Thermopsis tablets for cough instructions

Pills for cough with thermopsis

Who never took a pill of cough with thermopsis? In the days of the Soviet Union, packaging of such tablets could be bought for one penny, sometimes they were given at the pharmacy instead of at the delivery. One of the cheapest means, however, is a fairly effective medicine in the treatment of cough. It is still prescribed by doctors to improve the separation of sputum for colds, flu, tracheitis or bronchitis.

Why are pills with thermopsis popular?

If you carefully look at the packaging, you will not find a large list of ingredients in one tablet - only the herb of thermopsis and sodium bicarbonate (or, more simply, ordinary soda). No dyes, flavors and other chemical components. Tablets from cough with thermopsis can be safely attributed to the category of natural medicines.

Although they have long been worth a penny, the drug still remains among the most inexpensive means. Cough usually goes through 5-7 days of taking the pill, the instruction does not advise you to drink the medicine more than the specified time. The course will require only 2 packs of this medication.

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Slightly acidic tablets do not cause negative emotions in children who usually do not like taking medicines, especially if they are bitter.

However, tablets can not be considered a harmless drug that can be taken uncontrolled by any cough. Before taking a harmless, at first glance, medication, be sure to consult a doctor.

Thermopsis lanceolate (mushroom)

This grass, growing in the lowlands of Eastern and Western Siberia, is a fairly poisonous plant. It contains a large number of alkaloids, saponins, vitamin C, tannins. Thermopsis is considered a weed, which is difficult to eradicate. However, the plant has found application in medicine. Small doses of lanceolate thermopsis have such an effect:

  • expectorant;
  • stimulation of the respiratory and vomiting center;
  • anthelmintic;
  • ganglioblocking;
  • increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus

Thermopsis helps with a damp cough with hard-to-excrete phlegm and with a dry cough, when it is required to make it productive.

How does the thermopsis work?

  • increases the secretion of mucus in the bronchial tree;
  • the activity of the ciliary (ciliated epithelium) increases, it helps to quickly withdraw phlegm from the respiratory tract;
  • increases the tone of the smooth muscles of the bronchi;
  • increased respiration, which occurs due to the excitation of the respiratory center, additionally promotes purification from sputum.

After taking the tablets with thermopsis, there is an increase in the amount of mucus in the bronchi and an increase cough, but the medicine also helps to make the phlegm not so viscous and quickly remove it from the respiratory ways.

Another component of the tablets is sodium hydrogencarbonate, which has a thinned effect on sputum.

Undesirable effects of the drug

  • Thermopsis excites in the brain not only the respiratory, but also the vomiting center, which is nearby. Therefore, when using the drug in increased doses, nausea and vomiting may appear.
  • Small children can not expectorate sputum. Its large number accumulates in the lungs, which leads to the opposite effect.
  • Another herb of thermopsis can stimulate the contractile capacity of the uterus. This property of the plant was previously used in medicine to stimulate labor. The use of the same tablets from cough pregnant women can lead to miscarriage.
  • The medicine has an irritant effect on the mucosa of the digestive tract, therefore it is not recommended for patients who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcer.

How to apply?

Tablets from cough, according to the instructions, drink one piece 3 times a day. Duration of application - no more than a week. Children from the age of two are recommended to give infusion of thermopsis on a teaspoon, it is prepared from the calculation, g for half a cup of boiling water. Children with 12 years of infusion can drink already on a tablespoon 3 times a day.

The instruction does not recommend drinking a medicine if the patient has:

  • peptic ulcer,
  • pregnancy;
  • Infant age;
  • individual intolerance.

Pills for cough with thermopsis: instructions for use

Legendary cheap pills for cough with thermopsis, known since Soviet times. In addition to the main application, prescribing from a sufficient range of diseases and being effective at the expense of the properties of their main ingredient - the herbs of thermopsis.

The list of components of the drug contains only two drugs - baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) and the herb Thermopsiswith a component ratio of 5 soda and, 067 grams of thermopsis grass. It is thermopsis that has such an effective effect, for which these tablets were highly valued.

In nature, this plant is a poisonous harmful weed that is difficult to remove from the beds, its organic constituents - alkaloids, anahyrine, pachycarpine, thermopsin, thermopsidin, cytisine, methylcytosine and others, despite the poisonousness, have found application, both in traditional and in folk medicine. The combination of ingredients has a complex effect on the human body, primarily on the respiratory system.

Positive effect has a thermopsis on the tone of the muscles of the uterus- raises it, and also drives worms and causes vomiting, but mostly tablets from cough with thermopsis are used as a cleansing respiratory tract and a soothing agent with a wet or dry cough. Prescribe for a cough week-long intake of one tablet a day.

Due to the alkaloids contained in the preparation, irritation occurs in the receptors of the bronchial system and the muscular system of the respiratory tract, which increases the secretion of sputum, and it better exits the system respiration. A baking soda has an antispasmodic effect and at the same time liquefies the density of sputum, to invest its withdrawal from the respiratory tract.

