat from within cough;
  • The hushed voice. Over time, it can generally disappear;
  • High fever, it is important to know what to drink for cold and laryngitis;

The most unpleasant of these symptoms, of course, is a dry cough. Treatment should be started as soon as possible, since it requires a lot of effort. Well helps with this:

  1. Warm milk with soda, butter and honey. It is warm, hot can only aggravate;
  2. Tea with lemon. In general, it is recommended to use lemon in any form;

Usually, after a plentiful warm drink, a dry cough passes, sputum is discharged and it is required to begin shock treatment with medications.

To treat a dry cough it is necessary before its complete leaving, otherwise everything will start in a circle.

Treatment of barking cough

Cough is different, its classification is huge. But here is a kind of barking happens only with laryngitis. This is the second stage in treatment, when a dry cough passes, barking begins.

Along with it begins the departure of sputum, which is very important not to swallow, but to expectorate. When listening, the doctor can detect noises and scraping when the patient is breathing.

To treat in this situation it is necessary in a directional manner, with emphasis on the removal of the edema of the mucosa:

  1. First and foremost, you need to stop taking mucolytics. They cause the phlegm to pass away and when barking coughing will only do harm;
  2. Do not forget to often rinse your throat and mouth with special herbal and medicinal infusions to remove the remains of sputum and treat the swollen mucosa;
  3. After rinsing, it is not advisable to eat. In general, when treating you should avoid eating hard.
  4. Take prescribed medicines. Usually this is "Terlikond" and "Kodelak". Any drugs based on codeine and dextromethorphan will work, as they affect the cough center and can completely suppress it;
  5. If the above drugs do not help, and the cough does not go away, you can start taking antihistamines. They completely clean allergic cough.

Cough syrup with laryngitis

Recently, special syrups for cough have become very popular, which can quickly cope with such a problem in a short time. Syrups are considered the safest method of controlling laryngitis cough, and it is effective. But do not forget that this is the same medicine, and taking it without medical advice is dangerous.

In addition, it is a mistake to believe that if the medicine is tasty and sweet, then it can be consumed in nemerenyh quantities without harm to health. Before going to the pharmacy it is important to know exactly which medicine will help in a particular situation and whether there is any of its components of an allergic reaction.

In general, doctors tend to only two drugs, one hundred percent helping with laryngitis:

  • Glycodine - contains a substance such as dextromethorphan, which acts to increase the sensitivity in the center of the cough. It blocks some of its channels, but does not harm the respiratory center. After it is taken, the cough completely disappears.
  • Gederin - it contains an extract of ivy. This is a real discovery in the treatment of laryngitis. It acts gently, it affects the larynx well, it can remove swelling and irritation. In addition, Hederin rapidly dilutes sputum and promotes its release from the lungs, along with viruses and microbes.

These two drugs help when nothing else can not help. Do not start treatment with them - these are very strong medicines.

Syrups have considerably eased the life of the sick people, with their help, it is easier to treat diseases - a pleasant taste smoothes horrible symptoms and gives hope for an early amendment. In addition, the cough syrups with one of their appearance solved the problem of such difficult treatment of children, often accompanied by hysterics such as: "I will not drink this muck, it's bitter."

Any illnesses exhaust the body and beat the immune system. It is very important to try not to let them appear in your life, how to do it, and how to resist laryngitis - in the video in this article.

Cough with laryngitis

You do not want to hurt anyone. And when the underlying disease is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms, that is an unshakable desire to get rid of them once and for all. Cough with laryngitis refers to just such. He is excruciating and implicated. It seems that the throat is torn from within. No sucking candy and potions, at first do not help. Despite the fact that you are trying to make it productive by all means, nothing works out. Cough with laryngitis continues to annoy and delivers many problems. But you can easily cope with them if you know the correct methods of struggle. And then, in a few days you can boast of excellent health and the absence of importunate symptoms.

Dry cough with laryngitis

At first it seems that this dry cough with laryngitis will accompany forever. And even a few days, at first glance, effective treatment, no effective results were given. On the face of a hoarse voice, poor health, a constant cough of attacks which gives the throat a lot of discomfort. And all due to the fact that the mucous membrane is very swollen and all the processes in it are difficult. Even the usual salivation delivers a lot of discomfort, and perspiration in the throat does not allow you to talk normally.

Dry cough with laryngitis should be properly treated. The first thing to begin with is a generous warm drink with softening additives. Tea with raspberries or honey, as one of the most effective means of cough treatment has not been canceled yet. Only the amount of tea drinking should be maximum. This will not only produce productive cough, but will also facilitate phlegm withdrawal. Then follows the drug treatment, which is capable of dry cough with laryngitis, to facilitate and cure.