Do not use the drug yourself, without consulting a specialist, since its effect can have side effects:

  • in people susceptible to allergies, rashes and itching on the skin can occur;
  • with an overdose of the drug, difficulty with breathing, headaches, vomiting, constipation;
  • at reception there is an infringement of coordination of attention, it is not recommended before automobile trip or work demanding the raised or attended attention.

From taking this medication it is worth to refrain from suffering asthma, in the first trimester of pregnancy - this is associated with the possibility of increasing the tone of the uterus and can lead to miscarriage.


The drug is difficult to combine with other drugs, it is worth consulting with a doctor before use.

If you experience any of the above side effects, you should stop taking it and do a gastric lavage.

Tablets for coughing thermopsis: instruction on the use of the drug

People older than 2 years of age are prescribed to use one piece, one to three times a day, the drug - tablets for coughing thermopsis. Instructions for use prescribe medication for at least three days, then it is regulated according to the effect and severity of the respiratory tract disease.

You can also use it in the form of infusion, which can be given to small children.It is prepared in a simple way: depending on the age, the dosage of the herb is selected - up to 6 years gr., Older, gr. to a glass of boiling water and insist on a water bath for a quarter of an hour. It is possible, based on the calculation of the ratio, to make a three-day supply of infusion and store it in the refrigerator, preheating before reception. Apply infusion of tea or tablespoon, according to the age of the patient 2 - 4 times a day.

Powdery form contains lactose in addition to the herb and diluted, 25 gram of powder in a glass of still water, applied 2 - 3 times a day. Maximum dosage up to, gr. per day for adults, for children no more than a gram. Also there is powdered dry medicine, which is used for people over 6 years old.

It is worth noting

All tablets with thermopsis (tablets against cough, Antitusin, Termopsol) are used for adults and children over 12 years of age, in rare cases starting from the age of 6 years.

When ingestion, according to the instructions for use, tablets from cough thermopsis are absorbed gastrointestinal tract and enter first into the blood, then into the mucous membrane of the respiratory system, where begin to act. Note that it is dry powders that have an insecticidal effect, and infusions and decoctions are used as anthelmintic.

Thermoses of lanceolate grass and its dosage for the treatment of various diseases

If there is a predisposition to allergic reactions and pregnant women should refrain from taking preparation, although following the instructions of the thermpsys of lanceolate grass is allowed to application.

Pregnant women can use it, starting from the 36th week of pregnancy, clearly following the dosage. Children, as described above, the drug is recommended in the form of infusion, medicine or diluted powder.

Some incompetent doctors can prescribe a half dose of the tablets with thermopsis, but this shows their incompetence. Since tests of this drug on children, according to aesthetic and legislative norms, have not been carried out, and products tested in animals can not be considered safe for children.


We remind you that the drugs based on thermopsis are quite toxic and can cause allergic reactions and other consequences.

The instruction says that the thermopsis of lanceolate grass can be used to treat children from the age of 12, although according to long-term practice the drug is prescribed to children from 6 years of age.

When using tablets with thermopsis for children it is worthwhile to follow the recommended dosage:

  • children from 6 years - half the tablet 1 - 3 times a day;
  • over 12 years - one tablet 1 - 3 times a day;

It is necessary to consume a significant amount of fluid when taking the drug.

In rare cases, the dosage increases:

  • up to 12 years - a maximum of 7 tablets 3 times a day;
  • after 12 years - 14 pieces 3 times a day.

It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations for taking the drug and if an allergic reaction occurs, immediately clean the stomach and contact a medical institution for advice. Thermopsis with soda, tablets from cough and other names of the drug have a lot of analogs to date in any of its forms.

Analogues of tablets with thermopsis are many drugs with expectorant and excretory sputum from the lungs effect, while their content can be based on the presence of other herbs, such as:

  • anise;
  • oregano;
  • liquorice root;
  • buds of pine;
  • plantain;
  • mother and stepmother;
  • thyme.

It can be preparations of both Russian and foreign origin, their forms of release are also different - infusions, medicines, tablets, troches, emulsions for inhalation and so on. At the same time, the cost of pills for cough is now 30 rubles, as well as other forms of release of drugs with thermopsis.

The recommended remedy for lung disease, as before, is quite effective in controlling cough. If you follow the instructions for taking the drug, you can quickly get rid of a cough without buying expensive, highly advertised medications.


Tablets from cough thermopsis instructions for use and characteristics of the drug

When stimulating the receptors of the tracheobronchial tree, a person may have coughing attacks. It can be dry or wet, that is, with sputum discharge. To begin treatment of a cough it is possible only after consultation with the doctor, self-medication can not only not relieve you of a cough, but on the contrary aggravate the situation. Tablets from cough thermopsis, instruction on the use and characteristics of the drug - the topic of this article. But before taking thermopsis, read the brochure - it is possible that the composition of the drug will be those components to which you are allergic.

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Tablets from cough thermopsis - a characteristic of the drug

Thermopsis is a cough medicine, which is available in the form of tablets. Due to its composition, which includes codeine, sodium bicarbonate, licorice root, herb thermopsis, the effect of this medication is combined. Codeine is an antitussive effect, and the root of licorice helps expectoration of sputum from the tracheobronchial tree.

Codeine, as part of the cough-thermopsis tablets, acts on the cough center, suppressing prolonged reflexes, it also has a sedative and analgesic effect. The herb thermopsis promotes increased production of mucus in the bronchi, and improves the work of the cilia of the epithelium, due to which the sputum is excreted outward. Sodium hydrogen carbonate helps to reduce the viscosity of phlegm, and the licorice root has an active expectorant effect.

Tablets for coughing thermopsis: instruction on the use of the drug

1. Termopsis tablets can be taken by adults and children over two years of age. It has a number of contraindications, for example, it can not be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers, and it is not recommended to drink them to people who have asthma.

2. Take a tablet of cough thermopsis instructions for use recommends 2-3 times a day for one tablet.

3. The tablets from coughing thermopsis have some side effects, for example, itching and nausea. When an overdose of the drug in patients, there is vomiting, headache, drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements, worsening of breathing, if these symptoms have appeared, it is recommended to do a gastric lavage, drink an activated coal.

4. If a patient has impaired renal function, then it is recommended that he drink no more than two tablets a day, making long breaks between meals. Receiving pills from coughing thermopsis is not compatible with driving a car, and other processes that require increased concentration of attention.

Tablets from cough with thermopsis: composition, action, application

During the season change, many people are at risk of viral infections. Stuffy nose, headache, weakness, cough - with all these symptoms, not by hearsay, both adults and children are familiar. Currently, there is a huge number of different medications used to treat ARVI. To combat cough, many medicines are also produced. One of them are tablets from a cough with thermopsis. This is a fairly well-known drug that has saved many generations of our compatriots from the disease. A remarkable feature of this drug is its low cost in comparison with analogues.

Herbal preparation from Siberia

It is known that cough is almost always a consequence of a cold. In order to get rid of this disease, many tools are used, which are based on both chemical components and natural analogues. The last category includes tablets from cough with thermopsis. Their base is vegetable raw materials. The scientific name of this herb is lanceolate thermopsis. People are accustomed to call it a rooster. What is this miraculous representative of the flora, helping to fight the cough? The grass with this name grows on the expanses of Siberia, to be exact - in its western and eastern regions. Thermopsis perfectly feels in the fields among crops of grain and non-grain crops. There he is collected for further medical use. Herbaceous perennial plant belongs to the family of legumes. From a hard and strong stem small brushes depart, on which the yellow inflorescence blossom. They, and the stems themselves, are the medicinal raw materials. A wide range of alkaloids of different structures (methylcytisine, cytisine, thermopsidin, anagirine and some others) includes thermopsis. Cough saves a small dose of powder obtained from the grass. In large proportions, it causes poisoning, because by its nature the plant is very poisonous.

The process of exposure

The healing power of this herb is contained in the combined effect of alkaloids, vitamin C and other biologically active substances in its composition. "Union" of these ingredients, getting into human blood, causes irritation of the mucous trachea and bronchi. This, in turn, provokes the reduction of these organs and the automatic acceleration of the sputum expectoration process. Here are such useful substances and contain in their composition tablets from cough with thermopsis. After taking the drug, the process of getting rid of a cough goes through the following stages:

  1. The components of the medicine are absorbed into the blood.
  2. Then they stimulate vomiting and respiratory reflexes.
  3. This, in turn, helps to reduce bronchi.
  4. The inner shell of the organ increases the frequency of its contraction.
  5. The muscles of the bronchi "pick up" the process and cause the person to cough more often. In the process of enhanced breathing, sputum is released, cleansing the body of pathogens.

Composition of the drug and its administration

In addition to components of plant origin, tablets from cough with thermopsis have in their composition sodium bicarbonate, or soda. It helps to reduce the viscosity of phlegm. Thus, the main property of this medical preparation is the process of transformation of "dry" cough into "wet". One pill contains 250 milligrams of sodium bicarbonate and, milligram of the medicinal plant, thermopsis. Tablets are dispensed without a prescription. This drug is recommended for taking in the following diseases (as part of complex therapy):

  • acute and chronic types of bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • mokrotoobrazujushchie inflammatory processes proceeding in respiratory ways.

Caution! Restrictions!

Adults take pills three times a day for one pill. In no case can you increase the dosage. Otherwise, probably the appearance of nausea and vomiting. For children older than two years, the dosage is as follows: half a tablet two to three times a day. Pregnant women, as well as infants, this medication is contraindicated. Interestingly, the herb of thermopsis is also used as a basis for making infusions, elixirs, balsams and tinctures. An effective agent that has an insecticidal effect is the powder of the plant with soda. A decoction of thermopsis is considered an excellent antihelminthic drug.

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