Bark cough with laryngitis

If every disease is accompanied by a symptom, then by right we can say that barking cough with laryngitis is a sure sign of the disease. Along with him there is no escape of sputum and noisy breathing with screeching is audible in the chest. As in the case of dry cough, it is very important to achieve productivity and to remove the increasing mucosal edema. Only after that, will the relief of the condition begin.

Cough with laryngitis in children

Children's diseases always have characteristic features and they occur in children, not as in adults. So, cough with laryngitis in children, occurs only in the night or in the morning. At the same time, it manifests itself sharply and actively. A kid can not speak with his own voice, since he has already started an active laryngeal edema. At the same time, even putting your ear to the chest, you can hear strong noisy sounds in its area.

For some doctors, children's laryngitis is associated with a syndrome of false croup, which is much more dangerous. Therefore, it is necessary to turn in time to the pediatrician, who can correctly diagnose the disease.

Before the arrival of specialists, it is necessary to stabilize the nervous tension of the baby who is already in an agitated and morbid state. Cough with laryngitis in children causes very unpleasant sensations, which must be removed before the arrival of specialists. Therefore, an abundant warm drink and vitamin C. Herbal decoctions should be limited, but if earlier such diuretics and sweatshops have been prescribed, then it can be given in small amounts.

During the onset of such symptoms in infants, it is worth immediately calling an ambulance, since only a true diagnosis of a specialist, can dispel doubts, and even more so appoint an appropriate treatment.

Treatment of cough with laryngitis

In a sense, cough treatment with laryngitis can be called traditional. Of course, it has its own characteristics, but many methods and methods have long been known and tested.

From the use of mucoletics, contributing to expectoration, should be discarded. But do not forget about the rinses, they take off edemas and help ease the excitement.

Among the drugs that need cough treatment with laryngitis, it is worth noting the drugs based on codeine. They include "Kodilak" and "Terpinkod." But, despite the good antitussive indicators that these drugs have, if it is possible to treat coughing with laryngitis using other means, then it should be taken advantage of. And all because opioid compounds of codeine, cause the habituation of the nervous system and require larger and larger doses of the drug.

Preparations based on dextromethorphan are very effective. They quickly affect the immediate center of the cough and suppress it. There are a large number of drugs on its basis, over-the-counter. Among them is "Glycodin "Alex Plus".

If necessary, antihistamines may be prescribed, but despite their effectiveness, they cause severe drowsiness.

In any case, medications should be taken solely by the appointment of a specialist. He must take into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease and make appropriate prescriptions.

Cough syrup with laryngitis

Pharmaceutical companies released no cough syrup with laryngitis helping the best way. Which one to choose depends on the prescription and the active component. The most common are:

"Glycodine the active substance dextromethorphan due to the increase in the threshold of sensitivity arising in the cough center, some channels are blocked. But the respiratory center is not blocked. It has a mild effect, which contributes to the oppression of the cough center and a favorable effect on the affected mucosa.

"Gederin is made on the basis of an extract of ivy, which allows talking about its mild effect, positively affecting the removal of irritation and edema of the larynx. In addition, it dilutes sputum, thereby contributing to expectoration and excretion of pathogenic microbes, as well as having an antispasmodic effect.

Cough with laryngitis, is not such a big problem. And if you approach it correctly and in time, then the exacerbation of symptoms can be avoided and get rid of obsessive barking cough in a couple of days after its appearance.

The child cough as with laryngitis,



That's just not to understand! Laryngitis is the edema of ligaments and is manifested primarily by the hoarseness of the voice! Isolated laryngitis occurs only if a long and loud yell, planting ligaments. And the infection causes TRAHEO-laryngitis!! Inflammation and trachea with cough and hoarseness. What do not you do, and then the inflammation will drop down to the bronchi and there will be bronchitis.
Treat as an ordinary cold and bronchitis and do not invent gunpowder on the royal service!! !
And what does the child have?? He is a baby, young or he is 14 years old!? Treatment is MISCELLANEOUS!? AGE should WRITE!!! And not the child ...


At me in the childhood there was a laryngitis, mum spoke that reached to a gasp.
I will tell you that when I laugh, I cough, or I cough poorly.
most would have been interesting how to get rid of it)

Natalia Žilina

Look for an allergen. I was so reacted for up to 6 years for each release, and earlier than everyone in the group. then year 3 was not there again coughing (yesterday) - immediately gave suprastin by age, washed his nose with salt water, inhalation 3 times a day with saline through the nebulizer and the throat rinsed with a mouthwash for the mouth amway "glister" also 3 times. today woke up - already clears throat and says that everything is good (better than yesterday). continue to treat. and in general from such cough (if at once have not caught the moment) the cream "from a bear cub" of firm 7notes of health very well helps or assists! (of course if there is no tempo.). do not be ill!

Irina Nafikova

The Internet can not be treated.. Even with the indication of age! And you are sure. What is it a laryngitis? Can whooping cough?

Victor Frolenkov

We got sick with laryngitis, it's terrible, he hardly breathed at night. well helped with inhalation Lazolvan + saline, doctors will tell in what proportions. This is really a thing! Relief after a few minutes comes, after several sessions will begin to expectorate. After this serious case, a barking cough began again a couple of times, immediately to the inhaler. I wish a speedy recovery. If you go to the hospital, do not be afraid, there immediately puffiness will be removed. I wish you great health!!

How and why does cough appear with laryngitis?

Cough with laryngitis is caused by inflammation of the mucous membranes. Often this is associated with colds and infections, often scarlet fever, whooping cough, measles.Laryngitis develops when a person has received hypothermia of the body or breathed polluted air, and also with the use of cold drinks, smoking and frequent tearing of the voice.

Symptoms of the disease

Laryngitis can be a complication of colds. The main symptoms are: redness, swelling of the mucous membranes.

In the acute form of laryngitis, the inflammatory process extends to the mucous membrane of not only the larynx, but also the trachea (laryngotracheitis). The process of inflammation is accompanied by a strong cough, possible sputum discharge.

When there is a chronic form of laryngitis, patients have frequent complaints of hoarseness, a feeling of perspiration in the throat, accompanied by coughing. This form of the disease often develops as a result of a repeated process of inflammation in the nose, pharynx. Chronic laryngitis develops as a professional disease (occupations requiring constant voice tension), and also because of smoking and alcohol abuse. With the growth of the inflammatory process, all of the listed symptoms of the disease increase.

It is impossible not to agree that it is cough - one of the most unpleasant symptoms of the disease that interferes with normal active life, and often exhausts a person not only physically, but also psychologically. Cough as a symptom of the disease is paroxysmal. Coughing attacks are uncontrollable, in this connection cause inconveniences, connected with communication, conducting work, and bring discomfort to others.

Few people like to be sick, the more the majority of symptoms cause certain inconveniences. The cough can be mild, caused by a tick in the throat, it could be tearing the inside out. The best way out is always not self-medication or the hope that "it will pass by itself but an appeal to a specialist: only a doctor will be able to find out the causes of the ailment, especially since the disease can not only be laryngitis.

Cough with laryngitis manifests itself in different ways.

  1. Barking cough type in most cases is accompanied by wheezing, noise in the chest, lack of sputum, the allocation of which in this case during the treatment is specifically increased, for a successful and fastest recovery. Barking cough with laryngitis is characterized by increasing mucosal edema. On the use of expectorants should consult a doctor. To treat barking cough expectorant and mucolytic funds doctors rarely.
  2. Dry cough at the initial stage of laryngitis has the property after a few days to go into productive, sputum begins to appear. Symptoms also include a sown voice, swollen mucous membrane and a sore throat.

Cough treatment by proven methods

Dry cough is more difficult to treat. A plentiful warm drink is the main friend in the fight against coughing. You can use the old "grandfather" way - tea with raspberries or honey. This will alleviate the unpleasant sensations of coughing, will facilitate the withdrawal of sputum from the body. Treatment of an acute form of laryngitis lasts no more than two weeks. In the period of treatment, it is advisable to exclude everything that can irritate the laryngeal mucosa.

With laryngitis, inhalations are used. Used drugs that depress the cough center. The composition of such medicines includes the following components:

  • dextromethorphan;
  • codeine;
  • tusuprex;
  • paxelidine;
  • pentoxoverin;
  • oxeladin.

In addition, it is advisable to reduce the sensitivity of the mucosa of the respiratory tract to irritants. It is not necessary to use mucolytic drugs, which are used to facilitate sputum discharge. It should be noted that taking expectorants along with inhalations does not guarantee a reduction in symptoms. Cough may be temporarily aggravated by the dilution of dried and extra-mucus.

Doctors recommend several days to try not to talk, drink a lot of warm liquid, and also give up smoking, alcohol, cold and spicy food. To relieve some of the symptoms, you can rinse your throat with salt water.


The air in the room with the patient should be fresh, warm and moist (you can use special moisturizers or put a basin of water). In addition, it helps to relieve the sore throat with sage or chamomile.

If you have the first symptoms of the disease, you should see a doctor. The best treatment can be prescribed only by a qualified specialist. Antibiotics are used only by strict prescription of the attending physician.

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